001package Torello.Java.Additional;
004 * This class is used to shunt text-output sent to a Java <CODE>Appendable</CODE>; note that this
005 * <CODE>Appendable</CODE> <I>can be tapped,</I> allowing for saving text-output, without printing
006 * it.
007 * 
008 * <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=NOPRINT>
009 */
010@Torello.JavaDoc.JDHeaderBackgroundImg(EmbedTagFileID={"APPENDABLE_EXTENSION", "NOPRINT_JDHBI"})
011public class NOPRINT implements Appendable
013    /**
014     * This is the externalized, singleton instance of this class.  This class does not have any
015     * {@code public} constructors.
016     */
017    public static final NOPRINT np = new NOPRINT();
019    protected NOPRINT() { }
021    /**
022     * Does nothing.  Returns {@code 'this'} instance.
023     * @param cs Dummy input.  Ignored, completely.
024     * @param start Dummy input.  Ignored, completely.
025     * @param end dummy input. Ignored, completely.
026     * @return {@code 'this'} instance is returned.
027     */
028    public Appendable append(CharSequence cs, int start, int end)
029    { return this; }
031    /**
032     * Does nothing.  Return {@code 'this'} instance.
033     * @param cs dummy input.  Ignored.
034     * @return {@code 'this'} instance is returned.
035     */
036    public Appendable append(CharSequence cs)
037    { return this; }
039    /**
040     * Does nothing.  Returns {@code 'this'} instance.
041     * @param c Dummy input.  Ignored, completely.
042     * @return {@code 'this'} instance is returned.
043     */
044    public Appendable append(char c)
045    { return this; }