Interface AVT

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Functional Interface:
    This is a functional interface and can therefore be used as the assignment target for a lambda expression or method reference.

    public interface AVT
    extends java.util.function.Predicate<TagNode>,
    A functional-interface / lambda-target, and several static-builders for generating instances of them, which extends java.util.function.Predicate and encapsulates search-criteria into a Predicate<TagNode>

    AVT: Attribute Value Test
    Note: The words 'Attribute' and 'Inner-Tag' are used interchangeably in these search classes, and packages.

    The primary impetus for writing this class is to allow for multiple requirements or multiple search criteria when looking for an HTML TagNode. This class will, largely, not be commonly used, however when multiple requirements are needed, 'AVT' will do the trick. Generally, the most common search on HTML TagNode's would likely be by the commonplace CSS class='...' attribute-value, or often the id='...' inner-tag. However, there will be many instances, if these search routines are used properly, when certain pieces of data that not identified by any class or id are needed to specify a search criteria - in addition to class or id.

    The best way to provide multiple search-specifications for an HTML TagNode would be to "chain" (Functional-Interface) AVT Predicate's using Java 8 / Lambda boolean chaining methods: and(), or(), negate(). Java 8's Lambda Functional-Interface documentation is very copious on the internet, and this interface has taken very good care to make sure that the usual and, or, not routines work well.

    This class is an extension of the java functional interface Predicate It is a TagNode-Predicate, and can be used to keep/store a "TagNode test" when searching for TagNode's inside an HTML page-Vector. The methods in this class that are deemed static, are so because they are "factory methods" that can easily generate an instance of 'AV' via the the usual list of options available from this Search-Package. The four primary options for finding a TagNode are usually:

    • Using a TextComparitor on a particular attribute-name, and comparing the retrieved innerTag value with a list of "Compare String's"
    • Using Java's extremely valuable Regular Expression Processor on any retrieved attribute value.
    • Building your own, custom, Predicate<String>, and passing that to the search-engine. This Predicate will be used on each and every TagNode within the page-Vector, and return results which contain attribute-values that received a TRUE boolean response from this Predicate<String>
    • Passing an innerTag as a String, with the expectation that each and every TagNode that has this attribute-name (regardless of its value) will be included in the result set.

    Following are two examples uses of this Functional Interface. It is important to note that in both of these, presume that the variable 'page' that is used, has been loaded from some web-site URL, and parsed using HTMLPage.getPageTokens(...)

    // In this example a sub-set of images from a web-site should be downloaded.
    Vector<TagNode> images =
        TagNodeGet.all(page, TC.OpeningTags, "img"); // gets HTML <IMG> elements
    Vector<TagNode> businessTripImages =
        InnerTagGet.all(images, "alt", TextComparitor.CONTAINS, "Business Trip");
    Vector<TagNode> deptImages =
        InnerTagGet.all(businessTripImages, "class", TextComparitor.EQ, "CompanyDiv1");
    // These THREE statements could be converted and condensed to ONE as follows:
    Vector<TagNode> deptImages =
            page, AVT   .cmp("alt", TextComparitor.CONTAINS, "Business Trip")
                        .and(AVT.cmp("class", TextComparitor.EQ, "CompanyDiv1")),
    // And to download the images - use ImageScraper
    new ImageScraper(deptImages, url, "myUserID/mySaveDirectory").download();

    In this example, URL links are retrieved and resolved.

    // Here, a list of URL Links are retrieved.
    Pattern urlPattern =
    Vector<TagNode> links = InnerTagGet.all(page, "a", "href", urlPattern);
    Vector<TagNode> localLinks =
        InnerTagGet.all(links, "href", TextComparitor.CN_CI, "My-Office");
    // The above two lines could, more easily, be accomplished with:
    Vector<TagNode> localLinks = InnerTagGet.all(
        page, AVT   .cmp("href", urlPattern)
                    .and(AVT.cmp("href", TextComparitor.CN_CI, "My-Office")),
    // And... now get the links
    Vector<URL> urls = Links.resolveSRCs(localLinks, url);

    • Method Summary

      @FunctionalInterface: (Lambda) Method
      Modifier and Type Method
      boolean test​(TagNode tn)
      Static-Factory Builder: Attribute-Value Tests
      Modifier and Type Method
      static AVT cmp​(String innerTag)
      static AVT cmp​(String innerTag, Predicate<String> innerTagValueTest)
      static AVT cmp​(String innerTag, Pattern p)
      static AVT cmp​(String innerTag, Pattern p, boolean keepOnMatch, boolean keepOnNull)
      static AVT cmp​(String innerTag, TextComparitor tc, String... compareStr)
      static AVT cmp​(String innerTag, StrFilter innerTagValueTest)
      Static-Factory Builder: Keep if Inner-Tag is Not Found
      Modifier and Type Method
      static AVT cmpKIITNF​(String innerTag, Predicate<String> innerTagValueTest)
      static AVT cmpKIITNF​(String innerTag, Pattern p)
      static AVT cmpKIITNF​(String innerTag, TextComparitor tc, String... compareStr)
      static AVT cmpKIITNF​(String innerTag, StrFilter innerTagValueTest)
      Static-Factory Builder: TagNode Equality Tests
      Modifier and Type Method
      static AVT isEqualKEEP​(TagNode expectedTN)
      static AVT isEqualREJECT​(TagNode expectedTN)
      Default Composition & Builder Methods
      Modifier and Type Method
      default AVT and​(AVT additionalTest)
      default AVT negate()
      default AVT or​(AVT additionalTest)
      • Methods inherited from interface java.util.function.Predicate

        and, or
    • Field Detail

      • serialVersionUID

        🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        static final long serialVersionUID
        This fulfils the SerialVersion UID requirement for all classes that implement Java's interface Using the Serializable Implementation offered by java is very easy, and can make saving program state when debugging a lot easier. It can also be used in place of more complicated systems like "hibernate" to store data as well.

        Functional Interfaces are usually not thought of as Data Objects that need to be saved, stored and retrieved; however, having the ability to store intermediate results along with the lambda-functions that helped get those results can make debugging easier.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
    • Method Detail

      • test

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        boolean test​(TagNode tn)
        FUNCTIONAL-INTERFACE BOOLEAN METHOD: This is the method that fulfils this functional-interface 'test' method.
        Specified by:
        test in interface java.util.function.Predicate<TagNode>
        tn - This method will be called - once for each TagNode found inside of a vectorized HTML page.
        If the TagNode meets the test's "inclusion requirements", then this method should return TRUE.
      • cmp

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        static AVT cmp​(java.lang.String innerTag,
                       TextComparitor tc,
                       java.lang.String... compareStr)
        This is a static factory method that generates AVT-Predicate's (Predicate<TagNode>). It saves the user of typing the lambda information by hand, and does a validation check too. The primary use of this class is that the results of one factory method may be "AND-chained" or "OR-chained" with another to make search requirements more specific.
        innerTag - This also goes by the term "attribute" in many HTML specifications. It is the name of the attribute, not it's value. The value will be found (if the TagNode contains this attribute), and the parameter 'TextComparitor' will be used to compare this value - dependent upon which 'TextComparitor' is used against the Compare-Strings
        tc - This may be any of the listed TextComparitor's in the class. There are quite a few "pre-defined" static members in the TextComparitor class. There are many that have both long names, and abbreviated names which can be interchangeably used for readability purposes.
        compareStr - These are passed to the 'TextComparitor' when using to perform tests on the attribute value.
        An instance of 'AVT' that can be passed to the NodeSearch classes search-methods via any one of the methods that accept a Predicate<TagNode> as a parameter to the search criteria.

        EQUIVALENCE NOTE: The two lines of code in the sample below will return equivalent results. It is important to remember that the primary use of class AVT is not for simple, single-line-searches, but rather to allow a programmer to "chain" search parameters using the standard-lambda functions, and(...), or(...), and negate().

        // Version 1:
        int posArr = InnerTagFind.all
             (page, "div", "class", TextComparitor.CONTAINS_CASE_INSENSITIVE, "departmentXYZ");
        // Version 2:
        AVT specifier = AVT.cmp("class", TextComparitor.CONTAINS_CASE_INSENSITIVE, "departmentXYZ");
        int posArr = InnerTagFind.all(page, specifier, "div");
        // Both of the version above will result in identical 'posArr' values and lengths.
        // NOTE: The specifier can be saved, stored, and specifically 'chained' with other specifiers
        // using and(...), or(...), negate()
        InnerTagKeyException - This exception will throw if a non-standard String-value is passed to parameter String 'innerTag'. HTML expects that an attribute-name conform to a set of rules in order to be processed by a browser.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If any of the provided input reference parameters are null.
        See Also:
        ARGCHECK.innerTag(String), ARGCHECK.TC(TextComparitor, String[]), TagNode.AV(String), TextComparitor.test(String, String[])
        Exact Method Body:
         // FAIL-FAST: It is helpful for the user to test the data before building the Predicate.
         // If these tests fail, the returned predicate would absolutely fail.
         final String innerTagLC = ARGCHECK.innerTag(innerTag);
         ARGCHECK.TC(tc, compareStr);
         // Minimum length for field TagNode.str to have before it could possible contain the attribute
         // Obviously, the TagNode would have to have a min-length that includes the
         // attribute-name length + '< ' and '>'
         final int MIN_LEN = innerTag.length() + 3;
         // Java's "Lambda-Expression" Syntax (like an "anonymous method").
         // AVT extends functional-interface Predicate<TagNode>
         return (TagNode tn) ->
             // This eliminates testing any TagNode that simply COULD NOT contain the
             // specified attribute.  (an optimization)
             if (tn.isClosing || (tn.str.length() <= (tn.tok.length() + MIN_LEN))) return false;
             // Retrieve the value of the requested "inner-tag" (HTML Attribute) Key-Value Pair
             // from the input HTML-Element (TagNode)
             String itv = tn.AV(innerTagLC);
                 // REG-EX MATCHER, MORE EXPENSIVE
             // If the innerTag's value is null, then the inner-tag was not a key-value 
             // found inside the TagNode: return false.
             // Otherwise return the 'tc' test-results on that value using the named 'tc' 
             // comparison on the compare-strings.
             return (itv == null) ? false : tc.test(itv, compareStr);  
      • cmpKIITNF

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        static AVT cmpKIITNF​(java.lang.String innerTag,
                             TextComparitor tc,
                             java.lang.String... compareStr)
        cmpKIITNF: Compare, and Keep If Inner-Tag is Not Found

        This is a static factory method that generates AVT-Predicate's (Predicate<TagNode>). It saves the user of typing the lambda information by hand, and does a validation check as well. The primary use of this class is that the results of one factory method may be "AND-chained" or "OR-chained" with another to make search requirements more specific.

        This method differs from the standard cmp-factory method with identical parameters in that it allows the programmer to build an Attribute Value Tester that "passes" the test ... (filters to include, not exclude) ... if and when the Inner Tag (Attribute) of an HTML Element is not found inside that Element.

        Default Behavior:
        The default filter-results for the search classes and search methods of the Node-Search Package are such that if an inner-tag is simply not available ... or 'not present' within an HTML Element, then that element will not be included in the search results for that class or method. By using this particular AVT, a programmer can by-pass that default behavior.

        Below are three HTML 'TagNode' elements, and one 'AVT' filter Predicate (visible inside the comments). If the filter listed were applied, the first two elements pass the predicate, while the last one fails!

        • Filter out all HTML Anchor Elements whose 'HREF' Inner-Tag value were set to 'javascript:void'
        • Keep all HTML Anchor Elements that have typical URL's set with the 'HREF' Inner-Tag
        • Also... Filter in (KEEP) any HTML Anchor Elements that simply did not have an 'HREF' Attribute

        HTML Elements:
            For filter:
                AVT.cmpKIITNF("href", TextComparitor.DOES_NOT_START_WITH, "javascript:void");
            The two HTML Anchor Elements, below, would PASS the filter criteria.
        <A ID="MyAnchor" CLASS="CompanyXYZ" ALT="This Anchor does not have an HREF Attribute."> ... </A>
        <A HREF="" ALT="This does have a value for HREF"> ... </A>
        <!-- The following HTML Anchor Element would NOT BE included in the search results. -->
        <A HREF="javascript:void(0)"> ...</A>
        innerTag - This also goes by the term "attribute" in many HTML specifications. It is the name of the attribute, not it's value. The value will be found (if the TagNode contains this attribute), and the parameter TextComparitor will be used to compare this value - dependent upon which 'TextComparitor' is used against the Compare-String's
        tc - This may be any of the listed TextComparitor's in the class. There are quite a few "pre-defined" static members in the TextComparitor class. There are many that have both long names, and abbreviated names which can be interchangeably used for readability purposes.
        compareStr - These are passed to the 'TextComparitor' to perform tests on the attribute value.
        An instance of 'AVT' that can be passed to the NodeSearch classes search-methods via any one of the methods that accepts a Predicate<TagNode> as a parameter in the search criteria.
        InnerTagKeyException - This exception will throw if a non-standard String-value is passed to parameter String 'innerTag'. HTML expects that an attribute-name conform to a set of rules in order to be processed by a browser.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If any of the provided input reference parameters are null.
        See Also:
        cmp(String, TextComparitor, String[])
        Exact Method Body:
         // FAIL-FAST: It is helpful for the user to test the data before building the Predicate.
         // If these tests fail, the returned predicate would absolutely fail.
         final String innerTagLC = ARGCHECK.innerTag(innerTag);
         ARGCHECK.TC(tc, compareStr);
         // Java's "Lambda-Expression" Syntax (like an "anonymous method").
         // AVT extends functional-interface Predicate<TagNode>
         return (TagNode tn) ->
             // This eliminates testing any TagNode that simply COULD NOT contain
             // attributes.  (an optimization)
             // KIITNF -> Empty Opening HTML TagNode Elements cannot be eliminated!
             // HOWEVER, Closing TagNodes are never included
             if (tn.isClosing) return false;
             // Retrieve the value of the requested "inner-tag" (HTML Attribute) Key-Value Pair
             // from the input HTML-Element (TagNode)
             String itv = tn.AV(innerTagLC);
                 // REG-EX MATCHER, MORE EXPENSIVE
             // If the innerTag's value is null, then the inner-tag was not a key-value pair
             // found inside the TagNode.
             // BECAUSE the user requested to "Keep If Inner-Tag Not Found", we must return TRUE
             //      in that case.
             //      In Java '||' uses short-circuit boolean-evaluation, while '|' requires
             //      full-evaluation.
             // OTHERWISE return the 'tc' test-results on that value using the named 'tc' comparison
             //      on the compare-strings.
             return (itv == null) || tc.test(itv, compareStr);
      • cmp

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        static AVT cmp​(java.lang.String innerTag,
                       java.util.regex.Pattern p)
        This is a static factory method that generates AVT-Predicate's (Predicate<TagNode>). It saves the user of typing the lambda information by hand, and does a validation check too. The primary use of this class is that the results of one factory method may be "AND-chained" or "OR-chained" with another to make search requirements more specific.
        innerTag - This also goes by the term "attribute" in many HTML specifications. It is the name of the attribute, not it's value. The value will be found (if the TagNode contains this attribute), and then tested using the Regular-Expression p.matcher(tag_value).find() method.
        p - This may be any regular expression Pattern. This Pattern will be executed against the value of the inner-tag specified by parameter 'innerTag'.
        An instance of 'AVT' that can be passed to the NodeSearch classes search-methods via any one of the methods that accepts a Predicate<TagNode> as a parameter in the search criteria.

        EQUIVALENCE NOTE: The two lines of code in the sample below will return equivalent results. It is important to remember that the primary use of class AVT is not for simple, single-line-searches, but rather to allow a programmer to "chain" search parameters using the standard-lambda functions, and(...), or(...), and negate().

        // Version 1:
        int posArr = InnerTagFind.all(page, "div", "class", Pattern.compile("^DepartmentXYZ.*$"));
        // Version 2:
        AVT specifier = AVT.cmp("class", Pattern.compile("^DepartmentXYZ.*$"));
        int posArr = InnerTagFind.all(page, specifier, "div");
        // Both of the version above will result in identical 'posArr' values and lengths.
        // NOTE: The specifier can be saved, stored, and specifically 'chained' with other
        // specifiers using and(...), or(...), negate()
        InnerTagKeyException - This exception will throw if a non-standard String-value is passed to parameter String 'innerTag'. HTML expects that an attribute-name conform to a set of rules in order to be processed by a browser.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If any of the provided input reference parameters are null.
        See Also:
        ARGCHECK.innerTag(String), ARGCHECK.REGEX(Pattern), TagNode.AV(String)
        Exact Method Body:
         // FAIL-FAST: It is helpful for the user to test the data before building the Predicate.
         // If these tests fail, the returned predicate would absolutely fail.
         final String            innerTagLC  = ARGCHECK.innerTag(innerTag);
         final Predicate<String> pred        = ARGCHECK.REGEX(p);
         // Minimum length for field TagNode.str to have before it could possible contain the attribute
         // Obviously, the TagNode would have to have a min-length that includes the attribute-name
         // length + '< ' and '>'
         final int MIN_LEN = innerTag.length() + 3;
         // Java's "Lambda-Expression" Syntax (like an "anonymous method").
         // AVT extends functional-interface Predicate<TagNode>
         return (TagNode tn) ->
             // This eliminates testing any TagNode that simply COULD NOT contain the
             // attribute.  (an optimization)
             if (tn.isClosing || (tn.str.length() <= (tn.tok.length() + MIN_LEN))) return false;
             // Retrieve the value of the requested "inner-tag" (HTML Attribute) Key-Value Pair
             // from the input HTML-Element (TagNode)
             String itv = tn.AV(innerTagLC);
             // If the innerTag's value is null, then the inner-tag was not a key-value pair
             // found inside the TagNode: return false.
             // Otherwise return the results of running the Regular-Expression matcher using the
             // input 'Pattern' instance.
             return (itv == null) ? false : pred.test(itv);
      • cmp

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        static AVT cmp​(java.lang.String innerTag,
                       java.util.regex.Pattern p,
                       boolean keepOnMatch,
                       boolean keepOnNull)
        This is a static factory method that generates AVT-Predicate's (Predicate<TagNode>). It saves the user of typing the lambda information by hand, and does a validation check too. The primary use of this class is that the results of one factory method may be "AND-chained" or "OR-chained" with another to make search requirements more specific.
        innerTag - This also goes by the term "attribute" in many HTML specifications. It is the name of the attribute, not it's value. The value will be found (if the TagNode contains this attribute), and then tested using the Regular-Expression p.matcher(tag_value).find() method.
        p - This may be any regular expression Pattern. This Pattern will be executed against the value of the inner-tag specified by parameter 'innerTag'.
        keepOnMatch - There may be times when it is necessary to specify that a Regular-Expression match should cause the search-filter to reject a TagNode, rather than keeping it as a search-result match. In this case, the programmer can utilize this variable to indicate whether matches should cause this method to return TRUE or FALSE. If this variable is set to FALSE, then the Predicate<TagNode> that is generated will return FALSE, whenever the regular-expression matches the Attribute-Value.

        DEFAULT BEHAVIOR NOTE: The classes and methods in this Node Search Package that accept regular-expressions as search-parameters will always treat a match to indicate that the TagNode (or TextNode) in question has passed the search-filter criteria. This method, therefore, provides a way to bypass this default behavior.
        keepOnNull - This parameter allows the user to specify whether the absence of an HTML Inner-Tag should indicate that the TagNode being tested should pass or fail (keep or reject) the search-filter criteria.

        DEFAULT BEHAVIOR NOTE: The default filter-results for the search classes and search methods of the Node-Search Package are such that if an inner-tag is simply not available ... or 'not present' within an HTML Element, then that element will not be included in the search results for that class or method. By using this particular AVT factory-method, a programmer can by-pass that default behavior.
        An instance of 'AVT' that can be passed to the NodeSearch classes search-methods via any one of the methods that accepts a Predicate<TagNode> as a parameter in the search criteria.
        InnerTagKeyException - This exception will throw if a non-standard String-value is passed to parameter String 'innerTag'. HTML expects that an attribute-name conform to a set of rules in order to be processed by a browser.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If any of the provided input reference parameters are null.
        See Also:
        ARGCHECK.innerTag(String), ARGCHECK.REGEX(Pattern), TagNode.AV(String)
        Exact Method Body:
         // FAIL-FAST: It is helpful for the user to test the data before building the Predicate.
         // If these tests fail, the returned predicate would absolutely fail.
         final String            innerTagLC  = ARGCHECK.innerTag(innerTag);
         final Predicate<String> pred        = ARGCHECK.REGEX(p);
         // Java's "Lambda-Expression" Syntax (like an "anonymous method").
         // AVT extends functional-interface Predicate<TagNode>
         return (TagNode tn) ->
             // This eliminates testing any TagNode that simply COULD NOT contain 
             // attributes.  (an optimization)
             // keepOnNull -> Empty Opening HTML TagNode Elements cannot be eliminated!
             // HOWEVER,     Closing TagNodes are never included
             if (tn.isClosing) return false;
             // Retrieve the value of the requested "inner-tag" (HTML Attribute) Key-Value Pair
             // from the input HTML-Element (TagNode)
             String itv = tn.AV(innerTagLC);
             // If the Attribute is simply not present in the HTML Element
             if (itv == null)    return keepOnNull;   
             if (pred.test(itv)) return keepOnMatch;     // if the Regular-Expression succeeded
             else                return ! keepOnMatch;   // If the Regular-Expression failed
      • cmpKIITNF

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        static AVT cmpKIITNF​(java.lang.String innerTag,
                             java.util.regex.Pattern p)
        cmpKIITNF: Compare, and Keep If Inner-Tag is Not Found

        This is a static factory method that generates AVT-Predicate's (Predicate<TagNode>). It saves the user of typing the lambda information by hand, and does a validation check too. The primary use of this class is that the results of one factory method may be "AND-chained" or "OR-chained" with another to make search requirements more specific.

        This method differs from the standard 'cmp' factory method with identical parameters in that it allows the programmer to build an Attribute Value Tester that "passes" the test ... (filters to include, not exclude) ... if and when the Inner Tag (Attribute) of an HTML Element is not found inside that Element.

        Default Behavior:
        The default filter-results for the search classes and search methods of the Node-Search Package are such that if an inner-tag is simply not available ... or 'not present' within an HTML Element, then that element will not be included in the search results for that class or method. By using this particular AVT, a programmer can by-pass that default behavior.

        Below are three HTML 'TagNode' elements, and one 'AVT' filter Predicate (visible inside the comments). If the filter listed were applied, the first two elements pass the predicate, while the last one fails!

        • Retain all HTML Divider Elements whose 'CLASS' attribute value were set to some derivative of 'CompanyABC'
        • Filter out all HTML Divider Elements that have other values for the 'CLASS' attribute
        • Also KEEP any HTML Divider Elements that simply did not have a 'CLASS' attribute

        HTML Elements:
             For filter:
                 AVT.cmpKIITNF("class", Pattern.compile("*CompanyABC*"));
             The two HTML Divider Elements, below, would PASS the filter criteria.
        <DIV ID="MyAnchor" ALT="This Divider does not have an CLASS Inner-Tag."> ... </DIV>
        <DIV CLASS="CompanyABC-Department2"> ...</DIV>
        <!-- The following HTML Divider Element would NOT BE included in the search results -->
        <DIV CLASS="CompanyXYZ"> ... </DIV>
        innerTag - This also goes by the term "attribute" in many HTML specifications. It is the name of the attribute, not it's value. The value will be found (if the TagNode contains this attribute), and then tested using the Regular-Expression p.matcher(tag_value).find() method.
        p - This may be any regular expression Pattern. This Pattern will be executed against the value of the inner-tag specified by parameter 'innerTag'.
        An instance of 'AVT' that can be passed to the NodeSearch classes search-methods via any one of the methods that accepts a Predicate<TagNode> as a parameter in the search parameter-list.
        InnerTagKeyException - This exception will throw if a non-standard String-value is passed to parameter String 'innerTag'. HTML expects that an attribute-name conform to a set of rules in order to be processed by a browser.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If any of the provided input reference parameters are null.
        See Also:
        cmp(String, Pattern)
        Exact Method Body:
         // FAIL-FAST: It is helpful for the user to test the data before building the Predicate.
         // If these tests fail, the returned predicate would absolutely fail.
         final String            innerTagLC  = ARGCHECK.innerTag(innerTag);
         final Predicate<String> pred        = ARGCHECK.REGEX(p);
         // Java's "Lambda-Expression" Syntax (like an "anonymous method").
         // AVT extends functional-interface Predicate<TagNode>
         return (TagNode tn) ->
             // This eliminates testing any TagNode that simply COULD NOT contain
             // attributes.  (an optimization)
             // KIITNF -> Empty Opening HTML TagNode Elements cannot be eliminated!
             // HOWEVER, Closing TagNodes are never included
             if (tn.isClosing) return false;
             // Retrieve the value of the requested "inner-tag" (HTML Attribute) Key-Value Pair
             // from the input HTML-Element (TagNode)
             String itv = tn.AV(innerTagLC);
                 // REG-EX MATCHER, MORE EXPENSIVE
             // If the innerTag's value is null, then the inner-tag was not a key-value pair
             // found inside the TagNode.
             // BECAUSE the user requested to "Keep If Inner-Tag Not Found", we must return 
             //      in that case.
             //      In Java '||' uses short-circuit boolean-evaluation, while '|' requires
             //      full-evaluation.
             // OTHERWISE return the results of running the Regular-Expression matcher using the
             //      input 'Pattern' instance.
             return (itv == null) || pred.test(itv);
      • cmp

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        static AVT cmp​
                    (java.lang.String innerTag,
                     java.util.function.Predicate<java.lang.String> innerTagValueTest)
        This is a static factory method that generates AVT-Predicate's - (Predicate<TagNode>). It saves the user of typing the lambda information by hand, and does a validation check too. The primary use of this class is that the results of one factory method may be "AND-chained" or "OR-chained" with another to make search requirements more specific.

        NOTE: The astute observer might wonder why change from a String-Predicate to a TagNode-Predicate, with the answer being that predicate-chaining on different, multiple inner-tags (and their values) can only be accomplished by using a TagNode-Predicate, rather than a String-Predicate
        innerTag - This also goes by the term "attribute" in many HTML specifications. It is the name of the attribute, not it's value. The value will be found (if the TagNode contains this attribute), and then tested against the String-Predicate in parameter 'innerTagValueTest'.
        innerTagValueTest - This may be any Java String-Predicate with a test(...) / accept method. It will be used to accept or reject the inner-tag's value
        An instance of 'AVT' that can be passed to the NodeSearch classes search-methods via any one of the methods that accepts a Predicate<TagNode> as a parameter in the search criteria.

        EQUIVALENCE NOTE: The two lines of code in the sample below will return equivalent results. It is important to remember that the primary use of class AVT is not for simple, single-line-searches, but rather to allow a programmer to "chain" search parameters using the standard-lambda functions, and(...), or(...), negate().

        // Version 1:
        int posArr = InnerTagFind.all(page, "div", "class", (String innerTagValue) -> innerTagValue.charAt(4).equals('$'));
        // Version 2:
        AVT specifier = AVT.cmp("class", (String innerTagValue) -> innerTagValue.charAt(4).equals('$'));
        int posArr = InnerTagFind.all(page, specifier, "div");
        // Both of the version above will result in identical 'posArr' values and lengths.
        // NOTE: The specifier can be saved, stored, and specifically 'chained' with other specifiers using
        // and(...), or(...), negate()
        InnerTagKeyException - This exception will throw if a non-standard String-value is passed to parameter String 'innerTag'. HTML expects that an attribute-name conform to a set of rules in order to be processed by a browser.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If any of the provided input reference parameters are null.
        See Also:
        InnerTagFind, ARGCHECK.innerTag(String), TagNode.AV(String)
        Exact Method Body:
         // FAIL-FAST: It is helpful for the user to test the data before building the Predicate.
         // If these tests fail, the returned predicate would absolutely fail.
         final String innerTagLC = ARGCHECK.innerTag(innerTag);
         if (innerTagValueTest == null) throw new NullPointerException
             ("Parameter innerTagValueTest was passed null, but this is not allowed here.");
         // Minimum length for field TagNode.str to have before it could possible contain the attribute
         // Obviously, the TagNode would have to have a min-length that includes the attribute-name
         // length + '< ' and '>'
         final int MIN_LEN = innerTag.length() + 3;
         // Java's "Lambda-Expression" Syntax (like an "anonymous method").
         // AVT extends functional-interface Predicate<TagNode>
         return (TagNode tn) ->
             // This eliminates testing any TagNode that simply COULD NOT contain the
             // attribute.  (an optimization)
             if (tn.isClosing || (tn.str.length() <= (tn.tok.length() + MIN_LEN))) return false;
             // Retrieve the value of the requested "inner-tag" (HTML Attribute) Key-Value Pair
             // from the input HTML-Element (TagNode)
             String itv = tn.AV(innerTagLC);
                 // REG-EX MATCHER, MORE EXPENSIVE
             // If the innerTag's value is null, then the inner-tag was not a key-value pair
             // found inside the TagNode: return false.
             // Otherwise return the results of the Predicate<String> provided on that
             // attribute-value.
             return (itv == null) ? false : innerTagValueTest.test(itv);
      • cmpKIITNF

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        static AVT cmpKIITNF​
                    (java.lang.String innerTag,
                     java.util.function.Predicate<java.lang.String> innerTagValueTest)
        cmpKIITNF: Compare, and Keep If Inner-Tag is Not Found

        This is a static factory method that generates AVT-Predicate's - (Predicate<TagNode>). It saves the user of typing the lambda information by hand, and does a validation check too. The primary use of this class is that the results of one factory method may be "AND-chained" or "OR-chained" with another to make search requirements more specific.

        This method differs from the standard 'cmp' factory method with identical parameters in that it allows the programmer to build an Attribute Value Tester that "passes" the test ... (filters to include, not exclude) ... if and when the Inner Tag (Attribute) of an HTML Element is not found inside that Element.

        Default Behavior:
        The default filter-results for the search classes and search methods of the Node-Search Package are such that if an inner-tag is simply not available ... or 'not present' within an HTML Element, then that element will not be included in the search results for that class or method. By using this particular AVT, a programmer can by-pass that default behavior.

        Below are three HTML 'TagNode' elements, and one 'AVT' filter Predicate (visible inside the comments). If the filter listed were applied, the first two elements pass the predicate, while the last one fails!

        • Filter out all HTML Image Elements whose "ALT" Text Contained the words Associated Press
        • Keep all other HTML Image Elements whose "ALT" Text did not contain those words.
        • Also KEEP any HTML Image Elements that simply did not have an "ALT" Attribute

        HTML Elements:
             For filter:
                 AVT.cmpKIITNF("src", (String itv) -> StrCmpr.containsNAND(itv, "Associated", "Press"));
             The two HTML Image Elements, below, would PASS the filter criteria.
        <IMG SRC="img01.jpg" ALT="Company Photo, Department Picture">
        <IMG SRC="img02.jpg">
        <!-- The following HTML Anchor Element would NOT BE included in the search results. -->
        <IMG SRC="img03.jpg" ALT="Photo by: Journalist Ben Bitdiddle, Associated Press">
        innerTag - This also goes by the term "attribute" in many HTML specifications. It is the name of the attribute, not it's value. The value will be found (if the TagNode contains this attribute), and then tested against the String-Predicate parameter 'innerTagValueTest'.
        innerTagValueTest - This may be any Java String-Predicate with a test(...) / accept method. It will be used to accept or reject the inner-tag's value.
        An instance of 'AVT' that can be passed to the NodeSearch classes search-methods via any one of the methods that accepts a Predicate<TagNode> as a parameter in the search criteria.
        InnerTagKeyException - This exception will throw if a non-standard String-value is passed to parameter String 'innerTag'. HTML expects that an attribute-name conform to a set of rules in order to be processed by a browser.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If any of the provided input reference parameters are null.
        See Also:
        cmp(String, Predicate)
        Exact Method Body:
         // FAIL-FAST: It is helpful for the user to test the data before building the Predicate.
         // If these tests fail, the returned predicate would absolutely fail.
         final String innerTagLC = ARGCHECK.innerTag(innerTag);
         if (innerTagValueTest == null) throw new NullPointerException
             ("Parameter innerTagValueTest was passed null, but this is not allowed here.");
         // Java's "Lambda-Expression" Syntax (like an "anonymous method").
         // AVT extends functional-interface Predicate<TagNode>
         return (TagNode tn) ->
             // This eliminates testing any TagNode that simply COULD NOT contain
             // attributes.  (an optimization)
             // KIITNF -> Empty Opening HTML TagNode Elements cannot be eliminated!
             // HOWEVER, Closing TagNodes are never included
             if (tn.isClosing) return false;
             // Retrieve the value of the requested "inner-tag" (HTML Attribute) Key-Value Pair
             // from the input HTML-Element (TagNode)
             String itv = tn.AV(innerTagLC);
             // If the innerTag's value is null, then the inner-tag was not a key-value pair
             // found inside the TagNode.
             // BECAUSE the user requested to "Keep If Inner-Tag Not Found", we must return TRUE
             //          in that case.
             //          In Java '||' uses short-circuit boolean-evaluation, while '|' requires
             //          full-evaluation.
             // OTHERWISE return the results of the Predicate<String> provided on that
             //           attribute-value.
             return (itv == null) || innerTagValueTest.test(itv);
      • cmp

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        static AVT cmp​(java.lang.String innerTag)
        This is a static factory method that generates AVT-Predicate's - (Predicate<TagNode>). It saves the user of typing the lambda information by hand, and does a validation check too. The primary use of this class is that the results of one factory method may be "AND-chained" or "OR-chained" with another to make search requirements more specific.
        innerTag - This also goes by the term "attribute" in many HTML specifications. It is the name of the attribute, not it's value. If this attribute is found, this Predicate will always return TRUE regardless of it's value - so long as it is not null.

        IMPORTANT NOTE: There is a subtlety here between inner-tag's that have a value of the-empty-string, a zero-length-string, and attributes that are "null" or not found at all. Though rare, it is sometimes the case that an HTML Attribute may have a value of <SOME-TAG SOME-INNER-TAG="">. There can be other versions that leave the quotes off entirely such as: <OTHER-ELEMENT OTHER-ATTRIBUTE=> - where there are no quotes at all. If the attribute is found, with an equals sign it will evaluate to the the zero-length-string, but if the attribute is not found at all, searching for it will return null, and this Predicate will return FALSE.
        An instance of 'AVT' that can be passed to the NodeSearch classes search-methods via any one of the methods that accepts a Predicate<TagNode> as a parameter in the search criteria.

        EQUIVALENCE NOTE: The two lines of code in the sample below will return equivalent results. It is important to remember that the primary use of class AVT is not for simple, single-line-searches, but rather to allow a programmer to "chain" search parameters using the standard-lambda functions, and(...), or(...), negate().

        // Version 1:
        int posArr = InnerTagFind.all(page, "div", "data-ABC-XYZ");
        // If you unfamiliar with HTML Attribute Token "data-", this HTML Search Request is asking for all divider
        // elements that have a "data-ABC-XYZ" attribute.  Attributes that begin with "data-" are used to do just
        // that, store data-information inside the HTML divider element itself.
        // Version 2:
        AVT specifier = AVT.cmp("data-ABC-XYZ");
        int posArr = InnerTagFind.all(page, specifier, "div");
        // Both of the version above will result in identical 'posArr' values and lengths.
        // NOTE: The specifier can be saved, stored, and specifically 'chained' with other specifiers using
        // and(...), or(...), negate()
        InnerTagKeyException - This exception will throw if a non-standard String-value is passed to parameter String 'innerTag'. HTML expects that an attribute-name conform to a set of rules in order to be processed by a browser.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If any of the provided input reference parameters are null.
        See Also:
        InnerTagFind, ARGCHECK.innerTag(String), TagNode.AV(String)
        Exact Method Body:
         // FAIL-FAST: It is helpful for the user to test the data before building the Predicate.
         // If this test fails, the returned predicate would absolutely fail.
         final String innerTagLC = ARGCHECK.innerTag(innerTag);
         // SIMPLIFIED LAMBDA: The contents of this "anonymous method" can be expressed in a
         // single-statement.  No need for 'return' or 'curly-braces'
         // Returns TRUE if the HTML Element contained a copy of the named inner-tag, and false
         // otherwise.
         return (TagNode tn) -> tn.AV(innerTagLC) != null;
      • and

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        default AVT and​(AVT additionalTest)
        Generates a new 'AVT' predicate test that logically-AND's the results of 'this' Predicate with the results of the new, additional passed parameter Predicate 'additionalTest'.
        additionalTest - This is an additional test of the inner-tag key-value pair (also known as the "attribute-value pair") of HTML TagNode's.
        A new Predicate<TagNode> that will use two tests: 'this' and 'additionalTest' and subsequently perform a logical-AND on the result. Short-circuit evaluation is used (specifically, the '&&' operator, rather than the '&' operator are utilized). The Predicate that is returned will perform the 'this' test first, and then the 'additionalTest' second. The returned Predicate will return the 'AND' of both of them.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If any of the provided input reference parameters are null.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         // FAIL-FAST: It is helpful for the user to test the data before building the Predicate.
         // If this test fails, the returned predicate would absolutely fail.
         if (additionalTest == null) throw new NullPointerException
             ("The parameter 'additionalTest' passed to method 'AVT.and(additionalTest)' was null");
         // SIMPLIFIED LAMBDA: The contents of this "anonymous method" can be expressed in a
         // single-statement.  No need for 'return' or 'curly-braces'
         // Returns TRUE if both 'this' evaluates to true on an input HTML Element,
         // and 'other' also evaluates to true for the same element.
         return (TagNode tn) -> this.test(tn) && additionalTest.test(tn);
      • or

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        default AVT or​(AVT additionalTest)
        Generates a new 'AVT' predicate test that logically-OR's the results of 'this' Predicate with the results of the new, additional passed parameter Predicate 'additionalTest'.
        additionalTest - This is an additional test of the inner-tag key-value pair (also known as the "attribute-value pair") of HTML TagNode's.
        A new Predicate<TagNode> that will use two tests: 'this' and 'additionalTest' and subsequently perform a logical-OR on the result. Short-circuit evaluation is used (specifically, the '||' operator, rather than the '|' operator are utilized). The Predicate that is returned will perform the 'this' test first, and then the 'additionalTest' second. The returned Predicate will return the 'OR' of both of them.
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If any of the provided input reference parameters are null.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         // FAIL-FAST: It is helpful for the user to test the data before building the Predicate.
         // If this test fails, the returned predicate would absolutely fail.
         if (additionalTest == null) throw new NullPointerException
             ("The parameter 'additionalTest' passed to method 'AVT.or(additionalTest)' was null");
         // SIMPLIFIED LAMBDA: The contents of this "anonymous method" can be expressed in a
         // single-statement.  No need for 'return' or 'curly-braces'
         // Returns TRUE if either 'this' evaluates to true on an input HTML Element,
         // and 'other' also evaluates to true for the same element.
         return (TagNode tn) -> this.test(tn) || additionalTest.test(tn);
      • negate

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        default AVT negate()
        Generates a new 'AVT' predicate test that is the logical-NOT of 'this' Predicate.
        Specified by:
        negate in interface java.util.function.Predicate<TagNode>
        A new Predicate<TagNode> that will simply just calls 'this' Predicate, and puts an exclamation point (logical 'NOT') in front of the result.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         // SIMPLIFIED LAMBDA: The contents of this "anonymous method" can be expressed in a
         // single-statement.  No need for 'return' or 'curly-braces'
         // Returns the opposite of whatever result 'this' evaluates using the input HTML Element.
         return (TagNode tn) -> ! this.test(tn);
      • isEqualKEEP

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        static AVT isEqualKEEP​(TagNode expectedTN)
        This is a static factory method that generates AVT-Predicate's (Predicate<TagNode>). It saves the user of typing the lambda information by hand, and does a validation check too.

        If the expectedTN.equals(tn) fails - specifically using the java-built-in equality-test method 'equals(...)', then the generated / returned Predicate would return TRUE, and the TagNode in question would be included in the results.
        expectedTN - This is compared against TagNode's found in the page-Vector for equality.
        A Predicate<TagNode> that compares for equality with parameter 'expectedTN'
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If any of the provided input reference parameters are null.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         // FAIL-FAST: It is helpful for the user to test the data before building the Predicate.
         // If this test fails, the returned predicate would absolutely fail.
         if (expectedTN == null) throw new NullPointerException
             ("The parameter 'expectedTN' passed to method 'AVT.isEqualKEEP(expectedTN)' was null");
         // SIMPLIFIED LAMBDA: The contents of this "anonymous method" can be expressed in a
         // single-statement.  No need for 'return' or 'curly-braces'
         // Returns true if the HTML Element passed to this (anonymous) method is the same as the
         // one passed to 'isEqualsKEEP'
         // Identical to:  (TagNode tn) -> tn.str.equals(expectedTN.str);
         return (TagNode tn) -> tn.equals(expectedTN);
      • isEqualREJECT

        🡅     🗕  🗗  🗖
        static AVT isEqualREJECT​(TagNode expectedTN)
        This is a static factory method that generates AVT-Predicate's (Predicate<TagNode>). It saves the user of typing the lambda information by hand, and does a validation check too.

        If the expectedTN.equals(tn) fails - specifically using the java-built-in equality-test method equals(...) - then the generated / returned Predicate would return FALSE, and the TagNode in question would be filtered from the results.
        expectedTN - This is compared against TagNode's found in the page-Vector for equality.
        A Predicate<TagNode> that compares for equality with parameter 'expectedTN'
        java.lang.NullPointerException - If any of the provided input reference parameters are null.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         // FAIL-FAST: It is helpful for the user to test the data before building the Predicate.
         // If this test fails, the returned predicate would absolutely fail.
         if (expectedTN == null) throw new NullPointerException(
             "The parameter 'expectedTN' passed to method 'AVT.isEqualREJECT(expectedTN)' "+
             "was null"
         // SIMPLIFIED LAMBDA: The contents of this "anonymous method" can be expressed in a
         // single-statement.  No need for 'return' or 'curly-braces'
         // Returns TRUE if the HTML Element passed to this (anonymous) method is the same as the
         // one passed to 'isEqualsKEEP'
         // Identical to:  (TagNode tn) -> ! tn.str.equals(expectedTN.str);
         return (TagNode tn) -> ! tn.equals(expectedTN);