Package Torello.Languages
Class Translate
- java.lang.Object
- Torello.Languages.Translate
public class Translate extends java.lang.Object
Translate (普通话, Simplified & Traditional Chinese) Characters.
This provides a marginally simpler way to access Google Cloud Server's Translate API, with a specification-requirement of using Mandarin. It converts the JSON, automatically, into Java Vector's of Strings. Translations can be provided, of Mandarin, in English, Spanish, and even the "Traditional Character Set" of Mandarin.
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File Size: 8,578 Bytes Line Count: 198 '\n' Characters Found
Stateless Class:This class neither contains any program-state, nor can it be instantiated. The@StaticFunctional
Annotation may also be called 'The Spaghetti Report'.Static-Functional
classes are, essentially, C-Styled Files, without any constructors or non-static member fields. It is a concept very similar to the Java-Bean's@Stateless
- 1 Constructor(s), 1 declared private, zero-argument constructor
- 5 Method(s), 5 declared static
- 0 Field(s)
Method Summary
All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods Modifier and Type Method static void
article(Vector<String> simpSentencesIN, Vector<Vector<String>> sentencesOUT, Vector<Vector<Vector<String>>> wordTablesOUT, Vector<String> DOUTArr, Vector<Boolean> DOUTErrorBoolArr)
static boolean
block(String simpSentenceIN, Vector<String> sentencesOUT, Vector<Vector<String>> wordTableOUT, Appendable DOUT)
static String
getEnglish(String chineseWord)
static String
getPinYin(String chineseWord)
static String[]
sentenceZH(String chinese)
Method Detail
public static void article (java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> simpSentencesIN, java.util.Vector<java.util.Vector<java.lang.String>> sentencesOUT, java.util.Vector<java.util.Vector<java.util.Vector<java.lang.String>>> wordTablesOUT, java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> DOUTArr, java.util.Vector<java.lang.Boolean> DOUTErrorBoolArr) throws
- Throws:
- Code:
- Exact Method Body:
for (String simpSentence : simpSentencesIN) { Vector<String> sentences = new Vector<String>(); Vector<Vector<String>> wordTable = new Vector<Vector<String>>(); StringBuilder DOUT = new StringBuilder(); boolean error = block(simpSentence, sentences, wordTable, DOUT); sentencesOUT.add(sentences); wordTablesOUT.add(wordTable); DOUTArr.add(DOUT.toString()); DOUTErrorBoolArr.add(Boolean.valueOf(error)); }
public static boolean block (java.lang.String simpSentenceIN, java.util.Vector<java.lang.String> sentencesOUT, java.util.Vector<java.util.Vector<java.lang.String>> wordTableOUT, java.lang.Appendable DOUT) throws
- Throws:
- The interface java.lang.Appendable mandates that the IOException must be treated as a checked exception for all output operations. Therefore IOException is a required exception in this method' throws clause.- Code:
- Exact Method Body:
String[] gtScrape = sentenceZH(simpSentenceIN); String pronSentence = gtScrape[0]; String englSentence = gtScrape[1]; sentencesOUT.removeAllElements(); sentencesOUT.add(simpSentenceIN); sentencesOUT.add(pronSentence); sentencesOUT.add(englSentence); Vector<String> simpWords = new Vector<String>(); Vector<String> pronWords = new Vector<String>(); boolean errorParse = PinYinParse.parse (DOUT, simpSentenceIN, pronSentence, simpWords, pronWords); if (pronWords.size() != simpWords.size()) throw new IllegalStateException( "The pronunciation and the character vector's should be the exact same length.\n" + "pronWords.size() = " + pronWords.size() + " and simpWords.size() = " + simpWords.size() ); int len = pronWords.size(); for (int i=0; i < len; i++) { Vector<String> vocabEntryRow = new Vector<String>(); vocabEntryRow.add(simpWords.elementAt(i)); vocabEntryRow.add(pronWords.elementAt(i)); vocabEntryRow.add(""); //Dictionary.lookupTrad(simp, pron)); vocabEntryRow.add(""); //Dictionary.lookupEngl(simp, pron)); wordTableOUT.add(vocabEntryRow); } return errorParse;
public static java.lang.String[] sentenceZH(java.lang.String chinese)
This receives as input a sentence in simplified Mandarin Chinese. If it finds a period in it, it breaks the sentence up into smaller bricks based around the period. It queries Google Translate using this sentence.- Parameters:
- Any sentence, paragraph, phrase or word in Simplified-Mandarin- Returns:
- Two separate Strings returned in a String array - two elements long.
- The pronunciation (罗马拼音) String scraped from a call to Google Translateret[0]
- The English - also scraped from a call to
- Code:
- Exact Method Body:
if (chinese.indexOf('\n') != -1) throw new IllegalArgumentException("CHINESE:\t" + chinese + "\nContains a newline!"); String[] cArr = chinese.trim().split("。"); StringBuilder completePron = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder completeEngl = new StringBuilder(); for (int i=0; i < cArr.length; i++) { // Prepare the queries and scrape web-page. Vector<HTMLNode> page = null; int retryCount = 0; while ((page == null) && (retryCount < 6)) try { String chineseQ = URLs.toProperURLV2(cArr[i] + "。"); BufferedReader br = Scrape.openConn_iso_8859_1("" + chineseQ); page = HTMLPage.getPageTokens(br, false); } catch (Exception e) { retryCount++; System.out.println("RETRY-SCRAPE Google Translate:\n" + "Attempt #" + retryCount + "\n" + e.getMessage()); } // Get Chinese PinYin as Sentence StringBuilder pron = new StringBuilder(); Vector<HTMLNode> partial = InnerTagGetInclusive.first(page, "div", "id", TextComparitor.EQ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, "src-translit"); Util.Remove.allTagNodes(partial); for (HTMLNode n : partial) pron.append(((TextNode) n).str); completePron.append(Escape.replace(pron.toString()).trim() + " "); // Get English from Translate Website as a Sentence StringBuilder engl = new StringBuilder(); partial = InnerTagGetInclusive.first(page, "span", "id", TextComparitor.EQ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, "result_box"); Util.Remove.allTagNodes(partial); for (HTMLNode n : partial) engl.append(((TextNode) n).str); completeEngl.append(Escape.replace(engl.toString().replaceAll("\\\\u200b", "")).trim() + " "); } String [] retArr = { completePron.toString(), completeEngl.toString() }; return retArr;
public static java.lang.String getPinYin(java.lang.String chineseWord) throws
Retrieves the PinYin pronunciation from Google Translate Servers for a single Chinese Word.- Parameters:
- Any single word in simplified Mandarin Chinese- Returns:
- The Pinyin Pronunciation of that word, stripped by Google Translate Servers.
- Throws:
- Code:
- Exact Method Body:
BufferedReader br = Scrape.openConn_iso_8859_1("" + chineseWord + "&source=zh-CN"); Vector<HTMLNode> page = HTMLPage.getPageTokens(br, false); Vector<HTMLNode> partial = InnerTagGetInclusive.first(page, "div", "id", TextComparitor.EQ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, "src-translit"); String pron = ""; Util.Remove.allTagNodes(partial); for (HTMLNode n : partial) pron += ((TextNode) n).str; return Escape.replace(pron);
public static java.lang.String getEnglish(java.lang.String chineseWord) throws
Retrieves the Google Translate (English) Textbox-defintion for a particular Mandarin Chinese Word.
NOTE: This is not the information under the primary/main translation-text-box, this is the translation-text-box word itself.- Parameters:
- Any single word in simplified Mandarin Chinese- Returns:
- The Google Translate Server's best attempt at a Translation.
- Throws:
- Code:
- Exact Method Body:
BufferedReader br = Scrape.openConn_iso_8859_1("" + chineseWord); Vector<HTMLNode> page = HTMLPage.getPageTokens(br, false, null, "matches.txt", null); Vector<HTMLNode> partial = InnerTagGetInclusive.first(page, "span", "id", TextComparitor.EQ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, "result_box"); String engl = ""; Util.Remove.allTagNodes(partial); for (HTMLNode n : partial) engl += ((TextNode) n).str; return Escape.replace(engl);