001package Torello.JavaDoc;
003import java.lang.annotation.*;
006 * This Annotation allows a user to request that a CSS Link-Import be included in the Header
007 * Portion of any CIET/Type's respective Java-Doc Web-Page.  This Annotation allows for multiple
008 * sheets to be applied to a single Java-Doc Page.
009 * 
010 * <BR /><BR />The {@link #FileNames()} element in this annotation should be supplied with 
011 * names for a file located inside the {@code ../upgrade-files/stylesheets/} sub-directory of
012 * whatever Java Source-Code Package in which your CIET/Type (your {@code '.java'} file) resides.
013 * When you specify a CSS-File in that directory, you need not include any actual directory string
014 * information in the file-name.  Just the Simple-Name of the file itself is expected / sufficient.
015 * 
016 * <BR /><BR />Importing CSS-Files from other locations on disk is also allowed.  In such cases
017 * you would then (and only then) be obligated to include the Full-Path / Canonical File-Name
018 * for the CSS-File to be imported.
019 */
024public @interface CSSLinks
026    /**
027     * The CSS-StyleSheet file (or files) for which an HTML {@code <LINK REL=stylesheet>} Tag is to
028     * be inserted into this CIET/Type's Java-Doc Page Header.
029     * 
030     * <BR /><BR />This Annotation-Element is a {@code String}-Array, which means more than one
031     * Style-Sheet may be included here.  If the Style-Sheet has been properly placed, directly,
032     * into the {@code ../upgrade-files/stylesheets/} directory, then this {@code 'FileNames'}
033     * {@code String}-Array <I>should not include any parent or container directory information in
034     * the any of those kinds of FileName-{@code String's}</I>.
035     * 
036     * <BR /><BR />If a StyleSheet whose location on disk is situated on the File-System in some
037     * unrelated place, then the file's Full-Path Name (or at least it's Relative-Path Name with
038     * respect to the Current Working Directory at Build Initiation Time) should be the 
039     * {@code String} used within this Array-Element.
040     */
041    public String[] FileNames();    