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mac - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.SecurityDetails
mac - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Security.CertificateSecurityState
Macau - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Macau
Macedonia - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Macedonia
Madagascar - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Madagascar
main(String[]) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.HTMLTags
main(String[]) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Listeners
main(String[]) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.NewsSites
Prints the contents of the Data File.
main(String[]) - Static method in class Torello.Java.Build.Lint
This class' operations are all performed via the command line.
main(String[]) - Static method in class Torello.Java.HiLiteMe
This may be called from the command line.
main(String[]) - Static method in class Torello.JavaDoc.Upgrade
main(String[]) - Static method in class Torello.Languages.Helper
main(String[]) - Static method in class Torello.Languages.Pin1Yin1
Run the translation from the command-line.
mainDistributedSpace - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.FlexContainerHighlightConfig
Style of content-distribution space on the main axis (justify-content).
mainResourceURL - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits.MixedContentIssueDetails
The url responsible for the call to an unsafe url.
makeJDTarAndJarPublic() - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.CloudSync
This Method should be run if your Cloud-Storage Directory requires your recently copied / synchronized '.tar' & '.jar' files to be explicity made public.
makeJDTarAndJarPublic() - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.CloudSyncGSUTIL
makeLogsPublic() - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.CloudSync
This Method should be run if your Cloud-Storage Directory requires your recently copied / synchronized Log-Files to be explicity made public.
makeLogsPublic() - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.CloudSyncGSUTIL
makePublicDirArr(String[]) - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.CloudSync
This Method should be run if your Cloud-Storage Directory requires your recently copied / synchronized '.html' Documentation-Files to be explicity made public.
makePublicDirArr(String[]) - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.CloudSyncGSUTIL
makePublicJavaDocDir() - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.CloudSync
This Method should be run if your Cloud-Storage Directory requires your recently copied / synchronized '.html' Documentation-Files to be explicity made public.
makePublicJavaDocDir() - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.CloudSyncGSUTIL
makeSnapshot(String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.LayerTree
Returns the layer snapshot identifier.
Malawi - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Malawi
Malaysia - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Malaysia
Maldives - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Maldives
MalformedHTMLException - Exception in Torello.HTML
This Exception may be thrown by code that checks the validity of an HTML Page Vector.
MalformedHTMLException() - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.MalformedHTMLException
Constructs a MalformedHTMLException with no detail message.
MalformedHTMLException(String) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.MalformedHTMLException
Constructs a MalformedHTMLException with the specified detail message.
MalformedHTMLException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.MalformedHTMLException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
MalformedHTMLException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.MalformedHTMLException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
MalformedTagNodeException - Exception in Torello.HTML
If, when attempting to instantiate or construct a TagNode, the String used to instantiate that node is invalid, this exception will be thrown to inform the programmer that his passed constructor-String was invalid.
MalformedTagNodeException(String, String) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.MalformedTagNodeException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message, and one public, final parameter: htmlElementStr.
MalformedTagNodeException(String, Throwable, String) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.MalformedTagNodeException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message, cause-chain throwable, and one public, final parameter: htmlElementStr.
Mali - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Mali
Malta - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Malta
mapLRU - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.LRUTreeMap
Keeps a record of the 'Ordering of Use' for the elements in 'this' map.
margin - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOM.BoxModel
Margin box
marginColor - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.HighlightConfig
The margin highlight fill color (default: transparent).
marginShape - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOM.ShapeOutsideInfo
Margin shape bounds
markUndoableState() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.DOM
Marks last undoable state.
MarshallIslands - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Marshall Islands
Martinique - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Martinique
mask - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.WebSocketFrame
WebSocket message mask.
maskColor - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.IsolationModeHighlightConfig
The fill color for the mask covering non-isolated elements (default: transparent).
maskLength - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Emulation.DisplayFeature
A display feature may mask content such that it is not physically displayed - this length along with the offset describes this area.
matchedCSSRules - Variable in class Torello.Browser.CSS.InheritedStyleEntry
Matches of CSS rules matching the ancestor node in the style inheritance chain.
matches - Variable in class Torello.Browser.CSS.PseudoElementMatches
Matches of CSS rules applicable to the pseudo style.
matchingSelectors - Variable in class Torello.Browser.CSS.RuleMatch
Matching selector indices in the rule's selectorList selectors (0-based).
matchSubDomains - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Page.OriginTrialToken
[No Description Provided by Google]
Mauritania - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Mauritania
Mauritius - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Mauritius
MAX_NUM_ELEMENTS - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.LRUTreeMap
This is, literally, the maximum number of Key-Value pairs allowed into this instance of LRUTreeMap.
MAX_STR_LEN - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.PF
This is the maximum allowed length of lines printed to the output-String

Thread Un-Safe Configuration:
This has NOT been declared 'final', and it may be changed to anything you wish, using the setter, PF.setMaxStrLen(int)
MAX_WAIT_TIME - Static variable in class Torello.HTML.Tools.Images.Request
This is the default maximum wait time for an image to download (10L).
MAX_WAIT_TIME_UNIT - Static variable in class Torello.HTML.Tools.Images.Request
This is the default measuring unit for the static final long MAX_WAIT_TIME member.
maxCursor - Variable in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AbstractHNLI
The maximum boundary for the Cursor Boundary Window.
maxCursor - Variable in exception Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CursorException
This will contain the value for maxCursor defined in an HTML Node Iterator's settings for the Cursor Bounds.
maxDimensions - Variable in class Torello.Browser.SystemInfo.ImageDecodeAcceleratorCapability
Maximum supported dimensions of the image in pixels.
maxDownloadWaitTime - Variable in class Torello.HTML.Tools.Images.Request
If you do not want the downloader to hang on an image, which is sometimes an issue depending upon the site from which you are making a request, set this parameter, and the downloader will not wait past that amount of time to download an image.
maxFramerateDenominator - Variable in class Torello.Browser.SystemInfo.VideoEncodeAcceleratorCapability
[No Description Provided by Google]
maxFramerateNumerator - Variable in class Torello.Browser.SystemInfo.VideoEncodeAcceleratorCapability
Maximum encoding framerate in frames per second supported for this |profile|, as fraction's numerator and denominator, e.g.
maxOutputChannelCount - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.BaseAudioContext
Number of output channels supported by audio hardware in use.
maxResolution - Variable in class Torello.Browser.SystemInfo.VideoDecodeAcceleratorCapability
Maximum video dimensions in pixels supported for this |profile|.
maxResolution - Variable in class Torello.Browser.SystemInfo.VideoEncodeAcceleratorCapability
Maximum video dimensions in pixels supported for this |profile|.
maxTokenLength() - Static method in class Torello.HTML.HTMLTags
This will compute the String-length of the longest HTML token saved in the internal state TreeSet<String> of HTML Tokens.
maxValue - Variable in class Torello.Browser.CSS.FontVariationAxis
The maximum value (inclusive) the font supports for this tag.
maxValue - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.AudioParam
[No Description Provided by Google]
Mayotte - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Mayotte
media - Variable in class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSRule
Media list array (for rules involving media queries).
Media - Class in Torello.Browser
This domain allows detailed inspection of media elements
Media.PlayerError - Class in Torello.Browser
Corresponds to kMediaError
Media.playerErrorsRaised - Class in Torello.Browser
Send a list of any errors that need to be delivered.
Media.PlayerEvent - Class in Torello.Browser
Corresponds to kMediaEventTriggered
Media.playerEventsAdded - Class in Torello.Browser
Send events as a list, allowing them to be batched on the browser for less congestion.
Media.PlayerMessage - Class in Torello.Browser
Have one type per entry in MediaLogRecord::Type Corresponds to kMessage
Media.playerMessagesLogged - Class in Torello.Browser
Send a list of any messages that need to be delivered.
Media.playerPropertiesChanged - Class in Torello.Browser
This can be called multiple times, and can be used to set / override / remove player properties.
Media.PlayerProperty - Class in Torello.Browser
Corresponds to kMediaPropertyChange
Media.playersCreated - Class in Torello.Browser
Called whenever a player is created, or when a new agent joins and receives a list of active players.
MediaFeature(String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Emulation.MediaFeature
MediaFeature(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Emulation.MediaFeature
JSON Object Constructor
mediaList - Variable in class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSMedia
Array of media queries.
MediaQuery(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.CSS.MediaQuery
JSON Object Constructor
MediaQuery(CSS.MediaQueryExpression[], boolean) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.CSS.MediaQuery
MediaQueryExpression(Number, String, String, CSS.SourceRange, Number) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.CSS.MediaQueryExpression
MediaQueryExpression(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.CSS.MediaQueryExpression
JSON Object Constructor
mediaQueryResultChanged(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.CSS.mediaQueryResultChanged
JSON Object Constructor
memberRows() - Method in class Torello.JavaDoc.SummaryTableHTML
This method simply scans the internal 'rowEntities' list / Vector to check each element to determine if it contains one of the User-Provided descriptive orange-banner titles, or contains an actual Entity/Member URL-Link.
Memory - Class in Torello.Browser
[No Description Provided by Google]
Memory.Module - Class in Torello.Browser
Executable module information
Memory.SamplingProfile - Class in Torello.Browser
Array of heap profile samples.
Memory.SamplingProfileNode - Class in Torello.Browser
Heap profile sample.
memoryDumpConfig - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Tracing.TraceConfig
Configuration for memory dump triggers.
MemoryDumpLevelOfDetail - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Tracing
Details exposed when memory request explicitly declared.
MENU_CHOICE - Variable in class Torello.Java.Build.SelectedOptionsRecord
This field contains the end User-Selected Command-Line Main-Menu Option/Choice (as a java.lang.String).
merge(Object, Object, BiFunction<Object, Object, ?>) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROPropertiesBuilder
merge(K, V, BiFunction<? super V, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROHashMapBuilder
If the specified key is not already associated with a value or is associated with null, associates it with the given non-null value.
merge(K, V, BiFunction<? super V, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROHashtableBuilder
If the specified key is not already associated with a value or is associated with null, associates it with the given non-null value.
merge(K, V, BiFunction<? super V, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROTreeMapBuilder
mergeStdErrorAndStdOut - Variable in class Torello.Java.OSExtras
message - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Console.messageAdded
Console message that has been added.
message - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Database.Error
Error message.
message - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Media.PlayerMessage
[No Description Provided by Google]
message - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.SignedExchangeError
Error message.
message - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Page.AppManifestError
Error message.
message - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Page.javascriptDialogOpening
Message that will be displayed by the dialog.
message - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Target.receivedMessageFromTarget
[No Description Provided by Google]
message - Variable in class Torello.CSS.TokenizeError
The Tokenizer's various 'cosnume' methods will attempt to provide a thoughtfully worded Error-Message depicting what has gone wrong.
MESSAGE_CONSTRUCTION_ERROR - NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketError
Failed to concatenate payloads of multiple frames to construct a message.
messageAdded(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Console.messageAdded
JSON Object Constructor
messageAdded(Console.ConsoleMessage) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Console.messageAdded
messages - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Media.playerMessagesLogged
[No Description Provided by Google]
metadata - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Page.screencastFrame
Screencast frame metadata.
metaTagHTTPEquiv - Static variable in class Torello.HTML.Features.Meta
metaTagItemProp - Static variable in class Torello.HTML.Features.Meta
This HTML <META ...> Tag is less frequently used, but does provide some properties needed and used by various Web-Servers.
metaTagName - Static variable in class Torello.HTML.Features.Meta
This is the most common HTML <META ... > Tag.
MetaTagName - Enum in Torello.HTML
The values & types of HTML 'NAME' <META>-Tags.
method - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.Request
HTTP request method.
Method - Class in Torello.JavaDoc
Reflection Class: Holds all information extracted from '.java' Source-Files about Method's identified in that file.
Method(MethodTree, TreeUtils) - Constructor for class Torello.JavaDoc.Method
Method(CallableSignature) - Constructor for class Torello.JavaDoc.Method
Method(CallableSignature, Method) - Constructor for class Torello.JavaDoc.Method
METHOD - Torello.JavaDoc.Entity
Denotes Method(s).
methodDetailsRemoved - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.JavaDocHTMLFile
Identifies if this Java Doc HTML Page has had it's Method Details Removed
methodReturnJavaType - Variable in exception Torello.Java.JSON.JsonBindingException

This specifies return type (as an instance of java.lang.Class<T> that is used by the method which has thrown this exception.
methods - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.ParsedFile
This is the list of Method instances identified by the parser for this ParsedFile
methodSummaryTable - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.JavaDocHTMLFile
The HTML for a Method Summary
methodTree - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.AnnotationElem
If a user decides to make use of the native Sun/Oracle MethodTree instance that was used to build this Constructor instance, it may be retrieved from this transient field.
methodTree - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.Constructor
If a user decides to make use of the native Sun/Oracle MethodTree instance that was used to build this Constructor instance, it may be retrieved from this transient field.
methodTree - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.Method
If a user decides to make use of the native Sun/Oracle MethodTree instance that was used to build this Method instance, it may be retrieved from this transient field.
Metric(String, Number) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Performance.Metric
Metric(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Performance.Metric
JSON Object Constructor
metrics - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Performance.metrics
Current values of the metrics.
metrics(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Performance.metrics
JSON Object Constructor
metrics(Performance.Metric[], String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Performance.metrics
Mexico - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Mexico
Micronesia - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Federated States of Micronesia
MIME - Class in Torello.Java.Additional
A silly class that serves as a reminder of all the web-formats that have been tried since the internet was invented.
mimeType - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Input.DragDataItem
Mime type of the dragged data.
mimeType - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.Response
Resource mimeType as determined by the browser.
mimeType - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Page.Frame
Frame document's mimeType as determined by the browser.
mimeType - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Page.FrameResource
Resource mimeType as determined by the browser.
minCursor - Variable in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AbstractHNLI
The minimum boundary for the Cursor Boundary Window.
minCursor - Variable in exception Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CursorException
This will contain the value for minCursor defined in an HTML Node Iterator's settings for the Cursor Bounds.
minDimensions - Variable in class Torello.Browser.SystemInfo.ImageDecodeAcceleratorCapability
Minimum supported dimensions of the image in pixels.
minResolution - Variable in class Torello.Browser.SystemInfo.VideoDecodeAcceleratorCapability
Minimum video dimensions in pixels supported for this |profile|.
minValue - Variable in class Torello.Browser.CSS.FontVariationAxis
The minimum value (inclusive) the font supports for this tag.
minValue - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.AudioParam
[No Description Provided by Google]
MissingArgumentException - Exception in Apache.CLI
Thrown when an option requiring an argument is not provided with an argument.
MissingArgumentException(Option) - Constructor for exception Apache.CLI.MissingArgumentException
Constructs a new MissingArgumentException with the specified detail message.
MissingArgumentException(String) - Constructor for exception Apache.CLI.MissingArgumentException
Constructs a new MissingArgumentException with the specified detail message.
MissingOptionException - Exception in Apache.CLI
Thrown when a required option has not been provided.
MissingOptionException(String) - Constructor for exception Apache.CLI.MissingOptionException
Constructs a new MissingSelectedException with the specified detail message.
MissingOptionException(List) - Constructor for exception Apache.CLI.MissingOptionException
Constructs a new MissingSelectedException with the specified list of missing options.
mixedContentIssueDetails - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits.InspectorIssueDetails
[No Description Provided by Google]

MixedContentIssueDetails(String, String, String, String, Audits.AffectedRequest, Audits.AffectedFrame) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Audits.MixedContentIssueDetails
MixedContentIssueDetails(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Audits.MixedContentIssueDetails
JSON Object Constructor
MixedContentResolutionStatus - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits
[No Description Provided by Google]
MixedContentResourceType - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits
[No Description Provided by Google]
mixedContentType - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.Request
The mixed content type of the request.
mixedContentType - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Security.SecurityStateExplanation
The type of mixed content described by the explanation.
MixedContentType - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Security
A description of mixed content (HTTP resources on HTTPS pages), as defined by https://www.w3.org/TR/mixed-content/#categories
MK - Torello.Languages.LC
Language: Macedonian
mobile - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Emulation.UserAgentMetadata
[No Description Provided by Google]
mode - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Page.fileChooserOpened
Input mode.
model - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Emulation.UserAgentMetadata
[No Description Provided by Google]
modernSSL - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Security.CertificateSecurityState
True if modern SSL
MODIFIED() - Method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AbstractHNLI
modifiedSince - Variable in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AbstractHNLI
This identifies whether one of the Iterator's html modification methods (set, remove, add) have been invoked.
modifiers - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.Declaration
The 'modifiers' placed on this Declaration, including String's such as: public, static, final etc...
modifyBy(int) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.Counter
Adds the input-parameter 'n' value to the current value of the internal-private int counter field.
modifyOrRetrieve(Vector<HTMLNode>, URL, int, int) - Method in interface Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.HTMLModifier
Module(String, String, String, Number) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Memory.Module
Module(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Memory.Module
JSON Object Constructor
modules - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Memory.SamplingProfile
[No Description Provided by Google]
Moldova - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Moldova
Monaco - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Monaco
Mongolia - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Mongolia
months - Static variable in class Torello.Java.StringParse
The months of the year, as an immutable list of String's.
monthStr(int) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StringParse
Converts an integer into a Month.
Montserrat - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Montserrat
Morocco - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Morocco
MouseButton - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Input
[No Description Provided by Google]
move(String, String) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonPatchBuilder
Adds a "move" JSON Patch operation.
move(FileNode) - Method in class Torello.Java.FileNode
Move's a file or directory from "inside" or "within" the contents of the current/parent directory, and into a new/destination/parent directory.
move(FileNode, FileNodeFilter, String, Appendable) - Static method in class Torello.Java.FileTransfer
Moves the contents of one directory to another.
MOVE - javax.json.JsonPatch.Operation
"move" operation.
moveAndUpdate(int) - Method in interface Torello.HTML.Replaceable
This method is mostly of internal-use, mainly by ReplaceNodes.r(Vector, Iterable, boolean)
moveCursor(int) - Method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AbstractHNLI
Sets the internal state of this Iterator's cursor location.
moveCursorToEnd() - Method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AbstractHNLI
Convenience Method.
moveCursorToStart() - Method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AbstractHNLI
Convenience Method.
moveFile(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class Torello.Java.FileRW
Convenience Method.
moveRecursive(FileNode, FileNodeFilter, FileNodeFilter, String, Appendable) - Static method in class Torello.Java.FileTransfer
Copies an entire directory tree to a target-directory, and the removes the original files & directories from their original location.
moveTo(int, int, Integer) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.DOM
Moves node into the new container, places it before the given anchor.
Mozambique - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Mozambique
MP(Iterable<String>, String...) - Method in class Torello.Java.GSUTIL
Convenience Method.
MP(String[], String...) - Method in class Torello.Java.GSUTIL
MP(String, String...) - Method in class Torello.Java.GSUTIL
MS - Torello.Languages.LC
Language: Malay
MSDOS - Class in Torello.Java
A great tool for invoking commands to an MS-DOS operating-system.
MSDOS() - Constructor for class Torello.Java.MSDOS
MSDOS(Appendable) - Constructor for class Torello.Java.MSDOS
MSDOS(Appendable, Appendable) - Constructor for class Torello.Java.MSDOS
MSDOS(Appendable, Appendable, Appendable, Appendable) - Constructor for class Torello.Java.MSDOS
MSDOS(MSDOS) - Constructor for class Torello.Java.MSDOS
Used by the method clone().
MT - Torello.Languages.LC
Language: Maltese
multiEntry - Variable in class Torello.Browser.IndexedDB.ObjectStoreIndex
If true, index allows multiple entries for a key.
multiLine(Iterable<FileNode>, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.SED
Convenience Method.
multiLine(Iterable<FileNode>, String, String, boolean, IOExceptionHandler, Appendable, boolean, Verbosity) - Static method in class Torello.Java.SED
Makes updates to Text-Files listed in parameter 'files'.
multiLine(Iterable<FileNode>, Pattern, Function<MatchResult, String>) - Static method in class Torello.Java.SED
Convenience Method.
multiLine(Iterable<FileNode>, Pattern, Function<MatchResult, String>, boolean, IOExceptionHandler, Appendable, boolean, Verbosity) - Static method in class Torello.Java.SED
Makes updates to Text-Files listed in parameter 'files'.
MultiType - Class in Torello.Java.Additional
This is a parent class of the 'Multiple Return Type' classes.
mustDocument - Variable in class Torello.Java.Build.BuildPackage
This field simply indicates whether or not the BuildPackage.DO_NOT_DOCUMENT was assigned to 'this' instance of BuildPackage.
mustReCompile - Variable in class Torello.Java.Build.BuildPackage
This field indicates whether or not the BuildPackage.DO_NOT_RECOMPILE flag was assigned to 'this' instance of BuildPackage.
MV(Iterable<String>, String, String...) - Method in class Torello.Java.GSUTIL
Convenience Method.
MV(String[], String) - Method in class Torello.Java.Shell
UNIX Shell Command: Move $ mv <src[0]> <src[1]> ... <src[src.length-1]> <target>
MV(String[], String, String...) - Method in class Torello.Java.GSUTIL
MV(String, String) - Method in class Torello.Java.Shell
UNIX Shell Command: Move $ mv <src> <target>
MV(String, String, String...) - Method in class Torello.Java.GSUTIL
MV(Vector<String>, String) - Method in class Torello.Java.Shell
UNIX Shell Command: Move $ mv <src.elementAt(0)> <src.elementAt(1)> ... <src.elementAt(src.size()-1)> <target>
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