Class RJInternal

  • public class RJInternal
    extends java.lang.Object
    Class which provides a series of helper functions for all JSON Type-Binding Reader Classes.

    The helpers for class ReadArrJSON are kept inside that class, and do not appear in this one.

    100% of the helper-methods that appear here are protected, and cannot be accessed outside of this package. They are included in the documentation solely for the purposes of (if you happen to be interested) letting you know how the JSON-Tools work. It is not intended that programmers would ever need to invoke, directly, any of the methods in this class!

    Stateless Class:
    This class neither contains any program-state, nor can it be instantiated. The @StaticFunctional Annotation may also be called 'The Spaghetti Report'. Static-Functional classes are, essentially, C-Styled Files, without any constructors or non-static member fields. It is a concept very similar to the Java-Bean's @Stateless Annotation.

    • 1 Constructor(s), 1 declared private, zero-argument constructor
    • 25 Method(s), 25 declared static
    • 0 Field(s)

    • Method Summary

      GET Methods: Standard Number Extraction
      Modifier and Type Method
      protected static <T> T GET​(JsonArray ja, int index, Class<T> primitiveClass, Function<JsonNumber,​T> jsonTypeToJavaType)
      protected static <T extends Number>
      GET​(JsonArray ja, int index, Function<JsonNumber,​T> jsonTypeToJavaType, Class<T> returnClass)
      protected static <T extends Number>
      GET​(JsonObject jo, String propertyName, boolean isOptional, Function<JsonNumber,​T> jsonTypeToJavaType, Class<T> returnClass)
      protected static <T> T GET​(JsonObject jo, String propertyName, Class<T> primitiveClass, Function<JsonNumber,​T> jsonTypeToJavaType)
      GET Methods: Accepting a 'FLAGS' Parameter
      Modifier and Type Method
      protected static <T extends Number>
      GET​(JsonArray ja, int index, int FLAGS, T defaultValue, Class<T> returnClass, Function<JsonNumber,​T> jsonTypeToJavaType, Function<JsonNumber,​T> typeToType2)
      protected static <T extends Number>
      GET​(JsonObject jo, String propertyName, int FLAGS, T defaultValue, Class<T> returnClass, Function<JsonNumber,​T> jsonTypeToJavaType, Function<JsonNumber,​T> typeToType2)
      PARSE Methods: String Parsing, also accepting a 'FLAGS' Parameter
      Modifier and Type Method
      protected static <T extends Number>
      PARSE​(JsonArray ja, int index, int FLAGS, T defaultValue, Class<T> returnClass, Function<String,​T> parser, Function<BigDecimal,​T> defaultParser1, Function<BigDecimal,​T> defaultParser2)
      protected static <T extends Number>
      PARSE​(JsonObject jo, String propertyName, int FLAGS, T defaultValue, Class<T> returnClass, Function<String,​T> parser, Function<BigDecimal,​T> defaultParser1, Function<BigDecimal,​T> defaultParser2)
      FLAG Methods: Flag-Checking Helper-Methods
      Modifier and Type Method
      protected static <T> T IOOBEX​(JsonArray ja, int index, T defaultValue, int FLAGS)
      protected static <T> T JNAEX​(JsonArray ja, int index, T defaultValue, int FLAGS, JsonValue.ValueType expectedType, Class<T> returnClass)
      protected static <T> T JNOEX​(JsonObject jo, String propertyName, T defaultValue, int FLAGS, JsonValue.ValueType expectedType, Class<T> returnClass)
      protected static <T> T JPMEX​(JsonObject jo, String propertyName, T defaultValue, int FLAGS, JsonValue.ValueType expectedType, Class<T> returnClass)
      protected static <T> T JSPAEX​(Exception e, JsonArray ja, int index, T defaultValue, int FLAGS, JsonValue retrievedValue, Class<T> returnClass)
      protected static <T> T JSPOEX​(Exception e, JsonObject jo, String propertyName, T defaultValue, int FLAGS, JsonValue retrievedValue, Class<T> returnClass)
      protected static <T> T JTAEX​(JsonArray ja, int index, T defaultValue, int FLAGS, JsonValue.ValueType expectedType, JsonValue retrievedValue, Class<T> returnClass)
      protected static <T> T JTOEX​(JsonObject jo, String propertyName, T defaultValue, int FLAGS, JsonValue.ValueType expectedType, JsonValue retrievedValue, Class<T> returnClass)
      HELPER Methods: Assorted Extras
      Modifier and Type Method
      protected static Number convertToNumber​(String s)
      protected static Number convertToNumber​(BigDecimal bd)
      protected static Number convertToNumber​(JsonNumber jn)
      protected static double DOUBLE_WITH_CHECK​(BigDecimal bd)
      protected static double DOUBLE_WITH_CHECK​(JsonNumber jn)
      protected static float FLOAT_WITH_CHECK​(BigDecimal bd)
      protected static float FLOAT_WITH_CHECK​(JsonNumber jn)
      protected static void throwAE_INFINITY​(BigDecimal bd, String primTypeName, boolean positiveOrNegative)
      protected static void throwAE_INFINITY​(JsonNumber jn, String primTypeName, boolean positiveOrNegative)
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • throwAE_INFINITY

        🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        protected static void throwAE_INFINITY​(JsonNumber jn,
                                               java.lang.String primTypeName,
                                               boolean positiveOrNegative)
        Helper Method that generates an ArithmeticException with a uniformly-consistent exception message
        jn - A Java javax.json.JsonNumber whose magnitude is too large.
        Exact Method Body:
         throw new ArithmeticException(
             "When attempting to conver the JsonNumber [" + jn.toString() + "] to a " +
             primTypeName + " primitive, the number had a magnitude that was too large: " +
             (positiveOrNegative ? "Positive" : "Negative") + " Infinity was returned."
      • throwAE_INFINITY

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        protected static void throwAE_INFINITY​(java.math.BigDecimal bd,
                                               java.lang.String primTypeName,
                                               boolean positiveOrNegative)
        Helper Method that generates an ArithmeticException with a uniformly-consistent exception message
        bd - A Java java.math.BigDecimal whose magnitude is too large.
        Exact Method Body:
         throw new ArithmeticException(
             "When attempting to conver the JsonNumber [" + bd.toString() + "] to a " +
             primTypeName + " primitive, the number had a magnitude that was too large: " +
             (positiveOrNegative ? "Positive" : "Negative") + " Infinity was returned."

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        protected static double DOUBLE_WITH_CHECK​(java.math.BigDecimal bd)
        Converts a BigDecimal into a Java double
        bd - Any BigDecimal
        Java double primitive
        JsonArithmeticException - If infinity is returned from the call to code BigDecimal.doubleValue()
        Exact Method Body:
         double ret = bd.doubleValue();
         if (ret == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) throwAE_INFINITY(bd, "double", false);
         if (ret == Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) throwAE_INFINITY(bd, "double", true);
         return ret;

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        protected static float FLOAT_WITH_CHECK​(java.math.BigDecimal bd)
        Converts a BigDecimal into a Java float
        bd - Any BigDecimal
        Java float primitive
        JsonArithmeticException - If infinity is returned from the call to code BigDecimal.floatValue()
        Exact Method Body:
         float ret = bd.floatValue();
         if (ret == Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) throwAE_INFINITY(bd, "float", false);
         if (ret == Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY) throwAE_INFINITY(bd, "float", true);
         return ret;
      • convertToNumber

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        protected static java.lang.Number convertToNumber​(JsonNumber jn)
        Converts any JsonNumber into one of the inheriting subclasses of Java class Number
        jn - Any JsonNumber
        The most appropriate intance of java.lang.Number
        See Also:
        ReadNumberJSON.get(JsonObject, String, int, Number), ReadNumberJSON.get(JsonArray, int, int, Number), JsonNumber.isIntegral(), JsonNumber.bigIntegerValue(), JsonNumber.bigDecimalValue()
        Exact Method Body:
         if (jn.isIntegral())
             BigInteger bi = jn.bigIntegerValue();
             int        l  = bi.bitLength();
             if (l <= 32) return Integer.valueOf(bi.intValue());
             if (l <= 64) return Long.valueOf(bi.longValue());
             return bi;
             BigDecimal bd = jn.bigDecimalValue();
             // This probably isn't the most efficient thing I've ever written, but I do not
             // have the energy to stare at java.math.BigDecimal at the moment.  The JavaDoc for
             // this JSON => Java-Type Conversion is quite intricate.  I will figure this out at
             // at later date.
             float f = bd.floatValue();
             if ((f != Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) && (f != Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY)) return f;
             double d = bd.doubleValue();
             if ((f != Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) && (f != Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)) return d;
             return bd;
      • convertToNumber

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        protected static java.lang.Number convertToNumber​(java.math.BigDecimal bd)
        Converts any java.math.BigDecimal into one of the inheriting subclasses of Number.
        bd - Any BigDecimal
        The most appropriate instance of java.lang.Number
        Exact Method Body:
         if (bd.scale() == 0)
             BigInteger bi = bd.toBigInteger();
             int        l  = bi.bitLength();
             if (l <= 32) return Integer.valueOf(bi.intValue());
             if (l <= 64) return Long.valueOf(bi.longValue());
             return bi;
             // This probably isn't the most efficient thing I've ever written, but I do not
             // have the energy to stare at java.math.BigDecimal at the moment.  The JavaDoc for
             // this JSON => Java-Type Conversion is quite intricate.  I will figure this out at
             // at later date.
             float f = bd.floatValue();
             if ((f != Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) && (f != Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY)) return f;
             double d = bd.doubleValue();
             if ((f != Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) && (f != Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY)) return d;
             return bd;
      • GET

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        protected static <T> T GET​
                    (JsonArray ja,
                     int index,
                     java.lang.Class<T> primitiveClass,
                     java.util.function.Function<JsonNumber,​T> jsonTypeToJavaType)
        This is an internal helper method for retrieving an element from a JsonArray, and converting it to one of the standard Java Types.
        Type Parameters:
        T - This is the return Java-Type of this method. Java Type-Inference is used to determine this parameter.

        NOTE: Here, all this means is that the Java Compiler will look at the left hand side of the assignment to infer what type is returned.

        ALSO: It is somewhat interesting that the Java Compiler will automatically convert a Java int to a java.lang.Integer - it is called auto-boxing . The wrapper classes (java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Float, etc...) are sometimes called Boxed Types by Sun / Oracle (for lack of a better-term).

        Essentially, during the compile-time analysis, the primitive number classes and the full-object (boxed) classes are seemingly treated as interchangeable. Remember, though, a primitive cannot be assigned null; and furthermore there is some cost/overhead in changing from the boxed ava.lang.Integer to the primitive int type (albeit, an extremely low-cost overhead).
        ja - Any instance of JsonArray
        index - Any index into the array which holds a JsonNumber
        primitiveClass - Used for exception-reporting only. This is the final expect Java Primitive Type that will ultimately be returned to the user. It is passed as a convenience field when the null-primitive exception is thrown.
        jsonTypeToJavaType - This should convert an instance of JsonNumber, into one of the concrete, boxed, subclasses of java.lang.Number
        The converted number, as an instance Generic-Parameter 'T'
        JsonNullPrimitiveArrException - If the JsonArray element located at 'index' contains Json-Null, then this exception throws.
        JsonTypeArrException - If the JsonArray element located at 'index' does not contain a JsonNumber, then this exception throws.
        JsonArithmeticArrException - If there any arithmetic problems during the conversion
        java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - If 'index' is out of the bounds of 'ja'
        See Also:
        ReadPrimJSON.getInt(JsonArray, int), ReadPrimJSON.getLong(JsonArray, int), ReadPrimJSON.getShort(JsonArray, int), ReadPrimJSON.getByte(JsonArray, int), ReadPrimJSON.getDouble(JsonArray, int), ReadPrimJSON.getFloat(JsonArray, int)
        Exact Method Body:
         // This will throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of bounds.
         JsonValue jv = ja.get(index);
         switch (jv.getValueType())
             // This method allows for null-returns.  If Json-Null, return Java-Null.
             case NULL: throw new JsonNullPrimitiveArrException
                 (ja, index, NUMBER, primitiveClass);
             // This will throw ArithmeticException if it cannot be converted
             case NUMBER:
                 // REMEMBER: The primary reason for this class is that MEANINGFUL ERROR MESSAGES
                 //           make Json-Binding a lot easer...  "JsonArithmeticException" has just
                 //           about everything that you need to know when debugging this stuff
                     { return jsonTypeToJavaType.apply((JsonNumber) jv); }
                 catch (ArithmeticException ae)
                     throw new JsonArithmeticArrException
                         (ae, ja, index, NUMBER, jv, primitiveClass);
             // The JsonValue at the specified array-index does not contain an JsonNumber.
             default: throw new JsonTypeArrException
                 (ja, index, NUMBER, jv, primitiveClass);
      • GET

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        protected static <T extends java.lang.Number> T GET​
                    (JsonArray ja,
                     int index,
                     java.util.function.Function<JsonNumber,​T> jsonTypeToJavaType,
                     java.lang.Class<T> returnClass)
        This is an internal helper method for retrieving an element from a JsonArray, and converting it to one of the standard Java Types.
        Type Parameters:
        T - This is the return Java-Type of this method. Java Type-Inference is used to determine this parameter.

        NOTE: Here, all this means is that the Java Compiler will look at the left hand side of the assignment to infer what type is returned.

        ALSO: It is somewhat interesting that the Java Compiler will automatically convert a Java int to a java.lang.Integer - it is called auto-boxing . The wrapper classes (java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Float, etc...) are sometimes called Boxed Types by Sun / Oracle (for lack of a better-term).

        Essentially, during the compile-time analysis, the primitive number classes and the full-object (boxed) classes are seemingly treated as interchangeable. Remember, though, a primitive cannot be assigned null; and furthermore there is some cost/overhead in changing from the boxed ava.lang.Integer to the primitive int type (albeit, an extremely low-cost overhead).
        ja - Any instance of JsonArray
        index - Any index into the array which holds a JsonNumber
        jsonTypeToJavaType - This should convert an instance of JsonNumber, into one of the concrete, boxed, subclasses of java.lang.Number
        The converted number, as an instance Generic-Parameter 'T'
        JsonTypeArrException - If the JsonArray element located at 'index' does not contain a JsonNumber, then this exception throws.
        JsonArithmeticArrException - If there any arithmetic problems during the conversion
        java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - If 'index' is out of the bounds of 'ja'
        See Also:
        ReadBoxedJSON.getInteger(JsonArray, int), ReadBoxedJSON.getLong(JsonArray, int), ReadBoxedJSON.getShort(JsonArray, int), ReadBoxedJSON.getByte(JsonArray, int), ReadBoxedJSON.getDouble(JsonArray, int), ReadBoxedJSON.getFloat(JsonArray, int)
        Exact Method Body:
         // This will throw an IndexOutOfBoundsException if the index is out of bounds.
         // Since this *IS NOT* a method with FLAGS, the user has no way to avoid this exception
         // throw if, indeed, the index really is out of bounds!
         // Using one of the 'FLAGS' variants of the 'GET' array-index, a user may request that
         // either null or a default-value be returned.  Not with this version-of 'GET', though.
         JsonValue jv = ja.get(index);
         switch (jv.getValueType())
             // This method allows for null-returns.  If Json-Null, return Java-Null.
             case NULL: return null;
             // This will throw ArithmeticException if it cannot be converted
             case NUMBER:
                 // REMEMBER: The primary reason for this class is that MEANINGFUL ERROR MESSAGES
                 //           make Json-Binding a lot easer...  "JsonArithmeticException" has just
                 //           about everything that you need to know when debugging this stuff
                     { return jsonTypeToJavaType.apply((JsonNumber) jv); }
                 catch (ArithmeticException ae)
                     throw new JsonArithmeticArrException
                         (ae, ja, index, NUMBER, jv, returnClass);
             // The JsonValue at the specified array-index does not contain an JsonNumber.
             default: throw new JsonTypeArrException
                 (ja, index, NUMBER, jv, returnClass);
      • GET

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        protected static <T> T GET​
                    (JsonObject jo,
                     java.lang.String propertyName,
                     java.lang.Class<T> primitiveClass,
                     java.util.function.Function<JsonNumber,​T> jsonTypeToJavaType)
        This is an internal helper method for retrieving a property from a JsonObject, and converting it to one of the standard Java Types.
        Type Parameters:
        T - This is the return Java-Type of this method. Java Type-Inference is used to determine this parameter.

        NOTE: Here, all this means is that the Java Compiler will look at the left hand side of the assignment to infer what type is returned.

        ALSO: It is somewhat interesting that the Java Compiler will automatically convert a Java int to a java.lang.Integer - it is called auto-boxing . The wrapper classes (java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Float, etc...) are sometimes called Boxed Types by Sun / Oracle (for lack of a better-term).

        Essentially, during the compile-time analysis, the primitive number classes and the full-object (boxed) classes are seemingly treated as interchangeable. Remember, though, a primitive cannot be assigned null; and furthermore there is some cost/overhead in changing from the boxed ava.lang.Integer to the primitive int type (albeit, an extremely low-cost overhead).
        jo - Any instance of JsonObject
        propertyName - Any property name contained by 'jo'
        jsonTypeToJavaType - This should convert an instance of JsonNumber, into one of the concrete, boxed, subclasses of java.lang.Number
        The converted number, as an instance Generic-Parameter 'T'
        JsonNullPrimitiveObjException - If the JsonObject property specified by 'propertyName' contains Json-Null, then this exception throws.
        JsonPropMissingException - If the property is missing, and 'isOptional' is FALSE.
        JsonTypeObjException - If the JsonArray element located at 'index' does not contain a JsonNumber, then this exception throws.
        JsonArithmeticObjException - If there any arithmetic problems during the conversion
        See Also:
        ReadPrimJSON.getInt(JsonObject, String), ReadPrimJSON.getLong(JsonObject, String), ReadPrimJSON.getShort(JsonObject, String), ReadPrimJSON.getByte(JsonObject, String), ReadPrimJSON.getDouble(JsonObject, String), ReadPrimJSON.getFloat(JsonObject, String)
        Exact Method Body:
         // Here, a 'get' request was made for a property that isn't actually listed among the
         // properties in the provided JsonObject.  Since this internal 'GET' is used by methods
         // that are trying to return a Java Primitive (like 'int' or 'float'), then an exception
         // has to be thrown.  The option of returning 'null' isn't possible here!
         if (! jo.containsKey(propertyName)) throw new JsonPropMissingException
             (jo, propertyName, NUMBER, primitiveClass);
         JsonValue jv = jo.get(propertyName);
         switch (jv.getValueType())
             // This method allows for null-returns.  If Json-Null, return Java-Null.
             case NULL: throw new JsonNullPrimitiveObjException
                 (jo, propertyName, NUMBER, primitiveClass);
             // This will throw ArithmeticException if this isn't a proper Java int
             case NUMBER:
                 // REMEMBER: The primary reason for this class is that MEANINGFUL ERROR MESSAGES
                 //           make Json-Binding a lot easer...  "JsonArithmeticException" has just
                 //           about everything that you need to know when debugging this stuff
                     { return jsonTypeToJavaType.apply((JsonNumber) jv); }
                 catch (ArithmeticException ae)
                     throw new JsonArithmeticObjException
                         (ae, jo, propertyName, NUMBER, jv, primitiveClass);
             // The JsonObject property does not contain a JsonNumber.
             default: throw new JsonTypeObjException
                 (jo, propertyName, NUMBER, jv, primitiveClass);
      • GET

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        protected static <T extends java.lang.Number> T GET​
                    (JsonObject jo,
                     java.lang.String propertyName,
                     boolean isOptional,
                     java.util.function.Function<JsonNumber,​T> jsonTypeToJavaType,
                     java.lang.Class<T> returnClass)
        This is an internal helper method for retrieving a property from a JsonObject, and converting it to one of the standard Java Types.
        Type Parameters:
        T - This is the return Java-Type of this method. Java Type-Inference is used to determine this parameter.

        NOTE: Here, all this means is that the Java Compiler will look at the left hand side of the assignment to infer what type is returned.

        ALSO: It is somewhat interesting that the Java Compiler will automatically convert a Java int to a java.lang.Integer - it is called auto-boxing . The wrapper classes (java.lang.Integer, java.lang.Float, etc...) are sometimes called Boxed Types by Sun / Oracle (for lack of a better-term).

        Essentially, during the compile-time analysis, the primitive number classes and the full-object (boxed) classes are seemingly treated as interchangeable. Remember, though, a primitive cannot be assigned null; and furthermore there is some cost/overhead in changing from the boxed ava.lang.Integer to the primitive int type (albeit, an extremely low-cost overhead).
        jo - Any instance of JsonObject
        propertyName - Any property name contained by 'jo'
        isOptional - Indicates whether 'propertyName' may be missing from 'jo'
        jsonTypeToJavaType - This should convert an instance of JsonNumber, into one of the concrete, boxed, subclasses of java.lang.Number
        The converted number, as an instance Generic-Parameter 'T'
        JsonPropMissingException - If the property is missing, and 'isOptional' is FALSE.
        JsonTypeObjException - If the JsonArray element located at 'index' does not contain a JsonNumber, then this exception throws.
        JsonArithmeticObjException - If there any arithmetic problems during the conversion
        See Also:
        ReadBoxedJSON.getInteger(JsonObject, String, boolean), ReadBoxedJSON.getLong(JsonObject, String, boolean), ReadBoxedJSON.getShort(JsonObject, String, boolean), ReadBoxedJSON.getByte(JsonObject, String, boolean), ReadBoxedJSON.getDouble(JsonObject, String, boolean), ReadBoxedJSON.getFloat(JsonObject, String, boolean)
        Exact Method Body:
         // Here, a 'get' request was made for a property that isn't actually listed among the
         // properties in the provided JsonObject.  If 'isOptional' return null, otherwise throw
         if (! jo.containsKey(propertyName))
             if (isOptional) return null;
             throw new JsonPropMissingException
                 (jo, propertyName, NUMBER, returnClass);
         JsonValue jv = jo.get(propertyName);
         switch (jv.getValueType())
             // This method allows for null-returns.  If Json-Null, return Java-Null.
             case NULL: return null;
             // This will throw ArithmeticException if this isn't a proper Java int
             case NUMBER:
                 // REMEMBER: The primary reason for this class is that MEANINGFUL ERROR MESSAGES
                 //           make Json-Binding a lot easer...  "JsonArithmeticException" has just
                 //           about everything that you need to know when debugging this stuff
                     { return jsonTypeToJavaType.apply((JsonNumber) jv); }
                 catch (ArithmeticException ae)
                     throw new JsonArithmeticObjException
                         (ae, jo, propertyName, NUMBER, jv, returnClass);
             // The JsonObject property does not contain a JsonNumber.
             default: throw new JsonTypeObjException
                 (jo, propertyName, NUMBER, jv, returnClass);
      • IOOBEX

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        protected static <T> T IOOBEX​(JsonArray ja,
                                      int index,
                                      T defaultValue,
                                      int FLAGS)
        Flag Checker for IndexOutOfBoundsException.

        Checks whether the relevant flags were set in the users FLAGS parameter, and either returns the appropriate value accordingly, or throws IndexOutOfBoundsException.

        A curosry inspection of the code in this method, below, should explain clearly the rules for the precedence of the flags. For instance, null-return flags always have higher precedence than default-value flags.
        Type Parameters:
        T - If requested, the default-value is returned, and this is its type.
        Can return either the user-provided default-value, or null depending on whether a match was found in the user's request settings ('FLAGS').
        java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - If no flag was set specifying one of the two return-value options.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_NULL_ON_IOB) != 0)          return null;
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_DEFVAL_ON_IOB) != 0)        return defaultValue;
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_NULL_ON_ANY_ALL) != 0)      return null;
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_DEFVAL_ON_ANY_ALL) != 0)    return defaultValue;
         ja.get(index); // Throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException
         // If you have reached this statment, this method was not applied properly
         throw new Torello.Java.UnreachableError();
      • JPMEX

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        protected static <T> T JPMEX​(JsonObject jo,
                                     java.lang.String propertyName,
                                     T defaultValue,
                                     int FLAGS,
                                     JsonValue.ValueType expectedType,
                                     java.lang.Class<T> returnClass)
        Flag Checker for JsonPropMissingException

        Checks whether the relevant flags were set in the users FLAGS parameter, and either returns the appropriate value accordingly, or throws JsonPropMissingException.

        A curosry inspection of the code in this method, below, should explain clearly the rules for the precedence of the flags. For instance, null-return flags always have higher precedence than default-value flags.
        Type Parameters:
        T - If requested, the default-value is returned, and this is its type.
        Can return either the user-provided default-value, or null depending on whether a match was found in the user's request settings ('FLAGS').
        JsonPropMissingException - If no flag was set specifying one of the two return-value options.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_NULL_ON_MISSING) != 0)      return null;
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_DEFVAL_ON_MISSING) != 0)    return defaultValue;
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_NULL_ON_ANY_ALL) != 0)      return null;
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_DEFVAL_ON_ANY_ALL) != 0)    return defaultValue;
         throw new JsonPropMissingException(jo, propertyName, expectedType, returnClass);
      • JNAEX

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        protected static <T> T JNAEX​(JsonArray ja,
                                     int index,
                                     T defaultValue,
                                     int FLAGS,
                                     JsonValue.ValueType expectedType,
                                     java.lang.Class<T> returnClass)
        Flag Checker for JsonNullArrException

        Checks whether the relevant flags were set in the users FLAGS parameter, and either returns the appropriate value accordingly, or throws JsonNullArrException.

        A curosry inspection of the code in this method, below, should explain clearly the rules for the precedence of the flags. For instance, null-return flags always have higher precedence than default-value flags.
        Type Parameters:
        T - If requested, the default-value is returned, and this is its type.
        Can return either the user-provided default-value, or null depending on whether a match was found in the user's request settings ('FLAGS').
        JsonNullArrException - If no flag was set specifying one of the two return-value options.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_NULL_ON_NULL) != 0)         return null;
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_DEFVAL_ON_NULL) != 0)       return defaultValue;
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_NULL_ON_ANY_ALL) != 0)      return null;
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_DEFVAL_ON_ANY_ALL) != 0)    return defaultValue;
         throw new JsonNullArrException(ja, index, expectedType, returnClass);
      • JNOEX

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        protected static <T> T JNOEX​(JsonObject jo,
                                     java.lang.String propertyName,
                                     T defaultValue,
                                     int FLAGS,
                                     JsonValue.ValueType expectedType,
                                     java.lang.Class<T> returnClass)
        Flag Checker for JsonNullObjException

        Checks whether the relevant flags were set in the users FLAGS parameter, and either returns the appropriate value accordingly, or throws JsonNullObjException.

        A curosry inspection of the code in this method, below, should explain clearly the rules for the precedence of the flags. For instance, null-return flags always have higher precedence than default-value flags.
        Type Parameters:
        T - If requested, the default-value is returned, and this is its type.
        Can return either the user-provided default-value, or null depending on whether a match was found in the user's request settings ('FLAGS').
        JsonNullObjException - If no flag was set specifying one of the two return-value options.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_NULL_ON_NULL) != 0)         return null;
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_DEFVAL_ON_NULL) != 0)       return defaultValue;
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_NULL_ON_ANY_ALL) != 0)      return null;
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_DEFVAL_ON_ANY_ALL) != 0)    return defaultValue;
         throw new JsonNullObjException(jo, propertyName, expectedType, returnClass);
      • JTAEX

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        protected static <T> T JTAEX​(JsonArray ja,
                                     int index,
                                     T defaultValue,
                                     int FLAGS,
                                     JsonValue.ValueType expectedType,
                                     JsonValue retrievedValue,
                                     java.lang.Class<T> returnClass)
        Flag Checker for JsonTypeArrException

        Checks whether the relevant flags were set in the users FLAGS parameter, and either returns the appropriate value accordingly, or throws JsonTypeArrException.

        A curosry inspection of the code in this method, below, should explain clearly the rules for the precedence of the flags. For instance, null-return flags always have higher precedence than default-value flags.
        Type Parameters:
        T - If requested, the default-value is returned, and this is its type.
        Can return either the user-provided default-value, or null depending on whether a match was found in the user's request settings ('FLAGS').
        JsonTypeArrException - If no flag was set specifying one of the two return-value options.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_NULL_ON_WRONG_JSONTYPE) != 0)   return null;
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_DEFVAL_ON_WRONG_JSONTYPE) != 0) return defaultValue;
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_NULL_ON_ANY_ALL) != 0)          return null;
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_DEFVAL_ON_ANY_ALL) != 0)        return defaultValue;
         throw new JsonTypeArrException(ja, index, expectedType, retrievedValue, returnClass);
      • JTOEX

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        protected static <T> T JTOEX​(JsonObject jo,
                                     java.lang.String propertyName,
                                     T defaultValue,
                                     int FLAGS,
                                     JsonValue.ValueType expectedType,
                                     JsonValue retrievedValue,
                                     java.lang.Class<T> returnClass)
        Flag Checker for JsonTypeObjException

        Checks whether the relevant flags were set in the users FLAGS parameter, and either returns the appropriate value accordingly, or throws JsonNullObjException.

        A curosry inspection of the code in this method, below, should explain clearly the rules for the precedence of the flags. For instance, null-return flags always have higher precedence than default-value flags.
        Type Parameters:
        T - If requested, the default-value is returned, and this is its type.
        Can return either the user-provided default-value, or null depending on whether a match was found in the user's request settings ('FLAGS').
        JsonNullObjException - If no flag was set specifying one of the two return-value options.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_NULL_ON_WRONG_JSONTYPE) != 0)   return null;
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_DEFVAL_ON_WRONG_JSONTYPE) != 0) return defaultValue;
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_NULL_ON_ANY_ALL) != 0)          return null;
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_DEFVAL_ON_ANY_ALL) != 0)        return defaultValue;
         throw new JsonTypeObjException
             (jo, propertyName, expectedType, retrievedValue, returnClass);
      • JSPAEX

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        protected static <T> T JSPAEX​(java.lang.Exception e,
                                      JsonArray ja,
                                      int index,
                                      T defaultValue,
                                      int FLAGS,
                                      JsonValue retrievedValue,
                                      java.lang.Class<T> returnClass)
        Flag Checker for JsonStrParseArrException

        Checks whether the relevant flags were set in the users FLAGS parameter, and either returns the appropriate value accordingly, or throws JsonStrParseArrException.

        A curosry inspection of the code in this method, below, should explain clearly the rules for the precedence of the flags. For instance, null-return flags always have higher precedence than default-value flags.
        Type Parameters:
        T - If requested, the default-value is returned, and this is its type.
        Can return either the user-provided default-value, or null depending on whether a match was found in the user's request settings ('FLAGS').
        JsonStrParseArrException - If no flag was set specifying one of the two return-value options.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_NULL_ON_SPEX) != 0)         return null;
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_DEFVAL_ON_SPEX) != 0)       return defaultValue;
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_NULL_ON_ANY_ALL) != 0)      return null;
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_DEFVAL_ON_ANY_ALL) != 0)    return defaultValue;
         throw new JsonStrParseArrException(e, ja, index, retrievedValue, returnClass);
      • JSPOEX

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        protected static <T> T JSPOEX​(java.lang.Exception e,
                                      JsonObject jo,
                                      java.lang.String propertyName,
                                      T defaultValue,
                                      int FLAGS,
                                      JsonValue retrievedValue,
                                      java.lang.Class<T> returnClass)
        Flag Checker for JsonStrParseObjException

        Checks whether the relevant flags were set in the users FLAGS parameter, and either returns the appropriate value accordingly, or throws JsonStrParseObjException.

        A curosry inspection of the code in this method, below, should explain clearly the rules for the precedence of the flags. For instance, null-return flags always have higher precedence than default-value flags.
        Type Parameters:
        T - If requested, the default-value is returned, and this is its type.
        Can return either the user-provided default-value, or null depending on whether a match was found in the user's request settings ('FLAGS').
        JsonStrParseObjException - If no flag was set specifying one of the two return-value options.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_NULL_ON_SPEX) != 0)         return null;
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_DEFVAL_ON_SPEX) != 0)       return defaultValue;
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_NULL_ON_ANY_ALL) != 0)      return null;
         if ((FLAGS & RETURN_DEFVAL_ON_ANY_ALL) != 0)    return defaultValue;
         throw new JsonStrParseObjException(e, jo, propertyName, retrievedValue, returnClass);
      • PARSE

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        protected static <T extends java.lang.Number> T PARSE​
                    (JsonArray ja,
                     int index,
                     int FLAGS,
                     T defaultValue,
                     java.lang.Class<T> returnClass,
                     java.util.function.Function<java.lang.String,​T> parser,
                     java.util.function.Function<java.math.BigDecimal,​T> defaultParser1,
                     java.util.function.Function<java.math.BigDecimal,​T> defaultParser2)
        Retrieve a JsonArray element containing a JsonString, and transform it to a Java Type, with either a user-provided parser, or the standard java parser for that class (passed as a parameter).
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the returned value
        ja - Any instance of JsonArray
        index - array-index containing the JsonString to retrieve.
        FLAGS - The return-value / exception-throw flag constants defined in JFlag
        defaultValue - User-provided default-value, only returned if flags are set.
        parser - A valid String -> 'T' parser. This parameter may be null.
        defaultParser1 - Default String -> 'T' parser.
        defaultParser2 - String -> 'T' parser, that will round on Arithmetic Exceptions
        On success, this method returns the converted type.
        JsonPropMissingException - 'jo' doesn't have 'propertyName', unless flags are set.
        JsonArithmeticArrException - after parse, conversion fails, and flags aren't set
        JsonStrParseArrException - parser-failure unless flags are set
        JsonNullArrException - property contains null, unless flags are set
        JsonTypeArrException - property doesn't contain JsonString, unless flags are set.
        See Also:
        ReadBoxedJSON.parseInteger(JsonArray, int, int, int, Function), ReadBoxedJSON.parseLong(JsonArray, int, int, long, Function), ReadBoxedJSON.parseShort(JsonArray, int, int, short, Function), ReadBoxedJSON.parseByte(JsonArray, int, int, byte, Function), ReadBoxedJSON.parseDouble(JsonArray, int, int, double, Function), ReadBoxedJSON.parseFloat(JsonArray, int, int, float, Function), ReadNumberJSON.parse(JsonArray, int, int, Number, Function)
        Exact Method Body:
         // When TRUE, the index provided turned out to be outside of the bounds of the array.  The
         // IndexOutOfBounds "handler" (the method called here) will check the FLAGS, and:
         //  1) return the defaultValue (if Requested by 'FLAGS' for IOOBEX)
         //  2) return null (if Requested by 'FLAGS' for IOOBEX)
         //  3) throw IndexOutOfBoundsException
         // NOTE: It is probably a "little less efficient" to turn this into a method call,
         //       since there are all these parameters that have to be passed, but this is
         //       trading "readability" (less head-aches) in exchange for efficiency.
         // This point applies to all of the "Exception Flag Handlers" used here
         if (index >= ja.size()) return IOOBEX(ja, index, defaultValue, FLAGS);
         JsonValue jv = ja.get(index);
         switch (jv.getValueType())
             // When a 'NULL' (Json-Null) JsonValue is present, the JsonNullArrException 'handler'
             // will do one of the following:
             //  1) return the defaultValue (if Requested by 'FLAGS' for JNAEX)
             //  2) return null (if Requested by 'FLAGS' for JNAEX)
             //  3) throw JsonNullArrException
             case NULL: return JNAEX(ja, index, defaultValue, FLAGS, STRING, returnClass);
             case STRING:
                 String s = ((JsonString) jv).getString();
                 // NOTE: This isn't actually an "Exception Case", and if the user hasn't made
                 //       a request, the empty-string is passed to whatever parser is configured
                 if (s.length() == 0)
                     if ((FLAGS & RETURN_NULL_ON_0LEN_STR) != 0)     return null;
                     if ((FLAGS & RETURN_DEFVAL_ON_0LEN_STR) != 0)   return defaultValue;
                     if ((FLAGS & RETURN_NULL_ON_ANY_ALL) != 0)      return null;
                     if ((FLAGS & RETURN_DEFVAL_ON_ANY_ALL) != 0)    return defaultValue;
                 // Temp Variable, used in order not to invoke the BigDecimal contructor twice
                 BigDecimal bd = null;
                     return (parser != null)
                         ? parser.apply(s)
                         : defaultParser1.apply(bd = new BigDecimal(s.trim()));
                         // NOTE: 'bd' will not be null if "ArithmeticException" is thrown...
                         // new BigDecimal throws "NumberFormatException" is thrown
                         // parser.applly can throw ArithmeticException
                 // Because
                 // 1) A method for this code would only be invoked here, and...
                 // 2) And because there would be 9 parameters to pass, 
                 // 3) the 'inline' version of "Flag Handler" is left here!
                 // NOTE: All four "JsonArithmetic Arr/Obj Exception" exception throws
                 //       are different for each of the 4 methods where they are used.
                 catch (ArithmeticException ae)
                     if ((FLAGS & RETURN_NULL_ON_AEX) != 0)          return null;
                     if ((FLAGS & RETURN_DEFVAL_ON_AEX) != 0)        return defaultValue;
                     if ((FLAGS & RETURN_JAPPROX_ON_AEX) != 0)       return defaultParser2.apply(bd);
                     if ((FLAGS & RETURN_NULL_ON_ANY_ALL) != 0)      return null;
                     if ((FLAGS & RETURN_DEFVAL_ON_ANY_ALL) != 0)    return defaultValue;
                     throw new JsonArithmeticArrException(ae, ja, index, STRING, jv, returnClass);
                 // HANDLER STRIKES AGAIN! - but this time for "JsonStrParseArrException"
                 // RETURNS: null, or defaultValue, (otherwise throws JsonStrParseArrException)
                 catch (Exception e)
                     { return JSPAEX(e, ja, index, defaultValue, FLAGS, jv, returnClass); }
             // The JsonValue at the specified array-index does not contain an JsonString.
             // The "JsonTypeArrException Handler" will do one of these:
             //  1) return the defaultValue (if Requested by 'FLAGS' for JTAEX)
             //  2) return null (if Requested by 'FLAGS' for JTAEX)
             //  3) throw JsonTypeArrException
             default: return JTAEX(ja, index, defaultValue, FLAGS, STRING, jv, returnClass);
      • PARSE

        🡅     🗕  🗗  🗖
        protected static <T extends java.lang.Number> T PARSE​
                    (JsonObject jo,
                     java.lang.String propertyName,
                     int FLAGS,
                     T defaultValue,
                     java.lang.Class<T> returnClass,
                     java.util.function.Function<java.lang.String,​T> parser,
                     java.util.function.Function<java.math.BigDecimal,​T> defaultParser1,
                     java.util.function.Function<java.math.BigDecimal,​T> defaultParser2)
        Retrieve a JsonObject property containing a JsonString, and transform it to a Java Type, with either a user-provided parser, or the standard java parser for that class (passed as a parameter).
        Type Parameters:
        T - The type of the returned value.
        jo - Any instance of JsonObject
        propertyName - propertyName containing the JsonString to retrieve.
        FLAGS - The return-value / exception-throw flag constants defined in JFlag
        defaultValue - User-provided default-value, only returned if flags are set.
        parser - A valid String -> 'T' parser. This parameter may be null.
        defaultParser1 - Default String -> 'T' parser.
        defaultParser2 - String -> 'T' parser, that will round on Arithmetic Exceptions
        On success, this method returns the converted type instance.
        JsonPropMissingException - 'jo' doesn't have 'propertyName', unless flags are set.
        JsonArithmeticObjException - after parse, conversion fails, and flags aren't set
        JsonStrParseObjException - parser-failure unless flags are set
        JsonNullObjException - property contains null, unless flags are set
        JsonTypeObjException - property doesn't contain JsonString, unless flags are set.
        See Also:
        ReadBoxedJSON.parseInteger(JsonObject, String, int, int, Function), ReadBoxedJSON.parseLong(JsonObject, String, int, long, Function), ReadBoxedJSON.parseShort(JsonObject, String, int, short, Function), ReadBoxedJSON.parseByte(JsonObject, String, int, byte, Function), ReadBoxedJSON.parseDouble(JsonObject, String, int, double, Function), ReadBoxedJSON.parseFloat(JsonObject, String, int, float, Function), ReadNumberJSON.parse(JsonObject, String, int, Number, Function)
        Exact Method Body:
         JsonValue jv = jo.get(propertyName);
         // When TRUE, the user-specified 'property' (named by 'propertyName') isn't actually one
         // of the listed properties inside the JsonObject.  The JsonPropMissingException "handler"
         // (the method called here) will check the FLAGS, and:
         //  1) return the defaultValue (if Requested by 'FLAGS' for JPMEX)
         //  2) return null (if Requested by 'FLAGS' for JPMEX)
         //  3) throw JsonPropMissingException
         // NOTE: It is probably a "little less efficient" to turn this into a method call,
         //       since there are all these parameters that have to be passed, but this is
         //       trading "readability" (less head-aches) in exchange for efficiency.
         // This point applies to all of the "Exception Flag Handlers" used here
         if (jv == null) return JPMEX(jo, propertyName, defaultValue, FLAGS, STRING, returnClass);
         switch (jv.getValueType())
             // When a 'NULL' (Json-Null) JsonValue is present, the JsonNullObjException 'handler'
             // will do one of the following:
             //  1) return the defaultValue (if Requested by 'FLAGS' for JNOEX)
             //  2) return null (if Requested by 'FLAGS' for JNOEX)
             //  3) throw JsonNullArrException
             case NULL: return JNOEX(jo, propertyName, defaultValue, FLAGS, STRING, returnClass);
             case STRING:
                 String s = ((JsonString) jv).getString();
                 // NOTE: This isn't actually an "Exception Case", and if the user hasn't made
                 //       a request, the empty-string is passed to whatever parser is configured
                 if (s.length() == 0)
                     if ((FLAGS & RETURN_NULL_ON_0LEN_STR) != 0)     return null;
                     if ((FLAGS & RETURN_DEFVAL_ON_0LEN_STR) != 0)   return defaultValue;
                     if ((FLAGS & RETURN_NULL_ON_ANY_ALL) != 0)      return null;
                     if ((FLAGS & RETURN_DEFVAL_ON_ANY_ALL) != 0)    return defaultValue;
                 // Temp Variable, used in order not to invoke the BigDecimal contructor twice
                 BigDecimal bd = null;
                     return (parser != null)
                         ? parser.apply(s)
                         : defaultParser1.apply(bd = new BigDecimal(s.trim()));
                         // NOTE: 'bd' will not be null if "ArithmeticException" is thrown...
                         // new BigDecimal throws "NumberFormatException" is thrown
                         // parser.applly can throw ArithmeticException
                 // Because
                 // 1) A method for this code would only be invoked here, and...
                 // 2) And because there would be 9 parameters to pass, 
                 // 3) the 'inline' version of "Flag Handler" is left here!
                 // NOTE: All four "JsonArithmetic Arr/Obj Exception" exception throws
                 //       are different for each of the 4 methods where they are used.
                 catch (ArithmeticException ae)
                     if ((FLAGS & RETURN_NULL_ON_AEX) != 0)          return null;
                     if ((FLAGS & RETURN_DEFVAL_ON_AEX) != 0)        return defaultValue;
                     if ((FLAGS & RETURN_JAPPROX_ON_AEX) != 0)      return defaultParser2.apply(bd);
                     if ((FLAGS & RETURN_NULL_ON_ANY_ALL) != 0)      return null;
                     if ((FLAGS & RETURN_DEFVAL_ON_ANY_ALL) != 0)    return defaultValue;
                     throw new JsonArithmeticObjException
                         (ae, jo, propertyName, STRING, jv, returnClass);
                 // HANDLER STRIKES AGAIN! - but this time for "JsonStrParseObjException"
                 // RETURNS: null, or defaultValue, (otherwise throws JsonStrParseObjException)
                 catch (Exception e)
                     { return JSPOEX(e, jo, propertyName, defaultValue, FLAGS, jv, returnClass); }
             // The JsonValue of 'propertyName' does not contain an JsonString.
             // The "JsonTypeObjException Handler" will do one of these:
             //  1) return the defaultValue (if Requested by 'FLAGS' for JTOEX)
             //  2) return null (if Requested by 'FLAGS' for JTOEX)
             //  3) throw JsonTypeObjException
             default: return JTOEX(jo, propertyName, defaultValue, FLAGS, STRING, jv, returnClass);