001package Torello.HTML;
003import java.util.*;
004import java.util.stream.*;
006import Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.*;
007import Torello.Java.*;
009import Torello.Java.Additional.Ret2;
010import Torello.HTML.Tools.Images.IF;
013 * Tools to retrieve and insert tags into the {@code <HEAD>} of a web-page.
014 * 
015 * <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FEATURES>
016 */
018public class Features
020    private Features() { }
022    /** Error Message that is used repeatedly. */
023    public static final String NO_HEADER_MESSAGE =
024        "You are attempting to insert an HTML INSERT-STR, but such an element belongs in the " +
025        "page's header.  Unfortunately, the page or sub-page you have passed does not have a " +
026        "<HEAD>...</HEAD> sub-section.  Therefore, there is no place to insert the elements.";
028    /**
029     * This {@code String} may be inserted in the HTML <B STYLE='color: red;'>
030     * {@code <HEAD> ... </HEAD>}</B> section to add a "logo-image" at the top-left corner of the
031     * Web-Browser's tab for the page when it loads.  This logo is called a {@code 'favicon'}.
032     * 
033     * @see #insertFavicon(Vector, String)
034     * @see #hasFavicon(Vector)
035     */
036    public static final String favicon =
039    /**
040     * This {@code String} may be inserted in the HTML <B STYLE='color: red;'>
041     * {@code <HEAD> ... </HEAD>}</B> section to add a <B>Cascading Style Sheet</B> (a
042     * {@code '.css'} file) to your page.
043     * 
044     * <BR /><BR />The web-browser that ultimately loads the HTML that you are exporting will
045     * render the style elements across all the HTML elements in your page that match their
046     * respective CSS-Selectors.  Without going into a big diatribe about how CSS works, just know
047     * that the {@code String} used to build / instantiate a new {@link TagNode} with an externally
048     * linked {@code CSS}-Page is provided here, by this field.
049     * 
050     * @see #insertCSSLink(Vector, String)
051     * @see #getAllCSSLinks(Vector)
052     */
053    public static final String cssExternalSheet =
054        "<LINK REL=stylesheet TYPE='text/css' HREF='INSERT-URL-STRING-HERE' />";
056    /**
057     * This {@code String} may be inserted in the HTML <B STYLE='color: red;'>
058     * {@code <HEAD> ... </HEAD>}</B> section to add a <B>Cascading Style Sheet</B> (a
059     * {@code '.css'} file) to your page.  This particular {@code String}-Constant Field includes /
060     * allows for a {@code MEDIA}-Attribute / Inner-Tag.
061     * 
062     * @see #insertCSSLink(Vector, String)
063     * @see #insertCSSLink(Vector, String, String)
064     * @see #getAllCSSLinks(Vector)
065     */
066    public static final String cssExternalSheetWithMediaAttribute = 
067        "<LINK REL=stylesheet TYPE='text/css' HREF='INSERT-URL-STRING-HERE' " +
070    /**
071     * This {@code String} may be inserted in the HTML <B STYLE='color: red;'>
072     * {@code <HEAD> ... </HEAD>}</B> section to add an externally-linked
073     * <B>Java-Script File</B> ({@code '.js'} File) to your page.
074     * 
075     * <BR /><BR />The Web-Browser will download this <B>Java-Script</B> page from the
076     * {@code URL} that you ultimately provide and (hopefully) load all your variable definitions
077     * and methods when the page loads.
078     *
079     * <BR /><BR /><B CLASS=JDDescLabel>Closing {@code </SCRIPT>} Tag:</B>
080     * 
081     * <BR />Inserting an external <B>Java-Script</B> Page has one important difference vis-a-vis
082     * inserting an external CSS-Page.  Inserting a link to a {@code '.js'} page requires
083     * <B><I>both</I></B> the opening
084     * <B STYLE='color: red;'>{@code <SCRIPT ..>}</B> <B><I>and</I></B> the closing
085     * <B STYLE='color: red;'>{@code </SCRIPT>}</B>
086     * Tags.
087     * 
088     * <BR /><BR />This is expected and required even-when / especially-when there is no actual
089     * java-script code being placed on the {@code '.html'} page itself.  Effectively, regardless
090     * of whether you are putting actual java-script code into / inside your HTML page, or you are 
091     * just inserting a link to a {@code '.js'} File on your server - <I>you must always create
092     * both the open and the closed HTML
093     * <B STYLE='color: red;'>{@code <SCRIPT SRC='...'></SCRIPT>}</B> tags and insert them into
094     * your Vectorized-HTML Web-Page</I>.
095     * 
096     * <BR /><BR />In the brief example below, it should be clear that even though the
097     * {@code SCRIPT}-Tags do not enclose any <B>Java-Script</B>, both the open and the closed
098     * versions of the tag are placed into the HTML-File.
099     *
100     * <DIV CLASS="HTML">{@code
101     * <!-- This is a short note about including the HTML SCRIPT element in your web-pages. -->
102     * <HTML>
103     * <HEAD>
104     * <!-- Version #1 Inserting a java-script 'variables & functions' external-page -->
105     * <SCRIPT TYPE='text/javascript' SRC='/script/javaScriptFiles/functions.js'>
106     * </SCRIPT>
107     * <!-- Right here (line above) we always need the closing Script-tag, even when there is no
108     *      actual java-script present, and the methods/variables are going to be downloaded from
109     *      the java-script file identified in by the SRC="..." attribute! --> 
110     *
111     * <SCRIPT TYPE='text/javascript'>
112     * var someVar1;
113     * var someVar2;
114     * 
115     * function someFunction()
116     * { return;    }
117     * 
118     * </SCRIPT> <!-- Either way, the closing-script tag is expected. -->
119     * }</DIV>
120     *
121     * @see #insertExternalJavaScriptLink(Vector, String)
122     * @see #getAllExternalJSLinks(Vector)
123     */
124    public static final String javaScriptExternalPage =
125        "<SCRIPT TYPE='text/javascript' SRC='INSERT-URL-STRING-HERE'>";
127    /**
128     * If you have pages on your site that are almost identical, then you may need to inform search
129     * engines which one to prioritize. Or you might have syndicated content on your site which was
130     * republished elsewhere. You can do both of these things without incurring a duplicate content
131     * penalty – as long as you use a {@code CANONICAL}-Tag.
132     *
133     * <BR /><BR />Instead of confusing Google and missing your ranking on the SERP's, you are
134     * guiding the crawlers as to which URL counts as the “main” one. This places the emphasis on
135     * the right URL and prevents the others from cannibalizing your SEO.
136     *
137     * <BR /><BR />Use {@code CANONICAL}-Tags to avoid having problems with duplicate content that
138     * may affect your rankings.
139     * 
140     * <BR /><BR /><HR><BR />
141     * 
142     * The content of this Documentation Page was copied from a page on the web-domain
143     * {@code 'http://searchenginewatch.com'}.  It was lifted on May 24th, 2019.
144     * 
145     * <BR /><BR />See link below, if still valid:
146     * 
147     * <BR /><A
148     * HREF="https://searchenginewatch.com/2018/04/04/a-quick-and-easy-guide-to-meta-tags-in-seo/">
149     * https://searchenginewatch.com/2018/04/04/a-quick-and-easy-guide-to-meta-tags-in-seo/ </A>
150     * 
151     * @see #insertCanonicalURL(Vector, String)
152     * @see #hasCanonicalURL(Vector)
153     */
154    public static final String canonicalTag = 
155        "<LINK REL=canonical HREF='INSERT-URL-STRING-HERE' />";
157    /** This is a new-line {@code HTMLNode} */
158    protected static final TextNode NEWLINE = new TextNode("\n");
160    /**
161     * This method checks whether the {@code String}-Parameter {@code 's'} contains a
162     * Single-Quotations Punctuation-Mark anywhere inside that {@code String}. If so, a properly
163     * formatted exception is thrown.  This is used as an internal Helper-Method.
164     * 
165     * @param s This may be any Java {@code String}, but generally it is one used to insert into an
166     * HTML {@code CONTENT}-Attribute.
167     * 
168     * @throws QuotesException <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-PARAM=s DATA-FILE-ID=FT_Q_EX>
169     */
170    protected static void checkForSingleQuote(String s)
171    {
172        int pos;
174        if ((pos = s.indexOf("'")) != -1) throw new QuotesException(
175            "The passed string-parameter may not contain a single-quote punctuation mark.  " +
176            "Yours was: [" + s + "], and has a single-quotation mark at string-position " +
177            "[" + pos + "]"
178        );
179    }
181    /**
182     * This inserts a favicon HTML link element into the right location so that a particular
183     * Web-Page will render an "browser icon image" into the top-left corner of the Web-Page's
184     * Browser-Tab.
185     *
186     * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_HTML_PARAM>
187     *
188     * @param imageURLAsString <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FIELD=favicon
190     * 
191     * @throws NodeNotFoundException <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_NNF_EX>
192     * 
193     * @throws QuotesException <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-PARAM=imageURLAsString
194     *      DATA-FILE-ID=FT_Q_EX>
195     *
196     * @see #favicon
197     * @see #checkForSingleQuote(String)
198     */
199    public static void insertFavicon(Vector<HTMLNode> html, String imageURLAsString)
200    {
201        // Insert the Favicon <LINK ...> element into the <HEAD> section of the input html page.
202        // <link rel='icon' type='image/INSERT-IMAGE-TYPE-HERE' href='INSERT-URL-STRING-HERE' />
204        checkForSingleQuote(imageURLAsString);
206        // The HTML Page must have a <HEAD> ... </HEAD> section, or an exception shall throw.
207        DotPair header = TagNodeFindInclusive.first(html, "head");
209        if (header == null) throw new NodeNotFoundException
210            (NO_HEADER_MESSAGE.replace("INSERT-STR", "favicon <LINK> element"));
212        String ext = IF.getGuess(imageURLAsString).extension;
214        if (ext == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException(
215            "The Image-Type of the 'imageURLAsString' parameter could not be determined.  " +
216            "The method IF.getGuess(faviconURL) returned null.  Please provide a favicon with " +
217            "standard image file-type.  This is required because the image-type is required " +
218            "to be placed inside the HTML <LINK TYPE=... HREF=...> Element 'TYPE' Attribute."
219        );
221        // Build a new Favicon TagNode.
222        TagNode faviconTN = new TagNode
223            ("<LINK REL='icon' TYPE='image/" + ext + "' HREF='" + imageURLAsString + "' />");
225        // Insert the Favicon into the page.  Put it at the top of the header, just after <HEAD>
226        Util.insertNodes(html, header.start + 1, NEWLINE, faviconTN, NEWLINE);
227    }
229    /**
230     * This method will search for an HTML <B STYLE='color: red;'>{@code <LINK REL="icon" ...>}</B>
231     * Tag, in hopes of finding a {@code REL}-Attribute  whose value is {@code 'icon'}.
232     * 
233     * <BR /><BR />When this method finds such a tag, it will return the
234     * <B STYLE='color: red;'>value</B> of that Tag's {@code HREF}-Attribute.
235     * 
236     * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=HTMLVEC>
237     * 
238     * @return This method will return the {@code String}-<B STYLE='color: red;'>value</B> of the
239     * {@code HREF}-Attribute found inside the {@code LINK}-Tag.
240     * 
241     * If this page or sub-page does not have such a tag with an {@code HREF}-Attribute, then null
242     * is returned.
243     *
244     * <BR /><BR /><B STYLE="color: red;">NOTE:</B> In the event that multiple copies
245     * of the HTML {@code LINK}-Tag are found, and more than one of these tags has a
246     * {@code REL}-Attribute with a <B STYLE='color: red;'>value</B> equal to {@code "icon"}, then
247     * this method will simple return the first of the {@code 'favicon'} tags that were found.
248     * 
249     * <BR /><BR />An (albeit erroneous) page, with multiple favicon definitions, will not cause
250     * this method to throw an exception.
251     * 
252     * @see InnerTagGet
253     * @see #favicon
254     * @see TagNode#AV(String)
255     */
256    public static String hasFavicon(Vector<? extends HTMLNode> html)
257    {
258        // InnerTagGet.all: Returns a vector of TagNode's that resemble: <LINK rel="icon" ...>
259        //
260        // EQ_CI_TRM: Check the 'rel' Attribute-Value using a Case-Insensitive, Equality
261        //            String-Comparison.
262        //            Trim the 'rel' Attribute-Value String of possible leading & trailing
263        //            White-Space before performing the comparison.
265        Vector<TagNode> list = InnerTagGet.all
266            (html, "LINK", "REL", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, "icon");
268        // If there were no HTML "<LINK ...>" elements with REL='ICON' attributes, then
269        // there was no favicon.
271        if (list.size() == 0) return null;
273        // Just in case there were multiple favicon <LINK ...> tags, just return the first
274        // one found.  Inside of a <LINK REL="icon" HREF="..."> the 'HREF' Attribute contains
275        // the Image-URL.  Use TagNode.AV("HREF") to retrieve that image url.
277        String s;
278        for (TagNode tn : list) if ((s = tn.AV("HREF")) != null) return s;
280        // If for some reason, none of these <LINK REL='ICON' ...> elements had an "HREF" 
281        // attribute, then just return null.
283        return null;
284    }
286    /**
287     * This inserts an HTML {@code LINK}-Tag into Web-Page parameter {@code 'html'} with the
288     * purpose of linking an externally-defined <B>Cascading Style Sheet</B> (also known as a
289     * {@code CSS}-Page) into that Page-{@code Vector}.
290     *
291     * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_HTML_PARAM>
292     *
293     * @param externalCSSFileURLAsString <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FIELD=cssExternalSheet
295     * 
296     * @throws NodeNotFoundException <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_NNF_EX>
297     * 
298     * @throws QuotesException <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-PARAM=externalCSSFileURLAsString
299     *      DATA-FILE-ID=FT_Q_EX>
300     *
301     * @see #cssExternalSheet
302     * @see #cssExternalSheetWithMediaAttribute
303     * @see #insertCSSLink(Vector, String, String)
304     * @see #getAllCSSLinks(Vector)
305     * @see #checkForSingleQuote(String)
306     * @see DotPair
307     * @see TagNode
308     */
309    public static void insertCSSLink(Vector<HTMLNode> html, String externalCSSFileURLAsString)
310    {
311        // Inserts an external CSS Link into the <HEAD> section of this html page vector
312        // <link REL=stylesheet type='text/css' href='INSERT-URL-STRING-HERE' />
314        checkForSingleQuote(externalCSSFileURLAsString);
316        // The HTML Page must have a <HEAD> ... </HEAD> section, or an exception shall throw.
317        DotPair header = TagNodeFindInclusive.first(html, "head");
319        if (header == null) throw new NodeNotFoundException(
320            NO_HEADER_MESSAGE.replace
321                ("INSERT-STR", "externally-linked CSS page <LINK> element")
322        );
324        TagNode cssTN = new TagNode
325            ("<LINK REL=stylesheet TYPE='text/css' HREF='" + externalCSSFileURLAsString + "' />");
327        // Insert the Style-Sheet link into the page.  Put it at the top of the header,
328        // just after <HEAD>
330        Util.insertNodes(html, header.start + 1, NEWLINE, cssTN, NEWLINE);
331    }
333    /**
334     * This inserts a <B>Cascading Style Sheet</B> with the extra {@code MEDIA}-Attribute using
335     * an HTML {@code LINK}-Tag into the Vectorized-HTML Web-Page parameter {@code 'html'}
336     * 
337     * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_HTML_PARAM>
338     * 
339     * @param externalCSSFileURLAsString <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FIELD=cssExternalSheet
341     * 
342     * @param mediaInnerTagValue Externally linked CSS-Pages, which are included using the HTML
343     * {@code LINK}-Tag may explicitly request a {@code MEDIA}-Attribute be inserted into that
344     * Tag.  That {@code MEDIA}-Attribute may take one of five values.  In such a tag, the extra
345     * attribute specifies when the listed CSS-Rules are to be applied.
346     *
347     * <BR /><BR />Listed here are the most common values for the {@code MEDIA}-Attribute:
348     * 
349     * <BR /><TABLE CLASS=JDBriefTable>
350     * <TR>
351     *      <TH>Attribute Value</TH>
352     *      <TH>Intended CSS Meaning</TH>
353     * </TR>
354     * <TR>
355     *      <TD>screen</TD>
356     *      <TD>indicates for use on a computer screen</TD>
357     * </TR>
358     * <TR>
359     *      <TD>projection</TD>
360     *      <TD>for projected presentations</TD>
361     * </TR>
362     * <TR>
363     *      <TD>handheld</TD>
364     *      <TD>for handheld devices (typically with small screens)</TD></TR>
365     * <TR>
366     *      <TD>print</TD>
367     *      <TD>to style printed Web-Pages</TD>
368     * </TR>
369     * <TR>
370     *      <TD>all</TD>
371     *      <TD>(default value) This is what most people choose. You can leave off the
372     *          {@code MEDIA}-Attribute completely if you want your styles to be applied for all
373     *          media types.
374     *          </TD>
375     * </TR>
376     * </TABLE>
377     * 
378     * @throws NodeNotFoundException <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_NNF_EX>
379     * 
380     * @throws QuotesException <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-PARAM1=externalCSSFileURLAsString
381     *      DATA-PARAM2=mediaInnerTagValue DATA-FILE-ID=FT_Q_EX_DOUBL>
382     *
383     * @see #cssExternalSheet
384     * @see #cssExternalSheetWithMediaAttribute
385     * @see #insertCSSLink(Vector, String)
386     * @see #getAllCSSLinks(Vector)
387     * @see #checkForSingleQuote(String)
388     * @see DotPair
389     */
390    public static void insertCSSLink
391        (Vector<HTMLNode> html, String externalCSSFileURLAsString, String mediaInnerTagValue)
392    {
393        // Inserts an external CSS Link (with 'media' attribute) into the <HEAD> section of
394        // this html page vector 
395        // <link REL=stylesheet type='text/css' href='INSERT-URL-STRING-HERE'
396        //      media='INSERT-MEDIA-ATTRIBUTE-VALUE-HERE' />
398        checkForSingleQuote(externalCSSFileURLAsString);
399        checkForSingleQuote(mediaInnerTagValue);
401        // The HTML Page must have a <HEAD> ... </HEAD> section, or an exception shall throw.
402        DotPair header = TagNodeFindInclusive.first(html, "HEAD");
404        if (header == null) throw new NodeNotFoundException(
405            NO_HEADER_MESSAGE.replace
406                ("INSERT-STR", "externally-linked CSS Style-Sheet LINK-Tag")
407        );
409        // Build the TagNode
410        TagNode cssTN   = new TagNode(
411            "<LINK REL=stylesheet TYPE='text/css' HREF='" + externalCSSFileURLAsString + "' " +
412            "MEDIA='" + mediaInnerTagValue + "' />"
413        );
415        // Insert the Style-Sheet link into the page.  Put it at the top of the header, just
416        // after <HEAD>
418        Util.insertNodes(html, header.start + 1, NEWLINE, cssTN, NEWLINE);
419    }
421    /**
422     * This will retrieve all linked CSS-Pages from Vectorized-HTML Web-Page parameter
423     * {@code 'html'}.
424     * 
425     * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=HTMLVEC>
426     * @return This will return the links as a list of {@link TagNode}'s'
427     * @see #insertCSSLink(Vector, String)
428     * @see #insertCSSLink(Vector, String, String)
429     * @see InnerTagGet
430     */
431    public static Vector<TagNode> getAllCSSLinks(Vector<? extends HTMLNode> html)
432    { 
433        // InnerTagGet.all: Returns a vector of TagNode's that resemble: 
434        //                  <LINK rel="stylesheet" ...>
435        //
436        // EQ_CI_TRM: Check the 'rel' Attribute-Value using a Case-Insensitive, Equality
437        //            String-Comparison
438        //            Trim the 'rel' Attribute-Value String of possible leading & trailing
439        //            White-Space before performing the comparison.
441        return InnerTagGet.all(html, "LINK", "REL", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, "stylesheet");
442    }
444    /**
445     * This inserts an HTML <B STYLE='color: red;'>{@code '<LINK ...>'}</B> element into the proper
446     * location for linking an externally-defined <B>Java-Script</B> (a {@code '.js'} File) into
447     * the Web-Page.
448     *
449     * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_HTML_PARAM>
450     *
451     * @param externalJSFileURLAsString
452     * <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FIELD=javaScriptExternalPage DATA-FILE-ID=FT_STR_INS_PARAM>
453     * 
454     * @throws NodeNotFoundException <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_NNF_EX>
455     * 
456     * @throws QuotesException <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-PARAM=externalJSFileURLAsString
457     *      DATA-FILE-ID=FT_Q_EX>
458     *
459     * @see #javaScriptExternalPage
460     * @see #getAllExternalJSLinks(Vector)
461     * @see #checkForSingleQuote(String)
462     * @see TagNode
463     * @see TextNode
464     * @see DotPair
465     * @see HTMLTags#hasTag(String, TC)
466     */
467    public static void insertExternalJavaScriptLink
468        (Vector<HTMLNode> html, String externalJSFileURLAsString)
469    {
470        // Builds an external Java-Script link, and inserts it into the header portion of
471        // this html page.
472        // <script type='text/javascript' src='INSERT-URL-STRING-HERE'>
474        checkForSingleQuote(externalJSFileURLAsString);
476        // The HTML Page must have a <HEAD> ... </HEAD> section, or an exception shall throw.
477        DotPair header = TagNodeFindInclusive.first(html, "HEAD");
479        if (header == null) throw new NodeNotFoundException(
480            NO_HEADER_MESSAGE.replace(
481                "INSERT-STR", "externally-linked Java-Script <SCRIPT> ... </SCRIPT> elements")
482        );
484        // Build an HTML <SCRIPT ...> node, and a </SCRIPT> node.
485        HTMLNode n = new TagNode
486            ("<SCRIPT TYPE='text/javascript' SRC='" + externalJSFileURLAsString + "'>");
488        HTMLNode closeN = HTMLTags.hasTag("script", TC.ClosingTags);
490        // Insert the Java-Script link into the page.  Put it at the top of the header, just
491        // after <HEAD>
493        Util.insertNodes(html, header.start + 1, NEWLINE, n, closeN, NEWLINE);
494    }
496    /**
497     * Inserting <B>Java-Script</B> directly onto an HTML-Page and including an external link to a
498     * {@code '.js'} File are extremely similar tasks.  Either way, in both cases the construct is
499     * simply:
500     * 
501     * <BR /><BR /><B STYLE='color: red;'>{@code <SCRIPT TYPE='text/javascript'> ... </SCRIPT>}</B>
502     * 
503     * <BR /><BR />When the actual functions and methods are pasted into an HTML-Page directly,
504     * they are pasted into the {@code String} above where the ellipses {@code '...'} are.  When a
505     * link is made to an external page from a directory on the same Web-Server - both the open and
506     * the close HTML {@code SCRIPT}-Tag's must be included.
507     * 
508     * <BR /><BR />If just a link is being added, then the text-content of the {@code SCRIPT}-Tag
509     * should just be left blank or empty.  Instead, the {@code URL} to the Java-Script Page is
510     * added as an HTML {@code SRC}-Attribute.
511     *
512     * <BR /><BR />This method will retrieve any and all {@code 'SCRIPT'} nodes that meet the
513     * following criteria:
514     * 
515     * <BR /><BR /><OL CLASS=JDOL>
516     * <LI> The <B>Script Body</B> must be empty, meaning there is no Java-Script between the
517     *      opening and closing {@code SCRIPT}-Tags
518     *      </LI>
519     * 
520     * <LI> The HTML {@code SRC}-Attribute must contain a non-null, non-zero-length
521     *      <B STYLE='color: red;'>value</B>
522     *      </LI>
523     * 
524     * </OL>
525     *
526     * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=HTMLVEC>
527     *
528     * @return This will return a list of relative {@code URL's} to externally linked
529     * <B>Java-Script</B> Pages as {@code String's}
530     * 
531     * @see InnerTagGetInclusive
532     * @see #javaScriptExternalPage
533     * @see #insertExternalJavaScriptLink(Vector, String)
534     * @see TagNode
535     * @see TextNode
536     * @see TagNode#AV(String)
537     * @see HTMLNode#str
538     */
539    public static String[] getAllExternalJSLinks(Vector<? extends HTMLNode> html)
540    {
541        // InnerTagGetInclusive.all: Returns a vector of TagNode's that resemble:
542        //                              <SCRIPT TYPE="javascript" ...>
543        //
544        // CN_CI: Check the 'rel' Attribute-Value using a Case-Insensitive, "Contains"
545        //        String-Comparison
546        //        'contains' rather than 'equals' testing is done because this value may be
547        //        "javascript", but it may also be "text/javascript"
548        //
549        // Inclusive: This means that everything between the <SCRIPT type="javascript"> ... and
550        //            the closing </SCRIPT> tag are returned in a vector of vectors.
552        Vector<Vector<HTMLNode>> v = InnerTagGetInclusive.all
553            (html, "SCRIPT", "TYPE", TextComparitor.CN_CI, "javascript");
555        Stream.Builder<String> b = Stream.builder();
557        TOP:
558        for (Vector<HTMLNode> scriptSection : v)
559        {
560            String srcValue = null;
562            for (HTMLNode n : scriptSection)
563            {
564                if (n.isTagNode())
565                    if ((srcValue = ((TagNode) n).AV("SRC")) != null)
566                        break;
568                if (n.isTextNode())
569                    if (n.str.trim().length() > 0)
570                        break TOP;
571            }
573            b.add(srcValue);
574        }
576        return b.build().toArray(String[]::new);
577    }
579    /**
580     * This section will insert a Canonical-{@code URL} into Vectorized-HTML parameter
581     * {@code 'html'}.  The {@code URL} itself will be inserted into an HTML {@code LINK}-Tag as
582     * below:
583     * 
584     * <BR /><BR /><B STYLE='color: red;'>{@code <LINK REL=canonical HREF='the_url'>}</B>
585     * 
586     * <BR /><BR />Since HTML mandates that such elements be located in the {@code 'HEAD'} portion
587     * of an HTML-Page, if the Vectorized-HTML parameter {@code 'html'} does not have a
588     * {@code 'HEAD'} area, then this method shall throw a {@link NodeNotFoundException}.
589     * 
590     * <BR /><BR />Note that this exception is an unchecked / runtime exception.
591     *
592     * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_HTML_PARAM>
593     *
594     * @param canonicalURLAsStr
595     * <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FIELD=canonicalTag DATA-FILE-ID=FT_STR_INS_PARAM>
596     * 
597     * @throws NodeNotFoundException <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_NNF_EX>
598     * 
599     * @throws QuotesException <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-PARAM=canonicalURLAsStr
600     *      DATA-FILE-ID=FT_Q_EX>
601     *
602     * @see #canonicalTag
603     * @see #hasCanonicalURL(Vector)
604     * @see #checkForSingleQuote(String)
605     * @see TagNode
606     * @see DotPair
607     */
608    public static void insertCanonicalURL(Vector<HTMLNode> html, String canonicalURLAsStr)
609    {
610        // Inserts a link element into the header of this page
611        // <link REL=canonical href='INSERT-URL-STRING-HERE' />
613        checkForSingleQuote(canonicalURLAsStr);
615        // The HTML Page must have a <HEAD> ... </HEAD> section, or an exception shall throw.
616        DotPair header = TagNodeFindInclusive.first(html, "HEAD");
618        if (header == null) throw new NodeNotFoundException
619            (NO_HEADER_MESSAGE.replace("INSERT-STR", "Canonical-url LINK-Tag"));
621        // Builds the canonical <LINK ...> element
622        TagNode linkTN  = new TagNode
623            ("<LINK REL=canonical HREF='" + canonicalURLAsStr + "' />");
625        // Insert the canonical-url into the page.  Put it at the top of the header, just
626        // after <HEAD>
628        Util.insertNodes(html, header.start + 1, NEWLINE, linkTN, NEWLINE);
629    }
631    /**
632     * This method will check whether a Vectorized-HTML Page has an HTML
633     * <B STYLE='color: red;'>{@code <LINK REL=canonical ...>}</B> Tag.  This tag is used to
634     * inform Search-Engines whether or not this page <I>surrenders</I> or <I>relays</I> to a
635     * "Canonical-{@code URL}".
636     * 
637     * <BR /><BR />Canonical-Pages help Search-Engines index large web-sites by providing a root or
638     * Master-{@code URL} to which all sub-pages may point.  Such {@code URL's} are often (but not
639     * always) like a "Table of Contents".
640     * 
641     * <BR /><BR />The primary goal of having a canonical is to avoid forcing Search-Engines (and
642     * their users) from sifting through and indexing every page of a large Web-Site, and instead
643     * focusing on either an introductory T.O.C. or a Title-Page.
644     *
645     * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=HTMLVEC>
646     * 
647     * @return This will return whatever text was placed inside the canonical-url
648     * {@code HREF='some_url'} attribute/value pair of the HTML link tag.  If there were no HTML
649     * {@code <LINK REL=canonical HREF='some_url'>} tag, then this method will return null.
650     * 
651     * @throws MalformedHTMLException This exception will be thrown if there are multiple html tags
652     * that match the link, and REL=canonical search criteria requirements.  If an HTML element
653     * {@code <link REL=canonical>} is found, but that element does not have an
654     * {@code href='...'} attribute, or that attribute is of zero length, then this a situation
655     * that will also force this exception to throw.
656     * 
657     * @see InnerTagGet
658     * @see #canonicalTag
659     * @see #insertCanonicalURL(Vector, String)
660     * @see TagNode#AV(String)
661     */ 
662    public static String hasCanonicalURL(Vector<? extends HTMLNode> html)
663        throws MalformedHTMLException
664    {
665        // InnerTagGet.all: Returns a vector of TagNode's that resemble:
666        //                  <LINK rel="canonical" ...>
667        //
668        // EQ_CI_TRM: Check the 'rel' Attribute-Value using a Case-Insensitive, Equality
669        //            String-Comparison
670        //            Trim the 'rel' Attribute-Value String of possible leading & trailing
671        //            White-Space before performing the comparison.
673        Vector<TagNode> v = InnerTagGet.all
674            (html, "LINK", "REL", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, "canonical");
676        if (v.size() == 0) return null;
678        if (v.size() > 1) throw new MalformedHTMLException(
679            "The Web-Page you have passed has precisely " + v.size() +
680            " Canonical-URL LINK-Tags, but it may not have more than 1.  This is " +
681            "invalid HTML."
682        );
684        String s = v.elementAt(0).AV("href");
686        if (s == null) throw new MalformedHTMLException(
687            "The HTML LINK-Tag that was retrieved, contained a " +
688            "REL=canonical Attribute-Value pair, but did not have an HREF-Attribute." +
689            "This is invalid HTML."
690        );
692        if (s.length() == 0) throw new MalformedHTMLException(
693            "The HTML LINK-Tag that was retrieved contained a zero-length " +
694            "String as the Attribute-Value for the HREF-Attribute.   This is not " +
695            "invalid, but poorly formatted HTML."
696        );
698        return s;
699    }
701    /**
702     * Tools made specifically for the {@code <META>} tags in the {@code <HEAD>} of a web-page.
703     *
704     * <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FEATURES_META>
705     */
706    @Torello.JavaDoc.StaticFunctional
707    public static class Meta
708    {
709        private Meta() { }
712        // ****************************************************************************************
713        // ****************************************************************************************
714        // Static String-Constants (the tags!)
715        // ****************************************************************************************
716        // ****************************************************************************************
719        /**
720         * This is the most common HTML <B STYLE='color: red;'>{@code <META ... >}</B> Tag.
721         * 
722         * @see #getAllMetaTagNames(Vector)
723         * @see #insertMetaTagName(Vector, MetaTagName, String)
724         */
725        public static final String metaTagName =
728        /**
729         * This HTML <B STYLE='color: red;'>{@code <META ...>}</B> Tag is less frequently used, but
730         * does provide some properties needed and used by various Web-Servers.  It is the
731         * <B>{@code 'ITEMPROP'}</B> Meta-Tag.
732         * 
733         * @see #getItemProp(Vector, String)
734         * @see #insertItemProp(Vector, String, String)
735         */
736        public static final String metaTagItemProp =
739        /**
740         * <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-PROP=robots DATA-FILE-ID=FEATURES_HTTP_EQUIV>
741         * 
742         * @see #getHTTPEquiv(Vector, String)
743         * @see #insertHTTPEquiv(Vector, String, String)
744         */
745        public static final String metaTagHTTPEquiv =
748        /**
749         * <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-PROP=robots DATA-FILE-ID=FEATURES_META_PROP>
750         * 
751         * A {@code Robots}-Property Meta-Tag lets you utilize a granular, page-specific approach
752         * to controlling how an individual page should be indexed and served to users in
753         * Search-Engine results.
754         * 
755         * @see #insertRobots(Vector, boolean, boolean)
756         * @see #getAllRobots(Vector)
757         */
758        public static final String robotsMetaTag =
761        /**
762         * <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-PROP=description DATA-FILE-ID=FEATURES_META_PROP>
763         * 
764         * When search engines crawl Internet Web-Pages to read the provided key-words and
765         * descriptions used for indexing, this particular Meta-Tag Property is one of the first
766         * those crawlers will look at.
767         * 
768         * <BR /><BR />You may include a {@code Description}-Property in the {@code 'HEAD'} portion
769         * of your site’s main-page.  A {@code META}-Description can influence both a Search-Engine's
770         * Web-Crawlers, and ultimately the click-through rates of your readers.
771         * 
772         * <BR /><BR />Google has stated that Meta-Tag {@code Description}-Properties are NOT used
773         * to rank pages.
774         * 
775         * @see #insertDescription(Vector, String)
776         * @see #hasDescription(Vector)
777         */
778        public static final String descriptionMetaTag =
781        /**
782         * <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FEATURES_UTF8>
783         * 
784         * @see #insertUTF8MetaTag(Vector)
785         * @see #hasUTF8MetaTag(Vector)
786         */
787        public static final String UTF8MetaTag =
788            "<META HTTP-EQUIV='Content-Type' CONTENT='text/html; charset=utf-8'>";
790        /**
791         * <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FEATURES_OPEN_GRAPH>
792         * 
793         * @see #insertOGMetaTag(Vector, String, String)
794         * @see #getAllOGMetaTags(Vector)
795         */
796        public static final String openGraphMetaTag =
799        /** All Open-Graph Property names. */
800        public static final TreeMap<String, String> openGraphProperties = new TreeMap<>();
802        /**
803         * <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-PROP=keywords DATA-FILE-ID=FEATURES_META_PROP>
804         * 
805         * A {@code KeyWords}-Property helps identify relevant, pertinent or 'germane' words that
806         * describe the content of a Web-Site or Web-Page to a Web-Indexing or Web-Search
807         * Organization.
808         * 
809         * @see #insertKeyWords(Vector, String[])
810         * @see #getAllKeyWords(Vector)
811         */
812        public static final String keyWordsMetaTag =
815        /**
816         * <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-PROP=author DATA-FILE-ID=FEATURES_META_PROP>
817         * 
818         * This helps identify Web-Sites or Web-Pages "Author-Names" to Web-Indexing and Web-Search
819         * Organizations.
820         * 
821         * @see #insertAuthor(Vector, String)
822         * @see #hasAuthor(Vector)
823         */
824        public static final String authorMetaTag =
825            "<META NAME=author CONTENT='INSERT-AUTHOR-NAME-HERE'>";
828        // ****************************************************************************************
829        // ****************************************************************************************
830        // Retrieve all Meta-Tags as a java.util.Properties instance
831        // ****************************************************************************************
832        // ****************************************************************************************
835        /**
836         * This simple method will retrieve a {@code java.util.Properties} object for each and
837         * every HTML <B STYLE='color: red'>{@code <META ...>}</B> tag found within a
838         * Vectorized-HTML Web-Page.
839         * 
840         * @param page Any Vectorized-HTML page.  It is expected that this page contain a few
841         * {@code META}-Tags.  If not, the method will still return an empty
842         * {@code Vector<Properties>} having {@code size()} of zero.
843         * 
844         * @return The Java {@code 'Properties'} object that is returned from a call to
845         * {@link TagNode#allAV()}
846         * 
847         * @see TagNode#allAV()
848         * @see TagNodeGet
849         */
850        public static Vector<Properties> getAllMeta(Vector<HTMLNode> page)
851        {
852            Vector<Properties> ret = new Vector<>();
854            // Retrieve all TagNode's that are HTML <META ...> Elements.  Invoke TagNode.allAV()
855            // on each of these nodes to retrieve a java.util.Properties instance.\
856            //
857            // NOTE: These "Properties" could possibly be combined into a single Properties
858            //       instance, but because of the ever-changing nature of Web-Page 
859            //       Meta-Information tags, this is not employed here.  It is an exercise
860            //       left to the programmer.
862            for (TagNode tn : TagNodeGet.all(page, TC.OpeningTags, "META"))
863                ret.add(tn.allAV());
865            return ret;
866        }
869        // ****************************************************************************************
870        // ****************************************************************************************
871        // Retrieve NAME/Property Meta-Tags
872        // ****************************************************************************************
873        // ****************************************************************************************
876        /**
877         * This method will find an HTML
878         * <B STYLE='color: red;'>{@code <META NAME=... CONTENT=...>}</B> element whose
879         * {@code NAME}-Attribute has a {@code String}-value equal-to (<I>ignoring case</I>) the
880         * value of the provided {@code String}-parameter {@code 'name'}.
881         * 
882         * <BR /><BR />After this HTML {@code META}-Tag has been identified, the
883         * {@code String}-value of it's {@code CONTENT}-Attribute will be extracted and returned.
884         * 
885         * <BR /><BR /><B CLASS=JDDescLabel>Returning null, Gracefully:</B>
886         * 
887         * <BR />If the page provided does not have an HTML Meta-Tag with a {@code NAME}-Attribute
888         * whose <B STYLE='color: red;'>value</B> is {@code 'name'} or if such an element is
889         * identified, but that tag does not have a {@code CONTENT}-Attribute, then this method
890         * will return null.
891         * 
892         * <BR /><BR /><B CLASS=JDDescLabel>Case Insensitive Comparison:</B>
893         * 
894         * <BR />Before the comparison is done with the {@code 'name'} parameter, that
895         * {@code String} is trimmed with {@code String.trim()}, and the comparison performed
896         * <I>is done while ignoring case</I>.
897         * 
898         * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=HTMLVEC>
899         * 
900         * @param name The name of the {@code <META NAME=...>} Tag.
901         * 
902         * @return The {@code String}-<B STYLE='color: red;'>value</B> of the
903         * {@code CONTENT}-Attribute for a Meta-Tag whose {@code NAME}-Attribute is equal to the
904         * specified name provided by parameter {@code 'name'}.  If such information is not found
905         * on the page, then this method shall return null.
906         * 
907         * @see #getItemProp(Vector, String)
908         * @see #getHTTPEquiv(Vector, String)
909         */
910        public static String getMetaTagName(Vector<HTMLNode> html, String name)
911        {
912            // Find the first <META NAME=... CONTENT=...> tag element where the name equals
913            // the string-value provided by parameter name.
915            TagNode tn = InnerTagGet.first
916                (html, "META", "NAME", TextComparitor.EQ_CI, name.trim());
918            // If there are no <META NAME='NAME' CONTENT=...> elements found on the page,
919            // then this method returns null.
921            if (tn == null) return null;
923            // Return the string-value of the attribute 'content'.  Note that if this
924            // attribute isn't available, this method shall return 'null', gracefully.
926            return tn.AV("CONTENT");
927        }
930        /**
931         * This will retrieve all Meta-Tag's having {@code NAME}-Attribute and 
932         * {@code CONTENT}-Attribute pairs.
933         * 
934         * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=HTMLVEC>
935         * 
936         * @return a {@code java.util.Hashtable} of all the Meta-Tag Name/Content pairs that do not
937         * have null values.
938         * 
939         * @throws IllegalArgumentException  The method {@code MetaTagName.valueOf(...)} will throw
940         * an Illegal Argument Exception if any of the {@code <META NAME=...>} elements use a value
941         * of "NAME" that is not listed or identified in the Enumerated Type "MetaTagName".
942         * 
943         * <BR /><BR /><B><SPAN STYLE="color: red">ALTERNATIVE:</SPAN></B> As Internet Companies
944         * come and go, pinning down a complete list of valid Meta Tag's that use the "NAME"
945         * Attribute is a possibly misguided approach.  In lieu of eliminating the Enumerated-Type
946         * {@code MetaTagName}, it should be easier to just use the standard TagNode search below:
947         * 
948         * <DIV CLASS="EXAMPLE">{@code
949         * // This code should be used as an alternative to this method if there are non-standard
950         * // HTML Meta Tag Names.  It uses the more fundamental InnerTagGet Method.
951         *
952         * // This will retrieve all <META ...> HTML Elements that have a "NAME" Property.
953         * Vector<TagNode> metaTags = InnerTagGet.all(page, "meta", "name");
954         * 
955         * // This will print out those results:
956         * for (TagNode metaTag : metaTags) System.out.println
957         *     ("Name:\t" + metaTag.AV("name") + "\tContent:\t" + metaTag.AV("content"));
958         * }</DIV>
959         * 
960         * @see MetaTagName
961         * @see #metaTagName
962         * @see #insertMetaTagName(Vector, MetaTagName, String)
963         * @see InnerTagGet
964         */
965        public static Hashtable<MetaTagName, String> getAllMetaTagNames
966            (Vector<? extends HTMLNode> html)
967        {
968            Hashtable<MetaTagName, String> ret = new Hashtable<>();
970            // Converting the output "Vector<TagNode>" to a "Stream<TagNode>" by calling the
971            // .stream() method mainly because java streams provide the very simple
972            // 'filter(Predicate)' and 'forEach(Consumer)' methods.  Vector.removeIf and
973            // Vector.forEach could also have been easily used as well.
975            // InnerTagGet.all returns a vector containing all <META NAME=...> TagNode's where
976            // the value of the 'name' attribute is one of the pre-defined MetaTagName
977            // EnumeratedTypes.
979            // NOTE: This is done via a java.util.function.Predicate<String> and a lambda
980            //       expression
982            InnerTagGet
983                .all (html, "META", "NAME", (String nameAttributeValue) ->
984                    MetaTagName.valueOf
985                        (nameAttributeValue.toLowerCase().trim()) != null)
987                .stream()
988                .filter((TagNode tn) -> tn.AV("CONTENT") != null)
990                .forEach((TagNode tn) ->
992                    ret.put(
993                        MetaTagName.valueOf(tn.AV("NAME").toLowerCase().trim()),
994                        tn.AV("CONTENT")
995                    ));
997            return ret;
998        }
1001        // ****************************************************************************************
1002        // ****************************************************************************************
1003        // Retrieve **SPECIFIC** NAME/Property Meta-Tags
1004        // ****************************************************************************************
1005        // ****************************************************************************************
1008        /**
1009         * This method looks for robots HTML <B STYLE='color: red;'>{@code <META NAME=robots>}
1010         * </B> tag, and returns the value of the {@code content}-Attribute.
1011         *
1012         * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=HTMLVEC>
1013         * 
1014         * @return This will return a vector of the robots named or specified by the HTML
1015         * Meta-Tag's present on this page.
1016         * 
1017         * <BR /><BR /><B><SPAN STYLE="color: red;">NOTE:</B></SPAN> Please do not be disturbed by
1018         * java-streams, they are of limited use, but once a programmer is accustomed to the words
1019         * above, they actually improve code-readability (<B><I>once in a while!</I></B>).  A
1020         * series of simple {@code for-loops} which eliminate-duplicates / add / sort would
1021         * accomplish the same task as above.
1022         *
1023         * @throws MalformedHTMLException If any invalid robot-strings are found on the page, this
1024         * method will throw an exception.  The impetus behind this is to prevent accidentally
1025         * ignoring newly found tags, or incorrect tags. The extraction of the robots Meta-Tag from
1026         * an HTML page can be performed manually, if throwing an exception is causing problems.
1027         * The code to do this is listed in the documentation of this method.
1028         * 
1029         * @see #robotsMetaTag
1030         * @see #insertRobots(Vector, boolean, boolean)
1031         */
1032        public static Vector<Robots> getAllRobots(Vector<? extends HTMLNode> html)
1033            throws MalformedHTMLException
1034        {
1035            // Here, again, using Java Streams can be sometimes useful - primarily whenever a
1036            // 'filter' operation is going to be used on a Vector.  Vector.removeIf works, BUT
1037            // this also extracts attribute values, and the original TagNode are discarded, and
1038            // replaced by the the <META> attributes.
1039            //
1040            // ALSO SALIENT: the "Arrays.asList" produces an array of string, and the "::addAll"
1041            //               puts each separate String in each array into the TreeSet.
1042            //
1043            // NOTE: The TreeSet also functions as a "duplicate checker" although this is also
1044            //       provided by Stream.distinct()
1045            //
1046            // InnerTagGet.all; Returns a vector of TagNode's that resemble:
1047            //      <META NAME="robots" ...>
1048            //
1049            // EQ_CI_TRM: Check the 'name' Attribute-Value using a Case-Insensitive, Equality 
1050            //            String-Comparison
1051            //            Trim the 'name' Attribute-Value String of possible leading & trailing
1052            //            White-Space before performing the comparison.
1054            TreeSet<String> temp = InnerTagGet
1055                .all        (html, "META", "NAME", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, "robots")
1056                .stream     ()
1057                .map        ((TagNode tn) -> tn.AV("CONTENT"))
1059                .filter     ((String contents) ->
1060                                (contents != null) && (contents.trim().length() > 0))
1062                .map        ((String contents) ->
1063                                Arrays.asList(StrCSV.CSV(contents.toLowerCase())))
1065                .collect    (TreeSet<String>::new, TreeSet::addAll, TreeSet::addAll);
1067            // I cannot use EXCEPTIONS and STREAMS together, there is no simple way.
1068            // It would be too ugly to read.
1070            Vector<Robots> ret = new Vector<>();
1072            // If an invalid robot-attribute is found, this will
1073            // throw a MalformedHTMLException
1075            for (String s : temp) ret.add(Robots.getRobot(s));
1077            return ret;
1078        }
1080        /**
1081         * This will retrieve the {@code 'robots'} Meta-Tag
1082         * Attribute-<B STYLE='color: red;'>value</B> present on a Web-Page.
1083         * 
1084         * <BR /><BR />If any of them are not in accordance with the tags listed in the
1085         * Enumerated-Type {@link Robots}, this will not cause a {@link MalformedHTMLException} to
1086         * throw.  Instead, the result will just be eliminated and ignored.  Take care that all of
1087         * the necessary {@code ROBOTS}-Tags are listed in the Enumerated-Type, and that there
1088         * are no "undefined, but necessary" robot elements to be found before using this method!
1089         *
1090         * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=HTMLVEC>
1091         * @return A vector of all the valid robots attribute values found on the web-page.
1092         * @see #robotsMetaTag
1093         * @see #insertRobots(Vector, boolean, boolean)
1094         * @see TagNode#AV(String)
1095         */
1096        public static Vector<Robots> getAllRobotsNOMHE(Vector<? extends HTMLNode> html)
1097        {
1098            // Java Streams, used here, filter out irrelevant meta tags, and also convert the
1099            // HTML Meta TagNode's into their their "CONTENT" Attribute String value.  The TreeSet
1100            // provides a duplicate check elimination and sorts the {@code String's} as well.
1101            //
1102            // ALSO SALIENT: the "Arrays.asList" produces an array of string, and the "::addAll"
1103            //               puts each separate String in each array into the TreeSet
1104            //
1105            // NOTE: The 'getRobotNOMHE' suppresses a possible exception, and converts such a
1106            //       situation to 'null.'  The suppressed-exception is the "MalformedHTMLException"
1107            //
1108            // InnerTagGet.all; Returns a vector of TagNode's that resemble:
1109            // <META NAME="robots" ...>
1110            //
1111            // EQ_CI_TRM: Check the 'name' Attribute-Value using a Case-Insensitive, Equality
1112            //            String-Comparison
1113            //            Trim the 'name' Attribute-Value String of possible leading & trailing
1114            //            White-Space before performing the comparison.
1116            return InnerTagGet
1117                .all        (html, "META", "NAME", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, "robots")
1118                .stream     ()
1119                .map        ((TagNode tn) -> tn.AV("CONTENT"))
1121                .filter     ((String contents) ->
1122                                (contents != null) && (contents.trim().length() > 0))
1124                .map        ((String contents) ->
1125                                Arrays.asList(StrCSV.CSV(contents.toLowerCase())))
1127                .collect    (TreeSet<String>::new, TreeSet::addAll, TreeSet::addAll)
1128                .stream     ()
1129                .map        ((String robotParam)    -> Robots.getRobotNOMHE(robotParam))
1130                .filter     ((Robots robot)         -> robot != null)
1131                .collect    (Collectors.toCollection(Vector<Robots>::new));
1132        }
1134        /**
1135         * This method will extract any / all HTML
1136         * <B STYLE='color: red;'>{@code <META NAME='keywords' ...>}</B> Meta-Tags, and then extract
1137         * the relevant page key-words.  These key-words will be returned as a Java
1138         * {@code String-Vector}.
1139         * 
1140         * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=HTMLVEC>
1141         * 
1142         * @return The list of words that were stored in the 'keywords' HTML Meta-Tags.  If there
1143         * were no keywords in any {@code 'KEYWORDS'} Meta-Tags, then an empty Java
1144         * {@code String[]}-Array is returned.
1145         *
1146         * <BR /><BR /><B CLASS=JDDescLabel>Java Stream's Utility:</B>
1147         * 
1148         * <BR />If the code below looks complicated, Java's Streams-Package does have a tendency
1149         * to make <I>simple things look difficult</I>.  However, once the {@code Stream}-Methods
1150         * are understood, it's usually pretty useful for actually being very concise.
1151         * 
1152         * <BR /><BR /><OL CLASS=JDOL>
1153         * <LI> Get all HTML {@code <META name="keywords" content="...">} elements</LI>
1154         * 
1155         * <LI> Extracts the {@code CONTENT}-Attribute, <I>and particularly the
1156         *      <B STYLE='color: red;'>value</B> stored there</I>
1157         *      </LI>
1158         * 
1159         * <LI> Removes blanks, and {@code nulls}</LI>
1160         * <LI> Converts a {@code String[]} to {@code List<String>}</LI>
1161         * <LI> Collects all the List<String> into a single java String-Array</LI>
1162         * </OL>
1163         * 
1164         * @see #insertKeyWords(Vector, String[])
1165         * @see #keyWordsMetaTag
1166         * @see TagNode
1167         * @see TagNode#AV(String)
1168         * @see StrCSV#CSV(String)
1169         */
1170        public static String[] getAllKeyWords(Vector<? extends HTMLNode> html)
1171        {
1172            // Java Streams here both filter irrelevant meta tags, and also convert the type from
1173            // TagNode to String... using the 'map' function.  Ultimately, those strings are
1174            // 'collected' into the returned vector.
1175            // ALSO SALIENT: the "Arrays.asList" produces an array of string, and the "::addAll"
1176            // puts each separate String into the returned Vector.
1178            // InnerTagGet.all: Returns a vector of TagNode's that resemble:
1179            // <META name="keywords" ...>
1180            //
1181            // EQ_CI_TRM: Check the 'name' Attribute-Value using a Case-Insensitive, Equality
1182            //            String-Comparison
1183            //            Trim the 'name' Attribute-Value String of possible leading & trailing
1184            //            White-Space before performing the comparison.
1186            return InnerTagGet.all(html, "META", "NAME", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, "keywords")
1187                .stream     ()
1188                .map        ((TagNode tn) -> tn.AV("content"))
1190                .filter     ((String contents) ->
1191                                (contents != null) && (contents.trim().length() > 0))
1193                .map        ((String contents) -> Arrays.asList(StrCSV.CSV(contents)))
1194                .collect    (Vector::new, Vector::addAll, Vector::addAll)
1195                .stream     ()
1196                .toArray    (String[]::new);
1197        }
1199        /**
1200         * This method attempts to retrieve a {@code 'description'}-Property Meta-Tag out of an
1201         * HTML_Page.  If no such Meta-Tag is found, then null is returned.
1202         * 
1203         * <BR /><BR />If a partial Meta-Tag is found, but that tag is incomplete, then a
1204         * {@link MalformedHTMLException} will be thrown.
1205         *
1206         * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=HTMLVEC>
1207         * 
1208         * @return The content-description that has been extracted from the HTML Meta-Tag
1209         * <B STYLE='color: red;'>{@code <META NAME="description" CONTENT="the-description">}</B>.
1210         * 
1211         * <BR /><BR />If this tag is not found, then null is returned.  If this tag is found, but
1212         * does not posses a {@code CONTENT}-Attribute, then a {@code MalformedHTMLException} is
1213         * thrown.
1214         *
1215         * @throws MalformedHTMLException This is thrown if there are multiple definitions of the
1216         * {@code 'ROBOTS'} Meta-Tag.  There ought to only be a single definition, and if multiple
1217         * are found, it would be better to identify why, and do the data-extraction manually.
1218         * 
1219         * This is en-lieu of randomly picking one of them, and randomly returning one of the
1220         * Meta-Tag's {@code CONTENT}-Attribute <B STYLE='color: red;'>value</B>.
1221         *
1222         * <BR />This exception will also be thrown if proper-values for {@code 'index'} or
1223         * {@code 'follow'} are not found in the {@code CONTENT}-Attribute of the
1224         * {@code 'ROBOTS'} Meta-Tag.
1225         *
1226         * <BR /><BR />These are probably unlikely occurrences.  This exception is a
1227         * Checked-Exception and must have a {@code try-catch} block or be declared thrown in your
1228         * method-declaration.
1229         *
1230         * @see #descriptionMetaTag
1231         * @see #insertDescription(Vector, String)
1232         * @see InnerTagGet
1233         */
1234        public static String hasDescription(Vector<? extends HTMLNode> html)
1235            throws MalformedHTMLException
1236        { 
1237            // InnerTagGet.all; Returns a vector of TagNode's that resemble:
1238            // <META NAME="description" ...>
1239            //
1240            // EQ_CI_TRM: Check the 'name' Attribute-Value using a Case-Insensitive, Equality
1241            //            String-Comparison
1242            //            Trim the 'name' Attribute-Value String of possible leading & trailing
1243            //            White-Space before performing the comparison.
1245            Vector<TagNode> v = InnerTagGet.all
1246                (html, "META", "NAME", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, "description");
1248            if (v.size() == 0) return null;
1250            if (v.size() > 1) throw new MalformedHTMLException(
1251                "You have asked for the value of the HTML 'description' <META ...> Tag, but " +
1252                "unfortunately there were multiple instances of this Tag on your page.  " +
1253                "This is poorly formatted HTML, and not allowed here."
1254            );
1256            String s = v.elementAt(0).AV("CONTENT");
1258            if (s == null) throw new MalformedHTMLException(   
1259                "An HTML Meta-Tag was found with a NAME-Attribute whose value was " +
1260                "'description,' but unfortunately this Meta-Tag did not posses a CONTENT-Attribute"
1261            );
1263            return s;
1264        }
1266        /**
1267         * This helps identify Web-Sites &amp; Web-Pages "author-names" to Web-Indexing and
1268         * Web-Search Organizations.
1269         * 
1270         * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=HTMLVEC>
1271         * 
1272         * @return This returns the author's name of a Web-Page, as delineated in the
1273         * {@code 'AUTHOR'} Meta-Tag, or null if the Web-Page parameter {@code 'html'} does not
1274         * have an {@code 'AUTHOR'} Meta-Tag.
1275         * 
1276         * @throws MalformedHTMLException If multiple {@code 'AUTHOR'} Meta-Tags are found, this
1277         * method is forced to throw an exception.  It is necessary to avoid "picking a favorite
1278         * author among a list".
1279         * 
1280         * <BR /><BR />HTML does not actually adhere to these exact requirements, so if there is
1281         * such a scenario with a page having multiple-authors, this method throws an exception in
1282         * order to avoid returning a {@code String[]}-Array or {@code Vector<String>} which would
1283         * be an alternative that would add unnecessary complexity.
1284         * 
1285         * <BR /><BR />If this method throws this exception, it is better to know about it, and
1286         * just perform the search again, using a manual {@code 'AUTHOR'} retrieval.  The code for
1287         * extracting these properties is, indeed listed directly at the bottom.
1288         * 
1289         * @see #insertAuthor(Vector, String)
1290         * @see #authorMetaTag
1291         * @see TagNode#AV(String)
1292         */
1293        public static String hasAuthor(Vector<? extends HTMLNode> html)
1294            throws MalformedHTMLException
1295        {
1296            // InnerTagGet.all: Returns a vector of TagNode's that resemble:
1297            // <META name="author" ...>
1298            //
1299            // EQ_CI_TRM: Check the 'name' Attribute-Value using a Case-Insensitive, Equality
1300            //            String-Comparison
1301            //            Trim the 'name' Attribute-Value String of possible leading & trailing
1302            //            White-Space before performing the comparison.
1304            Vector<TagNode> v = InnerTagGet.all
1305                (html, "META", "NAME", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, "author");
1307            if (v.size() > 1) throw new MalformedHTMLException(
1308                "This method has identified multiple author Meta-Tags.  To handle this " +
1309                "situation, the search should be performed manually using InnerTagGet, with " +
1310                "your code deciding what to do about the HTML Web-Page having multiple 'author' " +
1311                "Meta-Tags."
1312            );
1314            // No HTML TagNode's were found that resembled <META NAME=author ...>
1315            if (v.size() == 0) return null;
1317            // Just return the first one that was found, always check for 'null' first to
1318            // avoid the embarrassing NullPointerException.
1320            String author = v.elementAt(0).AV("CONTENT");
1322            if (author == null) return null;
1324            return author.trim();
1325        }
1328        // ****************************************************************************************
1329        // ****************************************************************************************
1330        // Retrieve HTTP-EQUIV Meta-Tags
1331        // ****************************************************************************************
1332        // ****************************************************************************************
1335        /**
1336         * This method will find an HTML
1337         * <B STYLE='color: red;'>{@code <META HTTP-EQUIV=... CONTENT=...>}</B> element whose
1338         * {@code HTTP-EQUIV}-Attribute's <B STYLE='color: red;'>value</B> is equal to the
1339         * {@code String}-Parameter {@code 'httpEquiv'} (ignoring case).
1340         * 
1341         * <BR /><BR />After such an HTML {@code META}-Tag has been identified, its 
1342         * {@code CONTENT}-Attribute {@code String}-value will be subsequently queried, extracted
1343         * and returned by this method.
1344         * 
1345         * <BR /><BR /><B CLASS=JDDescLabel>Returning null, Gracefully:</B>
1346         * 
1347         * <BR />If the page provided does not have an HTML Meta-Tag with a {@code NAME}-Attribute
1348         * whose <B STYLE='color: red;'>value</B> is {@code 'name'} or if such an element is
1349         * identified, but that tag does not have a {@code CONTENT}-Attribute, then this method
1350         * will return null.
1351         * 
1352         * <BR /><BR /><B CLASS=JDDescLabel>Case Insensitive Comparison:</B>
1353         * 
1354         * <BR />Before the comparison is done with the {@code 'httpEquiv'} parameter, that
1355         * {@code String} is trimmed with {@code String.trim()}, and the comparison performed
1356         * <I>is done while ignoring case</I>.
1357         * 
1358         * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=HTMLVEC>
1359         * 
1360         * @param httpEquiv The Attribute-<B STYLE='color: red;'>name</B> of the
1361         * {@code HTTP-EQUIV}-Attribute.
1362         * 
1363         * @return The {@code String}-value of the {@code CONTENT}-Attribute for a 
1364         * {@code META}-Tag whose {@code HTTP-EQUIV}-Attribute is equal to the specified name
1365         * provided by parameter {@code 'httpEquiv'}.
1366         * 
1367         * <BR /><BR />If no such tag is found on the page, then this method shall return null.
1368         */
1369        public static String getHTTPEquiv(Vector<HTMLNode> html, String httpEquiv)
1370        {
1371            // Find the first <META HTTP-EQUIV=... CONTENT=...> tag element where the name equals
1372            // the string-value provided by parameter 'httpEquiv'.
1374            TagNode tn = InnerTagGet.first
1375                (html, "META", "HTTP-EQUIV", TextComparitor.EQ_CI, httpEquiv.trim());
1377            // If there are no <META HTTP-EQUIV='httpEquiv' CONTENT=...> elements found on the
1378            // page, then this method returns null.
1380            if (tn == null) return null;
1382            // Return the string-value of the attribute 'content'.  Note that if this
1383            // attribute isn't available, this method shall return 'null', gracefully.
1385            return tn.AV("CONTENT");
1386        }
1388        /**
1389         * This method will find all HTML {@code HTTP-EQUIV}-Directives, and return them in a Java
1390         * {@code Properties} object.
1391         * 
1392         * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=HTMLVEC>
1393         * 
1394         * @return An instance of {@code java.util.Properties} containing all
1395         * {@code HTTP-EQUIV}-Directives.  If HTML-Page paramter {@code 'html'} does not have any
1396         * such Meta-Tags, then an empty {@code Properties} instance is returned, rather than null.
1397         * 
1398         * @throws MalformedHTMLException If the page provided has multiple definitions for the 
1399         * exact same {@code HTTP}-Header property, then this exception will throw.
1400         */
1401        public static Properties getAllHTTPEquiv(Vector<HTMLNode> html)
1402            throws MalformedHTMLException
1403        {
1404            Properties  ret     = new Properties();
1405            String      prev    = null;
1407            // Find the first <META HTTP-EQUIV=... CONTENT=...> tag element where the name equals
1408            // the string-value provided by parameter 'httpEquiv'.
1410            for (TagNode httpEquivTN : InnerTagGet.all(html, "META", "HTTP-EQUIV"))
1412                if ((prev = (String) ret.put
1413                    (httpEquivTN.AV("HTTP-EQUIV"), httpEquivTN.AV("CONTENT"))) != null)
1415                    throw new MalformedHTMLException(
1416                        "This HTML Page has multiple Meta-Tag Definitions for the HTTP-" +
1417                        "EQUIVALENT Property [" + httpEquivTN.AV("HTTP-EQUIV") + "].\n" +
1418                        "    " + prev + "\n" +
1419                        "and " + httpEquivTN.AV("CONTENT") + '\n'
1420                    );
1422            return ret;
1423        }
1425        /**
1426         * This will detect whether a {@code UTF-8} HTML Meta-Tag is included on this page.  Below
1427         * are examples of what such tags look like.
1428         * 
1429         * <DIV CLASS="HTML">{@code
1430         * <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
1431         * <meta charset="UTF-8">
1432         * }</DIV>
1433         *
1434         * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=HTMLVEC>
1435         *
1436         * @return {@code TRUE} If an appropriate HTML Meta-Tag identifying this page as a
1437         * {@code UTF-8} Character-Set Web-Site. will {@code FALSE} otherwise.
1438         * 
1439         * @see #hasUTF8MetaTag(Vector)
1440         * @see #UTF8MetaTag
1441         * @see StrCmpr#containsAND_CI(String, String[])
1442         * @see TagNode#AV(String)
1443         */
1444        public static boolean hasUTF8MetaTag(Vector<? extends HTMLNode> html)
1445        {
1446            String s;
1448            // InnerTagGet.all: Returns a vector of TagNode's that resemble:
1449            // <META http-equiv="content-type" ...>
1450            //
1451            // EQ_CI_TRM: Check the 'http-equiv' Attribute-Value using a Case-Insensitive, 
1452            //            Equality String-Comparison
1453            //            Trim the 'http-equiv' Attribute-Value String of possible leading & 
1454            //            trailing White-Space before performing the comparison.
1456            Vector<TagNode> v = InnerTagGet.all
1457                (html, "META", "HTTP-EQUIV", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, "content-type");
1459            for (TagNode tn : v)
1460                if ((s = tn.AV("CONTENT")) != null)
1461                    if (StrCmpr.containsAND_CI(s, "charset", "utf-8"))
1462                        return true;
1464            // InnerTagGet.aall retrieves all TagNode's that resemble <META charset="utf-8" ...>
1465            // EQ_CI_TRM: Equality-Test, Case-Insensitive, Trim any White-Space before 
1466            // performing comparison.
1468            v = InnerTagGet.all(html, "META", "CHARSET", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, "utf-8");
1470            for (TagNode tn : v)
1471                if ((s = tn.AV("CHARSET")) != null)
1472                    if (StrCmpr.containsAND_CI(s, "utf-8"))
1473                        return true;
1475            return false;
1476        }
1479        // ****************************************************************************************
1480        // ****************************************************************************************
1481        // Insert NAME/Property Meta-Tags
1482        // ****************************************************************************************
1483        // ****************************************************************************************
1486        /**
1487         * This does a very simple insertion of an HTML Meta-Tag for a specific type,
1488         * Meta-Tags that have both a {@code NAME}-Attribute and a {@code CONTENT}-Attribute
1489         * set.
1490         * 
1491         * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_HTML_PARAM>
1492         * 
1493         * @param m This is any of the enumerated-types of specific Meta-Tag {@code NAME}-Attribute
1494         * &amp; {@code CONTENT}-Attribute pair / combinations.
1495         * 
1496         * @param contentAttributeValue This is the value that will be used to set the 
1497         * <B STYLE='color: red;'>value</B> for the {@code CONTENT}-Attribute.
1498         * 
1499         * @throws NodeNotFoundException <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_NNF_EX>
1500         * 
1501         * @throws QuotesException <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-PARAM=contentAttributeValue
1502         *      DATA-FILE-ID=FT_Q_EX>
1503         *
1504         * @see #metaTagName
1505         * @see #getAllMetaTagNames(Vector)
1506         * @see DotPair
1507         * @see TagNode
1508         */
1509        public static void insertMetaTagName
1510            (Vector<HTMLNode> html, MetaTagName m, String contentAttributeValue)
1511        { 
1512            // Builds and inserts a TagNode HTML Element that looks like:
1513            // <meta name='INSERT-NAME-STRING-HERE' content='INSERT-CONTENT-STRING-HERE'>
1515            // Single Quotes are used, so the attribute-value may not contain single quotes.
1516            checkForSingleQuote(contentAttributeValue);
1518            // The HTML Page must have a <HEAD> ... </HEAD> section, or an exception shall throw.
1519            DotPair header = TagNodeFindInclusive.first(html, "HEAD");
1521            if (header == null) throw new NodeNotFoundException
1522                (NO_HEADER_MESSAGE.replace("INSERT-STR", "<META NAME=... CONTENT=...> tag"));
1524            // Build a <META> tag, as in the comment above
1525            TagNode metaTN = new TagNode
1526                ("<META NAME='" + m.name + "' CONTENT='" + contentAttributeValue + "'>");
1528            // Insert the meta-tag into the page.  Put it at the top of the header,
1529            // just after <HEAD>
1531            Util.insertNodes(html, header.start + 1, NEWLINE, metaTN, NEWLINE);
1532        }
1534        /**
1535         * This does an insertion of a list of HTML Meta-Tags from a java Hashtable of Meta-Tag
1536         * Name-Attribute / Content-Attribute pairs.  All name-based Meta-Tags have both a
1537         * {@code NAME}-Attribute, and also a {@code CONTENT}-Attribute.
1538         * 
1539         * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_HTML_PARAM>
1540         * 
1541         * @param metaTags This is a hash-table of the enumerated-types of specific Meta-Tag Name
1542         * property/content pairs.
1543         * 
1544         * @throws NodeNotFoundException <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_NNF_EX>
1545         * 
1546         * @throws QuotesException If any of the <B STYLE='color: red;'>values</B> from the
1547         * <B STYLE='color:red'>key-value</B> pair hash-table contain a {@code String} that has a
1548         * single-quotation mark, anywhere inside the it.
1549         * 
1550         * @see #metaTagName
1551         * @see #getAllMetaTagNames(Vector)
1552         * @see #insertMetaTagName(Vector, MetaTagName, String)
1553         * @see TagNode
1554         */
1555        public static void insertMetaTagNames
1556            (Vector<HTMLNode> html, Hashtable<MetaTagName, String> metaTags)
1557        {
1558            // Builds and inserts a TagNode HTML Element that looks like:
1559            // "<meta name='INSERT-NAME-STRING-HERE' content='INSERT-CONTENT-STRING-HERE'";
1561            // The HTML Page must have a <HEAD> ... </HEAD> section, or an exception shall throw.
1562            DotPair header = TagNodeFindInclusive.first(html, "HEAD");
1564            if (header == null) throw new NodeNotFoundException
1565                (NO_HEADER_MESSAGE.replace("INSERT-STR", "<META NAME=... CONTENT=...> tag"));
1567            // Java Stream's can be addictive...  It is an easier way to build a list.
1568            Stream.Builder<HTMLNode> b = Stream.builder();
1569            b.accept(NEWLINE);
1571            // Iterate the complete list of meta-tag names to insert
1572            for (MetaTagName m : metaTags.keySet())
1573            {
1574                String contentAttributeValue = metaTags.get(m);
1575                checkForSingleQuote(contentAttributeValue);
1577                // Build the new node
1578                TagNode metaTN = new TagNode
1579                    ("<META NAME='" + m.name + "' CONTENT='" + contentAttributeValue + "'>");
1581                b.accept(metaTN);  b.accept(NEWLINE);
1582            }
1584            // Insert the meta-tag names into the page.  Put it at the top of the header,
1585            // just after <HEAD>
1587            Util.insertNodes(html, header.start + 1, b.build().toArray(HTMLNode[]::new));
1588        }
1591        // ****************************************************************************************
1592        // ****************************************************************************************
1593        // Insert **SPECIFIC** NAME/Property Meta-Tags
1594        // ****************************************************************************************
1595        // ****************************************************************************************
1598        /**
1599         * One common HTML Meta-Tag is the one which informs Google &amp; Yahoo (and all
1600         * search-engine sites) which of your pages you would like to be indexed by their search
1601         * engine, and which pages you would like to not be indexed.  Worrying about what Google
1602         * does and does not index may seem daunting, but this meta-tag can prevent certain
1603         * behaviors.
1604         *
1605         * <BR /><BR />The {@code 'ROBOTS'} Meta-Tag informs Search-Engines which pages on your
1606         * site should be indexed. This Meta-Tag serves a similar purpose to a {@code 'robots.txt'}
1607         * File.  It is generally used to prevent a Search-Engine from indexing individual pages,
1608         * while {@code 'robots.txt'} is used to prevent the search from indexing a whole site or
1609         * section of a site.
1610         *
1611         * <BR /><BR />A {@code 'ROBOTS'} Meta-Tag which instructs the Search-Engine Crawler not to
1612         * index a page, or follow any links on it, would be written as below.
1613         *
1614         * <DIV CLASS="HTML">{@code
1615         * <meta name="robots" content="noindex, nofollow" />
1616         * <meta name="robots" content="index, follow" />
1617         * }</DIV>
1618         *
1619         * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_HTML_PARAM>
1620         *
1621         * @param index This is a {@code boolean}-Parameter that when set to {@code TRUE} will
1622         * force this method to place an {@code INDEX-String} into the finally-exported HTML
1623         * element.  If {@code FALSE} is passed, then a {@code NOINDEX-String} will be put into the
1624         * HTML-Tag.
1625         * 
1626         * @param follow This is also a {@code boolean}-Parameter.  When {@code TRUE} this will
1627         * force the method to put a {@code FOLLOW-String} into the finally-exported HTML-Tag.
1628         * When {@code FALSE}, then a {@code 'NOFOLLOW'} will be inserted.
1629         * 
1630         * @throws NodeNotFoundException <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_NNF_EX>
1631         * 
1632         * @see #robotsMetaTag
1633         * @see #getAllRobots(Vector)
1634         * @see #getAllRobotsNOMHE(Vector)
1635         * @see TagNode
1636         */
1637        public static void insertRobots(Vector<HTMLNode> html, boolean index, boolean follow)
1638        {
1639            // Builds a robots meta tag.  These are used by google and search engines
1640            // <meta NAME=robots content='INSERT-CONTENT-STRING-HERE' />
1642            // The HTML Page must have a <HEAD> ... </HEAD> section, or an exception shall throw.
1643            DotPair header = TagNodeFindInclusive.first(html, "HEAD");
1645            if (header == null) throw new NodeNotFoundException
1646                (NO_HEADER_MESSAGE.replace("INSERT-STR", "Robots <META ... > Tag"));
1648            // Build a 'robots' TagNode
1649            TagNode robotsTN    = new TagNode(
1650                "<META NAME=robots CONTENT='" +
1651                (index ? "index" : "noindex") + ", " + (follow ? "follow" : "nofollow") +
1652                "' >"
1653            );
1655            // Insert the robots-tag into the page.
1656            // Put it at the top of the header, just after <HEAD>
1658            Util.insertNodes(html, header.start + 1, NEWLINE, robotsTN, NEWLINE);
1659        }
1661        /**
1662         * This will add an HTML Meta-Tag with a
1663         * <B STYLE='color: red;'>{@code <META NAME=robots>}</B>
1664         * 
1665         * <BR /><BR /><B CLASS=JDDescLabel>Validity Check Warning:</B>
1666         * 
1667         * <BR />This method avoids all presumed <I><B>validity check,</B></I> primarily because
1668         * making an attempt to identify what is absolutely correct or not-correct seems a little
1669         * far-fetched.
1670         * 
1671         * <BR /><BR />Although the number of actual values the {@code ROBOTS}-Attribute may
1672         * contain is very low, throwing a {@code MalformedHTMLException} for some errors, while
1673         * ignoring others was decided to best avoid during this method's development.
1674         * 
1675         * <BR /><BR /><B CLASS=JDDescLabel:>Aside:</B>
1676         * 
1677         * <BR />If a programmer were to pass both the {@link Robots#Follow} and the
1678         * {@link Robots#NoFollow} Enum-Constants, both of these tags would be inserted into an
1679         * HTML {@code 'robots'} Meta-Tag without any kind of warning or exception throw.
1680         * 
1681         * <BR /><BR />This, clearly, would be a faulty HTML directive, though.
1682         * 
1683         * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_HTML_PARAM>
1684         * 
1685         * @param rArr This is an array of the Enumerated-Type {@link Robots}.  It may contain a
1686         * list of any number of the items available to add into an HTML Meta-Tag's
1687         * {@code ROBOTS}-Attribute.  If any of the array elements are null, they will be skipped
1688         * and ignored.
1689         *
1690         * @throws NodeNotFoundException <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_NNF_EX>
1691         * 
1692         * @see #robotsMetaTag
1693         * @see #getAllRobots(Vector)
1694         * @see #insertRobots(Vector, boolean, boolean)
1695         * @see StrCSV#toCSV(Object[], IntTFunction, boolean, Integer)
1696         * @see DotPair
1697         */
1698        public static void insertRobots(Vector<HTMLNode> html, Robots... rArr)
1699        {
1700            // Builds a series-of-robots meta tag.  These are used by google and search engines
1701            // <meta NAME=robots content='INSERT-CONTENT-STRING-HERE' />
1703            // The HTML Page must have a <HEAD> ... </HEAD> section, or an exception shall throw.
1704            DotPair header = TagNodeFindInclusive.first(html, "HEAD");
1706            if (header == null) throw new NodeNotFoundException
1707                (NO_HEADER_MESSAGE.replace("INSERT-STR", "Robots <META ... > Tag"));
1709            String robotsStr = StrCSV.toCSV(rArr, (int i, Robots r) -> r.name, false, null);
1711            // Build the <META> TagNode
1712            TagNode robotsTN = new TagNode("<META NAME=robots CONTENT='" + robotsStr + "'>");
1714            // Insert the robots-tag into the page.  Put it at the top of the header, just
1715            // after <HEAD>
1717            Util.insertNodes(html, header.start + 1, NEWLINE, robotsTN, NEWLINE);
1718        }
1720        /**
1721         * Another common HTML {@code META}-Tag is the one that provides a brief description of
1722         * the page in question.  This method facilitates adding a Meta-Tag that contains two
1723         * attributes:
1724         * 
1725         * <BR /><BR /><OL CLASS=JDUL>
1726         * <LI> {@code NAME}-Attribute whose <B STYLE='color: red;'>value</B> must be
1727         *      {@code 'description'}
1728         *      </LI>
1729         * 
1730         * <LI> {@code CONTENT}-Attribute whose <B STYLE='color: red;'>value</B> should be a brief
1731         *      textual description of the content of the page
1732         *      </LI>
1733         * </OL>
1734         *
1735         * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_HTML_PARAM>
1736         *
1737         * @param description This is a textual-description of the Web-Page to which this HTML
1738         * <B STYLE='color: red;'>{@code <META NAME=description CONTENT='...'}</B> Tag is being
1739         * added.  If Google or any of the other Internet Search Sites, return your Web-Page as a
1740         * part of a search-results, this description is usually used.
1741         * 
1742         * <BR /><BR />Furthermore, the key-words that are listed here are some-how (in a way that
1743         * is not-knownst to this programmer) used in indexing your particular page in the
1744         * search-algorithms.
1745         * 
1746         * @throws NodeNotFoundException <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_NNF_EX>
1747         * 
1748         * @throws QuotesException <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-PARAM=description
1749         *      DATA-FILE-ID=FT_Q_EX>
1750         *
1751         * @see #descriptionMetaTag
1752         * @see #hasDescription(Vector)
1753         * @see #checkForSingleQuote(String)
1754         * @see TagNode
1755         */
1756        public static void insertDescription(Vector<HTMLNode> html, String description)
1757        {
1758            // Meta-Tag for Descriptions.  This will be inserted into the HTML page.
1759            // <meta NAME=description content='INSERT-DESCRIPTION-OR-KEYWORDS-HERE'>
1761            checkForSingleQuote(description);
1763            // The HTML Page must have a <HEAD> ... </HEAD> section, or an exception shall throw.
1764            DotPair header = TagNodeFindInclusive.first(html, "HEAD");
1766            if (header == null) throw new NodeNotFoundException
1767                (NO_HEADER_MESSAGE.replace("INSERT-STR", "Description <META ... > Tag"));
1769            // Build the Meta Tag for a description to google and search engines
1770            TagNode metaTN = new TagNode
1771                ("<META NAME=description CONTENT='" + description + "'>");
1773            // Insert the description-tag into the page.  Put it at the top of the header,
1774            // just after <HEAD>
1776            Util.insertNodes(html, header.start + 1, NEWLINE, metaTN, NEWLINE);
1777        }
1779        /**
1780         * This will attempt to insert key-words into an HTML Meta-Tag.  This is usually used to
1781         * summarize-explain 'main-points' that a Web-Page author wants to make to any
1782         * search-engineer or any-listener on the internet about the Web-Page that includes such a
1783         * Meta-Tag.
1784         *
1785         * <BR /><BR /><B CLASS=JDDescLabel>Validity Checking:</B>
1786         * 
1787         * <BR />This method does a few minor validity checks regarding the content inside of a
1788         * description keyword.  All it does is look for things like White-Space and a few
1789         * punctuation rules.  If either of these problems occur inside any of the key-words
1790         * provided to the {@code 'keyWords'} Var-Args Parameter, then an
1791         * {@code IllegalArgumentException} is thrown.
1792         *
1793         * <BR /><BR /><B CLASS=JDDescLabel>Disallowed Punctuation:</B>
1794         * 
1795         * <BR />This list of disallowed punctuation marks for the key-words are as processed as
1796         * follows:
1797         * 
1798         * <DIV CLASS="SNIP">{@code
1799         * if (StrCmpr.containsOR
1800         *      (keyWord, ";", ",", "'", "\"", "!", "#", "<", ">",
1801         *      "(", ")", "*", "/", "\\")
1802         * )
1803         *     throw new IllegalArgumentException(...);
1804         * }</DIV>
1805         * 
1806         * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_HTML_PARAM>
1807         * 
1808         * @param keyWords This is a list of germane key-words that help identify, indicate or
1809         * describe the content of the Web-Page in which they are placed.
1810         * 
1811         * @throws NodeNotFoundException <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_NNF_EX>
1812         * 
1813         * @throws IllegalArgumentException If any of the key-words provided to the Java Var-Args
1814         * {@code 'keyWords'} parameter contain invalid punctuation characters, or white-space.
1815         *
1816         * @see #keyWordsMetaTag
1817         * @see #getAllKeyWords(Vector)
1818         * @see StringParse#hasWhiteSpace(String)
1819         * @see StrCmpr#containsOR(String, String[])
1820         * @see StrCSV#toCSV(String[], boolean, boolean, Integer)
1821         */
1822        public static void insertKeyWords(Vector<HTMLNode> html, String... keyWords)
1823        {
1824            // The meta-tag for key-words.  Search Engines look for these key-words when indexing
1825            // <meta NAME=keywords content='INSERT-COMMA-SEPARATED-KEYWORDS-HERE'>
1827            // The HTML Page must have a <HEAD> ... </HEAD> section, or an exception shall throw.
1828            DotPair header = TagNodeFindInclusive.first(html, "HEAD");
1830            if (header == null) throw new NodeNotFoundException
1831                (NO_HEADER_MESSAGE.replace("INSERT-STR", "KeyWords Meta-Tag"));
1833            for (String keyWord : keyWords) if (StringParse.hasWhiteSpace(keyWord)) 
1835                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
1836                    "You have tried to insert keywords into an HTML Meta-Tag KeyWord-{roperty, " +
1837                    "but unfortunately one of the words provided [" + keyWord + "] contains " +
1838                    "white-space.  This is not allowed here."
1839                );
1842            for (String keyWord : keyWords)
1844                if (StrCmpr.containsOR
1845                        (keyWord, ";", ",", "'", "\"", "!", "<", ">", "(", ")", "*", "/", "\\"))
1847                    throw new IllegalArgumentException(
1848                        "You have tried to insert keywords into an HTML Meta-Tag KeyWords-" +
1849                        "Property, but unfortunately one of the words provide [" + keyWord + "] " +
1850                        "contains error-prone punctuation, and cannot be used here."
1851                    );
1853            // All this does is build a list - Comma Separated values.
1854            String listAsString = StrCSV.toCSV(keyWords, true, false, null);
1856            // Build the TagNode, it will contain all key-words listed in the input var-args
1857            // String array
1859            TagNode metaTN = new TagNode("<META NAME=keywords CONTENT='" + listAsString + "'>");
1861            // Insert the tag into the page.  Put it at the top of the header, just after <HEAD>
1862            Util.insertNodes(html, header.start + 1, NEWLINE, metaTN, NEWLINE);
1863        }
1865        /**
1866         * This method will insert an "author" HTML Meta-Tag into the
1867         * <B STYLE='color: red;'>{@code <HEAD> ... </HEAD>}</B> section of this page.
1868         * 
1869         * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_HTML_PARAM>
1870         * @param author This is the author of this Web-Page.
1871         * @throws NodeNotFoundException <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_NNF_EX>
1872         * 
1873         * @throws QuotesException If the author's name prevents the HTML-Engine from building any
1874         * version of an {@code AUTHOR} Meta-Tag.  This will happen, certainly, if the author's
1875         * name-{@code String} contains <I><B>both</B></I> a single <I><B>and</B></I> a double
1876         * quote.
1877         * 
1878         * <BR /><BR />Choose either the single-quote, or the double.  Do not use both, or this
1879         * exception will throw.
1880         *
1881         * <BR /><BR /><B><SPAN STYLE="color: red;">MOST IMPORTANT</B></SPAN> Most author's names
1882         * don't have any quotes at all!  Checking for these things prevents unexplainable
1883         * exceptions later on.
1884         *
1885         * @see #authorMetaTag
1886         * @see #hasAuthor(Vector)
1887         * @see SD
1888         * @see DotPair
1889         */
1890        public static void insertAuthor(Vector<HTMLNode> html, String author)
1891        {
1892            // The 'Author' Meta tag shall be inserted into the html page.
1893            // <meta NAME=author content='INSERT-AUTHOR-NAME-HERE'>
1895            // The HTML Page must have a <HEAD> ... </HEAD> section, or an exception shall throw.
1896            DotPair header = TagNodeFindInclusive.first(html, "HEAD");
1898            if (header == null) throw new NodeNotFoundException
1899                (NO_HEADER_MESSAGE.replace("INSERT-STR", "author meta-tag"));
1901            if ((author.indexOf("'") != -1) && (author.indexOf("\"") != -1))
1903                throw new QuotesException(
1904                    "The author string provided here contains both a single-quote and a double-" +
1905                    "quote, but this cannot be inserted into any HTML-Tag.  Please remove " +
1906                    "one or the other."
1907                );
1909            // Use the more complicated TagNode constructor to build the "author" tag.
1910            SD          quote   = (author.indexOf("'") == -1) ? SD.SingleQuotes : SD.DoubleQuotes;
1911            Properties  p       = new Properties();
1913            p.put("NAME", "author");
1914            p.put("CONTENT", author);
1916            // This constructor accepts a properties instance.
1917            TagNode authorTN = new TagNode("META", p, quote, true);
1919            // Insert the tag into the page.  Put it at the top of the header, just after <HEAD>
1920            Util.insertNodes(html, header.start + 1, NEWLINE, authorTN, NEWLINE);
1921        }
1924        // ****************************************************************************************
1925        // ****************************************************************************************
1926        // Insert HTTP-EQUIV Meta-Tags
1927        // ****************************************************************************************
1928        // ****************************************************************************************
1931        /**
1932         * This does a very simple insertion of an HTML Meta-Tag for a specific type,
1933         * Meta-Tags that have a {@code HTTP-EQUIV}-Attribute paired with a
1934         * {@code CONTENT}-Attribute.
1935         * 
1936         * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_HTML_PARAM>
1937         * 
1938         * @param httpEquiv This is the property that is passed using the
1939         * {@code HTTP-EQUIV}-Attribute.
1940         * 
1941         * @param contentAttributeValue This is the value that will be used to set the
1942         * {@code CONTENT}-Attribute.
1943         * 
1944         * @throws NodeNotFoundException <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_NNF_EX>
1945         * 
1946         * @throws QuotesException <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-PARAM=contentAttributeValue
1947         *      DATA-FILE-ID=FT_Q_EX>
1948         *
1949         * @see #metaTagHTTPEquiv
1950         * @see #getHTTPEquiv(Vector, String)
1951         * @see DotPair
1952         * @see TagNode
1953         */
1954        public static void insertHTTPEquiv
1955            (Vector<HTMLNode> html, String httpEquiv, String contentAttributeValue)
1956        { 
1957            // Builds and inserts a TagNode HTML Element that looks like:
1958            // <meta http-equiv='INSERT-HTTP-EQUIV-STRING-HERE'
1959            //      content='INSERT-CONTENT-STRING-HERE' >
1961            // Single Quotes are used, so the attribute-value may not contain single quotes.
1962            checkForSingleQuote(contentAttributeValue);
1964            // The HTML Page must have a <HEAD> ... </HEAD> section, or an exception shall throw.
1965            DotPair header = TagNodeFindInclusive.first(html, "HEAD");
1967            if (header == null) throw new NodeNotFoundException
1968                (NO_HEADER_MESSAGE.replace("INSERT-STR", "<META HTTP-EQUIV=... CONTENT=...> Tag"));
1970            // Build a <META> tag, as in the comment above
1971            TagNode metaTN  = new TagNode
1972                ("<META HTTP-EQUIV='" + httpEquiv + "' CONTENT='" + contentAttributeValue + "'>");
1974            // Insert the meta-tag into the page.  Put it at the top of the header,
1975            // just after <HEAD>
1977            Util.insertNodes(html, header.start + 1, NEWLINE, metaTN, NEWLINE);
1978        }
1980        /**
1981         * The method will insert a {@code UTF-8} Meta-Tag that identifies the HTML-Page to any
1982         * Web-Browser that attempts to render its content as containing Foreign-Language
1983         * Characters, Emoji's &amp; other non-{@code ASCII} Glyphs.
1984         * 
1985         * <BR /><BR />{@code UTF-8} text utilizes/makes-use-of characters in a higher
1986         * {@code 'byte-range'} than the traditional <I>single-byte (256 different-characters) ASCII</I>
1987         * Character-Set.  {@code UTF-8} allows for Chinese, Japanese and just about every variant of
1988         * language in the rest of the world.
1989         *
1990         * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_HTML_PARAM>
1991         * 
1992         * @throws NodeNotFoundException <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_NNF_EX>
1993         * 
1994         * @see #hasUTF8MetaTag(Vector)
1995         * @see #UTF8MetaTag
1996         * @see TagNode
1997         * @see DotPair
1998         */
1999        public static void insertUTF8MetaTag(Vector<HTMLNode> html)
2000        {
2001            // Meta-Tag to assert that the UTF-8 Charset is being used:
2002            // <meta http-equiv='Content-Type' content='text/html; charset=utf-8' />
2004            // The HTML Page must have a <HEAD> ... </HEAD> section, or an exception shall throw.
2005            DotPair header = TagNodeFindInclusive.first(html, "HEAD");
2007            if (header == null) throw new NodeNotFoundException
2008                (NO_HEADER_MESSAGE.replace("INSERT-STR", "UTF-8 <META> Tag"));
2010            // Insert the UTF-8 tag into the page.  Put it at the top of the header, just
2011            // after <HEAD>
2013            Util.insertNodes(html, header.start + 1, NEWLINE, new TagNode(UTF8MetaTag), NEWLINE);
2014        }
2017        // ****************************************************************************************
2018        // ****************************************************************************************
2019        // ITEMPROP Meta-Tags
2020        // ****************************************************************************************
2021        // ****************************************************************************************
2024        /**
2025         * This does a very simple insertion of an HTML Meta-Tag for a specific type,
2026         * Meta-Tags that have an {@code ITEMPROP}-Attribute paired with a
2027         * {@code CONTENT}-Attribute set.
2028         * 
2029         * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_HTML_PARAM>
2030         * 
2031         * @param itemProp This is a property that is passed via the {@code ITEMPROP}-Attribute
2032         * 
2033         * @param contentAttributeValue This is the value that will be used to set the
2034         * {@code CONTENT}-Attribute
2035         * 
2036         * @throws NodeNotFoundException <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_NNF_EX>
2037         * 
2038         * @throws QuotesException <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-PARAM=contentAttributeValue
2039         *      DATA-FILE-ID=FT_Q_EX>
2040         *
2041         * @see #metaTagItemProp
2042         * @see #getItemProp(Vector, String)
2043         * @see DotPair
2044         * @see TagNode
2045         */
2046        public static void insertItemProp
2047            (Vector<HTMLNode> html, String itemProp, String contentAttributeValue)
2048        { 
2049            // Builds and inserts a TagNode HTML Element that looks like:
2050            // <meta itemprop='INSERT-ITEMPROP-STRING-HERE' content='INSERT-CONTENT-STRING-HERE' >
2052            // Single Quotes are used, so the attribute-value may not contain single quotes.
2053            checkForSingleQuote(contentAttributeValue);
2055            // The HTML Page must have a <HEAD> ... </HEAD> section, or an exception shall throw.
2056            DotPair header = TagNodeFindInclusive.first(html, "HEAD");
2058            if (header == null) throw new NodeNotFoundException
2059                (NO_HEADER_MESSAGE.replace("INSERT-STR", "<META ITEMPROP=... CONTENT=...> tag"));
2061            // Build a <META> tag, as in the comment above
2062            TagNode metaTN  = new TagNode
2063                ("<META ITEMPROP='" + itemProp + "' CONTENT='" + contentAttributeValue + "'>");
2065            // Insert the meta-tag into the page.  Put it at the top of the header,
2066            // just after <HEAD>
2068            Util.insertNodes(html, header.start + 1, NEWLINE, metaTN, NEWLINE);
2069        }
2071        /**
2072         * This method will find an HTML
2073         * <B STYLE='color: red;'>{@code <META ITEMPROP=... CONTENT=...>}</B> element whose
2074         * {@code ITEMPROP}-Attribute <B STYLE='color: red;'>value</B> is equal to the
2075         * {@code String}-parameter {@code 'itemProp'} (ignoring case).
2076         * 
2077         * <BR /><BR />After such an HTML {@code META}-Tag has been identified, its 
2078         * {@code CONTENT}-Attribute {@code String}-value will be subsequently queried, extracted
2079         * and returned by this method.
2080         * 
2081         * <BR /><BR /><B CLASS=JDDescLabel>Returning null, Gracefully:</B>
2082         * 
2083         * <BR />If the page provided does not have an HTML Meta-Tag with a {@code NAME}-Attribute
2084         * whose <B STYLE='color: red;'>value</B> is {@code 'name'} or if such an element is
2085         * identified, but that tag does not have a {@code CONTENT}-Attribute, then this method
2086         * will return null.
2087         * 
2088         * <BR /><BR /><B CLASS=JDDescLabel>Case Insensitive Comparison:</B>
2089         * 
2090         * <BR />Before the comparison is done with the {@code 'itemProp'} parameter, that
2091         * {@code String} is trimmed with {@code String.trim()}, and the comparison performed
2092         * <I>is done while ignoring case</I>.
2093         * 
2094         * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=HTMLVEC>
2095         * 
2096         * @param itemProp The Attribute-<B STYLE='color: red;'>name</B> of the
2097         * {@code ITEMPROP}-Attribute.
2098         * 
2099         * @return The {@code String}-value of the {@code CONTENT}-Attribute for a 
2100         * {@code META}-Tag whose {@code ITEMPROP}-Attribute is equal to the specified name
2101         * provided by parameter {@code 'itemProp'}.
2102         * 
2103         * <BR /><BR />If such information is not found on the page, then this method returns null.
2104         */
2105        public static String getItemProp(Vector<HTMLNode> html, String itemProp)
2106        {
2107            // Find the first <META ITEMPROP=... CONTENT=...> tag element where the name equals
2108            // the string-value provided by parameter 'itemProp'.
2110            TagNode tn = InnerTagGet.first
2111                (html, "META", "ITEMPROP", TextComparitor.EQ_CI, itemProp.trim());
2113            // If there are no <META ITEMPROP='itemProp' CONTENT=...> elements found on the page,
2114            // then this method returns null.
2116            if (tn == null) return null;
2118            // Return the string-value of the attribute 'content'.  Note that if this
2119            // attribute isn't available, this method shall return 'null', gracefully.
2121            return tn.AV("content");
2122        }
2125        // ****************************************************************************************
2126        // ****************************************************************************************
2127        // Open-Graph Meta-Tags
2128        // ****************************************************************************************
2129        // ****************************************************************************************
2132        /**
2133         * This will insert a single Open-Graph Meta-Tag into an HTML-Page.
2134         *
2135         * <BR /><BR /><B CLASS=JDDescLabel>Prepending <CODE>'og:'</CODE></B>
2136         * 
2137         * <BR />The name of the property <I><B>MUST NOT</B></I> begin with the characters
2138         * {@code "og:"}, because they will be prepended when the HTML
2139         * <B STYLE='color: red;'>{@code <META PROPERTY='...' CONTENT='...' />}</B> Tag is
2140         * instantiated.
2141         * 
2142         * <BR /><BR />Please review <I>exact</I> method body below.
2143         *
2144         * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_HTML_PARAM>
2145         * 
2146         * @param ogProperty This is the name of the Open-Graph protocol property that is being
2147         * inserted.  Generally these are simple text-{@code String's} with alphanumeric-limited
2148         * names, or they are series of alphanumeric text-{@code String's}, separated by a period
2149         * {@code '.'} character.
2150         * 
2151         * @param ogValueAsStr If you look at the definition of the {@link #openGraphMetaTag} above
2152         * in this class, you may view all of the acceptable types that Open-Graph Properties may
2153         * use.
2154         * 
2155         * <BR /><BR />Whichever property or field that is being inserted, mostly, the field must
2156         * be converted to a {@code String} when being passed to this method.
2157         * 
2158         * @throws NodeNotFoundException <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=FT_NNF_EX>
2159         * 
2160         * @throws QuotesException <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-PARAM1=ogProperty
2161         *      DATA-PARAM2=ogValueAsStr DATA-FILE-ID=FT_Q_EX_DOUBL>
2162         *
2163         * @see #openGraphMetaTag
2164         * @see #getAllOGMetaTags(Vector)
2165         * @see #checkForSingleQuote(String)
2166         * @see TagNode
2167         */
2168        public static void insertOGMetaTag
2169            (Vector<HTMLNode> html, String ogProperty, String ogValueAsStr)
2170        {
2171            // Open graph tag looks like this:
2172            // <meta property='og:INSERT-OG-PROPERTY-HERE' content='INSERT-OG-VALUE-HERE' />
2174            checkForSingleQuote(ogProperty);
2175            checkForSingleQuote(ogValueAsStr);
2177            // The HTML Page must have a <HEAD> ... </HEAD> section, or an exception shall throw.
2178            DotPair header = TagNodeFindInclusive.first(html, "HEAD");
2180            if (header == null) throw new NodeNotFoundException(
2181                NO_HEADER_MESSAGE.replace
2182                    ("INSERT-STR", "Open-Graph <META NAME='og:...' ...> Tag")
2183            );
2185            // Build the Open-Graph Meta Tag
2186            TagNode metaTN = new TagNode
2187                ("<META PROPERTY='og:" + ogProperty+ "' CONTENT='" + ogValueAsStr +"'>");
2189            // Insert the tag into the page.  Put it at the top of the header, just after <HEAD>
2190            Util.insertNodes(html, header.start + 1, NEWLINE, metaTN, NEWLINE);
2191        }
2193        /**
2194         * This will search any Vectorized HTML-Pge for
2195         * <B STYLE='color: red;'>{@code <META PROPERTY='og:...' CONTENT='...'>}</B> Tags, and
2196         * retrieve them for placement into a {@code java.util.Properties} table.
2197         * 
2198         * @param html <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=HTMLVEC>
2199         * 
2200         * @return This will return a Java {@code 'Properties'} Object, with all Open-Graph
2201         * properties saved inside.
2202         * 
2203         * @see #openGraphMetaTag
2204         * @see #insertOGMetaTag(Vector, String, String)
2205         * @see TagNode#AV(String)
2206         * @see InnerTagGet
2207         */
2208        public static Properties getAllOGMetaTags(Vector<? extends HTMLNode> html)
2209        {
2210            // InnerTagGet.all: Returns a vector of TagNode's that resemble:
2211            // <META property="og:..." ...>
2212            //
2213            // SW_CI_TRM: Check the 'property' Attribute-Value using a Case-Insensitive,
2214            //            'Starts-With' String-Comparison
2215            //            Trim the 'property' Attribute-Value String of possible leading & 
2216            //            trailing White-Space before performing the comparison.
2218            Vector<TagNode> v = InnerTagGet.all
2219                (html, "META", "PROPERTY", TextComparitor.SW_CI_TRM, "og:");
2221            Properties ret = new Properties();
2223            for (TagNode tn : v)
2224                ret.put(tn.AV("PROPERTY").substring(3), tn.AV("CONTENT"));
2226            return ret;
2227        }
2228    }