Annotation Type LinkJavaSource

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Fields Description
      static java.util.function.Predicate<java.lang.String> HANDLE_PRED
      A Java String-Predicate constucted by converting the HANDLE_RE Regular Expression into a Predicate.
      static java.util.regex.Pattern HANDLE_RE
      The Regular-Expression used to validate handle's
    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element
      String handle
      String signature
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element
      String selected
    • Field Detail

      • HANDLE_RE

        static final java.util.regex.Pattern HANDLE_RE
        The Regular-Expression used to validate handle's

        static final java.util.function.Predicate<java.lang.String> HANDLE_PRED
        A Java String-Predicate constucted by converting the HANDLE_RE Regular Expression into a Predicate.
    • Element Detail

      • handle

        java.lang.String handle
        This must be equal to one of the listed File-Handle's which you have placed inside of your 'upgrade-files/json-config/ExtraJavaHiLiting.json' file.
      • signature

        java.lang.String signature
        This must be the signature of a Method, Field or Constructor inside one of the classes that reside in the file you have specified with handle().
      • selected

        java.lang.String selected
        This is an optional element, and should only be used if the '.java' Source-File which you've specified actually has more than one class or type that resides in it. For example, you may have specified a file named '', which could be a class having several inner-classes such as 'MyMainClass.MyInnerClass1', 'MyInnerClass2' and 'MyMainClass.MyInnerClass3'.

        When this Optional-Annotation Element is non-null, it must be used to explicity name the Inner-type whose METHOD, FIELD or CONSTRUCTOR you are attempting to link.

        If you '.java'-File has an 'Auxiliary Class', that class may be indicated by simply typing the Auxiliary Class' Name.

        This Annotation-Element mandates that you leave-off or "elide" any and all Package-Name Information that may be included as part of your Class-Name. If you had a '.java'-File that contained a class whose "Complete-Name" or "Full-Name" were "com.MyCompany.MyPackage.MyMainClass", you would want to specify that class by using the Class-Name Only, leaving off all Package-Names!

        You would enter:

        Rather than entering:

        Auxiliary Class:
        A Java 'Auxiliary Class' is just a Second Class Definition that has been placed inside of a '.java'-File, in addition to whatever class or interface has been defined at the top of the file.

        An 'Auxiliary Class' may not be declared public, and it is only usable inside the '.java'-File in which it resides.

        In order to specify an 'Auxilary Class' when linking another '.java' Source-Code File, just type the name of that class, again leaving off any containing Java Package Information from that class or interface's name.