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i - Variable in exception Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TCCompareStrException

This field is intended to store the index into the 'compareStrVec' of the compare-String that caused the exception throw in the first place.
i - Variable in exception Torello.Java.StrCmprException

This field is intended to store the index into the compareStrVec of the compare-String that caused the exception throw in the first place.
I(HTMLNode, StringBuffer) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Debug
Prints an HTML Element (TagNode, TextNode or CommentNode) using Print Style 'I'
I12 - Static variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.AppendableLog
Twelve space-characters.
I16 - Static variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.AppendableLog
Sixteen space-characters.
I4 - Static variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.AppendableLog
Four space-characters.
I8 - Static variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.AppendableLog
Eight space-characters.
Iceland - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Iceland
id - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Animation._Animation
Animation's id.
id - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Animation.animationCanceled
Id of the animation that was cancelled.
id - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Animation.animationCreated
Id of the animation that was created.
id - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Cast.Sink
[No Description Provided by Google]
id - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Database._Database
Database ID.
id - Variable in class Torello.Browser.HeapProfiler.SamplingHeapProfileNode
Node id.
id - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Input.TouchPoint
Identifier used to track touch sources between events, must be unique within an event.
id - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.ReportingApiReport
[No Description Provided by Google]
id - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Page.Frame
Frame unique identifier.
id - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Page.NavigationEntry
Unique id of the navigation history entry.
id - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Profiler.consoleProfileFinished
[No Description Provided by Google]
id - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Profiler.consoleProfileStarted
[No Description Provided by Google]
id - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Profiler.ProfileNode
Unique id of the node.
id - Variable in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.ExecutionContextDescription
Unique id of the execution context.
id - Variable in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.StackTraceId
[No Description Provided by Google]
id - Variable in class Torello.Browser.SystemInfo.ProcessInfo
Specifies process id.
id - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.Declaration
For the purposes of passing these around to different parts of the code, every one of these are given a unique ID.
ID - Torello.Languages.LC
Language: Indonesian
identifier - Variable in class Torello.CSS.Identifier
This contains the unescaped text that that constitutes this identifier.
Identifier - Class in Torello.CSS
identity() - Static method in interface Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.ArticleGet
The identity function will always return the same Vector<HTMLNode> as output that it receives as input.
idref - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Accessibility.AXRelatedNode
The IDRef value provided, if any.
IF - Enum in Torello.HTML.Tools.Images
An enumeration of the primary image-types available on the internet.
ifAtKeyword() - Method in class Torello.CSS.AtKeyword
ifAtKeyword() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
ifBadStr() - Method in class Torello.CSS.BadStr
ifBadStr() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
ifBadURL() - Method in class Torello.CSS.BadURL
ifBadURL() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
ifCDC() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CDC
ifCDC() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
ifCDO() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CDO
ifCDO() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
ifComment() - Method in class Torello.CSS.Comment
ifComment() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
ifCommentNode() - Method in class Torello.HTML.CommentNode
This method identifies that 'this' instance of (abstract parent-class) HTMLNode is, indeed, an instance of sub-class CommentNode.
ifCommentNode() - Method in class Torello.HTML.HTMLNode
Loop Optimization Method

When this method is invoked on an instance of sub-class CommentNode, this method produces 'this' instance.
ifDelimiter() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
ifDelimiter() - Method in class Torello.CSS.Delimiter
ifDelimiter(char) - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
This one actually does this cute little dance, and then and goes and makes funny faces at your mother.
ifDimension() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
ifDimension() - Method in class Torello.CSS.Dimension
ifFunc() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
ifFunc() - Method in class Torello.CSS.Func
ifHash() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
ifHash() - Method in class Torello.CSS.Hash
ifIdentifier() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
ifIdentifier() - Method in class Torello.CSS.Identifier
ifNum() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
ifNum() - Method in class Torello.CSS.Num
ifPercentage() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
ifPercentage() - Method in class Torello.CSS.Percentage
ifPunct() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
ifPunct() - Method in class Torello.CSS.Punct
ifPunct(char) - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
This one actually does this cute little dance, and then and goes and makes funny faces at your mother.
ifQuotesStripQuotes(String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StringParse
If the String passed to this method contains a single-quote on both sides of the String, or if it contains a double-quote on both sides of this String, then this method shall return a new String that is shorter in length by 2, and leaves off the first and last characters of the input parameter String.
ifStr() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
ifStr() - Method in class Torello.CSS.Str
ifTagNode() - Method in class Torello.HTML.HTMLNode
Loop Optimization Method

When this method is invoked on an instance of sub-class TagNode, this method produces 'this' instance.
ifTagNode() - Method in class Torello.HTML.TagNode

Final Method:
This method is final, and cannot be modified by sub-classes.
ifTextNode() - Method in class Torello.HTML.HTMLNode
Loop Optimization Method

When this method is invoked on an instance of sub-class TextNode, this method produces 'this' instance.
ifTextNode() - Method in class Torello.HTML.TextNode
This method identifies that 'this' instance of (abstract parent-class) HTMLNode is, indeed, an instance of sub-class TextNode.
ifUnicodeRange() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
ifUnicodeRange() - Method in class Torello.CSS.UnicodeRange
ifURL() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
ifURL() - Method in class Torello.CSS.URLToken
ifWhitespace() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
ifWhitespace() - Method in class Torello.CSS.Whitespace
ignored - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Accessibility.AXNode
Whether this node is ignored for accessibility
ignoredReasons - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Accessibility.AXNode
Collection of reasons why this node is hidden.
ImageDecodeAcceleratorCapability(String, SystemInfo.Size, SystemInfo.Size, String[]) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.SystemInfo.ImageDecodeAcceleratorCapability
ImageDecodeAcceleratorCapability(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.SystemInfo.ImageDecodeAcceleratorCapability
JSON Object Constructor
imageDecoding - Variable in class Torello.Browser.SystemInfo.GPUInfo
Supported accelerated image decoding capabilities.
imageExts - Static variable in class Torello.HTML.Tools.Images.ImageScrape
String-Array having the list of file-formats
imageFormats - Variable in class Torello.HTML.Tools.Images.Results
The image type of the files that were retrieved will be stored in this array.
imageFormatStr - Variable in class Torello.HTML.Tools.Images.ImageInfo
A web-page has the ability to inline (smaller) images directly into an HTML <IMG SRC=...> tag by encoding the picture into a Base-64 String.
ImageInfo - Class in Torello.HTML.Tools.Images
Simple Image Data-Class that is instantiated by the ImageScraper, and passed to any of the FunctionalInterface's or Lambda-Targets that are non-null / available in the user's Request object instance.
imagePosArr - Variable in class Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.Article
This list contains the "Image Positions" inside the vectorized-article for each image that was found inside the article.
imageReceiver - Variable in class Torello.HTML.Tools.Images.Request
A functional-interface that allows a user to save an image-file to a location of his or her choosing.
ImageScrape - Class in Torello.HTML.Tools.Images
A simple class for scraping & downloading images using a URL, or list of URL's.
ImageScraper - Class in Torello.HTML.Tools.Images
A more advanced class for both downloading and saving a list of images, using URL's.
ImageScraperException - Exception in Torello.HTML.Tools.Images
A wrapper exception that wraps any all exceptions that may be thrown by the underlying downloader logic.
ImageScraperException() - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.Tools.Images.ImageScraperException
Constructs a ImageScraperException with no detail message.
ImageScraperException(String) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.Tools.Images.ImageScraperException
Constructs a ImageScraperException with the specified detail message.
ImageScraperException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.Tools.Images.ImageScraperException
Constructs a new ImageScraperException with the specified detail message and cause.
ImageScraperException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.Tools.Images.ImageScraperException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
imagesKEEP - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.URLFilter
This URLFilter will KEEP any Image URL's whose name ends with the standard image filenames.
imagesREJECT - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.URLFilter
This URLFilter will REJECT any Image URL's whose name ends with the standard image filenames.
imageType - Variable in class Torello.Browser.SystemInfo.ImageDecodeAcceleratorCapability
Image coded, e.g.
ImageType - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.SystemInfo
Image format of a given image.
imageURLs - Variable in class Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.Article
The image-URL's that were found in the news-article.
imeSetComposition(String, int, int, Integer, Integer) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Input
This method sets the current candidate text for ime.
imgByteArr - Variable in class Torello.HTML.Tools.Images.ImageInfo
The image, as prepared for saving to disk.
implementedTypesJOW - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.NestedType
implicit - Variable in class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSProperty
Whether the property is implicit (implies false if absent).
important - Variable in class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSProperty
Whether the property has "!important" annotation (implies false if absent).
important - Variable in class Torello.Browser.CSS.ShorthandEntry
Whether the property has "!important" annotation (implies false if absent).
importedDocument - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOM.Node
Deprecated, as the HTML Imports API has been removed (crbug.com/937746).
IN_NSAT - Static variable in class Torello.Java.JSON.JFlag
Identical to flag-mask field JFlag.INSERT_NULL_ON_NON_SUBARRAY_TYPE
INCLUDE_EARLY_DEV_PACKAGES_SWITCH - Variable in class Torello.Java.Build.AuxiliaryOptRecord
Adding a new Java-Package to a CI/CD: Continuous-Integraton / Continuous-Delivery Build-System can be somewhat un-nerving.
INCLUDE_JAR_IN_CP_SWITCH - Variable in class Torello.Java.Build.AuxiliaryOptRecord
One of the Primary Build-Goals for this Build-Package is to generate a standard Java '.jar'-File from your Source-Code.
includeCredentials - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.LoadNetworkResourceOptions
[No Description Provided by Google]
includedCategories - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Tracing.TraceConfig
Included category filters.
includeSetMaxAgeBuilds - Variable in class Torello.Java.Build.CloudSync
This field determines whether a target Storage-Bucket should permit the Stage-8 'Set-Max-Age' (a.k.a.
inclusiveEmpty(Vector<HTMLNode>, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Util.Remove
This will do an "Inclusive Search" using the standard class TagNodeInclusiveIterator in the package NodeSearch.
inclusiveEmpty(Vector<HTMLNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Util.Remove
Convenience Method.
inclusiveEmpty(Vector<HTMLNode>, DotPair, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Util.Remove
Convenience Method.
InclusiveException - Exception in Torello.HTML.NodeSearch
An Inclusive-Exception indicates that a user has tried to perform an "Inclusive Search" on an HTML Tag that cannot have sub-nodes or descendant-nodes.
InclusiveException() - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InclusiveException
Constructs an InclusiveException with no detail message.
InclusiveException(String) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InclusiveException
Constructs an InclusiveException with the specified detail message.
InclusiveException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InclusiveException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
InclusiveException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InclusiveException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
INCONSISTENT - Static variable in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketCloseCode
1007; 1007 indicates that an endpoint is terminating the connection because it has received data within a message that was not consistent with the type of the message (e.g., non-UTF-8 [RFC3629] data within a text message)
indent(String, int) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrIndent
This performs a variation of "indentation" on a Java String - simply put - it replaces each new-line character ('\n') with a String that begins with a new-line, and is followed by 'n' blank white-space characters ' '.
indent(String, int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrIndent
This method replaces all '\n' characters with pre-pended white-space indentation, similar to the other two methods of the same name.
indentAfter2ndLine(String, int, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrIndent
Performs an indenting of String of text, but does not indent the first line.
indentTabs(String, int) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrIndent
Identical to StrIndent.indent(String, int), but pre-pends a TAB character 'n' times, rather than a space-character ' '.
index - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.RareBooleanData
[No Description Provided by Google]
index - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.RareIntegerData
[No Description Provided by Google]
index - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.RareStringData
[No Description Provided by Google]
index - Variable in class Torello.HTML.NodeIndex
An index to a node from a web-page.
index - Variable in exception Torello.Java.JSON.JsonBindingArrException

This is the array index into the source JsonArray which contained the element (or lack-there-of) that has caused this exception.
index(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.ARGCHECK
Internally Used.
Index - Torello.HTML.Robots
Tells a search engine to index a page.
INDEX_HEADER_HTML - Static variable in class Torello.Java.HiLiteMe
If you choose to call the method createIndex(TreeSet<String> fileIndexList, String targetDirectory), then this String will be used as the header for that file.
IndexedDB - Class in Torello.Browser
[No Description Provided by Google]
IndexedDB.DatabaseWithObjectStores - Class in Torello.Browser
Database with an array of object stores.
IndexedDB.DataEntry - Class in Torello.Browser
Data entry.
IndexedDB.Key - Class in Torello.Browser
IndexedDB.KeyPath - Class in Torello.Browser
Key path.
IndexedDB.KeyRange - Class in Torello.Browser
Key range.
IndexedDB.ObjectStore - Class in Torello.Browser
Object store.
IndexedDB.ObjectStoreIndex - Class in Torello.Browser
Object store index.
indexedDBContentUpdated(String, String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Storage.indexedDBContentUpdated
indexedDBContentUpdated(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Storage.indexedDBContentUpdated
JSON Object Constructor
indexedDBListUpdated(String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Storage.indexedDBListUpdated
indexedDBListUpdated(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Storage.indexedDBListUpdated
JSON Object Constructor
indexes - Variable in class Torello.Browser.IndexedDB.ObjectStore
Indexes in this object store.
indexOf(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyArrayList
Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified element in this list, or -1 if this list does not contain the element.
indexOf(Object) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyList
Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified element in this list, or -1 if this list does not contain the element.
indexOf(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyVector
Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified element in this Vector, or -1 if this Vector does not contain the element.
indexOf(Object, int) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyVector
Returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified element in this Vector, searching forwards from index, or returns -1 if the element is not found.
India - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: India
Indonesia - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Indonesia
infinitives() - Static method in class Torello.Languages.Verbs
Generates an iterator of Spanish Verb Infinitives.
info - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.signedExchangeReceived
Information about the signed exchange response.
inheritance() - Method in class Torello.JavaDoc.HeaderFooterHTML
Get the HTML for the Type's inheritance <UL>'s-List.
InheritedStyleEntry(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.CSS.InheritedStyleEntry
JSON Object Constructor
InheritedStyleEntry(CSS.CSSStyle, CSS.RuleMatch[]) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.CSS.InheritedStyleEntry
initialize() - Method in interface Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.Pause
If the Pause implementation needs initialization, it ought to implement this method.
initializeOrClear(String, StorageWriter) - Static method in class Torello.Java.HiLiteMe.Cache
This will initialize a cache-file in the file-system directory identified by parameter String cacheSaveDirectory.
initialPriority - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.Request
Priority of the resource request at the time request is sent.
initiator - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.requestWillBeSent
Request initiator.
initiator - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.webSocketCreated
Request initiator.
initiator - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.webTransportCreated
Request initiator.
Initiator(String, RunTime.StackTrace, String, Number, Number, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Network.Initiator
Initiator(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Network.Initiator
JSON Object Constructor
initiatorIPAddressSpace - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.ClientSecurityState
[No Description Provided by Google]
initiatorIsSecureContext - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.ClientSecurityState
[No Description Provided by Google]
initiatorOrigin - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits.CorsIssueDetails
[No Description Provided by Google]

initiatorUrl - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.ReportingApiReport
The URL of the document that triggered the report.
initStage(Appendable, Appendable) - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.CloudSync
Protected, Internal Method.
initStage(Appendable, Appendable) - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.CloudSyncGSUTIL
initStageLogSync() - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.CloudSync
Protected, Internal Method.
initStageLogSync() - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.CloudSyncGSUTIL
inlineStyle - Variable in class Torello.Browser.CSS.InheritedStyleEntry
The ancestor node's inline style, if any, in the style inheritance chain.
inlineStyleInvalidated(int[]) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.DOM.inlineStyleInvalidated
inlineStyleInvalidated(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.DOM.inlineStyleInvalidated
JSON Object Constructor
InlineTextBox(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.InlineTextBox
JSON Object Constructor
InlineTextBox(DOM.Rect, int, int) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.InlineTextBox
inlineTextNodes - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.LayoutTreeNode
The post-layout inline text nodes, if any.
INNER_CLASS - Torello.JavaDoc.Entity
Denotes Static inner-class(es), inner-interface(s), inner-enums, etc.
innerRequestId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.subresourceWebBundleInnerResponseError
Request identifier of the subresource request
innerRequestId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.subresourceWebBundleInnerResponseParsed
Request identifier of the subresource request
innerRequestURL - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.subresourceWebBundleInnerResponseError
URL of the subresource resource.
innerRequestURL - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.subresourceWebBundleInnerResponseParsed
URL of the subresource resource.
innerTag(String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.ARGCHECK
Internally Used.
InnerTagCount - Class in Torello.HTML.NodeSearch
Searches Vectorized-HTML for Tag-Matches using Inner-Tag (attribute) names & values as search-criteria, and returns the number of matches that were found.
InnerTagFind - Class in Torello.HTML.NodeSearch
Searches Vectorized-HTML for Tag-Matches by Inner-Tag (attribute) name & value, and returns the indices into the Vector that identify where those matches were found.
InnerTagFindInclusive - Class in Torello.HTML.NodeSearch
Searches for Vector-indices of TagNode matches using exactly the same criteria offered by class InnerTagFind, but also retrieves the corresponding Closing-Tag indices from the Vector, and returns both as an instance of DotPair (a sublist-pointer).
InnerTagGet - Class in Torello.HTML.NodeSearch
Searches Vectorized-HTML for Tag-Matches by Inner-Tag (attribute) name & value, and returns those matches as instances of TagNode.
InnerTagGetInclusive - Class in Torello.HTML.NodeSearch
Searches for TagNode matches using exactly the same criteria offered by class InnerTagGet, but also retrieves the corresponding Closing-Tag from the Vector, and return a new HTML-Vector containing this sublist.
InnerTagInclusiveIterator - Class in Torello.HTML.NodeSearch
Static methods for building an HNLIInclusive (which also extends the basic Iterator) for retrieving sub HTML-Vector's using match-critera which specify HTML Tag Attribute name and value requirements.
InnerTagIterator - Class in Torello.HTML.NodeSearch
Static methods for building and instantiating an HNLI<TagNode> (which extends the basic iterator class) for iterating the tags inside of an HTML-Vector, using match-critera which specify attribute name & value requirements.
InnerTagKeyException - Exception in Torello.HTML
This occurs whenever a parameter specifies an Inner-Tag "Key-Value Pair" (which, in this package, are also known as Attribute-Value Pairs) that contain inappropriate characters inside the key-String.
InnerTagKeyException() - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.InnerTagKeyException
Constructs an InnerTagKeyException with no detail message.
InnerTagKeyException(String) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.InnerTagKeyException
Constructs an InnerTagKeyException with the specified detail message.
InnerTagKeyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.InnerTagKeyException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
InnerTagKeyException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.InnerTagKeyException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
InnerTagPeek - Class in Torello.HTML.NodeSearch
Searches Vectorized-HTML for Tag-Matches by Inner-Tag (attribute) names & values, and returns both the index-locatioon and the tag as instances of TagNodeIndex.
InnerTagPeekInclusive - Class in Torello.HTML.NodeSearch
Searches for TagNode matches, using exactly the same criteria offered by class InnerTagPeek, but also retrieves the corresponding Closing-Tag from the Vector, and returns them, all nodes & between them, and their corresponding Vector-index locations as a SubSection.
InnerTagPoll - Class in Torello.HTML.NodeSearch
Searches Vectorized-HTML for Tag-Matches by Inner-Tag (attribute) names & values, and removes and returns the TagNode when a match is found.
InnerTagPollInclusive - Class in Torello.HTML.NodeSearch
Searches for TagNode matches, using exactly the same criteria offered by class InnerTagPoll, but also obtains the corresponding Closing-Tags from the input-Vector and, subsequently, extracts these sublists from the input-Vector and then returns the sublists as new instances of Vector<HTMLNode>.
InnerTagRemove - Class in Torello.HTML.NodeSearch
Removes tags from Vectorized-HTML by matching them using a search-criteria that is specified by the names & values of a tag's attributes (Inner-Tags).
InnerTagRemoveInclusive - Class in Torello.HTML.NodeSearch
Finds TagNode matches, and removes them with exactly the same means as class InnerTagRemove but, additionally, finds the corresponding matching Closing-TagNode and continues by removing that node, as well as every node situated between the two.
InnerTags - Class in Torello.HTML
"Inner-Tags", a synonym for "Attributes" allows a user to do some aggregrate searches for the types of attributes in Vectorized-HTML.
InnerTagValueException - Exception in Torello.HTML
This class is not used internally, but is intended to be used to check for invalid attribute-values inside HTML Tags.
InnerTagValueException() - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.InnerTagValueException
Constructs an InnerTagValueException with no detail message.
InnerTagValueException(String) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.InnerTagValueException
Constructs an InnerTagValueException with the specified detail message.
InnerTagValueException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.InnerTagValueException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
InnerTagValueException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.InnerTagValueException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
Input - Class in Torello.Browser
[No Description Provided by Google]
Input.DragData - Class in Torello.Browser
[No Description Provided by Google]

Input.DragDataItem - Class in Torello.Browser
[No Description Provided by Google]

Input.dragIntercepted - Class in Torello.Browser
Emitted only when Input.setInterceptDrags is enabled.
Input.TouchPoint - Class in Torello.Browser
[No Description Provided by Google]
inputChecked - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.DOMNode
Only set for radio and checkbox input elements, indicates if the element has been checked

inputChecked - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.NodeTreeSnapshot
Only set for radio and checkbox input elements, indicates if the element has been checked

inputRedirect - Variable in class Torello.Java.OSExtras
inputValue - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.DOMNode
Only set for input elements, contains the input's associated text value.
inputValue - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.NodeTreeSnapshot
Only set for input elements, contains the input's associated text value.
INSECURE - Static variable in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketCloseCode
1015; 1015 is a reserved value and MUST NOT be set as a status code in a Close control frame by an endpoint. It is designated for use in applications expecting a status code to indicate that the connection was closed due to a failure to perform a TLS handshake (e.g., the server certificate can't be verified)
insecureContentStatus - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Security.securityStateChanged
Information about insecure content on the page.
InsecureContentStatus(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Security.InsecureContentStatus
InsecureContentStatus(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Security.InsecureContentStatus
JSON Object Constructor
insecureURL - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits.MixedContentIssueDetails
The unsafe http url causing the mixed content issue.
INSERT_NULL_ON_NON_SUBARRAY_TYPE - Static variable in class Torello.Java.JSON.JFlag
Instructs the multi-dimensional array-builder method to place a null in an array when it encounters a JsonArray element that is not a sub-array, but rather some other non-null Json-Type This flag is only applicable when converting a JsonArray using one of the multi-dimensional array-processors in class ReadArrJSON.DimN.
insertAt(String, int) - Method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AbstractHNLI
Convenience Method.
insertAt(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int) - Method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AbstractHNLI
Insert the contents of vectorized-html parameter 'html' into the underlying html Vector, beginning at position 'pos'.
insertAt(HTMLNode, int) - Method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AbstractHNLI
Inserts parameter HTMLNode n into the underlying vectorized-html at Vector-index 'pos'.
insertAuthor(Vector<HTMLNode>, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Features.Meta
This method will insert an "author" HTML Meta-Tag into the <HEAD> ... </HEAD> section of this page.
insertCanonicalURL(Vector<HTMLNode>, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Features
This section will insert a Canonical-URL into Vectorized-HTML parameter 'html'.
insertCSSLink(Vector<HTMLNode>, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Features
This inserts an HTML LINK-Tag into Web-Page parameter 'html' with the purpose of linking an externally-defined Cascading Style Sheet (also known as a CSS-Page) into that Page-Vector.
insertCSSLink(Vector<HTMLNode>, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Features
This inserts a Cascading Style Sheet with the extra MEDIA-Attribute using an HTML LINK-Tag into the Vectorized-HTML Web-Page parameter 'html'
insertDescription(Vector<HTMLNode>, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Features.Meta
Another common HTML META-Tag is the one that provides a brief description of the page in question.
insertElementAt(E, int) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROVectorBuilder
Inserts the specified object as a component in this vector at the specified index.
inserter - Variable in class Torello.Java.VarType
Accepts and inserts data into the data-structure.
insertExternalJavaScriptLink(Vector<HTMLNode>, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Features
This inserts an HTML '<LINK ...>' element into the proper location for linking an externally-defined Java-Script (a '.js' File) into the Web-Page.
insertFavicon(Vector<HTMLNode>, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Features
This inserts a favicon HTML link element into the right location so that a particular Web-Page will render an "browser icon image" into the top-left corner of the Web-Page's Browser-Tab.
insertHiLitedDetail(Vector<HTMLNode>) - Method in class Torello.JavaDoc.ReflHTML
insertHTTPEquiv(Vector<HTMLNode>, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Features.Meta
This does a very simple insertion of an HTML Meta-Tag for a specific type, Meta-Tags that have a HTTP-EQUIV-Attribute paired with a CONTENT-Attribute.
insertionPointId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOM.distributedNodesUpdated
Insertion point where distributed nodes were updated.
insertItemProp(Vector<HTMLNode>, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Features.Meta
This does a very simple insertion of an HTML Meta-Tag for a specific type, Meta-Tags that have an ITEMPROP-Attribute paired with a CONTENT-Attribute set.
insertKeyWords(Vector<HTMLNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Features.Meta
This will attempt to insert key-words into an HTML Meta-Tag.
insertMetaTagName(Vector<HTMLNode>, MetaTagName, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Features.Meta
This does a very simple insertion of an HTML Meta-Tag for a specific type, Meta-Tags that have both a NAME-Attribute and a CONTENT-Attribute set.
insertMetaTagNames(Vector<HTMLNode>, Hashtable<MetaTagName, String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Features.Meta
This does an insertion of a list of HTML Meta-Tags from a java Hashtable of Meta-Tag Name-Attribute / Content-Attribute pairs.
insertNodes(Vector<HTMLNode>, int, HTMLNode...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Util
Inserts nodes, and allows a 'varargs' parameter.
insertOGMetaTag(Vector<HTMLNode>, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Features.Meta
This will insert a single Open-Graph Meta-Tag into an HTML-Page.
insertRobots(Vector<HTMLNode>, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Features.Meta
One common HTML Meta-Tag is the one which informs Google & Yahoo (and all search-engine sites) which of your pages you would like to be indexed by their search engine, and which pages you would like to not be indexed.
insertRobots(Vector<HTMLNode>, Robots...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Features.Meta
This will add an HTML Meta-Tag with a <META NAME=robots>

Validity Check Warning:
This method avoids all presumed validity check, primarily because making an attempt to identify what is absolutely correct or not-correct seems a little far-fetched.
insertText(String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Input
This method emulates inserting text that doesn't come from a key press, for example an emoji keyboard or an IME.
insertUTF8MetaTag(Vector<HTMLNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Features.Meta
The method will insert a UTF-8 Meta-Tag that identifies the HTML-Page to any Web-Browser that attempts to render its content as containing Foreign-Language Characters, Emoji's & other non-ASCII Glyphs.
InspectMode - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Overlay
[No Description Provided by Google]
inspectModeCanceled(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Overlay.inspectModeCanceled
JSON Object Constructor
inspectNodeRequested(int) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Overlay.inspectNodeRequested
inspectNodeRequested(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Overlay.inspectNodeRequested
JSON Object Constructor
Inspector - Class in Torello.Browser
[No Description Provided by Google]
Inspector.detached - Class in Torello.Browser
Fired when remote debugging connection is about to be terminated.
Inspector.targetCrashed - Class in Torello.Browser
Fired when debugging target has crashed

This is Marker-Event.
Inspector.targetReloadedAfterCrash - Class in Torello.Browser
Fired when debugging target has reloaded after crash

This is Marker-Event.
InspectorIssue(String, Audits.InspectorIssueDetails, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Audits.InspectorIssue
InspectorIssue(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Audits.InspectorIssue
JSON Object Constructor
InspectorIssueCode - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits
A unique identifier for the type of issue.
InspectorIssueDetails(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Audits.InspectorIssueDetails
JSON Object Constructor
InspectorIssueDetails(Audits.SameSiteCookieIssueDetails, Audits.MixedContentIssueDetails, Audits.BlockedByResponseIssueDetails, Audits.HeavyAdIssueDetails, Audits.ContentSecurityPolicyIssueDetails, Audits.SharedArrayBufferIssueDetails, Audits.TrustedWebActivityIssueDetails, Audits.LowTextContrastIssueDetails, Audits.CorsIssueDetails, Audits.AttributionReportingIssueDetails, Audits.QuirksModeIssueDetails, Audits.NavigatorUserAgentIssueDetails, Audits.WasmCrossOriginModuleSharingIssueDetails, Audits.GenericIssueDetails) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Audits.InspectorIssueDetails
inspectRequested(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.RunTime.inspectRequested
JSON Object Constructor
inspectRequested(RunTime.RemoteObject, JsonObject, Integer) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.RunTime.inspectRequested
inspectWorker(String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.ServiceWorker
[No Description Provided by Google]
InstallabilityError(String, Page.InstallabilityErrorArgument[]) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Page.InstallabilityError
InstallabilityError(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Page.InstallabilityError
JSON Object Constructor
InstallabilityErrorArgument(String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Page.InstallabilityErrorArgument
InstallabilityErrorArgument(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Page.InstallabilityErrorArgument
JSON Object Constructor
instanceId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.BackgroundService.BackgroundServiceEvent
An identifier that groups related events together.
INSUFFICENT_DATA - NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketError
The end of the stream has been reached unexpectedly.
INSUFFICIENT_MEMORY_FOR_PAYLOAD - NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketError
OutOfMemoryError occurred during a trial to allocate a memory area for a frame's payload.
intArr(JsonArray, int, int, ToIntFunction<String>, Class<T>) - Static method in class Torello.Java.JSON.ReadArrJSON.DimN
Convenience Method.
intArrayToStream(JsonArray, int, int, ToIntFunction<String>) - Static method in class Torello.Java.JSON.ReadArrJSON
Convenience Method.
IntBoolConsumer - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: int, boolean Output: void.
IntBoolFunction<R> - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: int, boolean Output: R.
IntBoolPredicate - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: int, boolean Output: boolean.
IntByteConsumer - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: int, byte Output: void.
IntByteFunction<R> - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: int, byte Output: R.
IntBytePredicate - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: int, byte Output: boolean.
IntCharConsumer - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: int, char Output: void.
IntCharFunction<R> - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: int, char Output: R.
IntCharPredicate - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: int, char Output: boolean.
IntDoubleConsumer - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: int, double Output: void.
IntDoubleFunction<R> - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: int, double Output: R.
IntDoublePredicate - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: int, double Output: boolean.
integerArrayToBoxedStream(JsonArray, int, int, Function<String, Integer>) - Static method in class Torello.Java.JSON.ReadArrJSON
Convenience Method.
integerOrNumber - Variable in class Torello.CSS.Num
The parser will return true if the parsed Number-Literal had neither a "Decimal Part", nor an "Exponent Part".
integrity - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.SignedExchangeSignature
Signed exchange signature integrity.
interceptionId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.requestIntercepted
Each request the page makes will have a unique id, however if any redirects are encountered while processing that fetch, they will be reported with the same id as the original fetch.
interceptionStage - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.RequestPattern
Stage at which to begin intercepting requests.
InterceptionStage - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Network
Stages of the interception to begin intercepting.
INTERFACE - Torello.JavaDoc.CIET
Identifies that the associated file represents a java 'interface'
InternalPropertyDescriptor(String, RunTime.RemoteObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.RunTime.InternalPropertyDescriptor
InternalPropertyDescriptor(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.RunTime.InternalPropertyDescriptor
JSON Object Constructor
internalSubset - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOM.Node
DocumentType's internalSubset.
INTERRUPTED - Static variable in class Torello.Java.OSResponse
This integer-value is used as a response code indicating that the process that was called was interrupted, not completed.
INTERRUPTED_IN_READING - NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketError
Interruption occurred while a frame was being read from the WebSocket.
interstitialHidden(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Page.interstitialHidden
JSON Object Constructor
interstitialShown(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Page.interstitialShown
JSON Object Constructor
IntFloatConsumer - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: int, float Output: void.
IntFloatFunction<R> - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: int, float Output: R.
IntFloatPredicate - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: int, float Output: boolean.
IntIntBoolFunc<R> - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: int, int, boolean Output: R.
IntIntByteFunc<R> - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: int, int, byte Output: R.
IntIntCharFunc<R> - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: int, int, char Output: R.
IntIntDoubleFunc<R> - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: int, int, double Output: R.
IntIntFloatFunc<R> - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: int, int, float Output: R.
IntIntLongFunc<R> - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: int, int, long Output: R.
IntIntShortFunc<R> - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: int, int, short Output: R.
IntIntTFunc<T,​R> - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: int, int, T Output: R.
IntLongConsumer - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: int, long Output: void.
IntLongFunction<R> - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: int, long Output: R.
IntLongPredicate - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: int, long Output: boolean.
intNUM() - Static method in class Torello.Java.Q
This will query a user for a valid input integer.
IntShortConsumer - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: int, short Output: void.
IntShortFunction<R> - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: int, short Output: R.
IntShortPredicate - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: int, short Output: boolean.
IntTFunction<T,​R> - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: int, T Output: R.
intValue() - Method in interface javax.json.JsonNumber
Returns this JSON number as an int.
intValueExact() - Method in interface javax.json.JsonNumber
Returns this JSON number as an int.
invalid - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Accessibility.AXValueSource
Whether the value for this property is invalid.
INVALID_PAYLOAD_LENGTH - NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketError
The payload length of a frame is invalid.
invalidParameter - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits.AttributionReportingIssueDetails
[No Description Provided by Google]

invalidReason - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Accessibility.AXValueSource
Reason for the value being invalid, if it is.
invisible - Variable in class Torello.Browser.LayerTree.Layer
Set if layer is not visible.
IO - Class in Torello.Browser
Input/Output operations for streams produced by DevTools.
IO_ERROR_IN_READING - NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketError
An I/O error occurred while a frame was being read from the WebSocket.
IO_ERROR_IN_WRITING - NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketError
An I/O error occurred when a frame was tried to be sent.
IOExceptionHandler - Interface in Torello.Java
A functional-interface, used in case of IOException, to be used alongside the 'GREP' Tool.
IOOBEX(JsonArray, int, T, int) - Static method in class Torello.Java.JSON.RJInternal
Flag Checker for IndexOutOfBoundsException.
IPAddressSpace - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Network
[No Description Provided by Google]

IPV4_ONLY - NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.DualStackMode
Only use IPv4 to establish a connection.
IPV6_ONLY - NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.DualStackMode
Only use IPv6 to establish a connection.
Iran - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Iran
Iraq - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Iraq
Ireland - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Ireland
irregularInfinitives() - Static method in class Torello.Languages.Verbs
Generates an iterator of Spanish Irregular-Verbs in Infinitive Form.
is(int[], int) - Static method in class Torello.CSS.CDC
Checks whether or not the next three code-point / characters are '-', '-' and '>'.
is(int[], int) - Static method in class Torello.CSS.CDO
Checks whether or not the next four code-point / characters are '<', '!', '-' and '-'
is(int[], int) - Static method in class Torello.CSS.Comment
Checks whether or not the next token to consume is a Comment
is(int[], int) - Static method in class Torello.CSS.Num
Checks whether or not the next token to consume is a number token, or number-subclass token.
is(int[], int) - Static method in class Torello.CSS.UnicodeRange
Checks whether or not the next token to consume is a Unicode Range.
IS - Torello.Languages.LC
Language: Icelandic
isAfter(DotPair) - Method in class Torello.HTML.DotPair
Tests whether 'this' lays, completely, after DotPair parameter 'other'.
isAlpha(char) - Static method in class Torello.Languages.ZH
Checks if a char is Alphabetic.
isAlphaNumeric(char) - Static method in class Torello.Languages.ZH
Checks if a char is Alpha Numberic.
isAtKeyword() - Method in class Torello.CSS.AtKeyword
isAtKeyword() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
isAttributeName(String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrSource
Checks if a Java-String constitutes a valid HTML Attibute-Name.
isAttributeNamePart(char) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrSource
Checks whether parameter 'c' is one of the agreed-upon standard characters that are permitted within HTML Attribute-Names, after the first character of the name.
isAttributeNameStart(char) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrSource
Checks whether parameter 'c' is one of the agreed-upon standard characters that are allowed to begin HTML Attribute-Names.
isAutoFlush() - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocket
Check if flush is performed automatically after WebSocket.sendFrame(WebSocketFrame) is done.
isB64EncodedImage - Variable in class Torello.HTML.Tools.Images.ImageInfo
If the image whose details are contained by this class-instance are from an image that was encoded using the String-literal Base-64 Encoding Algorithm, then this boolean flag will contain TRUE.
isBadStr() - Method in class Torello.CSS.BadStr
isBadStr() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
isBadURL() - Method in class Torello.CSS.BadURL
isBadURL() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
isBefore(DotPair) - Method in class Torello.HTML.DotPair
Tests whether 'this' lays, completely, before DotPair parameter 'other'.
isBinaryFrame() - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketFrame
Check if this frame is a binary frame.
isBlock(String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.HTMLTags
This method checks whether specific HTML elements are among the 'Block' Tag elements list.
isBlockCoverage - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Profiler.FunctionCoverage
Whether coverage data for this function has block granularity.
isBPMFAUC(char) - Static method in class Torello.Languages.ZH
Bo Po Mo Fo (注音符號).
isByte(String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StringParse
Convenience Method.
isCallable() - Method in enum Torello.JavaDoc.Entity
Checks whether 'this' is an instance that represents an entity that may be called or invoked (and would, therefore, accept parameters as input).
isCDC() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CDC
isCDC() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
isCDO() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CDO
isCDO() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
isChinese(char) - Static method in class Torello.Languages.ZH
Helper function - checks if this is a character in the UTF-8 & ASCII ranges that contain Mandarin Chinese characters.
isClickable - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.DOMNode
Whether this DOM node responds to mouse clicks.
isClickable - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.NodeTreeSnapshot
Whether this DOM node responds to mouse clicks.
isCloseFrame() - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketFrame
Check if this frame is a close frame.
isClosing - Variable in class Torello.HTML.TagNode
isCode(int) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.HTTPCodes
Checks whether the provided code number is an actual code, according to the internal list of available codes.
isCodeType(String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.HiLiteMe
Checks whether the passed String-parameter is a recognized 'Code Type'

Click the link below to see the complete list of programming-type codes.
isComment() - Method in class Torello.CSS.Comment
isComment() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
isCommentNode() - Method in class Torello.HTML.CommentNode
This method identifies that 'this' instance of (abstract parent-class) HTMLNode is, indeed, an instance of sub-class CommentNode.
isCommentNode() - Method in class Torello.HTML.HTMLNode
This method will return TRUE for any instance of 'CommentNode'.
isConstructed - Variable in class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSStyleSheetHeader
True if this stylesheet is created through new CSSStyleSheet() or imported as a CSS module script.
isContinuationFrame() - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketFrame
Check if this frame is a continuation frame.
isControlFrame() - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketFrame
Check if this frame is a control frame.
isCSSPropertyName(String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrSource
Checks if a Java-String constitutes a valid CSS Property-Name.
isCSSPropertyNamePart(char) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrSource
Checks whether parameter 'c' is one of the agreed-upon standard characters that are permitted within CSS Property-Names, after the first character of the name.
isCSSPropertyNameStart(char) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrSource
Checks whether parameter 'c' is one of the agreed-upon standard characters that are allowed to begin CSS Property-Names.
isCustomFont - Variable in class Torello.Browser.CSS.PlatformFontUsage
Indicates if the font was downloaded or resolved locally.
isDataFrame() - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketFrame
Check if this frame is a data frame.
isDeleted - Variable in class Torello.Browser.ServiceWorker.ServiceWorkerRegistration
[No Description Provided by Google]
isDelimiter() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
isDelimiter() - Method in class Torello.CSS.Delimiter
isDelimiter(char) - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
Checks whether 'this' instance is a Delimiter instance.
isDimension() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
isDimension() - Method in class Torello.CSS.Dimension
isDirectory - Variable in class Torello.Java.FileNode
If 'this' class-instance represents a directory in the BASH/UNIX or MS-DOS file system, this variable will be TRUE.
isDirectTextMessage() - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocket
Check if text messages are passed to listeners without string conversion.
isDouble(String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StringParse
Tests whether an input-String can be parsed into a double, without throwing an exception.
isDownload - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.requestIntercepted
Set if the request is a navigation that will result in a download.
isEmpty() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyArrayList
Returns TRUE if this list contains no elements.
isEmpty() - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyCollection
Returns TRUE if this collection contains no elements.
isEmpty() - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyDictionary
Tests if this dictionary maps no keys to value.
isEmpty() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyHashMap
Returns TRUE if this map contains no key-value mappings.
isEmpty() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyHashSet
Returns TRUE if this set contains no elements.
isEmpty() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyHashtable
Tests if this Hashtable maps no keys to values.
isEmpty() - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyList
Returns TRUE if this list contains no elements.
isEmpty() - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyMap
Returns TRUE if this map contains no key-value mappings.
isEmpty() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyProperties
isEmpty() - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlySet
Returns TRUE if this set contains no elements.
isEmpty() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyTreeMap
isEmpty() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyTreeSet
Returns TRUE if this set contains no elements.
isEmpty() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyVector
Tests if this Vector has no components.
isEqualKEEP(String, boolean) - Static method in interface Torello.Java.StrFilter
Here, a single String is used as input.
isEqualKEEP(TagNode) - Static method in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AVT
This is a static factory method that generates AVT-Predicate's (Predicate<TagNode>).
isEqualREJECT(String, boolean) - Static method in interface Torello.Java.StrFilter
Here, a single String is used as input.
isEqualREJECT(TagNode) - Static method in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AVT
This is a static factory method that generates AVT-Predicate's (Predicate<TagNode>).
isExtended() - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocket
Check if extended use of WebSocket frames are allowed.
isFunc() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
isFunc() - Method in class Torello.CSS.Func
isGeneric - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.ParsedFile
This field will be TRUE anytime the ParsedFile.genericParameters field has any elements.
isHash() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
isHash() - Method in class Torello.CSS.Hash
isHTML5(String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.HTMLTags
Checks if a String is a proper HTML-5 (only) tag.
isID - Variable in class Torello.CSS.Hash
isIdentifier() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
isIdentifier() - Method in class Torello.CSS.Identifier
isInline - Variable in class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSStyleSheetHeader
Whether this stylesheet is created for STYLE tag by parser.
isInline(String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.HTMLTags
This method checks whether specific HTML elements are among the 'Inline' Tag elements list.
isInner - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.ParsedFile
This identifies inner classes and interfaces.
isInside(int) - Method in class Torello.HTML.DotPair
This will test whether a specific index is contained (between this.start and this.end, inclusively.
isInt(String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StringParse
Convenience Method.
isInteger(String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StringParse
Determines, efficiently, whether an input String is also an integer.
isIntegral() - Method in interface javax.json.JsonNumber
Returns true if this JSON number is a integral number.
isIntegralNumber() - Method in interface javax.json.stream.JsonParser
Returns true if the JSON number at the current parser state is a integral number.
isIrregular(String) - Static method in class Torello.Languages.Verbs
Checks if a word is an irregular verb.
isJavaTypeStr(String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrSource
isLanguageChar(char) - Static method in class Torello.Languages.ES
Checks if this character could be a Spanish Language Character
IsleOfMan - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Isle of Man
isLimitedQuirksMode - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits.QuirksModeIssueDetails
If false, it means the document's mode is "quirks" instead of "limited-quirks".
isLinkPreload - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.Request
Whether is loaded via link preload.
isLiveEdit - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.scriptParsed
True, if this script is generated as a result of the live edit operation.
isLocalStorage - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOMStorage.StorageId
Whether the storage is local storage (not session storage).
isLong(String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StringParse
Convenience Method.
isMissingCloseFrameAllowed() - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocket
Check if this instance allows the server to close the WebSocket connection without sending a close frame to this client.
isModule - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.scriptFailedToParse
True, if this script is ES6 module.
isModule - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.scriptParsed
True, if this script is ES6 module.
isMutable - Variable in class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSStyleSheetHeader
Whether this stylesheet is mutable.
isNavigationRequest - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.requestIntercepted
Whether this is a navigation request, which can abort the navigation completely.
isNull(int) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonArray
Returns true if the value at the specified location in this array is JsonValue.NULL.
isNull(String) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonObject
Returns true if the associated value for the specified name is JsonValue.NULL.
isNum() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
isNum() - Method in class Torello.CSS.Num
isNumber(char) - Static method in class Torello.Languages.ZH
Regular Numbers Include: '0' ... '9'
isOfPrimitiveType(String, char[]) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StringParse
Determines whether the input String is an integer in the range of Java's primitive type specified by an input char[] array parameter.
IsolatedElementHighlightConfig(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Overlay.IsolatedElementHighlightConfig
JSON Object Constructor
IsolatedElementHighlightConfig(Overlay.IsolationModeHighlightConfig, int) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Overlay.IsolatedElementHighlightConfig
isolationModeHighlightConfig - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.IsolatedElementHighlightConfig
A descriptor for the highlight appearance of an element in isolation mode.
IsolationModeHighlightConfig(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Overlay.IsolationModeHighlightConfig
JSON Object Constructor
IsolationModeHighlightConfig(DOM.RGBA, DOM.RGBA, DOM.RGBA) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Overlay.IsolationModeHighlightConfig
isOpen() - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocket
Check if the current state of this WebSocket is OPEN.
isOpenTag() - Method in class Torello.HTML.HTMLNode

This method will function almost identically to HTMLNode.openTag(), with the subtle difference being that it returns a TRUE / FALSE boolean, instead of an instance-reference.
isOpenTag() - Method in class Torello.HTML.TagNode
This method is an optimization method that overrides the one by the same name in class HTMLNode.
isOpenTagPWA() - Method in class Torello.HTML.HTMLNode
isOpenTagPWA() - Method in class Torello.HTML.TagNode
This method is an optimization method that overrides the one by the same name in class HTMLNode.
isOther(char) - Static method in class Torello.Languages.ZH
Checks a char is something that is not Alpha Numeric or White Space
isOwn - Variable in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.PropertyDescriptor
True if the property is owned for the object.
isPercentage() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
isPercentage() - Method in class Torello.CSS.Percentage
isPingFrame() - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketFrame
Check if this frame is a ping frame.
isPongFrame() - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketFrame
Check if this frame is a pong frame.
isPunct() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
isPunct() - Method in class Torello.CSS.Punct
isPunct(char) - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
Checks whether 'this' instance is a punctuation character
Israel - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Israel
isRecording - Variable in class Torello.Browser.BackgroundService.recordingStateChanged
[No Description Provided by Google]
isRegLetter(char) - Static method in class Torello.Languages.ZH
Regular Letters Include: 'A' ... 'Z' (65 - 90), 'a' ... 'z' (97 - 122)
isRegVowel(char) - Static method in class Torello.Languages.ZH
Checks that a character is a standard vowel.
isReportOnly - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits.ContentSecurityPolicyIssueDetails
[No Description Provided by Google]
isRequired() - Method in class Apache.CLI.Option
Query to see if this Option is mandatory
isRequired() - Method in class Apache.CLI.OptionGroup
Tests whether this option group is required.
isResidentCredential - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAuthn.Credential
[No Description Provided by Google]
isSameSite - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.Request
True if this resource request is considered to be the 'same site' as the request correspondinfg to the main frame.
isSecure() - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.ProxySettings
Check whether use of TLS is enabled or disabled.
isShort(String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StringParse
Convenience Method.
isSingleton(String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.HTMLTags
This method checks whether specific HTML elements are both "opening and closing" elements, such as: P, DIV, SPAN, along with myriad others, OR if this one of the (very few) "singleton HTML elements", such as the HTML <IMG SRC="..."> element which may not have a closing tag.
isSpace(char) - Static method in class Torello.Languages.ZH
Checks for WhiteSpace: '\t', '\n', '\r', ' '
isSpanishVerbInfinitive(String) - Static method in class Torello.Languages.ES
This is a function which identifies Spanish Language Infinitive Form Verbs.
isStackingContext - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.LayoutTreeNode
Set to true to indicate the element begins a new stacking context.
isStr() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
isStr() - Method in class Torello.CSS.Str
isStyleType(String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.HiLiteMe
Checks whether the passed String-parameter is a recognized 'Style Type'

Click the link below to see the complete list of 'Style Codes'

HiLiting Style Codes
issue - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits.issueAdded
[No Description Provided by Google]
issueAdded(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Audits.issueAdded
JSON Object Constructor
issueAdded(Audits.InspectorIssue) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Audits.issueAdded
issuedTokenCount - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.trustTokenOperationDone
The number of obtained Trust Tokens on a successful "Issuance" operation.
issueId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits.InspectorIssue
A unique id for this issue.
issueMessage - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Cast.issueUpdated
[No Description Provided by Google]
issuer - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.SecurityDetails
Name of the issuing CA.
issuer - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Security.CertificateSecurityState
Name of the issuing CA.
issuerOrigin - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.trustTokenOperationDone
Origin of the issuer in case of a "Issuance" or "Redemption" operation.
issuerOrigin - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Storage.TrustTokens
[No Description Provided by Google]
issuers - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.TrustTokenParams
Origins of issuers from whom to request tokens or redemption records.
issueUpdated(String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Cast.issueUpdated
issueUpdated(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Cast.issueUpdated
JSON Object Constructor
isSVG - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOM.Node
Whether the node is SVG.
isSynthetic() - Method in interface Torello.HTML.Replaceable
Identifies whether or not 'this' instance is an anonymous class, that was built from the (internal) ReplaceableAdapter.
isTag(String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.HTMLTags
Checks if a String is registered as a proper HTML tag according to the internally maintained lists.
isTag(String...) - Method in class Torello.HTML.TagNode
isTag(TC, String...) - Method in class Torello.HTML.TagNode
isTagExcept(String...) - Method in class Torello.HTML.TagNode
isTagExcept(TC, String...) - Method in class Torello.HTML.TagNode
isTagNode() - Method in class Torello.HTML.HTMLNode
This method will return TRUE for any instance of 'TagNode'.
isTagNode() - Method in class Torello.HTML.TagNode
This method identifies that 'this' instance of (abstract parent-class) HTMLNode is, indeed, an instance of sub-class TagNode.
isTextFrame() - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketFrame
Check if this frame is a text frame.
isTextNode() - Method in class Torello.HTML.HTMLNode
This method will return TRUE for any instance of 'TextNode'.
isTextNode() - Method in class Torello.HTML.TextNode
This method identifies that 'this' instance of (abstract parent-class) HTMLNode is, indeed, an instance of sub-class TextNode.
isThirdParty - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Page.OriginTrialToken
[No Description Provided by Google]
isToneVowel(char) - Static method in class Torello.Languages.ZH
This is a helper function for the Mandarin Chinese accented vowel symbols in UTF-8, ASCII and UniCode.
isUnicodeRange() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
isUnicodeRange() - Method in class Torello.CSS.UnicodeRange
isURL() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
isURL() - Method in class Torello.CSS.URLToken
isUserVerified - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAuthn.VirtualAuthenticatorOptions
Sets whether User Verification succeeds or fails for an authenticator.
isValidEscape(int[], int) - Static method in class Torello.CSS.CSSUtil
Convenience Method.
isValidEscape(int, int) - Static method in class Torello.CSS.CSSUtil
Checks whether or not the next token to consume constitutes a valid Escape-Sequence
isValidJavaIdentifier(String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrSource
Checks whether an input String would be allowed as a Java Identifier - for instance, whether the input would make a valid Field-Name, Variable-Name, Class-Name or Method-Name.
isValueCode(char) - Static method in class Apache.CLI.PatternOptionBuilder
Returns whether ch is a value code, i.e.
isWarning - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits.CorsIssueDetails
[No Description Provided by Google]
isWarning - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits.SharedArrayBufferIssueDetails
[No Description Provided by Google]
isWarning - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits.WasmCrossOriginModuleSharingIssueDetails
[No Description Provided by Google]
isWhitespace() - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
isWhitespace() - Method in class Torello.CSS.Whitespace
IT - Torello.Languages.LC
Language: Italian
Italy - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Italy
items - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Input.DragData
[No Description Provided by Google]
itemSeparator - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.FlexContainerHighlightConfig
The style of the separator between items

iter(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeInclusiveIterator
iter(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TC, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeIterator
ITERABLE_M - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.SummarySorterHelper
Label for methods inherited from class Iterable
iterations - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Animation.AnimationEffect
AnimationEffect's iterations.
iterationStart - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Animation.AnimationEffect
AnimationEffect's iteration start.
iterator() - Method in class Apache.CLI.CommandLine
Returns an iterator over the Option members of CommandLine.
iterator() - Method in class Torello.HTML.DotPair
This shall return an int Iterator (which is properly named class java.util.PrimitiveIterator.OfInt) that iterates integers beginning with the value in this.start and ending with the value in this.end.
iterator() - Static method in class Torello.HTML.HTMLTags
Internally, tags are stored in a Java java.util.TreeSet<String>.
iterator() - Static method in class Torello.HTML.HTTPCodes
Will return an int-Iterator that iterates the contents of the internal HTTP Codes array.
iterator() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyArrayList
Returns an iterator over the elements in this list in proper sequence.
iterator() - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyCollection
Returns an iterator over the elements in this collection.
iterator() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyHashSet
Returns an iterator over the elements in this set.
iterator() - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyList
Returns an iterator over the elements in this list in proper sequence.
iterator() - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyNavigableSet
Returns an iterator over the elements in this set, in ascending order.
iterator() - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlySet
Returns an iterator over the elements in this set.
iterator() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyTreeSet
Returns an iterator over the elements in this set in ascending order.
iterator() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyVector
Returns an iterator over the elements in this list in proper sequence.
iterator() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROArrayListBuilder
Restricts a back-door into the underlying data-structure.
iterator() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROHashSetBuilder
iterator() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROTreeSetBuilder
Restricts a back-door into the underlying data-structure.
iterator() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROVectorBuilder
Restricts a back-door into the underlying data-structure.
iterator(Iterable<DotPair>, boolean) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.DPUtil
Convenience Method.
iterator(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeIterator
iterator(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeIterator
iterator(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeIterator
iterator(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeIterator
iterator(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeIterator
iterator(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeIterator
iterator(Vector<T>) - Method in class Torello.HTML.DotPair
A simple Iterator that will iterate elements on an input page, using 'this' intance of DotPair's indices, DotPair.start, and DotPair.end.
ITERATOR() - Static method in class Torello.Java.RTC
Requests: Iterator
ITERATOR_M - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.SummarySorterHelper
Label for methods inherited from class Iterator

Checker Method SummarySorterHelper.CLONEABLE_M(Method) matches method named: "next", "hasNext", "remove", "forEachRemaining"
ITERATOR_M(Method) - Static method in class Torello.JavaDoc.SummarySorterHelper
Identifies whether or not a particular method should be placed under the Method Summary Section Title for methods which implement or extend java.util.Iterator.
iteratorAddedForHTML5() - Static method in class Torello.HTML.HTMLTags
Internally, HTML-5 tags are stored in a Java java.util.TreeSet<String>.
iteratorBlockTags() - Static method in class Torello.HTML.HTMLTags
Internally, singleton / self-closing tags are stored in a Java java.util.TreeSet<String>.
iteratorCounter - Variable in class Torello.HTML.Tools.Images.ImageInfo
Identifies the count in the Iterator's retrieval.
iteratorDeprecatedForHTML5() - Static method in class Torello.HTML.HTMLTags
Internally, deprecated tags are stored in a Java java.util.TreeSet<String>.
iteratorDescriptions() - Static method in class Torello.HTML.HTMLTags
Will build an Iterator that can return attributes and their text-String descriptions.
iteratorInlineTags() - Static method in class Torello.HTML.HTMLTags
Internally, "HTML Block Tags" are stored in a Java java.util.TreeSet<String>.
IteratorOutOfBoundsException - Exception in Torello.HTML.NodeSearch
An exception thrown by the HNLI & HNLIInclusive iterators when, in the processes of modifying or reading the contents of the most recent Iterator-Match, a location is specified that's out of the bounds of the Vector itself.
IteratorOutOfBoundsException() - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.IteratorOutOfBoundsException
Constructs an IteratorOutOfBoundsException with no detail message.
IteratorOutOfBoundsException(String) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.IteratorOutOfBoundsException
Constructs an IteratorOutOfBoundsException with the specified detail message.
iteratorSingletonTags() - Static method in class Torello.HTML.HTMLTags
Internally, singleton / self-closing tags are stored in a Java java.util.TreeSet<String>.
IvoryCoast - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Ivory Coast, Cote d'Ivoire
IW - Torello.Languages.LC
Language: Hebrew
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