Package Torello.Java.Function

Classes extending Java's Functional Interface - Java is a strongly-typed language. It is different than other typed-languages like 'C++', because there aren't any memory addresses allowed inside of a programmer's code in Java. As such, certain artifacts that a programmer uses often can change as compared to other variants of typed programming-languages.

A C-Styled Function Pointer is usually easy - it just contains a pointer - it is just a memory address of a C Function. Java, however, requires that the types of both the input-parameters, and the return-values be knownst and identified when using a Java Function Pointer. This differs from how the C-Compiler handles function-pointers. In C, the input and output types are irrelevant.

For whatever reason, Sun-Oracle did not provide a very comprehensive list for all of the combinations of Predicate, Consumer, Supplier or Function when it developed the package java.util.function.* Though more could have been done, recognizing that the sheer number of combinations becomes so large (when including all of the variants of Java Primitives), it is likely that Java's Function Pointer Package didn't "just forget" - it was a conscious decision.

Regardless, any pre-defined Functional-Interface can be created by anybody who writes Java. Extending the original Java package with these Function-Pointer Type-Definiitions has been useful vis-a-vis the Java-HTML JAR Distribution (this JAR).