A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _
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All Classes All Packages
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- a - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOM.RGBA
The alpha component, in the [0-1] range (default: 1).
- a - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Ret1
This holds a pointer the first and only response object.
- a - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Ret2
This holds a pointer the first response object.
- a - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Ret3
This holds a pointer the first response object.
- a - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Ret4
This holds a pointer the first response object.
- a - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Ret5
This holds a pointer the first response object.
- a - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Tuple1
This holds a pointer the first and only field / instance.
- a - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Tuple2
This holds a pointer the first field / instance.
- a - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Tuple3
This holds a pointer the first field / instance.
- a - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Tuple4
This holds a pointer the first field / instance.
- a - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Tuple5
This holds a pointer the first field / instance.
- A(HTMLNode, StringBuffer) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Debug
Prints an HTML Element (
TagNode, TextNode
) usingPrint Style 'A'
- a1 - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Ret6
This holds a pointer the first response object.
- a1 - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Ret7
This holds a pointer the first response object.
- a1 - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Ret8
This holds a pointer the first response object.
- a1 - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Tuple6
This holds a pointer the first field / instance.
- a1 - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Tuple7
This holds a pointer the first field / instance.
- a1 - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Tuple8
This holds a pointer the first field / instance.
- abbrev - Variable in enum Torello.JavaDoc.Entity
Two character abbreviation-string for this
, usefull for CSS ID's - abbrev(String, boolean, boolean, String, int) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrPrint
This will abbreviate any
using either the ellipsis ('...'
), or some other use provided abbreviation-String
, if the providedString
is longer than'maxLength'
. - abbrev(String, int, boolean, String, int) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrPrint
This will abbreviate any
using either the ellipsis ('...'
), or some other use provided abbreviation-String
- as long as the providedString
is longer than'maxLength'
. When's'
is, indeed, longer than'maxLength'
the returned-String
will contain the ellipsis abbreviation beginning atString
. - abbrevEnd(String, boolean, int) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrPrint
Convenience Method.
- abbrevEndRDSF(String, int, boolean) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrPrint
Convenience Method.
- abbreviatedSummary(int) - Method in class Torello.JavaDoc.ParsedFile
Provides a Vertical-List Abbreviated Summary for this file.
- abbrevStart(String, boolean, int) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrPrint
Convenience Method.
- abbrevStartRDSF(String, int, boolean) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrPrint
Convenience Method.
- ABC_LINKS_GETTER(URL, Vector<HTMLNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.NewsSites
The News Site at address:
is slightly more complicated when retrieving News-Article Links. - ABCES - Static variable in class Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.NewsSites
This is the
definition for the Newspaper located at:https://www.abc.es/
. - ABNORMAL - Static variable in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketCloseCode
1006; 1006 is a reserved value and MUST NOT be set as a status code in a Close control frame by an endpoint. It is designated for use in applications expecting a status code to indicate that the connection was closed abnormally, e.g., without sending or receiving a Close control frame
- Abstract - Torello.HTML.MetaTagName
The Meta-Tag
can be used to indicate in just a very short sentence what the web-page is about. - AbstractHNLI<E extends HTMLNode,F> - Class in Torello.HTML.NodeSearch
Abstract parent-class for both of the types of HTML-
- AbstractHNLI(Vector<?>, Predicate<E>, Class<E>) - Constructor for class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AbstractHNLI
Constructs an instance of this class using an HTML
, and aPredicate
for testing the nodes in thatVector
for matches. - accept(boolean) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.BoolConsumer
Performs this operation on the given argument.
- accept(byte) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ByteConsumer
Performs this operation on the given argument.
- accept(char) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.CharConsumer
Performs this operation on the given argument.
- accept(float) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.FloatConsumer
Performs this operation on the given argument.
- accept(int, boolean) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntBoolConsumer
Performs this operation on the given arguments.
- accept(int, byte) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntByteConsumer
Performs this operation on the given arguments.
- accept(int, char) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntCharConsumer
Performs this operation on the given arguments.
- accept(int, double) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntDoubleConsumer
Performs this operation on the given arguments.
- accept(int, float) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntFloatConsumer
Performs this operation on the given arguments.
- accept(int, int) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.BiIntConsumer
Performs this operation on the given arguments.
- accept(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntBoolCons
Performs this operation on the given arguments.
- accept(int, int, byte) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntByteCons
Performs this operation on the given arguments.
- accept(int, int, char) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntCharCons
Performs this operation on the given arguments.
- accept(int, int, double) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntDoubleCons
Performs this operation on the given arguments.
- accept(int, int, float) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntFloatCons
Performs this operation on the given arguments.
- accept(int, int, int) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.TriIntCons
Performs this operation on the given arguments.
- accept(int, int, long) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntLongCons
Performs this operation on the given arguments.
- accept(int, int, short) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntShortCons
Performs this operation on the given arguments.
- accept(int, long) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntLongConsumer
Performs this operation on the given arguments.
- accept(int, short) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntShortConsumer
Performs this operation on the given arguments.
- accept(short) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ShortConsumer
Performs this operation on the given argument.
- accept(A, B, C) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.TriConsumer
operation on the given arguments. - accept(A, B, C, D) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.QuadConsumer
operation on the given arguments. - accept(A, B, C, D, E) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.QuintConsumer
operation on the given arguments. - accept(A, B, C, D, E, F) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.HexConsumer
operation on the given arguments. - accept(BiConsumer<FileNode, String>, IOExceptionHandler) - Method in class Torello.Java.FileNode
This presumes that
instance ofFileNode
is not a directory, but rather a file. - accept(BuilderRecord, StringBuilder) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Build.UpgradeProcessor
- accept(FileNode, IOException) - Method in interface Torello.Java.IOExceptionHandler
- accepted(int, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Tethering.accepted
- accepted(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Tethering.accepted
JSON Object Constructor
- acceptError(int, String) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.Promise
If an error occurs in communications-channel logic, that error may be reported to this
by calling'acceptError'
. - acceptResponse(RESPONSE) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.Promise
When building a communication-system that uses these
Script & Promise
classes, that system needs to invoke'acceptResponse'
whenever a server-response has been received. - Accessibility - Class in Torello.Browser
[No Description Provided by Google]
- Accessibility.AXNode - Class in Torello.Browser
A node in the accessibility tree.
- Accessibility.AXProperty - Class in Torello.Browser
[No Description Provided by Google]
- Accessibility.AXRelatedNode - Class in Torello.Browser
[No Description Provided by Google]
- Accessibility.AXValue - Class in Torello.Browser
A single computed AX property.
- Accessibility.AXValueSource - Class in Torello.Browser
A single source for a computed AX property.
- activateTarget(String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Target
Activates (focuses) the target.
- active - Variable in class Torello.Browser.CSS.MediaQuery
Whether the media query condition is satisfied.
- actualExtension - Variable in class Torello.HTML.Tools.Images.ImageInfo
If the image has been properly converted, and is ready to be written to disk, this parameter will contain the
/ image-format that was used to successfully save the image. - add(boolean) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder
Adds a
value to the array. - add(double) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder
Adds a value to the array as a
. - add(int) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder
Adds a value to the array as a
. - add(int, boolean) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder
Adds a
value to the array at the specified position. - add(int, double) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder
Adds a value to the array as a
at the specified position. - add(int, int) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder
Adds a value to the array as a
at the specified position. - add(int, long) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder
Adds a value to the array as a
at the specified position. - add(int, E) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROArrayListBuilder
Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this list.
- add(int, E) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROVectorBuilder
Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this Vector.
- add(int, String) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder
Adds a value to the array as a
at the specified position. - add(int, BigDecimal) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder
Adds a value to the array as a
at the specified position. - add(int, BigInteger) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder
Adds a value to the array as a
at the specified position. - add(int, JsonArrayBuilder) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder
Adds a
from an array builder to the array at the specified position. - add(int, JsonObjectBuilder) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder
Adds a
from an object builder to the array at the specified position. - add(int, JsonValue) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder
Inserts a value to the array at the specified position.
- add(long) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder
Adds a value to the array as a
. - add(E) - Method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AbstractHNLI
Convenience Method.
- add(E) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROArrayListBuilder
Appends the specified element to the end of this list.
- add(E) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROHashSetBuilder
Adds the specified element to this set if it is not already present.
- add(E) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROTreeSetBuilder
Adds the specified element to this set if it is not already present.
- add(E) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROVectorBuilder
Appends the specified element to the end of this Vector.
- add(String) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder
Adds a value to the array as a
. - add(String) - Method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AbstractHNLI
This provides a way to insert
-represented HTML. - add(String, boolean) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonObjectBuilder
Adds a name/
or name/JsonValue#FALSE
pair to the JSON object associated with this object builder. - add(String, boolean) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonPatchBuilder
Adds an "add" JSON Patch operation.
- add(String, double) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonObjectBuilder
Adds a name/
pair to the JSON object associated with this object builder. - add(String, int) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonObjectBuilder
Adds a name/
pair to the JSON object associated with this object builder. - add(String, int) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonPatchBuilder
Adds an "add" JSON Patch operation.
- add(String, long) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonObjectBuilder
Adds a name/
pair to the JSON object associated with this object builder. - add(String, String) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonObjectBuilder
Adds a name/
pair to the JSON object associated with this object builder. - add(String, String) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonPatchBuilder
Adds an "add" JSON Patch operation.
- add(String, String, boolean, FileNodeFilter, FileNodeFilter) - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.JarInclude
Inserts a request for files to be included in the Tar-Jar Build Stage (Stage 4).
- add(String, String, FileNodeFilter) - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.JarInclude
Convenience Method.
- add(String, BigDecimal) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonObjectBuilder
Adds a name/
pair to the JSON object associated with this object builder. - add(String, BigInteger) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonObjectBuilder
Adds a name/
pair to the JSON object associated with this object builder. - add(String, JsonArrayBuilder) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonObjectBuilder
Adds a name/
pair to the JSON object associated with this object builder. - add(String, JsonObjectBuilder) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonObjectBuilder
Adds a name/
pair to the JSON object associated with this object builder. - add(String, JsonValue) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonObjectBuilder
Adds a name/
pair to the JSON object associated with this object builder. - add(String, JsonValue) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonPatchBuilder
Adds an "add" JSON Patch operation.
- add(BigDecimal) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder
Adds a value to the array as a
. - add(BigInteger) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder
Adds a value to the array as a
. - add(Vector<HTMLNode>) - Method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AbstractHNLI
Adds vectorized-HTML at the current
position. - add(JsonArrayBuilder) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder
Adds a
from an array builder to the array. - add(JsonObjectBuilder) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder
Adds a
from an object builder to the array. - add(JsonValue) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder
Adds a value to the array.
- add(T, JsonValue) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonPointer
Adds or replaces a value at the referenced location in the specified
with the specifiedvalue
. - ADD - javax.json.JsonPatch.Operation
"add" operation.
- addAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROArrayListBuilder
Inserts all of the elements in the specified collection into this list, starting at the specified position.
- addAll(int, Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROVectorBuilder
Inserts all of the elements in the specified Collection into this Vector at the specified position.
- addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROArrayListBuilder
Appends all of the elements in the specified collection to the end of this list, in the order that they are returned by the specified collection's Iterator.
- addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROHashSetBuilder
- addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROTreeSetBuilder
Adds all of the elements in the specified collection to this set.
- addAll(Collection<? extends E>) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROVectorBuilder
Appends all of the elements in the specified Collection to the end of this Vector, in the order that they are returned by the specified Collection's Iterator.
- addAll(JsonArrayBuilder) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder
Adds all elements of the array in the specified array builder to the array.
- addAll(JsonObjectBuilder) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonObjectBuilder
Adds all name/value pairs in the JSON object associated with the specified object builder to the JSON object associated with this object builder.
- addAllInto(int, Vector<HTMLNode>) - Method in class Torello.HTML.NodeIndex
- addAllInto(int, Vector<HTMLNode>) - Method in interface Torello.HTML.Replaceable
Add all nodes currently retained in
instance into the HTML-Vector
. - addAllInto(int, Vector<HTMLNode>) - Method in class Torello.HTML.SubSection
- addAllInto(Vector<HTMLNode>) - Method in class Torello.HTML.NodeIndex
- addAllInto(Vector<HTMLNode>) - Method in interface Torello.HTML.Replaceable
Add all nodes currently retained in
instance into the HTML-Vector
. - addAllInto(Vector<HTMLNode>) - Method in class Torello.HTML.SubSection
- addArg(String) - Method in class Apache.CLI.CommandLine
Adds left-over unrecognized option/argument.
- addArg(String) - Method in class Apache.CLI.CommandLine.Builder
Adds left-over unrecognized option/argument.
- addAttributes(String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.InnerTags
- addBinding(String, Integer, String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.RunTime
If executionContextId is empty, adds binding with the given name on the global objects of all inspected contexts, including those created later, bindings survive reloads.
- addCloudSync(CloudSync) - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.Config
- addCompilationCache(String, String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Page
Seeds compilation cache for given url.
- addCredential(String, WebAuthn.Credential) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.WebAuthn
Adds the credential to the specified authenticator.
- addDatabase(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Database.addDatabase
JSON Object Constructor
- addDatabase(Database._Database) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Database.addDatabase
- addElement(E) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROVectorBuilder
Adds the specified component to the end of this vector, increasing its size by one.
- addEventAttributes(String...) - Method in class Torello.HTML.InnerTags
- addExtension(String) - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocket
Add a value for
. - addExtension(WebSocketExtension) - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocket
Add a value for
. - addHeader(String, String) - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.ProxySettings
Add an additional HTTP header passed to the proxy server.
- addHeader(String, String) - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocket
Add a pair of extra HTTP header.
- addHeaderBlock(Vector<HTMLNode>) - Method in class Torello.JavaDoc.Upgrade
- addHeaderTags(Iterable<TagNode>) - Method in class Torello.JavaDoc.Upgrade
- addHeapSnapshotChunk(String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.HeapProfiler.addHeapSnapshotChunk
- addHeapSnapshotChunk(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.HeapProfiler.addHeapSnapshotChunk
JSON Object Constructor
- addHTMLNode(HTMLNode) - Method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AbstractHNLI
This provides a way to insert an HTML node into the HTML-
. - addInspectedHeapObject(String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.HeapProfiler
Enables console to refer to the node with given id via $x (see Command Line API for more details $x functions).
- addListener(WebSocketListener) - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocket
Add a listener to receive events on this WebSocket.
- addListeners(List<WebSocketListener>) - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocket
Add listeners.
- addNewListenerName(String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Listeners
This just allows the user to add a name of a new listener that was not already stored in the internal-set of known java-script listeners.
- addNull() - Method in interface javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder
Adds a
value to the array. - addNull(int) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonArrayBuilder
Adds a
value to the array at the specified position. - addNull(String) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonObjectBuilder
Adds a name/
pair to the JSON object associated with this object builder where the value isnull
. - addOne() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.Counter
Increments the internal-private
int counter
field by a value of 1. - addOption(Option) - Method in class Apache.CLI.CommandLine
Adds an option to the command line.
- addOption(Option) - Method in class Apache.CLI.CommandLine.Builder
Adds an option to the command line.
- addOption(Option) - Method in class Apache.CLI.OptionGroup
Add the specified
to this group. - addOption(Option) - Method in class Apache.CLI.Options
Adds an option instance
- addOption(String, boolean, String) - Method in class Apache.CLI.Options
Add an option that only contains a short-name.
- addOption(String, String) - Method in class Apache.CLI.Options
Add an option that only contains a short name.
- addOption(String, String, boolean, String) - Method in class Apache.CLI.Options
Add an option that contains a short-name and a long-name.
- addOptionGroup(OptionGroup) - Method in class Apache.CLI.Options
Add the specified option group.
- addProtocol(String) - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocket
Add a value for
. - addRequiredOption(String, String, boolean, String) - Method in class Apache.CLI.Options
Add an option that contains a short-name and a long-name.
- addRule(String, String, CSS.SourceRange) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.CSS
Inserts a new rule with the given
in a stylesheet with givenstyleSheetId
, at the position specified bylocation
. - addScriptToEvaluateOnLoad(String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Page
Deprecated, please use addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument instead.
- addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument(String, String, Boolean) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Page
Evaluates given script in every frame upon creation (before loading frame's scripts).
- addSingleton(String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.HTMLTags
Removes an HTML-element to the list of singleton HTML-elements.
- addSpanishVerbSpans(String, TreeSet<String>, TreeSet<String>, TreeSet<String>) - Static method in class Torello.Languages.Verbs
The purpose of this class is to go through the Spanish Verbs in an HTML page, and replace them with HTML
elements to facilitate Verb-Conjugation Popup-Windows. - addSpanishVerbSpans(Vector<HTMLNode>, TreeSet<String>, TreeSet<String>, TreeSet<String>) - Static method in class Torello.Languages.Verbs
This will call the "addSpanishVerbSpans" on each
found in the pageVector
. - addTag(String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.HTMLTags
Adds a new HTML element to the list of elements that may be parsed, created and checked.
- addVirtualAuthenticator(WebAuthn.VirtualAuthenticatorOptions) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.WebAuthn
Creates and adds a virtual authenticator.
- aDescription(String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.InnerTags
- AdFrameExplanation - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Page
[No Description Provided by Google]
EXPERIMENTAL - adFrameStatus - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Page.Frame
Indicates whether this frame was tagged as an ad and why.
- AdFrameStatus(String, String[]) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Page.AdFrameStatus
- AdFrameStatus(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Page.AdFrameStatus
JSON Object Constructor
- adFrameType - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Page.AdFrameStatus
[No Description Provided by Google]
- AdFrameType - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Page
Indicates whether a frame has been identified as an ad.
- aeDetailsRemoved - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.JavaDocHTMLFile
Identifies if this Java Doc HTML Page has had it's Annotation-Element Details Removed
- AF - Torello.Languages.LC
Language: Afrikaans
- AffectedCookie(String, String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Audits.AffectedCookie
- AffectedCookie(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Audits.AffectedCookie
JSON Object Constructor
- AffectedFrame(String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Audits.AffectedFrame
- AffectedFrame(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Audits.AffectedFrame
JSON Object Constructor
- AffectedRequest(String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Audits.AffectedRequest
- AffectedRequest(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Audits.AffectedRequest
JSON Object Constructor
- Akrotiri - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Akrotiri
- Albania - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Albania
- Algeria - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Algeria
- all(String, char) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrIndexOf
Search for all occurences of character
, and return an integer-array of index-locations into'srcStr.'
The comparisons performed ** are ** case-sensitive - all(String, char) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokIndexOf
Search for all
-matches ofchar
, and return an integer-array of index-locations into'srcStr'
indicating where matches have occured. - all(String, char, Predicate<Character>) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokIndexOf
Search for all
-matches ofchar
, and return an integer-array of index-locations into'srcStr'
indicating where matches have occured. - all(String, int, int, char) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrIndexOf
Search for all occurences of character
, and return an integer-array of index-locations into'srcStr.'
The comparisons performed ** are ** case-sensitive - all(String, int, int, char) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokIndexOf
Search for all
-matches ofchar
, and return an integer-array of index-locations into'srcStr'
indicating where matches have occured. - all(String, int, int, char, Predicate<Character>) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokIndexOf
Search for all
-matches ofchar
, and return an integer-array of index-locations into'srcStr'
indicating where matches have occured. - all(String, int, int, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrIndexOf
Search for all occurences of substring
, and return an integer-array of index-locations into'srcStr.'
The comparisons performed ** are ** case-sensitive - all(String, int, int, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokIndexOf
Search for all
-matches ofString
, and return an integer-array of index-locations into'srcStr'
indicating where matches have occured. - all(String, int, int, String, Predicate<Character>) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokIndexOf
Search for all
-matches ofString
, and return an integer-array of index-locations into'srcStr'
indicating where matches have occured. - all(String, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrIndexOf
Search for all occurences of substring
, and return an integer-array of index-locations into'srcStr.'
The comparisons performed ** are ** case-sensitive - all(String, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokIndexOf
Search for all
-matches ofString
, and return an integer-array of index-locations into'srcStr'
indicating where matches have occured. - all(String, String, Predicate<Character>) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokIndexOf
Search for all
-matches ofString
, and return an integer-array of index-locations into'srcStr'
indicating where matches have occured. - all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFindInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGetInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeekInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPollInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemoveInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeFindL1Inclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeGetL1Inclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodePeekL1Inclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeFindInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeGetInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodePeekInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodePollInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeRemoveInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFindInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGetInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeekInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPollInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemoveInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFindInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGetInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeekInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPollInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemoveInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFindInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGetInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeekInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPollInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemoveInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFindInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGetInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeekInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPollInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemoveInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFindInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGetInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeekInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPollInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemoveInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFindInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGetInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeekInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPollInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemoveInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFindInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGetInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeekInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPollInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemoveInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodePeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodePoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodePeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodePoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<TagNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<TagNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<TagNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFindInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<TagNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<TagNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGetInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<TagNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<TagNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeekInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<TagNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<TagNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPollInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<TagNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<TagNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemoveInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<TagNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<TagNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<TagNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFindInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<TagNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<TagNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGetInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<TagNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<TagNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeekInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<TagNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<TagNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPollInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<TagNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<TagNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemoveInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodePeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodePoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodePeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodePoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodePeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodePoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodePeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodePoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TC, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TC, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TC, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TC, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodePeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TC, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodePoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TC, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Surrounding
This will find all ancestors of a given index.
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFindInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGetInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeekInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPollInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemoveInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeFindL1Inclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeGetL1Inclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodePeekL1Inclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeFindInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeGetInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodePeekInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodePollInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeRemoveInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFindInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGetInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeekInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPollInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemoveInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFindInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGetInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeekInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPollInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemoveInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFindInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGetInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeekInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPollInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemoveInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFindInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGetInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeekInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPollInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemoveInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFindInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGetInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeekInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPollInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemoveInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFindInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGetInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeekInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPollInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemoveInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFindInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGetInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeekInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPollInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemoveInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodePeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodePoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodePeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodePoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<TagNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<TagNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<TagNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFindInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<TagNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<TagNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGetInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<TagNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<TagNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeekInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<TagNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<TagNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPollInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<TagNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<TagNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemoveInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<TagNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<TagNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<TagNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagFindInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<TagNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<TagNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagGetInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<TagNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<TagNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPeekInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<TagNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<TagNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagPollInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<TagNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<TagNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InnerTagRemoveInclusive
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodePeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodePoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodePeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodePoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodePeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodePoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodePeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodePoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeRemove
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TC, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeCount
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TC, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeFind
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TC, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeGet
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TC, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodePeek
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TC, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodePoll
- all(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TC, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeRemove
- All - Torello.HTML.Robots
Prevents all search-engine stuff.
- ALL(String, boolean, boolean, Appendable) - Static method in interface Torello.Java.SearchAndPrint
This static-factory 'builder' method merely returns a C-Styled Function-Pointer, which in Java is referred to as a
and may also be called a Lambda-Target. - ALL(Pattern, boolean, Appendable) - Static method in interface Torello.Java.SearchAndPrint
This static-factory 'builder' method merely returns a C-Styled Function-Pointer, which in Java is referred to as a
and may also be called a Lambda-Target. - ALL(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, HTMLTagCounter) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Surrounding
Finds all ancestor ("surrounding"} node pairs.
- all_CI(String, char) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrIndexOf
Search for all occurences of character
, and return an integer-array of index-locations into'srcStr.'
The comparisons performed ** are not ** case-sensitive - all_CI(String, char) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokIndexOf
Search for all
-matches ofchar
, and return an integer-array of index-locations into'srcStr'
indicating where matches have occured. - all_CI(String, char, Predicate<Character>) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokIndexOf
Search for all
-matches ofchar
, and return an integer-array of index-locations into'srcStr'
indicating where matches have occured. - all_CI(String, int, int, char) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrIndexOf
Search for all occurences of character
, and return an integer-array of index-locations into'srcStr.'
The comparisons performed ** are not ** case-sensitive - all_CI(String, int, int, char) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokIndexOf
Search for all
-matches ofchar
, and return an integer-array of index-locations into'srcStr'
indicating where matches have occured. - all_CI(String, int, int, char, Predicate<Character>) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokIndexOf
Search for all
-matches ofchar
, and return an integer-array of index-locations into'srcStr'
indicating where matches have occured. - all_CI(String, int, int, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrIndexOf
Search for all occurences of substring
, and return an integer-array of index-locations into'srcStr.'
The comparisons performed ** are not ** case-sensitive - all_CI(String, int, int, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokIndexOf
Search for all
-matches ofString
, and return an integer-array of index-locations into'srcStr'
indicating where matches have occured. - all_CI(String, int, int, String, Predicate<Character>) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokIndexOf
Search for all
-matches ofString
, and return an integer-array of index-locations into'srcStr'
indicating where matches have occured. - all_CI(String, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrIndexOf
Search for all occurences of substring
, and return an integer-array of index-locations into'srcStr.'
The comparisons performed ** are not ** case-sensitive - all_CI(String, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokIndexOf
Search for all
-matches ofString
, and return an integer-array of index-locations into'srcStr'
indicating where matches have occured. - all_CI(String, String, Predicate<Character>) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokIndexOf
Search for all
-matches ofString
, and return an integer-array of index-locations into'srcStr'
indicating where matches have occured. - allAEDetails - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.JavaDocHTMLFile
This is the list of all elements in the "Annotation Element Details", stored as Reflection-HTML instances
- allAN() - Method in class Torello.HTML.TagNode
Convenience Method.
- allAN(boolean, boolean) - Method in class Torello.HTML.TagNode
This method will only return a list of attribute-names.
- allAV() - Method in class Torello.HTML.TagNode
Convenience Method.
- allAV(boolean, boolean) - Method in class Torello.HTML.TagNode
- allCommentNodes(Vector<HTMLNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Util.Remove
Convenience Method.
- allCommentNodes(Vector<HTMLNode>, int, int) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Util.Remove
Takes a sub-section of an HTML
and removes allCommentNode
present - allCommentNodes(Vector<HTMLNode>, DotPair) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Util.Remove
Convenience Method.
- allConstructorDetails - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.JavaDocHTMLFile
This is the list of all constructors in the "Constructor Details", stored as Reflection-HTML instances
- allECDetails - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.JavaDocHTMLFile
This is the list of all constants in the "Enumerated Constant Details", stored as Reflection-HTML instances
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeFindInclusive
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeGetInclusive
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodePeekInclusive
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodePollInclusive
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeRemoveInclusive
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeCount
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeFind
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeGet
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodePeek
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodePoll
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeRemove
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeCount
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeFind
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeGet
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodePeek
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodePoll
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeRemove
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeCount
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeFind
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeGet
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodePeek
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodePoll
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeRemove
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeCount
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeFind
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeGet
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodePeek
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodePoll
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeRemove
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeCount
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeFind
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeGet
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodePeek
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodePoll
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeRemove
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeCount
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeFind
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeGet
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodePeek
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodePoll
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeRemove
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TC, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeCount
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TC, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeFind
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TC, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeGet
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TC, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodePeek
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TC, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodePoll
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, TC, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeRemove
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Surrounding
This will find all ancestors of a given index.
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeFindInclusive
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeGetInclusive
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodePeekInclusive
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodePollInclusive
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeRemoveInclusive
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeCount
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeFind
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeGet
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodePeek
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodePoll
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeRemove
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeCount
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeFind
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeGet
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodePeek
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodePoll
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeRemove
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeCount
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeFind
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeGet
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodePeek
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodePoll
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeRemove
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeCount
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeFind
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeGet
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodePeek
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodePoll
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeRemove
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeCount
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeFind
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeGet
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodePeek
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodePoll
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeRemove
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeCount
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeFind
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeGet
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodePeek
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodePoll
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeRemove
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TC, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeCount
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TC, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeFind
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TC, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeGet
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TC, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodePeek
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TC, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodePoll
- allExcept(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TC, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeRemove
- allFieldDetails - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.JavaDocHTMLFile
This is the list of all fields in the "Field Details", stored as Reflection-HTML instances
- allFieldNames() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.ConstantPool
Retrieves the names of all Field-References which were listed in the Constant-Pool table that was used to build
instance. - allFields() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.ConstantPool
- allIDsAndHREFs() - Method in class Torello.JavaDoc.JavaDocHTMLFile
- allInnerTags(Vector<? super TagNode>, int, int) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Util.Remove
This method removes all inner-tags (all attributes) from every
inside of an HTML page. - allInnerTags(Vector<? super TagNode>, DotPair) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Util.Remove
Convenience Method.
- allInnerTags(Vector<HTMLNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Util.Remove
Convenience Method.
- allKeyOnlyAttributes(boolean) - Method in class Torello.HTML.TagNode
- allLocalEmbedTagMapFiles(String) - Static method in class Torello.JavaDoc.JDFiles
- allMethodDetails - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.JavaDocHTMLFile
This is the list of all methods in the "Method Details", stored as Reflection-HTML instances
- allMethodNames() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.ConstantPool
- allMethods() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.ConstantPool
All Constants in this Pool whose Tag-Kind are:
(10) - allNonNullSummaryTables - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.JavaDocHTMLFile
all non-null
instances - ALLOW_NULLABLE_PARAMETERS - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.BRDPC
Configuration to Override the null-check.
- allowed - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Page.PermissionsPolicyFeatureState
[No Description Provided by Google]
- allowPartialBuilds - Variable in class Torello.Java.Build.CloudSync
A "Public-Release" Cloud Storage-Bucket Directory likely has no need for "Partial-Buids" (which can also be referred to as "Developer Builds").
- allowWithoutSanitization - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Browser.PermissionDescriptor
For "clipboard" permission, may specify allowWithoutSanitization.
- allTagNodes(Vector<HTMLNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Util.Remove
Convenience Method.
- allTagNodes(Vector<HTMLNode>, int, int) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Util.Remove
Takes a sub-section of an HTML
and removes allTagNode
present - allTagNodes(Vector<HTMLNode>, DotPair) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Util.Remove
Convenience Method.
- allTextNodes(Vector<HTMLNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Util.Remove
Convenience Method.
- allTextNodes(Vector<HTMLNode>, int, int) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Util.Remove
Takes a sub-section of an HTML
and removes allTextNode
present - allTextNodes(Vector<HTMLNode>, DotPair) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Util.Remove
Convenience Method.
- ALPHA_NUMERIC - Static variable in class Torello.Java.StringParse
Alpha-Numeric RegEx
- alphaNumericAUC(char) - Static method in class Torello.Languages.ZH
Alpha-Numeric character code from upper UniCode / UTF-8
These characters exist in UTF-8 - but they ARE NOT the usual ASCII characters for the letters'A' ... 'Z'
or the numbers'0' ... '9'
They, however, are sometimes found in documents on Chinese News Websites, etc. - alphaNumPred - Static variable in class Torello.Java.StringParse
Predicate. - AlreadySelectedException - Exception in Apache.CLI
Thrown when more than one option in an option group has been provided.
- AlreadySelectedException(OptionGroup, Option) - Constructor for exception Apache.CLI.AlreadySelectedException
Constructs a new
for the specified option group. - AlreadySelectedException(String) - Constructor for exception Apache.CLI.AlreadySelectedException
Constructs a new
with the specified detail message. - alternateExtension - Variable in enum Torello.HTML.Tools.Images.IF
This field is always just null, except for the case of the
Enumeration Constant. - alwaysUseUserAgent - Variable in class Torello.HTML.Tools.Images.Request
- AmbiguousOptionException - Exception in Apache.CLI
Exception thrown when an option can't be identified from a partial name.
- AmbiguousOptionException(String, Collection<String>) - Constructor for exception Apache.CLI.AmbiguousOptionException
Constructs a new AmbiguousOptionException.
- AmericanSamoa - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: American Samoa
- anchorX - Variable in class Torello.Browser.LayerTree.Layer
Transform anchor point X, absent if no transform specified
OPTIONAL - anchorY - Variable in class Torello.Browser.LayerTree.Layer
Transform anchor point Y, absent if no transform specified
OPTIONAL - anchorZ - Variable in class Torello.Browser.LayerTree.Layer
Transform anchor point Z, absent if no transform specified
OPTIONAL - and(AVT) - Method in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AVT
Generates a new
predicate test thatlogically-AND's
the results of'this' Predicate
with the results of the new, additional passed parameterPredicate 'additionalTest'
. - and(FileNodeFilter) - Method in interface Torello.Java.FileNodeFilter
Standard Java-
, Java Functional-Interface AND routine. - and(BiIntPredicate) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.BiIntPredicate
- and(BoolPredicate) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.BoolPredicate
- and(BytePredicate) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.BytePredicate
- and(CharPredicate) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.CharPredicate
- and(FloatPredicate) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.FloatPredicate
- and(HexPredicate<? super A, ? super B, ? super C, ? super D, ? super E, ? super F>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.HexPredicate
- and(IntBoolPredicate) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntBoolPredicate
- and(IntBytePredicate) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntBytePredicate
- and(IntCharPredicate) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntCharPredicate
- and(IntDoublePredicate) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntDoublePredicate
- and(IntFloatPredicate) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntFloatPredicate
- and(IntIntBoolPred) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntBoolPred
- and(IntIntBytePred) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntBytePred
- and(IntIntCharPred) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntCharPred
- and(IntIntDoublePred) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntDoublePred
- and(IntIntFloatPred) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntFloatPred
- and(IntIntLongPred) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntLongPred
- and(IntIntShortPred) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntShortPred
- and(IntLongPredicate) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntLongPredicate
- and(IntShortPredicate) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntShortPredicate
- and(QuadPredicate<? super A, ? super B, ? super C, ? super D>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.QuadPredicate
- and(QuintPredicate<? super A, ? super B, ? super C, ? super D, ? super E>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.QuintPredicate
- and(ShortPredicate) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ShortPredicate
- and(TriIntPred) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.TriIntPred
- and(TriPredicate<? super A, ? super B, ? super C>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.TriPredicate
- AND - Static variable in class Torello.Java.StrCh
Signifies that an
operation is required, but only for methods that implement one of the'contains'
variants. - AND - Static variable in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
Signifies that an
operation is required, but only for methods that implement one of the'contains'
variants. - AND - Static variable in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
Signifies that an
operation is required, but only for methods that implement one of the'contains'
variants. - AND(String, String, String[], Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
This performs the internal AND.
- AND(String, String, String[], Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
This performs the internal AND.
- Andorra - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Andorra
- andThen(Function<? super R, ? extends V>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.BooleanTFunction
Returns a composed function that first applies
function to its input, and then applies the'after'
function to the result. - andThen(Function<? super R, ? extends V>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ByteTFunction
Returns a composed function that first applies
function to its input, and then applies the'after'
function to the result. - andThen(Function<? super R, ? extends V>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.CharTFunction
Returns a composed function that first applies
function to its input, and then applies the'after'
function to the result. - andThen(Function<? super R, ? extends V>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.DoubleTFunction
Returns a composed function that first applies
function to its input, and then applies the'after'
function to the result. - andThen(Function<? super R, ? extends V>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.FloatTFunction
Returns a composed function that first applies
function to its input, and then applies the'after'
function to the result. - andThen(Function<? super R, ? extends V>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.HexFunction
- andThen(Function<? super R, ? extends V>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntTFunction
Returns a composed function that first applies
function to its input, and then applies the'after'
function to the result. - andThen(Function<? super R, ? extends V>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.LongTFunction
Returns a composed function that first applies
function to its input, and then applies the'after'
function to the result. - andThen(Function<? super R, ? extends V>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.QuadFunction
- andThen(Function<? super R, ? extends V>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.QuintFunction
- andThen(Function<? super R, ? extends V>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ShortTFunction
Returns a composed function that first applies
function to its input, and then applies the'after'
function to the result. - andThen(Function<? super R, ? extends V>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.TriFunction
- andThen(Function<R, V>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.BiIntFunction
Returns a composed function that first applies
function to its input, and then applies the'after'
function to the result. - andThen(Function<R, V>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntBoolFunction
Returns a composed function that first applies
function to its input, and then applies the'after'
function to the result. - andThen(Function<R, V>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntByteFunction
Returns a composed function that first applies
function to its input, and then applies the'after'
function to the result. - andThen(Function<R, V>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntCharFunction
Returns a composed function that first applies
function to its input, and then applies the'after'
function to the result. - andThen(Function<R, V>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntDoubleFunction
Returns a composed function that first applies
function to its input, and then applies the'after'
function to the result. - andThen(Function<R, V>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntFloatFunction
Returns a composed function that first applies
function to its input, and then applies the'after'
function to the result. - andThen(Function<R, V>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntBoolFunc
Returns a composed function that first applies
function to its input, and then applies the'after'
function to the result. - andThen(Function<R, V>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntByteFunc
Returns a composed function that first applies
function to its input, and then applies the'after'
function to the result. - andThen(Function<R, V>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntCharFunc
Returns a composed function that first applies
function to its input, and then applies the'after'
function to the result. - andThen(Function<R, V>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntDoubleFunc
Returns a composed function that first applies
function to its input, and then applies the'after'
function to the result. - andThen(Function<R, V>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntFloatFunc
Returns a composed function that first applies
function to its input, and then applies the'after'
function to the result. - andThen(Function<R, V>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntLongFunc
Returns a composed function that first applies
function to its input, and then applies the'after'
function to the result. - andThen(Function<R, V>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntShortFunc
Returns a composed function that first applies
function to its input, and then applies the'after'
function to the result. - andThen(Function<R, V>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntLongFunction
Returns a composed function that first applies
function to its input, and then applies the'after'
function to the result. - andThen(Function<R, V>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntShortFunction
Returns a composed function that first applies
function to its input, and then applies the'after'
function to the result. - andThen(Function<R, V>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.TriIntFunc
Returns a composed function that first applies
function to its input, and then applies the'after'
function to the result. - andThen(ArticleGet) - Method in interface Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.ArticleGet
This is the standard-java
Function 'andThen'
method. - andThen(BiIntConsumer) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.BiIntConsumer
- andThen(BoolConsumer) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.BoolConsumer
- andThen(ByteConsumer) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ByteConsumer
- andThen(CharConsumer) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.CharConsumer
- andThen(FloatConsumer) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.FloatConsumer
- andThen(HexConsumer<? super A, ? super B, ? super C, ? super D, ? super E, ? super F>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.HexConsumer
- andThen(IntBoolConsumer) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntBoolConsumer
- andThen(IntByteConsumer) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntByteConsumer
- andThen(IntCharConsumer) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntCharConsumer
- andThen(IntDoubleConsumer) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntDoubleConsumer
- andThen(IntFloatConsumer) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntFloatConsumer
- andThen(IntIntBoolCons) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntBoolCons
- andThen(IntIntByteCons) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntByteCons
- andThen(IntIntCharCons) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntCharCons
- andThen(IntIntDoubleCons) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntDoubleCons
- andThen(IntIntFloatCons) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntFloatCons
- andThen(IntIntLongCons) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntLongCons
- andThen(IntIntShortCons) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntShortCons
- andThen(IntLongConsumer) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntLongConsumer
- andThen(IntShortConsumer) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntShortConsumer
- andThen(QuadConsumer<? super A, ? super B, ? super C, ? super D>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.QuadConsumer
- andThen(QuintConsumer<? super A, ? super B, ? super C, ? super D, ? super E>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.QuintConsumer
- andThen(ShortConsumer) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ShortConsumer
- andThen(TriConsumer<? super A, ? super B, ? super C>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.TriConsumer
- andThen(TriIntCons) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.TriIntCons
- angle - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Emulation.ScreenOrientation
Orientation angle.
- Angola - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Angola
- Anguilla - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Anguilla
- animation - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Animation.animationStarted
Animation that was started.
- Animation - Class in Torello.Browser
[No Description Provided by Google]
- Animation._Animation - Class in Torello.Browser
Animation instance.
- Animation.animationCanceled - Class in Torello.Browser
Event for when an animation has been cancelled.
- Animation.animationCreated - Class in Torello.Browser
Event for each animation that has been created.
- Animation.AnimationEffect - Class in Torello.Browser
AnimationEffect instance
- Animation.animationStarted - Class in Torello.Browser
Event for animation that has been started.
- Animation.KeyframesRule - Class in Torello.Browser
Keyframes Rule
- Animation.KeyframeStyle - Class in Torello.Browser
Keyframe Style
- animationCanceled(String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Animation.animationCanceled
- animationCanceled(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Animation.animationCanceled
JSON Object Constructor
- animationCreated(String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Animation.animationCreated
- animationCreated(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Animation.animationCreated
JSON Object Constructor
- AnimationEffect(Number, Number, Number, Number, Number, String, String, Integer, Animation.KeyframesRule, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Animation.AnimationEffect
- AnimationEffect(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Animation.AnimationEffect
JSON Object Constructor
- animationName - Variable in class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSKeyframesRule
Animation name.
- animationStarted(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Animation.animationStarted
JSON Object Constructor
- animationStarted(Animation._Animation) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Animation.animationStarted
- ANNOTATION - Torello.JavaDoc.CIET
Identifies that the associated file represents a java
) - ANNOTATION_ELEM - Torello.JavaDoc.Entity
Used for the 'Elements' - which must be located inside an Annotation Definition - but are not always required or mandatory.
- annotationDefault() - Method in class Torello.JavaDoc.ReflHTML
Returns an HTML-
of the HTML used to display the Default Annotation Element Value of an Annotation-Detail element. - AnnotationElem - Class in Torello.JavaDoc
Reflection Class:
Holds all information extracted from'.java'
Annotation (@interface
) Source-Files about all Elements identified in that file. - AnnotationElem(MethodTree, ReflAnnotationData, TreeUtils) - Constructor for class Torello.JavaDoc.AnnotationElem
- AnnotationElem(AnnotationElem, String) - Constructor for class Torello.JavaDoc.AnnotationElem
- annotationElems - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.ParsedFile
- annotations - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.Declaration
- Antarctica - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Antarctica
- AntiguaAndBarbuda - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Antigua and Barbuda
- aor - Variable in class Torello.Java.Build.CLI
This Record contains exactly 7
fields, each of which corresponds to exactly one of the available Command-Line Terminal Main-Menu Auxialiary-option Switches. - Apache.CLI - package Apache.CLI
Apache Commons CLI provides a simple API for presenting, processing and validating a Command Line Interface.
- append(char) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.AppendableLog
Appends the specified character to this
. - append(char) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.AppendableSafe
Appends the specified character to this
. - append(char) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.AppendableTap
Logs input-parameter character
to an internalStringBuffer
, and then subsequently sends'c'
to the user-providedAppendable
. - append(char) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.BiAppendable
Logs a
) to any / all non-nullAppendable's
that were passed to this class' constructor. - append(char) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.NOPRINT
Does nothing.
- append(char) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.TriAppendable
Logs a
) to any / all non-nullAppendable's
that were passed to this class' constructor. - append(char) - Method in class Torello.Java.StorageWriter
- append(CharSequence) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.AppendableLog
Appends the specified character sequence to this
. - append(CharSequence) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.AppendableSafe
Appends the specified character sequence to this
. - append(CharSequence) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.AppendableTap
Logs input-parameter
CharSequence 's'
to an internalStringBuffer
, and then subsequently sends's'
to the user-providedAppendable
. - append(CharSequence) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.BiAppendable
Logs a
) to any / all non-nullAppendable's
that were passed to this class' constructor. - append(CharSequence) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.NOPRINT
Does nothing.
- append(CharSequence) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.TriAppendable
Logs a
) to any / all non-nullAppendable's
that were passed to this class' constructor. - append(CharSequence) - Method in class Torello.Java.StorageWriter
- append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.AppendableLog
Appends a subsequence of the specified character sequence to this
. - append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.AppendableSafe
Appends a subsequence of the specified character sequence to this
. - append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.AppendableTap
Logs a substring of input-parameter
CharSequence 's'
defined by theint
. - append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.BiAppendable
Logs a partial / substring
) to any / all non-nullAppendable's
that were passed to this class' constructor. - append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.NOPRINT
Does nothing.
- append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.TriAppendable
Logs a partial / substring
) to any / all non-nullAppendable's
that were passed to this class' constructor. - append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class Torello.Java.StorageWriter
- appendable - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.AppendableSafe
This is the internally used
. - APPENDABLE_M - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.SummarySorterHelper
Label for methods inherited from interface
Checker MethodSummarySorterHelper.APPENDABLE_M(Method)
matches method named:"append"
- APPENDABLE_M(Method) - Static method in class Torello.JavaDoc.SummarySorterHelper
Identifies whether or not a particular method should be placed under the Method Summary Section Title for methods which implement or extend
. - AppendableError - Error in Torello.Java.Additional
class that should be used by class implementing thejava.lang.Appendable
interface. - AppendableError() - Constructor for error Torello.Java.Additional.AppendableError
Constructs a
with no detail message. - AppendableError(String) - Constructor for error Torello.Java.Additional.AppendableError
Constructs a
with the specified detail message. - AppendableError(String, Throwable) - Constructor for error Torello.Java.Additional.AppendableError
Constructs a new
with the specified detail message and cause. - AppendableError(Throwable) - Constructor for error Torello.Java.Additional.AppendableError
Constructs a new
with the specified cause and a detail message of(cause==null ? null : cause.toString())
(which typically contains the class and detail message of cause). - AppendableLog - Class in Torello.Java.Additional
Another Logging-Helper class.
- AppendableLog(Appendable, Verbosity) - Constructor for class Torello.Java.Additional.AppendableLog
Construct an instance of this class.
- AppendableLog(AppendableSafe, Verbosity) - Constructor for class Torello.Java.Additional.AppendableLog
Construct an instance of this class.
- AppendableSafe - Class in Torello.Java.Additional
Identical to class
, but shunts the often problematicIOException
that may be thrown by itsappend(...)
-methods, and replaces it with either a user-customizableThrowable
-class, or with (the default)java.io.UncheckedIOException
. - AppendableSafe(Appendable, byte) - Constructor for class Torello.Java.Additional.AppendableSafe
Constructs an instance of this class that wraps the provided
. - AppendableSafe(Appendable, Class<? extends RuntimeException>) - Constructor for class Torello.Java.Additional.AppendableSafe
Constructs an instance of this class, where any potential
that are thrown when appending character data to thisAppendable
are wrapped into the specified-Throwable
. - AppendableTap - Class in Torello.Java.Additional
An implementation of the standard Java
interface that keeps an internal log of all text-data that 'passes through' theAppendable
. - AppendableTap(Appendable) - Constructor for class Torello.Java.Additional.AppendableTap
Builds an instance of this class.
- appendCSSClass(String, SD) - Method in class Torello.HTML.TagNode
- appendI12(String) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.AppendableLog
Appends twelve character spaces of indentation, and then appends
. - appendI16(String) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.AppendableLog
Appends sixteen character spaces of indentation, and then appends
. - appendI4(String) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.AppendableLog
Appends four character spaces of indentation, and then appends
. - appendI8(String) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.AppendableLog
Appends eight character spaces of indentation, and then appends
. - appendToAV(String, String, boolean, SD) - Method in class Torello.HTML.TagNode
- appendToFile(CharSequence, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.FileRW
Appends the entire input
- actually ajava.lang.CharSequence
to the file on the File-System named'fName'
Directory Requirements:
Though the file does not need to exist already in order for this file to be written the directory hierarchy needs to exist, or a java'IOException'
will occur. - appendToFile(Iterable<String>, String, boolean) - Static method in class Torello.Java.FileRW
This takes an
, and a filename, and appends eachjava.lang.String
in theIterator
that it produces to the file specified by File-Name parameter'fName'
Directory Requirements:
Though the file does not need to exist already in order for this file to be written the directory hierarchy needs to exist, or a java'IOException'
will occur. - apply(boolean, T) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.BooleanTFunction
Applies this function to the given arguments.
- apply(byte, T) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ByteTFunction
Applies this function to the given arguments.
- apply(char, T) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.CharTFunction
Applies this function to the given arguments.
- apply(double, T) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.DoubleTFunction
Applies this function to the given arguments.
- apply(float, T) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.FloatTFunction
Applies this function to the given arguments.
- apply(int, boolean) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntBoolFunction
Applies this function to the given arguments.
- apply(int, byte) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntByteFunction
Applies this function to the given arguments.
- apply(int, char) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntCharFunction
Applies this function to the given arguments.
- apply(int, char) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToCharIntCharFunc
This method must take an
and a'char'
, and return a'char'
. - apply(int, double) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntDoubleFunction
Applies this function to the given arguments.
- apply(int, float) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntFloatFunction
Applies this function to the given arguments.
- apply(int, int) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.BiIntFunction
Applies this function to the given arguments.
- apply(int, int, boolean) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntBoolFunc
Applies a user-provided function to input aruments, returning a result of type
- apply(int, int, byte) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntByteFunc
Applies a user-provided function to input aruments, returning a result of type
- apply(int, int, char) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntCharFunc
Applies a user-provided function to input aruments, returning a result of type
- apply(int, int, double) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntDoubleFunc
Applies a user-provided function to input aruments, returning a result of type
- apply(int, int, float) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntFloatFunc
Applies a user-provided function to input aruments, returning a result of type
- apply(int, int, int) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.TriIntFunc
Applies a user-provided function to input aruments, returning a result of type
- apply(int, int, long) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntLongFunc
Applies a user-provided function to input aruments, returning a result of type
- apply(int, int, short) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntShortFunc
Applies a user-provided function to input aruments, returning a result of type
- apply(int, int, T) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntIntTFunc
Allows a user to provide a function of two integers and one typed-
. - apply(int, long) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntLongFunction
Applies this function to the given arguments.
- apply(int, short) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntShortFunction
Applies this function to the given arguments.
- apply(int, T) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.IntTFunction
Applies this function to the given arguments.
- apply(int, T) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToCharIntTFunc
This method must take an
and an instance of generic-type'T'
, and return a'char'
. - apply(long, T) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.LongTFunction
Applies this function to the given arguments.
- apply(short, T) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ShortTFunction
Applies this function to the given arguments.
- apply(A, B, C) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.TriFunction
function to the given arguments. - apply(A, B, C, D) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.QuadFunction
function to the given arguments. - apply(A, B, C, D, E) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.QuintFunction
function to the given arguments. - apply(A, B, C, D, E, F) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.HexFunction
function to the given arguments. - apply(URL, Vector<HTMLNode>) - Method in interface Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.ArticleGet
This method's purpose is to take a "Scraped HTML Page" (stored as a Vectorized-HTML Web-Page), and return an HTMLVector
that contains only the "Article Content" - which is usually just called the "Article Body." Perhaps it seems daunting, but the usual way to get the actual article-body of an HTML News-Website Page is to simply identify anHTML <DIV ID="..." CLASS="...">
surrounding element. - apply(URL, Vector<HTMLNode>) - Method in interface Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.LinksGet
The purpose of this method is to retrieve all of the relevant HTML Anchor Elements from a news-website. - apply(JsonValue) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonMergePatch
Applies the JSON Merge Patch to the specified
. - apply(T) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonPatch
Applies the patch operations to the specified
. - applyAsByte(A) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToByteFunction
integer-function to the given argument, and returns the resulting'byte'
- applyAsByte(A, B) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToByteBiFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'byte'
- applyAsByte(A, B, C) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToByteTriFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'byte'
- applyAsByte(A, B, C, D) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToByteQuadFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'byte'
- applyAsByte(A, B, C, D, E) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToByteQuintFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'byte'
- applyAsByte(A, B, C, D, E, F) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToByteHexFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'byte'
- applyAsChar(A) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToCharFunction
integer-function to the given argument, and returns the resulting'char'
- applyAsChar(A, B) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToCharBiFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'char'
- applyAsChar(A, B, C) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToCharTriFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'char'
- applyAsChar(A, B, C, D) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToCharQuadFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'char'
- applyAsChar(A, B, C, D, E) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToCharQuintFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'char'
- applyAsChar(A, B, C, D, E, F) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToCharHexFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'char'
- applyAsDouble(A, B, C) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToDoubleTriFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'double'
- applyAsDouble(A, B, C, D) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToDoubleQuadFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'double'
- applyAsDouble(A, B, C, D, E) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToDoubleQuintFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'double'
- applyAsDouble(A, B, C, D, E, F) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToDoubleHexFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'double'
- applyAsFloat(A) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToFloatFunction
integer-function to the given argument, and returns the resulting'float'
- applyAsFloat(A, B) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToFloatBiFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'float'
- applyAsFloat(A, B, C) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToFloatTriFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'float'
- applyAsFloat(A, B, C, D) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToFloatQuadFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'float'
- applyAsFloat(A, B, C, D, E) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToFloatQuintFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'float'
- applyAsFloat(A, B, C, D, E, F) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToFloatHexFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'float'
- applyAsInt(A, B, C) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToIntTriFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'int
- applyAsInt(A, B, C, D) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToIntQuadFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'int
- applyAsInt(A, B, C, D, E) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToIntQuintFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'int
- applyAsInt(A, B, C, D, E, F) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToIntHexFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'int
- applyAsLong(A, B, C) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToLongTriFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'long'
- applyAsLong(A, B, C, D) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToLongQuadFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'long'
- applyAsLong(A, B, C, D, E) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToLongQuintFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'long'
- applyAsLong(A, B, C, D, E, F) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToLongHexFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'long'
- applyAsShort(A) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToShortFunction
integer-function to the given argument, and returns the resulting'short'
- applyAsShort(A, B) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToShortBiFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'short'
- applyAsShort(A, B, C) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToShortTriFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'short'
- applyAsShort(A, B, C, D) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToShortQuadFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'short'
- applyAsShort(A, B, C, D, E) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToShortQuintFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'short'
- applyAsShort(A, B, C, D, E, F) - Method in interface Torello.Java.Function.ToShortHexFunction
integer-function to the given arguments, and returns the resulting'short'
- AppManifestError(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Page.AppManifestError
- AppManifestError(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Page.AppManifestError
JSON Object Constructor
- AppManifestParsedProperties(String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Page.AppManifestParsedProperties
- AppManifestParsedProperties(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Page.AppManifestParsedProperties
JSON Object Constructor
- AR - Torello.Languages.LC
Language: Arabic
- architecture - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Emulation.UserAgentMetadata
[No Description Provided by Google]
- areaBorderColor - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.GridHighlightConfig
The named grid areas border color (Default: transparent).
- ARGCHECK - Class in Torello.HTML.NodeSearch
This class is used internally to do argument validity-checks, and guarantees consistent exception-message reporting.
- Argentina - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Argentina
- argName(String) - Method in class Apache.CLI.Option.Builder
Sets the display name for the argument value.
- args - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Log.LogEntry
Call arguments.
- args - Variable in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.consoleAPICalled
Call arguments.
- Armenia - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Armenia
- array - Variable in class Torello.Browser.IndexedDB.Key
Array value.
- array - Variable in class Torello.Browser.IndexedDB.KeyPath
Array value.
- ARRAY - javax.json.JsonValue.ValueType
JSON array.
- ARRAY() - Static method in class Torello.Java.RTC
Requests: FileNode[]
- ArrayExpectedError - Error in Torello.Java
Used when a parameter accepts an intance of
, but stipulates that this reference must be a reference to a primitive-array. - ArrayExpectedError() - Constructor for error Torello.Java.ArrayExpectedError
Constructs an
with no detail message. - ArrayExpectedError(String) - Constructor for error Torello.Java.ArrayExpectedError
Constructs an
with the specified detail message. - ArrayExpectedError(String, Throwable) - Constructor for error Torello.Java.ArrayExpectedError
Constructs a new error with the specified detail
. - ArrayExpectedError(Throwable) - Constructor for error Torello.Java.ArrayExpectedError
Constructs a new error with the specified
and a detail message of(cause==null ? null : cause.toString())
(which typically contains the class and detail message of cause). - ARRAYLIST() - Static method in class Torello.Java.RTC
Requests: ArrayList
- ARRAYLIST(ArrayList<FileNode>) - Static method in class Torello.Java.RTC
Requests: ArrayList
- arrBOOLEAN(JsonArray, boolean, int, Function<String, Boolean>, Class<T>) - Static method in class Torello.Java.JSON.RJArrDimN
Invokes:JSON_ARRAY_DIMN.jsonArrayToJava(JsonArray, SettingsRec, Class)
Configurations / SettingsRec
See: ClassJFlag
for more information about parameter'FLAGS'
. - arrBYTE(JsonArray, byte, int, Function<String, Byte>, Class<T>) - Static method in class Torello.Java.JSON.RJArrDimN
Invokes:JSON_ARRAY_DIMN.jsonArrayToJava(JsonArray, SettingsRec, Class)
Configurations / SettingsRec
See: ClassJFlag
for more information about parameter'FLAGS'
. - arrDOUBLE(JsonArray, double, int, Function<String, Double>, Class<T>) - Static method in class Torello.Java.JSON.RJArrDimN
Invokes:JSON_ARRAY_DIMN.jsonArrayToJava(JsonArray, SettingsRec, Class)
Configurations / SettingsRec
See: classJFlag
for more information about parameter'FLAGS'
. - arrFLOAT(JsonArray, float, int, Function<String, Float>, Class<T>) - Static method in class Torello.Java.JSON.RJArrDimN
Invokes:JSON_ARRAY_DIMN.jsonArrayToJava(JsonArray, SettingsRec, Class)
Configurations / SettingsRec
See: ClassJFlag
for more information about parameter'FLAGS'
. - arrINTEGER(JsonArray, int, int, Function<String, Integer>, Class<T>) - Static method in class Torello.Java.JSON.RJArrDimN
Invokes:JSON_ARRAY_DIMN.jsonArrayToJava(JsonArray, SettingsRec, Class)
Configurations / SettingsRec
See: classJFlag
for more information about parameter'FLAGS'
. - arrLONG(JsonArray, long, int, Function<String, Long>, Class<T>) - Static method in class Torello.Java.JSON.RJArrDimN
Invokes:JSON_ARRAY_DIMN.jsonArrayToJava(JsonArray, SettingsRec, Class)
Configurations / SettingsRec
See: classJFlag
for more information about parameter'FLAGS'
. - arrNumber(JsonArray, Number, int, Function<String, Number>, Class<T>) - Static method in class Torello.Java.JSON.RJArrDimN
Invokes:JSON_ARRAY_DIMN.jsonArrayToJava(JsonArray, SettingsRec, Class)
Configurations / SettingsRec
See: classJFlag
for more information about parameter'FLAGS'
. - arrSHORT(JsonArray, short, int, Function<String, Short>, Class<T>) - Static method in class Torello.Java.JSON.RJArrDimN
Invokes:JSON_ARRAY_DIMN.jsonArrayToJava(JsonArray, SettingsRec, Class)
Configurations / SettingsRec
See: classJFlag
for more information about parameter'FLAGS'
. - article(Vector<String>, Vector<Vector<String>>, Vector<Vector<Vector<String>>>, Vector<String>, Vector<Boolean>) - Static method in class Torello.Languages.Translate
- Article - Class in Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite
When a news article is downloaded from a
, its contents are parsed, and the information-HTML is stored in this class. - Article(URL, String, Vector<HTMLNode>, Vector<HTMLNode>, Vector<URL>, int[]) - Constructor for class Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.Article
Builds an instance of this class.
- ARTICLE_GET_EXCEPTION - Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.DownloadResult
There was an "Article Get Exception" (Review the log for more details).
- ARTICLE_GET_RETURNED_EMPTY_VECTOR - Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.DownloadResult
returned an emptyVector<HTMLNode>
. - ARTICLE_GET_RETURNED_NULL - Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.DownloadResult
returned a nullVector<HTMLNode>
. - articleBody - Variable in class Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.Article
This is the pared down article-body.
- ArticleGet - Interface in Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite
A function-pointer / lambda target for extracting an article's content from the web-page from whence it was downloaded; including several
-builder methods for the most common means of finding the HTML-Tags that wrap artilce-HTML on news-media websites. - ArticleGetException - Exception in Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite
An exception that is thrown from inside the
created by the classArticleGet
methods - if an error occurs while retrieving a news article body from inside a news web-page. - ArticleGetException(String) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.ArticleGetException
Creates a new
that may be thrown. - ArticleGetException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.ArticleGetException
Creates a new
that may be thrown, having the given message, and a "previously thrown exception" (cause) - either from another thread, or caught and re-branded into anArticleGetException
- ArticleGetException(String, Throwable, URL, Vector<HTMLNode>) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.ArticleGetException
When this constructor is used, the
and page-Vector
will be preserved asfinal
(constant) fields within this class instance for future reference and debugging. - ArticleGetException(String, URL, Vector<HTMLNode>) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.ArticleGetException
When this constructor is used, the
and page-Vector
will be preserved asfinal
(constant) fields within this class instance for future reference and debugging. - articleGetter - Variable in class Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.NewsSite
An instance of
used to retrieve news-articles from this site. - articleNum - Variable in exception Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.ReceiveException
This is the
-index into the News Web-Site "Newspaper Article"Vector
for theArticle
that was being processed byScrapedArticleReceiver
when theReceiveException
was thrown. - Aruba - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Aruba
- asArray() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.MultiType
Retrieve the contents of the instance-descendant class, as an array.
- asAtKeyword() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
- asBadStr() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
- asBadURL() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
- asCDC() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
- asCDO() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
- asComment() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
- asCommentNode() - Method in class Torello.HTML.HTMLNode
Compile-Time "Syntactic Sugar" for casting an
to aCommentNode
. - asDelimiter() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
- asDimension() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
- asEOF() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
- asFunc() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
- asHash() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
- AshmoreAndCartierIslands - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Ashmore and Cartier Islands
- asIdentifier() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
- asJsonArray() - Method in interface javax.json.JsonValue
Return the JsonValue as a JsonArray
- asJsonObject() - Method in interface javax.json.JsonValue
Return the JsonValue as a JsonObject
- ask(BiPredicate<FileNode, String>, IOExceptionHandler) - Method in class Torello.Java.FileNode
This presumes that
instance ofFileNode
is not a directory, but rather a file. - asNum() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
- asPercentage() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
- asPunct() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
- associatedCookies - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.requestWillBeSentExtraInfo
A list of cookies potentially associated to the requested URL.
- asStr() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
- asTagNode() - Method in class Torello.HTML.HTMLNode
Compile-Time "Syntactic Sugar" for casting an
to aTagNode
. - asTextNode() - Method in class Torello.HTML.HTMLNode
Compile-Time "Syntactic Sugar" for casting an
to aTextNode
. - asUnicodeRange() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
- asURL() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
- asWhitespace() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
- asyncCallStackTraceId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.paused
Never present, will be removed.
- AsynchronousException - Exception in Torello.Java.Additional
A general purpose exception used to indicate there have been problems with an asynchronous communications system or channel.
- AsynchronousException() - Constructor for exception Torello.Java.Additional.AsynchronousException
Constructs a
with no detail message. - AsynchronousException(String) - Constructor for exception Torello.Java.Additional.AsynchronousException
Constructs a
with the specified detail message. - AsynchronousException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception Torello.Java.Additional.AsynchronousException
Constructs a new
with the specified detail message and cause. - AsynchronousException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception Torello.Java.Additional.AsynchronousException
Constructs a new
with the specified cause and a detail message of(cause==null ? null : cause.toString())
(which typically contains the class and detail message of cause). - asyncStackTrace - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.paused
Async stack trace, if any.
- asyncStackTraceId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.paused
Async stack trace, if any.
- AtKeyword - Class in Torello.CSS
CSS-Tokenizer Class for At-Rule Identifiers.
- attached - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Target.TargetInfo
Whether the target has an attached client.
- attachedToTarget(String, Target.TargetInfo, boolean) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Target.attachedToTarget
- attachedToTarget(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Target.attachedToTarget
JSON Object Constructor
- attachToBrowserTarget() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Target
Attaches to the browser target, only uses flat sessionId mode.
- attachToTarget(String, Boolean) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Target
Attaches to the target with given id.
- AttemptedModificationException - Exception in Torello.Java.ReadOnly
When a Read-Only Data-Type is constructed from a builder, any attempt to further modify the Data-Type using the original Builder's Mutator-Methods will cause this exception to throw.
- AttemptedModificationException(String) - Constructor for exception Torello.Java.ReadOnly.AttemptedModificationException
Constructs an
with the standard detail message. - attribute - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Accessibility.AXValueSource
The name of the relevant attribute, if any.
- attributeAndDescriptionsIterator() - Static method in class Torello.HTML.InnerTags
- attributeDescriptions - Static variable in class Torello.HTML.InnerTags
- attributeIterator() - Static method in class Torello.HTML.InnerTags
Internally, Attributes are stored in a Java
. - attributeModified(int, String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.DOM.attributeModified
- attributeModified(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.DOM.attributeModified
JSON Object Constructor
- attributeRemoved(int, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.DOM.attributeRemoved
- attributeRemoved(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.DOM.attributeRemoved
JSON Object Constructor
- attributes - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOM.Node
Attributes of the
node in the form of flat array[name1, value1, name2, value2]
. - attributes - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.DOMNode
Attributes of an
node. - attributes - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.NodeTreeSnapshot
Attributes of an
node. - attributes - Static variable in class Torello.HTML.InnerTags
- Attributes - Class in Torello.HTML
Utilities for getting, setting and removing attributes from the
elements in a Web-PageVector
. - Attributes.Filter - Interface in Torello.HTML
Lambda-target for creating attribute-filters.
- attributeValue - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Accessibility.AXValueSource
The value of the relevant attribute, if any.
- attributionReportingIssueDetails - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits.InspectorIssueDetails
[No Description Provided by Google]
OPTIONAL - AttributionReportingIssueDetails(String, Audits.AffectedFrame, Audits.AffectedRequest, Integer, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Audits.AttributionReportingIssueDetails
- AttributionReportingIssueDetails(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Audits.AttributionReportingIssueDetails
JSON Object Constructor
- AttributionReportingIssueType - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits
[No Description Provided by Google]
- AUC - Static variable in class Torello.Languages.ZH
The complete list of "higher-level" (alternate) Uni-Code chars.
- AudioListener(String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.AudioListener
- AudioListener(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.AudioListener
JSON Object Constructor
- audioListenerCreated(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.audioListenerCreated
JSON Object Constructor
- audioListenerCreated(WebAudio.AudioListener) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.audioListenerCreated
- audioListenerWillBeDestroyed(String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.audioListenerWillBeDestroyed
- audioListenerWillBeDestroyed(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.audioListenerWillBeDestroyed
JSON Object Constructor
- AudioNode(String, String, String, Number, Number, Number, String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.AudioNode
- AudioNode(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.AudioNode
JSON Object Constructor
- audioNodeCreated(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.audioNodeCreated
JSON Object Constructor
- audioNodeCreated(WebAudio.AudioNode) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.audioNodeCreated
- audioNodeWillBeDestroyed(String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.audioNodeWillBeDestroyed
- audioNodeWillBeDestroyed(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.audioNodeWillBeDestroyed
JSON Object Constructor
- AudioParam(String, String, String, String, String, Number, Number, Number) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.AudioParam
- AudioParam(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.AudioParam
JSON Object Constructor
- audioParamCreated(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.audioParamCreated
JSON Object Constructor
- audioParamCreated(WebAudio.AudioParam) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.audioParamCreated
- audioParamWillBeDestroyed(String, String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.audioParamWillBeDestroyed
- audioParamWillBeDestroyed(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.audioParamWillBeDestroyed
JSON Object Constructor
- Audits - Class in Torello.Browser
Audits domain allows investigation of page violations and possible improvements.
- Audits.AffectedCookie - Class in Torello.Browser
Information about a cookie that is affected by an inspector issue.
- Audits.AffectedFrame - Class in Torello.Browser
Information about the frame affected by an inspector issue.
- Audits.AffectedRequest - Class in Torello.Browser
Information about a request that is affected by an inspector issue.
- Audits.AttributionReportingIssueDetails - Class in Torello.Browser
Details for issues around "Attribution Reporting API" usage.
- Audits.BlockedByResponseIssueDetails - Class in Torello.Browser
Details for a request that has been blocked with the BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE code.
- Audits.ContentSecurityPolicyIssueDetails - Class in Torello.Browser
[No Description Provided by Google]
- Audits.CorsIssueDetails - Class in Torello.Browser
Details for a CORS related issue, e.g.
- Audits.GenericIssueDetails - Class in Torello.Browser
Depending on the concrete errorType, different properties are set.
- Audits.HeavyAdIssueDetails - Class in Torello.Browser
[No Description Provided by Google]
- Audits.InspectorIssue - Class in Torello.Browser
An inspector issue reported from the back-end.
- Audits.InspectorIssueDetails - Class in Torello.Browser
This struct holds a list of optional fields with additional information specific to the kind of issue.
- Audits.issueAdded - Class in Torello.Browser
[No Description Provided by Google]
- Audits.LowTextContrastIssueDetails - Class in Torello.Browser
[No Description Provided by Google]
- Audits.MixedContentIssueDetails - Class in Torello.Browser
[No Description Provided by Google]
- Audits.NavigatorUserAgentIssueDetails - Class in Torello.Browser
[No Description Provided by Google]
- Audits.QuirksModeIssueDetails - Class in Torello.Browser
Details for issues about documents in Quirks Mode or Limited Quirks Mode that affects page layouting.
- Audits.SameSiteCookieIssueDetails - Class in Torello.Browser
This information is currently necessary, as the front-end has a difficult time finding a specific cookie.
- Audits.SharedArrayBufferIssueDetails - Class in Torello.Browser
Details for a issue arising from an SAB being instantiated in, or transferred to a context that is not cross-origin isolated.
- Audits.SourceCodeLocation - Class in Torello.Browser
[No Description Provided by Google]
- Audits.TrustedWebActivityIssueDetails - Class in Torello.Browser
[No Description Provided by Google]
- Audits.WasmCrossOriginModuleSharingIssueDetails - Class in Torello.Browser
[No Description Provided by Google]
- AUM - Enum in Torello.HTML
AUM (Attribute Update Mode) - Documentation.
- Australia - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Australia
- Austria - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Austria
- authChallenge - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Fetch.authRequired
Details of the Authorization Challenge encountered.
- authChallenge - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.requestIntercepted
Details of the Authorization Challenge encountered.
- AuthChallenge(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Fetch.AuthChallenge
- AuthChallenge(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Network.AuthChallenge
- AuthChallenge(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Fetch.AuthChallenge
JSON Object Constructor
- AuthChallenge(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Network.AuthChallenge
JSON Object Constructor
- AuthChallengeResponse(String, String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Fetch.AuthChallengeResponse
- AuthChallengeResponse(String, String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Network.AuthChallengeResponse
- AuthChallengeResponse(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Fetch.AuthChallengeResponse
JSON Object Constructor
- AuthChallengeResponse(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Network.AuthChallengeResponse
JSON Object Constructor
- AuthenticatorProtocol - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAuthn
[No Description Provided by Google]
- AuthenticatorTransport - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAuthn
[No Description Provided by Google]
- author - Torello.HTML.MetaTagName
How to give credit to the person of company that made your website? You use the so called
Meta-Tag. - author() - Method in class Torello.JavaDoc.ReflHTML
This will be implented at a later date.
- authorMetaTag - Static variable in class Torello.HTML.Features.Meta
This helps identify Web-Sites or Web-Pages "Author-Names" to Web-Indexing and Web-Search Organizations. - authRequired(String, Network.Request, String, String, Fetch.AuthChallenge) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Fetch.authRequired
- authRequired(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Fetch.authRequired
JSON Object Constructor
- autoAttachRelated(String, boolean) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Target
Adds the specified target to the list of targets that will be monitored for any related target creation (such as child frames, child workers and new versions of service worker) and reported through
. - autoFindID - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.Callable
- autoIncrement - Variable in class Torello.Browser.IndexedDB.ObjectStore
If true, object store has auto increment flag set.
- automaticPresenceSimulation - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAuthn.VirtualAuthenticatorOptions
If set to true, tests of user presence will succeed immediately.
- AutomationRate - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio
Enum of AudioParam::AutomationRate from the spec
- auxAttributes - Variable in class Torello.Browser.SystemInfo.GPUInfo
An optional dictionary of additional GPU related attributes.
- auxData - Variable in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.ExecutionContextDescription
Embedder-specific auxiliary data.
- AuxiliaryOptRecord - Class in Torello.Java.Build
This class contains an internally used
-Flag field corresponding to each of the Auxiliary Command-Line Options / Switches available by this Build-Tool. - AV(String) - Method in class Torello.HTML.TagNode
- AVOPT(String) - Method in class Torello.HTML.TagNode
- AVT - Interface in Torello.HTML.NodeSearch
A functional-interface / lambda-target, and several
-builders for generating instances of them, which extendsjava.util.function.Predicate
and encapsulates search-criteria into aPredicate<
> - await() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.Promise
This method will cede the current
control until the Asynchronous Channel has called this class'Promise.acceptResponse(Object)
method. - awaitPromise(String, Boolean, Boolean) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.RunTime
Add handler to promise with given promise object id.
- AWAY - Static variable in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketCloseCode
1001; 1001 indicates that an endpoint is "going away", such as a server going down or a browser having navigated away from a page
- AXNode(String, boolean, Accessibility.AXProperty[], Accessibility.AXValue, Accessibility.AXValue, Accessibility.AXValue, Accessibility.AXValue, Accessibility.AXProperty[], String[], Integer) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Accessibility.AXNode
- AXNode(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Accessibility.AXNode
JSON Object Constructor
- AXProperty(String, Accessibility.AXValue) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Accessibility.AXProperty
- AXProperty(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Accessibility.AXProperty
JSON Object Constructor
- AXPropertyName - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Accessibility
Values of AXProperty name: - from 'busy' to 'roledescription': states which apply to every AX node - from 'live' to 'root': attributes which apply to nodes in live regions - from 'autocomplete' to 'valuetext': attributes which apply to widgets - from 'checked' to 'selected': states which apply to widgets - from 'activedescendant' to 'owns' - relationships between elements other than parent/child/sibling.
- AXRelatedNode(int, String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Accessibility.AXRelatedNode
- AXRelatedNode(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Accessibility.AXRelatedNode
JSON Object Constructor
- AXValue(String, JsonValue, Accessibility.AXRelatedNode[], Accessibility.AXValueSource[]) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Accessibility.AXValue
- AXValue(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Accessibility.AXValue
JSON Object Constructor
- AXValueNativeSourceType - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Accessibility
Enum of possible native property sources (as a subtype of a particular AXValueSourceType).
- AXValueSource(String, Accessibility.AXValue, String, Accessibility.AXValue, Boolean, String, Accessibility.AXValue, Boolean, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Accessibility.AXValueSource
- AXValueSource(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Accessibility.AXValueSource
JSON Object Constructor
- AXValueSourceType - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Accessibility
Enum of possible property sources.
- AXValueType - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Accessibility
Enum of possible property types.
- AZ - Torello.Languages.LC
Language: Azerbaijani
- Azerbaijan - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Azerbaijan
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