HTML Escape Sequences

Complete list of HTML Escape Sequences available in the Basic Multi-Lingual Plane

Unicode Number Character HTML Escape Sequence Details
U+0009 	 Name: Tabulation Category: Control Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
 Name: End of Line Category: Control Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+0021!! Name: Exclamation Mark Category: Other Punctuation Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+0022"" Name: Quotation Mark Category: Other Punctuation Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+0023## Name: Number Sign Category: Other Punctuation Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+0024$$ Name: Dollar Sign Category: Currency Symbol Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+0025%% Name: Percent Sign Category: Other Punctuation Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+0026&& Name: Ampersand Category: Other Punctuation Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+0027'' Name: Apostrophe Category: Other Punctuation Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+0028(( Name: Left Parenthesis Category: Open Punctuation Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+0029)) Name: Right Parenthesis Category: Close Punctuation Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+002A** Name: Asterisk Category: Other Punctuation Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+002B++ Name: Plus Sign Category: Math Symbol Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+002C,, Name: Comma Category: Other Punctuation Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+002E.. Name: Full Stop Category: Other Punctuation Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+002F// Name: Solidus Category: Other Punctuation Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+003A:: Name: Colon Category: Other Punctuation Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+003B;; Name: Semicolon Category: Other Punctuation Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+003C<&lt; Name: Less-Than Sign Category: Math Symbol Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+003D=&equals; Name: Equals Sign Category: Math Symbol Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+003E>&gt; Name: Greater-Than Sign Category: Math Symbol Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+003F?&quest; Name: Question Mark Category: Other Punctuation Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+0040@&commat; Name: Commercial At Category: Other Punctuation Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+005B[&lsqb; Name: Left Square Bracket Category: Open Punctuation Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+005C\&bsol; Name: Reverse Solidus Category: Other Punctuation Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+005D]&rsqb; Name: Right Square Bracket Category: Close Punctuation Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+005E^&Hat; Name: Circumflex Accent Category: Modifier Symbol Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+005F_&UnderBar; Name: Low Line Category: Connector Punctuation Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+0060`&DiacriticalGrave; Name: Grave Accent Category: Modifier Symbol Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+007B{&lcub; Name: Left Curly Bracket Category: Open Punctuation Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+007C|&VerticalLine; Name: Vertical Line Category: Math Symbol Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+007D}&rcub; Name: Right Curly Bracket Category: Close Punctuation Block: Basic Latin, U+0000 - U+007F
U+00A0 &nbsp; Name: No-Break Space (NBSP) Category: Space Separator Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00A1¡&iexcl; Name: Inverted Exclamation Mark Category: Other Punctuation Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00A2¢&cent; Name: Cent Sign Category: Currency Symbol Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00A3£&pound; Name: Pound Sign Category: Currency Symbol Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00A4¤&curren; Name: Currency Sign Category: Currency Symbol Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00A5¥&yen; Name: Yen Sign Category: Currency Symbol Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00A6¦&brvbar; Name: Broken Bar Category: Other Symbol Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00A7§&sect; Name: Section Sign Category: Other Punctuation Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00A8¨&uml; Name: Diaeresis Category: Modifier Symbol Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00A9©&copy; Name: Copyright Sign Category: Other Symbol Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00AAª&ordf; Name: Feminine Ordinal Indicator Category: Other Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00AB«&laquo; Name: Left-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark Category: Initial Punctuation Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00AC¬&not; Name: Not Sign Category: Math Symbol Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00AD­&shy; Name: Soft Hyphen (SHY) Category: Format Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00AE®&reg; Name: Registered Sign Category: Other Symbol Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00AF¯&strns; Name: Macron Category: Modifier Symbol Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00B0°&deg; Name: Degree Sign Category: Other Symbol Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00B1±&pm; Name: Plus-Minus Sign Category: Math Symbol Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00B2²&sup2; Name: Superscript Two Category: Other Number Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00B3³&sup3; Name: Superscript Three Category: Other Number Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00B4´&DiacriticalAcute; Name: Acute Accent Category: Modifier Symbol Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00B5µ&micro; Name: Micro Sign Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00B6&para; Name: Pilcrow Sign Category: Other Punctuation Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00B7·&centerdot; Name: Middle Dot Category: Other Punctuation Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00B8¸&cedil; Name: Cedilla Category: Modifier Symbol Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00B9¹&sup1; Name: Superscript One Category: Other Number Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00BAº&ordm; Name: Masculine Ordinal Indicator Category: Other Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00BB»&raquo; Name: Right-Pointing Double Angle Quotation Mark Category: Final Punctuation Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00BC¼&frac14; Name: Vulgar Fraction One Quarter Category: Other Number Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00BD½&half; Name: Vulgar Fraction One Half Category: Other Number Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00BE¾&frac34; Name: Vulgar Fraction Three Quarters Category: Other Number Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00BF¿&iquest; Name: Inverted Question Mark Category: Other Punctuation Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00C0À&Agrave; Name: Latin Capital Letter A with Grave Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00C1Á&Aacute; Name: Latin Capital Letter A with Acute Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00C2Â&Acirc; Name: Latin Capital Letter A with Circumflex Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00C3Ã&Atilde; Name: Latin Capital Letter A with Tilde Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00C4Ä&Auml; Name: Latin Capital Letter A with Diaeresis Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00C5Å&Aring; Name: Latin Capital Letter A with Ring Above Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00C6Æ&AElig; Name: Latin Capital Letter Ae Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00C7Ç&Ccedil; Name: Latin Capital Letter C with Cedilla Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00C8È&Egrave; Name: Latin Capital Letter E with Grave Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00C9É&Eacute; Name: Latin Capital Letter E with Acute Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00CAÊ&Ecirc; Name: Latin Capital Letter E with Circumflex Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00CBË&Euml; Name: Latin Capital Letter E with Diaeresis Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00CCÌ&Igrave; Name: Latin Capital Letter I with Grave Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00CDÍ&Iacute; Name: Latin Capital Letter I with Acute Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00CEÎ&Icirc; Name: Latin Capital Letter I with Circumflex Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00CFÏ&Iuml; Name: Latin Capital Letter I with Diaeresis Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00D0Ð&ETH; Name: Latin Capital Letter Eth Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00D1Ñ&Ntilde; Name: Latin Capital Letter N with Tilde Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00D2Ò&Ograve; Name: Latin Capital Letter O with Grave Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00D3Ó&Oacute; Name: Latin Capital Letter O with Acute Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00D4Ô&Ocirc; Name: Latin Capital Letter O with Circumflex Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00D5Õ&Otilde; Name: Latin Capital Letter O with Tilde Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00D6Ö&Ouml; Name: Latin Capital Letter O with Diaeresis Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00D7×&times; Name: Multiplication Sign Category: Math Symbol Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00D8Ø&Oslash; Name: Latin Capital Letter O with Stroke Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00D9Ù&Ugrave; Name: Latin Capital Letter U with Grave Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00DAÚ&Uacute; Name: Latin Capital Letter U with Acute Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00DBÛ&Ucirc; Name: Latin Capital Letter U with Circumflex Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00DCÜ&Uuml; Name: Latin Capital Letter U with Diaeresis Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00DDÝ&Yacute; Name: Latin Capital Letter Y with Acute Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00DEÞ&THORN; Name: Latin Capital Letter Thorn Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00DFß&szlig; Name: Latin Small Letter Sharp S Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00E0à&agrave; Name: Latin Small Letter A with Grave Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00E1á&aacute; Name: Latin Small Letter A with Acute Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00E2â&acirc; Name: Latin Small Letter A with Circumflex Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00E3ã&atilde; Name: Latin Small Letter A with Tilde Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00E4ä&auml; Name: Latin Small Letter A with Diaeresis Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00E5å&aring; Name: Latin Small Letter A with Ring Above Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00E6æ&aelig; Name: Latin Small Letter Ae Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00E7ç&ccedil; Name: Latin Small Letter C with Cedilla Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00E8è&egrave; Name: Latin Small Letter E with Grave Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00E9é&eacute; Name: Latin Small Letter E with Acute Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00EAê&ecirc; Name: Latin Small Letter E with Circumflex Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00EBë&euml; Name: Latin Small Letter E with Diaeresis Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00ECì&igrave; Name: Latin Small Letter I with Grave Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00EDí&iacute; Name: Latin Small Letter I with Acute Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00EEî&icirc; Name: Latin Small Letter I with Circumflex Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00EFï&iuml; Name: Latin Small Letter I with Diaeresis Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00F0ð&eth; Name: Latin Small Letter Eth Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00F1ñ&ntilde; Name: Latin Small Letter N with Tilde Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00F2ò&ograve; Name: Latin Small Letter O with Grave Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00F3ó&oacute; Name: Latin Small Letter O with Acute Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00F4ô&ocirc; Name: Latin Small Letter O with Circumflex Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00F5õ&otilde; Name: Latin Small Letter O with Tilde Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00F6ö&ouml; Name: Latin Small Letter O with Diaeresis Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00F7÷&div; Name: Division Sign Category: Math Symbol Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00F8ø&oslash; Name: Latin Small Letter O with Stroke Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00F9ù&ugrave; Name: Latin Small Letter U with Grave Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00FAú&uacute; Name: Latin Small Letter U with Acute Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00FBû&ucirc; Name: Latin Small Letter U with Circumflex Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00FCü&uuml; Name: Latin Small Letter U with Diaeresis Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00FDý&yacute; Name: Latin Small Letter Y with Acute Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00FEþ&thorn; Name: Latin Small Letter Thorn Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+00FFÿ&yuml; Name: Latin Small Letter Y with Diaeresis Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin-1 Supplement, U+0080 - U+00FF
U+0100Ā&Amacr; Name: Latin Capital Letter A with Macron Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0101ā&amacr; Name: Latin Small Letter A with Macron Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0102Ă&Abreve; Name: Latin Capital Letter A with Breve Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0103ă&abreve; Name: Latin Small Letter A with Breve Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0104Ą&Aogon; Name: Latin Capital Letter A with Ogonek Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0105ą&aogon; Name: Latin Small Letter A with Ogonek Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0106Ć&Cacute; Name: Latin Capital Letter C with Acute Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0107ć&cacute; Name: Latin Small Letter C with Acute Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0108Ĉ&Ccirc; Name: Latin Capital Letter C with Circumflex Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0109ĉ&ccirc; Name: Latin Small Letter C with Circumflex Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+010AĊ&Cdot; Name: Latin Capital Letter C with Dot Above Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+010Bċ&cdot; Name: Latin Small Letter C with Dot Above Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+010CČ&Ccaron; Name: Latin Capital Letter C with Caron Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+010Dč&ccaron; Name: Latin Small Letter C with Caron Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+010EĎ&Dcaron; Name: Latin Capital Letter D with Caron Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+010Fď&dcaron; Name: Latin Small Letter D with Caron Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0110Đ&Dstrok; Name: Latin Capital Letter D with Stroke Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0111đ&dstrok; Name: Latin Small Letter D with Stroke Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0112Ē&Emacr; Name: Latin Capital Letter E with Macron Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0113ē&emacr; Name: Latin Small Letter E with Macron Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0116Ė&Edot; Name: Latin Capital Letter E with Dot Above Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0117ė&edot; Name: Latin Small Letter E with Dot Above Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0118Ę&Eogon; Name: Latin Capital Letter E with Ogonek Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0119ę&eogon; Name: Latin Small Letter E with Ogonek Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+011AĚ&Ecaron; Name: Latin Capital Letter E with Caron Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+011Bě&ecaron; Name: Latin Small Letter E with Caron Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+011CĜ&Gcirc; Name: Latin Capital Letter G with Circumflex Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+011Dĝ&gcirc; Name: Latin Small Letter G with Circumflex Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+011EĞ&Gbreve; Name: Latin Capital Letter G with Breve Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+011Fğ&gbreve; Name: Latin Small Letter G with Breve Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0120Ġ&Gdot; Name: Latin Capital Letter G with Dot Above Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0121ġ&gdot; Name: Latin Small Letter G with Dot Above Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0122Ģ&Gcedil; Name: Latin Capital Letter G with Cedilla Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0124Ĥ&Hcirc; Name: Latin Capital Letter H with Circumflex Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0125ĥ&hcirc; Name: Latin Small Letter H with Circumflex Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0126Ħ&Hstrok; Name: Latin Capital Letter H with Stroke Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0127ħ&hstrok; Name: Latin Small Letter H with Stroke Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0128Ĩ&Itilde; Name: Latin Capital Letter I with Tilde Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0129ĩ&itilde; Name: Latin Small Letter I with Tilde Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+012AĪ&Imacr; Name: Latin Capital Letter I with Macron Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+012Bī&imacr; Name: Latin Small Letter I with Macron Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+012EĮ&Iogon; Name: Latin Capital Letter I with Ogonek Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+012Fį&iogon; Name: Latin Small Letter I with Ogonek Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0130İ&Idot; Name: Latin Capital Letter I with Dot Above Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0131ı&imath; Name: Latin Small Letter Dotless I Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0132IJ&IJlig; Name: Latin Capital Ligature Ij Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0133ij&ijlig; Name: Latin Small Ligature Ij Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0134Ĵ&Jcirc; Name: Latin Capital Letter J with Circumflex Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0135ĵ&jcirc; Name: Latin Small Letter J with Circumflex Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0136Ķ&Kcedil; Name: Latin Capital Letter K with Cedilla Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0137ķ&kcedil; Name: Latin Small Letter K with Cedilla Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0138ĸ&kgreen; Name: Latin Small Letter Kra Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0139Ĺ&Lacute; Name: Latin Capital Letter L with Acute Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+013Aĺ&lacute; Name: Latin Small Letter L with Acute Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+013BĻ&Lcedil; Name: Latin Capital Letter L with Cedilla Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+013Cļ&lcedil; Name: Latin Small Letter L with Cedilla Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+013DĽ&Lcaron; Name: Latin Capital Letter L with Caron Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+013Eľ&lcaron; Name: Latin Small Letter L with Caron Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+013FĿ&Lmidot; Name: Latin Capital Letter L with Middle Dot Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0140ŀ&lmidot; Name: Latin Small Letter L with Middle Dot Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0141Ł&Lstrok; Name: Latin Capital Letter L with Stroke Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0142ł&lstrok; Name: Latin Small Letter L with Stroke Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0143Ń&Nacute; Name: Latin Capital Letter N with Acute Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0144ń&nacute; Name: Latin Small Letter N with Acute Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0145Ņ&Ncedil; Name: Latin Capital Letter N with Cedilla Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0146ņ&ncedil; Name: Latin Small Letter N with Cedilla Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0147Ň&Ncaron; Name: Latin Capital Letter N with Caron Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0148ň&ncaron; Name: Latin Small Letter N with Caron Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0149ʼn&napos; Name: Latin Small Letter N Preceded By Apostrophe Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+014AŊ&ENG; Name: Latin Capital Letter Eng Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+014Bŋ&eng; Name: Latin Small Letter Eng Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+014CŌ&Omacr; Name: Latin Capital Letter O with Macron Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+014Dō&omacr; Name: Latin Small Letter O with Macron Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0150Ő&Odblac; Name: Latin Capital Letter O with Double Acute Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0151ő&odblac; Name: Latin Small Letter O with Double Acute Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0152Œ&OElig; Name: Latin Capital Ligature Oe Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0153œ&oelig; Name: Latin Small Ligature Oe Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0154Ŕ&Racute; Name: Latin Capital Letter R with Acute Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0155ŕ&racute; Name: Latin Small Letter R with Acute Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0156Ŗ&Rcedil; Name: Latin Capital Letter R with Cedilla Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0157ŗ&rcedil; Name: Latin Small Letter R with Cedilla Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0158Ř&Rcaron; Name: Latin Capital Letter R with Caron Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0159ř&rcaron; Name: Latin Small Letter R with Caron Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+015AŚ&Sacute; Name: Latin Capital Letter S with Acute Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+015Bś&sacute; Name: Latin Small Letter S with Acute Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+015CŜ&Scirc; Name: Latin Capital Letter S with Circumflex Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+015Dŝ&scirc; Name: Latin Small Letter S with Circumflex Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+015EŞ&Scedil; Name: Latin Capital Letter S with Cedilla Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+015Fş&scedil; Name: Latin Small Letter S with Cedilla Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0160Š&Scaron; Name: Latin Capital Letter S with Caron Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0161š&scaron; Name: Latin Small Letter S with Caron Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0162Ţ&Tcedil; Name: Latin Capital Letter T with Cedilla Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0163ţ&tcedil; Name: Latin Small Letter T with Cedilla Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0164Ť&Tcaron; Name: Latin Capital Letter T with Caron Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0165ť&tcaron; Name: Latin Small Letter T with Caron Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0166Ŧ&Tstrok; Name: Latin Capital Letter T with Stroke Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0167ŧ&tstrok; Name: Latin Small Letter T with Stroke Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0168Ũ&Utilde; Name: Latin Capital Letter U with Tilde Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0169ũ&utilde; Name: Latin Small Letter U with Tilde Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+016AŪ&Umacr; Name: Latin Capital Letter U with Macron Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+016Bū&umacr; Name: Latin Small Letter U with Macron Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+016CŬ&Ubreve; Name: Latin Capital Letter U with Breve Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+016Dŭ&ubreve; Name: Latin Small Letter U with Breve Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+016EŮ&Uring; Name: Latin Capital Letter U with Ring Above Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+016Fů&uring; Name: Latin Small Letter U with Ring Above Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0170Ű&Udblac; Name: Latin Capital Letter U with Double Acute Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0171ű&udblac; Name: Latin Small Letter U with Double Acute Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0172Ų&Uogon; Name: Latin Capital Letter U with Ogonek Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0173ų&uogon; Name: Latin Small Letter U with Ogonek Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0174Ŵ&Wcirc; Name: Latin Capital Letter W with Circumflex Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0175ŵ&wcirc; Name: Latin Small Letter W with Circumflex Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0176Ŷ&Ycirc; Name: Latin Capital Letter Y with Circumflex Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0177ŷ&ycirc; Name: Latin Small Letter Y with Circumflex Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0178Ÿ&Yuml; Name: Latin Capital Letter Y with Diaeresis Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0179Ź&Zacute; Name: Latin Capital Letter Z with Acute Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+017Aź&zacute; Name: Latin Small Letter Z with Acute Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+017BŻ&Zdot; Name: Latin Capital Letter Z with Dot Above Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+017Cż&zdot; Name: Latin Small Letter Z with Dot Above Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+017DŽ&Zcaron; Name: Latin Capital Letter Z with Caron Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+017Ež&zcaron; Name: Latin Small Letter Z with Caron Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-A, U+0100 - U+017F
U+0192ƒ&fnof; Name: Latin Small Letter F with Hook Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-B, U+0180 - U+024F
U+01B5Ƶ&imped; Name: Latin Capital Letter Z with Stroke Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-B, U+0180 - U+024F
U+01F5ǵ&gacute; Name: Latin Small Letter G with Acute Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-B, U+0180 - U+024F
U+0237ȷ&jmath; Name: Latin Small Letter Dotless J Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Latin Extended-B, U+0180 - U+024F
U+02C6ˆ&circ; Name: Modifier Letter Circumflex Accent Category: Modifier Letter Block: Spacing Modifier Letters, U+02B0 - U+02FF
U+02C7ˇ&Hacek; Name: Caron Category: Modifier Letter Block: Spacing Modifier Letters, U+02B0 - U+02FF
U+02D8˘&breve; Name: Breve Category: Modifier Symbol Block: Spacing Modifier Letters, U+02B0 - U+02FF
U+02D9˙&DiacriticalDot; Name: Dot Above Category: Modifier Symbol Block: Spacing Modifier Letters, U+02B0 - U+02FF
U+02DA˚&ring; Name: Ring Above Category: Modifier Symbol Block: Spacing Modifier Letters, U+02B0 - U+02FF
U+02DB˛&ogon; Name: Ogonek Category: Modifier Symbol Block: Spacing Modifier Letters, U+02B0 - U+02FF
U+02DC˜&DiacriticalTilde; Name: Small Tilde Category: Modifier Symbol Block: Spacing Modifier Letters, U+02B0 - U+02FF
U+02DD˝&DiacriticalDoubleAcute; Name: Double Acute Accent Category: Modifier Symbol Block: Spacing Modifier Letters, U+02B0 - U+02FF
U+0311̑&DownBreve; Name: Combining Inverted Breve Category: Nonspacing Mark Block: Combining Diacritical Marks, U+0300 - U+036F
U+0391Α&Alpha; Name: Greek Capital Letter Alpha Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+0392Β&Beta; Name: Greek Capital Letter Beta Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+0393Γ&Gamma; Name: Greek Capital Letter Gamma Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+0394Δ&Delta; Name: Greek Capital Letter Delta Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+0395Ε&Epsilon; Name: Greek Capital Letter Epsilon Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+0396Ζ&Zeta; Name: Greek Capital Letter Zeta Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+0397Η&Eta; Name: Greek Capital Letter Eta Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+0398Θ&Theta; Name: Greek Capital Letter Theta Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+0399Ι&Iota; Name: Greek Capital Letter Iota Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+039AΚ&Kappa; Name: Greek Capital Letter Kappa Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+039BΛ&Lambda; Name: Greek Capital Letter Lamda Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+039CΜ&Mu; Name: Greek Capital Letter Mu Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+039DΝ&Nu; Name: Greek Capital Letter Nu Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+039EΞ&Xi; Name: Greek Capital Letter Xi Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+039FΟ&Omicron; Name: Greek Capital Letter Omicron Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03A0Π&Pi; Name: Greek Capital Letter Pi Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03A1Ρ&Rho; Name: Greek Capital Letter Rho Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03A3Σ&Sigma; Name: Greek Capital Letter Sigma Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03A4Τ&Tau; Name: Greek Capital Letter Tau Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03A5Υ&Upsilon; Name: Greek Capital Letter Upsilon Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03A6Φ&Phi; Name: Greek Capital Letter Phi Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03A7Χ&Chi; Name: Greek Capital Letter Chi Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03A8Ψ&Psi; Name: Greek Capital Letter Psi Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03A9Ω&Omega; Name: Greek Capital Letter Omega Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03B1α&alpha; Name: Greek Small Letter Alpha Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03B2β&beta; Name: Greek Small Letter Beta Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03B3γ&gamma; Name: Greek Small Letter Gamma Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03B4δ&delta; Name: Greek Small Letter Delta Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03B5ε&epsi; Name: Greek Small Letter Epsilon Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03B6ζ&zeta; Name: Greek Small Letter Zeta Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03B7η&eta; Name: Greek Small Letter Eta Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03B8θ&theta; Name: Greek Small Letter Theta Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03B9ι&iota; Name: Greek Small Letter Iota Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03BAκ&kappa; Name: Greek Small Letter Kappa Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03BBλ&lambda; Name: Greek Small Letter Lamda Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03BCμ&mu; Name: Greek Small Letter Mu Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03BDν&nu; Name: Greek Small Letter Nu Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03BEξ&xi; Name: Greek Small Letter Xi Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03BFο&omicron; Name: Greek Small Letter Omicron Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03C0π&pi; Name: Greek Small Letter Pi Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03C1ρ&rho; Name: Greek Small Letter Rho Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03C2ς&varsigma; Name: Greek Small Letter Final Sigma Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03C3σ&sigma; Name: Greek Small Letter Sigma Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03C4τ&tau; Name: Greek Small Letter Tau Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03C5υ&upsi; Name: Greek Small Letter Upsilon Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03C6φ&phi; Name: Greek Small Letter Phi Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03C7χ&chi; Name: Greek Small Letter Chi Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03C8ψ&psi; Name: Greek Small Letter Psi Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03C9ω&omega; Name: Greek Small Letter Omega Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03D1ϑ&vartheta; Name: Greek Theta Symbol Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03D2ϒ&upsih; Name: Greek Upsilon with Hook Symbol Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03D5ϕ&straightphi; Name: Greek Phi Symbol Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03D6ϖ&varpi; Name: Greek Pi Symbol Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03DCϜ&Gammad; Name: Greek Letter Digamma Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03DDϝ&gammad; Name: Greek Small Letter Digamma Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03F0ϰ&varkappa; Name: Greek Kappa Symbol Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03F1ϱ&rhov; Name: Greek Rho Symbol Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03F5ϵ&varepsilon; Name: Greek Lunate Epsilon Symbol Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+03F6϶&backepsilon; Name: Greek Reversed Lunate Epsilon Symbol Category: Math Symbol Block: Greek and Coptic, U+0370 - U+03FF
U+0401Ё&IOcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Io Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0402Ђ&DJcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Dje Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0403Ѓ&GJcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Gje Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0404Є&Jukcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Ukrainian Ie Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0405Ѕ&DScy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Dze Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0406І&Iukcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Byelorussian-Ukrainian I Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0407Ї&YIcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Yi Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0408Ј&Jsercy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Je Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0409Љ&LJcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Lje Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+040AЊ&NJcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Nje Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+040BЋ&TSHcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Tshe Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+040CЌ&KJcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Kje Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+040EЎ&Ubrcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Short U Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+040FЏ&DZcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Dzhe Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0410А&Acy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter A Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0411Б&Bcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Be Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0412В&Vcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Ve Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0413Г&Gcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Ghe Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0414Д&Dcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter De Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0415Е&IEcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Ie Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0416Ж&ZHcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Zhe Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0417З&Zcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Ze Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0418И&Icy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter I Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0419Й&Jcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Short I Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+041AК&Kcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Ka Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+041BЛ&Lcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter El Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+041CМ&Mcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Em Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+041DН&Ncy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter En Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+041EО&Ocy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter O Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+041FП&Pcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Pe Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0420Р&Rcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Er Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0421С&Scy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Es Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0422Т&Tcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Te Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0423У&Ucy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter U Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0424Ф&Fcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Ef Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0425Х&KHcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Ha Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0426Ц&TScy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Tse Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0427Ч&CHcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Che Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0428Ш&SHcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Sha Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0429Щ&SHCHcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Shcha Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+042AЪ&HARDcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Hard Sign Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+042BЫ&Ycy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Yeru Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+042CЬ&SOFTcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Soft Sign Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+042DЭ&Ecy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter E Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+042EЮ&YUcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Yu Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+042FЯ&YAcy; Name: Cyrillic Capital Letter Ya Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0430а&acy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter A Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0431б&bcy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Be Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0432в&vcy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Ve Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0433г&gcy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Ghe Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0434д&dcy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter De Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0435е&iecy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Ie Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0436ж&zhcy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Zhe Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0437з&zcy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Ze Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0438и&icy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter I Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0439й&jcy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Short I Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+043Aк&kcy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Ka Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+043Bл&lcy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter El Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+043Cм&mcy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Em Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+043Dн&ncy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter En Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+043Eо&ocy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter O Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+043Fп&pcy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Pe Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0440р&rcy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Er Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0441с&scy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Es Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0442т&tcy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Te Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0443у&ucy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter U Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0444ф&fcy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Ef Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0445х&khcy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Ha Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0446ц&tscy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Tse Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0447ч&chcy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Che Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0448ш&shcy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Sha Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0449щ&shchcy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Shcha Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+044Aъ&hardcy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Hard Sign Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+044Bы&ycy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Yeru Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+044Cь&softcy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Soft Sign Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+044Dэ&ecy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter E Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+044Eю&yucy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Yu Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+044Fя&yacy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Ya Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0451ё&iocy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Io Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0452ђ&djcy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Dje Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0453ѓ&gjcy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Gje Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0454є&jukcy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Ukrainian Ie Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0455ѕ&dscy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Dze Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0456і&iukcy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Byelorussian-Ukrainian I Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0457ї&yicy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Yi Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0458ј&jsercy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Je Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+0459љ&ljcy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Lje Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+045Aњ&njcy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Nje Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+045Bћ&tshcy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Tshe Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+045Cќ&kjcy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Kje Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+045Eў&ubrcy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Short U Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+045Fџ&dzcy; Name: Cyrillic Small Letter Dzhe Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Cyrillic, U+0400 - U+04FF
U+2002&ensp; Name: En Space Category: Space Separator Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2003&emsp; Name: Em Space Category: Space Separator Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2004&emsp13; Name: Three-Per-Em Space Category: Space Separator Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2005&emsp14; Name: Four-Per-Em Space Category: Space Separator Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2007&numsp; Name: Figure Space Category: Space Separator Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2008&puncsp; Name: Punctuation Space Category: Space Separator Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2009&ThinSpace; Name: Thin Space Category: Space Separator Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+200A&VeryThinSpace; Name: Hair Space Category: Space Separator Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+200B&NegativeVeryThinSpace; Name: Zero Width Space (ZWSP) Category: Format Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+200C&zwnj; Name: Zero Width Non-Joiner (ZWNJ) Category: Format Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+200D&zwj; Name: Zero Width Joiner (ZWJ) Category: Format Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+200E&lrm; Name: Left-to-Right Mark (LRM) Category: Format Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+200F&rlm; Name: Right-to-Left Mark (RLM) Category: Format Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2010&dash; Name: Hyphen Category: Dash Punctuation Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2013&ndash; Name: En Dash Category: Dash Punctuation Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2014&mdash; Name: Em Dash Category: Dash Punctuation Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2015&horbar; Name: Horizontal Bar Category: Dash Punctuation Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2016&Vert; Name: Double Vertical Line Category: Other Punctuation Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2018&OpenCurlyQuote; Name: Left Single Quotation Mark Category: Initial Punctuation Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2019&CloseCurlyQuote; Name: Right Single Quotation Mark Category: Final Punctuation Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+201A&sbquo; Name: Single Low-9 Quotation Mark Category: Open Punctuation Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+201C&OpenCurlyDoubleQuote; Name: Left Double Quotation Mark Category: Initial Punctuation Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+201D&CloseCurlyDoubleQuote; Name: Right Double Quotation Mark Category: Final Punctuation Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+201E&bdquo; Name: Double Low-9 Quotation Mark Category: Open Punctuation Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2020&dagger; Name: Dagger Category: Other Punctuation Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2021&ddagger; Name: Double Dagger Category: Other Punctuation Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2022&bull; Name: Bullet Category: Other Punctuation Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2025&nldr; Name: Two Dot Leader Category: Other Punctuation Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2026&mldr; Name: Horizontal Ellipsis Category: Other Punctuation Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2030&permil; Name: Per Mille Sign Category: Other Punctuation Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2031&pertenk; Name: Per Ten Thousand Sign Category: Other Punctuation Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2032&prime; Name: Prime Category: Other Punctuation Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2033&Prime; Name: Double Prime Category: Other Punctuation Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2034&tprime; Name: Triple Prime Category: Other Punctuation Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2035&backprime; Name: Reversed Prime Category: Other Punctuation Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2039&lsaquo; Name: Single Left-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark Category: Initial Punctuation Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+203A&rsaquo; Name: Single Right-Pointing Angle Quotation Mark Category: Final Punctuation Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+203E&oline; Name: Overline Category: Other Punctuation Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2041&caret; Name: Caret Insertion Point Category: Other Punctuation Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2043&hybull; Name: Hyphen Bullet Category: Other Punctuation Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2044&frasl; Name: Fraction Slash Category: Math Symbol Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+204F&bsemi; Name: Reversed Semicolon Category: Other Punctuation Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2057&qprime; Name: Quadruple Prime Category: Other Punctuation Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+205F&MediumSpace; Name: Medium Mathematical Space (MMSP) Category: Space Separator Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2060&NoBreak; Name: Word Joiner (WJ) Category: Format Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2061&ApplyFunction; Name: Function Application Category: Format Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2062&InvisibleTimes; Name: Invisible Times Category: Format Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+2063&InvisibleComma; Name: Invisible Separator Category: Format Block: General Punctuation, U+2000 - U+206F
U+20AC&euro; Name: Euro Sign Category: Currency Symbol Block: Currency Symbols, U+20A0 - U+20CF
U+20DB&tdot; Name: Combining Three Dots Above Category: Nonspacing Mark Block: Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols, U+20D0 - U+20FF
U+20DC&DotDot; Name: Combining Four Dots Above Category: Nonspacing Mark Block: Combining Diacritical Marks for Symbols, U+20D0 - U+20FF
U+2102&Copf; Name: Double-Struck Capital C Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+2105&incare; Name: Care Of Category: Other Symbol Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+210A&gscr; Name: Script Small G Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+210B&HilbertSpace; Name: Script Capital H Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+210C&Poincareplane; Name: Black-Letter Capital H Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+210D&quaternions; Name: Double-Struck Capital H Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+210E&planckh; Name: Planck Constant Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+210F&hbar; Name: Planck Constant Over Two Pi Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+2110&Iscr; Name: Script Capital I Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+2111&image; Name: Black-Letter Capital I Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+2112&Laplacetrf; Name: Script Capital L Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+2113&ell; Name: Script Small L Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+2115&Nopf; Name: Double-Struck Capital N Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+2116&numero; Name: Numero Sign Category: Other Symbol Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+2117&copysr; Name: Sound Recording Copyright Category: Other Symbol Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+2118&wp; Name: Script Capital P Category: Math Symbol Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+2119&Popf; Name: Double-Struck Capital P Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+211A&Qopf; Name: Double-Struck Capital Q Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+211B&Rscr; Name: Script Capital R Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+211C&Rfr; Name: Black-Letter Capital R Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+211D&Ropf; Name: Double-Struck Capital R Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+211E&rx; Name: Prescription Take Category: Other Symbol Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+2122&trade; Name: Trade Mark Sign Category: Other Symbol Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+2124&Zopf; Name: Double-Struck Capital Z Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+2127&mho; Name: Inverted Ohm Sign Category: Other Symbol Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+2128&Zfr; Name: Black-Letter Capital Z Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+2129&iiota; Name: Turned Greek Small Letter Iota Category: Other Symbol Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+212C&Bernoullis; Name: Script Capital B Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+212D&Cfr; Name: Black-Letter Capital C Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+212F&escr; Name: Script Small E Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+2130&expectation; Name: Script Capital E Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+2131&Fouriertrf; Name: Script Capital F Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+2133&Mscr; Name: Script Capital M Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+2134&oscr; Name: Script Small O Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+2135&aleph; Name: Alef Symbol Category: Other Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+2136&beth; Name: Bet Symbol Category: Other Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+2137&gimel; Name: Gimel Symbol Category: Other Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+2138&daleth; Name: Dalet Symbol Category: Other Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+2145&CapitalDifferentialD; Name: Double-Struck Italic Capital D Category: Uppercase Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+2146&DifferentialD; Name: Double-Struck Italic Small D Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+2147&exponentiale; Name: Double-Struck Italic Small E Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+2148&ImaginaryI; Name: Double-Struck Italic Small I Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Letterlike Symbols, U+2100 - U+214F
U+2153&frac13; Name: Vulgar Fraction One Third Category: Other Number Block: Number Forms, U+2150 - U+218F
U+2154&frac23; Name: Vulgar Fraction Two Thirds Category: Other Number Block: Number Forms, U+2150 - U+218F
U+2155&frac15; Name: Vulgar Fraction One Fifth Category: Other Number Block: Number Forms, U+2150 - U+218F
U+2156&frac25; Name: Vulgar Fraction Two Fifths Category: Other Number Block: Number Forms, U+2150 - U+218F
U+2157&frac35; Name: Vulgar Fraction Three Fifths Category: Other Number Block: Number Forms, U+2150 - U+218F
U+2158&frac45; Name: Vulgar Fraction Four Fifths Category: Other Number Block: Number Forms, U+2150 - U+218F
U+2159&frac16; Name: Vulgar Fraction One Sixth Category: Other Number Block: Number Forms, U+2150 - U+218F
U+215A&frac56; Name: Vulgar Fraction Five Sixths Category: Other Number Block: Number Forms, U+2150 - U+218F
U+215B&frac18; Name: Vulgar Fraction One Eighth Category: Other Number Block: Number Forms, U+2150 - U+218F
U+215C&frac38; Name: Vulgar Fraction Three Eighths Category: Other Number Block: Number Forms, U+2150 - U+218F
U+215D&frac58; Name: Vulgar Fraction Five Eighths Category: Other Number Block: Number Forms, U+2150 - U+218F
U+215E&frac78; Name: Vulgar Fraction Seven Eighths Category: Other Number Block: Number Forms, U+2150 - U+218F
U+2190&ShortLeftArrow; Name: Leftwards Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+2191&ShortUpArrow; Name: Upwards Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+2192&rightarrow; Name: Rightwards Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+2193&ShortDownArrow; Name: Downwards Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+2194&LeftRightArrow; Name: Left Right Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+2195&updownarrow; Name: Up Down Arrow Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+2196&UpperLeftArrow; Name: North West Arrow Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+2197&UpperRightArrow; Name: North East Arrow Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+2198&LowerRightArrow; Name: South East Arrow Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+2199&LowerLeftArrow; Name: South West Arrow Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+219A&nleftarrow; Name: Leftwards Arrow with Stroke Category: Math Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+219B&nrightarrow; Name: Rightwards Arrow with Stroke Category: Math Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+219D&rightsquigarrow; Name: Rightwards Wave Arrow Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+219E&twoheadleftarrow; Name: Leftwards Two Headed Arrow Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+219F&Uarr; Name: Upwards Two Headed Arrow Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21A0&twoheadrightarrow; Name: Rightwards Two Headed Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21A1&Darr; Name: Downwards Two Headed Arrow Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21A2&leftarrowtail; Name: Leftwards Arrow with Tail Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21A3&rightarrowtail; Name: Rightwards Arrow with Tail Category: Math Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21A4&mapstoleft; Name: Leftwards Arrow from Bar Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21A5&UpTeeArrow; Name: Upwards Arrow from Bar Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21A6&RightTeeArrow; Name: Rightwards Arrow from Bar Category: Math Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21A7&DownTeeArrow; Name: Downwards Arrow from Bar Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21A9&hookleftarrow; Name: Leftwards Arrow with Hook Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21AA&hookrightarrow; Name: Rightwards Arrow with Hook Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21AB&looparrowleft; Name: Leftwards Arrow with Loop Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21AC&looparrowright; Name: Rightwards Arrow with Loop Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21AD&leftrightsquigarrow; Name: Left Right Wave Arrow Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21AE&nleftrightarrow; Name: Left Right Arrow with Stroke Category: Math Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21B0&lsh; Name: Upwards Arrow with Tip Leftwards Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21B1&rsh; Name: Upwards Arrow with Tip Rightwards Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21B2&ldsh; Name: Downwards Arrow with Tip Leftwards Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21B3&rdsh; Name: Downwards Arrow with Tip Rightwards Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21B5&crarr; Name: Downwards Arrow with Corner Leftwards Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21B6&curvearrowleft; Name: Anticlockwise Top Semicircle Arrow Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21B7&curvearrowright; Name: Clockwise Top Semicircle Arrow Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21BA&circlearrowleft; Name: Anticlockwise Open Circle Arrow Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21BB&circlearrowright; Name: Clockwise Open Circle Arrow Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21BC&LeftVector; Name: Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Upwards Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21BD&leftharpoondown; Name: Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Downwards Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21BE&RightUpVector; Name: Upwards Harpoon with Barb Rightwards Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21BF&LeftUpVector; Name: Upwards Harpoon with Barb Leftwards Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21C0&RightVector; Name: Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Upwards Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21C1&rightharpoondown; Name: Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Downwards Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21C2&downharpoonright; Name: Downwards Harpoon with Barb Rightwards Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21C3&downharpoonleft; Name: Downwards Harpoon with Barb Leftwards Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21C4&RightArrowLeftArrow; Name: Rightwards Arrow Over Leftwards Arrow Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21C5&UpArrowDownArrow; Name: Upwards Arrow Leftwards of Downwards Arrow Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21C6&LeftArrowRightArrow; Name: Leftwards Arrow Over Rightwards Arrow Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21C7&leftleftarrows; Name: Leftwards Paired Arrows Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21C8&upuparrows; Name: Upwards Paired Arrows Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21C9&rightrightarrows; Name: Rightwards Paired Arrows Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21CA&downdownarrows; Name: Downwards Paired Arrows Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21CB&ReverseEquilibrium; Name: Leftwards Harpoon Over Rightwards Harpoon Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21CC&Equilibrium; Name: Rightwards Harpoon Over Leftwards Harpoon Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21CD&nLeftarrow; Name: Leftwards Double Arrow with Stroke Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21CE&nLeftrightarrow; Name: Left Right Double Arrow with Stroke Category: Math Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21CF&nRightarrow; Name: Rightwards Double Arrow with Stroke Category: Math Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21D0&DoubleLeftArrow; Name: Leftwards Double Arrow Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21D1&DoubleUpArrow; Name: Upwards Double Arrow Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21D2&Rightarrow; Name: Rightwards Double Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21D3&DoubleDownArrow; Name: Downwards Double Arrow Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21D4&DoubleLeftRightArrow; Name: Left Right Double Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21D5&Updownarrow; Name: Up Down Double Arrow Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21D6&nwArr; Name: North West Double Arrow Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21D7&neArr; Name: North East Double Arrow Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21D8&seArr; Name: South East Double Arrow Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21D9&swArr; Name: South West Double Arrow Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21DA&Lleftarrow; Name: Leftwards Triple Arrow Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21DB&Rrightarrow; Name: Rightwards Triple Arrow Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21DD&zigrarr; Name: Rightwards Squiggle Arrow Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21E4&LeftArrowBar; Name: Leftwards Arrow to Bar Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21E5&RightArrowBar; Name: Rightwards Arrow to Bar Category: Other Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21F5&duarr; Name: Downwards Arrow Leftwards of Upwards Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21FD&loarr; Name: Leftwards Open-Headed Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21FE&roarr; Name: Rightwards Open-Headed Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+21FF&hoarr; Name: Left Right Open-Headed Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Arrows, U+2190 - U+21FF
U+2200&forall; Name: For All Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2201&complement; Name: Complement Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2202&part; Name: Partial Differential Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2203&exist; Name: There Exists Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2204&NotExists; Name: There Does Not Exist Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2205&varnothing; Name: Empty Set Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2207&nabla; Name: Nabla Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2208&isinv; Name: Element Of Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2209&NotElement; Name: Not An Element Of Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+220B&ReverseElement; Name: Contains as Member Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+220C&NotReverseElement; Name: Does Not Contain as Member Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+220F&prod; Name: N-Ary Product Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2210&Coproduct; Name: N-Ary Coproduct Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2211&sum; Name: N-Ary Summation Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2212&minus; Name: Minus Sign Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2213&mp; Name: Minus-or-Plus Sign Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2214&plusdo; Name: Dot Plus Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2216&smallsetminus; Name: Set Minus Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2217&lowast; Name: Asterisk Operator Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2218&SmallCircle; Name: Ring Operator Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+221A&Sqrt; Name: Square Root Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+221D&Proportional; Name: Proportional To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+221E&infin; Name: Infinity Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+221F&angrt; Name: Right Angle Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2220&angle; Name: Angle Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2221&measuredangle; Name: Measured Angle Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2222&angsph; Name: Spherical Angle Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2223&VerticalBar; Name: Divides Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2224&NotVerticalBar; Name: Does Not Divide Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2225&shortparallel; Name: Parallel To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2226&NotDoubleVerticalBar; Name: Not Parallel To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2227&wedge; Name: Logical And Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2228&vee; Name: Logical Or Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2229&cap; Name: Intersection Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+222A&cup; Name: Union Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+222B&int; Name: Integral Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+222C&Int; Name: Double Integral Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+222D&tint; Name: Triple Integral Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+222E&ContourIntegral; Name: Contour Integral Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+222F&DoubleContourIntegral; Name: Surface Integral Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2230&Cconint; Name: Volume Integral Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2231&cwint; Name: Clockwise Integral Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2232&ClockwiseContourIntegral; Name: Clockwise Contour Integral Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2233&CounterClockwiseContourIntegral; Name: Anticlockwise Contour Integral Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2234&therefore; Name: Therefore Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2235&because; Name: Because Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2236&ratio; Name: Ratio Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2237&Proportion; Name: Proportion Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2238&dotminus; Name: Dot Minus Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+223A&mDDot; Name: Geometric Proportion Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+223B&homtht; Name: Homothetic Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+223C&Tilde; Name: Tilde Operator Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+223D&bsim; Name: Reversed Tilde Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+223E&ac; Name: Inverted Lazy S Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+223F&acd; Name: Sine Wave Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2240&VerticalTilde; Name: Wreath Product Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2241&nsim; Name: Not Tilde Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2242&EqualTilde; Name: Minus Tilde Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2243&TildeEqual; Name: Asymptotically Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2244&NotTildeEqual; Name: Not Asymptotically Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2245&TildeFullEqual; Name: Approximately Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2246&simne; Name: Approximately But Not Actually Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2247&NotTildeFullEqual; Name: Neither Approximately Nor Actually Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2248&thickapprox; Name: Almost Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2249&NotTildeTilde; Name: Not Almost Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+224A&ape; Name: Almost Equal or Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+224B&apid; Name: Triple Tilde Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+224C&bcong; Name: All Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+224D&CupCap; Name: Equivalent To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+224E&HumpDownHump; Name: Geometrically Equivalent To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+224F&bumpe; Name: Difference Between Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2250&esdot; Name: Approaches the Limit Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2251&eDot; Name: Geometrically Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2252&fallingdotseq; Name: Approximately Equal to or the Image Of Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2253&risingdotseq; Name: Image of or Approximately Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2254&coloneq; Name: Colon Equals Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2255&eqcolon; Name: Equals Colon Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2256&ecir; Name: Ring In Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2257&cire; Name: Ring Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2259&wedgeq; Name: Estimates Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+225A&veeeq; Name: Equiangular To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+225C&trie; Name: Delta Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+225F&questeq; Name: Questioned Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2260&ne; Name: Not Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2261&equiv; Name: Identical To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2262&NotCongruent; Name: Not Identical To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2264&leq; Name: Less-Than or Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2265&GreaterEqual; Name: Greater-Than or Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2266&LessFullEqual; Name: Less-Than Over Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2267&GreaterFullEqual; Name: Greater-Than Over Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2268&lneqq; Name: Less-Than But Not Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2269&gneqq; Name: Greater-Than But Not Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+226A&NestedLessLess; Name: Much Less-Than Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+226B&NestedGreaterGreater; Name: Much Greater-Than Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+226C&twixt; Name: Between Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+226D&NotCupCap; Name: Not Equivalent To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+226E&nlt; Name: Not Less-Than Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+226F&NotGreater; Name: Not Greater-Than Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2270&NotLessEqual; Name: Neither Less-Than Nor Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2271&NotGreaterEqual; Name: Neither Greater-Than Nor Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2272&lsim; Name: Less-Than or Equivalent To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2273&GreaterTilde; Name: Greater-Than or Equivalent To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2274&NotLessTilde; Name: Neither Less-Than Nor Equivalent To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2275&NotGreaterTilde; Name: Neither Greater-Than Nor Equivalent To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2276&LessGreater; Name: Less-Than or Greater-Than Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2277&GreaterLess; Name: Greater-Than or Less-Than Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2278&NotLessGreater; Name: Neither Less-Than Nor Greater-Than Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2279&NotGreaterLess; Name: Neither Greater-Than Nor Less-Than Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+227A&prec; Name: Precedes Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+227B&succ; Name: Succeeds Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+227C&PrecedesSlantEqual; Name: Precedes or Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+227D&SucceedsSlantEqual; Name: Succeeds or Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+227E&PrecedesTilde; Name: Precedes or Equivalent To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+227F&SucceedsTilde; Name: Succeeds or Equivalent To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2280&NotPrecedes; Name: Does Not Precede Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2281&NotSucceeds; Name: Does Not Succeed Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2282&sub; Name: Subset Of Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2283&sup; Name: Superset Of Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2284&nsub; Name: Not A Subset Of Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2285&nsup; Name: Not A Superset Of Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2286&SubsetEqual; Name: Subset of or Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2287&SupersetEqual; Name: Superset of or Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2288&NotSubsetEqual; Name: Neither A Subset of Nor Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2289&NotSupersetEqual; Name: Neither A Superset of Nor Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+228A&subne; Name: Subset of with Not Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+228B&supne; Name: Superset of with Not Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+228D&cupdot; Name: Multiset Multiplication Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+228E&uplus; Name: Multiset Union Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+228F&SquareSubset; Name: Square Image Of Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2290&SquareSuperset; Name: Square Original Of Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2291&sqsubseteq; Name: Square Image of or Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2292&SquareSupersetEqual; Name: Square Original of or Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2293&SquareIntersection; Name: Square Cap Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2294&SquareUnion; Name: Square Cup Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2295&CirclePlus; Name: Circled Plus Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2296&CircleMinus; Name: Circled Minus Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2297&CircleTimes; Name: Circled Times Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2298&osol; Name: Circled Division Slash Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2299&odot; Name: Circled Dot Operator Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+229A&circledcirc; Name: Circled Ring Operator Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+229B&circledast; Name: Circled Asterisk Operator Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+229D&circleddash; Name: Circled Dash Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+229E&plusb; Name: Squared Plus Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+229F&boxminus; Name: Squared Minus Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22A0&boxtimes; Name: Squared Times Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22A1&sdotb; Name: Squared Dot Operator Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22A2&vdash; Name: Right Tack Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22A3&dashv; Name: Left Tack Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22A4&top; Name: Down Tack Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22A5&UpTee; Name: Up Tack Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22A7&models; Name: Models Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22A8&DoubleRightTee; Name: True Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22A9&Vdash; Name: Forces Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22AA&Vvdash; Name: Triple Vertical Bar Right Turnstile Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22AB&VDash; Name: Double Vertical Bar Double Right Turnstile Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22AC&nvdash; Name: Does Not Prove Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22AD&nvDash; Name: Not True Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22AE&nVdash; Name: Does Not Force Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22AF&nVDash; Name: Negated Double Vertical Bar Double Right Turnstile Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22B0&prurel; Name: Precedes Under Relation Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22B2&LeftTriangle; Name: Normal Subgroup Of Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22B3&RightTriangle; Name: Contains as Normal Subgroup Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22B4&LeftTriangleEqual; Name: Normal Subgroup of or Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22B5&RightTriangleEqual; Name: Contains as Normal Subgroup or Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22B6&origof; Name: Original Of Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22B7&imof; Name: Image Of Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22B8&mumap; Name: Multimap Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22B9&hercon; Name: Hermitian Conjugate Matrix Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22BA&intercal; Name: Intercalate Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22BB&veebar; Name: Xor Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22BD&barvee; Name: Nor Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22BE&angrtvb; Name: Right Angle with Arc Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22BF&lrtri; Name: Right Triangle Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22C0&Wedge; Name: N-Ary Logical And Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22C1&xvee; Name: N-Ary Logical Or Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22C2&Intersection; Name: N-Ary Intersection Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22C3&xcup; Name: N-Ary Union Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22C4&diam; Name: Diamond Operator Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22C5&sdot; Name: Dot Operator Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22C6&Star; Name: Star Operator Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22C7&divideontimes; Name: Division Times Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22C8&bowtie; Name: Bowtie Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22C9&ltimes; Name: Left Normal Factor Semidirect Product Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22CA&rtimes; Name: Right Normal Factor Semidirect Product Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22CB&leftthreetimes; Name: Left Semidirect Product Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22CC&rightthreetimes; Name: Right Semidirect Product Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22CD&bsime; Name: Reversed Tilde Equals Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22CE&cuvee; Name: Curly Logical Or Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22CF&curlywedge; Name: Curly Logical And Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22D0&Sub; Name: Double Subset Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22D1&Sup; Name: Double Superset Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22D2&Cap; Name: Double Intersection Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22D3&Cup; Name: Double Union Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22D4&fork; Name: Pitchfork Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22D5&epar; Name: Equal and Parallel To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22D6&ltdot; Name: Less-Than with Dot Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22D7&gtdot; Name: Greater-Than with Dot Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22D8&Ll; Name: Very Much Less-Than Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22D9&ggg; Name: Very Much Greater-Than Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22DA&LessEqualGreater; Name: Less-Than Equal to or Greater-Than Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22DB&GreaterEqualLess; Name: Greater-Than Equal to or Less-Than Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22DE&curlyeqprec; Name: Equal to or Precedes Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22DF&curlyeqsucc; Name: Equal to or Succeeds Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22E0&NotPrecedesSlantEqual; Name: Does Not Precede or Equal Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22E1&NotSucceedsSlantEqual; Name: Does Not Succeed or Equal Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22E2&NotSquareSubsetEqual; Name: Not Square Image of or Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22E3&NotSquareSupersetEqual; Name: Not Square Original of or Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22E6&lnsim; Name: Less-Than But Not Equivalent To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22E7&gnsim; Name: Greater-Than But Not Equivalent To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22E8&precnsim; Name: Precedes But Not Equivalent To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22E9&succnsim; Name: Succeeds But Not Equivalent To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22EA&ntriangleleft; Name: Not Normal Subgroup Of Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22EB&NotRightTriangle; Name: Does Not Contain as Normal Subgroup Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22EC&NotLeftTriangleEqual; Name: Not Normal Subgroup of or Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22ED&NotRightTriangleEqual; Name: Does Not Contain as Normal Subgroup or Equal Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22EE&vellip; Name: Vertical Ellipsis Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22EF&ctdot; Name: Midline Horizontal Ellipsis Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22F0&utdot; Name: Up Right Diagonal Ellipsis Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22F1&dtdot; Name: Down Right Diagonal Ellipsis Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22F2&disin; Name: Element of with Long Horizontal Stroke Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22F3&isinsv; Name: Element of with Vertical Bar at End of Horizontal Stroke Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22F4&isins; Name: Small Element of with Vertical Bar at End of Horizontal Stroke Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22F5&isindot; Name: Element of with Dot Above Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22F6&notinvc; Name: Element of with Overbar Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22F7&notinvb; Name: Small Element of with Overbar Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22F9&isinE; Name: Element of with Two Horizontal Strokes Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22FA&nisd; Name: Contains with Long Horizontal Stroke Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22FB&xnis; Name: Contains with Vertical Bar at End of Horizontal Stroke Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22FC&nis; Name: Small Contains with Vertical Bar at End of Horizontal Stroke Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22FD&notnivc; Name: Contains with Overbar Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+22FE&notnivb; Name: Small Contains with Overbar Category: Math Symbol Block: Mathematical Operators, U+2200 - U+22FF
U+2305&barwedge; Name: Projective Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+2306&doublebarwedge; Name: Perspective Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+2308&LeftCeiling; Name: Left Ceiling Category: Open Punctuation Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+2309&RightCeiling; Name: Right Ceiling Category: Close Punctuation Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+230A&LeftFloor; Name: Left Floor Category: Open Punctuation Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+230B&RightFloor; Name: Right Floor Category: Close Punctuation Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+230C&drcrop; Name: Bottom Right Crop Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+230D&dlcrop; Name: Bottom Left Crop Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+230E&urcrop; Name: Top Right Crop Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+230F&ulcrop; Name: Top Left Crop Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+2310&bnot; Name: Reversed Not Sign Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+2312&profline; Name: Arc Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+2313&profsurf; Name: Segment Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+2315&telrec; Name: Telephone Recorder Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+2316&target; Name: Position Indicator Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+231C&ulcorner; Name: Top Left Corner Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+231D&urcorner; Name: Top Right Corner Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+231E&llcorner; Name: Bottom Left Corner Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+231F&lrcorner; Name: Bottom Right Corner Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+2322&frown; Name: Frown Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+2323&smile; Name: Smile Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+232D&cylcty; Name: Cylindricity Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+232E&profalar; Name: All Around-Profile Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+2336&topbot; Name: APL Functional Symbol I-Beam Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+233D&ovbar; Name: APL Functional Symbol Circle Stile Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+233F&solbar; Name: APL Functional Symbol Slash Bar Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+237C&angzarr; Name: Right Angle with Downwards Zigzag Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+23B0&lmoustache; Name: Upper Left or Lower Right Curly Bracket Section Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+23B1&rmoustache; Name: Upper Right or Lower Left Curly Bracket Section Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+23B4&OverBracket; Name: Top Square Bracket Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+23B5&UnderBracket; Name: Bottom Square Bracket Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+23B6&bbrktbrk; Name: Bottom Square Bracket Over Top Square Bracket Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+23DC&OverParenthesis; Name: Top Parenthesis Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+23DD&UnderParenthesis; Name: Bottom Parenthesis Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+23DE&OverBrace; Name: Top Curly Bracket Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+23DF&UnderBrace; Name: Bottom Curly Bracket Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+23E2&trpezium; Name: White Trapezium Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+23E7&elinters; Name: Electrical Intersection Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Technical, U+2300 - U+23FF
U+2423&blank; Name: Open Box Category: Other Symbol Block: Control Pictures, U+2400 - U+243F
U+24C8&oS; Name: Circled Latin Capital Letter S Category: Other Symbol Block: Enclosed Alphanumerics, U+2460 - U+24FF
U+2500&HorizontalLine; Name: Box Drawings Light Horizontal Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+2502&boxv; Name: Box Drawings Light Vertical Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+250C&boxdr; Name: Box Drawings Light Down and Right Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+2510&boxdl; Name: Box Drawings Light Down and Left Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+2514&boxur; Name: Box Drawings Light Up and Right Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+2518&boxul; Name: Box Drawings Light Up and Left Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+251C&boxvr; Name: Box Drawings Light Vertical and Right Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+2524&boxvl; Name: Box Drawings Light Vertical and Left Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+252C&boxhd; Name: Box Drawings Light Down and Horizontal Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+2534&boxhu; Name: Box Drawings Light Up and Horizontal Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+253C&boxvh; Name: Box Drawings Light Vertical and Horizontal Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+2550&boxH; Name: Box Drawings Double Horizontal Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+2551&boxV; Name: Box Drawings Double Vertical Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+2552&boxdR; Name: Box Drawings Down Single and Right Double Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+2553&boxDr; Name: Box Drawings Down Double and Right Single Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+2554&boxDR; Name: Box Drawings Double Down and Right Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+2555&boxdL; Name: Box Drawings Down Single and Left Double Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+2556&boxDl; Name: Box Drawings Down Double and Left Single Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+2557&boxDL; Name: Box Drawings Double Down and Left Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+2558&boxuR; Name: Box Drawings Up Single and Right Double Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+2559&boxUr; Name: Box Drawings Up Double and Right Single Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+255A&boxUR; Name: Box Drawings Double Up and Right Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+255B&boxuL; Name: Box Drawings Up Single and Left Double Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+255C&boxUl; Name: Box Drawings Up Double and Left Single Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+255D&boxUL; Name: Box Drawings Double Up and Left Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+255E&boxvR; Name: Box Drawings Vertical Single and Right Double Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+255F&boxVr; Name: Box Drawings Vertical Double and Right Single Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+2560&boxVR; Name: Box Drawings Double Vertical and Right Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+2561&boxvL; Name: Box Drawings Vertical Single and Left Double Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+2562&boxVl; Name: Box Drawings Vertical Double and Left Single Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+2563&boxVL; Name: Box Drawings Double Vertical and Left Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+2564&boxHd; Name: Box Drawings Down Single and Horizontal Double Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+2565&boxhD; Name: Box Drawings Down Double and Horizontal Single Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+2566&boxHD; Name: Box Drawings Double Down and Horizontal Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+2567&boxHu; Name: Box Drawings Up Single and Horizontal Double Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+2568&boxhU; Name: Box Drawings Up Double and Horizontal Single Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+2569&boxHU; Name: Box Drawings Double Up and Horizontal Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+256A&boxvH; Name: Box Drawings Vertical Single and Horizontal Double Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+256B&boxVh; Name: Box Drawings Vertical Double and Horizontal Single Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+256C&boxVH; Name: Box Drawings Double Vertical and Horizontal Category: Other Symbol Block: Box Drawing, U+2500 - U+257F
U+2580&uhblk; Name: Upper Half Block Category: Other Symbol Block: Block Elements, U+2580 - U+259F
U+2584&lhblk; Name: Lower Half Block Category: Other Symbol Block: Block Elements, U+2580 - U+259F
U+2588&block; Name: Full Block Category: Other Symbol Block: Block Elements, U+2580 - U+259F
U+2591&blk14; Name: Light Shade Category: Other Symbol Block: Block Elements, U+2580 - U+259F
U+2592&blk12; Name: Medium Shade Category: Other Symbol Block: Block Elements, U+2580 - U+259F
U+2593&blk34; Name: Dark Shade Category: Other Symbol Block: Block Elements, U+2580 - U+259F
U+25A1&squ; Name: White Square Category: Other Symbol Block: Geometric Shapes, U+25A0 - U+25FF
U+25AA&FilledVerySmallSquare; Name: Black Small Square Category: Other Symbol Block: Geometric Shapes, U+25A0 - U+25FF
U+25AB&EmptyVerySmallSquare; Name: White Small Square Category: Other Symbol Block: Geometric Shapes, U+25A0 - U+25FF
U+25AD&rect; Name: White Rectangle Category: Other Symbol Block: Geometric Shapes, U+25A0 - U+25FF
U+25AE&marker; Name: Black Vertical Rectangle Category: Other Symbol Block: Geometric Shapes, U+25A0 - U+25FF
U+25B1&fltns; Name: White Parallelogram Category: Other Symbol Block: Geometric Shapes, U+25A0 - U+25FF
U+25B3&bigtriangleup; Name: White Up-Pointing Triangle Category: Other Symbol Block: Geometric Shapes, U+25A0 - U+25FF
U+25B4&blacktriangle; Name: Black Up-Pointing Small Triangle Category: Other Symbol Block: Geometric Shapes, U+25A0 - U+25FF
U+25B5&utri; Name: White Up-Pointing Small Triangle Category: Other Symbol Block: Geometric Shapes, U+25A0 - U+25FF
U+25B8&blacktriangleright; Name: Black Right-Pointing Small Triangle Category: Other Symbol Block: Geometric Shapes, U+25A0 - U+25FF
U+25B9&triangleright; Name: White Right-Pointing Small Triangle Category: Other Symbol Block: Geometric Shapes, U+25A0 - U+25FF
U+25BD&bigtriangledown; Name: White Down-Pointing Triangle Category: Other Symbol Block: Geometric Shapes, U+25A0 - U+25FF
U+25BE&blacktriangledown; Name: Black Down-Pointing Small Triangle Category: Other Symbol Block: Geometric Shapes, U+25A0 - U+25FF
U+25BF&triangledown; Name: White Down-Pointing Small Triangle Category: Other Symbol Block: Geometric Shapes, U+25A0 - U+25FF
U+25C2&blacktriangleleft; Name: Black Left-Pointing Small Triangle Category: Other Symbol Block: Geometric Shapes, U+25A0 - U+25FF
U+25C3&triangleleft; Name: White Left-Pointing Small Triangle Category: Other Symbol Block: Geometric Shapes, U+25A0 - U+25FF
U+25CA&loz; Name: Lozenge Category: Other Symbol Block: Geometric Shapes, U+25A0 - U+25FF
U+25CB&cir; Name: White Circle Category: Other Symbol Block: Geometric Shapes, U+25A0 - U+25FF
U+25EC&tridot; Name: White Up-Pointing Triangle with Dot Category: Other Symbol Block: Geometric Shapes, U+25A0 - U+25FF
U+25EF&xcirc; Name: Large Circle Category: Other Symbol Block: Geometric Shapes, U+25A0 - U+25FF
U+25F8&ultri; Name: Upper Left Triangle Category: Math Symbol Block: Geometric Shapes, U+25A0 - U+25FF
U+25F9&urtri; Name: Upper Right Triangle Category: Math Symbol Block: Geometric Shapes, U+25A0 - U+25FF
U+25FA&lltri; Name: Lower Left Triangle Category: Math Symbol Block: Geometric Shapes, U+25A0 - U+25FF
U+25FB&EmptySmallSquare; Name: White Medium Square Category: Math Symbol Block: Geometric Shapes, U+25A0 - U+25FF
U+25FC&FilledSmallSquare; Name: Black Medium Square Category: Math Symbol Block: Geometric Shapes, U+25A0 - U+25FF
U+2605&starf; Name: Black Star Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Symbols, U+2600 - U+26FF
U+2606&star; Name: White Star Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Symbols, U+2600 - U+26FF
U+260E&phone; Name: Black Telephone Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Symbols, U+2600 - U+26FF
U+2640&female; Name: Female Sign Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Symbols, U+2600 - U+26FF
U+2642&male; Name: Male Sign Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Symbols, U+2600 - U+26FF
U+2660&spadesuit; Name: Black Spade Suit Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Symbols, U+2600 - U+26FF
U+2663&clubs; Name: Black Club Suit Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Symbols, U+2600 - U+26FF
U+2665&heartsuit; Name: Black Heart Suit Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Symbols, U+2600 - U+26FF
U+2666&diamondsuit; Name: Black Diamond Suit Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Symbols, U+2600 - U+26FF
U+266A&sung; Name: Eighth Note Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Symbols, U+2600 - U+26FF
U+266D&flat; Name: Music Flat Sign Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Symbols, U+2600 - U+26FF
U+266E&natur; Name: Music Natural Sign Category: Other Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Symbols, U+2600 - U+26FF
U+266F&sharp; Name: Music Sharp Sign Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Symbols, U+2600 - U+26FF
U+2713&check; Name: Check Mark Category: Other Symbol Block: Dingbats, U+2700 - U+27BF
U+2717&cross; Name: Ballot X Category: Other Symbol Block: Dingbats, U+2700 - U+27BF
U+2720&malt; Name: Maltese Cross Category: Other Symbol Block: Dingbats, U+2700 - U+27BF
U+2736&sext; Name: Six Pointed Black Star Category: Other Symbol Block: Dingbats, U+2700 - U+27BF
U+2758&VerticalSeparator; Name: Light Vertical Bar Category: Other Symbol Block: Dingbats, U+2700 - U+27BF
U+2772&lbbrk; Name: Light Left Tortoise Shell Bracket Ornament Category: Open Punctuation Block: Dingbats, U+2700 - U+27BF
U+2773&rbbrk; Name: Light Right Tortoise Shell Bracket Ornament Category: Close Punctuation Block: Dingbats, U+2700 - U+27BF
U+27C8&bsolhsub; Name: Reverse Solidus Preceding Subset Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A, U+27C0 - U+27EF
U+27C9&suphsol; Name: Superset Preceding Solidus Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A, U+27C0 - U+27EF
U+27E6&LeftDoubleBracket; Name: Mathematical Left White Square Bracket Category: Open Punctuation Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A, U+27C0 - U+27EF
U+27E7&RightDoubleBracket; Name: Mathematical Right White Square Bracket Category: Close Punctuation Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A, U+27C0 - U+27EF
U+27E8&LeftAngleBracket; Name: Mathematical Left Angle Bracket Category: Open Punctuation Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A, U+27C0 - U+27EF
U+27E9&RightAngleBracket; Name: Mathematical Right Angle Bracket Category: Close Punctuation Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A, U+27C0 - U+27EF
U+27EA&Lang; Name: Mathematical Left Double Angle Bracket Category: Open Punctuation Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A, U+27C0 - U+27EF
U+27EB&Rang; Name: Mathematical Right Double Angle Bracket Category: Close Punctuation Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A, U+27C0 - U+27EF
U+27EC&loang; Name: Mathematical Left White Tortoise Shell Bracket Category: Open Punctuation Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A, U+27C0 - U+27EF
U+27ED&roang; Name: Mathematical Right White Tortoise Shell Bracket Category: Close Punctuation Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-A, U+27C0 - U+27EF
U+27F5&longleftarrow; Name: Long Leftwards Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-A, U+27F0 - U+27FF
U+27F6&LongRightArrow; Name: Long Rightwards Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-A, U+27F0 - U+27FF
U+27F7&longleftrightarrow; Name: Long Left Right Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-A, U+27F0 - U+27FF
U+27F8&DoubleLongLeftArrow; Name: Long Leftwards Double Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-A, U+27F0 - U+27FF
U+27F9&DoubleLongRightArrow; Name: Long Rightwards Double Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-A, U+27F0 - U+27FF
U+27FA&Longleftrightarrow; Name: Long Left Right Double Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-A, U+27F0 - U+27FF
U+27FC&longmapsto; Name: Long Rightwards Arrow from Bar Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-A, U+27F0 - U+27FF
U+27FF&dzigrarr; Name: Long Rightwards Squiggle Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-A, U+27F0 - U+27FF
U+2902&nvlArr; Name: Leftwards Double Arrow with Vertical Stroke Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2903&nvrArr; Name: Rightwards Double Arrow with Vertical Stroke Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2904&nvHarr; Name: Left Right Double Arrow with Vertical Stroke Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2905&Map; Name: Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow from Bar Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+290C&lbarr; Name: Leftwards Double Dash Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+290D&rbarr; Name: Rightwards Double Dash Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+290E&lBarr; Name: Leftwards Triple Dash Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+290F&rBarr; Name: Rightwards Triple Dash Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2910&RBarr; Name: Rightwards Two-Headed Triple Dash Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2911&DDotrahd; Name: Rightwards Arrow with Dotted Stem Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2912&UpArrowBar; Name: Upwards Arrow to Bar Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2913&DownArrowBar; Name: Downwards Arrow to Bar Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2916&Rarrtl; Name: Rightwards Two-Headed Arrow with Tail Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2919&latail; Name: Leftwards Arrow-Tail Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+291A&ratail; Name: Rightwards Arrow-Tail Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+291B&lAtail; Name: Leftwards Double Arrow-Tail Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+291C&rAtail; Name: Rightwards Double Arrow-Tail Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+291D&larrfs; Name: Leftwards Arrow to Black Diamond Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+291E&rarrfs; Name: Rightwards Arrow to Black Diamond Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+291F&larrbfs; Name: Leftwards Arrow from Bar to Black Diamond Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2920&rarrbfs; Name: Rightwards Arrow from Bar to Black Diamond Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2923&nwarhk; Name: North West Arrow with Hook Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2924&nearhk; Name: North East Arrow with Hook Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2925&hksearow; Name: South East Arrow with Hook Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2926&hkswarow; Name: South West Arrow with Hook Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2927&nwnear; Name: North West Arrow and North East Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2928&toea; Name: North East Arrow and South East Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2929&tosa; Name: South East Arrow and South West Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+292A&swnwar; Name: South West Arrow and North West Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2933&rarrc; Name: Wave Arrow Pointing Directly Right Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2935&cudarrr; Name: Arrow Pointing Rightwards Then Curving Downwards Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2936&ldca; Name: Arrow Pointing Downwards Then Curving Leftwards Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2937&rdca; Name: Arrow Pointing Downwards Then Curving Rightwards Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2938&cudarrl; Name: Right-Side Arc Clockwise Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2939&larrpl; Name: Left-Side Arc Anticlockwise Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+293C&curarrm; Name: Top Arc Clockwise Arrow with Minus Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+293D&cularrp; Name: Top Arc Anticlockwise Arrow with Plus Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2945&rarrpl; Name: Rightwards Arrow with Plus Below Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2948&harrcir; Name: Left Right Arrow Through Small Circle Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2949&Uarrocir; Name: Upwards Two-Headed Arrow from Small Circle Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+294A&lurdshar; Name: Left Barb Up Right Barb Down Harpoon Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+294B&ldrushar; Name: Left Barb Down Right Barb Up Harpoon Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+294E&LeftRightVector; Name: Left Barb Up Right Barb Up Harpoon Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+294F&RightUpDownVector; Name: Up Barb Right Down Barb Right Harpoon Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2950&DownLeftRightVector; Name: Left Barb Down Right Barb Down Harpoon Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2951&LeftUpDownVector; Name: Up Barb Left Down Barb Left Harpoon Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2952&LeftVectorBar; Name: Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Up to Bar Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2953&RightVectorBar; Name: Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Up to Bar Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2954&RightUpVectorBar; Name: Upwards Harpoon with Barb Right to Bar Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2955&RightDownVectorBar; Name: Downwards Harpoon with Barb Right to Bar Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2956&DownLeftVectorBar; Name: Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Down to Bar Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2957&DownRightVectorBar; Name: Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Down to Bar Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2958&LeftUpVectorBar; Name: Upwards Harpoon with Barb Left to Bar Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2959&LeftDownVectorBar; Name: Downwards Harpoon with Barb Left to Bar Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+295A&LeftTeeVector; Name: Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Up from Bar Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+295B&RightTeeVector; Name: Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Up from Bar Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+295C&RightUpTeeVector; Name: Upwards Harpoon with Barb Right from Bar Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+295D&RightDownTeeVector; Name: Downwards Harpoon with Barb Right from Bar Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+295E&DownLeftTeeVector; Name: Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Down from Bar Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+295F&DownRightTeeVector; Name: Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Down from Bar Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2960&LeftUpTeeVector; Name: Upwards Harpoon with Barb Left from Bar Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2961&LeftDownTeeVector; Name: Downwards Harpoon with Barb Left from Bar Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2962&lHar; Name: Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Up Above Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Down Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2963&uHar; Name: Upwards Harpoon with Barb Left Beside Upwards Harpoon with Barb Right Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2964&rHar; Name: Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Up Above Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Down Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2965&dHar; Name: Downwards Harpoon with Barb Left Beside Downwards Harpoon with Barb Right Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2966&luruhar; Name: Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Up Above Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Up Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2967&ldrdhar; Name: Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Down Above Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Down Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2968&ruluhar; Name: Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Up Above Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Up Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2969&rdldhar; Name: Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Down Above Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Down Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+296A&lharul; Name: Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Up Above Long Dash Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+296B&llhard; Name: Leftwards Harpoon with Barb Down Below Long Dash Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+296C&rharul; Name: Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Up Above Long Dash Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+296D&lrhard; Name: Rightwards Harpoon with Barb Down Below Long Dash Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+296E&UpEquilibrium; Name: Upwards Harpoon with Barb Left Beside Downwards Harpoon with Barb Right Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+296F&ReverseUpEquilibrium; Name: Downwards Harpoon with Barb Left Beside Upwards Harpoon with Barb Right Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2970&RoundImplies; Name: Right Double Arrow with Rounded Head Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2971&erarr; Name: Equals Sign Above Rightwards Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2972&simrarr; Name: Tilde Operator Above Rightwards Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2973&larrsim; Name: Leftwards Arrow Above Tilde Operator Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2974&rarrsim; Name: Rightwards Arrow Above Tilde Operator Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2975&rarrap; Name: Rightwards Arrow Above Almost Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2976&ltlarr; Name: Less-Than Above Leftwards Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2978&gtrarr; Name: Greater-Than Above Rightwards Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2979&subrarr; Name: Subset Above Rightwards Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+297B&suplarr; Name: Superset Above Leftwards Arrow Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+297C&lfisht; Name: Left Fish Tail Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+297D&rfisht; Name: Right Fish Tail Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+297E&ufisht; Name: Up Fish Tail Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+297F⥿&dfisht; Name: Down Fish Tail Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Arrows-B, U+2900 - U+297F
U+2985&lopar; Name: Left White Parenthesis Category: Open Punctuation Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+2986&ropar; Name: Right White Parenthesis Category: Close Punctuation Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+298B&lbrke; Name: Left Square Bracket with Underbar Category: Open Punctuation Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+298C&rbrke; Name: Right Square Bracket with Underbar Category: Close Punctuation Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+298D&lbrkslu; Name: Left Square Bracket with Tick In Top Corner Category: Open Punctuation Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+298E&rbrksld; Name: Right Square Bracket with Tick In Bottom Corner Category: Close Punctuation Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+298F&lbrksld; Name: Left Square Bracket with Tick In Bottom Corner Category: Open Punctuation Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+2990&rbrkslu; Name: Right Square Bracket with Tick In Top Corner Category: Close Punctuation Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+2991&langd; Name: Left Angle Bracket with Dot Category: Open Punctuation Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+2992&rangd; Name: Right Angle Bracket with Dot Category: Close Punctuation Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+2993&lparlt; Name: Left Arc Less-Than Bracket Category: Open Punctuation Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+2994&rpargt; Name: Right Arc Greater-Than Bracket Category: Close Punctuation Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+2995&gtlPar; Name: Double Left Arc Greater-Than Bracket Category: Open Punctuation Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+2996&ltrPar; Name: Double Right Arc Less-Than Bracket Category: Close Punctuation Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+299A&vzigzag; Name: Vertical Zigzag Line Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+299C&vangrt; Name: Right Angle Variant with Square Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+299D&angrtvbd; Name: Measured Right Angle with Dot Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29A4&ange; Name: Angle with Underbar Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29A5&range; Name: Reversed Angle with Underbar Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29A6&dwangle; Name: Oblique Angle Opening Up Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29A7&uwangle; Name: Oblique Angle Opening Down Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29A8&angmsdaa; Name: Measured Angle with Open Arm Ending In Arrow Pointing Up and Right Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29A9&angmsdab; Name: Measured Angle with Open Arm Ending In Arrow Pointing Up and Left Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29AA&angmsdac; Name: Measured Angle with Open Arm Ending In Arrow Pointing Down and Right Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29AB&angmsdad; Name: Measured Angle with Open Arm Ending In Arrow Pointing Down and Left Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29AC&angmsdae; Name: Measured Angle with Open Arm Ending In Arrow Pointing Right and Up Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29AD&angmsdaf; Name: Measured Angle with Open Arm Ending In Arrow Pointing Left and Up Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29AE&angmsdag; Name: Measured Angle with Open Arm Ending In Arrow Pointing Right and Down Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29AF&angmsdah; Name: Measured Angle with Open Arm Ending In Arrow Pointing Left and Down Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29B0&bemptyv; Name: Reversed Empty Set Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29B1&demptyv; Name: Empty Set with Overbar Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29B2&cemptyv; Name: Empty Set with Small Circle Above Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29B3&raemptyv; Name: Empty Set with Right Arrow Above Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29B4&laemptyv; Name: Empty Set with Left Arrow Above Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29B5&ohbar; Name: Circle with Horizontal Bar Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29B6&omid; Name: Circled Vertical Bar Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29B7&opar; Name: Circled Parallel Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29B9&operp; Name: Circled Perpendicular Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29BB&olcross; Name: Circle with Superimposed X Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29BC&odsold; Name: Circled Anticlockwise-Rotated Division Sign Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29BE&olcir; Name: Circled White Bullet Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29BF⦿&ofcir; Name: Circled Bullet Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29C0&olt; Name: Circled Less-Than Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29C1&ogt; Name: Circled Greater-Than Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29C2&cirscir; Name: Circle with Small Circle to the Right Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29C3&cirE; Name: Circle with Two Horizontal Strokes to the Right Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29C4&solb; Name: Squared Rising Diagonal Slash Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29C5&bsolb; Name: Squared Falling Diagonal Slash Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29C9&boxbox; Name: Two Joined Squares Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29CD&trisb; Name: Triangle with Serifs at Bottom Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29CE&rtriltri; Name: Right Triangle Above Left Triangle Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29CF&LeftTriangleBar; Name: Left Triangle Beside Vertical Bar Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29D0&RightTriangleBar; Name: Vertical Bar Beside Right Triangle Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29DC&iinfin; Name: Incomplete Infinity Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29DD&infintie; Name: Tie Over Infinity Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29DE&nvinfin; Name: Infinity Negated with Vertical Bar Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29E3&eparsl; Name: Equals Sign and Slanted Parallel Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29E4&smeparsl; Name: Equals Sign and Slanted Parallel with Tilde Above Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29E5&eqvparsl; Name: Identical to and Slanted Parallel Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29EB&blacklozenge; Name: Black Lozenge Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29F4&RuleDelayed; Name: Rule-Delayed Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+29F6&dsol; Name: Solidus with Overbar Category: Math Symbol Block: Miscellaneous Mathematical Symbols-B, U+2980 - U+29FF
U+2A00&xodot; Name: N-Ary Circled Dot Operator Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A01&bigoplus; Name: N-Ary Circled Plus Operator Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A02&bigotimes; Name: N-Ary Circled Times Operator Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A04&biguplus; Name: N-Ary Union Operator with Plus Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A06&bigsqcup; Name: N-Ary Square Union Operator Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A0C&qint; Name: Quadruple Integral Operator Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A0D&fpartint; Name: Finite Part Integral Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A10&cirfnint; Name: Circulation Function Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A11&awint; Name: Anticlockwise Integration Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A12&rppolint; Name: Line Integration with Rectangular Path Around Pole Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A13&scpolint; Name: Line Integration with Semicircular Path Around Pole Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A14&npolint; Name: Line Integration Not Including the Pole Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A15&pointint; Name: Integral Around A Point Operator Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A16&quatint; Name: Quaternion Integral Operator Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A17&intlarhk; Name: Integral with Leftwards Arrow with Hook Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A22&pluscir; Name: Plus Sign with Small Circle Above Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A23&plusacir; Name: Plus Sign with Circumflex Accent Above Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A24&simplus; Name: Plus Sign with Tilde Above Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A25&plusdu; Name: Plus Sign with Dot Below Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A26&plussim; Name: Plus Sign with Tilde Below Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A27&plustwo; Name: Plus Sign with Subscript Two Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A29&mcomma; Name: Minus Sign with Comma Above Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A2A&minusdu; Name: Minus Sign with Dot Below Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A2D&loplus; Name: Plus Sign In Left Half Circle Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A2E&roplus; Name: Plus Sign In Right Half Circle Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A2F&Cross; Name: Vector or Cross Product Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A30&timesd; Name: Multiplication Sign with Dot Above Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A31&timesbar; Name: Multiplication Sign with Underbar Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A33&smashp; Name: Smash Product Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A34&lotimes; Name: Multiplication Sign In Left Half Circle Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A35&rotimes; Name: Multiplication Sign In Right Half Circle Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A36&otimesas; Name: Circled Multiplication Sign with Circumflex Accent Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A37&Otimes; Name: Multiplication Sign In Double Circle Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A38&odiv; Name: Circled Division Sign Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A39&triplus; Name: Plus Sign In Triangle Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A3A&triminus; Name: Minus Sign In Triangle Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A3B&tritime; Name: Multiplication Sign In Triangle Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A3C&iprod; Name: Interior Product Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A3F⨿&amalg; Name: Amalgamation or Coproduct Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A40&capdot; Name: Intersection with Dot Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A42&ncup; Name: Union with Overbar Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A43&ncap; Name: Intersection with Overbar Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A44&capand; Name: Intersection with Logical And Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A45&cupor; Name: Union with Logical Or Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A46&cupcap; Name: Union Above Intersection Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A47&capcup; Name: Intersection Above Union Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A48&cupbrcap; Name: Union Above Bar Above Intersection Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A49&capbrcup; Name: Intersection Above Bar Above Union Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A4A&cupcup; Name: Union Beside and Joined with Union Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A4B&capcap; Name: Intersection Beside and Joined with Intersection Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A4C&ccups; Name: Closed Union with Serifs Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A4D&ccaps; Name: Closed Intersection with Serifs Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A50&ccupssm; Name: Closed Union with Serifs and Smash Product Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A53&And; Name: Double Logical And Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A54&Or; Name: Double Logical Or Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A55&andand; Name: Two Intersecting Logical And Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A56&oror; Name: Two Intersecting Logical Or Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A57&orslope; Name: Sloping Large Or Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A58&andslope; Name: Sloping Large And Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A5A&andv; Name: Logical and with Middle Stem Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A5B&orv; Name: Logical or with Middle Stem Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A5C&andd; Name: Logical and with Horizontal Dash Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A5D&ord; Name: Logical or with Horizontal Dash Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A5F&wedbar; Name: Logical and with Underbar Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A66&sdote; Name: Equals Sign with Dot Below Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A6A&simdot; Name: Tilde Operator with Dot Above Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A6D&congdot; Name: Congruent with Dot Above Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A6E&easter; Name: Equals with Asterisk Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A6F&apacir; Name: Almost Equal to with Circumflex Accent Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A70&apE; Name: Approximately Equal or Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A71&eplus; Name: Equals Sign Above Plus Sign Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A72&pluse; Name: Plus Sign Above Equals Sign Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A73&Esim; Name: Equals Sign Above Tilde Operator Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A74&Colone; Name: Double Colon Equal Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A75&Equal; Name: Two Consecutive Equals Signs Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A77&eDDot; Name: Equals Sign with Two Dots Above and Two Dots Below Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A78&equivDD; Name: Equivalent with Four Dots Above Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A79&ltcir; Name: Less-Than with Circle Inside Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A7A&gtcir; Name: Greater-Than with Circle Inside Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A7B&ltquest; Name: Less-Than with Question Mark Above Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A7C&gtquest; Name: Greater-Than with Question Mark Above Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A7D&LessSlantEqual; Name: Less-Than or Slanted Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A7E&GreaterSlantEqual; Name: Greater-Than or Slanted Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A7F⩿&lesdot; Name: Less-Than or Slanted Equal to with Dot Inside Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A80&gesdot; Name: Greater-Than or Slanted Equal to with Dot Inside Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A81&lesdoto; Name: Less-Than or Slanted Equal to with Dot Above Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A82&gesdoto; Name: Greater-Than or Slanted Equal to with Dot Above Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A83&lesdotor; Name: Less-Than or Slanted Equal to with Dot Above Right Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A84&gesdotol; Name: Greater-Than or Slanted Equal to with Dot Above Left Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A85&lessapprox; Name: Less-Than or Approximate Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A86&gap; Name: Greater-Than or Approximate Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A87&lneq; Name: Less-Than and Single-Line Not Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A88&gneq; Name: Greater-Than and Single-Line Not Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A89&lnap; Name: Less-Than and Not Approximate Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A8A&gnap; Name: Greater-Than and Not Approximate Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A8B&lesseqqgtr; Name: Less-Than Above Double-Line Equal Above Greater-Than Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A8C&gtreqqless; Name: Greater-Than Above Double-Line Equal Above Less-Than Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A8D&lsime; Name: Less-Than Above Similar or Equal Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A8E&gsime; Name: Greater-Than Above Similar or Equal Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A8F&lsimg; Name: Less-Than Above Similar Above Greater-Than Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A90&gsiml; Name: Greater-Than Above Similar Above Less-Than Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A91&lgE; Name: Less-Than Above Greater-Than Above Double-Line Equal Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A92&glE; Name: Greater-Than Above Less-Than Above Double-Line Equal Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A93&lesges; Name: Less-Than Above Slanted Equal Above Greater-Than Above Slanted Equal Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A94&gesles; Name: Greater-Than Above Slanted Equal Above Less-Than Above Slanted Equal Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A95&eqslantless; Name: Slanted Equal to or Less-Than Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A96&eqslantgtr; Name: Slanted Equal to or Greater-Than Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A97&elsdot; Name: Slanted Equal to or Less-Than with Dot Inside Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A98&egsdot; Name: Slanted Equal to or Greater-Than with Dot Inside Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A99&el; Name: Double-Line Equal to or Less-Than Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A9A&eg; Name: Double-Line Equal to or Greater-Than Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A9D&siml; Name: Similar or Less-Than Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A9E&simg; Name: Similar or Greater-Than Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2A9F&simlE; Name: Similar Above Less-Than Above Equals Sign Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AA0&simgE; Name: Similar Above Greater-Than Above Equals Sign Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AA1&LessLess; Name: Double Nested Less-Than Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AA2&GreaterGreater; Name: Double Nested Greater-Than Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AA4&glj; Name: Greater-Than Overlapping Less-Than Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AA5&gla; Name: Greater-Than Beside Less-Than Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AA6&ltcc; Name: Less-Than Closed By Curve Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AA7&gtcc; Name: Greater-Than Closed By Curve Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AA8&lescc; Name: Less-Than Closed By Curve Above Slanted Equal Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AA9&gescc; Name: Greater-Than Closed By Curve Above Slanted Equal Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AAA&smt; Name: Smaller Than Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AAB&lat; Name: Larger Than Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AAC&smte; Name: Smaller Than or Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AAD&late; Name: Larger Than or Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AAE&bumpE; Name: Equals Sign with Bumpy Above Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AAF&PrecedesEqual; Name: Precedes Above Single-Line Equals Sign Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AB0&SucceedsEqual; Name: Succeeds Above Single-Line Equals Sign Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AB3&prE; Name: Precedes Above Equals Sign Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AB4&scE; Name: Succeeds Above Equals Sign Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AB5&prnE; Name: Precedes Above Not Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AB6&scnE; Name: Succeeds Above Not Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AB7&precapprox; Name: Precedes Above Almost Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AB8&succapprox; Name: Succeeds Above Almost Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AB9&precnapprox; Name: Precedes Above Not Almost Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2ABA&succnapprox; Name: Succeeds Above Not Almost Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2ABB&Pr; Name: Double Precedes Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2ABC&Sc; Name: Double Succeeds Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2ABD&subdot; Name: Subset with Dot Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2ABE&supdot; Name: Superset with Dot Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2ABF⪿&subplus; Name: Subset with Plus Sign Below Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AC0&supplus; Name: Superset with Plus Sign Below Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AC1&submult; Name: Subset with Multiplication Sign Below Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AC2&supmult; Name: Superset with Multiplication Sign Below Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AC3&subedot; Name: Subset of or Equal to with Dot Above Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AC4&supedot; Name: Superset of or Equal to with Dot Above Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AC5&subE; Name: Subset of Above Equals Sign Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AC6&supE; Name: Superset of Above Equals Sign Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AC7&subsim; Name: Subset of Above Tilde Operator Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AC8&supsim; Name: Superset of Above Tilde Operator Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2ACB&subsetneqq; Name: Subset of Above Not Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2ACC&supsetneqq; Name: Superset of Above Not Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2ACF&csub; Name: Closed Subset Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AD0&csup; Name: Closed Superset Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AD1&csube; Name: Closed Subset or Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AD2&csupe; Name: Closed Superset or Equal To Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AD3&subsup; Name: Subset Above Superset Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AD4&supsub; Name: Superset Above Subset Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AD5&subsub; Name: Subset Above Subset Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AD6&supsup; Name: Superset Above Superset Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AD7&suphsub; Name: Superset Beside Subset Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AD8&supdsub; Name: Superset Beside and Joined By Dash with Subset Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AD9&forkv; Name: Element of Opening Downwards Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2ADA&topfork; Name: Pitchfork with Tee Top Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2ADB&mlcp; Name: Transversal Intersection Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AE4&DoubleLeftTee; Name: Vertical Bar Double Left Turnstile Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AE6&Vdashl; Name: Long Dash from Left Member of Double Vertical Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AE7&Barv; Name: Short Down Tack with Overbar Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AE8&vBar; Name: Short Up Tack with Underbar Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AE9&vBarv; Name: Short Up Tack Above Short Down Tack Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AEB&Vbar; Name: Double Up Tack Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AEC&Not; Name: Double Stroke Not Sign Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AED&bNot; Name: Reversed Double Stroke Not Sign Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AEE&rnmid; Name: Does Not Divide with Reversed Negation Slash Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AEF&cirmid; Name: Vertical Line with Circle Above Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AF0&midcir; Name: Vertical Line with Circle Below Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AF1&topcir; Name: Down Tack with Circle Below Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AF2&nhpar; Name: Parallel with Horizontal Stroke Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AF3&parsim; Name: Parallel with Tilde Operator Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+2AFD&parsl; Name: Double Solidus Operator Category: Math Symbol Block: Supplemental Mathematical Operators, U+2A00 - U+2AFF
U+FB00&fflig; Name: Latin Small Ligature Ff Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Alphabetic Presentation Forms, U+FB00 - U+FB4F
U+FB01&filig; Name: Latin Small Ligature Fi Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Alphabetic Presentation Forms, U+FB00 - U+FB4F
U+FB02&fllig; Name: Latin Small Ligature Fl Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Alphabetic Presentation Forms, U+FB00 - U+FB4F
U+FB03&ffilig; Name: Latin Small Ligature Ffi Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Alphabetic Presentation Forms, U+FB00 - U+FB4F
U+FB04&ffllig; Name: Latin Small Ligature Ffl Category: Lowercase Letter Block: Alphabetic Presentation Forms, U+FB00 - U+FB4F