Package Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite
Class ScrapeArticles
- java.lang.Object
- Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.ScrapeArticles
public class ScrapeArticles extends java.lang.Object
This class runs the primary iteration-loop for downloading news-articles using a list of article-URL's
.News-Site Scrape: User's Main A.P.I. Class
Once a list of News-ArticleURL's
have been extracted from the Web-Site using classScrapeURLs
, the content of each of those News-Stories may be retrieved from the site, using this class, and saved to disk.
This class simply uses the Java HTML JAR Library Scraper Class to retrieve the HTML, and parse into HTML-Vector's
. These HTML Pages are saved in using standard Java Object Serialization (
), to a directory of your choice.
If you would like, these Serialize-Object HTML-Vector's
are easily converted to stanardHTML
-Files using classToHTML
This class simply runs a download on each article URL that is passed to it. It provides a simple mechanism for storing and saving the articles that it finds to the file-system.
// This builds an "Article Getter" Each news-article on the web-site is wrapped in a // <DIV CLASS="content ..."> HTML Divider Element. This is how to retrieve the article-body. ArticleGet getter = ArticleGet.usual("div", "class", TextComparitor.EQ, "content"); // Save the state of the download, just in case. Use the standardized "File System Pause" class // by calling the factory-builder method 'getFSInstance' - and provide a simple file-name where // the state may be saved. The file will be under 1 kb. Pause pause = Pause.getFSInstance("state.dat"); // Load the already downloaded news web-site article URL's retrieved from Vector<Vector<String>> articleURLs = (Vector<Vector<String>>) FileRW.readObjectFromFileNOCNFE("urls.vdat", Vector.class, true); // Use the standard factory provided "ScrapedArticleReceiver" This method will return // a receiver that sends data-files to the file-system directory 'chineseNewsBoard/' on the // local file-system. ScrapedArticleReceiver receiver = ScrapedArticleReceiver.saveToFS("chineseNewsBoard/"); // Make sure to call initialize, and then start the article downloading process. pause.initialize();, articleURLs, getter, true, null, false, pause, System.out);
Hi-Lited Source-Code:- View Here: Torello/HTML/Tools/NewsSite/
- Open New Browser-Tab: Torello/HTML/Tools/NewsSite/
File Size: 28,337 Bytes Line Count: 577 '\n' Characters Found
Stateless Class:This class neither contains any program-state, nor can it be instantiated. The@StaticFunctional
Annotation may also be called 'The Spaghetti Report'.Static-Functional
classes are, essentially, C-Styled Files, without any constructors or non-static member fields. It is a concept very similar to the Java-Bean's@Stateless
- 1 Constructor(s), 1 declared private, zero-argument constructor
- 1 Method(s), 1 declared static
- 1 Field(s), 1 declared static, 1 declared final
Method Summary
Download Articles with an Article URL List & ArticleGet Modifier and Type Method static Vector<Vector<DownloadResult>>
download(ScrapedArticleReceiver articleReceiver, Vector<Vector<String>> articleURLs, ArticleGet articleGetter, boolean skipArticlesWithoutPhotos, StrFilter bannerAndAdFinder, boolean keepOriginalPageHTML, Pause pause, Appendable log)
Method Detail
public static java.util.Vector<java.util.Vector<DownloadResult>> download (ScrapedArticleReceiver articleReceiver, java.util.Vector<java.util.Vector<java.lang.String>> articleURLs, ArticleGet articleGetter, boolean skipArticlesWithoutPhotos, StrFilter bannerAndAdFinder, boolean keepOriginalPageHTML, Pause pause, java.lang.Appendable log) throws PauseException, ReceiveException,
This is used to do the downloading of newspaper articles.- Parameters:
- This is an instance ofScrapedArticleReceiver
. Whenever anArticle
has successfully downloaded, it will be passed to this 'receiver' class. There is a pre-written, standardScrapedArticleReceiver
that writes to a directory on the file-system asArticle's
are downloaded. If there is a need to transmit downloadedArticle's
elsewhere, implement thatinterface
, and provide an instance of it to this parameter.articleURLs
- this is a parameter that should have been generated by a call to method:ScrapeURLs.getArticleURLs(...)
- This is basically a "Post-Processor" for HTML Web-based newspaper articles. This parameter cannot be null. It is just a simple, one-line, lambda-predicate which needs to be implemented by the programmer. Internet news websites (such,
) have News-Articles on pages that contain a lot of extraneous and advertising links and content. This parameter needs to extract theArticle
-body content from the rest of the page. This is usually very trivial, but it is also mandatory. Read about theclass ArticleGet
for more information about extracting the news-content from a NewspaperArticle
- This may beTRUE
, and if it is - articles that contain only textual content will be skipped. This can be useful for foreign-news sources where the reader is usually working-harder to understand the content in the first place. This class is primarily used with foreign-news content websites. As such, staring at pages of Mandarin Chinese or Spanish is usually a lot easier if there is at least one photo on the page. This parameter allows users to skip highly dense articles that do not contain at least one picture.bannerAndAdFinder
- This parameter may be null, but if it is not, it will be used to skip banner-advertisement images. This parameter, in reality, does very little. It will not actually be used to eliminated advertising images - but rather only to identify when an image is a banner, advertisement, or spurious picture. Since this is a news web-site scraping Java Package, there is a part that allows a user to require that only news paper articles that contain a photo be downloaded - and the real purpose of including the'bannerAndAdFinder'
is to allow the scrape mechanism to 'skip' articles whose only photos are advertisements.
NOTE: Again, the primary impetus for developing these tools was for scraping and translating news articles from foreign countries like Spain, China, and parts of South America. It could be used for any news-source desired. When reading foreign language text - it helps "a little bit more" to see a picture. This parameter is solely used for that purpose.
PRODUCT ADVERTISEMENTS & FACEBOOK / TWITTER LINKS: Removing actual links about "pinning to" or "Tweeting" articles can be done using either:-
- Writing an instance ofArticleGet
that NOT ONLY extracts the body of a newspaper-article, BUT ALSO performs HTML cleanup using the'Remove'
method of the NodeSearch Package. -
- Writing a "cleaner" version of theHTMLModifier
lambda expression /Function Interface
can also use the NodeSearch classes for removing annoying commercials - or buttons about "Sharing a link on Facebook." The classToHTML
provides a window for accepting an instance ofHTMLModifier
when converting the generated serialized-data HTMLVector's
into'.html' index
- When this isTRUE
, the original page html will be stored in the result set. When this isFALSE
null shall be stored in place of the original page data.
NOTE: The original page HTML is the source HTML that is fed into theArticleGet
lambda. It contains the "pre-processed HTML."pause
- If there are many / numerous articles to download, pass an instance ofclass Pause
, and intermediate progress can be saved, and reloaded at a later time.log
- This parameter may not be null, or aNullPointerException
shall throw. As articles are downloaded, notices shall be posted to this'log'
by this method. This expects an implementation of Java'sjava.lang.Appendable
interface which allows for a wide range of options when logging intermediate messages.Class or Interface Instance Use & Purpose 'System.out'
Sends text to the standard-out terminal Torello.Java.StorageWriter
Sends text to System.out
, and saves it, internally.FileWriter, PrintWriter, StringWriter
General purpose java text-output classes FileOutputStream, PrintStream
More general-purpose java text-output classes
Checked IOException:
interface requires that the Checked-ExceptionIOException
be caught when using itsappend(...)
methods.- Returns:
- A
that is exactly parallel to the inputVector<Vector<String>> articleURLs
will be returned. Each element of each of the sub-Vector's
in this two-dimensionalVector
will have an instance of the enumerated-type'DownloadResult'
. The constant-value in'DownloadResult'
will identify whether or not theArticle
pointed to by theURL
at thatVector
-location successfully downloaded.
If the download failed, then the value of theenum 'DownloadResult'
will be able to identify the error that occurred when attempting to scrape a particular news-storyURL
- Throws:
- If there is an error when attempting to save the download state.ReceiveException
- If there are any problems with theScrapedArticleReceiver
NOTE: AReceiveException
implies that the user's code has failed to properly handle or save an instance ofArticle
that has downloaded, successfully, by thisclass ScrapeArticles
. AReceiveException
will halt the download process immediately, and download state will be saved if the user has provided a reference to thePause
NOTE: Other internally caused download-exceptions will be handled and logged (without halting the entire download-process) - and downloading will continue. A note about the internally-produced exception will be printed to the log, and an appropriate instance ofenum DownloadResult
will be put in the returnVector
- This exception is required for any method that uses Java'sinterface java.lang.Appendable
. Here, the'Appendable'
is the log, and if writing to this user provided'log'
produces an exception, then download progress will halt immediately, and download state will be saved if the user has provided a reference to thePause