Package Torello.Java


  • Enclosing class:

    public static class LFEC.GCSSB
    extends java.lang.Object
    The Google Cloud Server Storage Bucket extension of "Load File Exception Catch" does the work that LFEC does, but for GCS Storage Buckets, rather than operating system files.

    GCSSB: Google Cloud Server Storage Buckets

    The following public, static (inner) Class provides the exact same set of features that LFEC provides - namely data-file loading with failing print's and system halts - but for files that are stored on Google Cloud Server Storage Buckets.

    The set classes of classes and methods that are 'exported' by the Java HTML '.jar' File do not require a Google Account, nor do they use Google Services. This class is a Helper-Utility since a lot of the development work for Java-HTML was done using a GCP Account. Essentially, this class is one of many "Build Classes".

    If you are planning to utilize Google's Cloud Server to either develop your code, or to host your web-site, the method & classes that link to its servers in this class-infrastructure might seem invaluable.

    Using Google Cloud Platform:
    In order to use the Google Cloud Services platform, you will have to employ one of the following two means to send commands and instructions to their servers:

    1. Make JSON calls to one of Google's 'HTTP End-Points' (as I think they are called). Parsing JSON Response-Objects can be really easy using any number of JSON Helper Utilities both available in the Java-HTML JAR, and other tools on the Internet.

    2. ... or ... spend however long it takes to read, figure-out, understand (or interpret) Google's GCS Java-Library and write java-code using their JSON-free java-library making direct calls to Google's GCS servers.

    Google's Java Libraries:
    The methods in this class do not use the "JSON" version for communicating with Google-Servers, instead, they use Google's Java Class-Libraries. This isn't the easiest thing to do, because I don't actually know how to get an "official version" Java '.jar' File.

    You may download an "unofficial" Google '.jar' from my Web-Site, which does work. I have not tampered with it, or altered the classes in any-way, other than to remove some of the complicated "extras" that were added.

    Download Link:
    This is a download of a file calle 'GCS.jar'. which has the classes and methods needed to access the translate API, the Storage Bucket API, and the Authorization classes ("o-auth 2.0"). If you make any calls to the methods here that facilitate access to the Storage Buckets, you will need to include some version of Google's GCS jar file. This is the jar-file I created, if you don't trust Torello.Directory, please don't use it:

    I am not really able to make any proclamations "for or against" regarding the contents of this particular jar-file. I am, personally, not a fan of the Java-Enabled versions of its services that are provided by Google, primarily because I have almost no idea how to use them (Google-Java is very poorly documented, and both the classes and the methods they offer are not well thought as API's - but rather they just expose their own internal stuff).

    Note that one thing that will work is to try and figure out GCS JSON End-Points, and just go with making HTTP-Connections using JSON to-and-from GCS.

    Anyway, native Java-Methods for GCP / GCS calls are all available. Using Google's '.jar' File it is possible to make POJO Method-Calls, instead of using JSON. Again, you do not need the Google JAR-File in your classpath for anything in Java-HTML - except this class! ('LFEC.GCSSB'). This is a class that helps send files to Google Storage Bucekts.

    O-Auth 2.0 Storage-Instance:
    The following code snippet should explain how to provide an "O-Auth-2.0" to obtain an instance of Google's Java-Class 'Storage', which is needed to begin communicating with Google Cloud Server Storage Buckets:

    String PROJECT_ID        = "The name you gave your project in which your storage buckets reside";
    String PATH_TO_JSON_KEY  = "The JSON key generated when you create a 'Service Account'.";
    Storage storage = StorageOptions
        .setCredentials(GoogleCredentials.fromStream(new FileInputStream(PATH_TO_JSON_KEY)))

    Google-Server Alternatives:
    I have never needed my GoogleCredentials "O-Auth 2.0" key until I started using the Google's Java '.jar' Libraries for connecting with its Storage Buckets directly. The issue is that Google's Java-Implementation of its Cloud Services Platform (GCS / GCP) is clearly not one of the Company's Top-Priorities. The documentation for those classes is extremely scant.

    These are other options that may be used for working with some of Google's Cloud Services that do not require Native Java-Classes, nor O-Auth.

    • 'gsutil'

      When writing to my web-domain, using the command line program GSUTIL was usually much easier and eliminated the strict dependency on Google's Web-Hosting Platform that would be mandated if using their Java-Libraries.

    • Using an API-Key, and JSON:

      When translating Chinese Government web-publications using the Translate API, a Google "API Key" usually sufficed. An "API Key" is a 30 to 40 character long String that identifies the Billable User-Account to the Google HTTP-Server. Just don't share the key on the web, and it will work fine. Google provides many JSON-HTTP "End-Points" as (I think) they are often called - for many of its services.

    • Vision / OCR Example:

      Google's Vision / OCR (Optical Character Recognition) API's seemed to work without oauth2.0. I did have to make HTTP connections and interpret JSON, rather than using bona-fide Java Method-Invocations, but it was all fine.

    In conclusion, if you would like to use Java-Classes with Google's Storage-Buckets, then get an "O-Auth-2.0 Key" , and save the JSON file to your File-System. Keep that key private, and the Code-Example above should work for "logging into to google" from Java. Once that is done, you ought to be able to start saving and storing files in the cloud. <

    It should be interesting to note, that often, this method invocation works - and I don't actually know why, and cannot explain it. This leaves out the authentication portion from the Storage object, and sometimes still allows file access to the files in your storage-buckets. You may play around with it:

    import import*;
    private static final Storage storage = StorageOptions.getDefaultInstance().getService();

    Stateless Class:
    This class neither contains any program-state, nor can it be instantiated. The @StaticFunctional Annotation may also be called 'The Spaghetti Report'. Static-Functional classes are, essentially, C-Styled Files, without any constructors or non-static member fields. It is a concept very similar to the Java-Bean's @Stateless Annotation.

    • 1 Constructor(s), 1 declared private, zero-argument constructor
    • 5 Method(s), 5 declared static
    • 0 Field(s)

    • Method Summary

      Read Files from Google Cloud Platform Storage Buckets
      Modifier and Type Method
      static String loadFileToString​( storage, String bucket, String completeFileName)
      static Vector<String> loadFileToVector​( storage, String bucket, String completeFileName, boolean includeNewLine)
      static <T> T readObjectFromFile​( storage, String bucket, String completeFileName, boolean zip, Class<T> returnClass)
      Write Files to Google Cloud Platform Storage Buckets
      Modifier and Type Method
      static void writeFile​(CharSequence fileAsStr, storage, String bucket, String completeFileName, boolean ASCIIorUTF8)
      static void writeObjectToFile​(Object o, storage, String bucket, String completeFileName, boolean zip)
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • readObjectFromFile

        🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static <T> T readObjectFromFile​
                    ( storage,
                     java.lang.String bucket,
                     java.lang.String completeFileName,
                     boolean zip,
                     java.lang.Class<T> returnClass)
        This will read a Java Serialized java.lang.Object from a location in a Google Cloud Server Storage Bucket.
        Type Parameters:
        T - This type parameter is simply provided for convenience, to allow the user to specify the return class, without having to cast the object and suppress warnings, or catch exceptions.
        storage - This must be an instance of Google Cloud Server's class Storage. The description at the top of this class should elucidate how to obtain such an Object-instance. If the explanation is not very clear, or if it is not working (any more), please just go to a google-search-bar and look for information about the Google Cloud Server Storage Buckets Java API, class 'Storage'. API's have been known to change, once in a while.
        bucket - The bucket name of the bucket from a Google Cloud Server account.
        completeFileName - This String-parameter needs to be the complete String representation of the directory-name plus the file-name of the location where the java serialized Object file was saved, or will be saved.

        GCS Storage-Buckets: The bucket-name as-a-string should **not** be included as a part of this String-parameter. However, both the file-name, and the directory-name where this file is residing must be present.
        zip - When this parameter is TRUE the serialized object will be run through Java's and GZIPOutputStream when reading/writing the serialized-Object. If this parameter is FALSE, GZIP Compression will not be used when serializing or de-serializing the Object.
        returnClass - This is the type expected to be found by Java in the Serialized Object Data-File. If an Object is read from this location, but it does not have the type indicated by this parameter, the program will also halt, and an explanatory exception message will be printed to the console/terminal.
        A de-serialized java java.lang.Object that has been read from a GCS Storage Bucket, and cast to the type denoted by parameter 'returnClass'.
        See Also:
        FileRW.readObjectFromFile(String, boolean), FileRW.readObjectFromFileNOCNFE(String, boolean), LFEC.readObjectFromFile(String, boolean, Class), LFEC.ERROR_EXIT(String)
        Exact Method Body:
             // Read Storage Bucket Data into a byte[] array
             byte[] bArr = storage.get(bucket, completeFileName).getContent();
             // Build an Input Stream, using that byte[] array as input
             ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(bArr);
             // Build an Object Input Stream, using the byte-array input-stream as input
             ObjectInputStream ois = zip
                 ? new ObjectInputStream(new GZIPInputStream(bis))
                 : new ObjectInputStream(bis);
             // Use Java's Object Serialization method to read the Object
             Object ret = ois.readObject();
             if (! returnClass.isInstance(ret)) ERROR_EXIT(
                 "Serialized Object read from GCS Storage Bucket: " + bucket + "\n" +
                 "And file-name: " + completeFileName + "\n" +
                 "Using expected (" + (zip ? "zip-compression" : "no-compression") + ")\n" +
                 "Didn't have an object with class-name: " + returnClass + "\n" +
                 "But rather with className: " + ret.getClass().getName()
             ois.close(); bis.close();
             return returnClass.cast(ret);
         catch (Throwable t)
                 "Serialized Object read from GCS Storage Bucket: " + bucket + "\n" +
                 "And file-name: " + completeFileName + "\n" +
                 "Using expected (" + (zip ? "zip-compression" : "no-compression") + ")\n" +
                 "And Expected class-name: " + returnClass + "\n"
             throw new UnreachableError(); // Cannot reach this statement
      • loadFileToString

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static java.lang.String loadFileToString​
                    ( storage,
                     java.lang.String bucket,
                     java.lang.String completeFileName)
        This merely loads a text-file from Google's Storage Bucket infrastructure into a String. Make sure to check that the file you are loading does indeed have text-content.
        storage - This must be an instance of Google Cloud Server's class Storage. The description at the top of this class should elucidate how to obtain such an Object-instance. If the explanation is not very clear, or if it is not working (any more), please just go to a google-search-bar and look for information about the Google Cloud Server Storage Buckets Java API, class 'Storage'. API's have been known to change, once in a while.
        bucket - The bucket name of the bucket from a Google Cloud Server account.
        completeFileName - This String-parameter needs to be the complete String representation of the directory-name plus the file-name of the location where the java serialized Object file was saved, or will be saved.

        GCS Storage-Buckets: The bucket-name as-a-string should **not** be included as a part of this String-parameter. However, both the file-name, and the directory-name where this file is residing must be present.
        The text file on Google Cloud Server's Storage Bucket file/directory returned as a java.lang.String
        Exact Method Body:
         return new String(storage.get(bucket, completeFileName).getContent());
      • loadFileToVector

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> loadFileToVector​
                    ( storage,
                     java.lang.String bucket,
                     java.lang.String completeFileName,
                     boolean includeNewLine)
        This merely loads a text-file from Google's Storage Bucket infrastructure into a String. Make sure to check that the file you are loading does indeed have text-content.
        storage - This must be an instance of Google Cloud Server's class Storage. The description at the top of this class should elucidate how to obtain such an Object-instance. If the explanation is not very clear, or if it is not working (any more), please just go to a google-search-bar and look for information about the Google Cloud Server Storage Buckets Java API, class 'Storage'. API's have been known to change, once in a while.
        bucket - The bucket name of the bucket from a Google Cloud Server account.
        completeFileName - This String-parameter needs to be the complete String representation of the directory-name plus the file-name of the location where the java serialized Object file was saved, or will be saved.

        GCS Storage-Buckets: The bucket-name as-a-string should **not** be included as a part of this String-parameter. However, both the file-name, and the directory-name where this file is residing must be present.
        includeNewLine - This tells the method to include, or not-include, a '\n' (newline) character to each String.
        The text file on Google Cloud Server's Storage Bucket file/directory stuff as a Vector of String's.
        See Also:
        loadFileToString(Storage, String, String)
        Exact Method Body:
         String          s   = loadFileToString(storage, bucket, completeFileName);
         Vector<String>  ret = new Vector<>();
         int pos     = 0;
         int delta   = includeNewLine ? 1 : 0;
         int lastPos = 0;
         while ((pos = s.indexOf('\n')) != -1)
             ret.add(s.substring(lastPos, pos + delta));
             lastPos = pos + 1;
         if (lastPos < s.length()) ret.add(s.substring(lastPos));
         return ret;
      • writeFile

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static void writeFile​(java.lang.CharSequence fileAsStr,
                                     java.lang.String bucket,
                                     java.lang.String completeFileName,
                                     boolean ASCIIorUTF8)
        This will write the contents of a java 'CharSequence' - includes String, StringBuffer & StringBuilder to a file on Google Cloud Server's storage bucket system.
        storage - This must be an instance of Google Cloud Server's class Storage. The description at the top of this class should elucidate how to obtain such an Object-instance. If the explanation is not very clear, or if it is not working (any more), please just go to a google-search-bar and look for information about the Google Cloud Server Storage Buckets Java API, class 'Storage'. API's have been known to change, once in a while.
        bucket - The bucket name of the bucket from a Google Cloud Server account.
        completeFileName - This String-parameter needs to be the complete String representation of the directory-name plus the file-name of the location where the java serialized Object file was saved, or will be saved.

        GCS Storage-Buckets: The bucket-name as-a-string should **not** be included as a part of this String-parameter. However, both the file-name, and the directory-name where this file is residing must be present.
        ASCIIorUTF8 - When writing java String's the file-system, it is generally not to important to worry about whether java has stored an 'ASCII' encoded String, or a String encoded using 'UTF-8'. Most foreign-language news-sites require the latter ('UTF-8'), but any site that is strictly English can get by with plain old ASCII.

        IMPORTANT: When this boolean is TRUE, this method will attempt to presume the character-sequence you have passed is in ASCII, and write it that way. When this boolean is set to FALSE, this method will attempt to write the String of byte's as a 'UTF-8' encoded character-set.

        ALSO: I have not made any allowance for Unicode or Unicode little endian, because I have never used them with either the Chinese or Spanish sites I scrape. UTF-8 has been the only other character set I encounter.
        Exact Method Body:
         BlobInfo blobInfo = BlobInfo.newBuilder
             (BlobId.of(bucket, completeFileName)).setContentType("text/plain").build();
         byte[] file = ASCIIorUTF8
             ? fileAsStr.toString().getBytes()
             : fileAsStr.toString().getBytes(java.nio.charset.Charset.forName("UTF-8"));
         Blob blob = storage.create(blobInfo, file);
      • writeObjectToFile

        🡅     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static void writeObjectToFile​
                    (java.lang.Object o,
                     java.lang.String bucket,
                     java.lang.String completeFileName,
                     boolean zip)
        This will write a Java Serializable Object to a location in a Google Cloud Server Storage Bucket.
        storage - This must be an instance of Google Cloud Server's class Storage. The description at the top of this class should elucidate how to obtain such an Object-instance. If the explanation is not very clear, or if it is not working (any more), please just go to a google-search-bar and look for information about the Google Cloud Server Storage Buckets Java API, class 'Storage'. API's have been known to change, once in a while.
        o - This may be any Serializable Java Object. Serializable Java Objects are ones which implement the interface
        bucket - The bucket name of the bucket from a Google Cloud Server account.
        completeFileName - This String-parameter needs to be the complete String representation of the directory-name plus the file-name of the location where the java serialized Object file was saved, or will be saved.

        GCS Storage-Buckets: The bucket-name as-a-string should **not** be included as a part of this String-parameter. However, both the file-name, and the directory-name where this file is residing must be present.
        zip - When this parameter is TRUE the serialized object will be run through Java's and GZIPOutputStream when reading/writing the serialized-Object. If this parameter is FALSE, GZIP Compression will not be used when serializing or de-serializing the Object.
        Exact Method Body:
         // Retrieves a file-name object using a GCS BUCKET-NAME, and the FILE-NAME (in
         // the bucket)            
         BlobId blobId = BlobId.of(bucket, completeFileName);
         // This BlobInfo is GCS version of "".  It points to a specific file
         // inside a GCS Bucket (which was specified earlier)
         BlobInfo blobInfo = BlobInfo
             // .setContentType("text/plain")
         // This will save the Serialized Object Data to a Stream (and eventually an array)
         ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
         // This stream writes serialized Java-Objects to the Storage Bucket
         ObjectOutputStream oos = zip
             ? new ObjectOutputStream(new GZIPOutputStream(baos))
             : new ObjectOutputStream(baos);
         oos.flush(); baos.flush(); oos.close();
         // Convert that BAOS to a Byte-Array
         byte[]  bArr = baos.toByteArray();
         // Write the BYTE-ARRAY to the GCS Bucket and file using the "BlobInfo" that was built
         // a few lines ago.
         Blob blob = storage.create(blobInfo, bArr);