Java-HTML   '.jar' Library, Version 1.8

HTML Tools: Parse, Search, Scrape & Update
Also Includes: JavaDoc Upgrader & News-Site Scraper
Initial Release:June 2023
Newest: December 2024
This JAR Library is an extremely efficient HTML Parser, and provides a very powerful API in comparison to other HTML Tools available. The parser, itself, produces a tremendously simplified Java Vector of class HTMLNode. These nodes are simply wrapped instances of java.lang.String. Because Java List's are produced, rather than Java-Script DOM-Tree's, the ability to modify, interpret and understand HTML pages in Java is tremendously easier. The library provides myraid tools for looking for attributes, changing and adding (or removing) attributes inside HTML Tags. There are many static classes for finding sublists, sub-sections and tables - and even iterating through the contents of those entities using enhanced Java Iterator's.

The power of the HTML Utilities provided can best be seen through the Java Doc Upgrader Tool, which has been written, in entirety, using the HTML-Parser inside this JAR Library's HTML Routines. The documentation linked below has been run-through and upgraded using the Java Doc Upgrader Utility. Though the primary impetus for writing a Java Doc Tool was to showcase how the Vectorized HTML actually works, the upgrader also provides myriad ways to enhance your Java Program's documentation.

View Docs
Download Docs  [~115 MB]
'.jar' Download:
Download JavaHTML-1.8.jar  [~4.5 MB]
Jar-File built using Java 11 (Alternate compilations available)
Summer-Fall 2024: