Class Page.Frame

    • Field Summary

      Serializable ID
      Modifier and Type Field
      protected static long serialVersionUID
      For Object Serialization.
      Type Properties
      Modifier and Type Field
      Page.AdFrameStatus adFrameStatus
      Indicates whether this frame was tagged as an ad and why.
      String crossOriginIsolatedContextType
      Indicates whether this is a cross origin isolated context.
      String domainAndRegistry
      Frame document's registered domain, taking the public suffixes list into account.
      String[] gatedAPIFeatures
      Indicated which gated APIs / features are available.
      String id
      Frame unique identifier.
      String loaderId
      Identifier of the loader associated with this frame.
      String mimeType
      Frame document's mimeType as determined by the browser.
      String name
      Frame's name as specified in the tag.
      String parentId
      Parent frame identifier.
      String secureContextType
      Indicates whether the main document is a secure context and explains why that is the case.
      String securityOrigin
      Frame document's security origin.
      String unreachableUrl
      If the frame failed to load, this contains the URL that could not be loaded.
      String url
      Frame document's URL without fragment.
      String urlFragment
      Frame document's URL fragment including the '#'.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Frame​(String id, String parentId, String loaderId, String name, String url, String urlFragment, String domainAndRegistry, String securityOrigin, String mimeType, String unreachableUrl, Page.AdFrameStatus adFrameStatus, String secureContextType, String crossOriginIsolatedContextType, String[] gatedAPIFeatures)
      Frame​(JsonObject jo)
      JSON Object Constructor
    • Method Summary

      Generate Array that Indicates which Parameter are Optional
      Modifier and Type Method
      boolean[] optionals()
      Implementing this method allows sub-classes to specify which JSON Properties may be absent or null.
      Methods: class java.lang.Object
      Modifier and Type Method
      boolean equals​(Object other)
      Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
      int hashCode()
      Generates a Hash-Code for 'this' instance
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • Frame

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public Frame​(java.lang.String id,
                     java.lang.String parentId,
                     java.lang.String loaderId,
                     java.lang.String name,
                     java.lang.String url,
                     java.lang.String urlFragment,
                     java.lang.String domainAndRegistry,
                     java.lang.String securityOrigin,
                     java.lang.String mimeType,
                     java.lang.String unreachableUrl,
                     Page.AdFrameStatus adFrameStatus,
                     java.lang.String secureContextType,
                     java.lang.String crossOriginIsolatedContextType,
                     java.lang.String[] gatedAPIFeatures)
        id - Frame unique identifier.
        parentId - Parent frame identifier.
        loaderId - Identifier of the loader associated with this frame.
        name - Frame's name as specified in the tag.
        url - Frame document's URL without fragment.
        urlFragment - Frame document's URL fragment including the '#'.
        domainAndRegistry - Frame document's registered domain, taking the public suffixes list into account. Extracted from the Frame's url. Example URLs: -> "" -> ""
        securityOrigin - Frame document's security origin.
        mimeType - Frame document's mimeType as determined by the browser.
        unreachableUrl - If the frame failed to load, this contains the URL that could not be loaded. Note that unlike url above, this URL may contain a fragment.
        adFrameStatus - Indicates whether this frame was tagged as an ad and why.
        secureContextType - Indicates whether the main document is a secure context and explains why that is the case.
        crossOriginIsolatedContextType - Indicates whether this is a cross origin isolated context.
        gatedAPIFeatures - Indicated which gated APIs / features are available.
    • Method Detail

      • optionals

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public boolean[] optionals()
        Description copied from class: BaseType
        Implementing this method allows sub-classes to specify which JSON Properties may be absent or null. When binding a JsonObject to a Java-Object, if some of the expected fields for the Java-Object map to Properties which might be left-out or omitted, then that may be indicated by setting that fields array position TRUE.

        NOTE: This array should have a length equal to the number of fields contained by the Java Object. The first boolean in the array should specify whether the first Object Field may by absent. The second boolean should specify whether the second Object Field is optional in the JSON - and so on and so forth...
        Specified by:
        optionals in class BaseType
        A boolean[] array whose length is precisely equal to the number of fields in the Java Object.
        Exact Method Body:
         return new boolean[] { false, true, false, true, false, true, false, false, false, true, true, false, false, false, };
      • equals

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object other)
        Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
        equals in class java.lang.Object
        Exact Method Body:
         if (other == null)                       return false;
         if (other.getClass() != this.getClass()) return false;
         Frame o = (Frame) other;
             &&  Objects.equals(this.parentId, o.parentId)
             &&  Objects.equals(this.loaderId, o.loaderId)
             &&  Objects.equals(,
             &&  Objects.equals(this.url, o.url)
             &&  Objects.equals(this.urlFragment, o.urlFragment)
             &&  Objects.equals(this.domainAndRegistry, o.domainAndRegistry)
             &&  Objects.equals(this.securityOrigin, o.securityOrigin)
             &&  Objects.equals(this.mimeType, o.mimeType)
             &&  Objects.equals(this.unreachableUrl, o.unreachableUrl)
             &&  Objects.equals(this.adFrameStatus, o.adFrameStatus)
             &&  Objects.equals(this.secureContextType, o.secureContextType)
             &&  Objects.equals(this.crossOriginIsolatedContextType, o.crossOriginIsolatedContextType)
             &&  Arrays.deepEquals(this.gatedAPIFeatures, o.gatedAPIFeatures);
      • hashCode

        🡅     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public int hashCode()
        Generates a Hash-Code for 'this' instance
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
        Exact Method Body:
             +   Objects.hashCode(this.parentId)
             +   Objects.hashCode(this.loaderId)
             +   Objects.hashCode(
             +   Objects.hashCode(this.url)
             +   Objects.hashCode(this.urlFragment)
             +   Objects.hashCode(this.domainAndRegistry)
             +   Objects.hashCode(this.securityOrigin)
             +   Objects.hashCode(this.mimeType)
             +   Objects.hashCode(this.unreachableUrl)
             +   this.adFrameStatus.hashCode()
             +   Objects.hashCode(this.secureContextType)
             +   Objects.hashCode(this.crossOriginIsolatedContextType)
             +   Arrays.deepHashCode(this.gatedAPIFeatures);