001package Torello.JavaDoc;
003import com.sun.source.tree.Tree;
006 * Entity: Exhaustive list of all items that may be defined inside of a Java Type.
007 * 
008 * <BR /><BR />
009 * <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=ENTITY>
010 */
011public enum Entity
013    /** Denotes Field(s) */
014    FIELD(
015        Torello.JavaDoc.Field.class,
016        com.sun.source.tree.VariableTree.class,
017        "FD",
018        "==== FIELD SUMMARY ====",
019        "==== FIELD DETAIL ===="
020    ),
022    /** Denotes Method(s). */
023    METHOD(
024        Torello.JavaDoc.Method.class,
025        com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree.class,
026        "MD",
027        "==== METHOD SUMMARY ====",
028        "==== METHOD DETAIL ===="
029    ),
031    /** Denotes Constructor(s). */
033        Torello.JavaDoc.Constructor.class,
034        com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree.class,
035        "CO",
036        "==== CONSTRUCTOR SUMMARY ====",
037        "==== CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL ===="
038    ),
040    /**
041     * Used for the 'Elements' - which <I>must be located</I> inside an Annotation Definition - but 
042     * <I>are not always required or mandatory</I>.  Only an <CODE>&#64;interface</CODE>
043     * ({@code Annotation}) may have "Annotation Elements".
044     * 
045     * <BR /><BR /><B CLASS=JDDescLabel>Optional &amp; Required:</B>
046     * 
047     * <BR />Because there are two types of Annotation-Members (option &amp; required - where
048     * <I>optional elements have a <CODE>default value</CODE> assigned!</I>), null is assigned to
049     * the {@code String}-Field {@link #jdSummaryMarker}.
050     * 
051     * <BR /><BR />Java puts both types of Annotation-Members in the same details-section on a Java
052     * Doc Web-Page.  Therefore there is only one Detail-Section HTML-Comment Marker, and that 
053     * {@code public} &amp; {@code final} {@code String}-field (@link #jdDetailMarker) is non-null,
054     * and provided by this constant.
055     */
057        Torello.JavaDoc.AnnotationElem.class,
058        com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree.class,
059        "AE",
060        null, // There are **TWO** Annotation-Member Summary-Sections (and, therefore, two markers)
061        "==== ANNOTATION TYPE MEMBER DETAIL ===="
062    ),
064    /**
065     * Used for the Enumerated-Constants.  These are the Java-Identifiers which may only be found
066     * inside a Java {@code 'enum'}.
067     */
069        Torello.JavaDoc.EnumConstant.class,
070        com.sun.source.tree.VariableTree.class,
071        "EC",
072        "==== ENUM CONSTANT SUMMARY ====",
073        "==== ENUM CONSTANT DETAIL ===="
074    ),
076    /**
077     * Denotes Static inner-class(es), inner-interface(s), inner-enums, etc.
078     */
080        Torello.JavaDoc.NestedType.class,
081        com.sun.source.tree.ClassTree.class,
082        "NT",
083        "==== NESTED CLASS SUMMARY ====",
084        null    // Nested-Types / Inner-Classes get their full-and-complete own pages.  They do not
085                // have a "Details Section".  (Therefore there is no HTML-Comment Marker for them!)
086    );
089    // ********************************************************************************************
090    // ********************************************************************************************
091    // Reflection / Type java.lang.Class public constants
092    // ********************************************************************************************
093    // ********************************************************************************************
096    /**
097     * <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=ENTITYFIELD>
098     * 
099     * <BR /><BR />The <CODE>Class&lt;? extends {@link Declaration}&gt;</CODE> instance stored in
100     * this <B>'Type Mirror'</B> field is just the actual <B>{@code java.lang.class}</B> of one of
101     * the six CIET-Types.  Specifically this field will always evaluate to one of the following 
102     * values:
103     * 
104     * <BR /><BR /><TABLE CLASS='JDBriefTable MONO-SPACE-TABLE'>
105     *  <TR><TH>Constant</TH>                   <TH>Ugrader Reflection Class</TH></TR>
106     *  <TR><TD>{@link METHOD}</TD>             <TD>{@link Method}{@code .class}</TD></TR>
107     *  <TR><TD>{@link FIELD}</TD>              <TD>{@link Field}{@code .class}</TD></TR>
108     *  <TR><TD>{@link CONSTRUCTOR}</TD>        <TD>{@link Constructor}{@code .class}</TD></TR>
109     *  <TR><TD>{@link ENUM_CONSTANT}</TD>      <TD>{@link EnumConstant}{@code .class}</TD></TR>
110     *  <TR><TD>{@link ANNOTATION_ELEM}</TD>    <TD>{@link AnnotationElem}{@code .class}</TD></TR>
111     *  <TR><TD>{@link INNER_CLASS}</TD>        <TD>{@link NestedType}{@code .class}</TD></TR>
112     * </TABLE>
113     */
114    public final Class<? extends Declaration> upgraderReflectionClass;
116    /**
117     * <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=ENTITYFIELD>
118     * 
119     * <BR /><BR />The {@code Class<? extends Node>} instance stored in this <B>'Type Mirror'</B>
120     * field is the actual <B>{@code java.lang.Class}</B> of the {@code com.sun.source.tree} Node
121     * that is used to build this kind of {@code Entity}.  Specifically, this field will always
122     * evaluate to one of the following <B>Java Class</B> values:
123     * 
125     *  <TR><TH>Constant</TH>                   <TH>Sun/Oracle Reflection Class</TH></TR>
126     *  <TR><TD>{@link METHOD}</TD>             <TD>MethodTree.class</TD></TR>
127     *  <TR><TD>{@link FIELD}</TD>              <TD>VariableTree.class</TD></TR>
128     *  <TR><TD>{@link CONSTRUCTOR}</TD>        <TD>MethodTree.class</TD></TR>
129     *  <TR><TD>{@link ENUM_CONSTANT}</TD>      <TD>VariableTree.class</TD></TR>
130     *  <TR><TD>{@link ANNOTATION_ELEM}</TD>    <TD>MethodTree.class</TD></TR>
131     *  <TR><TD>{@link INNER_CLASS}</TD>        <TD>ClassTree.class</TD></TR>
132     * </TABLE>
133     */
134    public final Class<? extends Tree> oracleReflectionClass;
136    /** Two character abbreviation-string for this {@code Entity}, usefull for CSS ID's */
137    public final String abbrev;
139    /**
140     * For all constants in this {@code enum}, this field will contain an identical value to the
141     * value returned by method {@link #jdSummaryMarker()} - <B><I>except</I></B> for the constant
142     * named {@link #ANNOTATION_ELEM}.  For the {@code ANNOTATION_ELEM} constant, this field will
143     * contain null.
144     * 
145     * <BR /><BR />(This is because there are two types of Annotation-Elements - <I>optional</I>
146     * and <I>required</I> - and therefore two different markers for their respective Summary 
147     * Sections on a Java-Doc Web-Page)
148     * 
149     * <BR /><BR />The {@code String}-values contained in this field are listed in the following
150     * table:
151     * 
153     *  <TR><TH>Constant</TH>                   <TH>JavaDoc HTML-Comment Summary-Marker</TH></TR>
154     *  <TR><TD>{@link METHOD}</TD>             <TD>"==== METHOD SUMMARY ===="</TD></TR>
155     *  <TR><TD>{@link FIELD}</TD>              <TD>"==== FIELD SUMMARY ===="</TD></TR>
156     *  <TR><TD>{@link CONSTRUCTOR}</TD>        <TD>"==== CONSTRUCTOR SUMMARY ===="</TD></TR>
157     *  <TR><TD>{@link ENUM_CONSTANT}</TD>      <TD>"==== ENUM CONSTANT SUMMARY ===="</TD></TR>
158     *  <TR><TD>{@link ANNOTATION_ELEM}</TD>    <TD>null</TD></TR>
159     *  <TR><TD>{@link INNER_CLASS}</TD>        <TD>"==== NESTED CLASS SUMMARY ===="</TD></TR>
160     * </TABLE>
161     * 
162     * @see #jdSummaryMarker()
163     */
164    public final String jdSummaryMarker;
166    /**
167     * For all constants in this {@code enum}, this field will contain an identical value to the
168     * value returned by method {@link #jdDetailMarker()} - <B><I>except</I></B> for the constant
169     * named {@link #INNER_CLASS}.  For the {@code INNER_CLASS} constant, this field will contain
170     * null.
171     * 
172     * <BR /><BR />(This is because Nested-Types do not have "Details Sections" on a Java-Doc 
173     * Generated Web-Page.  Nested-Types get their own respective pages!)  When the method
174     * {@link #jdDetailMarker()} is invoked on the {@link #INNER_CLASS} constant, that method will
175     * simply throw an exception.
176     *
177     * <BR /><BR />The {@code String}-values contained in this field are listed in the following
178     * table:
179     * 
181     *  <TR><TH>Constant</TH>                   <TH>JavaDoc HTML-Comment Detail-Marker</TH></TR>
182     *  <TR><TD>{@link METHOD}</TD>             <TD>"==== METHOD DETAIL ===="</TD></TR>
183     *  <TR><TD>{@link FIELD}</TD>              <TD>"==== FIELD DETAIL ===="</TD></TR>
184     *  <TR><TD>{@link CONSTRUCTOR}</TD>        <TD>"==== CONSTRUCTOR DETAIL ===="</TD></TR>
185     *  <TR><TD>{@link ENUM_CONSTANT}</TD>      <TD>"==== ENUM CONSTANT DETAIL ===="</TD></TR>
186     *  <TR><TD>{@link ANNOTATION_ELEM}</TD>    <TD>"==== ANNOTATION TYPE MEMBER DETAIL ===="
187     *                                          </TD></TR>
188     *  <TR><TD>{@link INNER_CLASS}</TD>        <TD>null</TD></TR>
189     * </TABLE>
190     * 
191     * @see #jdDetailMarker()
192     */
193    public final String jdDetailMarker;
195    /**
196     * Inside the HTML of a Java-Doc Web-Page, each of the entities will have a summary section
197     * that is demarcated by an HTML Comment to signal the beginning of that summary-section.
198     * The contents of this HTML comment may be retrieved by calling this method.
199     * 
200     * <BR /><BR />This {@code 'enum'} also has a {@code public} field {@code String}-constant
201     * with the same name as this method (a {@code public} &amp; {@code final} field of type
202     * {@code String} named {@link #jdSummaryMarker}.  This field contains an identical 
203     * {@code String} as the return-values for this method, <B><I>except</I></B> for the constant
204     * named {@link #ANNOTATION_ELEM} (which is explained below).
205     * 
206     * @return The HTML Commennt Marker that Java-Doc uses to indicate the beginning of the HTML
207     * <B><I>Summary Section</I></B> on a Java-Doc Generated Web-Page associated with
208     * {@code 'this'} entity.
209     * 
210     * <BR /><BR />If this instance of {@code Entity} is the {@link #ANNOTATION_ELEM} instance,
211     * then this method will throw an {@code UpgradeException}
212     * 
213     * <BR /><BR />The complete list of Summary-Section Begin Markers can be viewed in the
214     * table-provided <B><A HREF='#JDSUMMMARKTABLE'>HERE</A></B>.
215     * 
216     * @throws UpgradeException If this method is invoked on the {@link ANNOTATION_ELEM} constant.
217     * 
218     * @see #jdSummaryMarker
219     */
220    public String jdSummaryMarker()
221    {
222        if (this == ANNOTATION_ELEM) throw new UpgradeException(
223            "You have asked Entity.ANNOTATION_ELEM for the HTML Comment Summary Marker, but " +
224            "this is not allowed because there are two kinds of Annotation Element Summaries.  " +
225            "As such, there is no way to distinguish which Comment-Marker String is being " +
226            "requeted.  An Annotation could have an 'Optional Annotation Element Summary', and " +
227            "a 'Required Annotation Element Summary.'"
229        );
231        return jdSummaryMarker;
232    }
234    /**
235     * 
236     * @return The HTML Commennt Marker that Java-Doc uses to indicate the beginning of the HTML
237     * <B><I>Detail Section</I></B> on a Java-Doc Generated Web-Page associated with {@code 'this'}
238     * entity.
239     * 
240     * <BR /><BR />If this instance of {@code Entity} is the {@link #INNER_CLASS} instance, then
241     * this method will throw an {@code UpgradeException}
242     * 
243     * <BR /><BR />The complete list of Detail-Section Begin Markers can be viewed in the
244     * table-provided <B><A HREF='#JDDETMARKTABLE'>HERE</A></B>.
245     * 
246     * @throws UpgradeException If this method is invoked on the {@link INNER_CLASS} constant.
247     * Java-Doc Generated Web-Pages simply do not have Details-Sections.  This is because Java-Doc
248     * will create a full and separate page for inner-classes / nested-types.
249     * 
250     * @see #jdDetailMarker
251     */
252    public String jdDetailMarker()
253    {
254        if (this == INNER_CLASS) throw new UpgradeException(
255            "Nested-Types simply do not have a Details-Section on a Java-Doc Web-Page (they " +
256            "get their own page!)  Therefore there is no Detail-Section Start Comment-Marker " +
257            "to provide here."
258        );
260        return jdDetailMarker;
261    }
263    /**
264     * Checks whether {@code 'this'} is an instance that represents an entity that may be called or
265     * invoked (and would, therefore, accept parameters as input).  In Java, both methods and
266     * constructors may be invoked.
267     * 
268     * @return <CODE>TRUE</CODE> if {@code 'this'} instance is either the {@link #METHOD} or the
269     * {@link #CONSTRUCTOR} constant.  Returns <CODE>FALSE</CODE> otherwise.
270     */
271    public boolean isCallable()
272    { return (this == METHOD) || (this == CONSTRUCTOR); }
274    // Private constructor
275    private Entity(
276            Class<? extends Declaration> upgraderReflectionClass,
277            Class<? extends Tree> oracleReflectionClass,
278            String abbrev,
279            String jdSummaryMarker,
280            String jdDetailMarker
281        )
282    {
283        this.upgraderReflectionClass    = upgraderReflectionClass;
284        this.oracleReflectionClass      = oracleReflectionClass;
285        this.abbrev                     = abbrev;
286        this.jdSummaryMarker            = jdSummaryMarker;
287        this.jdDetailMarker             = jdDetailMarker;
288    }