Annotation Type CSSLinks

  • @Target(TYPE)
    public @interface CSSLinks
    Genuine Java Annotation:
    This is an annotation that allows a user to request a specific '.css' File from the 'upgrade-files/stylesheets/' directory to be copied into the output Java-Doc Directory Hierarchy so that the Type/Class that has been adorned with @CSSFiles can utilize the CSS Definitions / Properies in that file.

    Stylesheets no inside the stylesheets/ directory may also be used, but their full-path directory-name must be included in this annotation's fileNames element.

    The @CSSLinks annotation may only be placed on a type Definition (or inner Type-Definition) - for example: class, interface, enum, record or @interface (annotation).

    Specifically: @Target(ElementType.TYPE)

    has been placed on this @interface definition!
    This Annotation allows a user to request that a CSS Link-Import be included in the Header Portion of any CIET/Type's respective Java-Doc Web-Page. This Annotation allows for multiple sheets to be applied to a single Java-Doc Page.

    The FileNames() element in this annotation should be supplied with names for a file located inside the ../upgrade-files/stylesheets/ sub-directory of whatever Java Source-Code Package in which your CIET/Type (your '.java' file) resides. When you specify a CSS-File in that directory, you need not include any actual directory string information in the file-name. Just the Simple-Name of the file itself is expected / sufficient.

    Importing CSS-Files from other locations on disk is also allowed. In such cases you would then (and only then) be obligated to include the Full-Path / Canonical File-Name for the CSS-File to be imported.

    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element
      String[] FileNames
    • Element Detail

      • FileNames

        java.lang.String[] FileNames
        The CSS-StyleSheet file (or files) for which an HTML <LINK REL=stylesheet> Tag is to be inserted into this CIET/Type's Java-Doc Page Header.

        This Annotation-Element is a String-Array, which means more than one Style-Sheet may be included here. If the Style-Sheet has been properly placed, directly, into the ../upgrade-files/stylesheets/ directory, then this 'FileNames' String-Array should not include any parent or container directory information in the any of those kinds of FileName-String's.

        If a StyleSheet whose location on disk is situated on the File-System in some unrelated place, then the file's Full-Path Name (or at least it's Relative-Path Name with respect to the Current Working Directory at Build Initiation Time) should be the String used within this Array-Element.