001package Torello.Browser;
003import java.util.*;
004import javax.json.*;
005import javax.json.stream.*;
006import java.io.*;
008import java.lang.reflect.Method;
009import java.lang.reflect.Parameter;
010import java.util.function.Function;
012import Torello.Java.Additional.*;
013import Torello.Java.JSON.*;
015import static Torello.Java.JSON.JFlag.*;
017import Torello.Java.StrCmpr;
018import Torello.JavaDoc.StaticFunctional;
019import Torello.JavaDoc.JDHeaderBackgroundImg;
020import Torello.JavaDoc.Excuse;
023 * <SPAN CLASS=COPIEDJDK><B>This domain provides various functionality related to drawing atop the inspected page.</B></SPAN>
024 * 
025 * <EMBED CLASS='external-html' DATA-FILE-ID=CODE_GEN_NOTE>
026 */
027@StaticFunctional(Excused={"counter"}, Excuses={Excuse.CONFIGURATION})
029public class Overlay
031    // ********************************************************************************************
032    // ********************************************************************************************
033    // Class Header Stuff
034    // ********************************************************************************************
035    // ********************************************************************************************
038    // No Pubic Constructors
039    private Overlay () { }
041    // These two Vector's are used by all the "Methods" exported by this class.  java.lang.reflect
042    // is used to generate the JSON String's.  It saves thousands of lines of Auto-Generated Code.
043    private static final Map<String, Vector<String>>    parameterNames = new HashMap<>();
044    private static final Map<String, Vector<Class<?>>>  parameterTypes = new HashMap<>();
046    // Some Methods do not take any parameters - for instance all the "enable()" and "disable()"
047    // I simply could not get ride of RAW-TYPES and UNCHECKED warnings... so there are now,
048    // offically, two empty-vectors.  One for String's, and the other for Classes.
050    private static final Vector<String>     EMPTY_VEC_STR = new Vector<>();
051    private static final Vector<Class<?>>   EMPTY_VEC_CLASS = new Vector<>();
053    static
054    {
055        for (Method m : Overlay.class.getMethods())
056        {
057            // This doesn't work!  The parameter names are all "arg0" ... "argN"
058            // It works for java.lang.reflect.Field, BUT NOT java.lang.reflect.Parameter!
059            //
060            // Vector<String> parameterNamesList = new Vector<>(); -- NOPE!
062            Vector<Class<?>> parameterTypesList = new Vector<>();
064            for (Parameter p : m.getParameters()) parameterTypesList.add(p.getType());
066            parameterTypes.put(
067                m.getName(),
068                (parameterTypesList.size() > 0) ? parameterTypesList : EMPTY_VEC_CLASS
069            );
070        }
071    }
073    static
074    {
075        Vector<String> v = null;
077        parameterNames.put("disable", EMPTY_VEC_STR);
079        parameterNames.put("enable", EMPTY_VEC_STR);
081        v = new Vector<String>(5);
082        parameterNames.put("getHighlightObjectForTest", v);
083        Collections.addAll(v, new String[]
084        { "nodeId", "includeDistance", "includeStyle", "colorFormat", "showAccessibilityInfo", });
086        v = new Vector<String>(1);
087        parameterNames.put("getGridHighlightObjectsForTest", v);
088        Collections.addAll(v, new String[]
089        { "nodeIds", });
091        v = new Vector<String>(1);
092        parameterNames.put("getSourceOrderHighlightObjectForTest", v);
093        Collections.addAll(v, new String[]
094        { "nodeId", });
096        parameterNames.put("hideHighlight", EMPTY_VEC_STR);
098        v = new Vector<String>(3);
099        parameterNames.put("highlightFrame", v);
100        Collections.addAll(v, new String[]
101        { "frameId", "contentColor", "contentOutlineColor", });
103        v = new Vector<String>(5);
104        parameterNames.put("highlightNode", v);
105        Collections.addAll(v, new String[]
106        { "highlightConfig", "nodeId", "backendNodeId", "objectId", "selector", });
108        v = new Vector<String>(3);
109        parameterNames.put("highlightQuad", v);
110        Collections.addAll(v, new String[]
111        { "quad", "color", "outlineColor", });
113        v = new Vector<String>(6);
114        parameterNames.put("highlightRect", v);
115        Collections.addAll(v, new String[]
116        { "x", "y", "width", "height", "color", "outlineColor", });
118        v = new Vector<String>(4);
119        parameterNames.put("highlightSourceOrder", v);
120        Collections.addAll(v, new String[]
121        { "sourceOrderConfig", "nodeId", "backendNodeId", "objectId", });
123        v = new Vector<String>(2);
124        parameterNames.put("setInspectMode", v);
125        Collections.addAll(v, new String[]
126        { "mode", "highlightConfig", });
128        v = new Vector<String>(1);
129        parameterNames.put("setShowAdHighlights", v);
130        Collections.addAll(v, new String[]
131        { "show", });
133        v = new Vector<String>(1);
134        parameterNames.put("setPausedInDebuggerMessage", v);
135        Collections.addAll(v, new String[]
136        { "message", });
138        v = new Vector<String>(1);
139        parameterNames.put("setShowDebugBorders", v);
140        Collections.addAll(v, new String[]
141        { "show", });
143        v = new Vector<String>(1);
144        parameterNames.put("setShowFPSCounter", v);
145        Collections.addAll(v, new String[]
146        { "show", });
148        v = new Vector<String>(1);
149        parameterNames.put("setShowGridOverlays", v);
150        Collections.addAll(v, new String[]
151        { "gridNodeHighlightConfigs", });
153        v = new Vector<String>(1);
154        parameterNames.put("setShowFlexOverlays", v);
155        Collections.addAll(v, new String[]
156        { "flexNodeHighlightConfigs", });
158        v = new Vector<String>(1);
159        parameterNames.put("setShowScrollSnapOverlays", v);
160        Collections.addAll(v, new String[]
161        { "scrollSnapHighlightConfigs", });
163        v = new Vector<String>(1);
164        parameterNames.put("setShowContainerQueryOverlays", v);
165        Collections.addAll(v, new String[]
166        { "containerQueryHighlightConfigs", });
168        v = new Vector<String>(1);
169        parameterNames.put("setShowPaintRects", v);
170        Collections.addAll(v, new String[]
171        { "result", });
173        v = new Vector<String>(1);
174        parameterNames.put("setShowLayoutShiftRegions", v);
175        Collections.addAll(v, new String[]
176        { "result", });
178        v = new Vector<String>(1);
179        parameterNames.put("setShowScrollBottleneckRects", v);
180        Collections.addAll(v, new String[]
181        { "show", });
183        v = new Vector<String>(1);
184        parameterNames.put("setShowHitTestBorders", v);
185        Collections.addAll(v, new String[]
186        { "show", });
188        v = new Vector<String>(1);
189        parameterNames.put("setShowWebVitals", v);
190        Collections.addAll(v, new String[]
191        { "show", });
193        v = new Vector<String>(1);
194        parameterNames.put("setShowViewportSizeOnResize", v);
195        Collections.addAll(v, new String[]
196        { "show", });
198        v = new Vector<String>(1);
199        parameterNames.put("setShowHinge", v);
200        Collections.addAll(v, new String[]
201        { "hingeConfig", });
203        v = new Vector<String>(1);
204        parameterNames.put("setShowIsolatedElements", v);
205        Collections.addAll(v, new String[]
206        { "isolatedElementHighlightConfigs", });
207    }
210    // ********************************************************************************************
211    // ********************************************************************************************
212    // Types - Static Inner Classes
213    // ********************************************************************************************
214    // ********************************************************************************************
216    /** <CODE>[No Description Provided by Google]</CODE> */
217    public static final String[] ContrastAlgorithm =
218    { "aa", "aaa", "apca", };
220    /** <CODE>[No Description Provided by Google]</CODE> */
221    public static final String[] ColorFormat =
222    { "rgb", "hsl", "hex", };
224    /** <CODE>[No Description Provided by Google]</CODE> */
225    public static final String[] InspectMode =
226    { 
227        "searchForNode", "searchForUAShadowDOM", "captureAreaScreenshot", "showDistances", "none", 
228    };
230    /** Configuration data for drawing the source order of an elements children. */
231    public static class SourceOrderConfig
232        extends BaseType
233        implements java.io.Serializable
234    {
235        /** For Object Serialization.  java.io.Serializable */
236        protected static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
238        public boolean[] optionals()
239        { return new boolean[] { false, false, }; }
241        /** the color to outline the givent element in. */
242        public final DOM.RGBA parentOutlineColor;
244        /** the color to outline the child elements in. */
245        public final DOM.RGBA childOutlineColor;
247        /**
248         * Constructor
249         *
250         * @param parentOutlineColor the color to outline the givent element in.
251         * 
252         * @param childOutlineColor the color to outline the child elements in.
253         */
254        public SourceOrderConfig(DOM.RGBA parentOutlineColor, DOM.RGBA childOutlineColor)
255        {
256            // Exception-Check(s) to ensure that if any parameters which are not declared as
257            // 'Optional', but have a 'null' value anyway, that a NullPointerException shall throw.
259            if (parentOutlineColor == null) BRDPC.throwNPE("parentOutlineColor");
260            if (childOutlineColor == null)  BRDPC.throwNPE("childOutlineColor");
262            this.parentOutlineColor  = parentOutlineColor;
263            this.childOutlineColor   = childOutlineColor;
264        }
266        /**
267         * JSON Object Constructor
268         * @param jo A Json-Object having data about an instance of {@code 'SourceOrderConfig'}.
269         */
270        public SourceOrderConfig (JsonObject jo)
271        {
272            this.parentOutlineColor  = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "parentOutlineColor", DOM.RGBA.class, false, true);
273            this.childOutlineColor   = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "childOutlineColor", DOM.RGBA.class, false, true);
274        }
277        /** Checks whether {@code 'this'} equals an input Java-{@code Object} */
278        public boolean equals(Object other)
279        {
280            if (other == null)                       return false;
281            if (other.getClass() != this.getClass()) return false;
283            SourceOrderConfig o = (SourceOrderConfig) other;
285            return
286                    Objects.equals(this.parentOutlineColor, o.parentOutlineColor)
287                &&  Objects.equals(this.childOutlineColor, o.childOutlineColor);
288        }
290        /** Generates a Hash-Code for {@code 'this'} instance */
291        public int hashCode()
292        {
293            return
294                    this.parentOutlineColor.hashCode()
295                +   this.childOutlineColor.hashCode();
296        }
297    }
299    /** Configuration data for the highlighting of Grid elements. */
300    public static class GridHighlightConfig
301        extends BaseType
302        implements java.io.Serializable
303    {
304        /** For Object Serialization.  java.io.Serializable */
305        protected static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
307        public boolean[] optionals()
308        { return new boolean[] { true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, }; }
310        /**
311         * Whether the extension lines from grid cells to the rulers should be shown (default: false).
312         * <BR />
313         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
314         */
315        public final Boolean showGridExtensionLines;
317        /**
318         * Show Positive line number labels (default: false).
319         * <BR />
320         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
321         */
322        public final Boolean showPositiveLineNumbers;
324        /**
325         * Show Negative line number labels (default: false).
326         * <BR />
327         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
328         */
329        public final Boolean showNegativeLineNumbers;
331        /**
332         * Show area name labels (default: false).
333         * <BR />
334         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
335         */
336        public final Boolean showAreaNames;
338        /**
339         * Show line name labels (default: false).
340         * <BR />
341         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
342         */
343        public final Boolean showLineNames;
345        /**
346         * Show track size labels (default: false).
347         * <BR />
348         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
349         */
350        public final Boolean showTrackSizes;
352        /**
353         * The grid container border highlight color (default: transparent).
354         * <BR />
355         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
356         */
357        public final DOM.RGBA gridBorderColor;
359        /**
360         * The cell border color (default: transparent). Deprecated, please use rowLineColor and columnLineColor instead.
361         * <BR />
362         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
363         * <BR /><B>DEPRECATED</B>
364         */
365        public final DOM.RGBA cellBorderColor;
367        /**
368         * The row line color (default: transparent).
369         * <BR />
370         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
371         */
372        public final DOM.RGBA rowLineColor;
374        /**
375         * The column line color (default: transparent).
376         * <BR />
377         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
378         */
379        public final DOM.RGBA columnLineColor;
381        /**
382         * Whether the grid border is dashed (default: false).
383         * <BR />
384         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
385         */
386        public final Boolean gridBorderDash;
388        /**
389         * Whether the cell border is dashed (default: false). Deprecated, please us rowLineDash and columnLineDash instead.
390         * <BR />
391         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
392         * <BR /><B>DEPRECATED</B>
393         */
394        public final Boolean cellBorderDash;
396        /**
397         * Whether row lines are dashed (default: false).
398         * <BR />
399         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
400         */
401        public final Boolean rowLineDash;
403        /**
404         * Whether column lines are dashed (default: false).
405         * <BR />
406         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
407         */
408        public final Boolean columnLineDash;
410        /**
411         * The row gap highlight fill color (default: transparent).
412         * <BR />
413         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
414         */
415        public final DOM.RGBA rowGapColor;
417        /**
418         * The row gap hatching fill color (default: transparent).
419         * <BR />
420         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
421         */
422        public final DOM.RGBA rowHatchColor;
424        /**
425         * The column gap highlight fill color (default: transparent).
426         * <BR />
427         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
428         */
429        public final DOM.RGBA columnGapColor;
431        /**
432         * The column gap hatching fill color (default: transparent).
433         * <BR />
434         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
435         */
436        public final DOM.RGBA columnHatchColor;
438        /**
439         * The named grid areas border color (Default: transparent).
440         * <BR />
441         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
442         */
443        public final DOM.RGBA areaBorderColor;
445        /**
446         * The grid container background color (Default: transparent).
447         * <BR />
448         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
449         */
450        public final DOM.RGBA gridBackgroundColor;
452        /**
453         * Constructor
454         *
455         * @param showGridExtensionLines Whether the extension lines from grid cells to the rulers should be shown (default: false).
456         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
457         * 
458         * @param showPositiveLineNumbers Show Positive line number labels (default: false).
459         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
460         * 
461         * @param showNegativeLineNumbers Show Negative line number labels (default: false).
462         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
463         * 
464         * @param showAreaNames Show area name labels (default: false).
465         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
466         * 
467         * @param showLineNames Show line name labels (default: false).
468         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
469         * 
470         * @param showTrackSizes Show track size labels (default: false).
471         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
472         * 
473         * @param gridBorderColor The grid container border highlight color (default: transparent).
474         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
475         * 
476         * @param cellBorderColor The cell border color (default: transparent). Deprecated, please use rowLineColor and columnLineColor instead.
477         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
478         * <BR /><B>DEPRECATED</B>
479         * 
480         * @param rowLineColor The row line color (default: transparent).
481         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
482         * 
483         * @param columnLineColor The column line color (default: transparent).
484         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
485         * 
486         * @param gridBorderDash Whether the grid border is dashed (default: false).
487         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
488         * 
489         * @param cellBorderDash Whether the cell border is dashed (default: false). Deprecated, please us rowLineDash and columnLineDash instead.
490         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
491         * <BR /><B>DEPRECATED</B>
492         * 
493         * @param rowLineDash Whether row lines are dashed (default: false).
494         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
495         * 
496         * @param columnLineDash Whether column lines are dashed (default: false).
497         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
498         * 
499         * @param rowGapColor The row gap highlight fill color (default: transparent).
500         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
501         * 
502         * @param rowHatchColor The row gap hatching fill color (default: transparent).
503         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
504         * 
505         * @param columnGapColor The column gap highlight fill color (default: transparent).
506         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
507         * 
508         * @param columnHatchColor The column gap hatching fill color (default: transparent).
509         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
510         * 
511         * @param areaBorderColor The named grid areas border color (Default: transparent).
512         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
513         * 
514         * @param gridBackgroundColor The grid container background color (Default: transparent).
515         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
516         */
517        public GridHighlightConfig(
518                Boolean showGridExtensionLines, Boolean showPositiveLineNumbers, 
519                Boolean showNegativeLineNumbers, Boolean showAreaNames, Boolean showLineNames, 
520                Boolean showTrackSizes, DOM.RGBA gridBorderColor, DOM.RGBA cellBorderColor, 
521                DOM.RGBA rowLineColor, DOM.RGBA columnLineColor, Boolean gridBorderDash, 
522                Boolean cellBorderDash, Boolean rowLineDash, Boolean columnLineDash, 
523                DOM.RGBA rowGapColor, DOM.RGBA rowHatchColor, DOM.RGBA columnGapColor, 
524                DOM.RGBA columnHatchColor, DOM.RGBA areaBorderColor, DOM.RGBA gridBackgroundColor
525            )
526        {
527            this.showGridExtensionLines   = showGridExtensionLines;
528            this.showPositiveLineNumbers  = showPositiveLineNumbers;
529            this.showNegativeLineNumbers  = showNegativeLineNumbers;
530            this.showAreaNames            = showAreaNames;
531            this.showLineNames            = showLineNames;
532            this.showTrackSizes           = showTrackSizes;
533            this.gridBorderColor          = gridBorderColor;
534            this.cellBorderColor          = cellBorderColor;
535            this.rowLineColor             = rowLineColor;
536            this.columnLineColor          = columnLineColor;
537            this.gridBorderDash           = gridBorderDash;
538            this.cellBorderDash           = cellBorderDash;
539            this.rowLineDash              = rowLineDash;
540            this.columnLineDash           = columnLineDash;
541            this.rowGapColor              = rowGapColor;
542            this.rowHatchColor            = rowHatchColor;
543            this.columnGapColor           = columnGapColor;
544            this.columnHatchColor         = columnHatchColor;
545            this.areaBorderColor          = areaBorderColor;
546            this.gridBackgroundColor      = gridBackgroundColor;
547        }
549        /**
550         * JSON Object Constructor
551         * @param jo A Json-Object having data about an instance of {@code 'GridHighlightConfig'}.
552         */
553        public GridHighlightConfig (JsonObject jo)
554        {
555            this.showGridExtensionLines   = ReadBoxedJSON.getBoolean(jo, "showGridExtensionLines", true);
556            this.showPositiveLineNumbers  = ReadBoxedJSON.getBoolean(jo, "showPositiveLineNumbers", true);
557            this.showNegativeLineNumbers  = ReadBoxedJSON.getBoolean(jo, "showNegativeLineNumbers", true);
558            this.showAreaNames            = ReadBoxedJSON.getBoolean(jo, "showAreaNames", true);
559            this.showLineNames            = ReadBoxedJSON.getBoolean(jo, "showLineNames", true);
560            this.showTrackSizes           = ReadBoxedJSON.getBoolean(jo, "showTrackSizes", true);
561            this.gridBorderColor          = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "gridBorderColor", DOM.RGBA.class, true, false);
562            this.cellBorderColor          = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "cellBorderColor", DOM.RGBA.class, true, false);
563            this.rowLineColor             = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "rowLineColor", DOM.RGBA.class, true, false);
564            this.columnLineColor          = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "columnLineColor", DOM.RGBA.class, true, false);
565            this.gridBorderDash           = ReadBoxedJSON.getBoolean(jo, "gridBorderDash", true);
566            this.cellBorderDash           = ReadBoxedJSON.getBoolean(jo, "cellBorderDash", true);
567            this.rowLineDash              = ReadBoxedJSON.getBoolean(jo, "rowLineDash", true);
568            this.columnLineDash           = ReadBoxedJSON.getBoolean(jo, "columnLineDash", true);
569            this.rowGapColor              = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "rowGapColor", DOM.RGBA.class, true, false);
570            this.rowHatchColor            = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "rowHatchColor", DOM.RGBA.class, true, false);
571            this.columnGapColor           = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "columnGapColor", DOM.RGBA.class, true, false);
572            this.columnHatchColor         = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "columnHatchColor", DOM.RGBA.class, true, false);
573            this.areaBorderColor          = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "areaBorderColor", DOM.RGBA.class, true, false);
574            this.gridBackgroundColor      = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "gridBackgroundColor", DOM.RGBA.class, true, false);
575        }
578        /** Checks whether {@code 'this'} equals an input Java-{@code Object} */
579        public boolean equals(Object other)
580        {
581            if (other == null)                       return false;
582            if (other.getClass() != this.getClass()) return false;
584            GridHighlightConfig o = (GridHighlightConfig) other;
586            return
587                    Objects.equals(this.showGridExtensionLines, o.showGridExtensionLines)
588                &&  Objects.equals(this.showPositiveLineNumbers, o.showPositiveLineNumbers)
589                &&  Objects.equals(this.showNegativeLineNumbers, o.showNegativeLineNumbers)
590                &&  Objects.equals(this.showAreaNames, o.showAreaNames)
591                &&  Objects.equals(this.showLineNames, o.showLineNames)
592                &&  Objects.equals(this.showTrackSizes, o.showTrackSizes)
593                &&  Objects.equals(this.gridBorderColor, o.gridBorderColor)
594                &&  Objects.equals(this.cellBorderColor, o.cellBorderColor)
595                &&  Objects.equals(this.rowLineColor, o.rowLineColor)
596                &&  Objects.equals(this.columnLineColor, o.columnLineColor)
597                &&  Objects.equals(this.gridBorderDash, o.gridBorderDash)
598                &&  Objects.equals(this.cellBorderDash, o.cellBorderDash)
599                &&  Objects.equals(this.rowLineDash, o.rowLineDash)
600                &&  Objects.equals(this.columnLineDash, o.columnLineDash)
601                &&  Objects.equals(this.rowGapColor, o.rowGapColor)
602                &&  Objects.equals(this.rowHatchColor, o.rowHatchColor)
603                &&  Objects.equals(this.columnGapColor, o.columnGapColor)
604                &&  Objects.equals(this.columnHatchColor, o.columnHatchColor)
605                &&  Objects.equals(this.areaBorderColor, o.areaBorderColor)
606                &&  Objects.equals(this.gridBackgroundColor, o.gridBackgroundColor);
607        }
609        /** Generates a Hash-Code for {@code 'this'} instance */
610        public int hashCode()
611        {
612            return
613                    Objects.hashCode(this.showGridExtensionLines)
614                +   Objects.hashCode(this.showPositiveLineNumbers)
615                +   Objects.hashCode(this.showNegativeLineNumbers)
616                +   Objects.hashCode(this.showAreaNames)
617                +   Objects.hashCode(this.showLineNames)
618                +   Objects.hashCode(this.showTrackSizes)
619                +   this.gridBorderColor.hashCode()
620                +   this.cellBorderColor.hashCode()
621                +   this.rowLineColor.hashCode()
622                +   this.columnLineColor.hashCode()
623                +   Objects.hashCode(this.gridBorderDash)
624                +   Objects.hashCode(this.cellBorderDash)
625                +   Objects.hashCode(this.rowLineDash)
626                +   Objects.hashCode(this.columnLineDash)
627                +   this.rowGapColor.hashCode()
628                +   this.rowHatchColor.hashCode()
629                +   this.columnGapColor.hashCode()
630                +   this.columnHatchColor.hashCode()
631                +   this.areaBorderColor.hashCode()
632                +   this.gridBackgroundColor.hashCode();
633        }
634    }
636    /** Configuration data for the highlighting of Flex container elements. */
637    public static class FlexContainerHighlightConfig
638        extends BaseType
639        implements java.io.Serializable
640    {
641        /** For Object Serialization.  java.io.Serializable */
642        protected static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
644        public boolean[] optionals()
645        { return new boolean[] { true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, }; }
647        /**
648         * The style of the container border
649         * <BR />
650         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
651         */
652        public final Overlay.LineStyle containerBorder;
654        /**
655         * The style of the separator between lines
656         * <BR />
657         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
658         */
659        public final Overlay.LineStyle lineSeparator;
661        /**
662         * The style of the separator between items
663         * <BR />
664         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
665         */
666        public final Overlay.LineStyle itemSeparator;
668        /**
669         * Style of content-distribution space on the main axis (justify-content).
670         * <BR />
671         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
672         */
673        public final Overlay.BoxStyle mainDistributedSpace;
675        /**
676         * Style of content-distribution space on the cross axis (align-content).
677         * <BR />
678         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
679         */
680        public final Overlay.BoxStyle crossDistributedSpace;
682        /**
683         * Style of empty space caused by row gaps (gap/row-gap).
684         * <BR />
685         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
686         */
687        public final Overlay.BoxStyle rowGapSpace;
689        /**
690         * Style of empty space caused by columns gaps (gap/column-gap).
691         * <BR />
692         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
693         */
694        public final Overlay.BoxStyle columnGapSpace;
696        /**
697         * Style of the self-alignment line (align-items).
698         * <BR />
699         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
700         */
701        public final Overlay.LineStyle crossAlignment;
703        /**
704         * Constructor
705         *
706         * @param containerBorder The style of the container border
707         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
708         * 
709         * @param lineSeparator The style of the separator between lines
710         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
711         * 
712         * @param itemSeparator The style of the separator between items
713         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
714         * 
715         * @param mainDistributedSpace Style of content-distribution space on the main axis (justify-content).
716         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
717         * 
718         * @param crossDistributedSpace Style of content-distribution space on the cross axis (align-content).
719         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
720         * 
721         * @param rowGapSpace Style of empty space caused by row gaps (gap/row-gap).
722         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
723         * 
724         * @param columnGapSpace Style of empty space caused by columns gaps (gap/column-gap).
725         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
726         * 
727         * @param crossAlignment Style of the self-alignment line (align-items).
728         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
729         */
730        public FlexContainerHighlightConfig(
731                Overlay.LineStyle containerBorder, Overlay.LineStyle lineSeparator, 
732                Overlay.LineStyle itemSeparator, Overlay.BoxStyle mainDistributedSpace, 
733                Overlay.BoxStyle crossDistributedSpace, Overlay.BoxStyle rowGapSpace, 
734                Overlay.BoxStyle columnGapSpace, Overlay.LineStyle crossAlignment
735            )
736        {
737            this.containerBorder        = containerBorder;
738            this.lineSeparator          = lineSeparator;
739            this.itemSeparator          = itemSeparator;
740            this.mainDistributedSpace   = mainDistributedSpace;
741            this.crossDistributedSpace  = crossDistributedSpace;
742            this.rowGapSpace            = rowGapSpace;
743            this.columnGapSpace         = columnGapSpace;
744            this.crossAlignment         = crossAlignment;
745        }
747        /**
748         * JSON Object Constructor
749         * @param jo A Json-Object having data about an instance of {@code 'FlexContainerHighlightConfig'}.
750         */
751        public FlexContainerHighlightConfig (JsonObject jo)
752        {
753            this.containerBorder        = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "containerBorder", Overlay.LineStyle.class, true, false);
754            this.lineSeparator          = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "lineSeparator", Overlay.LineStyle.class, true, false);
755            this.itemSeparator          = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "itemSeparator", Overlay.LineStyle.class, true, false);
756            this.mainDistributedSpace   = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "mainDistributedSpace", Overlay.BoxStyle.class, true, false);
757            this.crossDistributedSpace  = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "crossDistributedSpace", Overlay.BoxStyle.class, true, false);
758            this.rowGapSpace            = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "rowGapSpace", Overlay.BoxStyle.class, true, false);
759            this.columnGapSpace         = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "columnGapSpace", Overlay.BoxStyle.class, true, false);
760            this.crossAlignment         = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "crossAlignment", Overlay.LineStyle.class, true, false);
761        }
764        /** Checks whether {@code 'this'} equals an input Java-{@code Object} */
765        public boolean equals(Object other)
766        {
767            if (other == null)                       return false;
768            if (other.getClass() != this.getClass()) return false;
770            FlexContainerHighlightConfig o = (FlexContainerHighlightConfig) other;
772            return
773                    Objects.equals(this.containerBorder, o.containerBorder)
774                &&  Objects.equals(this.lineSeparator, o.lineSeparator)
775                &&  Objects.equals(this.itemSeparator, o.itemSeparator)
776                &&  Objects.equals(this.mainDistributedSpace, o.mainDistributedSpace)
777                &&  Objects.equals(this.crossDistributedSpace, o.crossDistributedSpace)
778                &&  Objects.equals(this.rowGapSpace, o.rowGapSpace)
779                &&  Objects.equals(this.columnGapSpace, o.columnGapSpace)
780                &&  Objects.equals(this.crossAlignment, o.crossAlignment);
781        }
783        /** Generates a Hash-Code for {@code 'this'} instance */
784        public int hashCode()
785        {
786            return
787                    this.containerBorder.hashCode()
788                +   this.lineSeparator.hashCode()
789                +   this.itemSeparator.hashCode()
790                +   this.mainDistributedSpace.hashCode()
791                +   this.crossDistributedSpace.hashCode()
792                +   this.rowGapSpace.hashCode()
793                +   this.columnGapSpace.hashCode()
794                +   this.crossAlignment.hashCode();
795        }
796    }
798    /** Configuration data for the highlighting of Flex item elements. */
799    public static class FlexItemHighlightConfig
800        extends BaseType
801        implements java.io.Serializable
802    {
803        /** For Object Serialization.  java.io.Serializable */
804        protected static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
806        public boolean[] optionals()
807        { return new boolean[] { true, true, true, }; }
809        /**
810         * Style of the box representing the item's base size
811         * <BR />
812         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
813         */
814        public final Overlay.BoxStyle baseSizeBox;
816        /**
817         * Style of the border around the box representing the item's base size
818         * <BR />
819         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
820         */
821        public final Overlay.LineStyle baseSizeBorder;
823        /**
824         * Style of the arrow representing if the item grew or shrank
825         * <BR />
826         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
827         */
828        public final Overlay.LineStyle flexibilityArrow;
830        /**
831         * Constructor
832         *
833         * @param baseSizeBox Style of the box representing the item's base size
834         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
835         * 
836         * @param baseSizeBorder Style of the border around the box representing the item's base size
837         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
838         * 
839         * @param flexibilityArrow Style of the arrow representing if the item grew or shrank
840         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
841         */
842        public FlexItemHighlightConfig(
843                Overlay.BoxStyle baseSizeBox, Overlay.LineStyle baseSizeBorder, 
844                Overlay.LineStyle flexibilityArrow
845            )
846        {
847            this.baseSizeBox       = baseSizeBox;
848            this.baseSizeBorder    = baseSizeBorder;
849            this.flexibilityArrow  = flexibilityArrow;
850        }
852        /**
853         * JSON Object Constructor
854         * @param jo A Json-Object having data about an instance of {@code 'FlexItemHighlightConfig'}.
855         */
856        public FlexItemHighlightConfig (JsonObject jo)
857        {
858            this.baseSizeBox       = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "baseSizeBox", Overlay.BoxStyle.class, true, false);
859            this.baseSizeBorder    = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "baseSizeBorder", Overlay.LineStyle.class, true, false);
860            this.flexibilityArrow  = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "flexibilityArrow", Overlay.LineStyle.class, true, false);
861        }
864        /** Checks whether {@code 'this'} equals an input Java-{@code Object} */
865        public boolean equals(Object other)
866        {
867            if (other == null)                       return false;
868            if (other.getClass() != this.getClass()) return false;
870            FlexItemHighlightConfig o = (FlexItemHighlightConfig) other;
872            return
873                    Objects.equals(this.baseSizeBox, o.baseSizeBox)
874                &&  Objects.equals(this.baseSizeBorder, o.baseSizeBorder)
875                &&  Objects.equals(this.flexibilityArrow, o.flexibilityArrow);
876        }
878        /** Generates a Hash-Code for {@code 'this'} instance */
879        public int hashCode()
880        {
881            return
882                    this.baseSizeBox.hashCode()
883                +   this.baseSizeBorder.hashCode()
884                +   this.flexibilityArrow.hashCode();
885        }
886    }
888    /** Style information for drawing a line. */
889    public static class LineStyle
890        extends BaseType
891        implements java.io.Serializable
892    {
893        /** For Object Serialization.  java.io.Serializable */
894        protected static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
896        public boolean[] optionals()
897        { return new boolean[] { true, true, }; }
899        /**
900         * The color of the line (default: transparent)
901         * <BR />
902         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
903         */
904        public final DOM.RGBA color;
906        /**
907         * The line pattern (default: solid)
908         * <BR />
909         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
910         */
911        public final String pattern;
913        /**
914         * Constructor
915         *
916         * @param color The color of the line (default: transparent)
917         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
918         * 
919         * @param pattern The line pattern (default: solid)
920         * <BR />Acceptable Values: ["dashed", "dotted"]
921         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
922         */
923        public LineStyle(DOM.RGBA color, String pattern)
924        {
925            // Exception-Check(s) to ensure that if any parameters which must adhere to a
926            // provided List of Enumerated Values, fails, then IllegalArgumentException shall throw.
928            BRDPC.checkIAE(
929                "pattern", pattern,
930                "dashed", "dotted"
931            );
933            this.color    = color;
934            this.pattern  = pattern;
935        }
937        /**
938         * JSON Object Constructor
939         * @param jo A Json-Object having data about an instance of {@code 'LineStyle'}.
940         */
941        public LineStyle (JsonObject jo)
942        {
943            this.color    = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "color", DOM.RGBA.class, true, false);
944            this.pattern  = ReadJSON.getString(jo, "pattern", true, false);
945        }
948        /** Checks whether {@code 'this'} equals an input Java-{@code Object} */
949        public boolean equals(Object other)
950        {
951            if (other == null)                       return false;
952            if (other.getClass() != this.getClass()) return false;
954            LineStyle o = (LineStyle) other;
956            return
957                    Objects.equals(this.color, o.color)
958                &&  Objects.equals(this.pattern, o.pattern);
959        }
961        /** Generates a Hash-Code for {@code 'this'} instance */
962        public int hashCode()
963        {
964            return
965                    this.color.hashCode()
966                +   Objects.hashCode(this.pattern);
967        }
968    }
970    /** Style information for drawing a box. */
971    public static class BoxStyle
972        extends BaseType
973        implements java.io.Serializable
974    {
975        /** For Object Serialization.  java.io.Serializable */
976        protected static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
978        public boolean[] optionals()
979        { return new boolean[] { true, true, }; }
981        /**
982         * The background color for the box (default: transparent)
983         * <BR />
984         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
985         */
986        public final DOM.RGBA fillColor;
988        /**
989         * The hatching color for the box (default: transparent)
990         * <BR />
991         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
992         */
993        public final DOM.RGBA hatchColor;
995        /**
996         * Constructor
997         *
998         * @param fillColor The background color for the box (default: transparent)
999         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1000         * 
1001         * @param hatchColor The hatching color for the box (default: transparent)
1002         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1003         */
1004        public BoxStyle(DOM.RGBA fillColor, DOM.RGBA hatchColor)
1005        {
1006            this.fillColor   = fillColor;
1007            this.hatchColor  = hatchColor;
1008        }
1010        /**
1011         * JSON Object Constructor
1012         * @param jo A Json-Object having data about an instance of {@code 'BoxStyle'}.
1013         */
1014        public BoxStyle (JsonObject jo)
1015        {
1016            this.fillColor   = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "fillColor", DOM.RGBA.class, true, false);
1017            this.hatchColor  = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "hatchColor", DOM.RGBA.class, true, false);
1018        }
1021        /** Checks whether {@code 'this'} equals an input Java-{@code Object} */
1022        public boolean equals(Object other)
1023        {
1024            if (other == null)                       return false;
1025            if (other.getClass() != this.getClass()) return false;
1027            BoxStyle o = (BoxStyle) other;
1029            return
1030                    Objects.equals(this.fillColor, o.fillColor)
1031                &&  Objects.equals(this.hatchColor, o.hatchColor);
1032        }
1034        /** Generates a Hash-Code for {@code 'this'} instance */
1035        public int hashCode()
1036        {
1037            return
1038                    this.fillColor.hashCode()
1039                +   this.hatchColor.hashCode();
1040        }
1041    }
1043    /** Configuration data for the highlighting of page elements. */
1044    public static class HighlightConfig
1045        extends BaseType
1046        implements java.io.Serializable
1047    {
1048        /** For Object Serialization.  java.io.Serializable */
1049        protected static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
1051        public boolean[] optionals()
1052        { return new boolean[] { true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, true, }; }
1054        /**
1055         * Whether the node info tooltip should be shown (default: false).
1056         * <BR />
1057         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1058         */
1059        public final Boolean showInfo;
1061        /**
1062         * Whether the node styles in the tooltip (default: false).
1063         * <BR />
1064         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1065         */
1066        public final Boolean showStyles;
1068        /**
1069         * Whether the rulers should be shown (default: false).
1070         * <BR />
1071         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1072         */
1073        public final Boolean showRulers;
1075        /**
1076         * Whether the a11y info should be shown (default: true).
1077         * <BR />
1078         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1079         */
1080        public final Boolean showAccessibilityInfo;
1082        /**
1083         * Whether the extension lines from node to the rulers should be shown (default: false).
1084         * <BR />
1085         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1086         */
1087        public final Boolean showExtensionLines;
1089        /**
1090         * The content box highlight fill color (default: transparent).
1091         * <BR />
1092         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1093         */
1094        public final DOM.RGBA contentColor;
1096        /**
1097         * The padding highlight fill color (default: transparent).
1098         * <BR />
1099         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1100         */
1101        public final DOM.RGBA paddingColor;
1103        /**
1104         * The border highlight fill color (default: transparent).
1105         * <BR />
1106         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1107         */
1108        public final DOM.RGBA borderColor;
1110        /**
1111         * The margin highlight fill color (default: transparent).
1112         * <BR />
1113         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1114         */
1115        public final DOM.RGBA marginColor;
1117        /**
1118         * The event target element highlight fill color (default: transparent).
1119         * <BR />
1120         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1121         */
1122        public final DOM.RGBA eventTargetColor;
1124        /**
1125         * The shape outside fill color (default: transparent).
1126         * <BR />
1127         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1128         */
1129        public final DOM.RGBA shapeColor;
1131        /**
1132         * The shape margin fill color (default: transparent).
1133         * <BR />
1134         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1135         */
1136        public final DOM.RGBA shapeMarginColor;
1138        /**
1139         * The grid layout color (default: transparent).
1140         * <BR />
1141         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1142         */
1143        public final DOM.RGBA cssGridColor;
1145        /**
1146         * The color format used to format color styles (default: hex).
1147         * <BR />
1148         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1149         */
1150        public final String colorFormat;
1152        /**
1153         * The grid layout highlight configuration (default: all transparent).
1154         * <BR />
1155         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1156         */
1157        public final Overlay.GridHighlightConfig gridHighlightConfig;
1159        /**
1160         * The flex container highlight configuration (default: all transparent).
1161         * <BR />
1162         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1163         */
1164        public final Overlay.FlexContainerHighlightConfig flexContainerHighlightConfig;
1166        /**
1167         * The flex item highlight configuration (default: all transparent).
1168         * <BR />
1169         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1170         */
1171        public final Overlay.FlexItemHighlightConfig flexItemHighlightConfig;
1173        /**
1174         * The contrast algorithm to use for the contrast ratio (default: aa).
1175         * <BR />
1176         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1177         */
1178        public final String contrastAlgorithm;
1180        /**
1181         * The container query container highlight configuration (default: all transparent).
1182         * <BR />
1183         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1184         */
1185        public final Overlay.ContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig containerQueryContainerHighlightConfig;
1187        /**
1188         * Constructor
1189         *
1190         * @param showInfo Whether the node info tooltip should be shown (default: false).
1191         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1192         * 
1193         * @param showStyles Whether the node styles in the tooltip (default: false).
1194         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1195         * 
1196         * @param showRulers Whether the rulers should be shown (default: false).
1197         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1198         * 
1199         * @param showAccessibilityInfo Whether the a11y info should be shown (default: true).
1200         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1201         * 
1202         * @param showExtensionLines Whether the extension lines from node to the rulers should be shown (default: false).
1203         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1204         * 
1205         * @param contentColor The content box highlight fill color (default: transparent).
1206         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1207         * 
1208         * @param paddingColor The padding highlight fill color (default: transparent).
1209         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1210         * 
1211         * @param borderColor The border highlight fill color (default: transparent).
1212         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1213         * 
1214         * @param marginColor The margin highlight fill color (default: transparent).
1215         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1216         * 
1217         * @param eventTargetColor The event target element highlight fill color (default: transparent).
1218         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1219         * 
1220         * @param shapeColor The shape outside fill color (default: transparent).
1221         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1222         * 
1223         * @param shapeMarginColor The shape margin fill color (default: transparent).
1224         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1225         * 
1226         * @param cssGridColor The grid layout color (default: transparent).
1227         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1228         * 
1229         * @param colorFormat The color format used to format color styles (default: hex).
1230         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1231         * 
1232         * @param gridHighlightConfig The grid layout highlight configuration (default: all transparent).
1233         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1234         * 
1235         * @param flexContainerHighlightConfig The flex container highlight configuration (default: all transparent).
1236         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1237         * 
1238         * @param flexItemHighlightConfig The flex item highlight configuration (default: all transparent).
1239         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1240         * 
1241         * @param contrastAlgorithm The contrast algorithm to use for the contrast ratio (default: aa).
1242         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1243         * 
1244         * @param containerQueryContainerHighlightConfig The container query container highlight configuration (default: all transparent).
1245         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1246         */
1247        public HighlightConfig(
1248                Boolean showInfo, Boolean showStyles, Boolean showRulers, 
1249                Boolean showAccessibilityInfo, Boolean showExtensionLines, DOM.RGBA contentColor, 
1250                DOM.RGBA paddingColor, DOM.RGBA borderColor, DOM.RGBA marginColor, 
1251                DOM.RGBA eventTargetColor, DOM.RGBA shapeColor, DOM.RGBA shapeMarginColor, 
1252                DOM.RGBA cssGridColor, String colorFormat, 
1253                Overlay.GridHighlightConfig gridHighlightConfig, 
1254                Overlay.FlexContainerHighlightConfig flexContainerHighlightConfig, 
1255                Overlay.FlexItemHighlightConfig flexItemHighlightConfig, String contrastAlgorithm, 
1256                Overlay.ContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig containerQueryContainerHighlightConfig
1257            )
1258        {
1259            // Exception-Check(s) to ensure that if any parameters which must adhere to a
1260            // provided List of Enumerated Values, fails, then IllegalArgumentException shall throw.
1262            BRDPC.checkIAE("colorFormat", colorFormat, "Overlay.ColorFormat", Overlay.ColorFormat);
1263            BRDPC.checkIAE("contrastAlgorithm", contrastAlgorithm, "Overlay.ContrastAlgorithm", Overlay.ContrastAlgorithm);
1265            this.showInfo                                = showInfo;
1266            this.showStyles                              = showStyles;
1267            this.showRulers                              = showRulers;
1268            this.showAccessibilityInfo                   = showAccessibilityInfo;
1269            this.showExtensionLines                      = showExtensionLines;
1270            this.contentColor                            = contentColor;
1271            this.paddingColor                            = paddingColor;
1272            this.borderColor                             = borderColor;
1273            this.marginColor                             = marginColor;
1274            this.eventTargetColor                        = eventTargetColor;
1275            this.shapeColor                              = shapeColor;
1276            this.shapeMarginColor                        = shapeMarginColor;
1277            this.cssGridColor                            = cssGridColor;
1278            this.colorFormat                             = colorFormat;
1279            this.gridHighlightConfig                     = gridHighlightConfig;
1280            this.flexContainerHighlightConfig            = flexContainerHighlightConfig;
1281            this.flexItemHighlightConfig                 = flexItemHighlightConfig;
1282            this.contrastAlgorithm                       = contrastAlgorithm;
1283            this.containerQueryContainerHighlightConfig  = containerQueryContainerHighlightConfig;
1284        }
1286        /**
1287         * JSON Object Constructor
1288         * @param jo A Json-Object having data about an instance of {@code 'HighlightConfig'}.
1289         */
1290        public HighlightConfig (JsonObject jo)
1291        {
1292            this.showInfo                                = ReadBoxedJSON.getBoolean(jo, "showInfo", true);
1293            this.showStyles                              = ReadBoxedJSON.getBoolean(jo, "showStyles", true);
1294            this.showRulers                              = ReadBoxedJSON.getBoolean(jo, "showRulers", true);
1295            this.showAccessibilityInfo                   = ReadBoxedJSON.getBoolean(jo, "showAccessibilityInfo", true);
1296            this.showExtensionLines                      = ReadBoxedJSON.getBoolean(jo, "showExtensionLines", true);
1297            this.contentColor                            = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "contentColor", DOM.RGBA.class, true, false);
1298            this.paddingColor                            = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "paddingColor", DOM.RGBA.class, true, false);
1299            this.borderColor                             = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "borderColor", DOM.RGBA.class, true, false);
1300            this.marginColor                             = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "marginColor", DOM.RGBA.class, true, false);
1301            this.eventTargetColor                        = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "eventTargetColor", DOM.RGBA.class, true, false);
1302            this.shapeColor                              = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "shapeColor", DOM.RGBA.class, true, false);
1303            this.shapeMarginColor                        = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "shapeMarginColor", DOM.RGBA.class, true, false);
1304            this.cssGridColor                            = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "cssGridColor", DOM.RGBA.class, true, false);
1305            this.colorFormat                             = ReadJSON.getString(jo, "colorFormat", true, false);
1306            this.gridHighlightConfig                     = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "gridHighlightConfig", Overlay.GridHighlightConfig.class, true, false);
1307            this.flexContainerHighlightConfig            = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "flexContainerHighlightConfig", Overlay.FlexContainerHighlightConfig.class, true, false);
1308            this.flexItemHighlightConfig                 = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "flexItemHighlightConfig", Overlay.FlexItemHighlightConfig.class, true, false);
1309            this.contrastAlgorithm                       = ReadJSON.getString(jo, "contrastAlgorithm", true, false);
1310            this.containerQueryContainerHighlightConfig  = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "containerQueryContainerHighlightConfig", Overlay.ContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig.class, true, false);
1311        }
1314        /** Checks whether {@code 'this'} equals an input Java-{@code Object} */
1315        public boolean equals(Object other)
1316        {
1317            if (other == null)                       return false;
1318            if (other.getClass() != this.getClass()) return false;
1320            HighlightConfig o = (HighlightConfig) other;
1322            return
1323                    Objects.equals(this.showInfo, o.showInfo)
1324                &&  Objects.equals(this.showStyles, o.showStyles)
1325                &&  Objects.equals(this.showRulers, o.showRulers)
1326                &&  Objects.equals(this.showAccessibilityInfo, o.showAccessibilityInfo)
1327                &&  Objects.equals(this.showExtensionLines, o.showExtensionLines)
1328                &&  Objects.equals(this.contentColor, o.contentColor)
1329                &&  Objects.equals(this.paddingColor, o.paddingColor)
1330                &&  Objects.equals(this.borderColor, o.borderColor)
1331                &&  Objects.equals(this.marginColor, o.marginColor)
1332                &&  Objects.equals(this.eventTargetColor, o.eventTargetColor)
1333                &&  Objects.equals(this.shapeColor, o.shapeColor)
1334                &&  Objects.equals(this.shapeMarginColor, o.shapeMarginColor)
1335                &&  Objects.equals(this.cssGridColor, o.cssGridColor)
1336                &&  Objects.equals(this.colorFormat, o.colorFormat)
1337                &&  Objects.equals(this.gridHighlightConfig, o.gridHighlightConfig)
1338                &&  Objects.equals(this.flexContainerHighlightConfig, o.flexContainerHighlightConfig)
1339                &&  Objects.equals(this.flexItemHighlightConfig, o.flexItemHighlightConfig)
1340                &&  Objects.equals(this.contrastAlgorithm, o.contrastAlgorithm)
1341                &&  Objects.equals(this.containerQueryContainerHighlightConfig, o.containerQueryContainerHighlightConfig);
1342        }
1344        /** Generates a Hash-Code for {@code 'this'} instance */
1345        public int hashCode()
1346        {
1347            return
1348                    Objects.hashCode(this.showInfo)
1349                +   Objects.hashCode(this.showStyles)
1350                +   Objects.hashCode(this.showRulers)
1351                +   Objects.hashCode(this.showAccessibilityInfo)
1352                +   Objects.hashCode(this.showExtensionLines)
1353                +   this.contentColor.hashCode()
1354                +   this.paddingColor.hashCode()
1355                +   this.borderColor.hashCode()
1356                +   this.marginColor.hashCode()
1357                +   this.eventTargetColor.hashCode()
1358                +   this.shapeColor.hashCode()
1359                +   this.shapeMarginColor.hashCode()
1360                +   this.cssGridColor.hashCode()
1361                +   Objects.hashCode(this.colorFormat)
1362                +   this.gridHighlightConfig.hashCode()
1363                +   this.flexContainerHighlightConfig.hashCode()
1364                +   this.flexItemHighlightConfig.hashCode()
1365                +   Objects.hashCode(this.contrastAlgorithm)
1366                +   this.containerQueryContainerHighlightConfig.hashCode();
1367        }
1368    }
1370    /** Configurations for Persistent Grid Highlight */
1371    public static class GridNodeHighlightConfig
1372        extends BaseType
1373        implements java.io.Serializable
1374    {
1375        /** For Object Serialization.  java.io.Serializable */
1376        protected static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
1378        public boolean[] optionals()
1379        { return new boolean[] { false, false, }; }
1381        /** A descriptor for the highlight appearance. */
1382        public final Overlay.GridHighlightConfig gridHighlightConfig;
1384        /** Identifier of the node to highlight. */
1385        public final int nodeId;
1387        /**
1388         * Constructor
1389         *
1390         * @param gridHighlightConfig A descriptor for the highlight appearance.
1391         * 
1392         * @param nodeId Identifier of the node to highlight.
1393         */
1394        public GridNodeHighlightConfig
1395            (Overlay.GridHighlightConfig gridHighlightConfig, int nodeId)
1396        {
1397            // Exception-Check(s) to ensure that if any parameters which are not declared as
1398            // 'Optional', but have a 'null' value anyway, that a NullPointerException shall throw.
1400            if (gridHighlightConfig == null) BRDPC.throwNPE("gridHighlightConfig");
1402            this.gridHighlightConfig  = gridHighlightConfig;
1403            this.nodeId               = nodeId;
1404        }
1406        /**
1407         * JSON Object Constructor
1408         * @param jo A Json-Object having data about an instance of {@code 'GridNodeHighlightConfig'}.
1409         */
1410        public GridNodeHighlightConfig (JsonObject jo)
1411        {
1412            this.gridHighlightConfig  = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "gridHighlightConfig", Overlay.GridHighlightConfig.class, false, true);
1413            this.nodeId               = ReadPrimJSON.getInt(jo, "nodeId");
1414        }
1417        /** Checks whether {@code 'this'} equals an input Java-{@code Object} */
1418        public boolean equals(Object other)
1419        {
1420            if (other == null)                       return false;
1421            if (other.getClass() != this.getClass()) return false;
1423            GridNodeHighlightConfig o = (GridNodeHighlightConfig) other;
1425            return
1426                    Objects.equals(this.gridHighlightConfig, o.gridHighlightConfig)
1427                &&  Objects.equals(this.nodeId, o.nodeId);
1428        }
1430        /** Generates a Hash-Code for {@code 'this'} instance */
1431        public int hashCode()
1432        {
1433            return
1434                    this.gridHighlightConfig.hashCode()
1435                +   this.nodeId;
1436        }
1437    }
1439    /** <CODE>[No Description Provided by Google]</CODE> */
1440    public static class FlexNodeHighlightConfig
1441        extends BaseType
1442        implements java.io.Serializable
1443    {
1444        /** For Object Serialization.  java.io.Serializable */
1445        protected static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
1447        public boolean[] optionals()
1448        { return new boolean[] { false, false, }; }
1450        /** A descriptor for the highlight appearance of flex containers. */
1451        public final Overlay.FlexContainerHighlightConfig flexContainerHighlightConfig;
1453        /** Identifier of the node to highlight. */
1454        public final int nodeId;
1456        /**
1457         * Constructor
1458         *
1459         * @param flexContainerHighlightConfig A descriptor for the highlight appearance of flex containers.
1460         * 
1461         * @param nodeId Identifier of the node to highlight.
1462         */
1463        public FlexNodeHighlightConfig
1464            (Overlay.FlexContainerHighlightConfig flexContainerHighlightConfig, int nodeId)
1465        {
1466            // Exception-Check(s) to ensure that if any parameters which are not declared as
1467            // 'Optional', but have a 'null' value anyway, that a NullPointerException shall throw.
1469            if (flexContainerHighlightConfig == null) BRDPC.throwNPE("flexContainerHighlightConfig");
1471            this.flexContainerHighlightConfig  = flexContainerHighlightConfig;
1472            this.nodeId                        = nodeId;
1473        }
1475        /**
1476         * JSON Object Constructor
1477         * @param jo A Json-Object having data about an instance of {@code 'FlexNodeHighlightConfig'}.
1478         */
1479        public FlexNodeHighlightConfig (JsonObject jo)
1480        {
1481            this.flexContainerHighlightConfig  = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "flexContainerHighlightConfig", Overlay.FlexContainerHighlightConfig.class, false, true);
1482            this.nodeId                        = ReadPrimJSON.getInt(jo, "nodeId");
1483        }
1486        /** Checks whether {@code 'this'} equals an input Java-{@code Object} */
1487        public boolean equals(Object other)
1488        {
1489            if (other == null)                       return false;
1490            if (other.getClass() != this.getClass()) return false;
1492            FlexNodeHighlightConfig o = (FlexNodeHighlightConfig) other;
1494            return
1495                    Objects.equals(this.flexContainerHighlightConfig, o.flexContainerHighlightConfig)
1496                &&  Objects.equals(this.nodeId, o.nodeId);
1497        }
1499        /** Generates a Hash-Code for {@code 'this'} instance */
1500        public int hashCode()
1501        {
1502            return
1503                    this.flexContainerHighlightConfig.hashCode()
1504                +   this.nodeId;
1505        }
1506    }
1508    /** <CODE>[No Description Provided by Google]</CODE> */
1509    public static class ScrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig
1510        extends BaseType
1511        implements java.io.Serializable
1512    {
1513        /** For Object Serialization.  java.io.Serializable */
1514        protected static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
1516        public boolean[] optionals()
1517        { return new boolean[] { true, true, true, true, }; }
1519        /**
1520         * The style of the snapport border (default: transparent)
1521         * <BR />
1522         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1523         */
1524        public final Overlay.LineStyle snapportBorder;
1526        /**
1527         * The style of the snap area border (default: transparent)
1528         * <BR />
1529         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1530         */
1531        public final Overlay.LineStyle snapAreaBorder;
1533        /**
1534         * The margin highlight fill color (default: transparent).
1535         * <BR />
1536         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1537         */
1538        public final DOM.RGBA scrollMarginColor;
1540        /**
1541         * The padding highlight fill color (default: transparent).
1542         * <BR />
1543         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1544         */
1545        public final DOM.RGBA scrollPaddingColor;
1547        /**
1548         * Constructor
1549         *
1550         * @param snapportBorder The style of the snapport border (default: transparent)
1551         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1552         * 
1553         * @param snapAreaBorder The style of the snap area border (default: transparent)
1554         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1555         * 
1556         * @param scrollMarginColor The margin highlight fill color (default: transparent).
1557         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1558         * 
1559         * @param scrollPaddingColor The padding highlight fill color (default: transparent).
1560         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1561         */
1562        public ScrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig(
1563                Overlay.LineStyle snapportBorder, Overlay.LineStyle snapAreaBorder, 
1564                DOM.RGBA scrollMarginColor, DOM.RGBA scrollPaddingColor
1565            )
1566        {
1567            this.snapportBorder      = snapportBorder;
1568            this.snapAreaBorder      = snapAreaBorder;
1569            this.scrollMarginColor   = scrollMarginColor;
1570            this.scrollPaddingColor  = scrollPaddingColor;
1571        }
1573        /**
1574         * JSON Object Constructor
1575         * @param jo A Json-Object having data about an instance of {@code 'ScrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig'}.
1576         */
1577        public ScrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig (JsonObject jo)
1578        {
1579            this.snapportBorder      = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "snapportBorder", Overlay.LineStyle.class, true, false);
1580            this.snapAreaBorder      = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "snapAreaBorder", Overlay.LineStyle.class, true, false);
1581            this.scrollMarginColor   = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "scrollMarginColor", DOM.RGBA.class, true, false);
1582            this.scrollPaddingColor  = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "scrollPaddingColor", DOM.RGBA.class, true, false);
1583        }
1586        /** Checks whether {@code 'this'} equals an input Java-{@code Object} */
1587        public boolean equals(Object other)
1588        {
1589            if (other == null)                       return false;
1590            if (other.getClass() != this.getClass()) return false;
1592            ScrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig o = (ScrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig) other;
1594            return
1595                    Objects.equals(this.snapportBorder, o.snapportBorder)
1596                &&  Objects.equals(this.snapAreaBorder, o.snapAreaBorder)
1597                &&  Objects.equals(this.scrollMarginColor, o.scrollMarginColor)
1598                &&  Objects.equals(this.scrollPaddingColor, o.scrollPaddingColor);
1599        }
1601        /** Generates a Hash-Code for {@code 'this'} instance */
1602        public int hashCode()
1603        {
1604            return
1605                    this.snapportBorder.hashCode()
1606                +   this.snapAreaBorder.hashCode()
1607                +   this.scrollMarginColor.hashCode()
1608                +   this.scrollPaddingColor.hashCode();
1609        }
1610    }
1612    /** <CODE>[No Description Provided by Google]</CODE> */
1613    public static class ScrollSnapHighlightConfig
1614        extends BaseType
1615        implements java.io.Serializable
1616    {
1617        /** For Object Serialization.  java.io.Serializable */
1618        protected static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
1620        public boolean[] optionals()
1621        { return new boolean[] { false, false, }; }
1623        /** A descriptor for the highlight appearance of scroll snap containers. */
1624        public final Overlay.ScrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig scrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig;
1626        /** Identifier of the node to highlight. */
1627        public final int nodeId;
1629        /**
1630         * Constructor
1631         *
1632         * @param scrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig A descriptor for the highlight appearance of scroll snap containers.
1633         * 
1634         * @param nodeId Identifier of the node to highlight.
1635         */
1636        public ScrollSnapHighlightConfig(
1637                Overlay.ScrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig scrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig, 
1638                int nodeId
1639            )
1640        {
1641            // Exception-Check(s) to ensure that if any parameters which are not declared as
1642            // 'Optional', but have a 'null' value anyway, that a NullPointerException shall throw.
1644            if (scrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig == null) BRDPC.throwNPE("scrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig");
1646            this.scrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig  = scrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig;
1647            this.nodeId                              = nodeId;
1648        }
1650        /**
1651         * JSON Object Constructor
1652         * @param jo A Json-Object having data about an instance of {@code 'ScrollSnapHighlightConfig'}.
1653         */
1654        public ScrollSnapHighlightConfig (JsonObject jo)
1655        {
1656            this.scrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig  = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "scrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig", Overlay.ScrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig.class, false, true);
1657            this.nodeId                              = ReadPrimJSON.getInt(jo, "nodeId");
1658        }
1661        /** Checks whether {@code 'this'} equals an input Java-{@code Object} */
1662        public boolean equals(Object other)
1663        {
1664            if (other == null)                       return false;
1665            if (other.getClass() != this.getClass()) return false;
1667            ScrollSnapHighlightConfig o = (ScrollSnapHighlightConfig) other;
1669            return
1670                    Objects.equals(this.scrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig, o.scrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig)
1671                &&  Objects.equals(this.nodeId, o.nodeId);
1672        }
1674        /** Generates a Hash-Code for {@code 'this'} instance */
1675        public int hashCode()
1676        {
1677            return
1678                    this.scrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig.hashCode()
1679                +   this.nodeId;
1680        }
1681    }
1683    /** Configuration for dual screen hinge */
1684    public static class HingeConfig
1685        extends BaseType
1686        implements java.io.Serializable
1687    {
1688        /** For Object Serialization.  java.io.Serializable */
1689        protected static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
1691        public boolean[] optionals()
1692        { return new boolean[] { false, true, true, }; }
1694        /** A rectangle represent hinge */
1695        public final DOM.Rect rect;
1697        /**
1698         * The content box highlight fill color (default: a dark color).
1699         * <BR />
1700         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1701         */
1702        public final DOM.RGBA contentColor;
1704        /**
1705         * The content box highlight outline color (default: transparent).
1706         * <BR />
1707         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1708         */
1709        public final DOM.RGBA outlineColor;
1711        /**
1712         * Constructor
1713         *
1714         * @param rect A rectangle represent hinge
1715         * 
1716         * @param contentColor The content box highlight fill color (default: a dark color).
1717         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1718         * 
1719         * @param outlineColor The content box highlight outline color (default: transparent).
1720         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1721         */
1722        public HingeConfig(DOM.Rect rect, DOM.RGBA contentColor, DOM.RGBA outlineColor)
1723        {
1724            // Exception-Check(s) to ensure that if any parameters which are not declared as
1725            // 'Optional', but have a 'null' value anyway, that a NullPointerException shall throw.
1727            if (rect == null) BRDPC.throwNPE("rect");
1729            this.rect          = rect;
1730            this.contentColor  = contentColor;
1731            this.outlineColor  = outlineColor;
1732        }
1734        /**
1735         * JSON Object Constructor
1736         * @param jo A Json-Object having data about an instance of {@code 'HingeConfig'}.
1737         */
1738        public HingeConfig (JsonObject jo)
1739        {
1740            this.rect          = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "rect", DOM.Rect.class, false, true);
1741            this.contentColor  = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "contentColor", DOM.RGBA.class, true, false);
1742            this.outlineColor  = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "outlineColor", DOM.RGBA.class, true, false);
1743        }
1746        /** Checks whether {@code 'this'} equals an input Java-{@code Object} */
1747        public boolean equals(Object other)
1748        {
1749            if (other == null)                       return false;
1750            if (other.getClass() != this.getClass()) return false;
1752            HingeConfig o = (HingeConfig) other;
1754            return
1755                    Objects.equals(this.rect, o.rect)
1756                &&  Objects.equals(this.contentColor, o.contentColor)
1757                &&  Objects.equals(this.outlineColor, o.outlineColor);
1758        }
1760        /** Generates a Hash-Code for {@code 'this'} instance */
1761        public int hashCode()
1762        {
1763            return
1764                    this.rect.hashCode()
1765                +   this.contentColor.hashCode()
1766                +   this.outlineColor.hashCode();
1767        }
1768    }
1770    /** <CODE>[No Description Provided by Google]</CODE> */
1771    public static class ContainerQueryHighlightConfig
1772        extends BaseType
1773        implements java.io.Serializable
1774    {
1775        /** For Object Serialization.  java.io.Serializable */
1776        protected static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
1778        public boolean[] optionals()
1779        { return new boolean[] { false, false, }; }
1781        /** A descriptor for the highlight appearance of container query containers. */
1782        public final Overlay.ContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig containerQueryContainerHighlightConfig;
1784        /** Identifier of the container node to highlight. */
1785        public final int nodeId;
1787        /**
1788         * Constructor
1789         *
1790         * @param containerQueryContainerHighlightConfig A descriptor for the highlight appearance of container query containers.
1791         * 
1792         * @param nodeId Identifier of the container node to highlight.
1793         */
1794        public ContainerQueryHighlightConfig(
1796                Overlay.ContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig containerQueryContainerHighlightConfig, 
1797                int nodeId
1798            )
1799        {
1800            // Exception-Check(s) to ensure that if any parameters which are not declared as
1801            // 'Optional', but have a 'null' value anyway, that a NullPointerException shall throw.
1803            if (containerQueryContainerHighlightConfig == null) BRDPC.throwNPE("containerQueryContainerHighlightConfig");
1805            this.containerQueryContainerHighlightConfig  = containerQueryContainerHighlightConfig;
1806            this.nodeId                                  = nodeId;
1807        }
1809        /**
1810         * JSON Object Constructor
1811         * @param jo A Json-Object having data about an instance of {@code 'ContainerQueryHighlightConfig'}.
1812         */
1813        public ContainerQueryHighlightConfig (JsonObject jo)
1814        {
1815            this.containerQueryContainerHighlightConfig  = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "containerQueryContainerHighlightConfig", Overlay.ContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig.class, false, true);
1816            this.nodeId                                  = ReadPrimJSON.getInt(jo, "nodeId");
1817        }
1820        /** Checks whether {@code 'this'} equals an input Java-{@code Object} */
1821        public boolean equals(Object other)
1822        {
1823            if (other == null)                       return false;
1824            if (other.getClass() != this.getClass()) return false;
1826            ContainerQueryHighlightConfig o = (ContainerQueryHighlightConfig) other;
1828            return
1829                    Objects.equals(this.containerQueryContainerHighlightConfig, o.containerQueryContainerHighlightConfig)
1830                &&  Objects.equals(this.nodeId, o.nodeId);
1831        }
1833        /** Generates a Hash-Code for {@code 'this'} instance */
1834        public int hashCode()
1835        {
1836            return
1837                    this.containerQueryContainerHighlightConfig.hashCode()
1838                +   this.nodeId;
1839        }
1840    }
1842    /** <CODE>[No Description Provided by Google]</CODE> */
1843    public static class ContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig
1844        extends BaseType
1845        implements java.io.Serializable
1846    {
1847        /** For Object Serialization.  java.io.Serializable */
1848        protected static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
1850        public boolean[] optionals()
1851        { return new boolean[] { true, true, }; }
1853        /**
1854         * The style of the container border.
1855         * <BR />
1856         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1857         */
1858        public final Overlay.LineStyle containerBorder;
1860        /**
1861         * The style of the descendants' borders.
1862         * <BR />
1863         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1864         */
1865        public final Overlay.LineStyle descendantBorder;
1867        /**
1868         * Constructor
1869         *
1870         * @param containerBorder The style of the container border.
1871         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1872         * 
1873         * @param descendantBorder The style of the descendants' borders.
1874         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
1875         */
1876        public ContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig
1877            (Overlay.LineStyle containerBorder, Overlay.LineStyle descendantBorder)
1878        {
1879            this.containerBorder   = containerBorder;
1880            this.descendantBorder  = descendantBorder;
1881        }
1883        /**
1884         * JSON Object Constructor
1885         * @param jo A Json-Object having data about an instance of {@code 'ContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig'}.
1886         */
1887        public ContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig (JsonObject jo)
1888        {
1889            this.containerBorder   = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "containerBorder", Overlay.LineStyle.class, true, false);
1890            this.descendantBorder  = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "descendantBorder", Overlay.LineStyle.class, true, false);
1891        }
1894        /** Checks whether {@code 'this'} equals an input Java-{@code Object} */
1895        public boolean equals(Object other)
1896        {
1897            if (other == null)                       return false;
1898            if (other.getClass() != this.getClass()) return false;
1900            ContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig o = (ContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig) other;
1902            return
1903                    Objects.equals(this.containerBorder, o.containerBorder)
1904                &&  Objects.equals(this.descendantBorder, o.descendantBorder);
1905        }
1907        /** Generates a Hash-Code for {@code 'this'} instance */
1908        public int hashCode()
1909        {
1910            return
1911                    this.containerBorder.hashCode()
1912                +   this.descendantBorder.hashCode();
1913        }
1914    }
1916    /** <CODE>[No Description Provided by Google]</CODE> */
1917    public static class IsolatedElementHighlightConfig
1918        extends BaseType
1919        implements java.io.Serializable
1920    {
1921        /** For Object Serialization.  java.io.Serializable */
1922        protected static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
1924        public boolean[] optionals()
1925        { return new boolean[] { false, false, }; }
1927        /** A descriptor for the highlight appearance of an element in isolation mode. */
1928        public final Overlay.IsolationModeHighlightConfig isolationModeHighlightConfig;
1930        /** Identifier of the isolated element to highlight. */
1931        public final int nodeId;
1933        /**
1934         * Constructor
1935         *
1936         * @param isolationModeHighlightConfig A descriptor for the highlight appearance of an element in isolation mode.
1937         * 
1938         * @param nodeId Identifier of the isolated element to highlight.
1939         */
1940        public IsolatedElementHighlightConfig
1941            (Overlay.IsolationModeHighlightConfig isolationModeHighlightConfig, int nodeId)
1942        {
1943            // Exception-Check(s) to ensure that if any parameters which are not declared as
1944            // 'Optional', but have a 'null' value anyway, that a NullPointerException shall throw.
1946            if (isolationModeHighlightConfig == null) BRDPC.throwNPE("isolationModeHighlightConfig");
1948            this.isolationModeHighlightConfig  = isolationModeHighlightConfig;
1949            this.nodeId                        = nodeId;
1950        }
1952        /**
1953         * JSON Object Constructor
1954         * @param jo A Json-Object having data about an instance of {@code 'IsolatedElementHighlightConfig'}.
1955         */
1956        public IsolatedElementHighlightConfig (JsonObject jo)
1957        {
1958            this.isolationModeHighlightConfig  = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "isolationModeHighlightConfig", Overlay.IsolationModeHighlightConfig.class, false, true);
1959            this.nodeId                        = ReadPrimJSON.getInt(jo, "nodeId");
1960        }
1963        /** Checks whether {@code 'this'} equals an input Java-{@code Object} */
1964        public boolean equals(Object other)
1965        {
1966            if (other == null)                       return false;
1967            if (other.getClass() != this.getClass()) return false;
1969            IsolatedElementHighlightConfig o = (IsolatedElementHighlightConfig) other;
1971            return
1972                    Objects.equals(this.isolationModeHighlightConfig, o.isolationModeHighlightConfig)
1973                &&  Objects.equals(this.nodeId, o.nodeId);
1974        }
1976        /** Generates a Hash-Code for {@code 'this'} instance */
1977        public int hashCode()
1978        {
1979            return
1980                    this.isolationModeHighlightConfig.hashCode()
1981                +   this.nodeId;
1982        }
1983    }
1985    /** <CODE>[No Description Provided by Google]</CODE> */
1986    public static class IsolationModeHighlightConfig
1987        extends BaseType
1988        implements java.io.Serializable
1989    {
1990        /** For Object Serialization.  java.io.Serializable */
1991        protected static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
1993        public boolean[] optionals()
1994        { return new boolean[] { true, true, true, }; }
1996        /**
1997         * The fill color of the resizers (default: transparent).
1998         * <BR />
1999         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
2000         */
2001        public final DOM.RGBA resizerColor;
2003        /**
2004         * The fill color for resizer handles (default: transparent).
2005         * <BR />
2006         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
2007         */
2008        public final DOM.RGBA resizerHandleColor;
2010        /**
2011         * The fill color for the mask covering non-isolated elements (default: transparent).
2012         * <BR />
2013         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
2014         */
2015        public final DOM.RGBA maskColor;
2017        /**
2018         * Constructor
2019         *
2020         * @param resizerColor The fill color of the resizers (default: transparent).
2021         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
2022         * 
2023         * @param resizerHandleColor The fill color for resizer handles (default: transparent).
2024         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
2025         * 
2026         * @param maskColor The fill color for the mask covering non-isolated elements (default: transparent).
2027         * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
2028         */
2029        public IsolationModeHighlightConfig
2030            (DOM.RGBA resizerColor, DOM.RGBA resizerHandleColor, DOM.RGBA maskColor)
2031        {
2032            this.resizerColor        = resizerColor;
2033            this.resizerHandleColor  = resizerHandleColor;
2034            this.maskColor           = maskColor;
2035        }
2037        /**
2038         * JSON Object Constructor
2039         * @param jo A Json-Object having data about an instance of {@code 'IsolationModeHighlightConfig'}.
2040         */
2041        public IsolationModeHighlightConfig (JsonObject jo)
2042        {
2043            this.resizerColor        = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "resizerColor", DOM.RGBA.class, true, false);
2044            this.resizerHandleColor  = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "resizerHandleColor", DOM.RGBA.class, true, false);
2045            this.maskColor           = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "maskColor", DOM.RGBA.class, true, false);
2046        }
2049        /** Checks whether {@code 'this'} equals an input Java-{@code Object} */
2050        public boolean equals(Object other)
2051        {
2052            if (other == null)                       return false;
2053            if (other.getClass() != this.getClass()) return false;
2055            IsolationModeHighlightConfig o = (IsolationModeHighlightConfig) other;
2057            return
2058                    Objects.equals(this.resizerColor, o.resizerColor)
2059                &&  Objects.equals(this.resizerHandleColor, o.resizerHandleColor)
2060                &&  Objects.equals(this.maskColor, o.maskColor);
2061        }
2063        /** Generates a Hash-Code for {@code 'this'} instance */
2064        public int hashCode()
2065        {
2066            return
2067                    this.resizerColor.hashCode()
2068                +   this.resizerHandleColor.hashCode()
2069                +   this.maskColor.hashCode();
2070        }
2071    }
2073    /**
2074     * Fired when user cancels the inspect mode.
2075     *
2076     * <BR /><BR />This is Marker-Event.  Marker-Event's are Events that do not posses
2077     * any data, fields or state.  When they are fired, only the event name is supplied.
2078     */
2079    public static class inspectModeCanceled
2080        extends BrowserEvent
2081        implements java.io.Serializable
2082    {
2083        /** For Object Serialization.  java.io.Serializable */
2084        protected static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
2086        public boolean[] optionals() { return new boolean[0]; }
2088        /** JSON Object Constructor */
2089        public inspectModeCanceled(JsonObject jo)
2090        { super("Overlay", "inspectModeCanceled", 0); }
2092        @Override
2093        public String toString() { return "Overlay.inspectModeCanceled Marker Event\n"; }
2094    }
2096    /**
2097     * Fired when the node should be inspected. This happens after call to <CODE>setInspectMode</CODE> or when
2098     * user manually inspects an element.
2099     */
2100    public static class inspectNodeRequested
2101        extends BrowserEvent
2102        implements java.io.Serializable
2103    {
2104        /** For Object Serialization.  java.io.Serializable */
2105        protected static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
2107        public boolean[] optionals()
2108        { return new boolean[] { false, }; }
2110        /** Id of the node to inspect. */
2111        public final int backendNodeId;
2113        /**
2114         * Constructor
2115         *
2116         * @param backendNodeId Id of the node to inspect.
2117         */
2118        public inspectNodeRequested(int backendNodeId)
2119        {
2120            super("Overlay", "inspectNodeRequested", 1);
2122            this.backendNodeId  = backendNodeId;
2123        }
2125        /**
2126         * JSON Object Constructor
2127         * @param jo A Json-Object having data about an instance of {@code 'inspectNodeRequested'}.
2128         */
2129        public inspectNodeRequested (JsonObject jo)
2130        {
2131            super("Overlay", "inspectNodeRequested", 1);
2133            this.backendNodeId  = ReadPrimJSON.getInt(jo, "backendNodeId");
2134        }
2137        /** Checks whether {@code 'this'} equals an input Java-{@code Object} */
2138        public boolean equals(Object other)
2139        {
2140            if (other == null)                       return false;
2141            if (other.getClass() != this.getClass()) return false;
2143            inspectNodeRequested o = (inspectNodeRequested) other;
2145            return
2146                    Objects.equals(this.backendNodeId, o.backendNodeId);
2147        }
2149        /** Generates a Hash-Code for {@code 'this'} instance */
2150        public int hashCode()
2151        {
2152            return
2153                    this.backendNodeId;
2154        }
2155    }
2157    /** Fired when the node should be highlighted. This happens after call to <CODE>setInspectMode</CODE>. */
2158    public static class nodeHighlightRequested
2159        extends BrowserEvent
2160        implements java.io.Serializable
2161    {
2162        /** For Object Serialization.  java.io.Serializable */
2163        protected static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
2165        public boolean[] optionals()
2166        { return new boolean[] { false, }; }
2168        /** <CODE>[No Description Provided by Google]</CODE> */
2169        public final int nodeId;
2171        /**
2172         * Constructor
2173         *
2174         * @param nodeId -
2175         */
2176        public nodeHighlightRequested(int nodeId)
2177        {
2178            super("Overlay", "nodeHighlightRequested", 1);
2180            this.nodeId  = nodeId;
2181        }
2183        /**
2184         * JSON Object Constructor
2185         * @param jo A Json-Object having data about an instance of {@code 'nodeHighlightRequested'}.
2186         */
2187        public nodeHighlightRequested (JsonObject jo)
2188        {
2189            super("Overlay", "nodeHighlightRequested", 1);
2191            this.nodeId  = ReadPrimJSON.getInt(jo, "nodeId");
2192        }
2195        /** Checks whether {@code 'this'} equals an input Java-{@code Object} */
2196        public boolean equals(Object other)
2197        {
2198            if (other == null)                       return false;
2199            if (other.getClass() != this.getClass()) return false;
2201            nodeHighlightRequested o = (nodeHighlightRequested) other;
2203            return
2204                    Objects.equals(this.nodeId, o.nodeId);
2205        }
2207        /** Generates a Hash-Code for {@code 'this'} instance */
2208        public int hashCode()
2209        {
2210            return
2211                    this.nodeId;
2212        }
2213    }
2215    /** Fired when user asks to capture screenshot of some area on the page. */
2216    public static class screenshotRequested
2217        extends BrowserEvent
2218        implements java.io.Serializable
2219    {
2220        /** For Object Serialization.  java.io.Serializable */
2221        protected static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
2223        public boolean[] optionals()
2224        { return new boolean[] { false, }; }
2226        /** Viewport to capture, in device independent pixels (dip). */
2227        public final Page.Viewport viewport;
2229        /**
2230         * Constructor
2231         *
2232         * @param viewport Viewport to capture, in device independent pixels (dip).
2233         */
2234        public screenshotRequested(Page.Viewport viewport)
2235        {
2236            super("Overlay", "screenshotRequested", 1);
2238            // Exception-Check(s) to ensure that if any parameters which are not declared as
2239            // 'Optional', but have a 'null' value anyway, that a NullPointerException shall throw.
2241            if (viewport == null) BRDPC.throwNPE("viewport");
2243            this.viewport  = viewport;
2244        }
2246        /**
2247         * JSON Object Constructor
2248         * @param jo A Json-Object having data about an instance of {@code 'screenshotRequested'}.
2249         */
2250        public screenshotRequested (JsonObject jo)
2251        {
2252            super("Overlay", "screenshotRequested", 1);
2254            this.viewport  = ReadJSON.getObject(jo, "viewport", Page.Viewport.class, false, true);
2255        }
2258        /** Checks whether {@code 'this'} equals an input Java-{@code Object} */
2259        public boolean equals(Object other)
2260        {
2261            if (other == null)                       return false;
2262            if (other.getClass() != this.getClass()) return false;
2264            screenshotRequested o = (screenshotRequested) other;
2266            return
2267                    Objects.equals(this.viewport, o.viewport);
2268        }
2270        /** Generates a Hash-Code for {@code 'this'} instance */
2271        public int hashCode()
2272        {
2273            return
2274                    this.viewport.hashCode();
2275        }
2276    }
2279    // Counter for keeping the WebSocket Request ID's distinct.
2280    private static int counter = 1;
2282    /**
2283     * Disables domain notifications.
2284     * 
2285     * @return An instance of <CODE>{@link Script}&lt;String, {@link JsonObject},
2286     * {@link Ret0}&gt;</CODE>
2287     *
2288     * <BR /><BR />This {@code Script} instance must be <B STYLE='color:red'>executed</B> before the
2289     * browser receives the invocation-request.
2290     *
2291     * <BR /><BR />This Browser-Function <I>does not have</I> a return-value.  You may choose to
2292     * <B STYLE='color: red'>await</B> the {@link Promise}{@code <JsonObject,} {@link Ret0}
2293     * {@code >} to ensure the Browser Function has run to completion.
2294     */
2295    public static Script<String, JsonObject, Ret0> disable()
2296    {
2297        final int          webSocketID = 31000000 + counter++;
2298        final boolean[]    optionals   = new boolean[0];
2300        // Convert Method Parameters into JSON.  Build the JSON Request-Object (as a String)
2301        String requestJSON = WriteJSON.get(
2302            parameterTypes.get("disable"),
2303            parameterNames.get("disable"),
2304            optionals, webSocketID,
2305            "Overlay.disable"
2306        );
2308        // This Remote Command does not have a Return-Value.
2309        return new Script<>
2310            (BRDPC.defaultSender, webSocketID, requestJSON, BRDPC.NoReturnValues);
2311    }
2313    /**
2314     * Enables domain notifications.
2315     * 
2316     * @return An instance of <CODE>{@link Script}&lt;String, {@link JsonObject},
2317     * {@link Ret0}&gt;</CODE>
2318     *
2319     * <BR /><BR />This {@code Script} instance must be <B STYLE='color:red'>executed</B> before the
2320     * browser receives the invocation-request.
2321     *
2322     * <BR /><BR />This Browser-Function <I>does not have</I> a return-value.  You may choose to
2323     * <B STYLE='color: red'>await</B> the {@link Promise}{@code <JsonObject,} {@link Ret0}
2324     * {@code >} to ensure the Browser Function has run to completion.
2325     */
2326    public static Script<String, JsonObject, Ret0> enable()
2327    {
2328        final int          webSocketID = 31001000 + counter++;
2329        final boolean[]    optionals   = new boolean[0];
2331        // Convert Method Parameters into JSON.  Build the JSON Request-Object (as a String)
2332        String requestJSON = WriteJSON.get(
2333            parameterTypes.get("enable"),
2334            parameterNames.get("enable"),
2335            optionals, webSocketID,
2336            "Overlay.enable"
2337        );
2339        // This Remote Command does not have a Return-Value.
2340        return new Script<>
2341            (BRDPC.defaultSender, webSocketID, requestJSON, BRDPC.NoReturnValues);
2342    }
2344    /**
2345     * For testing.
2346     * 
2347     * @param nodeId Id of the node to get highlight object for.
2348     * 
2349     * @param includeDistance Whether to include distance info.
2350     * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
2351     * 
2352     * @param includeStyle Whether to include style info.
2353     * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
2354     * 
2355     * @param colorFormat The color format to get config with (default: hex).
2356     * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
2357     * 
2358     * @param showAccessibilityInfo Whether to show accessibility info (default: true).
2359     * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
2360     * 
2361     * @return An instance of <CODE>{@link Script}&lt;String, {@link JsonObject},
2362     * JsonObject&gt;</CODE>
2363     * 
2364     * <BR /><BR />This <B>script</B> may be <B STYLE='color: red'>executed</B>, using
2365     * {@link Script#exec()}, and afterwards, a {@link Promise}<CODE>&lt;JsonObject,
2366     * JsonObject&gt;</CODE> will be returned.
2367     *
2368     * <BR /><BR />Finally, the <B>{@code Promise}</B> may be <B STYLE='color: red'>awaited</B>,
2369     * using {@link Promise#await()}, <I>and the returned result of this Browser Function may
2370      * may be retrieved.</I>
2371     *
2372     * <BR /><BR />This Browser Function <B STYLE='color: red'>returns</B>
2373     * <BR /><BR /><UL CLASS=JDUL>
2374     * <LI><CODE>JsonObject (<B>highlight</B></CODE>)
2375     *     <BR />Highlight data for the node.
2376     * </LI>
2377     * </UL> */
2378    public static Script<String, JsonObject, JsonObject> getHighlightObjectForTest(
2379            int nodeId, Boolean includeDistance, Boolean includeStyle, String colorFormat, 
2380            Boolean showAccessibilityInfo
2381        )
2382    {
2383        // Exception-Check(s) to ensure that if any parameters which must adhere to a
2384        // provided List of Enumerated Values, fails, then IllegalArgumentException shall throw.
2386        BRDPC.checkIAE("colorFormat", colorFormat, "Overlay.ColorFormat", Overlay.ColorFormat);
2388        final int       webSocketID = 31002000 + counter++;
2389        final boolean[] optionals   = { false, true, true, true, true, };
2391        // Convert Method Parameters into JSON.  Build the JSON Request-Object (as a String)
2392        String requestJSON = WriteJSON.get(
2393            parameterTypes.get("getHighlightObjectForTest"),
2394            parameterNames.get("getHighlightObjectForTest"),
2395            optionals, webSocketID,
2396            "Overlay.getHighlightObjectForTest",
2397            nodeId, includeDistance, includeStyle, colorFormat, showAccessibilityInfo
2398        );
2400        // 'JSON Binding' ... Converts Browser Response-JSON to 'JsonObject'
2401        Function<JsonObject, JsonObject> responseProcessor = (JsonObject jo) ->
2402            jo.getJsonObject("highlight");
2404        // Pass the 'defaultSender' to Script-Constructor
2405        // The sender that is used can be changed before executing script.
2406        return new Script<>(BRDPC.defaultSender, webSocketID, requestJSON, responseProcessor);
2407    }
2409    /**
2410     * For Persistent Grid testing.
2411     * 
2412     * @param nodeIds Ids of the node to get highlight object for.
2413     * 
2414     * @return An instance of <CODE>{@link Script}&lt;String, {@link JsonObject},
2415     * JsonObject&gt;</CODE>
2416     * 
2417     * <BR /><BR />This <B>script</B> may be <B STYLE='color: red'>executed</B>, using
2418     * {@link Script#exec()}, and afterwards, a {@link Promise}<CODE>&lt;JsonObject,
2419     * JsonObject&gt;</CODE> will be returned.
2420     *
2421     * <BR /><BR />Finally, the <B>{@code Promise}</B> may be <B STYLE='color: red'>awaited</B>,
2422     * using {@link Promise#await()}, <I>and the returned result of this Browser Function may
2423      * may be retrieved.</I>
2424     *
2425     * <BR /><BR />This Browser Function <B STYLE='color: red'>returns</B>
2426     * <BR /><BR /><UL CLASS=JDUL>
2427     * <LI><CODE>JsonObject (<B>highlights</B></CODE>)
2428     *     <BR />Grid Highlight data for the node ids provided.
2429     * </LI>
2430     * </UL> */
2431    public static Script<String, JsonObject, JsonObject> getGridHighlightObjectsForTest
2432        (int[] nodeIds)
2433    {
2434        // Exception-Check(s) to ensure that if any parameters which are not declared as
2435        // 'Optional', but have a 'null' value anyway, that a NullPointerException shall throw.
2437        if (nodeIds == null) BRDPC.throwNPE("nodeIds");
2439        final int       webSocketID = 31003000 + counter++;
2440        final boolean[] optionals   = { false, };
2442        // Convert Method Parameters into JSON.  Build the JSON Request-Object (as a String)
2443        String requestJSON = WriteJSON.get(
2444            parameterTypes.get("getGridHighlightObjectsForTest"),
2445            parameterNames.get("getGridHighlightObjectsForTest"),
2446            optionals, webSocketID,
2447            "Overlay.getGridHighlightObjectsForTest",
2448            (Object) nodeIds
2449        );
2451        // 'JSON Binding' ... Converts Browser Response-JSON to 'JsonObject'
2452        Function<JsonObject, JsonObject> responseProcessor = (JsonObject jo) ->
2453            jo.getJsonObject("highlights");
2455        // Pass the 'defaultSender' to Script-Constructor
2456        // The sender that is used can be changed before executing script.
2457        return new Script<>(BRDPC.defaultSender, webSocketID, requestJSON, responseProcessor);
2458    }
2460    /**
2461     * For Source Order Viewer testing.
2462     * 
2463     * @param nodeId Id of the node to highlight.
2464     * 
2465     * @return An instance of <CODE>{@link Script}&lt;String, {@link JsonObject},
2466     * JsonObject&gt;</CODE>
2467     * 
2468     * <BR /><BR />This <B>script</B> may be <B STYLE='color: red'>executed</B>, using
2469     * {@link Script#exec()}, and afterwards, a {@link Promise}<CODE>&lt;JsonObject,
2470     * JsonObject&gt;</CODE> will be returned.
2471     *
2472     * <BR /><BR />Finally, the <B>{@code Promise}</B> may be <B STYLE='color: red'>awaited</B>,
2473     * using {@link Promise#await()}, <I>and the returned result of this Browser Function may
2474      * may be retrieved.</I>
2475     *
2476     * <BR /><BR />This Browser Function <B STYLE='color: red'>returns</B>
2477     * <BR /><BR /><UL CLASS=JDUL>
2478     * <LI><CODE>JsonObject (<B>highlight</B></CODE>)
2479     *     <BR />Source order highlight data for the node id provided.
2480     * </LI>
2481     * </UL> */
2482    public static Script<String, JsonObject, JsonObject> getSourceOrderHighlightObjectForTest
2483        (int nodeId)
2484    {
2485        final int       webSocketID = 31004000 + counter++;
2486        final boolean[] optionals   = { false, };
2488        // Convert Method Parameters into JSON.  Build the JSON Request-Object (as a String)
2489        String requestJSON = WriteJSON.get(
2490            parameterTypes.get("getSourceOrderHighlightObjectForTest"),
2491            parameterNames.get("getSourceOrderHighlightObjectForTest"),
2492            optionals, webSocketID,
2493            "Overlay.getSourceOrderHighlightObjectForTest",
2494            nodeId
2495        );
2497        // 'JSON Binding' ... Converts Browser Response-JSON to 'JsonObject'
2498        Function<JsonObject, JsonObject> responseProcessor = (JsonObject jo) ->
2499            jo.getJsonObject("highlight");
2501        // Pass the 'defaultSender' to Script-Constructor
2502        // The sender that is used can be changed before executing script.
2503        return new Script<>(BRDPC.defaultSender, webSocketID, requestJSON, responseProcessor);
2504    }
2506    /**
2507     * Hides any highlight.
2508     * 
2509     * @return An instance of <CODE>{@link Script}&lt;String, {@link JsonObject},
2510     * {@link Ret0}&gt;</CODE>
2511     *
2512     * <BR /><BR />This {@code Script} instance must be <B STYLE='color:red'>executed</B> before the
2513     * browser receives the invocation-request.
2514     *
2515     * <BR /><BR />This Browser-Function <I>does not have</I> a return-value.  You may choose to
2516     * <B STYLE='color: red'>await</B> the {@link Promise}{@code <JsonObject,} {@link Ret0}
2517     * {@code >} to ensure the Browser Function has run to completion.
2518     */
2519    public static Script<String, JsonObject, Ret0> hideHighlight()
2520    {
2521        final int          webSocketID = 31005000 + counter++;
2522        final boolean[]    optionals   = new boolean[0];
2524        // Convert Method Parameters into JSON.  Build the JSON Request-Object (as a String)
2525        String requestJSON = WriteJSON.get(
2526            parameterTypes.get("hideHighlight"),
2527            parameterNames.get("hideHighlight"),
2528            optionals, webSocketID,
2529            "Overlay.hideHighlight"
2530        );
2532        // This Remote Command does not have a Return-Value.
2533        return new Script<>
2534            (BRDPC.defaultSender, webSocketID, requestJSON, BRDPC.NoReturnValues);
2535    }
2537    /**
2538     * Highlights owner element of the frame with given id.
2539     * Deprecated: Doesn't work reliablity and cannot be fixed due to process
2540     * separatation (the owner node might be in a different process). Determine
2541     * the owner node in the client and use highlightNode.
2542     * <BR /><B>DEPRECATED</B>
2543     * 
2544     * @param frameId Identifier of the frame to highlight.
2545     * 
2546     * @param contentColor The content box highlight fill color (default: transparent).
2547     * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
2548     * 
2549     * @param contentOutlineColor The content box highlight outline color (default: transparent).
2550     * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
2551     * 
2552     * @return An instance of <CODE>{@link Script}&lt;String, {@link JsonObject},
2553     * {@link Ret0}&gt;</CODE>
2554     *
2555     * <BR /><BR />This {@code Script} instance must be <B STYLE='color:red'>executed</B> before the
2556     * browser receives the invocation-request.
2557     *
2558     * <BR /><BR />This Browser-Function <I>does not have</I> a return-value.  You may choose to
2559     * <B STYLE='color: red'>await</B> the {@link Promise}{@code <JsonObject,} {@link Ret0}
2560     * {@code >} to ensure the Browser Function has run to completion.
2561     */
2562    public static Script<String, JsonObject, Ret0> highlightFrame
2563        (String frameId, DOM.RGBA contentColor, DOM.RGBA contentOutlineColor)
2564    {
2565        // Exception-Check(s) to ensure that if any parameters which are not declared as
2566        // 'Optional', but have a 'null' value anyway, that a NullPointerException shall throw.
2568        if (frameId == null) BRDPC.throwNPE("frameId");
2570        final int       webSocketID = 31006000 + counter++;
2571        final boolean[] optionals   = { false, true, true, };
2573        // Convert Method Parameters into JSON.  Build the JSON Request-Object (as a String)
2574        String requestJSON = WriteJSON.get(
2575            parameterTypes.get("highlightFrame"),
2576            parameterNames.get("highlightFrame"),
2577            optionals, webSocketID,
2578            "Overlay.highlightFrame",
2579            frameId, contentColor, contentOutlineColor
2580        );
2582        // This Remote Command does not have a Return-Value.
2583        return new Script<>
2584            (BRDPC.defaultSender, webSocketID, requestJSON, BRDPC.NoReturnValues);
2585    }
2587    /**
2588     * Highlights DOM node with given id or with the given JavaScript object wrapper. Either nodeId or
2589     * objectId must be specified.
2590     * 
2591     * @param highlightConfig A descriptor for the highlight appearance.
2592     * 
2593     * @param nodeId Identifier of the node to highlight.
2594     * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
2595     * 
2596     * @param backendNodeId Identifier of the backend node to highlight.
2597     * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
2598     * 
2599     * @param objectId JavaScript object id of the node to be highlighted.
2600     * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
2601     * 
2602     * @param selector Selectors to highlight relevant nodes.
2603     * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
2604     * 
2605     * @return An instance of <CODE>{@link Script}&lt;String, {@link JsonObject},
2606     * {@link Ret0}&gt;</CODE>
2607     *
2608     * <BR /><BR />This {@code Script} instance must be <B STYLE='color:red'>executed</B> before the
2609     * browser receives the invocation-request.
2610     *
2611     * <BR /><BR />This Browser-Function <I>does not have</I> a return-value.  You may choose to
2612     * <B STYLE='color: red'>await</B> the {@link Promise}{@code <JsonObject,} {@link Ret0}
2613     * {@code >} to ensure the Browser Function has run to completion.
2614     */
2615    public static Script<String, JsonObject, Ret0> highlightNode(
2616            Overlay.HighlightConfig highlightConfig, Integer nodeId, Integer backendNodeId, 
2617            String objectId, String selector
2618        )
2619    {
2620        // Exception-Check(s) to ensure that if any parameters which are not declared as
2621        // 'Optional', but have a 'null' value anyway, that a NullPointerException shall throw.
2623        if (highlightConfig == null) BRDPC.throwNPE("highlightConfig");
2625        final int       webSocketID = 31007000 + counter++;
2626        final boolean[] optionals   = { false, true, true, true, true, };
2628        // Convert Method Parameters into JSON.  Build the JSON Request-Object (as a String)
2629        String requestJSON = WriteJSON.get(
2630            parameterTypes.get("highlightNode"),
2631            parameterNames.get("highlightNode"),
2632            optionals, webSocketID,
2633            "Overlay.highlightNode",
2634            highlightConfig, nodeId, backendNodeId, objectId, selector
2635        );
2637        // This Remote Command does not have a Return-Value.
2638        return new Script<>
2639            (BRDPC.defaultSender, webSocketID, requestJSON, BRDPC.NoReturnValues);
2640    }
2642    /**
2643     * Highlights given quad. Coordinates are absolute with respect to the main frame viewport.
2644     * 
2645     * @param quad Quad to highlight
2646     * 
2647     * @param color The highlight fill color (default: transparent).
2648     * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
2649     * 
2650     * @param outlineColor The highlight outline color (default: transparent).
2651     * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
2652     * 
2653     * @return An instance of <CODE>{@link Script}&lt;String, {@link JsonObject},
2654     * {@link Ret0}&gt;</CODE>
2655     *
2656     * <BR /><BR />This {@code Script} instance must be <B STYLE='color:red'>executed</B> before the
2657     * browser receives the invocation-request.
2658     *
2659     * <BR /><BR />This Browser-Function <I>does not have</I> a return-value.  You may choose to
2660     * <B STYLE='color: red'>await</B> the {@link Promise}{@code <JsonObject,} {@link Ret0}
2661     * {@code >} to ensure the Browser Function has run to completion.
2662     */
2663    public static Script<String, JsonObject, Ret0> highlightQuad
2664        (Number[] quad, DOM.RGBA color, DOM.RGBA outlineColor)
2665    {
2666        // Exception-Check(s) to ensure that if any parameters which are not declared as
2667        // 'Optional', but have a 'null' value anyway, that a NullPointerException shall throw.
2669        if (quad == null) BRDPC.throwNPE("quad");
2671        final int       webSocketID = 31008000 + counter++;
2672        final boolean[] optionals   = { false, true, true, };
2674        // Convert Method Parameters into JSON.  Build the JSON Request-Object (as a String)
2675        String requestJSON = WriteJSON.get(
2676            parameterTypes.get("highlightQuad"),
2677            parameterNames.get("highlightQuad"),
2678            optionals, webSocketID,
2679            "Overlay.highlightQuad",
2680            quad, color, outlineColor
2681        );
2683        // This Remote Command does not have a Return-Value.
2684        return new Script<>
2685            (BRDPC.defaultSender, webSocketID, requestJSON, BRDPC.NoReturnValues);
2686    }
2688    /**
2689     * Highlights given rectangle. Coordinates are absolute with respect to the main frame viewport.
2690     * 
2691     * @param x X coordinate
2692     * 
2693     * @param y Y coordinate
2694     * 
2695     * @param width Rectangle width
2696     * 
2697     * @param height Rectangle height
2698     * 
2699     * @param color The highlight fill color (default: transparent).
2700     * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
2701     * 
2702     * @param outlineColor The highlight outline color (default: transparent).
2703     * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
2704     * 
2705     * @return An instance of <CODE>{@link Script}&lt;String, {@link JsonObject},
2706     * {@link Ret0}&gt;</CODE>
2707     *
2708     * <BR /><BR />This {@code Script} instance must be <B STYLE='color:red'>executed</B> before the
2709     * browser receives the invocation-request.
2710     *
2711     * <BR /><BR />This Browser-Function <I>does not have</I> a return-value.  You may choose to
2712     * <B STYLE='color: red'>await</B> the {@link Promise}{@code <JsonObject,} {@link Ret0}
2713     * {@code >} to ensure the Browser Function has run to completion.
2714     */
2715    public static Script<String, JsonObject, Ret0> highlightRect
2716        (int x, int y, int width, int height, DOM.RGBA color, DOM.RGBA outlineColor)
2717    {
2718        final int       webSocketID = 31009000 + counter++;
2719        final boolean[] optionals   = { false, false, false, false, true, true, };
2721        // Convert Method Parameters into JSON.  Build the JSON Request-Object (as a String)
2722        String requestJSON = WriteJSON.get(
2723            parameterTypes.get("highlightRect"),
2724            parameterNames.get("highlightRect"),
2725            optionals, webSocketID,
2726            "Overlay.highlightRect",
2727            x, y, width, height, color, outlineColor
2728        );
2730        // This Remote Command does not have a Return-Value.
2731        return new Script<>
2732            (BRDPC.defaultSender, webSocketID, requestJSON, BRDPC.NoReturnValues);
2733    }
2735    /**
2736     * Highlights the source order of the children of the DOM node with given id or with the given
2737     * JavaScript object wrapper. Either nodeId or objectId must be specified.
2738     * 
2739     * @param sourceOrderConfig A descriptor for the appearance of the overlay drawing.
2740     * 
2741     * @param nodeId Identifier of the node to highlight.
2742     * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
2743     * 
2744     * @param backendNodeId Identifier of the backend node to highlight.
2745     * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
2746     * 
2747     * @param objectId JavaScript object id of the node to be highlighted.
2748     * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
2749     * 
2750     * @return An instance of <CODE>{@link Script}&lt;String, {@link JsonObject},
2751     * {@link Ret0}&gt;</CODE>
2752     *
2753     * <BR /><BR />This {@code Script} instance must be <B STYLE='color:red'>executed</B> before the
2754     * browser receives the invocation-request.
2755     *
2756     * <BR /><BR />This Browser-Function <I>does not have</I> a return-value.  You may choose to
2757     * <B STYLE='color: red'>await</B> the {@link Promise}{@code <JsonObject,} {@link Ret0}
2758     * {@code >} to ensure the Browser Function has run to completion.
2759     */
2760    public static Script<String, JsonObject, Ret0> highlightSourceOrder(
2761            Overlay.SourceOrderConfig sourceOrderConfig, Integer nodeId, Integer backendNodeId, 
2762            String objectId
2763        )
2764    {
2765        // Exception-Check(s) to ensure that if any parameters which are not declared as
2766        // 'Optional', but have a 'null' value anyway, that a NullPointerException shall throw.
2768        if (sourceOrderConfig == null) BRDPC.throwNPE("sourceOrderConfig");
2770        final int       webSocketID = 31010000 + counter++;
2771        final boolean[] optionals   = { false, true, true, true, };
2773        // Convert Method Parameters into JSON.  Build the JSON Request-Object (as a String)
2774        String requestJSON = WriteJSON.get(
2775            parameterTypes.get("highlightSourceOrder"),
2776            parameterNames.get("highlightSourceOrder"),
2777            optionals, webSocketID,
2778            "Overlay.highlightSourceOrder",
2779            sourceOrderConfig, nodeId, backendNodeId, objectId
2780        );
2782        // This Remote Command does not have a Return-Value.
2783        return new Script<>
2784            (BRDPC.defaultSender, webSocketID, requestJSON, BRDPC.NoReturnValues);
2785    }
2787    /**
2788     * Enters the 'inspect' mode. In this mode, elements that user is hovering over are highlighted.
2789     * Backend then generates 'inspectNodeRequested' event upon element selection.
2790     * 
2791     * @param mode Set an inspection mode.
2792     * 
2793     * @param highlightConfig 
2794     * A descriptor for the highlight appearance of hovered-over nodes. May be omitted if <CODE>enabled
2795     * == false</CODE>.
2796     * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
2797     * 
2798     * @return An instance of <CODE>{@link Script}&lt;String, {@link JsonObject},
2799     * {@link Ret0}&gt;</CODE>
2800     *
2801     * <BR /><BR />This {@code Script} instance must be <B STYLE='color:red'>executed</B> before the
2802     * browser receives the invocation-request.
2803     *
2804     * <BR /><BR />This Browser-Function <I>does not have</I> a return-value.  You may choose to
2805     * <B STYLE='color: red'>await</B> the {@link Promise}{@code <JsonObject,} {@link Ret0}
2806     * {@code >} to ensure the Browser Function has run to completion.
2807     */
2808    public static Script<String, JsonObject, Ret0> setInspectMode
2809        (String mode, Overlay.HighlightConfig highlightConfig)
2810    {
2811        // Exception-Check(s) to ensure that if any parameters which are not declared as
2812        // 'Optional', but have a 'null' value anyway, that a NullPointerException shall throw.
2814        if (mode == null) BRDPC.throwNPE("mode");
2816        // Exception-Check(s) to ensure that if any parameters which must adhere to a
2817        // provided List of Enumerated Values, fails, then IllegalArgumentException shall throw.
2819        BRDPC.checkIAE("mode", mode, "Overlay.InspectMode", Overlay.InspectMode);
2821        final int       webSocketID = 31011000 + counter++;
2822        final boolean[] optionals   = { false, true, };
2824        // Convert Method Parameters into JSON.  Build the JSON Request-Object (as a String)
2825        String requestJSON = WriteJSON.get(
2826            parameterTypes.get("setInspectMode"),
2827            parameterNames.get("setInspectMode"),
2828            optionals, webSocketID,
2829            "Overlay.setInspectMode",
2830            mode, highlightConfig
2831        );
2833        // This Remote Command does not have a Return-Value.
2834        return new Script<>
2835            (BRDPC.defaultSender, webSocketID, requestJSON, BRDPC.NoReturnValues);
2836    }
2838    /**
2839     * Highlights owner element of all frames detected to be ads.
2840     * 
2841     * @param show True for showing ad highlights
2842     * 
2843     * @return An instance of <CODE>{@link Script}&lt;String, {@link JsonObject},
2844     * {@link Ret0}&gt;</CODE>
2845     *
2846     * <BR /><BR />This {@code Script} instance must be <B STYLE='color:red'>executed</B> before the
2847     * browser receives the invocation-request.
2848     *
2849     * <BR /><BR />This Browser-Function <I>does not have</I> a return-value.  You may choose to
2850     * <B STYLE='color: red'>await</B> the {@link Promise}{@code <JsonObject,} {@link Ret0}
2851     * {@code >} to ensure the Browser Function has run to completion.
2852     */
2853    public static Script<String, JsonObject, Ret0> setShowAdHighlights(boolean show)
2854    {
2855        final int       webSocketID = 31012000 + counter++;
2856        final boolean[] optionals   = { false, };
2858        // Convert Method Parameters into JSON.  Build the JSON Request-Object (as a String)
2859        String requestJSON = WriteJSON.get(
2860            parameterTypes.get("setShowAdHighlights"),
2861            parameterNames.get("setShowAdHighlights"),
2862            optionals, webSocketID,
2863            "Overlay.setShowAdHighlights",
2864            show
2865        );
2867        // This Remote Command does not have a Return-Value.
2868        return new Script<>
2869            (BRDPC.defaultSender, webSocketID, requestJSON, BRDPC.NoReturnValues);
2870    }
2872    /**
2873     * <CODE>[No Description Provided by Google]</CODE>
2874     * 
2875     * @param message The message to display, also triggers resume and step over controls.
2876     * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
2877     * 
2878     * @return An instance of <CODE>{@link Script}&lt;String, {@link JsonObject},
2879     * {@link Ret0}&gt;</CODE>
2880     *
2881     * <BR /><BR />This {@code Script} instance must be <B STYLE='color:red'>executed</B> before the
2882     * browser receives the invocation-request.
2883     *
2884     * <BR /><BR />This Browser-Function <I>does not have</I> a return-value.  You may choose to
2885     * <B STYLE='color: red'>await</B> the {@link Promise}{@code <JsonObject,} {@link Ret0}
2886     * {@code >} to ensure the Browser Function has run to completion.
2887     */
2888    public static Script<String, JsonObject, Ret0> setPausedInDebuggerMessage(String message)
2889    {
2890        final int       webSocketID = 31013000 + counter++;
2891        final boolean[] optionals   = { true, };
2893        // Convert Method Parameters into JSON.  Build the JSON Request-Object (as a String)
2894        String requestJSON = WriteJSON.get(
2895            parameterTypes.get("setPausedInDebuggerMessage"),
2896            parameterNames.get("setPausedInDebuggerMessage"),
2897            optionals, webSocketID,
2898            "Overlay.setPausedInDebuggerMessage",
2899            message
2900        );
2902        // This Remote Command does not have a Return-Value.
2903        return new Script<>
2904            (BRDPC.defaultSender, webSocketID, requestJSON, BRDPC.NoReturnValues);
2905    }
2907    /**
2908     * Requests that backend shows debug borders on layers
2909     * 
2910     * @param show True for showing debug borders
2911     * 
2912     * @return An instance of <CODE>{@link Script}&lt;String, {@link JsonObject},
2913     * {@link Ret0}&gt;</CODE>
2914     *
2915     * <BR /><BR />This {@code Script} instance must be <B STYLE='color:red'>executed</B> before the
2916     * browser receives the invocation-request.
2917     *
2918     * <BR /><BR />This Browser-Function <I>does not have</I> a return-value.  You may choose to
2919     * <B STYLE='color: red'>await</B> the {@link Promise}{@code <JsonObject,} {@link Ret0}
2920     * {@code >} to ensure the Browser Function has run to completion.
2921     */
2922    public static Script<String, JsonObject, Ret0> setShowDebugBorders(boolean show)
2923    {
2924        final int       webSocketID = 31014000 + counter++;
2925        final boolean[] optionals   = { false, };
2927        // Convert Method Parameters into JSON.  Build the JSON Request-Object (as a String)
2928        String requestJSON = WriteJSON.get(
2929            parameterTypes.get("setShowDebugBorders"),
2930            parameterNames.get("setShowDebugBorders"),
2931            optionals, webSocketID,
2932            "Overlay.setShowDebugBorders",
2933            show
2934        );
2936        // This Remote Command does not have a Return-Value.
2937        return new Script<>
2938            (BRDPC.defaultSender, webSocketID, requestJSON, BRDPC.NoReturnValues);
2939    }
2941    /**
2942     * Requests that backend shows the FPS counter
2943     * 
2944     * @param show True for showing the FPS counter
2945     * 
2946     * @return An instance of <CODE>{@link Script}&lt;String, {@link JsonObject},
2947     * {@link Ret0}&gt;</CODE>
2948     *
2949     * <BR /><BR />This {@code Script} instance must be <B STYLE='color:red'>executed</B> before the
2950     * browser receives the invocation-request.
2951     *
2952     * <BR /><BR />This Browser-Function <I>does not have</I> a return-value.  You may choose to
2953     * <B STYLE='color: red'>await</B> the {@link Promise}{@code <JsonObject,} {@link Ret0}
2954     * {@code >} to ensure the Browser Function has run to completion.
2955     */
2956    public static Script<String, JsonObject, Ret0> setShowFPSCounter(boolean show)
2957    {
2958        final int       webSocketID = 31015000 + counter++;
2959        final boolean[] optionals   = { false, };
2961        // Convert Method Parameters into JSON.  Build the JSON Request-Object (as a String)
2962        String requestJSON = WriteJSON.get(
2963            parameterTypes.get("setShowFPSCounter"),
2964            parameterNames.get("setShowFPSCounter"),
2965            optionals, webSocketID,
2966            "Overlay.setShowFPSCounter",
2967            show
2968        );
2970        // This Remote Command does not have a Return-Value.
2971        return new Script<>
2972            (BRDPC.defaultSender, webSocketID, requestJSON, BRDPC.NoReturnValues);
2973    }
2975    /**
2976     * Highlight multiple elements with the CSS Grid overlay.
2977     * 
2978     * @param gridNodeHighlightConfigs An array of node identifiers and descriptors for the highlight appearance.
2979     * 
2980     * @return An instance of <CODE>{@link Script}&lt;String, {@link JsonObject},
2981     * {@link Ret0}&gt;</CODE>
2982     *
2983     * <BR /><BR />This {@code Script} instance must be <B STYLE='color:red'>executed</B> before the
2984     * browser receives the invocation-request.
2985     *
2986     * <BR /><BR />This Browser-Function <I>does not have</I> a return-value.  You may choose to
2987     * <B STYLE='color: red'>await</B> the {@link Promise}{@code <JsonObject,} {@link Ret0}
2988     * {@code >} to ensure the Browser Function has run to completion.
2989     */
2990    public static Script<String, JsonObject, Ret0> setShowGridOverlays
2991        (Overlay.GridNodeHighlightConfig[] gridNodeHighlightConfigs)
2992    {
2993        // Exception-Check(s) to ensure that if any parameters which are not declared as
2994        // 'Optional', but have a 'null' value anyway, that a NullPointerException shall throw.
2996        if (gridNodeHighlightConfigs == null) BRDPC.throwNPE("gridNodeHighlightConfigs");
2998        final int       webSocketID = 31016000 + counter++;
2999        final boolean[] optionals   = { false, };
3001        // Convert Method Parameters into JSON.  Build the JSON Request-Object (as a String)
3002        String requestJSON = WriteJSON.get(
3003            parameterTypes.get("setShowGridOverlays"),
3004            parameterNames.get("setShowGridOverlays"),
3005            optionals, webSocketID,
3006            "Overlay.setShowGridOverlays",
3007            (Object) gridNodeHighlightConfigs
3008        );
3010        // This Remote Command does not have a Return-Value.
3011        return new Script<>
3012            (BRDPC.defaultSender, webSocketID, requestJSON, BRDPC.NoReturnValues);
3013    }
3015    /**
3016     * <CODE>[No Description Provided by Google]</CODE>
3017     * 
3018     * @param flexNodeHighlightConfigs An array of node identifiers and descriptors for the highlight appearance.
3019     * 
3020     * @return An instance of <CODE>{@link Script}&lt;String, {@link JsonObject},
3021     * {@link Ret0}&gt;</CODE>
3022     *
3023     * <BR /><BR />This {@code Script} instance must be <B STYLE='color:red'>executed</B> before the
3024     * browser receives the invocation-request.
3025     *
3026     * <BR /><BR />This Browser-Function <I>does not have</I> a return-value.  You may choose to
3027     * <B STYLE='color: red'>await</B> the {@link Promise}{@code <JsonObject,} {@link Ret0}
3028     * {@code >} to ensure the Browser Function has run to completion.
3029     */
3030    public static Script<String, JsonObject, Ret0> setShowFlexOverlays
3031        (Overlay.FlexNodeHighlightConfig[] flexNodeHighlightConfigs)
3032    {
3033        // Exception-Check(s) to ensure that if any parameters which are not declared as
3034        // 'Optional', but have a 'null' value anyway, that a NullPointerException shall throw.
3036        if (flexNodeHighlightConfigs == null) BRDPC.throwNPE("flexNodeHighlightConfigs");
3038        final int       webSocketID = 31017000 + counter++;
3039        final boolean[] optionals   = { false, };
3041        // Convert Method Parameters into JSON.  Build the JSON Request-Object (as a String)
3042        String requestJSON = WriteJSON.get(
3043            parameterTypes.get("setShowFlexOverlays"),
3044            parameterNames.get("setShowFlexOverlays"),
3045            optionals, webSocketID,
3046            "Overlay.setShowFlexOverlays",
3047            (Object) flexNodeHighlightConfigs
3048        );
3050        // This Remote Command does not have a Return-Value.
3051        return new Script<>
3052            (BRDPC.defaultSender, webSocketID, requestJSON, BRDPC.NoReturnValues);
3053    }
3055    /**
3056     * <CODE>[No Description Provided by Google]</CODE>
3057     * 
3058     * @param scrollSnapHighlightConfigs An array of node identifiers and descriptors for the highlight appearance.
3059     * 
3060     * @return An instance of <CODE>{@link Script}&lt;String, {@link JsonObject},
3061     * {@link Ret0}&gt;</CODE>
3062     *
3063     * <BR /><BR />This {@code Script} instance must be <B STYLE='color:red'>executed</B> before the
3064     * browser receives the invocation-request.
3065     *
3066     * <BR /><BR />This Browser-Function <I>does not have</I> a return-value.  You may choose to
3067     * <B STYLE='color: red'>await</B> the {@link Promise}{@code <JsonObject,} {@link Ret0}
3068     * {@code >} to ensure the Browser Function has run to completion.
3069     */
3070    public static Script<String, JsonObject, Ret0> setShowScrollSnapOverlays
3071        (Overlay.ScrollSnapHighlightConfig[] scrollSnapHighlightConfigs)
3072    {
3073        // Exception-Check(s) to ensure that if any parameters which are not declared as
3074        // 'Optional', but have a 'null' value anyway, that a NullPointerException shall throw.
3076        if (scrollSnapHighlightConfigs == null) BRDPC.throwNPE("scrollSnapHighlightConfigs");
3078        final int       webSocketID = 31018000 + counter++;
3079        final boolean[] optionals   = { false, };
3081        // Convert Method Parameters into JSON.  Build the JSON Request-Object (as a String)
3082        String requestJSON = WriteJSON.get(
3083            parameterTypes.get("setShowScrollSnapOverlays"),
3084            parameterNames.get("setShowScrollSnapOverlays"),
3085            optionals, webSocketID,
3086            "Overlay.setShowScrollSnapOverlays",
3087            (Object) scrollSnapHighlightConfigs
3088        );
3090        // This Remote Command does not have a Return-Value.
3091        return new Script<>
3092            (BRDPC.defaultSender, webSocketID, requestJSON, BRDPC.NoReturnValues);
3093    }
3095    /**
3096     * <CODE>[No Description Provided by Google]</CODE>
3097     * 
3098     * @param containerQueryHighlightConfigs An array of node identifiers and descriptors for the highlight appearance.
3099     * 
3100     * @return An instance of <CODE>{@link Script}&lt;String, {@link JsonObject},
3101     * {@link Ret0}&gt;</CODE>
3102     *
3103     * <BR /><BR />This {@code Script} instance must be <B STYLE='color:red'>executed</B> before the
3104     * browser receives the invocation-request.
3105     *
3106     * <BR /><BR />This Browser-Function <I>does not have</I> a return-value.  You may choose to
3107     * <B STYLE='color: red'>await</B> the {@link Promise}{@code <JsonObject,} {@link Ret0}
3108     * {@code >} to ensure the Browser Function has run to completion.
3109     */
3110    public static Script<String, JsonObject, Ret0> setShowContainerQueryOverlays
3111        (Overlay.ContainerQueryHighlightConfig[] containerQueryHighlightConfigs)
3112    {
3113        // Exception-Check(s) to ensure that if any parameters which are not declared as
3114        // 'Optional', but have a 'null' value anyway, that a NullPointerException shall throw.
3116        if (containerQueryHighlightConfigs == null) BRDPC.throwNPE("containerQueryHighlightConfigs");
3118        final int       webSocketID = 31019000 + counter++;
3119        final boolean[] optionals   = { false, };
3121        // Convert Method Parameters into JSON.  Build the JSON Request-Object (as a String)
3122        String requestJSON = WriteJSON.get(
3123            parameterTypes.get("setShowContainerQueryOverlays"),
3124            parameterNames.get("setShowContainerQueryOverlays"),
3125            optionals, webSocketID,
3126            "Overlay.setShowContainerQueryOverlays",
3127            (Object) containerQueryHighlightConfigs
3128        );
3130        // This Remote Command does not have a Return-Value.
3131        return new Script<>
3132            (BRDPC.defaultSender, webSocketID, requestJSON, BRDPC.NoReturnValues);
3133    }
3135    /**
3136     * Requests that backend shows paint rectangles
3137     * 
3138     * @param result True for showing paint rectangles
3139     * 
3140     * @return An instance of <CODE>{@link Script}&lt;String, {@link JsonObject},
3141     * {@link Ret0}&gt;</CODE>
3142     *
3143     * <BR /><BR />This {@code Script} instance must be <B STYLE='color:red'>executed</B> before the
3144     * browser receives the invocation-request.
3145     *
3146     * <BR /><BR />This Browser-Function <I>does not have</I> a return-value.  You may choose to
3147     * <B STYLE='color: red'>await</B> the {@link Promise}{@code <JsonObject,} {@link Ret0}
3148     * {@code >} to ensure the Browser Function has run to completion.
3149     */
3150    public static Script<String, JsonObject, Ret0> setShowPaintRects(boolean result)
3151    {
3152        final int       webSocketID = 31020000 + counter++;
3153        final boolean[] optionals   = { false, };
3155        // Convert Method Parameters into JSON.  Build the JSON Request-Object (as a String)
3156        String requestJSON = WriteJSON.get(
3157            parameterTypes.get("setShowPaintRects"),
3158            parameterNames.get("setShowPaintRects"),
3159            optionals, webSocketID,
3160            "Overlay.setShowPaintRects",
3161            result
3162        );
3164        // This Remote Command does not have a Return-Value.
3165        return new Script<>
3166            (BRDPC.defaultSender, webSocketID, requestJSON, BRDPC.NoReturnValues);
3167    }
3169    /**
3170     * Requests that backend shows layout shift regions
3171     * 
3172     * @param result True for showing layout shift regions
3173     * 
3174     * @return An instance of <CODE>{@link Script}&lt;String, {@link JsonObject},
3175     * {@link Ret0}&gt;</CODE>
3176     *
3177     * <BR /><BR />This {@code Script} instance must be <B STYLE='color:red'>executed</B> before the
3178     * browser receives the invocation-request.
3179     *
3180     * <BR /><BR />This Browser-Function <I>does not have</I> a return-value.  You may choose to
3181     * <B STYLE='color: red'>await</B> the {@link Promise}{@code <JsonObject,} {@link Ret0}
3182     * {@code >} to ensure the Browser Function has run to completion.
3183     */
3184    public static Script<String, JsonObject, Ret0> setShowLayoutShiftRegions(boolean result)
3185    {
3186        final int       webSocketID = 31021000 + counter++;
3187        final boolean[] optionals   = { false, };
3189        // Convert Method Parameters into JSON.  Build the JSON Request-Object (as a String)
3190        String requestJSON = WriteJSON.get(
3191            parameterTypes.get("setShowLayoutShiftRegions"),
3192            parameterNames.get("setShowLayoutShiftRegions"),
3193            optionals, webSocketID,
3194            "Overlay.setShowLayoutShiftRegions",
3195            result
3196        );
3198        // This Remote Command does not have a Return-Value.
3199        return new Script<>
3200            (BRDPC.defaultSender, webSocketID, requestJSON, BRDPC.NoReturnValues);
3201    }
3203    /**
3204     * Requests that backend shows scroll bottleneck rects
3205     * 
3206     * @param show True for showing scroll bottleneck rects
3207     * 
3208     * @return An instance of <CODE>{@link Script}&lt;String, {@link JsonObject},
3209     * {@link Ret0}&gt;</CODE>
3210     *
3211     * <BR /><BR />This {@code Script} instance must be <B STYLE='color:red'>executed</B> before the
3212     * browser receives the invocation-request.
3213     *
3214     * <BR /><BR />This Browser-Function <I>does not have</I> a return-value.  You may choose to
3215     * <B STYLE='color: red'>await</B> the {@link Promise}{@code <JsonObject,} {@link Ret0}
3216     * {@code >} to ensure the Browser Function has run to completion.
3217     */
3218    public static Script<String, JsonObject, Ret0> setShowScrollBottleneckRects(boolean show)
3219    {
3220        final int       webSocketID = 31022000 + counter++;
3221        final boolean[] optionals   = { false, };
3223        // Convert Method Parameters into JSON.  Build the JSON Request-Object (as a String)
3224        String requestJSON = WriteJSON.get(
3225            parameterTypes.get("setShowScrollBottleneckRects"),
3226            parameterNames.get("setShowScrollBottleneckRects"),
3227            optionals, webSocketID,
3228            "Overlay.setShowScrollBottleneckRects",
3229            show
3230        );
3232        // This Remote Command does not have a Return-Value.
3233        return new Script<>
3234            (BRDPC.defaultSender, webSocketID, requestJSON, BRDPC.NoReturnValues);
3235    }
3237    /**
3238     * Requests that backend shows hit-test borders on layers
3239     * 
3240     * @param show True for showing hit-test borders
3241     * 
3242     * @return An instance of <CODE>{@link Script}&lt;String, {@link JsonObject},
3243     * {@link Ret0}&gt;</CODE>
3244     *
3245     * <BR /><BR />This {@code Script} instance must be <B STYLE='color:red'>executed</B> before the
3246     * browser receives the invocation-request.
3247     *
3248     * <BR /><BR />This Browser-Function <I>does not have</I> a return-value.  You may choose to
3249     * <B STYLE='color: red'>await</B> the {@link Promise}{@code <JsonObject,} {@link Ret0}
3250     * {@code >} to ensure the Browser Function has run to completion.
3251     */
3252    public static Script<String, JsonObject, Ret0> setShowHitTestBorders(boolean show)
3253    {
3254        final int       webSocketID = 31023000 + counter++;
3255        final boolean[] optionals   = { false, };
3257        // Convert Method Parameters into JSON.  Build the JSON Request-Object (as a String)
3258        String requestJSON = WriteJSON.get(
3259            parameterTypes.get("setShowHitTestBorders"),
3260            parameterNames.get("setShowHitTestBorders"),
3261            optionals, webSocketID,
3262            "Overlay.setShowHitTestBorders",
3263            show
3264        );
3266        // This Remote Command does not have a Return-Value.
3267        return new Script<>
3268            (BRDPC.defaultSender, webSocketID, requestJSON, BRDPC.NoReturnValues);
3269    }
3271    /**
3272     * Request that backend shows an overlay with web vital metrics.
3273     * 
3274     * @param show -
3275     * 
3276     * @return An instance of <CODE>{@link Script}&lt;String, {@link JsonObject},
3277     * {@link Ret0}&gt;</CODE>
3278     *
3279     * <BR /><BR />This {@code Script} instance must be <B STYLE='color:red'>executed</B> before the
3280     * browser receives the invocation-request.
3281     *
3282     * <BR /><BR />This Browser-Function <I>does not have</I> a return-value.  You may choose to
3283     * <B STYLE='color: red'>await</B> the {@link Promise}{@code <JsonObject,} {@link Ret0}
3284     * {@code >} to ensure the Browser Function has run to completion.
3285     */
3286    public static Script<String, JsonObject, Ret0> setShowWebVitals(boolean show)
3287    {
3288        final int       webSocketID = 31024000 + counter++;
3289        final boolean[] optionals   = { false, };
3291        // Convert Method Parameters into JSON.  Build the JSON Request-Object (as a String)
3292        String requestJSON = WriteJSON.get(
3293            parameterTypes.get("setShowWebVitals"),
3294            parameterNames.get("setShowWebVitals"),
3295            optionals, webSocketID,
3296            "Overlay.setShowWebVitals",
3297            show
3298        );
3300        // This Remote Command does not have a Return-Value.
3301        return new Script<>
3302            (BRDPC.defaultSender, webSocketID, requestJSON, BRDPC.NoReturnValues);
3303    }
3305    /**
3306     * Paints viewport size upon main frame resize.
3307     * 
3308     * @param show Whether to paint size or not.
3309     * 
3310     * @return An instance of <CODE>{@link Script}&lt;String, {@link JsonObject},
3311     * {@link Ret0}&gt;</CODE>
3312     *
3313     * <BR /><BR />This {@code Script} instance must be <B STYLE='color:red'>executed</B> before the
3314     * browser receives the invocation-request.
3315     *
3316     * <BR /><BR />This Browser-Function <I>does not have</I> a return-value.  You may choose to
3317     * <B STYLE='color: red'>await</B> the {@link Promise}{@code <JsonObject,} {@link Ret0}
3318     * {@code >} to ensure the Browser Function has run to completion.
3319     */
3320    public static Script<String, JsonObject, Ret0> setShowViewportSizeOnResize(boolean show)
3321    {
3322        final int       webSocketID = 31025000 + counter++;
3323        final boolean[] optionals   = { false, };
3325        // Convert Method Parameters into JSON.  Build the JSON Request-Object (as a String)
3326        String requestJSON = WriteJSON.get(
3327            parameterTypes.get("setShowViewportSizeOnResize"),
3328            parameterNames.get("setShowViewportSizeOnResize"),
3329            optionals, webSocketID,
3330            "Overlay.setShowViewportSizeOnResize",
3331            show
3332        );
3334        // This Remote Command does not have a Return-Value.
3335        return new Script<>
3336            (BRDPC.defaultSender, webSocketID, requestJSON, BRDPC.NoReturnValues);
3337    }
3339    /**
3340     * Add a dual screen device hinge
3341     * 
3342     * @param hingeConfig hinge data, null means hideHinge
3343     * <BR /><B>OPTIONAL</B>
3344     * 
3345     * @return An instance of <CODE>{@link Script}&lt;String, {@link JsonObject},
3346     * {@link Ret0}&gt;</CODE>
3347     *
3348     * <BR /><BR />This {@code Script} instance must be <B STYLE='color:red'>executed</B> before the
3349     * browser receives the invocation-request.
3350     *
3351     * <BR /><BR />This Browser-Function <I>does not have</I> a return-value.  You may choose to
3352     * <B STYLE='color: red'>await</B> the {@link Promise}{@code <JsonObject,} {@link Ret0}
3353     * {@code >} to ensure the Browser Function has run to completion.
3354     */
3355    public static Script<String, JsonObject, Ret0> setShowHinge(Overlay.HingeConfig hingeConfig)
3356    {
3357        final int       webSocketID = 31026000 + counter++;
3358        final boolean[] optionals   = { true, };
3360        // Convert Method Parameters into JSON.  Build the JSON Request-Object (as a String)
3361        String requestJSON = WriteJSON.get(
3362            parameterTypes.get("setShowHinge"),
3363            parameterNames.get("setShowHinge"),
3364            optionals, webSocketID,
3365            "Overlay.setShowHinge",
3366            hingeConfig
3367        );
3369        // This Remote Command does not have a Return-Value.
3370        return new Script<>
3371            (BRDPC.defaultSender, webSocketID, requestJSON, BRDPC.NoReturnValues);
3372    }
3374    /**
3375     * Show elements in isolation mode with overlays.
3376     * 
3377     * @param isolatedElementHighlightConfigs An array of node identifiers and descriptors for the highlight appearance.
3378     * 
3379     * @return An instance of <CODE>{@link Script}&lt;String, {@link JsonObject},
3380     * {@link Ret0}&gt;</CODE>
3381     *
3382     * <BR /><BR />This {@code Script} instance must be <B STYLE='color:red'>executed</B> before the
3383     * browser receives the invocation-request.
3384     *
3385     * <BR /><BR />This Browser-Function <I>does not have</I> a return-value.  You may choose to
3386     * <B STYLE='color: red'>await</B> the {@link Promise}{@code <JsonObject,} {@link Ret0}
3387     * {@code >} to ensure the Browser Function has run to completion.
3388     */
3389    public static Script<String, JsonObject, Ret0> setShowIsolatedElements
3390        (Overlay.IsolatedElementHighlightConfig[] isolatedElementHighlightConfigs)
3391    {
3392        // Exception-Check(s) to ensure that if any parameters which are not declared as
3393        // 'Optional', but have a 'null' value anyway, that a NullPointerException shall throw.
3395        if (isolatedElementHighlightConfigs == null) BRDPC.throwNPE("isolatedElementHighlightConfigs");
3397        final int       webSocketID = 31027000 + counter++;
3398        final boolean[] optionals   = { false, };
3400        // Convert Method Parameters into JSON.  Build the JSON Request-Object (as a String)
3401        String requestJSON = WriteJSON.get(
3402            parameterTypes.get("setShowIsolatedElements"),
3403            parameterNames.get("setShowIsolatedElements"),
3404            optionals, webSocketID,
3405            "Overlay.setShowIsolatedElements",
3406            (Object) isolatedElementHighlightConfigs
3407        );
3409        // This Remote Command does not have a Return-Value.
3410        return new Script<>
3411            (BRDPC.defaultSender, webSocketID, requestJSON, BRDPC.NoReturnValues);
3412    }