Class RunBuild

  • public class RunBuild
    extends java.lang.Object
    Executes a Build. Will run all stages that were requested according to the BuilderRecord instance that was passed to this class.

     public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception
         Config config = new Config();
         // Perform as many assignments to the Configuration-Fields as is necessary!
         // Below are just a few lines that are used to build the Java-HTML JAR.
         // The configurations below are just a smaller-subset of all possibilities.
         config.LOCAL_JAVADOC_DIR        = "javadoc/";
         config.PROJECT_NAME             = "ProjectNumeroUno";
         config.VERSION_MAJOR_NUMBER     = 1;
         config.VERSION_MINOR_NUMBER     = 3;
         // Merge the Configurations from your "Config" class, with those provided by the final
         // End-User at the Command-Line (CLI), via the 'argv' parameter.
         BuilderRecord rec = config.createBuilder(argv);
         // Runs the Build.;
    See Also:
    BuilderRecord, Config

    Stateless Class:
    This class neither contains any program-state, nor can it be instantiated. The @StaticFunctional Annotation may also be called 'The Spaghetti Report'. Static-Functional classes are, essentially, C-Styled Files, without any constructors or non-static member fields. It is a concept very similar to the Java-Bean's @Stateless Annotation.

    • 1 Constructor(s), 1 declared private, zero-argument constructor
    • 1 Method(s), 1 declared static
    • 0 Field(s)

    • Method Summary

      Start a Build. Configured by: Config. Selected by: String[] argv
      Modifier and Type Method
      static void run​(BuilderRecord brec)
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • run

          🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static void run​(BuilderRecord brec)
        Runs the build. Accepts ana instance of BuilderRecord in order to utilize the configurations needed to actually do a build.
        brec - Requires the instance of BuilderRecord that was generated by class Config method Config.createBuilder(String[]).
        Throws: - There are many, many wonderful opportunities for this exception to throw
        Exact Method Body:
         // Timers.start[0] is how the "Total Timer Count" is computed.  So 'touch it', and things
         // can start counting right from here.
         if (brec.cli.compositeStep_RunStage1to4_OptionSelected)
         else if (brec.cli.sor.MENU_CHOICE.startsWith("cb"))
             if (brec.cli.sma_NoBrowserCache_OptionSelected) S08_SetMaxAge.set(brec);
         else if (brec.cli.sor.MENU_CHOICE.startsWith("pb"))
             if (brec.cli.partialWithSync_OptionSelected)
                 if (brec.cli.sor.userProvidedNickNames.size() > 0)  S05_SyncJavaDoc.syncPart(brec);
                 else                                                S05_SyncJavaDoc.sync(brec);
             if (brec.cli.sma_NoBrowserCache_OptionSelected) S08_SetMaxAge.set(brec);
         else switch (brec.cli.sor.MENU_CHOICE)
             case "1"    :   S01_JavaCompiler.compile(brec); break;
             case "2"    :   S02_JavaDoc.javaDoc(brec);      break;
             case "3"    :   S03_Upgrade.upgrade(brec);      break;
             case "4"    :   S04_TarJar.compress(brec);      break;
             case "5"    :   S05_SyncJavaDoc.sync(brec);     break;
             case "6"    :   S06_SyncTarJar.sync(brec);      break;
             case "7"    :   S07_SyncLogs.sync(brec);        break;
             case "8"    :   S08_SetMaxAge.set(brec);        break;
             // This works great, but has a minor bug which is not going to be fixed until the
             // CSS Project has completed.  In the mean time there is a very wonderfully worded
             // "ToDoException" that shall throw instead.
             // Though this is an "invaluable tool" for cleaning up the docs, CSS is an even neater
             // idea that has to be completed, first.  I have checked my broken links many times,
             // and all of the links in my core-libraries are working.  Java-Doc Pages that are
             // created from Torello.Java.Buil (and even Torello.CSS) likely have a broken 
             // internal link somewhere in them.
             case "lc"   :   if (1 == 1) throw new Torello.Java.ToDoException();
                             // I don't even have a 'WLC' method in Stage-03 Upgrade anymore!
                             // S03_Upgrade.upgradeWLC(U, ES, OS);
             default     :   throw new UnreachableError();