002  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
003  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
004  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
005  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
006  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
007  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
009      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
011  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
012  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
013  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
014  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
015  limitations under the License.
016 */
017package Apache.CLI;
019import static Apache.CLI.Util.EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY;
021import java.io.Serializable;
022import java.util.ArrayList;
023import java.util.List;
024import java.util.Objects;
027 * Describes a single command-line option. It maintains information regarding the short-name of the
028 * option, the long-name, if any exists, a flag indicating if an argument is required for this
029 * option, and a self-documenting description of the option.
030 * 
031 * <BR /><BR />An Option is not created independently, but is created through an instance of
032 * {@link Options}. An Option is required to have at least a short or a long-name.
033 * 
034 * <BR /><BR /><B CLASS=JDDescLabel>Note:</B>
035 * 
036 * <BR />Once an {@link Option} has been added to an instance of {@link Options}, its required flag
037 * cannot be changed.
038 *
039 * @see Apache.CLI.Options
040 * @see Apache.CLI.CommandLine
041 */
043public class Option implements Cloneable, Serializable
045    /**
046     * A nested builder class to create {@code Option} instances using descriptive methods.
047     * 
048     * <BR /><BR />Example usage:
049     *
050     * <DIV CLASS=EXAMPLE>{@code
051     * Option option = Option.builder("a").required(true).longOpt("arg-name").build();
052     * }</DIV>
053     */
054    @Torello.JavaDoc.JDHeaderBackgroundImg(EmbedTagFileID="LICENSE")
055    public static final class Builder
056    {
057        // The name of the option 
058        private String option;
060        // Description of the option 
061        private String description;
063        // The long representation of the option 
064        private String longOption;
066        // The name of the argument for this option 
067        private String argName;
069        // Specifies whether this option is required to be present 
070        private boolean required;
072        // Specifies whether the argument value of this Option is optional 
073        private boolean optionalArg;
075        // The number of argument values this option can have 
076        private int argCount = UNINITIALIZED;
078        // The type of this Option 
079        private Class<?> type = String.class;
081        // The character that is the value separator 
082        private char valueSeparator;
084        /**
085         * Constructs a new {@code Builder} with the minimum required parameters for an
086         * {@code Option} instance.
087         *
088         * @param option short representation of the option
089         * 
090         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if there are any non valid Option characters in
091         * {@code opt}
092         */
093        private Builder(final String option) throws IllegalArgumentException
094        { option(option); }
096        /**
097         * Sets the display name for the argument value.
098         * @param argName the display name for the argument value.
099         * @return this builder, to allow method chaining
100         */
101        public Builder argName(final String argName)
102        {
103            this.argName = argName;
104            return this;
105        }
107        /**
108         * Constructs an Option with the values declared by this {@link Builder}.
109         * @return the new {@link Option}
110         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if neither {@code opt} or {@code longOpt} has been set
111         */
112        public Option build()
113        {
114            if (option == null && longOption == null)
115                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Either opt or longOpt must be specified");
117            return new Option(this);
118        }
120        /**
121         * Sets the description for this option.
122         * @param description the description of the option.
123         * @return this builder, to allow method chaining
124         */
125        public Builder desc(final String description)
126        {
127            this.description = description;
128            return this;
129        }
131        /**
132         * Indicates that the Option will require an argument.
133         * @return this builder, to allow method chaining
134         */
135        public Builder hasArg()
136        { return hasArg(true); }
138        /**
139         * Indicates if the Option has an argument or not.
140         * @param hasArg specifies whether the Option takes an argument or not
141         * @return this builder, to allow method chaining
142         */
143        public Builder hasArg(final boolean hasArg)
144        {
145            // set to UNINITIALIZED when no arg is specified to be compatible with OptionBuilder
146            argCount = hasArg ? 1 : Option.UNINITIALIZED;
147            return this;
148        }
150        /**
151         * Indicates that the Option can have unlimited argument values.
152         * @return this builder, to allow method chaining
153         */
154        public Builder hasArgs()
155        {
156            argCount = Option.UNLIMITED_VALUES;
157            return this;
158        }
160        /**
161         * Sets the long name of the Option.
162         * @param longOpt the long name of the Option
163         * @return this builder, to allow method chaining
164         */
165        public Builder longOpt(final String longOpt)
166        {
167            this.longOption = longOpt;
168            return this;
169        }
171        /**
172         * Sets the number of argument values the Option can take.
173         * @param argCount the number of argument values
174         * @return this builder, to allow method chaining
175         */
176        public Builder numberOfArgs(final int argCount)
177        {
178            this.argCount = argCount;
179            return this;
180        }
182        /**
183         * Sets the name of the Option.
184         * @param option the name of the Option
185         * @return this builder, to allow method chaining
186         * 
187         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if there are any non valid Option characters in
188         * {@code opt}
189         */
190        public Builder option(final String option) throws IllegalArgumentException
191        {
192            this.option = OptionValidator.validate(option);
193            return this;
194        }
196        /**
197         * Sets whether the Option can have an optional argument.
198         *
199         * @param optionalArg specifies whether the Option can have an optional argument.
200         * @return this builder, to allow method chaining
201         */
202        public Builder optionalArg(final boolean optionalArg)
203        {
204            this.argCount       = optionalArg ? 1 : UNINITIALIZED;
205            this.optionalArg    = optionalArg;
207            return this;
208        }
210        /**
211         * Marks this Option as required.
212         * @return this builder, to allow method chaining
213         */
214        public Builder required()
215        { return required(true); }
217        /**
218         * Sets whether the Option is mandatory.
219         * @param required specifies whether the Option is mandatory
220         * @return this builder, to allow method chaining
221         */
222        public Builder required(final boolean required)
223        {
224            this.required = required;
225            return this;
226        }
228        /**
229         * Sets the type of the Option.
230         * @param type the type of the Option
231         * @return this builder, to allow method chaining
232         */
233        public Builder type(final Class<?> type)
234        {
235            this.type = type;
236            return this;
237        }
239        /**
240         * The Option will use {@code '='} as a means to separate argument value.
241         * @return this builder, to allow method chaining
242         */
243        public Builder valueSeparator()
244        { return valueSeparator('='); }
246        /**
247         * The Option will use {@code sep} as a means to separate argument values.  See the example
248         * below:
249         *
250         * <DIV CLASS=EXAMPLE>{@code
251         * Option   opt     = Option.builder("D").hasArgs().valueSeparator('=').build();
252         * Options  options = new Options();
253         * 
254         * options.addOption(opt);
255         * 
256         * String[]             args    = {"-Dkey=value"};
257         * CommandLineParser    parser  = new DefaultParser();
258         * CommandLine          line    = parser.parse(options, args);
259         * 
260         * // will be "key"
261         * String propertyName  = line.getOptionValues("D")[0];
262         *
263         * // will be "value"
264         * String propertyValue = line.getOptionValues("D")[1];
265         * }</DIV>
266         *
267         * @param valueSeparator The value separator.
268         * @return this builder, to allow method chaining
269         */
270        public Builder valueSeparator(final char valueSeparator)
271        {
272            this.valueSeparator = valueSeparator;
273            return this;
274        }
275    }
277    /** Specifies the number of argument values has not been specified */
278    public static final int UNINITIALIZED = -1;
280    /** Specifies the number of argument values is infinite */
281    public static final int UNLIMITED_VALUES = -2;
283    // The serial version UID.
284    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
286    // Empty array.
287    static final Option[] EMPTY_ARRAY = {};
289    /**
290     * Returns a {@link Builder} to create an {@link Option} using descriptive methods.
291     * @return a new {@link Builder} instance
292     */
293    public static Builder builder()
294    { return builder(null); }
296    /**
297     * Returns a {@link Builder} to create an {@link Option} using descriptive methods.
298     * @param option short representation of the option
299     * @return a new {@link Builder} instance
300     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if there are any non valid Option characters in {@code opt}
301     */
302    public static Builder builder(final String option)
303    { return new Builder(option); }
305    // The name of the option. */
306    private final String option;
308    // The long representation of the option. */
309    private String longOption;
311    // The name of the argument for this option
312    private String argName;
314    // Description of the option
315    private String description;
317    // Specifies whether this option is required to be present
318    private boolean required;
320    // Specifies whether the argument value of this Option is optional
321    private boolean optionalArg;
323    // The number of argument values this option can have
324    private int argCount = UNINITIALIZED;
326    // The type of this Option
327    private Class<?> type = String.class;
329    // The list of argument values
330    private List<String> values = new ArrayList<>();
332    // The character that is the value separator.
333    private char valuesep;
335    /**
336     * Private constructor used by the nested Builder class.
337     * @param builder builder used to create this option
338     */
339    private Option(final Builder builder)
340    {
341        this.argName        = builder.argName;
342        this.description    = builder.description;
343        this.longOption     = builder.longOption;
344        this.argCount       = builder.argCount;
345        this.option         = builder.option;
346        this.optionalArg    = builder.optionalArg;
347        this.required       = builder.required;
348        this.type           = builder.type;
349        this.valuesep       = builder.valueSeparator;
350    }
352    /**
353     * Creates an Option using the specified parameters.
354     * @param option short representation of the option
355     * @param hasArg specifies whether the Option takes an argument or not
356     * @param description describes the function of the option
357     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if there are any non valid Option characters in {@code opt}
358     */
359    public Option(final String option, final boolean hasArg, final String description)
360        throws IllegalArgumentException
361    { this(option, null, hasArg, description); }
363    /**
364     * Creates an Option using the specified parameters. The option does not take an argument.
365     * @param option short representation of the option
366     * @param description describes the function of the option
367     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if there are any non valid Option characters in {@code opt}
368     */
369    public Option(final String option, final String description) throws IllegalArgumentException
370    { this(option, null, false, description); }
372    /**
373     * Creates an Option using the specified parameters.
374     * @param option short representation of the option
375     * @param longOption the long representation of the option
376     * @param hasArg specifies whether the Option takes an argument or not
377     * @param description describes the function of the option
378     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if there are any non valid Option characters in {@code opt}
379     */
380    public Option(
381            final String    option,
382            final String    longOption,
383            final boolean   hasArg,
384            final String    description
385        )
386        throws IllegalArgumentException
387    {
388        // ensure that the option is valid
389        this.option     = OptionValidator.validate(option);
390        this.longOption = longOption;
392        // if hasArg is set then the number of arguments is 1
393        if (hasArg) this.argCount = 1;
395        this.description = description;
396    }
398    /**
399     * Tells if the option can accept more arguments.
400     * @return false if the maximum number of arguments is reached
401     */
402    boolean acceptsArg()
403    {
404        return  (hasArg() || hasArgs() || hasOptionalArg())
405            &&  (argCount <= 0 || values.size() < argCount);
406    }
408    /**
409     * Add the value to this Option. If the number of arguments is greater than zero and there is
410     * enough space in the list then add the value. Otherwise, throw a runtime exception.
411     *
412     * @param value The value to be added to this Option
413     */
414    private void add(final String value)
415    {
416        if (!acceptsArg()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot add value, list full.");
418        // store value
419        values.add(value);
420    }
422    /**
423     * Adds the specified value to this Option.
424     * @param value is a/the value of this Option
425     */
426    void addValueForProcessing(final String value)
427    {
428        if (argCount == UNINITIALIZED) throw new IllegalArgumentException("NO_ARGS_ALLOWED");
429        processValue(value);
430    }
432    /**
433     * Clear the Option values. After a parse is complete, these are left with data in them and they need clearing if
434     * another parse is done.
435     *
436     * See: <a href="https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/CLI-71">CLI-71</a>
437     */
438    void clearValues()
439    { values.clear(); }
441    /**
442     * A rather odd clone method - due to incorrect code in 1.0 it is public and in 1.1 rather than throwing a
443     * CloneNotSupportedException it throws a RuntimeException so as to maintain backwards compat at the API level.
444     *
445     * After calling this method, it is very likely you will want to call clearValues().
446     *
447     * @return a clone of this Option instance
448     * @throws RuntimeException if a {@link CloneNotSupportedException} has been thrown by {@code super.clone()}
449     */
450    @Override
451    public Object clone()
452    {
453        try
454        {
455            final Option option = (Option) super.clone();
456            option.values = new ArrayList<>(values);
457            return option;
458        }
460        catch (final CloneNotSupportedException e)
461            { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(e.getMessage(), e); }
462    }
464    @Override
465    public boolean equals(final Object obj)
466    {
467        if (this == obj)                return true;
468        if (!(obj instanceof Option))   return false;
470        final Option other = (Option) obj;
472        return  Objects.equals(longOption, other.longOption)
473            &&  Objects.equals(option, other.option);
474    }
476    /**
477     * Gets the display name for the argument value.
478     * @return the display name for the argument value.
479     */
480    public String getArgName()
481    { return argName; }
483    /**
484     * Gets the number of argument values this Option can take.
485     *
486     * <BR /><BR />
487     * A value equal to the constant {@link #UNINITIALIZED} (= -1) indicates the number of
488     * arguments has not been specified.
489     * 
490     * <BR /><BR />
491     * A value equal to the constant {@link #UNLIMITED_VALUES} (= -2) indicates that this options
492     * takes an unlimited amount of values.
493     *
494     * @return num the number of argument values
495     * @see #UNINITIALIZED
496     * @see #UNLIMITED_VALUES
497     */
498    public int getArgs() {
499        return argCount;
500    }
502    /**
503     * Gets the self-documenting description of this Option
504     * @return The string description of this option
505     */
506    public String getDescription()
507    { return description; }
509    /**
510     * Gets the id of this Option. This is only set when the Option shortOpt is a single character. This is used for
511     * switch statements.
512     *
513     * @return the id of this Option
514     */
515    public int getId()
516    { return getKey().charAt(0); }
518    /**
519     * Gets the 'unique' Option identifier.
520     * @return the 'unique' Option identifier
521     */
522    String getKey()
523    {
524        // if 'opt' is null, then it is a 'long' option
525        return option == null ? longOption : option;
526    }
528    /**
529     * Gets the long name of this Option.
530     * @return Long name of this option, or null, if there is no long name
531     */
532    public String getLongOpt()
533    { return longOption; }
535    /**
536     * Gets the name of this Option.
537     *
538     * <BR /><BR />It is this {@code String} which can be used with
539     * {@link CommandLine#hasOption(String opt)} and
540     * {@link CommandLine#getOptionValue(String opt)} to check for existence and argument.
541     *
542     * @return The name of this option
543     */
544    public String getOpt()
545    { return option; }
547    /**
548     * Gets the type of this Option.
549     * @return The type of this option
550     */
551    public Object getType()
552    { return type; }
554    /**
555     * Gets the specified value of this Option or {@code null} if there is no value.
556     * @return the value/first value of this Option or {@code null} if there is no value.
557     */
558    public String getValue()
559    { return hasNoValues() ? null : values.get(0); }
561    /**
562     * Gets the specified value of this Option or {@code null} if there is no value.
563     * @param index The index of the value to be returned.
564     * @return the specified value of this Option or {@code null} if there is no value.
565     *
566     * @throws IndexOutOfBoundsException if index is less than 1 or greater than the number of the
567     * values for this Option.
568     */
569    public String getValue(final int index) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException
570    { return hasNoValues() ? null : values.get(index); }
572    /**
573     * Gets the value/first value of this Option or the {@code defaultValue} if there is no value.
574     * @param defaultValue The value to be returned if there is no value.
575     *
576     * @return the value/first value of this Option or the {@code defaultValue} if there are no
577     * values.
578     */
579    public String getValue(final String defaultValue)
580    {
581        final String value = getValue();
582        return value != null ? value : defaultValue;
583    }
585    /**
586     * Gets the values of this Option as a String array or null if there are no values
587     * @return the values of this Option as a String array or null if there are no values
588     */
589    public String[] getValues()
590    { return hasNoValues() ? null : values.toArray(EMPTY_STRING_ARRAY); }
592    /**
593     * Gets the value separator character.
594     * @return the value separator character.
595     */
596    public char getValueSeparator()
597    { return valuesep; }
599    /**
600     * Gets the values of this Option as a List or null if there are no values.
601     * @return the values of this Option as a List or null if there are no values
602     */
603    public List<String> getValuesList()
604    { return values; }
606    /**
607     * Query to see if this Option requires an argument
608     * @return boolean flag indicating if an argument is required
609     */
610    public boolean hasArg()
611    { return argCount > 0 || argCount == UNLIMITED_VALUES; }
613    /**
614     * Returns whether the display name for the argument value has been set.
615     * @return if the display name for the argument value has been set.
616     */
617    public boolean hasArgName()
618    { return argName != null && !argName.isEmpty(); }
620    /**
621     * Query to see if this Option can take many values.
622     * @return boolean flag indicating if multiple values are allowed
623     */
624    public boolean hasArgs()
625    { return argCount > 1 || argCount == UNLIMITED_VALUES; }
627    @Override
628    public int hashCode()
629    { return Objects.hash(longOption, option); }
631    /**
632     * Query to see if this Option has a long name
633     * @return boolean flag indicating existence of a long name
634     */
635    public boolean hasLongOpt()
636    { return longOption != null; }
638    /**
639     * Returns whether this Option has any values.
640     * @return whether this Option has any values.
641     */
642    private boolean hasNoValues()
643    { return values.isEmpty(); }
645    /** @return whether this Option can have an optional argument */
646    public boolean hasOptionalArg()
647    { return optionalArg; }
649    /**
650     * Return whether this Option has specified a value separator.
651     * @return whether this Option has specified a value separator.
652     */
653    public boolean hasValueSeparator()
654    { return valuesep > 0; }
656    /**
657     * Query to see if this Option is mandatory
658     * @return boolean flag indicating whether this Option is mandatory
659     */
660    public boolean isRequired()
661    { return required; }
663    /**
664     * Processes the value. If this Option has a value separator the value will have to be parsed
665     * into individual tokens.  When n-1 tokens have been processed and there are more value
666     * separators in the value, parsing is ceased and the remaining characters are added as a
667     * single token.
668     *
669     * @param value The String to be processed.
670     */
671    private void processValue(String value)
672    {
673        // this Option has a separator character
674        if (hasValueSeparator())
675        {
676            // get the separator character
677            final char sep = getValueSeparator();
679            // store the index for the value separator
680            int index = value.indexOf(sep);
682            // while there are more value separators
683            while (index != -1)
684            {
685                // next value to be added
686                if (values.size() == argCount - 1) break;
688                // store
689                add(value.substring(0, index));
691                // parse
692                value = value.substring(index + 1);
694                // get new index
695                index = value.indexOf(sep);
696            }
697        }
699        // store the actual value or the last value that has been parsed
700        add(value);
701    }
703    /**
704     * Tells if the option requires more arguments to be valid.
705     * @return false if the option doesn't require more arguments
706     */
707    boolean requiresArg()
708    {
709        if (optionalArg)                    return false;
710        if (argCount == UNLIMITED_VALUES)   return values.isEmpty();
711        return acceptsArg();
712    }
714    /**
715     * Sets the display name for the argument value.
716     * @param argName the display name for the argument value.
717     */
718    public void setArgName(final String argName)
719    { this.argName = argName; }
721    /**
722     * Sets the number of argument values this Option can take.
723     * @param num the number of argument values
724     */
725    public void setArgs(final int num)
726    { this.argCount = num; }
728    /**
729     * Sets the self-documenting description of this Option
730     * @param description The description of this option
731     */
732    public void setDescription(final String description)
733    { this.description = description; }
735    /**
736     * Sets the long name of this Option.
737     * @param longOpt the long name of this Option
738     */
739    public void setLongOpt(final String longOpt)
740    { this.longOption = longOpt; }
742    /**
743     * Sets whether this Option can have an optional argument.
744     * @param optionalArg specifies whether the Option can have an optional argument.
745     */
746    public void setOptionalArg(final boolean optionalArg)
747    { this.optionalArg = optionalArg; }
749    /**
750     * Sets whether this Option is mandatory.
751     * @param required specifies whether this Option is mandatory
752     */
753    public void setRequired(final boolean required)
754    { this.required = required; }
756    /**
757     * Sets the type of this Option.
758     * @param type the type of this Option
759     */
760    public void setType(final Class<?> type)
761    { this.type = type; }
763    /**
764     * Sets the value separator. For example if the argument value was a Java property, the value
765     * separator would be '='.
766     *
767     * @param sep The value separator.
768     */
769    public void setValueSeparator(final char sep)
770    { this.valuesep = sep; }
772    /**
773     * Dump state, suitable for debugging.
774     * @return Stringified form of this object
775     */
776    @Override
777    public String toString()
778    {
779        final StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder().append("[ option: ");
781        buf.append(option);
783        if (longOption != null) buf.append(" ").append(longOption);
785        buf.append(" ");
787        if (hasArgs())      buf.append("[ARG...]");
788        else if (hasArg())  buf.append(" [ARG]");
790        buf.append(" :: ").append(description);
792        if (type != null) buf.append(" :: ").append(type);
794        buf.append(" ]");
796        return buf.toString();
797    }