Package Torello.Browser
Allows a user to start up a headless browser, and use the API that it exports to manipulate the
browser. Commands may be sent to the browser using any one of the Primary Domain classes
provided in this package. The methods in each of these Primary Domains return results, and can
also generate events that the user may receive. Each domain has a long list of events and types
that may be used with these methods.
This API is entirely auto-generated Java Code that has been produced from the Headless Google Chrome API that Chrome provides. This API may be used Chrome, or with Interne Explorer which now also uses the same Chrome Engine in its browser core.
Note, the Primary Launch Pad for using this API is from class
This package can also be used to drive / control a non-headless browser that is sitting, open, on your desktop.
This API is entirely auto-generated Java Code that has been produced from the Headless Google Chrome API that Chrome provides. This API may be used Chrome, or with Interne Explorer which now also uses the same Chrome Engine in its browser core.
Note, the Primary Launch Pad for using this API is from class
In that class you may open a browser and initiate a connection. From that point, simply
pick and choose any method provided by the list of "Domain Classes" which offer a series of
command. Any command accepting "Optional Parameters" will accept a null
into the
parameter's value.
This package can also be used to drive / control a non-headless browser that is sitting, open, on your desktop.
Remote Debug Port Connection Java Entity Description BRDPC This class helps to start an headless-instance of a Web-Browser, and open a connection to that browserBrowserEvent All events fired by the headless-browser extend this abstract classWebSocketSender This class implements a connection to a Web-Browser using the Remote Debug Protocol over Web-SocketsPrimary Domain Classes Java Entity Description Accessibility [No Description Provided by Google]
Animation [No Description Provided by Google]
Audits Audits domain allows investigation of page violations and possible improvementsBackgroundService Defines events for background web platform featuresBrowser The Browser domain defines methods and events for browser managingCSS This domain exposes CSS read/write operationsCacheStorage [No Description Provided by Google]
Cast A domain for interacting with Cast, Presentation API, and Remote Playback API functionalitiesConsole This domain is deprecated - use RunTime or Log insteadDOM This domain exposes DOM read/write operationsDOMDebugger DOM debugging allows setting breakpoints on particular DOM operations and eventsDOMSnapshot This domain facilitates obtaining document snapshots with DOM, layout, and style informationDOMStorage Query and modify DOM storageDatabase [No Description Provided by Google]
Debugger Debugger domain exposes JavaScript debugging capabilitiesDeviceOrientation [No Description Provided by Google]
Emulation This domain emulates different environments for the pageFetch A domain for letting clients substitute browser's network layer with client codeHeadlessExperimental This domain provides experimental commands only supported in headless modeHeapProfiler [No Description Provided by Google]
IO Input/Output operations for streams produced by DevToolsIndexedDB [No Description Provided by Google]
Input [No Description Provided by Google]
Inspector [No Description Provided by Google]
LayerTree [No Description Provided by Google]
Log Provides access to log entriesMedia This domain allows detailed inspection of media elementsMemory [No Description Provided by Google]
Network Network domain allows tracking network activities of the pageOverlay This domain provides various functionality related to drawing atop the inspected pagePage Actions and events related to the inspected page belong to the page domainPerformance [No Description Provided by Google]
PerformanceTimeline Reporting of performance timeline events, as specified in https://w3cProfiler [No Description Provided by Google]
RunTime RunTime domain exposes JavaScript runtime by means of remote evaluation and mirror objectsSchema This domain is deprecatedSecurity SecurityServiceWorker [No Description Provided by Google]
Storage [No Description Provided by Google]
SystemInfo The SystemInfo domain defines methods and events for querying low-level system informationTarget Supports additional targets discovery and allows to attach to themTethering The Tethering domain defines methods and events for browser port bindingTracing [No Description Provided by Google]
WebAudio This domain allows inspection of Web Audio APIWebAuthn This domain allows configuring virtual authenticators to test the WebAuthn APIAccessibility Domain Types Java Entity Description Accessibility.AXValueSource A single source for a computed AX propertyAccessibility.AXNode A node in the accessibility treeAccessibility.AXValue A single computed AX propertyAccessibility.AXRelatedNode [No Description Provided by Google]
Accessibility.AXProperty [No Description Provided by Google]
Animation Domain Types Java Entity Description Animation.KeyframeStyle Keyframe StyleAnimation.KeyframesRule Keyframes RuleAnimation.AnimationEffect AnimationEffect instanceAnimation._Animation Animation instanceAudits Domain Types Java Entity Description Audits.InspectorIssueDetails This struct holds a list of optional fields with additional information specific to the kind of issueAudits.AffectedCookie Information about a cookie that is affected by an inspector issueAudits.ContentSecurityPolicyIssueDetails [No Description Provided by Google]
Audits.AffectedRequest Information about a request that is affected by an inspector issueAudits.BlockedByResponseIssueDetails Details for a request that has been blocked with the BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE codeAudits.NavigatorUserAgentIssueDetails [No Description Provided by Google]
Audits.HeavyAdIssueDetails [No Description Provided by Google]
Audits.WasmCrossOriginModuleSharingIssueDetails [No Description Provided by Google]
Audits.SourceCodeLocation [No Description Provided by Google]
Audits.LowTextContrastIssueDetails [No Description Provided by Google]
Audits.TrustedWebActivityIssueDetails [No Description Provided by Google]
Audits.SameSiteCookieIssueDetails This information is currently necessary, as the front-end has a difficult time finding a specific cookieAudits.InspectorIssue An inspector issue reported from the back-endAudits.CorsIssueDetails Details for a CORS related issue, eAudits.AffectedFrame Information about the frame affected by an inspector issueAudits.AttributionReportingIssueDetails Details for issues around "Attribution Reporting API" usageAudits.SharedArrayBufferIssueDetails Details for a issue arising from an SAB being instantiated in, or transferred to a context that is not cross-origin isolatedAudits.QuirksModeIssueDetails Details for issues about documents in Quirks Mode or Limited Quirks Mode that affects page layoutingAudits.GenericIssueDetails Depending on the concrete errorType, different properties are setAudits.MixedContentIssueDetails [No Description Provided by Google]
BackgroundService Domain Types Java Entity Description BackgroundService.BackgroundServiceEvent [No Description Provided by Google]
BackgroundService.EventMetadata A key-value pair for additional event information to pass alongBrowser Domain Types Java Entity Description Browser.Histogram Chrome histogramBrowser.Bounds Browser window bounds informationBrowser.PermissionDescriptor Definition of PermissionDescriptor defined in the Permissions API: https://w3cBrowser.Bucket Chrome histogram bucketCSS Domain Types Java Entity Description CSS.CSSKeyframesRule CSS keyframes rule representationCSS.MediaQuery Media query descriptorCSS.InheritedStyleEntry Inherited CSS rule collection from ancestor nodeCSS.CSSContainerQuery CSS container query rule descriptorCSS.CSSStyleSheetHeader CSS stylesheet metainformationCSS.FontVariationAxis Information about font variation axes for variable fontsCSS.StyleDeclarationEdit A descriptor of operation to mutate style declaration textCSS.CSSComputedStyleProperty [No Description Provided by Google]
CSS.CSSProperty CSS property declaration dataCSS.PlatformFontUsage Information about amount of glyphs that were rendered with given fontCSS.Value Data for a simple selector (these are delimited by commas in a selector list)CSS.ShorthandEntry [No Description Provided by Google]
CSS.CSSRule CSS rule representationCSS.CSSKeyframeRule CSS keyframe rule representationCSS.SelectorList Selector list dataCSS.MediaQueryExpression Media query expression descriptorCSS.CSSMedia CSS media rule descriptorCSS.FontFace Properties of a web font: https://wwwCSS.RuleUsage CSS coverage informationCSS.PseudoElementMatches CSS rule collection for a single pseudo styleCSS.CSSStyle CSS style representationCSS.SourceRange Text range within a resourceCSS.RuleMatch Match data for a CSS ruleCacheStorage Domain Types Java Entity Description CacheStorage.CachedResponse Cached responseCacheStorage.DataEntry Data entryCacheStorage.Cache Cache identifierCacheStorage.Header [No Description Provided by Google]
Cast Domain Types Java Entity Description Cast.Sink [No Description Provided by Google]
Console Domain Types Java Entity Description Console.ConsoleMessage Console messageDOM Domain Types Java Entity Description DOM.Node DOM interaction is implemented in terms of mirror objects that represent the actual DOM nodesDOM.RGBA A structure holding an RGBA colorDOM.BackendNode Backend node with a friendly nameDOM.CSSComputedStyleProperty [No Description Provided by Google]
DOM.ShapeOutsideInfo CSS Shape Outside detailsDOM.Rect RectangleDOM.BoxModel Box modelDOMDebugger Domain Types Java Entity Description DOMDebugger.EventListener Object event listenerDOMSnapshot Domain Types Java Entity Description DOMSnapshot.NodeTreeSnapshot Table containing nodesDOMSnapshot.RareStringData Data that is only present on rare nodesDOMSnapshot.InlineTextBox Details of post layout rendered text positionsDOMSnapshot.NameValue A name/value pairDOMSnapshot.ComputedStyle A subset of the full ComputedStyle as defined by the request whitelistDOMSnapshot.DOMNode A Node in the DOM treeDOMSnapshot.LayoutTreeSnapshot Table of details of an element in the DOM tree with a LayoutObjectDOMSnapshot.TextBoxSnapshot Table of details of the post layout rendered text positionsDOMSnapshot.RareBooleanData [No Description Provided by Google]
DOMSnapshot.RareIntegerData [No Description Provided by Google]
DOMSnapshot.DocumentSnapshot Document snapshotDOMSnapshot.LayoutTreeNode Details of an element in the DOM tree with a LayoutObjectDOMStorage Domain Types Java Entity Description DOMStorage.StorageId DOM Storage identifierDatabase Domain Types Java Entity Description Database._Database Database objectDatabase.Error Database errorDebugger Domain Types Java Entity Description Debugger.Scope Scope descriptionDebugger.DebugSymbols Debug symbols available for a wasm scriptDebugger.CallFrame JavaScript call frameDebugger.ScriptPosition Location in the source codeDebugger.LocationRange Location range within one scriptDebugger.BreakLocation [No Description Provided by Google]
Debugger.Location Location in the source codeDebugger.SearchMatch Search match for resourceEmulation Domain Types Java Entity Description Emulation.UserAgentMetadata Used to specify User Agent Cient Hints to emulateEmulation.DisplayFeature [No Description Provided by Google]
Emulation.UserAgentBrandVersion Used to specify User Agent Cient Hints to emulateEmulation.MediaFeature [No Description Provided by Google]
Emulation.ScreenOrientation Screen orientationFetch Domain Types Java Entity Description Fetch.HeaderEntry Response HTTP header entryFetch.AuthChallenge Authorization challenge for HTTP status code 401 or 407Fetch.RequestPattern [No Description Provided by Google]
Fetch.AuthChallengeResponse Response to an AuthChallengeHeadlessExperimental Domain Types Java Entity Description HeadlessExperimental.ScreenshotParams Encoding options for a screenshotHeapProfiler Domain Types Java Entity Description HeapProfiler.SamplingHeapProfileNode Sampling Heap Profile nodeHeapProfiler.SamplingHeapProfile Sampling profileHeapProfiler.SamplingHeapProfileSample A single sample from a sampling profileIndexedDB Domain Types Java Entity Description IndexedDB.DatabaseWithObjectStores Database with an array of object storesIndexedDB.KeyRange Key rangeIndexedDB.KeyPath Key pathIndexedDB.DataEntry Data entryIndexedDB.Key KeyIndexedDB.ObjectStore Object storeIndexedDB.ObjectStoreIndex Object store indexInput Domain Types Java Entity Description Input.TouchPoint [No Description Provided by Google]
Input.DragDataItem [No Description Provided by Google]
Input.DragData [No Description Provided by Google]
LayerTree Domain Types Java Entity Description LayerTree.Layer Information about a compositing layerLayerTree.ScrollRect Rectangle where scrolling happens on the main threadLayerTree.StickyPositionConstraint Sticky position constraintsLayerTree.PictureTile Serialized fragment of layer picture along with its offset within the layerLog Domain Types Java Entity Description Log.ViolationSetting Violation configuration settingLog.LogEntry Log entryMedia Domain Types Java Entity Description Media.PlayerEvent Corresponds to kMediaEventTriggeredMedia.PlayerError Corresponds to kMediaErrorMedia.PlayerProperty Corresponds to kMediaPropertyChangeMedia.PlayerMessage Have one type per entry in MediaLogRecord::TypeMemory Domain Types Java Entity Description Memory.SamplingProfileNode Heap profile sampleMemory.Module Executable module informationMemory.SamplingProfile Array of heap profile samplesNetwork Domain Types Java Entity Description Network.SignedExchangeHeader Information about a signed exchange headerNetwork.BlockedSetCookieWithReason A cookie which was not stored from a response with the corresponding reasonNetwork.ReportingApiReport An object representing a report generated by the Reporting APINetwork.AuthChallengeResponse Response to an AuthChallengeNetwork.SignedExchangeSignature Information about a signed exchange signatureNetwork.AuthChallenge Authorization challenge for HTTP status code 401 or 407Network.Initiator Information about the request initiatorNetwork.LoadNetworkResourcePageResult An object providing the result of a network resource loadNetwork.CorsErrorStatus [No Description Provided by Google]
Network.BlockedCookieWithReason A cookie with was not sent with a request with the corresponding reasonNetwork.CrossOriginEmbedderPolicyStatus [No Description Provided by Google]
Network.TrustTokenParams Determines what type of Trust Token operation is executed and depending on the type, some additional parametersNetwork.ResourceTiming Timing information for the requestNetwork.CachedResource Information about the cached resourceNetwork.WebSocketRequest WebSocket request dataNetwork.RequestPattern Request pattern for interceptionNetwork.SecurityIsolationStatus [No Description Provided by Google]
Network.WebSocketFrame WebSocket message dataNetwork.SecurityDetails Security details about a requestNetwork.Request HTTP request dataNetwork.CookieParam Cookie parameter objectNetwork.Response HTTP response dataNetwork.ConnectTiming [No Description Provided by Google]
Network.PostDataEntry Post data entry for HTTP requestNetwork.SignedExchangeError Information about a signed exchange responseNetwork.Cookie Cookie objectNetwork.SignedCertificateTimestamp Details of a signed certificate timestamp (SCT)Network.CrossOriginOpenerPolicyStatus [No Description Provided by Google]
Network.SignedExchangeInfo Information about a signed exchange responseNetwork.LoadNetworkResourceOptions An options object that may be extended later to better support CORS, CORB and streamingNetwork.ClientSecurityState [No Description Provided by Google]
Network.WebSocketResponse WebSocket response dataOverlay Domain Types Java Entity Description Overlay.FlexNodeHighlightConfig [No Description Provided by Google]
Overlay.ContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig [No Description Provided by Google]
Overlay.BoxStyle Style information for drawing a boxOverlay.ScrollSnapHighlightConfig [No Description Provided by Google]
Overlay.SourceOrderConfig Configuration data for drawing the source order of an elements childrenOverlay.IsolatedElementHighlightConfig [No Description Provided by Google]
Overlay.GridNodeHighlightConfig Configurations for Persistent Grid HighlightOverlay.HingeConfig Configuration for dual screen hingeOverlay.IsolationModeHighlightConfig [No Description Provided by Google]
Overlay.LineStyle Style information for drawing a lineOverlay.FlexItemHighlightConfig Configuration data for the highlighting of Flex item elementsOverlay.FlexContainerHighlightConfig Configuration data for the highlighting of Flex container elementsOverlay.HighlightConfig Configuration data for the highlighting of page elementsOverlay.ScrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig [No Description Provided by Google]
Overlay.GridHighlightConfig Configuration data for the highlighting of Grid elementsOverlay.ContainerQueryHighlightConfig [No Description Provided by Google]
Page Domain Types Java Entity Description Page.FrameResource Information about the Resource on the pagePage.FontSizes Default font sizesPage.AppManifestParsedProperties Parsed app manifest propertiesPage.OriginTrialToken [No Description Provided by Google]
Page.PermissionsPolicyBlockLocator [No Description Provided by Google]
Page.CompilationCacheParams Per-script compilation cache parameters forPage
Page.OriginTrialTokenWithStatus [No Description Provided by Google]
Page.AdFrameStatus Indicates whether a frame has been identified as an ad and whyPage.PermissionsPolicyFeatureState [No Description Provided by Google]
Page.Viewport Viewport for capturing screenshotPage.FrameResourceTree Information about the Frame hierarchy along with their cached resourcesPage.OriginTrial [No Description Provided by Google]
Page.Frame Information about the Frame on the pagePage.FrameTree Information about the Frame hierarchyPage.LayoutViewport Layout viewport position and dimensionsPage.VisualViewport Visual viewport position, dimensions, and scalePage.ScreencastFrameMetadata Screencast frame metadataPage.FontFamilies Generic font families collectionPage.NavigationEntry Navigation history entryPage.InstallabilityError The installability errorPage.AppManifestError Error while paring app manifestPage.InstallabilityErrorArgument [No Description Provided by Google]
Page.BackForwardCacheNotRestoredExplanation [No Description Provided by Google]
Performance Domain Types Java Entity Description Performance.Metric Run-time execution metricPerformanceTimeline Domain Types Java Entity Description PerformanceTimeline.TimelineEvent [No Description Provided by Google]
PerformanceTimeline.LayoutShiftAttribution [No Description Provided by Google]
PerformanceTimeline.LayoutShift See https://wicgPerformanceTimeline.LargestContentfulPaint See https://githubProfiler Domain Types Java Entity Description Profiler.ProfileNode Profile nodeProfiler.FunctionCoverage Coverage data for a JavaScript functionProfiler.TypeProfileEntry Source offset and types for a parameter or return valueProfiler.CoverageRange Coverage data for a source rangeProfiler.ScriptTypeProfile Type profile data collected during runtime for a JavaScript scriptProfiler.Profile ProfileProfiler.TypeObject Describes a type collected during runtimeProfiler.PositionTickInfo Specifies a number of samples attributed to a certain source positionProfiler.ScriptCoverage Coverage data for a JavaScript scriptRunTime Domain Types Java Entity Description RunTime.ExecutionContextDescription Description of an isolated worldRunTime.PrivatePropertyDescriptor Object private field descriptorRunTime.StackTrace Call frames for assertions or error messagesRunTime.CustomPreview [No Description Provided by Google]
RunTime.PropertyPreview [No Description Provided by Google]
RunTime.ExceptionDetails Detailed information about exception (or error) that was thrown during script compilation or executionRunTime.RemoteObject Mirror object referencing original JavaScript objectRunTime.StackTraceId IfdebuggerId
is set stack trace comes from another debugger and can be resolved thereRunTime.CallFrame Stack entry for runtime errors and assertionsRunTime.CallArgument Represents function call argumentRunTime.ObjectPreview Object containing abbreviated remote object valueRunTime.InternalPropertyDescriptor Object internal property descriptorRunTime.EntryPreview [No Description Provided by Google]
RunTime.PropertyDescriptor Object property descriptorSchema Domain Types Java Entity Description Schema.Domain Description of the protocol domainSecurity Domain Types Java Entity Description Security.SecurityStateExplanation An explanation of an factor contributing to the security stateSecurity.SafetyTipInfo [No Description Provided by Google]
Security.VisibleSecurityState Security state information about the pageSecurity.CertificateSecurityState Details about the security state of the page certificateSecurity.InsecureContentStatus Information about insecure content on the pageServiceWorker Domain Types Java Entity Description ServiceWorker.ServiceWorkerVersion ServiceWorker versionServiceWorker.ServiceWorkerErrorMessage ServiceWorker error messageServiceWorker.ServiceWorkerRegistration ServiceWorker registrationStorage Domain Types Java Entity Description Storage.TrustTokens Pair of issuer origin and number of available (signed, but not used) Trust Tokens from that issuerStorage.UsageForType Usage for a storage typeSystemInfo Domain Types Java Entity Description SystemInfo.ImageDecodeAcceleratorCapability Describes a supported image decoding profile with its associated minimum and maximum resolutions and subsamplingSystemInfo.GPUDevice Describes a single graphics processor (GPU)SystemInfo.GPUInfo Provides information about the GPU(s) on the systemSystemInfo.VideoEncodeAcceleratorCapability Describes a supported video encoding profile with its associated maximum resolution and maximum framerateSystemInfo.ProcessInfo Represents process infoSystemInfo.Size Describes the width and height dimensions of an entitySystemInfo.VideoDecodeAcceleratorCapability Describes a supported video decoding profile with its associated minimum and maximum resolutionsTarget Domain Types Java Entity Description Target.TargetInfo [No Description Provided by Google]
Target.RemoteLocation [No Description Provided by Google]
Tracing Domain Types Java Entity Description Tracing.TraceConfig [No Description Provided by Google]
WebAudio Domain Types Java Entity Description WebAudio.AudioNode Protocol object for AudioNodeWebAudio.ContextRealtimeData Fields in AudioContext that change in real-timeWebAudio.AudioParam Protocol object for AudioParamWebAudio.AudioListener Protocol object for AudioListenerWebAudio.BaseAudioContext Protocol object for BaseAudioContextWebAuthn Domain Types Java Entity Description WebAuthn.VirtualAuthenticatorOptions [No Description Provided by Google]
WebAuthn.Credential [No Description Provided by Google]
Animation Domain Events Java Entity Description Animation.animationCanceled Event for when an animation has been cancelledAnimation.animationStarted Event for animation that has been startedAnimation.animationCreated Event for each animation that has been createdAudits Domain Events Java Entity Description Audits.issueAdded [No Description Provided by Google]
BackgroundService Domain Events Java Entity Description BackgroundService.recordingStateChanged Called when the recording state for the service has been updatedBackgroundService.backgroundServiceEventReceived Called with all existing backgroundServiceEvents when enabled, and all new events afterwards if enabled and recordingBrowser Domain Events Java Entity Description Browser.downloadProgress Fired when download makes progressBrowser.downloadWillBegin Fired when page is about to start a downloadCSS Domain Events Java Entity Description CSS.styleSheetAdded Fired whenever an active document stylesheet is addedCSS.mediaQueryResultChanged Fires whenever a MediaQuery result changes (for example, after a browser window has been resizedCSS.fontsUpdated Fires whenever a web font is updatedCSS.styleSheetRemoved Fired whenever an active document stylesheet is removedCSS.styleSheetChanged Fired whenever a stylesheet is changed as a result of the client operationCast Domain Events Java Entity Description Cast.sinksUpdated This is fired whenever the list of available sinks changesCast.issueUpdated This is fired whenever the outstanding issue/error message changesConsole Domain Events Java Entity Description Console.messageAdded Issued when new console message is addedDOM Domain Events Java Entity Description DOM.childNodeInserted MirrorsDOMNodeInserted
eventDOM.pseudoElementAdded Called when a pseudo element is added to an elementDOM.documentUpdated Fired whenDocument
has been totally updatedDOM.distributedNodesUpdated Called when distribution is changedDOM.setChildNodes Fired when backend wants to provide client with the missing DOM structureDOM.shadowRootPopped Called when shadow root is popped from the elementDOM.childNodeCountUpdated Fired whenContainer
's child node count has changedDOM.shadowRootPushed Called when shadow root is pushed into the elementDOM.attributeModified Fired whenElement
's attribute is modifiedDOM.inlineStyleInvalidated Fired whenElement
's inline style is modified via a CSS property modificationDOM.childNodeRemoved MirrorsDOMNodeRemoved
eventDOM.characterDataModified MirrorsDOMCharacterDataModified
eventDOM.attributeRemoved Fired whenElement
's attribute is removedDOM.pseudoElementRemoved Called when a pseudo element is removed from an elementDOMStorage Domain Events Java Entity Description DOMStorage.domStorageItemsCleared [No Description Provided by Google]
DOMStorage.domStorageItemRemoved [No Description Provided by Google]
DOMStorage.domStorageItemAdded [No Description Provided by Google]
DOMStorage.domStorageItemUpdated [No Description Provided by Google]
Database Domain Events Java Entity Description Database.addDatabase [No Description Provided by Google]
Debugger Domain Events Java Entity Description Debugger.scriptParsed Fired when virtual machine parses scriptDebugger.breakpointResolved Fired when breakpoint is resolved to an actual script and locationDebugger.paused Fired when the virtual machine stopped on breakpoint or exception or any other stop criteriaDebugger.resumed Fired when the virtual machine resumed executionDebugger.scriptFailedToParse Fired when virtual machine fails to parse the scriptEmulation Domain Events Java Entity Description Emulation.virtualTimeBudgetExpired Notification sent after the virtual time budget for the current VirtualTimePolicy has run outFetch Domain Events Java Entity Description Fetch.authRequired Issued when the domain is enabled with handleAuthRequests set to trueFetch.requestPaused Issued when the domain is enabled and the request URL matches the specified filterHeadlessExperimental Domain Events Java Entity Description HeadlessExperimental.needsBeginFramesChanged Issued when the target starts or stops needing BeginFramesHeapProfiler Domain Events Java Entity Description HeapProfiler.reportHeapSnapshotProgress [No Description Provided by Google]
HeapProfiler.addHeapSnapshotChunk [No Description Provided by Google]
HeapProfiler.heapStatsUpdate If heap objects tracking has been started then backend may send update for one or more fragmentsHeapProfiler.resetProfiles -
This is Marker-EventHeapProfiler.lastSeenObjectId If heap objects tracking has been started then backend regularly sends a current value for last seen object id and corresponding timestampInput Domain Events Java Entity Description Input.dragIntercepted Emitted only whenInput
Inspector Domain Events Java Entity Description Inspector.targetCrashed Fired when debugging target has crashed
This is Marker-EventInspector.detached Fired when remote debugging connection is about to be terminatedInspector.targetReloadedAfterCrash Fired when debugging target has reloaded after crash
This is Marker-EventLayerTree Domain Events Java Entity Description LayerTree.layerPainted [No Description Provided by Google]
LayerTree.layerTreeDidChange [No Description Provided by Google]
Log Domain Events Java Entity Description Log.entryAdded Issued when new message was loggedMedia Domain Events Java Entity Description Media.playersCreated Called whenever a player is created, or when a new agent joins and receives a list of active playersMedia.playerPropertiesChanged This can be called multiple times, and can be used to set / override / remove player propertiesMedia.playerErrorsRaised Send a list of any errors that need to be deliveredMedia.playerMessagesLogged Send a list of any messages that need to be deliveredMedia.playerEventsAdded Send events as a list, allowing them to be batched on the browser for less congestionNetwork Domain Events Java Entity Description Network.dataReceived Fired when data chunk was received over the networkNetwork.reportingApiReportUpdated [No Description Provided by Google]
Network.signedExchangeReceived Fired when a signed exchange was received over the networkNetwork.subresourceWebBundleMetadataReceived Fired once when parsing theNetwork.loadingFinished Fired when HTTP request has finished loadingNetwork.webSocketFrameReceived Fired when WebSocket message is receivedNetwork.webSocketCreated Fired upon WebSocket creationNetwork.subresourceWebBundleInnerResponseError Fired when request for resources within aNetwork.requestWillBeSent Fired when page is about to send HTTP requestNetwork.webSocketFrameError Fired when WebSocket message error occursNetwork.responseReceived Fired when HTTP response is availableNetwork.requestServedFromCache Fired if request ended up loading from cacheNetwork.subresourceWebBundleInnerResponseParsed Fired when handling requests for resources within aNetwork.webSocketWillSendHandshakeRequest Fired when WebSocket is about to initiate handshakeNetwork.responseReceivedExtraInfo Fired when additional information about a responseReceived event is available from the network stackNetwork.reportingApiReportAdded Is sent whenever a new report is addedNetwork.trustTokenOperationDone Fired exactly once for each Trust Token operationNetwork.webTransportClosed Fired when WebTransport is disposedNetwork.subresourceWebBundleMetadataError Fired once when parsing theNetwork.webSocketClosed Fired when WebSocket is closedNetwork.webTransportConnectionEstablished Fired when WebTransport handshake is finishedNetwork.eventSourceMessageReceived Fired when EventSource message is receivedNetwork.requestWillBeSentExtraInfo Fired when additional information about a requestWillBeSent event is available from the network stackNetwork.loadingFailed Fired when HTTP request has failed to loadNetwork.requestIntercepted Details of an intercepted HTTP request, which must be either allowed, blocked, modified or mockedNetwork.webSocketHandshakeResponseReceived Fired when WebSocket handshake response becomes availableNetwork.webTransportCreated Fired upon WebTransport creationNetwork.resourceChangedPriority Fired when resource loading priority is changedNetwork.webSocketFrameSent Fired when WebSocket message is sentOverlay Domain Events Java Entity Description Overlay.nodeHighlightRequested Fired when the node should be highlightedOverlay.screenshotRequested Fired when user asks to capture screenshot of some area on the pageOverlay.inspectNodeRequested Fired when the node should be inspectedOverlay.inspectModeCanceled Fired when user cancels the inspect modePage Domain Events Java Entity Description Page.frameStartedLoading Fired when frame has started loadingPage.frameResized -
This is Marker-EventPage.documentOpened Fired when opening document to write toPage.loadEventFired [No Description Provided by Google]
Page.navigatedWithinDocument Fired when same-document navigation happens, ePage.compilationCacheProduced Issued for every compilation cache generatedPage.javascriptDialogOpening Fired when a JavaScript initiated dialog (alert, confirm, prompt, or onbeforeunload) is about to openPage.javascriptDialogClosed Fired when a JavaScript initiated dialog (alert, confirm, prompt, or onbeforeunload) has been closedPage.lifecycleEvent Fired for top level page lifecycle events such as navigation, load, paint, etcPage.windowOpen Fired when a new window is going to be opened, via windowPage.screencastVisibilityChanged Fired when the page with currently enabled screencast was shown or hiddenPage.domContentEventFired [No Description Provided by Google]
Page.downloadProgress Fired when download makes progressPage.fileChooserOpened Emitted only whenpage
Page.frameAttached Fired when frame has been attached to its parentPage.frameRequestedNavigation Fired when a renderer-initiated navigation is requestedPage.frameDetached Fired when frame has been detached from its parentPage.backForwardCacheNotUsed Fired for failed bfcache history navigations if BackForwardCache feature is enabledPage.downloadWillBegin Fired when page is about to start a downloadPage.interstitialHidden Fired when interstitial page was hidden
This is Marker-EventPage.screencastFrame Compressed image data requested by thestartScreencast
Page.frameStoppedLoading Fired when frame has stopped loadingPage.interstitialShown Fired when interstitial page was shown
This is Marker-EventPage.frameScheduledNavigation Fired when frame schedules a potential navigationPage.frameClearedScheduledNavigation Fired when frame no longer has a scheduled navigationPage.frameNavigated Fired once navigation of the frame has completedPerformance Domain Events Java Entity Description Performance.metrics Current values of the metricsPerformanceTimeline Domain Events Java Entity Description PerformanceTimeline.timelineEventAdded Sent when a performance timeline event is addedProfiler Domain Events Java Entity Description Profiler.consoleProfileFinished [No Description Provided by Google]
Profiler.consoleProfileStarted Sent when new profile recording is started using consoleProfiler.preciseCoverageDeltaUpdate Reports coverage delta since the last poll (either from an event like this, or fromtakePreciseCoverage
for the current isolateRunTime Domain Events Java Entity Description RunTime.inspectRequested Issued when object should be inspected (for example, as a result of inspect() command line API call)RunTime.executionContextsCleared Issued when all executionContexts were cleared in browser
This is Marker-EventRunTime.consoleAPICalled Issued when console API was calledRunTime.exceptionRevoked Issued when unhandled exception was revokedRunTime.executionContextCreated Issued when new execution context is createdRunTime.bindingCalled Notification is issued every time when binding is calledRunTime.exceptionThrown Issued when exception was thrown and unhandledRunTime.executionContextDestroyed Issued when execution context is destroyedSecurity Domain Events Java Entity Description Security.certificateError There is a certificate errorSecurity.securityStateChanged The security state of the page changedSecurity.visibleSecurityStateChanged The security state of the page changedServiceWorker Domain Events Java Entity Description ServiceWorker.workerRegistrationUpdated [No Description Provided by Google]
ServiceWorker.workerVersionUpdated [No Description Provided by Google]
ServiceWorker.workerErrorReported [No Description Provided by Google]
Storage Domain Events Java Entity Description Storage.indexedDBContentUpdated The origin's IndexedDB object store has been modifiedStorage.cacheStorageContentUpdated A cache's contents have been modifiedStorage.indexedDBListUpdated The origin's IndexedDB database list has been modifiedStorage.cacheStorageListUpdated A cache has been added/deletedTarget Domain Events Java Entity Description Target.receivedMessageFromTarget Notifies about a new protocol message received from the session (as reported inattachedToTarget
event)Target.attachedToTarget Issued when attached to target because of auto-attach orattachToTarget
commandTarget.detachedFromTarget Issued when detached from target for any reason (includingdetachFromTarget
command)Target.targetCreated Issued when a possible inspection target is createdTarget.targetCrashed Issued when a target has crashedTarget.targetInfoChanged Issued when some information about a target has changedTarget.targetDestroyed Issued when a target is destroyedTethering Domain Events Java Entity Description Tethering.accepted Informs that port was successfully bound and got a specified connection idTracing Domain Events Java Entity Description Tracing.dataCollected Contains an bucket of collected trace eventsTracing.bufferUsage [No Description Provided by Google]
Tracing.tracingComplete Signals that tracing is stopped and there is no trace buffers pending flush, all data were delivered via dataCollected eventsWebAudio Domain Events Java Entity Description WebAudio.audioParamWillBeDestroyed Notifies that an existing AudioParam has been destroyedWebAudio.contextChanged Notifies that existing BaseAudioContext has changed some properties (id stays the same)WebAudio.contextCreated Notifies that a new BaseAudioContext has been createdWebAudio.audioListenerWillBeDestroyed Notifies that a new AudioListener has been createdWebAudio.nodesDisconnected Notifies that AudioNodes are disconnectedWebAudio.nodesConnected Notifies that two AudioNodes are connectedWebAudio.nodeParamConnected Notifies that an AudioNode is connected to an AudioParamWebAudio.audioParamCreated Notifies that a new AudioParam has been createdWebAudio.contextWillBeDestroyed Notifies that an existing BaseAudioContext will be destroyedWebAudio.audioNodeCreated Notifies that a new AudioNode has been createdWebAudio.audioNodeWillBeDestroyed Notifies that an existing AudioNode has been destroyedWebAudio.nodeParamDisconnected Notifies that an AudioNode is disconnected to an AudioParamWebAudio.audioListenerCreated Notifies that the construction of an AudioListener has finished