All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Exception Summary Error Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
AbstractHNLI<E extends HTMLNode,F> |
Abstract parent-class for both of the types of HTML-Iterator's
Accessibility |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Accessibility.AXNode |
A node in the accessibility tree.
Accessibility.AXProperty |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Accessibility.AXRelatedNode |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Accessibility.AXValue |
A single computed AX property.
Accessibility.AXValueSource |
A single source for a computed AX property.
AlreadySelectedException |
Thrown when more than one option in an option group has been provided.
AmbiguousOptionException |
Exception thrown when an option can't be identified from a partial name.
Animation |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Animation._Animation |
Animation instance.
Animation.animationCanceled |
Event for when an animation has been cancelled.
Animation.animationCreated |
Event for each animation that has been created.
Animation.AnimationEffect |
AnimationEffect instance
Animation.animationStarted |
Event for animation that has been started.
Animation.KeyframesRule |
Keyframes Rule
Animation.KeyframeStyle |
Keyframe Style
AnnotationElem |
Reflection Class:
Holds all information extracted from '.java' Annotation
(@interface ) Source-Files about all Elements identified in that file.
AppendableError |
A java.lang.Error class that should be used by class implementing the
java.lang.Appendable interface.
AppendableLog |
Another Logging-Helper class.
AppendableSafe |
Identical to class java.lang.Appendable , but shunts the often problematic
IOException that may be thrown by its append(...) -methods, and replaces it with
either a user-customizable Throwable -class, or with (the default) .
AppendableTap |
An implementation of the standard Java 'Appendable' interface that keeps an
internal log of all text-data that 'passes through' the Appendable .
This class is used internally to do argument validity-checks, and guarantees consistent
exception-message reporting.
ArrayExpectedError |
Used when a parameter accepts an intance of 'Object' , but stipulates that this reference
must be a reference to a primitive-array.
Article |
When a news article is downloaded from a URL , its contents are parsed, and the
information-HTML is stored in this class.
ArticleGet |
A function-pointer / lambda target for extracting an article's content from the web-page
from whence it was downloaded; including several static -builder methods for the
most common means of finding the HTML-Tags that wrap artilce-HTML on news-media websites.
ArticleGetException |
An exception that is thrown from inside the lambda-methods created by the
class ArticleGet methods - if an error occurs while retrieving a news
article body from inside a news web-page.
AsynchronousException |
A general purpose exception used to indicate there have been problems with an asynchronous
communications system or channel.
AtKeyword |
CSS-Tokenizer Class for At-Rule Identifiers.
AttemptedModificationException |
When a Read-Only Data-Type is constructed from a builder, any attempt to further modify the
Data-Type using the original Builder's Mutator-Methods will cause this exception to throw.
Attributes |
Utilities for getting, setting and removing attributes from the TagNode elements in a
Web-Page Vector .
Attributes.Filter |
Lambda-target for creating attribute-filters.
Audits |
Audits domain allows investigation of page violations and possible improvements.
Audits.AffectedCookie |
Information about a cookie that is affected by an inspector issue.
Audits.AffectedFrame |
Information about the frame affected by an inspector issue.
Audits.AffectedRequest |
Information about a request that is affected by an inspector issue.
Audits.AttributionReportingIssueDetails |
Details for issues around "Attribution Reporting API" usage.
Audits.BlockedByResponseIssueDetails |
Details for a request that has been blocked with the BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE
Audits.ContentSecurityPolicyIssueDetails |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Audits.CorsIssueDetails |
Details for a CORS related issue, e.g.
Audits.GenericIssueDetails |
Depending on the concrete errorType, different properties are set.
Audits.HeavyAdIssueDetails |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Audits.InspectorIssue |
An inspector issue reported from the back-end.
Audits.InspectorIssueDetails |
This struct holds a list of optional fields with additional information
specific to the kind of issue.
Audits.issueAdded |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Audits.LowTextContrastIssueDetails |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Audits.MixedContentIssueDetails |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Audits.NavigatorUserAgentIssueDetails |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Audits.QuirksModeIssueDetails |
Details for issues about documents in Quirks Mode
or Limited Quirks Mode that affects page layouting.
Audits.SameSiteCookieIssueDetails |
This information is currently necessary, as the front-end has a difficult
time finding a specific cookie.
Audits.SharedArrayBufferIssueDetails |
Details for a issue arising from an SAB being instantiated in, or
transferred to a context that is not cross-origin isolated.
Audits.SourceCodeLocation |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Audits.TrustedWebActivityIssueDetails |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Audits.WasmCrossOriginModuleSharingIssueDetails |
[No Description Provided by Google]
AUM (Attribute Update Mode) - Documentation.
AuxiliaryOptRecord |
This class contains an internally used boolean -Flag field corresponding to each of the
Auxiliary Command-Line Options / Switches available by this Build-Tool.
A functional-interface / lambda-target, and several static -builders for generating
instances of them, which extends java.util.function.Predicate and encapsulates
search-criteria into a Predicate<TagNode >
BackgroundService |
Defines events for background web platform features.
BackgroundService.BackgroundServiceEvent |
[No Description Provided by Google]
BackgroundService.backgroundServiceEventReceived |
Called with all existing backgroundServiceEvents when enabled, and all new
events afterwards if enabled and recording.
BackgroundService.EventMetadata |
A key-value pair for additional event information to pass along.
BackgroundService.recordingStateChanged |
Called when the recording state for the service has been updated.
BadStr |
It has been patently decided that neither 'BadStr' nor 'BadURL' will have
public constructors.
BadURL |
It has been patently decided that neither 'BadStr' nor 'BadURL' will have
public constructors.
Balance |
Utilities for checking that opening and closing TagNode elements match up (that the HTML
is balanced).
BalancedHTMLException |
Used to report unbalanced HTML Tags within any Vectorized-HTML page or sub-page.
BaseType |
This class may be used to help serialize Java Objects into Json Objects.
BiAppendable |
Builds a composite java.lang.Appendable using up to two
independent input-parameter Appendable's .
BiIntConsumer |
Input: int, int
Output: void .
BiIntFunction<R> |
Input: int, int
Output: R .
BiIntPredicate |
Input: int, int
Output: boolean .
BoolConsumer |
Input: boolean
Output: void .
BooleanTFunction<T,R> |
Input: boolean, T
Output: R .
BoolPredicate |
Input: boolean
Output: boolean .
BoolSupplier |
Input: NONE
Output: boolean .
This class helps to start an headless-instance of a Web-Browser, and open a connection to
that browser.
Browser |
The Browser domain defines methods and events for browser managing.
Browser.Bounds |
Browser window bounds information
Browser.Bucket |
Chrome histogram bucket.
Browser.downloadProgress |
Fired when download makes progress.
Browser.downloadWillBegin |
Fired when page is about to start a download.
Browser.Histogram |
Chrome histogram.
Browser.PermissionDescriptor |
Definition of PermissionDescriptor defined in the Permissions API:
BrowserEvent |
All events fired by the headless-browser extend this abstract class.
BuilderRecord |
This class contains all configurations that are needed to run a build.
BuildError |
This error is thrown when an Operating System Command has failed.
BuildPackage |
This User-Data class is used to describe the Java-Packages included inside of a Java Project.
ByRef<A> |
A simple wrapper class for passing variables by-reference to methods calls.
ByteConsumer |
Input: byte
Output: void .
BytePredicate |
Input: boolean
Output: byte .
ByteSupplier |
Input: NONE
Output: byte .
ByteTFunction<T,R> |
Input: byte, T
Output: R .
C |
A UNIX Terminal Color-Codes implementation for printing colored text to terminal.
CacheError |
This error is thrown by the HiLiteMe.Cache class, and it could potentially
be used for any type of Cache Error.
CacheStorage |
[No Description Provided by Google]
CacheStorage.Cache |
Cache identifier.
CacheStorage.CachedResponse |
Cached response
CacheStorage.DataEntry |
Data entry.
CacheStorage.Header |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Callable |
CallableBodyException |
This is an exception that occurs when parsing Java Method & Constructor Bodies for the
JavaDoc Code-HiLiting Application; and it indicates that the method or constructor body passed
to the code-hiliting mechanism is not properly formatted.
Cast |
A domain for interacting with Cast, Presentation API, and Remote Playback API
Cast.issueUpdated |
This is fired whenever the outstanding issue/error message changes.
Cast.Sink |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Cast.sinksUpdated |
This is fired whenever the list of available sinks changes.
CSS-Tokenizer Class for the Comment-Delimiter Close Token.
CSS-Tokenizer Class for the Comment-Delimiter Open Token.
CharConsumer |
Input: char
Output: void .
CharPredicate |
Input: char
Output: boolean .
CharSupplier |
Input: NONE
Output: char .
CharTFunction<T,R> |
Input: chat, T
Output: R .
CIET: Class, Interface, Enumerated-Type, Annotation (@interface) or Java 17+ Record.
This data class is instantiated by parsing the Command-Line Input.
ClosingTagNodeException |
This throws when attempting to write attributes to a closing TagNode (because closing
tag's may not have attributes),
Valid HTML does not allow "Inner Tags" or "Attributes"
to be inserted into HTML Elements that begin with the forward-slash (ASCII Character: '/' ).
ClosingTagNodeExpectedException |
If a programmer is expecting an HTML-Page Vector position-index to contain a
TagNode whose TagNode.isClosing field to be set to TRUE and it
is not, then this exception should be thrown.
CloudSync |
This interface contains all of the interactions that occur between a Cloud-Basked
Storage-Bucket, such as Google Cloud Platform or an Amazon-S3 Compatible Storage-System, and
this '.jar' and Java-Doc Build Tools.
CloudSyncGSUTIL |
An implementation of the CloudSync Java-Interface that utilizes the Google-Provided
Python Based Tool known as 'GSUTIL' (see: GSUTIL ).
CloudSyncRClone |
Under Development.
CloudSyncS3 |
Under Development.
CommandLine |
Represents list of arguments parsed against a Options descriptor.
CommandLine.Builder |
A nested builder class to create CommandLine instance using descriptive methods.
CommandLineParser |
A class that implements the CommandLineParser interface can parse a String array
according to the Options specified and return a CommandLine .
Comment |
Represents a CSS Comment-Block
CommentNode |
Represents HTML Comments, and is one of only three HTML Element Classes provided by the Java
HTML Library Tool, and also one of the three data-classes that can be generated by the HTML
CommentNodeCount |
Counts HTML Comments which match a user-specified criteria, such as a
String-Predicate , Regular-Expression or TextComparitor .
CommentNodeFind |
Identifies Vectorized-HTML indices having HTML Comments that match a user-provided criteria,
specified using a String-Predicate , Regular-Expression or TextComparitor .
CommentNodeGet |
Retrieves HTML Comments as CommentNode -instances, which match a search-criteria
that may be specified using either a String-Predicate , Regular-Expression or
TextComparitor .
CommentNodeIndex |
This is a simple data-class whose primary reason for development was to provide a way for the
NodeSearch Package classes to simultaneously return both a CommentNode instance, and a
Vector -index location (for that node) - at the same time - when searching HTML
web-pages for HTML comments.
CommentNodeIterator |
Static methods for building and instantiating an
HNLI < CommentNode > (which extends the basic
iterator class) for iterating the comments inside of an HTML- Vector , with the help of a
user-provided String-Predicate , Regular Expression or TextComparitor as a
CommentNodePeek |
"Peeks" into Vectorized-HTML for Comments matching a search-criteria and returns the
Vector -index where matches are found, and the CommentNode at
that Vector -location, as an instance of CommentNodeIndex .
CommentNodePoll |
Searches for, and extracts, HTML Comments from Vectorized-HTML that match a user-specified
search-criteria, and returns those extracted node or nodes.
CommentNodeRemove |
Finds and removes HTML Comments from an HTML- Vector that match a user-provided
search-criteria specified with a String-Predicate , Regular-Expression or
TextComparitor .
Config |
This class provides a list of fields, all of which may be modified and configured, for providing
any needed settings to class BuilderRecord .
Console |
This domain is deprecated - use RunTime or Log instead.
Console.ConsoleMessage |
Console message.
Console.messageAdded |
Issued when new console message is added.
Constructor |
Reflection Class:
Holds all information extracted from '.java' Source-Files about
Constructor's identified in that file.
Counter |
An extremely basic 'Counter' class that is used to help alleviate Java's
stringent 'Effectively Final' requirement for lambda-expressions.
Country |
An enumeration of countries in the world.
This domain exposes CSS read/write operations.
CSS.CSSComputedStyleProperty |
[No Description Provided by Google]
CSS.CSSContainerQuery |
CSS container query rule descriptor.
CSS.CSSKeyframeRule |
CSS keyframe rule representation.
CSS.CSSKeyframesRule |
CSS keyframes rule representation.
CSS.CSSMedia |
CSS media rule descriptor.
CSS.CSSProperty |
CSS property declaration data.
CSS rule representation.
CSS.CSSStyle |
CSS style representation.
CSS.CSSStyleSheetHeader |
CSS stylesheet metainformation.
CSS.FontFace |
Properties of a web font:
and additional information such as platformFontFamily and fontVariationAxes.
CSS.fontsUpdated |
Fires whenever a web font is updated.
CSS.FontVariationAxis |
Information about font variation axes for variable fonts
CSS.InheritedStyleEntry |
Inherited CSS rule collection from ancestor node.
CSS.MediaQuery |
Media query descriptor.
CSS.MediaQueryExpression |
Media query expression descriptor.
CSS.mediaQueryResultChanged |
Fires whenever a MediaQuery result changes (for example, after a browser window has been
resized.) The current implementation considers only viewport-dependent media features.
CSS.PlatformFontUsage |
Information about amount of glyphs that were rendered with given font.
CSS.PseudoElementMatches |
CSS rule collection for a single pseudo style.
CSS.RuleMatch |
Match data for a CSS rule.
CSS.RuleUsage |
CSS coverage information.
CSS.SelectorList |
Selector list data.
CSS.ShorthandEntry |
[No Description Provided by Google]
CSS.SourceRange |
Text range within a resource.
CSS.StyleDeclarationEdit |
A descriptor of operation to mutate style declaration text.
CSS.styleSheetAdded |
Fired whenever an active document stylesheet is added.
CSS.styleSheetChanged |
Fired whenever a stylesheet is changed as a result of the client operation.
CSS.styleSheetRemoved |
Fired whenever an active document stylesheet is removed.
CSS.Value |
Data for a simple selector (these are delimited by commas in a selector list).
CSSFiles |
A class for encapsulating all four JavaDoc Upgrader '.css' Files, each of which has been
saved, in entirety, as a simple Java String .
CSSLinks |
This Annotation allows a user to request that a CSS Link-Import be included in the Header
Portion of any CIET/Type's respective Java-Doc Web-Page.
CSSStrException |
An exception used for problems generated by either HTML-Tag in-line CSS
STYLE='...' attributes, or by explicitly declared CSS
<STYLE TYPE='text/css'> style-blocks.
CSSTags |
Complete List of CSS CLASS and ID Attributes that are inserted by the HTML
Processor Classes CSSTagsTopAndSumm and CSSTagsDetails .
CSSToken |
The root abstract-parent class for all CSSToken Sub-Classes.
CSSTokenizer |
CSSUtil |
CursorException |
This exception is thrown when attempts to violate a Cursor Boundary Window
Contract (possibly rendering the window invalid) are made inside any of the
methods exported by the AbstractHNLI, HNLI or HNLIInclusive iterators.
Database |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Database._Database |
Database object.
Database.addDatabase |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Database.Error |
Database error.
Debug |
A fast way to print Web-Page Vector's to a String .
Debugger |
Debugger domain exposes JavaScript debugging capabilities.
Debugger.BreakLocation |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Debugger.breakpointResolved |
Fired when breakpoint is resolved to an actual script and location.
Debugger.CallFrame |
JavaScript call frame.
Debugger.DebugSymbols |
Debug symbols available for a wasm script.
Debugger.Location |
Location in the source code.
Debugger.LocationRange |
Location range within one script.
Debugger.paused |
Fired when the virtual machine stopped on breakpoint or exception or any other stop criteria.
Debugger.resumed |
Fired when the virtual machine resumed execution.
Debugger.Scope |
Scope description.
Debugger.scriptFailedToParse |
Fired when virtual machine fails to parse the script.
Debugger.scriptParsed |
Fired when virtual machine parses script.
Debugger.ScriptPosition |
Location in the source code.
Debugger.SearchMatch |
Search match for resource.
Declaration |
Reflection Class:
Common-Root Ancestor Class of all Bridge Data-Classes.
DefaultParser |
Default parser.
DefaultParser.Builder |
A nested builder class to create DefaultParser instances
using descriptive methods.
Delimiter |
DetailsException |
Exception that may be thrown when erroneous-input is provided to internal-class
Details or ReflHTML .
DeviceOrientation |
[No Description Provided by Google]
DFBuilder |
Can be used by Classes the need to build Data-File(s) for the 'data-files/'
directory, or convert those Data-Files to Text for viewing and inspection.
Dimension |
DirExpectedException |
Thrown when a FileNode operation has been invoked on an instance that represents
an Operating-System File , but that invoked-method may only be applied to
Operating-System Directory instances.
This domain exposes DOM read/write operations.
DOM.attributeModified |
Fired when Element 's attribute is modified.
DOM.attributeRemoved |
Fired when Element 's attribute is removed.
DOM.BackendNode |
Backend node with a friendly name.
DOM.BoxModel |
Box model.
DOM.characterDataModified |
Mirrors DOMCharacterDataModified event.
DOM.childNodeCountUpdated |
Fired when Container 's child node count has changed.
DOM.childNodeInserted |
Mirrors DOMNodeInserted event.
DOM.childNodeRemoved |
Mirrors DOMNodeRemoved event.
DOM.CSSComputedStyleProperty |
[No Description Provided by Google]
DOM.distributedNodesUpdated |
Called when distribution is changed.
DOM.documentUpdated |
Fired when Document has been totally updated.
DOM.inlineStyleInvalidated |
Fired when Element 's inline style is modified via a CSS property modification.
DOM.Node |
DOM interaction is implemented in terms of mirror objects that represent the actual DOM nodes.
DOM.pseudoElementAdded |
Called when a pseudo element is added to an element.
DOM.pseudoElementRemoved |
Called when a pseudo element is removed from an element.
DOM.Rect |
A structure holding an RGBA color.
DOM.setChildNodes |
Fired when backend wants to provide client with the missing DOM structure.
DOM.shadowRootPopped |
Called when shadow root is popped from the element.
DOM.shadowRootPushed |
Called when shadow root is pushed into the element.
DOM.ShapeOutsideInfo |
CSS Shape Outside details.
DOMDebugger |
DOM debugging allows setting breakpoints on particular DOM operations and events.
DOMDebugger.EventListener |
Object event listener.
DOMSnapshot |
This domain facilitates obtaining document snapshots with DOM, layout, and style information.
DOMSnapshot.ComputedStyle |
A subset of the full ComputedStyle as defined by the request whitelist.
DOMSnapshot.DocumentSnapshot |
Document snapshot.
DOMSnapshot.DOMNode |
A Node in the DOM tree.
DOMSnapshot.InlineTextBox |
Details of post layout rendered text positions.
DOMSnapshot.LayoutTreeNode |
Details of an element in the DOM tree with a LayoutObject.
DOMSnapshot.LayoutTreeSnapshot |
Table of details of an element in the DOM tree with a LayoutObject.
DOMSnapshot.NameValue |
A name/value pair.
DOMSnapshot.NodeTreeSnapshot |
Table containing nodes.
DOMSnapshot.RareBooleanData |
[No Description Provided by Google]
DOMSnapshot.RareIntegerData |
[No Description Provided by Google]
DOMSnapshot.RareStringData |
Data that is only present on rare nodes.
DOMSnapshot.TextBoxSnapshot |
Table of details of the post layout rendered text positions.
DOMStorage |
Query and modify DOM storage.
DOMStorage.domStorageItemAdded |
[No Description Provided by Google]
DOMStorage.domStorageItemRemoved |
[No Description Provided by Google]
DOMStorage.domStorageItemsCleared |
[No Description Provided by Google]
DOMStorage.domStorageItemUpdated |
[No Description Provided by Google]
DOMStorage.StorageId |
DOM Storage identifier.
DotPair |
A simple utility class that, used ubiquitously throughout Java HTML, which maintains two integer
fields - DotPai.start and
DotPai.end , for demarcating the begining and ending
of a sub-list within an HTML web-page.
DoubleTFunction<T,R> |
Input: double, T
Output: R .
DownloadResult |
An enumeration of the various problem that could potentially flare up when downloading news
article HTML.
DPUtil |
DualStackMode |
The dual stack mode defines which IP address families will be used to
establish a connection.
EffectivelyFinal<A> |
Another extremely simple class that can help avoid Effectively Final Java
Compiler warnings.
Elements |
A simple, demonstrative set of functions for retrieving HTMLNode's from a web-page
(a 'Workbook Class').
EmptyListException |
Intended to signal that a required-parameter or configuration has been passed a Data-Structure
that is an empty or null list.
Emulation |
This domain emulates different environments for the page.
Emulation.DisplayFeature |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Emulation.MediaFeature |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Emulation.ScreenOrientation |
Screen orientation.
Emulation.UserAgentBrandVersion |
Used to specify User Agent Cient Hints to emulate.
Emulation.UserAgentMetadata |
Used to specify User Agent Cient Hints to emulate.
Emulation.virtualTimeBudgetExpired |
Notification sent after the virtual time budget for the current VirtualTimePolicy has run out.
Entity |
Entity: Exhaustive list of all items that may be defined inside of a Java Type.
EnumConstant |
Reflection Class:
Holds all information extracted from '.java' enum Source-Files about
Enumerated-Constants's identified in that 'enum' file.
ES |
Some simple String Utilities for helping parse (Español) Spanish String's .
Escape |
Easy utilities for escaping and un-escaping HTML characters such as , and even
code-point based Emoji's.
'Exception Cause Chain' helps convert exception messages whose
Throwable.cause() method returns a non-null cause , thereby
unrolling (and printing) this chain of exceptions into a readable String .
ExceptionCheckError |
This class inherits class 'Error' because it is intended to mean that a more serious
problems has just occurred.
Excuse |
An enumeration used by the StaticFunctional annotation for explaining
non- static fields in a type.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Have a "rocket science" moment, and accept that all this is doing is
facilitating the "preservation" of the PACKAGE-PRIVATE levels of privacy on these methods,
fields and constructors after "The Big Move"
Note that "The Big Move" was putting all of the classes that were deemed "HTML Processors" to
sub-directories & sub-packages.
Features |
Tools to retrieve and insert tags into the <HEAD> of a web-page.
Features.Meta |
Tools made specifically for the <META> tags in the <HEAD> of a web-page.
Fetch |
A domain for letting clients substitute browser's network layer with client code.
Fetch.AuthChallenge |
Authorization challenge for HTTP status code 401 or 407.
Fetch.AuthChallengeResponse |
Response to an AuthChallenge.
Fetch.authRequired |
Issued when the domain is enabled with handleAuthRequests set to true.
Fetch.HeaderEntry |
Response HTTP header entry
Fetch.RequestPattern |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Fetch.requestPaused |
Issued when the domain is enabled and the request URL matches the
specified filter.
Field |
Reflection Class:
Holds all information extracted from '.java' Source-Files about Field's
identified in that file.
FileExpectedException |
Thrown when a FileNode operation has been invoked on an instance that represents
an Operating-System Directory , but that invoked-method may only be applied
to Operating-System File instances.
FileNode |
One of the flagship classes of Java HTML, FileNode loads a directory or
directory-tree from a File-System into memory, and provides a thorough API for listing and
analyzing its contents.
FileNodeException |
General purpose exception that may be used alongside class FileNode
FileNodeFilter |
A simple functional-interface (lambda) for filtering lists of FileNode .
FileRW |
Operating-System independent File Read & Write utilities that reduce many common Java
File I/O Commands to a single method invocation, focusing heavily on Java's Serialization
Files |
Given a list of Java-Packages, this class will collate a list of files to be processed.
FileSizeException |
May be used to indicate that a data-file is too large to fit into an in-memory
data-structure; or too big to adhere to any kind of model-constraints.
FileTransfer |
Operating-System independent utilities for moving, copying and deleting files, or an entire
tree of files - using the FileNode class.
FloatConsumer |
Input: float
Output: void .
FloatPredicate |
Input: float
Output: boolean .
FloatSupplier |
Input: NONE
Output: float .
FloatTFunction<T,R> |
Input: float, T
Output: R .
ForeignNewsArticle |
A simple Foreign News Article Scraper.
Func |
Google Cloud Services, Translation API Wrapper.
A utility that attempts to mimic the UNIX command 'grep' .
This class wraps the Google Cloud command-line tool 'gsutil' , simply using
the standard Java java.lang.Process object (in addition to Java HTML's
OSResponse ) thereby providing a simple Java-API for these operating-system calls.
Hash |
HeaderFooterHTML |
Encapsulates the HTML placed both the top and the bottom of a JavaDoc Web-Page, including the
Navigation-Bar HTML, the Package-Name, Type-Signature and other Banner-Labesl.
HeadlessExperimental |
This domain provides experimental commands only supported in headless mode.
HeadlessExperimental.needsBeginFramesChanged |
Issued when the target starts or stops needing BeginFrames.
HeadlessExperimental.ScreenshotParams |
Encoding options for a screenshot.
HeapProfiler |
[No Description Provided by Google]
HeapProfiler.addHeapSnapshotChunk |
[No Description Provided by Google]
HeapProfiler.heapStatsUpdate |
If heap objects tracking has been started then backend may send update for one or more fragments
HeapProfiler.lastSeenObjectId |
If heap objects tracking has been started then backend regularly sends a current value for last
seen object id and corresponding timestamp.
HeapProfiler.reportHeapSnapshotProgress |
[No Description Provided by Google]
HeapProfiler.resetProfiles |
This is Marker-Event.
HeapProfiler.SamplingHeapProfile |
Sampling profile.
HeapProfiler.SamplingHeapProfileNode |
Sampling Heap Profile node.
HeapProfiler.SamplingHeapProfileSample |
A single sample from a sampling profile.
Helper |
HelpFormatter |
A formatter of help messages for command line options.
HexConsumer<A,B,C,D,E,F> |
Input: A, B, C, D, E, F
void .
HexFunction<A,B,C,D,E,F,R> |
Input: A, B, C, D, E, F
Output: R .
HexPredicate<A,B,C,D,E,F> |
Input: A, B, C, D, E, F
Output: boolean .
HiLiteException |
Exception that may be thrown by the HiLiter interface.
HiLiteMe |
Wraps a basic on-line syntax-hiliter named HiLite.ME (which, itself, wraps the
on-line hiliter ).
HiLiteMe.Cache |
A caching-system class that allows this tool to efficiently bypass calls to the server when
an exact-copy of the hilited source-code already exists inside the cache.
HiLiteMe.Params |
Inner class for providing a list of parameters when hiliting multiple files on disk.
HiLiter |
A simple Functional-Interface allowing a user to swap in any customized, alternate or
proprietary Syntax HiLiter to replace the default HiLiter used by this Upgrader Tool.
HNLI<E extends HTMLNode> |
A Java Generic Iterator -Class that for iterating TagNode , TextNode and
CommentNode instances which match user-provided search-criteria.
HNLIInclusive |
Iterates 'Inclusive' TagNode sublist-matches, which would be similar to iterating
the '.innerHTML' fields of elements in a JavaScript DOM-Tree.
HostnameUnverifiedException |
The certificate of the peer does not match the expected hostname.
HREFException |
Used to identify problems parsing or searching an 'HREF' attribute from an HTML
'<A HREF=...> (Anchor) Tag or any Tag that is expected to contain
an 'HREF' attribute.
HTMLModifier |
A simple Java function-pointer / lambda-target that may be used to modify or alter
Vectorized-HTML, in any way that the programmer has deemed necessary.
HTMLNode |
This class is mostly a wrapper for class java.lang.String , and serves as
the abstract parent of the three types of HTML elements offered by the Java HTML Library.
HTMLNotFoundException |
Indicates that an HTML segment, or a single HTML-Tag, was not found at a particular location
on an HTML Page-Vector where that piece of HTML was expected.
HTMLPage |
Java HTML's flagship-parser class for converting HTML web-pages into plain Java Vector's
of HTMLNode .
HTMLPage.Parser |
A function-pointer / lambda-target that (could) potentially be used to replace this
library's current regular-expression based parser with something possibly faster or even
more efficient.
A carbon-copy of class HTMLPage , augmented with a mechanism for setting a timeout
so that when scraping web-pages and URL's from servers that might have a tendency to hang,
freeze, or delay - the Java Virtual Machine can skip and move-on when that timeout expires.
HTMLTags |
Primary "HTML-5 Tags" class - keeps a list of all 122 Tags in a
TreeSet<String> , and many accessor methods that are used by he HTML Parser, or
potentially any class or function that may need this list.
HTMLTokException |
Used when an invalid, non-HTML, tag or token has been passed to a method.
HTMLWordTables |
HTMLWordTables for Mandarin Chinese Translations.
HTTPCodes |
Keeps lists of the various HTTP Response Codes, made available as String -arrays and
Iterator's for tasks such as building better exception messages or printing for use as
Identifier |
IF |
An enumeration of the primary image-types available on the internet.
ImageInfo |
Simple Image Data-Class that is instantiated by the ImageScraper , and passed to any of
the FunctionalInterface 's or Lambda-Targets that are non-null / available in the user's
Request object instance.
ImageScrape |
A simple class for scraping & downloading images using a URL, or list of URL's.
ImageScraper |
A more advanced class for both downloading and saving a list of images, using URL's.
ImageScraperException |
A wrapper exception that wraps any all exceptions that may be thrown by the underlying
downloader logic.
InclusiveException |
An Inclusive-Exception indicates that a user has tried to perform an "Inclusive Search" on
an HTML Tag that cannot have sub-nodes or descendant-nodes.
IndexedDB |
[No Description Provided by Google]
IndexedDB.DatabaseWithObjectStores |
Database with an array of object stores.
IndexedDB.DataEntry |
Data entry.
IndexedDB.Key |
IndexedDB.KeyPath |
Key path.
IndexedDB.KeyRange |
Key range.
IndexedDB.ObjectStore |
Object store.
IndexedDB.ObjectStoreIndex |
Object store index.
InnerTagCount |
Searches Vectorized-HTML for Tag-Matches using Inner-Tag (attribute) names & values as
search-criteria, and returns the number of matches that were found.
InnerTagFind |
Searches Vectorized-HTML for Tag-Matches by Inner-Tag (attribute) name & value, and
returns the indices into the Vector that identify where those matches were found.
InnerTagFindInclusive |
Searches for Vector -indices of TagNode matches using exactly the same criteria
offered by class InnerTagFind , but also retrieves the corresponding Closing-Tag indices
from the Vector , and returns both as an instance of DotPair (a sublist-pointer).
InnerTagGet |
Searches Vectorized-HTML for Tag-Matches by Inner-Tag (attribute) name & value, and
returns those matches as instances of TagNode .
InnerTagGetInclusive |
Searches for TagNode matches using exactly the same criteria offered by class
InnerTagGet , but also retrieves the corresponding Closing-Tag from the Vector ,
and return a new HTML- Vector containing this sublist.
InnerTagInclusiveIterator |
Static methods for building an HNLIInclusive (which also extends the basic
Iterator ) for retrieving sub HTML-Vector's using match-critera which specify
HTML Tag Attribute name and value
InnerTagIterator |
Static methods for building and instantiating an
HNLI < TagNode > (which extends the basic
iterator class) for iterating the tags inside of an HTML- Vector , using match-critera
which specify attribute name & value requirements.
InnerTagKeyException |
This occurs whenever a parameter specifies an Inner-Tag
"Key-Value Pair" (which, in this package, are also known
as Attribute-Value Pairs) that contain inappropriate characters
inside the key-String .
InnerTagPeek |
Searches Vectorized-HTML for Tag-Matches by Inner-Tag (attribute) names & values, and
returns both the index-locatioon and the tag as instances of
TagNodeIndex .
InnerTagPeekInclusive |
Searches for TagNode matches, using exactly the same criteria offered by class
InnerTagPeek , but also retrieves the corresponding Closing-Tag from the Vector ,
and returns them, all nodes & between them, and their corresponding
Vector -index locations as a SubSection .
InnerTagPoll |
Searches Vectorized-HTML for Tag-Matches by Inner-Tag (attribute) names & values, and
removes and returns the TagNode when a match is found.
InnerTagPollInclusive |
Searches for TagNode matches, using exactly the same criteria offered by class
InnerTagPoll , but also obtains the corresponding Closing-Tags from the
input- Vector and, subsequently, extracts these sublists from the
input- Vector and then returns the sublists as new instances of
Vector<HTMLNode> .
InnerTagRemove |
Removes tags from Vectorized-HTML by matching them using a search-criteria that is specified
by the names & values of a tag's attributes (Inner-Tags).
InnerTagRemoveInclusive |
Finds TagNode matches, and removes them with exactly the same means as class
InnerTagRemove but, additionally, finds the corresponding matching
Closing- TagNode and continues by removing that node, as well as every node situated
between the two.
InnerTags |
"Inner-Tags", a synonym for "Attributes" allows a user to do some aggregrate searches for the
types of attributes in Vectorized-HTML.
InnerTagValueException |
This class is not used internally, but is intended to be used to check for invalid
attribute-values inside HTML Tags.
Input |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Input.DragData |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Input.DragDataItem |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Input.dragIntercepted |
Emitted only when Input.setInterceptDrags is enabled.
Input.TouchPoint |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Inspector |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Inspector.detached |
Fired when remote debugging connection is about to be terminated.
Inspector.targetCrashed |
Fired when debugging target has crashed
This is Marker-Event.
Inspector.targetReloadedAfterCrash |
Fired when debugging target has reloaded after crash
This is Marker-Event.
IntBoolConsumer |
Input: int, boolean
Output: void .
IntBoolFunction<R> |
Input: int, boolean
Output: R .
IntBoolPredicate |
Input: int, boolean
Output: boolean .
IntByteConsumer |
Input: int, byte
Output: void .
IntByteFunction<R> |
Input: int, byte
Output: R .
IntBytePredicate |
Input: int, byte
Output: boolean .
IntCharConsumer |
Input: int, char
Output: void .
IntCharFunction<R> |
Input: int, char
Output: R .
IntCharPredicate |
Input: int, char
Output: boolean .
IntDoubleConsumer |
Input: int, double
Output: void .
IntDoubleFunction<R> |
Input: int, double
Output: R .
IntDoublePredicate |
Input: int, double
Output: boolean .
IntFloatConsumer |
Input: int, float
Output: void .
IntFloatFunction<R> |
Input: int, float
Output: R .
IntFloatPredicate |
Input: int, float
Output: boolean .
IntIntBoolFunc<R> |
Input: int, int, boolean
Output: R .
IntIntByteFunc<R> |
Input: int, int, byte
Output: R .
IntIntCharFunc<R> |
Input: int, int, char
Output: R .
IntIntDoubleFunc<R> |
Input: int, int, double
Output: R .
IntIntFloatFunc<R> |
Input: int, int, float
Output: R .
IntIntLongFunc<R> |
Input: int, int, long
Output: R .
IntIntShortFunc<R> |
Input: int, int, short
Output: R .
IntIntTFunc<T,R> |
Input: int, int, T
Output: R .
IntLongConsumer |
Input: int, long
Output: void .
IntLongFunction<R> |
Input: int, long
Output: R .
IntLongPredicate |
Input: int, long
Output: boolean .
IntShortConsumer |
Input: int, short
Output: void .
IntShortFunction<R> |
Input: int, short
Output: R .
IntShortPredicate |
Input: int, short
Output: boolean .
IntTFunction<T,R> |
Input: int, T
Output: R .
IO |
Input/Output operations for streams produced by DevTools.
IOExceptionHandler |
A functional-interface, used in case of IOException , to be used alongside the
'GREP' Tool.
IteratorOutOfBoundsException |
An exception thrown by the HNLI & HNLIInclusive iterators when, in the
processes of modifying or reading the contents of the most recent Iterator -Match, a
location is specified that's out of the bounds of the Vector itself.
JarInclude |
This is a very light-weight class, and has as its primary-operation / primary-feature the
ability to allow a user to request that additional files be automatically inserted into the
'.jar' -File that's generated by this Build-Tool.
JavaDocHTMLFile |
Retains all information parsed from a '.html' Java-Doc web-page, and borrows
any missing information that was found in the '.java' source-code file; note
that an instance-reference of this class may be rerieved, and used, to further change a Java
Doc page by registering a visitor-handler with the configuration class Upgrade by
calling Upgrade.setExtraTasks(Consumer) .
JDFiles |
Retrieve Java Doc HTML Files from the Java Doc output directory.
JDHeaderBackgroundImg |
A Java-Annotation for inserting a Wooden-Plank Background Image at the top of a Java-Doc
Page using External-HTML File's; the image used is configurable, and my be changed by
assigning the Annotation-Element Values appropriately.
JFlag |
Exception-Flags that may be passed to the ReadJSON methods which accept a
'FLAGS' parameter.
JS |
A 'work-book' class included in the Java-HTML JAR-Library, mostly in order to demonstrate the
similarities between searching a Java Script DOM-Tree and searching Vectorized-HTML for tags,
text and comments.
Json |
Factory class for creating JSON processing objects.
JsonArithmeticArrException |
Used to indicate that one of the elements within a JsonArray caused a Java
ArithmeticException to throw when attempting to bind the element to a
Java Number Type.
JsonArithmeticObjException |
Used to indicate that one of the properties within a JsonObject caused a Java
ArithmeticException to throw when attempting to bind the property to a
Java Number Type.
JsonArray |
JsonArray represents an immutable JSON array
(an ordered sequence of zero or more values).
JsonArrayBuilder |
A builder for creating JsonArray models from scratch, and for
modifying a existing JsonArray .
JsonBindingArrException |
The parent class of all Json Binding Exceptions that are used for JsonArray
element retrieval errors.
JsonBindingException |
The parent class of all Json Exceptions in this package.
JsonBindingObjException |
The parent class of all Json Binding Exceptions that are used for JsonObject
property retrieval errors.
JsonBuilderFactory |
JsonCollectors |
JsonException |
JsonException indicates that some exception happened during
JSON processing.
JsonGenerationException |
JsonGenerationException indicates an incorrect JSON is
being generated.
JsonGenerator |
Writes JSON data to an output source in a streaming way.
JsonGeneratorFactory |
JsonLocation |
Provides the location information of a JSON event in an input source.
JsonMergePatch |
This interface represents an implementation of a JSON Merge Patch
as defined by
RFC 7396.
JsonNullArrException |
Used to indicate that one of the elements within a JsonArray contained
Json Null, when it was expected to contain a valid
JsonNullObjException |
Used to indicate that one of the properties within a JsonObject contained
Json-Null, when it was expected to contain a valid
JsonNullPrimitiveArrException |
Used to indicate that one of the indices within a JsonArray contained null, where a
valid primitive-value was expected.
JsonNullPrimitiveObjException |
Used to indicate that one of the properties within a JsonObject contained null, where a
valid primitive-value was expected.
JsonNumber |
An immutable JSON number value.
JsonObject |
JsonObject class represents an immutable JSON object value
(an unordered collection of zero or more name/value pairs).
JsonObjectBuilder |
A builder for creating JsonObject models from scratch.
JsonParser |
Provides forward, read-only access to JSON data in a streaming way.
JsonParser.Event |
An event from JsonParser .
JsonParserFactory |
JsonParsingException |
JsonParsingException is used when an incorrect JSON is
being parsed.
JsonPatch |
This interface represents an immutable implementation of a JSON Patch
as defined by
RFC 6902.
JsonPatch.Operation |
This enum represents the list of valid JSON Patch operations
as defined by
RFC 6902.
JsonPatchBuilder |
A builder for constructing a JSON Patch as defined by
RFC 6902 by adding
JSON Patch operations incrementally.
JsonPointer |
This interface represents an immutable implementation of a JSON Pointer
as defined by
RFC 6901.
JsonPropMissingException |
Used to indicate that therw was a property within a JsonObject that wasn't actually
identified during the Json Parse.
JsonReader |
Reads a JSON object or an array
structure from an input source.
JsonReaderFactory |
JsonString |
An immutable JSON string value.
JsonStrParseArrException |
JsonStrParseObjException |
JsonStructure |
Super type for the two structured types in JSON ( object s
and array s).
JsonTypeArrException |
Used to indicate that one of the indices within a JsonArray contained a different type
than was requested / expected by the reader.
JsonTypeObjException |
Used to indicate that one of the properties within a JsonObject contained a different
type than was requested / expected by the reader.
JsonValue |
JsonValue represents an immutable JSON value.
JsonValue.ValueType |
JsonWriter |
Writes a JSON object or array structure
to an output source.
JsonWriterFactory |
LayerTree |
[No Description Provided by Google]
LayerTree.Layer |
Information about a compositing layer.
LayerTree.layerPainted |
[No Description Provided by Google]
LayerTree.layerTreeDidChange |
[No Description Provided by Google]
LayerTree.PictureTile |
Serialized fragment of layer picture along with its offset within the layer.
LayerTree.ScrollRect |
Rectangle where scrolling happens on the main thread.
LayerTree.StickyPositionConstraint |
Sticky position constraints.
LC |
Enumeration of Standard Google Language-Codes.
Load File Exception Catch provides an eloquent way for printing standardized
(consistent-looking) error messages to terminal if a data-file fails to load from the
file-system, and subsequently halting the JVM - immediately.
The Google Cloud Server Storage Bucket extension of "Load File Exception Catch" does the
work that LFEC does, but for GCS Storage Buckets, rather than operating
system files.
LinkJavaSource |
Links |
Utilities for de-refrencing 'partially-completed' URL's in a Web-Page Vector .
LinksGet |
This function-pointer / lambda-target interface which facilitates extracting news-article
URL's on the main-page (or a sub-sections) of a news-media web-site.
Lint |
A very basic utility for ensuring that the Java Doc Comment portion of a source-file does not
exceed a maximum line-length.
Listeners |
A basic tool for finding Java-Script Listener Attributes in the TagNode elements in a
Vectorized-HTML Web-Page.
Location |
Location Information storing line-number, column-number and character-number for items inside
of a Java Source-Code File (a '.java' file).
Log |
Provides access to log entries.
Log.entryAdded |
Issued when new message was logged.
Log.LogEntry |
Log entry.
Log.ViolationSetting |
Violation configuration setting.
Logs |
Class used to assist in writing out Log-Information to the file-system during the build process.
LongTFunction<T,R> |
Input: long, T
Output: R .
LRUTreeMap<K,V> |
A great class, heavily used by the Java Doc Upgrader Tool, that extends Java's
TreeMap class to eliminate "Least Recently Used" elements from the
Map, effectively creating an 'in-memory cache' for the tool.
LV |
The Loop-Variable End-Points class is used extensively throughout the Java-HTML Library for
throwing properly formatted exception messages vis-a-vis loop variables.
MalformedHTMLException |
This Exception may be thrown by code that checks the validity of an HTML Page
Vector .
MalformedTagNodeException |
If, when attempting to instantiate or construct a TagNode , the String used to
instantiate that node is invalid, this exception will be thrown to inform the programmer that
his passed constructor-String was invalid.
Media |
This domain allows detailed inspection of media elements
Media.PlayerError |
Corresponds to kMediaError
Media.playerErrorsRaised |
Send a list of any errors that need to be delivered.
Media.PlayerEvent |
Corresponds to kMediaEventTriggered
Media.playerEventsAdded |
Send events as a list, allowing them to be batched on the browser for less
Media.PlayerMessage |
Have one type per entry in MediaLogRecord::Type
Corresponds to kMessage
Media.playerMessagesLogged |
Send a list of any messages that need to be delivered.
Media.playerPropertiesChanged |
This can be called multiple times, and can be used to set / override /
remove player properties.
Media.PlayerProperty |
Corresponds to kMediaPropertyChange
Media.playersCreated |
Called whenever a player is created, or when a new agent joins and receives
a list of active players.
Memory |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Memory.Module |
Executable module information
Memory.SamplingProfile |
Array of heap profile samples.
Memory.SamplingProfileNode |
Heap profile sample.
MetaTagName |
The values & types of HTML 'NAME' <META> -Tags.
Method |
Reflection Class:
Holds all information extracted from '.java' Source-Files about Method's
identified in that file.
A silly class that serves as a reminder of all the web-formats that have been tried since the
internet was invented.
MissingArgumentException |
Thrown when an option requiring an argument is not provided with an argument.
MissingOptionException |
Thrown when a required option has not been provided.
A great tool for invoking commands to an MS-DOS operating-system.
MultiType |
This is a parent class of the 'Multiple Return Type' classes.
NestedType |
Reflection Class:
Holds all information extracted from '.java' Source-Files regarding
Nested-Types (Inner-Classes).
Network |
Network domain allows tracking network activities of the page.
Network.AuthChallenge |
Authorization challenge for HTTP status code 401 or 407.
Network.AuthChallengeResponse |
Response to an AuthChallenge.
Network.BlockedCookieWithReason |
A cookie with was not sent with a request with the corresponding reason.
Network.BlockedSetCookieWithReason |
A cookie which was not stored from a response with the corresponding reason.
Network.CachedResource |
Information about the cached resource.
Network.ClientSecurityState |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Network.ConnectTiming |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Network.Cookie |
Cookie object
Network.CookieParam |
Cookie parameter object
Network.CorsErrorStatus |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Network.CrossOriginEmbedderPolicyStatus |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Network.CrossOriginOpenerPolicyStatus |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Network.dataReceived |
Fired when data chunk was received over the network.
Network.eventSourceMessageReceived |
Fired when EventSource message is received.
Network.Initiator |
Information about the request initiator.
Network.loadingFailed |
Fired when HTTP request has failed to load.
Network.loadingFinished |
Fired when HTTP request has finished loading.
Network.LoadNetworkResourceOptions |
An options object that may be extended later to better support CORS,
CORB and streaming.
Network.LoadNetworkResourcePageResult |
An object providing the result of a network resource load.
Network.PostDataEntry |
Post data entry for HTTP request
Network.ReportingApiReport |
An object representing a report generated by the Reporting API.
Network.reportingApiReportAdded |
Is sent whenever a new report is added.
Network.reportingApiReportUpdated |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Network.Request |
HTTP request data.
Network.requestIntercepted |
Details of an intercepted HTTP request, which must be either allowed, blocked, modified or
Network.RequestPattern |
Request pattern for interception.
Network.requestServedFromCache |
Fired if request ended up loading from cache.
Network.requestWillBeSent |
Fired when page is about to send HTTP request.
Network.requestWillBeSentExtraInfo |
Fired when additional information about a requestWillBeSent event is available from the
network stack.
Network.resourceChangedPriority |
Fired when resource loading priority is changed
Network.ResourceTiming |
Timing information for the request.
Network.Response |
HTTP response data.
Network.responseReceived |
Fired when HTTP response is available.
Network.responseReceivedExtraInfo |
Fired when additional information about a responseReceived event is available from the network
Network.SecurityDetails |
Security details about a request.
Network.SecurityIsolationStatus |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Network.SignedCertificateTimestamp |
Details of a signed certificate timestamp (SCT).
Network.SignedExchangeError |
Information about a signed exchange response.
Network.SignedExchangeHeader |
Information about a signed exchange header.
Network.SignedExchangeInfo |
Information about a signed exchange response.
Network.signedExchangeReceived |
Fired when a signed exchange was received over the network
Network.SignedExchangeSignature |
Information about a signed exchange signature.
Network.subresourceWebBundleInnerResponseError |
Fired when request for resources within a .wbn file failed.
Network.subresourceWebBundleInnerResponseParsed |
Fired when handling requests for resources within a .wbn file.
Network.subresourceWebBundleMetadataError |
Fired once when parsing the .wbn file has failed.
Network.subresourceWebBundleMetadataReceived |
Fired once when parsing the .wbn file has succeeded.
Network.trustTokenOperationDone |
Fired exactly once for each Trust Token operation.
Network.TrustTokenParams |
Determines what type of Trust Token operation is executed and
depending on the type, some additional parameters.
Network.webSocketClosed |
Fired when WebSocket is closed.
Network.webSocketCreated |
Fired upon WebSocket creation.
Network.WebSocketFrame |
WebSocket message data.
Network.webSocketFrameError |
Fired when WebSocket message error occurs.
Network.webSocketFrameReceived |
Fired when WebSocket message is received.
Network.webSocketFrameSent |
Fired when WebSocket message is sent.
Network.webSocketHandshakeResponseReceived |
Fired when WebSocket handshake response becomes available.
Network.WebSocketRequest |
WebSocket request data.
Network.WebSocketResponse |
WebSocket response data.
Network.webSocketWillSendHandshakeRequest |
Fired when WebSocket is about to initiate handshake.
Network.webTransportClosed |
Fired when WebTransport is disposed.
Network.webTransportConnectionEstablished |
Fired when WebTransport handshake is finished.
Network.webTransportCreated |
Fired upon WebTransport creation.
NewsSite |
The 'data flow' encapsulation class that contains most of the salient features of a news
oriented web-site.
NewsSiteException |
This exception is thrown by the NewsSite class' constructor if improper
input-parameter data is provided to that constructor.
NewsSites |
This class is nothing more than an 'Example Class' that contains some foreign-language
based news web-pages, from both overseas and from Latin America.
NException |
Throws when a Method's (or Constructor's) integer-valued parameter (often for parameters that
are actually named 'n' , representing a 'count' of some form or fasion) does not
adhere to some of those Method's expectations or requirements.
NodeExpectedException |
This can be used to catch different types of exceptions using the same code-branch, since
it is the parent-class of several 'Node Expected Exceptions'.
NodeIndex<NODE extends HTMLNode> |
NodeNotFoundException |
If a programmer is writing code, and expecting an HTML-Page Vector position to contain a
specific type of HTMLNode , and it is not found anywhere on that page, sub-page or
sub-section, then this exception may be used.
NoMatchException |
When a String parsing method intends for a particular Regular-Expression to match a
String , but the match fails, then this exception may be thrown.
This class is used to shunt text-output sent to a Java Appendable ; note that this
Appendable can be tapped, allowing for saving text-output, without printing
NullImageException |
Used when an Image-URL appears to download an image succesfully, and does not generate
any Exception throws, but actually turns out to be nothing more than a null referece.
Num |
CSS-Tokenizer Number -Literal & Number -Token Class.
OpeningHandshakeException |
An exception raised due to a violation against the WebSocket protocol.
OpeningTagNodeExpectedException |
If an HTML-Page Vector index-position should contain a TagNode whose
TagNode.isClosing field is set FALSE , but that field is
TRUE , then this exception should throw.
Option |
Describes a single command-line option.
Option.Builder |
A nested builder class to create Option instances using descriptive methods.
OptionGroup |
A group of mutually exclusive options.
Options |
Main entry-point into the library.
OSCommands |
Root Ancestor / Parent Class for all Operating-System Execution Classes - including:
MSDOS , Shell , GSUTIL etc...
OSExtras |
This class allows for the user to provide redirects, environment variables, and output/error
unification (meaning the Standard-Output and Error-Output Streams are printed together, as if
they were being printed to the terminal).
OSResponse |
Class Operating-System Response does is used as a return record class for the Java HTML classes
Shell , GSUTIL & MSDOS .
Overlay |
This domain provides various functionality related to drawing atop the inspected page.
Overlay.BoxStyle |
Style information for drawing a box.
Overlay.ContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Overlay.ContainerQueryHighlightConfig |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Overlay.FlexContainerHighlightConfig |
Configuration data for the highlighting of Flex container elements.
Overlay.FlexItemHighlightConfig |
Configuration data for the highlighting of Flex item elements.
Overlay.FlexNodeHighlightConfig |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Overlay.GridHighlightConfig |
Configuration data for the highlighting of Grid elements.
Overlay.GridNodeHighlightConfig |
Configurations for Persistent Grid Highlight
Overlay.HighlightConfig |
Configuration data for the highlighting of page elements.
Overlay.HingeConfig |
Configuration for dual screen hinge
Overlay.inspectModeCanceled |
Fired when user cancels the inspect mode.
Overlay.inspectNodeRequested |
Fired when the node should be inspected.
Overlay.IsolatedElementHighlightConfig |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Overlay.IsolationModeHighlightConfig |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Overlay.LineStyle |
Style information for drawing a line.
Overlay.nodeHighlightRequested |
Fired when the node should be highlighted.
Overlay.screenshotRequested |
Fired when user asks to capture screenshot of some area on the page.
Overlay.ScrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Overlay.ScrollSnapHighlightConfig |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Overlay.SourceOrderConfig |
Configuration data for drawing the source order of an elements children.
Packages |
This class will accept the User-Provided list of Packages that may be built during a build,
and generate a final list of packages that will be processed during any given build - as
initiated at the command line by user command.
PackageSummaryHTML |
A class that parses and encapsulates the contents of a 'package-summary.html'
Page |
Actions and events related to the inspected page belong to the page domain.
Page.AdFrameStatus |
Indicates whether a frame has been identified as an ad and why.
Page.AppManifestError |
Error while paring app manifest.
Page.AppManifestParsedProperties |
Parsed app manifest properties.
Page.BackForwardCacheNotRestoredExplanation |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Page.backForwardCacheNotUsed |
Fired for failed bfcache history navigations if BackForwardCache feature is enabled.
Page.CompilationCacheParams |
Per-script compilation cache parameters for Page.produceCompilationCache
Page.compilationCacheProduced |
Issued for every compilation cache generated.
Page.documentOpened |
Fired when opening document to write to.
Page.domContentEventFired |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Page.downloadProgress |
Fired when download makes progress.
Page.downloadWillBegin |
Fired when page is about to start a download.
Page.fileChooserOpened |
Emitted only when page.interceptFileChooser is enabled.
Page.FontFamilies |
Generic font families collection.
Page.FontSizes |
Default font sizes.
Page.Frame |
Information about the Frame on the page.
Page.frameAttached |
Fired when frame has been attached to its parent.
Page.frameClearedScheduledNavigation |
Fired when frame no longer has a scheduled navigation.
Page.frameDetached |
Fired when frame has been detached from its parent.
Page.frameNavigated |
Fired once navigation of the frame has completed.
Page.frameRequestedNavigation |
Fired when a renderer-initiated navigation is requested.
Page.frameResized |
This is Marker-Event.
Page.FrameResource |
Information about the Resource on the page.
Page.FrameResourceTree |
Information about the Frame hierarchy along with their cached resources.
Page.frameScheduledNavigation |
Fired when frame schedules a potential navigation.
Page.frameStartedLoading |
Fired when frame has started loading.
Page.frameStoppedLoading |
Fired when frame has stopped loading.
Page.FrameTree |
Information about the Frame hierarchy.
Page.InstallabilityError |
The installability error
Page.InstallabilityErrorArgument |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Page.interstitialHidden |
Fired when interstitial page was hidden
This is Marker-Event.
Page.interstitialShown |
Fired when interstitial page was shown
This is Marker-Event.
Page.javascriptDialogClosed |
Fired when a JavaScript initiated dialog (alert, confirm, prompt, or onbeforeunload) has been
Page.javascriptDialogOpening |
Fired when a JavaScript initiated dialog (alert, confirm, prompt, or onbeforeunload) is about to
Page.LayoutViewport |
Layout viewport position and dimensions.
Page.lifecycleEvent |
Fired for top level page lifecycle events such as navigation, load, paint, etc.
Page.loadEventFired |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Page.navigatedWithinDocument |
Fired when same-document navigation happens, e.g.
Page.NavigationEntry |
Navigation history entry.
Page.OriginTrial |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Page.OriginTrialToken |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Page.OriginTrialTokenWithStatus |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Page.PermissionsPolicyBlockLocator |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Page.PermissionsPolicyFeatureState |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Page.screencastFrame |
Compressed image data requested by the startScreencast .
Page.ScreencastFrameMetadata |
Screencast frame metadata.
Page.screencastVisibilityChanged |
Fired when the page with currently enabled screencast was shown or hidden.
Page.Viewport |
Viewport for capturing screenshot.
Page.VisualViewport |
Visual viewport position, dimensions, and scale.
Page.windowOpen |
Fired when a new window is going to be opened, via, link click, form submission,
PageStats |
Computes miscellaneous statistics for a web-page, or sub-page.
ParallelArrayException |
This may be used to check that array have equal lengths - if two or more arrays are expected to
be parallel, but their lengths are not equal, then this exception should be thrown.
ParsedFile |
ParseException |
Base for Exceptions thrown during parsing of a command-line.
PatternOptionBuilder |
Allows Options to be created from a single String.
Pause |
When the main iteration-loop for downloading news-articles is running, the loop-variables are
kept current to this class; so if (while watching the downloader), the programmer has decided
to go take a break (and presses Control-^C ), 'download progress' won't be lost and
starting over with articles that have already been saved won't be necessary.
PauseException |
Thrown by the 'Pause' interface, if any of the methods inside an
implementation of interface 'Pause' need to throw an exception - then that
exception must be wraped by this (unchecked, runtime) exception.
PayloadGenerator |
Payload generator.
Percentage |
Reprents a Number in CSS.
Performance |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Performance.Metric |
Run-time execution metric.
Performance.metrics |
Current values of the metrics.
PerformanceTimeline |
Reporting of performance timeline events, as specified in
PerformanceTimeline.LargestContentfulPaint |
See and largest_contentful_paint.idl
PerformanceTimeline.LayoutShift |
See and layout_shift.idl
PerformanceTimeline.LayoutShiftAttribution |
[No Description Provided by Google]
PerformanceTimeline.TimelineEvent |
[No Description Provided by Google]
PerformanceTimeline.timelineEventAdded |
Sent when a performance timeline event is added.
PF |
Print Flags: Flag-Constants for pretty-printing and selecting output to Reflection API
classes' toString(flags) methods.
PhotoBombSite |
An experimental class that can be used (with, albeit, way too much effort) to download
those photo-montages that are on major news-network web-sites.
Pin1Yin1 |
Pin1Yin1 (罗马拼音 - Online Internet Translation Service).
PinYinParse |
PinYinParse (罗马拼音).
Printing |
A few minor printing utilities.
Profiler |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Profiler.consoleProfileFinished |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Profiler.consoleProfileStarted |
Sent when new profile recording is started using console.profile() call.
Profiler.CoverageRange |
Coverage data for a source range.
Profiler.FunctionCoverage |
Coverage data for a JavaScript function.
Profiler.PositionTickInfo |
Specifies a number of samples attributed to a certain source position.
Profiler.preciseCoverageDeltaUpdate |
Reports coverage delta since the last poll (either from an event like this, or from
takePreciseCoverage for the current isolate.
Profiler.Profile |
Profiler.ProfileNode |
Profile node.
Profiler.ScriptCoverage |
Coverage data for a JavaScript script.
Profiler.ScriptTypeProfile |
Type profile data collected during runtime for a JavaScript script.
Profiler.TypeObject |
Describes a type collected during runtime.
Profiler.TypeProfileEntry |
Source offset and types for a parameter or return value.
A promise keeps the processing logic for converting a response from an asychronous connection
into a result that the end-user can utilize.
ProxySettings |
Proxy settings.
Punct |
A class for saving one of nine different Punctuation-Token classes.
Q |
The class 'Q' (Query) is an extremely simple debugging tool that is similar
to an IDE's 'breakpoint' feature, but instead using terminal input.
QuadConsumer<A,B,C,D> |
Input: A, B, C, D
Output: void .
QuadFunction<A,B,C,D,R> |
Input: A, B, C, D
Output: R .
QuadPredicate<A,B,C,D> |
Input: A, B, C, D
Output: boolean .
QuintConsumer<A,B,C,D,E> |
Input: A, B, C, D, E
Output: void .
QuintFunction<A,B,C,D,E,R> |
Input: A, B, C, D, E
Output: R .
QuintPredicate<A,B,C,D,E> |
Input: A, B, C, D, E
Output: boolean .
QuotesException |
This Exception is generated, usually, when a quote-within-quote problem has occurred
inside HTML Attributes.
ReadArrJSON |
Utilities for parsing Json Array's into Java Array's.
ReadArrJSON.DimN |
Parses Multi-Dimensional JSON Array's into Multi-Dimensional Java Array's.
ReadBoxedJSON |
Builds on the J2EE Standard Release JSON Parsing Tools by providing additional
help with converting JSON Data into Java Boxed-Primitive Types
ReadBoxedJSON.XL |
ReadJSON |
Builds on the J2EE Standard Release JSON Parsing Tools by providing additional
help with converting JSON Data into Java Object-Data.
ReadNumberJSON |
Builds on the J2EE Standard Release JSON Parsing Tools by providing additional
help with converting JSON Data into the Best-Fit
ReadOnlyArrayList<E> |
Immutable Wrapper for java.util.ArrayList , found in the "Java Collections
ReadOnlyCollection<E> |
Immutable variant of Java Collections Framework interface
java.util.Collection<E> .
ReadOnlyDictionary<K,V> |
Immutable variant of Java Collections Framework abstract class
java.util.Dictionary<K, V> .
ReadOnlyHashMap<K,V> |
Immutable Wrapper for java.util.HashMap , found in the "Java Collections
ReadOnlyHashSet<E> |
Immutable Wrapper for java.util.HashSet , found in the "Java Collections
ReadOnlyHashtable<K,V> |
Immutable Wrapper for java.util.Hashtable , found in the "Java Collections
ReadOnlyList<E> |
Immutable variant of Java Collections Framework interface
java.util.List<E> .
ReadOnlyListIterator<E> |
Immutable variant of Java Collections Framework interface
java.util.ListIterator<E> .
ReadOnlyMap<K,V> |
Immutable variant of Java Collections Framework interface
java.util.Map<K, V> .
ReadOnlyMap.Entry<K,V> |
A map entry (key-value pair).
ReadOnlyNavigableMap<K,V> |
Immutable variant of Java Collectionds Framework interface
java.util.NavigableMap<K, V> .
ReadOnlyNavigableSet<E> |
Immutable variant of Java Collections Framework interface
java.util.NavigableSet<E> .
ReadOnlyProperties |
Immutable Wrapper for java.util.Properties , found in the "Java Collections
ReadOnlySequencedCollection<E> |
Immutable variant of Java Collections Framework interface
java.util.SequencedCollection<E> .
ReadOnlySequencedMap<K,V> |
Immutable variant of Java Collections Framework interface
java.util.SequencedMap<K, V> .
ReadOnlySequencedSet<E> |
Immutable variant of Java Collections Framework interface
java.util.SequencedSet<E> .
ReadOnlySet<E> |
Immutable variant of Java Collections Framework interface
java.util.Set<E> .
ReadOnlySortedMap<K,V> |
Immutable variant of Java Collections Framework interface
java.util.SortedMap<K, V> .
ReadOnlySortedSet<E> |
Immutable variant of Java Collections Framework interface
java.util.SortedSet<E> .
ReadOnlyTreeMap<K,V> |
Immutable Wrapper for java.util.TreeMap , found in the "Java Collections
ReadOnlyTreeSet<E> |
Immutable Wrapper for java.util.TreeSet , found in the "Java Collections
ReadOnlyVector<E> |
Immutable Wrapper for java.util.Vector , found in the "Java Collections
ReadPrimJSON |
Builds on the J2EE Standard Release JSON Parsing Tools by providing additional
help with converting JSON Data into Java Primitive-Types
ReceiveException |
Thrown by the 'ScrapedArticleReceiver' interface, if any of the methods
inside an implementation of interface 'ScrapedArticleReceiver' need to throw an
exception - then that exception must be wraped by this (unchecked, runtime)
ReflHTML<ENTITY extends Declaration> |
This class stores the HTML Detail-Descriptions retrieved from a Java Doc web-page 'Details
Section', and simultaneously, holds the reflection-data extracted from the
'.java' corresponding source-code files - facilitating all changes to a Java
Doc Page deemed necessary.
RegExException |
General purpose exception that may be used when a Regular Expression fails.
RegExFiles |
A utility for saving Regular-Expressions in a text-file that may be lazily-loaded at run-time
when needed.
RelativePathStr |
Keeps a copy of the String as a series of '../' (Dot-Dot's) the connects a
Sub-Directory to some Root Parent-Directory.
RemoveUnsupportedIterator<E> |
This functions identically to the normal Iterator<E> class, but prevents
Iterator.remove() from ever being invoked.
Replaceable |
The class ReplaceNodes offers a great efficiency-improvement optimization
for modifying vectorized-HTML.
ReplaceableException |
In order for a set or collection of <Replaceable > to work properly
during an update or replacement, the set or collection ( Iterable ) of
Replaceable's must be properly sorted and the pieces may not overlap (as per their
ReplaceableOutOfBoundsException |
Thrown during a Replaceable HTML- Vector update operation when a
Replaceable instance is not within the bounds of that HTML- Vector .
ReplaceablesOverlappingException |
Thrown during a Replaceable HTML- Vector update operation when two consecutive
Replaceable instances appear to point to overlapping indices within the Vector .
ReplaceablesUnsortedException |
Thrown during a Replaceable HTML- Vector update operation when two consecutive
Replaceable instances appear to be out of order.
ReplaceFunction |
A function-pointer definition that facilitates the substituting of HTMLNode elements in
Vectorized-HTML with other, user-provided, elements.
ReplaceNodes |
Methods for quickly & efficiently replacing the nodes on a Web-Page.
Request |
Results |
After downloading all of the user's requested images, the class ImageScraper returns an
instance of this class.
Ret0 |
Contains a static reference to a singleton-instance of
Ret0 .
Ret1<A> |
This simple Generic-Class exists mainly for the case where a function or Type-Parameter needs
to return a class that inherits RetN , but only has one
Ret2<A,B> |
This simple generic-class allows a function to return two objects as a
result, instead of just one.
Ret3<A,B,C> |
This simple generic-class allows a function to return three objects as
a result, instead of just one.
Ret4<A,B,C,D> |
This simple generic-class allows a function to return four objects as a
result, instead of just one.
Ret5<A,B,C,D,E> |
This simple generic-class allows a function to return five objects as a
result, instead of just one.
Ret6<A1,B2,C3,D4,E5,F6> |
This simple generic-class allows a function to return six objects as a
result, instead of just one.
Ret7<A1,B2,C3,D4,E5,F6,G7> |
This simple generic-class allows a function to return seven objects as
a result, instead of just one.
Ret8<A1,B2,C3,D4,E5,F6,G7,H8> |
This simple generic-class allows a function to return eight objects as
a result, instead of just one.
RetN |
This is the parent class of the 'Multiple Return Type' classes.
RJInternal |
Class which provides a series of helper functions for all JSON Type-Binding Reader
ROArrayListBuilder<E> |
Robots |
An enumeration of the standard Search Engine index-directives.
ROHashMapBuilder<K,V> |
ROHashSetBuilder<E> |
ROHashtableBuilder<K,V> |
ROPropertiesBuilder |
ROTreeMapBuilder<K,V> |
ROTreeSetBuilder<E> |
ROVectorBuilder<E> |
This class actually extends the parent-type class VarType .
RunBuild |
Executes a Build.
RunTime |
RunTime domain exposes JavaScript runtime by means of remote evaluation and mirror objects.
RunTime.bindingCalled |
Notification is issued every time when binding is called.
RunTime.CallArgument |
Represents function call argument.
RunTime.CallFrame |
Stack entry for runtime errors and assertions.
RunTime.consoleAPICalled |
Issued when console API was called.
RunTime.CustomPreview |
[No Description Provided by Google]
RunTime.EntryPreview |
[No Description Provided by Google]
RunTime.ExceptionDetails |
Detailed information about exception (or error) that was thrown during script compilation or
RunTime.exceptionRevoked |
Issued when unhandled exception was revoked.
RunTime.exceptionThrown |
Issued when exception was thrown and unhandled.
RunTime.executionContextCreated |
Issued when new execution context is created.
RunTime.ExecutionContextDescription |
Description of an isolated world.
RunTime.executionContextDestroyed |
Issued when execution context is destroyed.
RunTime.executionContextsCleared |
Issued when all executionContexts were cleared in browser
This is Marker-Event.
RunTime.inspectRequested |
Issued when object should be inspected (for example, as a result of inspect() command line API
RunTime.InternalPropertyDescriptor |
Object internal property descriptor.
RunTime.ObjectPreview |
Object containing abbreviated remote object value.
RunTime.PrivatePropertyDescriptor |
Object private field descriptor.
RunTime.PropertyDescriptor |
Object property descriptor.
RunTime.PropertyPreview |
[No Description Provided by Google]
RunTime.RemoteObject |
Mirror object referencing original JavaScript object.
RunTime.StackTrace |
Call frames for assertions or error messages.
RunTime.StackTraceId |
If debuggerId is set stack trace comes from another debugger and can be resolved there.
S01_JavaCompiler |
This is the first Build-Stage, and it runs the Java-Compiler - using 'java' and
Torello.Java.Shell .
S02_JavaDoc |
This is the second Build-Stage, and it runs the Standard Java-Doc Tool - using 'javadoc'
and Torello.Java.Shell .
S03_Upgrade |
S04_TarJar |
This is the fourth Build-Stage, and it runs the UNIX-Shell utility 'tar' and the Java
utility 'jar' .
S05_SyncJavaDoc |
This is the fifth Build-Stage, and it is part of the synchronization of a project with Google
Cloud Platform Stroage Buckets.
S06_SyncTarJar |
This is the sixth Build-Stage, and it is part of the synchronization of a project with Google
Cloud Platform Stroage Buckets.
S07_SyncLogs |
This is the seventh Build-Stage, and it is part of the synchronization of a project with Google
Cloud Platform Stroage Buckets.
S08_SetMaxAge |
This is the last Build-Stage, and it is part of the synchronization of a project with Google
Cloud Platform Stroage Buckets.
SameSourceAndTargetException |
Thrown when a move or copy operation has specified identical source and
target places on disk.
Schema |
This domain is deprecated.
Schema.Domain |
Description of the protocol domain.
Scrape |
Some standard utilities for transfering & downloading HTML from web-sites and then storing
that content in memory as a Java String - which, subsequently, can be written to
disk, transferred elsewhere, or even parsed (using class HTMLPage ).
ScrapeArticles |
This class runs the primary iteration-loop for downloading news-articles using a list of
article-URL's .
ScrapedArticleReceiver |
A Java function-pointer / lambda-target that provides a means for deciding where to save
downloaded article HTML, including a static -builder method for choosing to save articles
directly to the file-system.
ScrapeException |
Thrown by class Scrape when a scrape-download fails.
ScrapeURLs |
Collects all news-article URL's from a news oriented web-site's main web-page
and from the list 'sub-section' web-pages.
The class script simply sends an asynchronous request, and returns an instance of Promise
which may be awaited.
SD |
Single-Quotes & Double-Quotes - An enumeration of the two types of quotes used inside HTML
Tags for assigning values to tag-attributes .
SearchAndPrint |
A functional-interface for specifying a regular-expression, and how to print the results,
to the GREP Tool.
SecondModificationException |
If a second modification is attempted on an HTML-Iterator, before a call to a next(),
previous(), first(), last() has been invoked, then the HTML-Iterators will throw the
SecondModificationException .
SectionGet |
A functional-interface for returning the portion of the page that contains the list of
images on the site - usually one line from the Node-Search Package classes.
SectionURLException |
If there is an error while scraping a news-site for URL's , then this exception
Security |
Security.certificateError |
There is a certificate error.
Security.CertificateSecurityState |
Details about the security state of the page certificate.
Security.InsecureContentStatus |
Information about insecure content on the page.
Security.SafetyTipInfo |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Security.securityStateChanged |
The security state of the page changed.
Security.SecurityStateExplanation |
An explanation of an factor contributing to the security state.
Security.VisibleSecurityState |
Security state information about the page.
Security.visibleSecurityStateChanged |
The security state of the page changed.
Based on the UNIX 'SED' Command, this class updates files based on
either String -Literal matches & replacements, or
or Regular-Expression matches.
SelectedOptionsRecord |
This class contains an internally used boolean -Flag field corresponding to each of the
Auxiliary Command-Line Options / Switches available by this Build-Tool.
Sender<INPUT> |
This functional-interface should have the code/logic for sending an 'INPUT' message or
request to the asynchronous I/O system/channel.
ServiceWorker |
[No Description Provided by Google]
ServiceWorker.ServiceWorkerErrorMessage |
ServiceWorker error message.
ServiceWorker.ServiceWorkerRegistration |
ServiceWorker registration.
ServiceWorker.ServiceWorkerVersion |
ServiceWorker version.
ServiceWorker.workerErrorReported |
[No Description Provided by Google]
ServiceWorker.workerRegistrationUpdated |
[No Description Provided by Google]
ServiceWorker.workerVersionUpdated |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Shell |
A great tool for working with a UNIX operating-system, and invoking common UNIX commands - this
class simply converts many of the old UNIX-BASH shell commands into a simple Java API.
ShortConsumer |
Input: short
Output: void .
ShortPredicate |
Input: short
Output: boolean .
ShortSupplier |
Input: NONE
Output: short .
ShortTFunction<T,R> |
Input: short, T
Output: R .
SingletonException |
An exception that's mostly identical to the class InclusiveException , but is thrown only
when attempting to instantiate a Singleton HTML Element with a closing-tag forward-slash.
SocketInitiator |
Lets multiple sockets race the given IP addresses until one has been
SplashBridge |
Demonstrates using 'Splash,' which is one of many ways to execute the Java-Script on
Web-Pages, before those pages are parsed.
SRCException |
Used to identify problems parsing or searching a 'SRC' attribute from an HTML
'<IMG SRC=...> Tag or any Tag that is expected to contain a
'SRC' attribute.
StaticFunctional |
A Java-Annotation for marking classes as 'Stateless Classes' - used to insert 'The Spaghetti
Report' into Java Doc Pages.
Stats |
Maintains a suite of statistics about all Java project-wide source-code files.
StatusLine |
HTTP status line returned from an HTTP server.
Storage |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Storage.cacheStorageContentUpdated |
A cache's contents have been modified.
Storage.cacheStorageListUpdated |
A cache has been added/deleted.
Storage.indexedDBContentUpdated |
The origin's IndexedDB object store has been modified.
Storage.indexedDBListUpdated |
The origin's IndexedDB database list has been modified.
Storage.TrustTokens |
Pair of issuer origin and number of available (signed, but not used) Trust
Tokens from that issuer.
Storage.UsageForType |
Usage for a storage type.
StorageWriter |
A class that is nearly identical to the StringBuilder and / or
StringWriter standard Java Classes.
Str |
CSS-Tokenizer Class for String -Literals.
StrCh |
Class String-Character provides an exhaustive-combinatoric suite of methods that extend the
basic Java String methods equals, contains, startsWith and
endsWith , using Java char primitives as the comparator element.
StrCmpr |
Class String-Compare provides an exhaustive-combinatoric suite of methods that extend the
basic Java String methods equals, contains, startsWith and
endsWith .
StrCmprException |
An exception that performs a little bit of passed-parameter checking for the class
StrCmpr .
StrCSV |
A utility that builds Comma Separated Value String's (and can parse them as well).
StrFilter |
A simple functional-interface that provides many 'builder' methods for creating standard
Java Predicate's that operate on an Object's 'toString' method.
StrIndent |
A class for indenting, unindenting and trimming textual-strings.
StrIndexOf |
This class builds upon the API that is provided by String indexOf to provide a
larger collection of search routines for Java String's .
StringFormatException |
General purpose exception used for poorly formatted String's , or for any String
that does not meet some (or any) expected design, protocol, format or criteria.
StringParse |
A plethora of extensions to Java's String class.
StrPrint |
This class provides several String printing utilities such as abbreviation and list
StrReplace |
An efficient way to replace multiple substring's, or single-characters, inside of a single
Java String, in place, without rebuilding the returned String more than once.
StrSource |
StrTokCmpr |
Similar to class String-Compare, String-Token-Compare also provides an exhaustive suite of
methods that extend the basic Java String methods equals, contains,
startsWith and endsWith , but further allowing a user to specify the
match-string boundary-characters.
StrTokIndexOf |
The purpose of this class is to help find the location of Token-Matches inside
of an input source-String .
SubSection |
Allows the NodeSearch Package to simultaneously return both an HTML- Vector sublist, and
the location where that sub-list was located (as an instance of DotPair ) where that
sublist was located.
SummarySorterHelper |
An abstract helper class for user-provided SummarySorter.class files for sorting the
Table of Contents inside the Field / Method / Constructor Summaries inside a Java Doc Web Page.
SummaryTableException |
Thrown when an error has occured involving a JavaDoc Summary-Table.
SummaryTableHTML<ENTITY extends Declaration> |
This class stores the HTML for a Summary-Table - which is the table at the top of a Java Doc
Page listing all of one type of entities present in the CIET/Type.
Surrounding |
Class for finding ancestor & parent nodes of any selected HTMLNode .
SystemInfo |
The SystemInfo domain defines methods and events for querying low-level system information.
SystemInfo.GPUDevice |
Describes a single graphics processor (GPU).
SystemInfo.GPUInfo |
Provides information about the GPU(s) on the system.
SystemInfo.ImageDecodeAcceleratorCapability |
Describes a supported image decoding profile with its associated minimum and
maximum resolutions and subsampling.
SystemInfo.ProcessInfo |
Represents process info.
SystemInfo.Size |
Describes the width and height dimensions of an entity.
SystemInfo.VideoDecodeAcceleratorCapability |
Describes a supported video decoding profile with its associated minimum and
maximum resolutions.
SystemInfo.VideoEncodeAcceleratorCapability |
Describes a supported video encoding profile with its associated maximum
resolution and maximum framerate.
TagNode |
Represents an HTML Element Tag, and is the flagship class of the Java-HTML Library.
TagNodeCount |
Counts the number HTML-Tags inside of Vectorized-HTML which match a user-provided search based
on the Tag's Name and whether the Tag is an Opening or Closing Tag.
TagNodeExpectedException |
If an HTML-Page Vector index-position is expected to contain a TagNode but it turns out
to be an instanceof TextNode or, possibly, CommentNode - then this exception
should throw.
TagNodeFind |
Searches an HTML-Vector for HTML-Tag's that match a specified search-criteria based on Tag-Name
and whether the Tag is an opening or closing tag, and returns the Vector-indices for those
TagNodeFindInclusive |
Searches for Vector -indices of TagNode matches using exactly the same criteria
offered by class TagNodeFind , but also retrieves the corresponding Closing-Tag indices
from the Vector , and returns both as an instance of DotPair (a sublist-pointer).
TagNodeFindL1Inclusive |
Similar to TagNodeFindInclusive , this class searches Vectorized-HTML for TagNode
matches, and returns the opening and closing Tag-Indices of each match (as an instance
of DotPair ); however, any matches that overlap each-other are eliminated
from the returned result-list.
TagNodeGet |
Searches an HTML-Vector for HTML-Tag matches based on Tag-Name and whether or not the Tag
is an Opening-Tag, and then returns those matches as instances of TagNode .
TagNodeGetInclusive |
Searches for TagNode matches using exactly the same criteria offered by class
TagNodeGet , but also retrieves the corresponding Closing-Tag from the Vector ,
and return a new HTML- Vector containing this sublist.
TagNodeGetL1Inclusive |
Similar to TagNodeGetInclusive , this class searches Vectorized-HTML for TagNode
matches, and returns the Opening-Tag, the Closing-Tag and all nodes between them as
sub-lists (instances of Vector<HTMLNode> ); however, any matches that
overlap each-other are eliminated from the result-list.
TagNodeInclusiveIterator |
Static methods for building an HNLIInclusive (which also extends the basic
Iterator ) for retrieving sub HTML-Vector's via user-provided match-critera that specify
the HTML Tag-Name..
TagNodeIndex |
This is a simple data-class whose primary reason for development was to provide a way for the
NodeSearch Package classes to simultaneously return both a TagNode instance, and a
Vector -index location (for that node) - at the same time - when searching HTML
web-pages for HTML tags.
TagNodeIterator |
Static methods for building and instantiating an
HNLI < TagNode > (which extends the basic
iterator class) for iterating the tags inside of an HTML- Vector , using
explicitly provided match-specifications.
TagNodePeek |
Searches an HTML- Vector for HTML-Tag's that match a specified search-criteria based on
Tag-Name and whether the Tag is an opening or closing tag, and returns both the
Vector -index and the Tag itself (as instances of TagNodeIndex ).
TagNodePeekInclusive |
Searches for TagNode matches, using exactly the same criteria offered by class
TagNodePeek , but also retrieves the corresponding Closing-Tag from the Vector ,
and returns them, all nodes & between them, and their corresponding
Vector -index locations as a SubSection .
TagNodePeekL1Inclusive |
TagNodePoll |
Extracts and returns Tags from an HTML-Vector that match a user-specified criteria
based on Tag-Name and whether the tag is an openning or closing tag.
TagNodePollInclusive |
Searches for TagNode matches, using exactly the same criteria offered by class
TagNodePoll , but also obtains the corresponding Closing-Tags from the
input- Vector and, subsequently, extracts these sublists from the
input- Vector and then returns the sublists as new instances of
Vector<HTMLNode> .
TagNodeRemove |
Removes all HTML-Tag's from Vectorized-HTML that match a search-criteria based on Tag-Name and
whether the tag is an Opening-Tag or Closing-Tag, then returns a count of the number of tags
that were removed.
TagNodeRemoveInclusive |
Finds TagNode matches, and removes them with exactly the same means as class
TagNodeRemove but, additionally, finds the corresponding matching
Closing- TagNode and continues by removing that node, as well as every node situated
between the two.
Target |
Supports additional targets discovery and allows to attach to them.
Target.attachedToTarget |
Issued when attached to target because of auto-attach or attachToTarget command.
Target.detachedFromTarget |
Issued when detached from target for any reason (including detachFromTarget command).
Target.receivedMessageFromTarget |
Notifies about a new protocol message received from the session (as reported in
attachedToTarget event).
Target.RemoteLocation |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Target.targetCrashed |
Issued when a target has crashed.
Target.targetCreated |
Issued when a possible inspection target is created.
Target.targetDestroyed |
Issued when a target is destroyed.
Target.TargetInfo |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Target.targetInfoChanged |
Issued when some information about a target has changed.
TC |
Tag Criteria - An enumeration that allows a user to specify which type of tag's are being
requested when searching a web-page for HTML-Tags.
TCCompareStrException |
'Text-Comparitor Compare-String Exception' is thrown by the argument marshalling
and validity checking code when attempts are made to search HTML-Vector's using
an invalid input-String[] parameter.
Tethering |
The Tethering domain defines methods and events for browser port binding.
Tethering.accepted |
Informs that port was successfully bound and got a specified connection id.
TextCleaner |
If there is 'HTML Clutter' surrounding the image-html, this functional-interface can be used
to eliminate such clutter.
TextComparitor |
A functional-interface / lambda-target that has many pre-instantiated instances that
essentially serves a simplified wrappers for the many String search and comparison
utilities provided in Torello.Java .
TextNode |
Represents document text, and is one of only three HTML Element Classes provided by the Java
HTML Library Tool, and also oneof the three classes that can be generated by the HTML Parser.
TextNodeCount |
Counts instances of TextNode that match a search-criteria which may be specified using
String-Predicate's , Regular-Expressions or a TextComparitor .
TextNodeExpectedException |
If an HTML-Page Vector index-position is expected to contain a TextNode but it turns out
to be an instanceof TagNode or, possibly, CommentNode - then this exception
should throw.
TextNodeFind |
Retrieves indices from Vectorized-HTML that index HTML-Text matching a search-criteria specified
by String-Predicate's , Regular-Expressions, or a TextComparitor .
TextNodeGet |
Retrieves HTML-Document Text from Vectorized-HTML, as instances of TextNode , using a
search-criteria that may be specified with String-Predicate's , Regular-Expressions,
or a TextComparitor .
TextNodeIndex |
This is a simple data-class whose primary reason for development was to provide a way for the
NodeSearch Package classes to simultaneously return both a TextNode instance, and a
Vector -index location (for that node) - at the same time - when searching HTML
web-pages for document-text.
TextNodeIterator |
Static methods for building and instantiating an
HNLI < TextNode > (which extends the basic
iterator class) for iterating the text inside of an HTML- Vector , with the help of a
user-provided String-Predicate , Regular Expression or TextComparitor as a
search specifier.
TextNodePeek |
"Peeks" into Vectorized-HTML for text matching a search-criteria and returns the
Vector -index where matches are found, and the TextNode at
that Vector -location, as an instance of TextNodeIndex .
TextNodePoll |
Both extracts (removes) and returns, from an HTML- Vector ,
instances of TextNode that match a user provided String-Predicate , Regular
Expression or TextComparitor .
TextNodeRemove |
Removes TextNode instances from Vectorized-HTML that match a search-criteria specified
by a String-Predicate , Regular Expression or TextComparitor .
ThreadType |
Types of threads which are created internally in the implementation.
Timers |
This Build-Processor keeps a record of how long the various build-stages take to run to
ToByteBiFunction<A,B> |
Input: A, B
Output: byte .
ToByteFunction<A> |
Input: A
Output: byte .
ToByteHexFunction<A,B,C,D,E,F> |
Input: A, B, C, D, E, F
Output: byte .
ToByteQuadFunction<A,B,C,D> |
Input: A, B, C, D
Output: byte .
ToByteQuintFunction<A,B,C,D,E> |
Input: A, B, C, D, E
Output: byte .
ToByteTriFunction<A,B,C> |
Input: A, B, C
Output: byte .
ToCharBiFunction<A,B> |
Input: A, B
Output: char .
ToCharFunction<A> |
Input: A
Output: char .
ToCharHexFunction<A,B,C,D,E,F> |
Input: A, B, C, D, E, F
Output: char .
ToCharIntCharFunc |
Input: int, char
Output: char .
ToCharIntTFunc<T> |
Input: int, T
Output: char .
ToCharQuadFunction<A,B,C,D> |
Input: A, B, C, D
Output: char .
ToCharQuintFunction<A,B,C,D,E> |
Input: A, B, C, D, E
Output: char .
ToCharTriFunction<A,B,C> |
Input: A, B, C
Output: char .
ToDoException |
This class is meant to inform a user that some code-exeuction path has a reached a point where
the developer has not finished writing the Java that needs to run in order to complete whatever
instructions the user is expecting to be run.
ToDoubleHexFunction<A,B,C,D,E,F> |
Input: A, B, C, D, E, F
Output: double .
ToDoubleQuadFunction<A,B,C,D> |
Input: A, B, C, D
Output: double .
ToDoubleQuintFunction<A,B,C,D,E> |
Input: A, B, C, D, E
Output: double .
ToDoubleTriFunction<A,B,C> |
Input: A, B, C
Output: double .
ToFloatBiFunction<A,B> |
Input: A, B
Output: float .
ToFloatFunction<A> |
Input: A
Output: float .
ToFloatHexFunction<A,B,C,D,E,F> |
Input: A, B, C, D, E, F
Output: float .
ToFloatQuadFunction<A,B,C,D> |
Input: A, B, C, D
Output: float .
ToFloatQuintFunction<A,B,C,D,E> |
Input: A, B, C, D, E
Output: float .
ToFloatTriFunction<A,B,C> |
Input: A, B, C
Output: float .
Converts Serialized Object Files of HTML-Vectors into '.html' Files, and can
also be used to do any user-defined, customized post-processing (using a function-pointer) on
news-articles (after downloading them).
ToIntHexFunction<A,B,C,D,E,F> |
Input: A, B, C, D, E, F
Output: int .
ToIntQuadFunction<A,B,C,D> |
Input: A, B, C, D
Output: int .
ToIntQuintFunction<A,B,C,D,E> |
Input: A, B, C, D, E
Output: int .
ToIntTriFunction<A,B,C> |
Input: A, B, C
Output: int .
TokenizeError |
This class may be instantiated by both the Tokenizer
and the individual Static-Build Methods offered by each of
the individual Token-Classes.
TokenizeException |
This exception will be thrown by the Static-Build Methods offered by each of the individual
CSSToken Classes if the User provides faulty String -Input.
ToLongHexFunction<A,B,C,D,E,F> |
Input: A, B, C, D, E, F
Output: long .
ToLongQuadFunction<A,B,C,D> |
Input: A, B, C, D
Output: long .
ToLongQuintFunction<A,B,C,D,E> |
Input: A, B, C, D, E
Output: long .
ToLongTriFunction<A,B,C> |
Input: A, B, C
Output: long .
ToShortBiFunction<A,B> |
Input: A, B
Output: short .
ToShortFunction<A> |
Input: A
Output: short .
ToShortHexFunction<A,B,C,D,E,F> |
Input: A, B, C, D, E, F
Output: short .
ToShortQuadFunction<A,B,C,D> |
Input: A, B, C, D
Output: short .
ToShortQuintFunction<A,B,C,D,E> |
Input: A, B, C, D, E
Output: short .
ToShortTriFunction<A,B,C> |
Input: A, B, C
Output: short .
Tracing |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Tracing.bufferUsage |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Tracing.dataCollected |
Contains an bucket of collected trace events.
Tracing.TraceConfig |
[No Description Provided by Google]
Tracing.tracingComplete |
Signals that tracing is stopped and there is no trace buffers pending flush, all data were
delivered via dataCollected events.
Translate |
Translate (普通话, Simplified & Traditional Chinese) Characters.
TreeUtils |
This is a helpful interface to retrieve and extract the utilities provided by the Java-Compiler
interface provided by the JDK.
TriAppendable |
Builds a composite java.lang.Appendable using up to three
independent input-parameter Appendable's .
TriConsumer<A,B,C> |
Input: A, B, C
Output: void .
TriFunction<A,B,C,R> |
Input: A, B, C
Output: R .
TriIntFunc<R> |
Input: int, int, int
Output: R .
TriPredicate<A,B,C> |
Input: A, B, C
Output: boolean .
Tuple0 |
Contains a static reference to a singleton-instance of
Tuple0 .
Tuple1<A> |
The classes Tuple1 and Tuple0 are here merely for the convenience and the
possibility that an unknown sized tuple might be needed, and on occasion that unknown sized
reference would contain only one (or even zero) elements.
Tuple2<A,B> |
This simple generic-class allows for storing two objects with a
single reference.
Tuple3<A,B,C> |
This simple generic-class allows for storing three objects with a
single reference.
Tuple4<A,B,C,D> |
This simple generic-class allows for storing four objects with a
single reference.
Tuple5<A,B,C,D,E> |
This simple generic-class allows for storing five objects with a
single reference.
Tuple6<A1,B2,C3,D4,E5,F6> |
This simple generic-class allows for storing six objects with a
single reference.
Tuple7<A1,B2,C3,D4,E5,F6,G7> |
This simple generic-class allows for storing seven objects with a
single reference.
Tuple8<A1,B2,C3,D4,E5,F6,G7,H8> |
This simple generic-class allows for storing eight objects with a
single reference.
TupleN |
This is a parent class of the Tuple classes.
TypeHandler |
This is a temporary implementation.
UnicodeRange |
Represents a range of characters in Unicode.
UnreachableError |
If a code-block that was theoretically unreachable is actually reached, this error is a great
class to make use-of during any debugging-phase of the development-process.
UnrecognizedImageExtException |
This exception may be used when a particular file or file-name cannot be mapped to an
actual Image-Format by enum -Class IF .
UnrecognizedOptionException |
Thrown during parsing signaling an unrecognized option.
Upgrade |
The primary builder and configuration class for the Java Doc Upgrade Process, having many
customizations that may be requested using the customize-settings methods available here.
UpgradeException |
Exception that may be thrown when building an Upgrade class instance.
UpgradeProcessor |
The Function-Pointer Interface used with the Stage-3 Upgrader "Pre" and "Post" Processors.
URLFilter |
A simple lambda-target which extends Predicate<URL> .
URLIterator |
An Iterator that is intended to be used for retrieving the image-URL's from
the page.
URLs |
A class that plays-with URL's, no more, no less.
URLToken |
UserProcessorAll |
This may be implemented to process all Java-Doc Generated Web-Pages for an entire package.
UserProcessorPage |
An interface that may be implemented by a user to execute detailed customizations and
modifications to a specific Java-Doc Web Page.
Util |
A long list of utilities for searching, finding, extracting and removing HTML from
Util |
If you are writing a personalized instance of the FunctionalInterface named
UpgradeProcessor , then there is some possibility that you might need to use these
two helper functions.
Util.Count |
Util.Inclusive |
Tools for finding the matching-closing tag of any open TagNode .
Util.Remove |
Provides any method the ability to provide its users the ability to choose what kind of data
structure should be used for returning the method's results.
VarTypeParamException |
This Exception class is used internally for building Collection
instances using the java.lang.reflect.* package more
Verbosity |
A Java 'enum' that is used in several locations in the Java-HTML JAR Library
to allow an end-user to request the quantity of text being produced by a tool or application.
Verbs |
Conjugating Verbs (Spanish).
Verbs.WebFiles |
Lazily-Load & retrieve the Java-Script Web-Files needed with the Spanish Verb Cojugation
WebAudio |
This domain allows inspection of Web Audio API.
WebAudio.AudioListener |
Protocol object for AudioListener
WebAudio.audioListenerCreated |
Notifies that the construction of an AudioListener has finished.
WebAudio.audioListenerWillBeDestroyed |
Notifies that a new AudioListener has been created.
WebAudio.AudioNode |
Protocol object for AudioNode
WebAudio.audioNodeCreated |
Notifies that a new AudioNode has been created.
WebAudio.audioNodeWillBeDestroyed |
Notifies that an existing AudioNode has been destroyed.
WebAudio.AudioParam |
Protocol object for AudioParam
WebAudio.audioParamCreated |
Notifies that a new AudioParam has been created.
WebAudio.audioParamWillBeDestroyed |
Notifies that an existing AudioParam has been destroyed.
WebAudio.BaseAudioContext |
Protocol object for BaseAudioContext
WebAudio.contextChanged |
Notifies that existing BaseAudioContext has changed some properties (id stays the same)..
WebAudio.contextCreated |
Notifies that a new BaseAudioContext has been created.
WebAudio.ContextRealtimeData |
Fields in AudioContext that change in real-time.
WebAudio.contextWillBeDestroyed |
Notifies that an existing BaseAudioContext will be destroyed.
WebAudio.nodeParamConnected |
Notifies that an AudioNode is connected to an AudioParam.
WebAudio.nodeParamDisconnected |
Notifies that an AudioNode is disconnected to an AudioParam.
WebAudio.nodesConnected |
Notifies that two AudioNodes are connected.
WebAudio.nodesDisconnected |
Notifies that AudioNodes are disconnected.
WebAuthn |
This domain allows configuring virtual authenticators to test the WebAuthn
WebAuthn.Credential |
[No Description Provided by Google]
WebAuthn.VirtualAuthenticatorOptions |
[No Description Provided by Google]
WebSocket |
WebSocketAdapter |
WebSocketCloseCode |
Close code.
WebSocketError |
WebSocket error codes.
WebSocketException |
WebSocket exception.
WebSocketExtension |
A class to hold the name and the parameters of
a WebSocket extension.
WebSocketFactory |
WebSocketFrame |
WebSocket frame.
WebSocketListener |
Listener interface to receive WebSocket events.
WebSocketOpcode |
WebSocketSender |
This class implements a connection to a Web-Browser using the Remote Debug Protocol over
WebSocketState |
WebSocket state.
Whitespace |
Any sequence of Whitespace
WritableDirectoryException |
Used by methods that accept 'target directory' parameters to validate that the
parameter's contents actually point to a both valid and writable location on disk.
WriteJSON |
Generates JSON Requests from lists of Parameter-Names, Parameter-Types and Parameter-Values.
ZH |
ZH (Mandarin Chinese) Many tools for parsing constructs from Mandarin News & other