Package Torello.HTML

Enum MetaTagName

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Comparable<MetaTagName>

    public enum MetaTagName
    extends java.lang.Enum<MetaTagName>
    The values & types of HTML 'NAME' <META>-Tags.

    Clearly just about anything can be entered into an HTML <META NAME='...'> attribute-value. The goal of this enum-type is to keep information about web-pages on centrally administered data-bases.

    One of the many goals of this operation is provide Web-Pages data to Search-Engine Companies with information that may be used in both selecting and generating SERP's - or Search Engine Results Pages.

    There are probably American Terrorist Organizations - headquartered in Washington (for instance the United States Marine Corps & Congress) - who also like organized and indexed records of what web-authors are putting on the internet, but, never-the-less, indexing web-pages is generally one of Google Corporations primary goals.

    The HTML Meta-Tag can be used in anyway a web-programmer desires. However, when the 'NAME'-Attribute is included, the information that will be provided by that HTML-Tag will be listed as one of the constants in this 'enum' type.

    • Enum Constant Detail

      • description

        🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final MetaTagName description
        How do you explain your visitor in only 2 or 3 phrases what they can expect on your website? You use the so called meta 'description' tag. Google speaks of Meta Description, Meta Descriptions or Meta description problems.

        Almost all the major search engines like Yahoo, Google, Fast and Altavista will use your 'description' tag. You have a direct input on the way people will see your website in the list of results. And because you control this, you can influence the click-behavior.

        What is the Meta Description Tag? If you have some knowledge of codes and HTML you'll be able to type the following line ( the meta 'description' tag ) in the head-part of the source of your web-page.

        HTML Elements:
         <META NAME="description" CONTENT="text">

        Replace the word "text" with a short description of your web-page. Use no more than 200 characters. This short line of text will appear 1-on-1 in the search results. Create and add a different meta description tag for every page.

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        Features.Meta Method:
        This HTML Meta-Tag already has the following methods built into class Features.Meta to further help accompany its features:

      • keywords

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final MetaTagName keywords
        Over 80% of all online proceedings start with a search query. You browse to a search engine and you will fill out certain keywords that match what you are looking for. That's why it's so important to put relevant and correct 'keywords' in your Meta-Tags in the source of your web-page.

        Some people will try to make you believe the meta 'description' and the meta 'keywords' will not help your ranking at all. They are missing a important SEO criteria. Not only will, for example, google show your 'description' tag but if you use an attractive line or text, more people will click on your listing. And that will give you a better CTR. And CTR is one of the important things for your ranking.

        Read how to use this meta name 'keywords' tag. Add the following Meta-Tags in the HTML source of your web-page:

        HTML Elements:
         <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="meta, metatags, meta tag, meta tags, submit, search engines,
          spiders, sites, submit site, search engine submit, website, submit website, add meta tags,
          find website, be found on internet, keywords, keyword">

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        Features.Meta Method:
        This HTML Meta-Tag already has the following methods built into class Features.Meta to further help accompany its features:

      • revisitAfter

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final MetaTagName revisitAfter
        By using this so called REVISIT-AFTER Meta-Tag you can tell the spider to come back to your website and index it again. This Meta-Tag is used by several North American search engines.

        HTML Elements:
         <META NAME="revisit-after" CONTENT="7 days">
         <META NAME="revisit-after" CONTENT="1 month">

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      • Abstract

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final MetaTagName Abstract
        The Meta-Tag 'abstract' can be used to indicate in just a very short sentence what the web-page is about. So every web-page of your website gets it's own abstract-tag.

        This Meta-Tag appears to be equal to the 'description' Meta-Tag but they are different. The 'description' Meta-Tag is used by many search engines as a small text under the click-able title. The abstract-tag is hardly used by anybody.

        But there are several search engines that use this tag to archive your page. And this increases your change that your website will be better archived, including a link to your website. But we don't suggest that you edit all your web-pages to add this abstract-tag.

        HTML Elements:
         <META NAME="abstract" CONTENT="a very short description of your website ">

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      • author

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final MetaTagName author
        How to give credit to the person of company that made your website? You use the so called AUTHOR Meta-Tag. There are also Content Management Systems (CMS) who will put the name of the actual person editing the page. If used like this, it is easy to find the right person who is responsible for a web-page.

        Sometimes a CMS refers to the author in case of the writer and refers to the web-author in case of a mail server manager. Therefore you will also find the Meta-Tag web-author.

        This Meta-Tag has no influence on your search engine ranking. Meta-Tags that do have a lot of influence are the 'title' of your page, the meta 'keywords' tag and the 'description' Meta-Tag.

        HTML Elements:
         <META NAME="author" CONTENT="the news desk">
         <META NAME="author" CONTENT="John Smith">

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        This HTML Meta-Tag already has the following methods built into class Features.Meta to further help accompany its features:

      • contact

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final MetaTagName contact
        The meta 'contact' name is used to add an email address. This can be the email address of f.x. the builder of the website. Unfortunately spam robots make use of this email address to send you unsolicited (spam) email.

        This Meta-Tag has no influence on your search engine ranking. Meta-Tags that do have a lot of influence are the 'title' of your page, the meta 'keywords' tag and the 'description' Meta-Tag.

        HTML Elements:
         <META NAME="contact" CONTENT="[email protected]" />
         <META NAME="contact" CONTENT="[email protected]">

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      • copyright

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final MetaTagName copyright
        How do you explain that the photos and the text on your website are protected? You use the so called COPYRIGHT Meta-Tag.

        HTML Elements:
         <META NAME="copyright" CONTENT="the Metatags Company">  
         <META NAME="copyright" CONTENT="the Metatags Company" />

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      • distribution

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final MetaTagName distribution
        The Meta-Tag 'distribution' defines the level or degree of distribution of your web-page and how it should be classified in relation to methods of distribution on the world wide web. There are currently only three forms of distribution supported by the distribution tag:

        1. Global - indicates that your web-page is intended for everyone,
        2. Local - intended for local distribution of your document,
        3. IU - Internal Use, not intended for public distribution.

        So if you put this Meta-Tag in your web-page source and choose IU by accident you will end up being blocked and unfindable. The Distribution Meta-Tag is not a commonly used tag because most web page authors intend for their distribution to be set to everyone or for Global distribution. If a page is online, people will find it!

        If you use this tag, always use the Global-option.

        HTML Elements:
         <META NAME="distribution" CONTENT="global">

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      • expires

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final MetaTagName expires
        The 'expires' Meta-Tag tells search engines when the content on your website will expire. The 'expires' Meta-Tag defines the expiration date and time of the document being indexed. If your website is running a limited time event or there is a preset date when your document will no longer be valid, you should include the 'expires' tag to indicate to search engines when to delete your web-page from their database.

        The 'expires' tag is commonly used in conjunction with the 'Revisit' Tag as a means to get search engines to re-visit a website every few days. This is commonly used by websites who update their content frequently and want search engines to have a fresh copy of their content.

        If you replace or rename a web-page please use a '301' refer to point the search engines in the right direction. Search engines will automatically replace the old page with the new page.

        HTML Elements:
         <META NAME="expires" CONTENT="tue, 01 Jun 2010">

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      • generator

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final MetaTagName generator
        How do you add a description of the program you used building your website? You use the so called meta name 'generator' tag, also known as the 'formatter' tag. This tag you can add to the html of your website, in your metatags.

        HTML Elements:
         <META NAME="generator" CONTENT="Dreamweaver">
         <META NAME="generator" CONTENT="EditPlus">
         <META NAME="generator" CONTENT="Frontpage">
         <META NAME="generator" CONTENT="NetObjects Fusion 4.0 for Windows">
         <META NAME="generator" CONTENT="FrontPage 4.0">
         <META NAME="generator" CONTENT="WordPress">
         <META NAME="generator" CONTENT="Joomla!">
         <META NAME="generator" CONTENT="Wordpress 2.x.x">
         <META NAME="generator" CONTENT="Macromedia Dreamweaver">
         <META NAME="generator" CONTENT="Joomla! - Copyright Open Source 
                                                       Matters. All rights reserved." />
         <META NAME="GENERATOR" CONTENT="Microsoft FrontPage 6">

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      • googleBot

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final MetaTagName googleBot
        Sometimes an old Meta-Tag, the 'description' tag, remains in the index of Google. Despite the fact that you change relevant information on your website and submit this to Google, the old description remains in the Google search results. Yahoo and Live will index the new information, Google won't.

        This problem originates your results in the Open Directory Project DMOZ (also check the relations between the search engines). Your website, including the old meta description, also has a description and a link in the ODP listings. The Googlebot has used this description while spidering your website.

        The solution is adding the following Meta-Tag:

        HTML Elements:
         <META NAME="googlebot" CONTENT="noodp">
         <META NAME="googlebot" CONTENT="noarchive">
         <META NAME="googlebot" CONTENT="nosnippet">
         <META NAME="googlebot" CONTENT="noindex">
         <META NAME="googlebot" CONTENT="nofollow">

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      • language

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final MetaTagName language
        How do you explain in which language your website is in? You use the so called 'LANGUAGE' tag.

        HTML Elements:
         <META NAME="language" CONTENT="Spanish">
         <META NAME="language" CONTENT="English"> 
         <META NAME="language" CONTENT="English" />

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      • newsKeyWords

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final MetaTagName newsKeyWords
        One of the best ways to ensure that your site appears for particular user queries is to make sure that your article naturally contains the words, names, and figures that are central to a particular news story. If you create an information-rich site that clearly and accurately describes your topic, you will improve your chances of appearing in our search results for relevant queries.

        Our crawler also makes use of a Google-specific metatag to help determine how to best classify your content. By implementing the 'news_keywords' metatag you can specify which keywords are most relevant to your articles. For example, in an article about the World Cup you could add the following code to help Google News better understand the nature of your content:

        HTML Elements:
         <META NAME="news_keywords" CONTENT="World Cup, Brazil 2014, Spain vs Netherlands,
          soccer, football">
         <META NAME="news_keywords" CONTENT="World Cup, Brazil 2014, Spain vs Netherlands">

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      • noEmail

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final MetaTagName noEmail
        The Meta-Tags 'no-email-collection' is an initiative. Sure, the die-hard spammer will not be stopped by this tag. This tag is mainly used to have a statement on your website: we don't want you to harvest our email-address.

        And if you have this statement on your website you are able to complain about spam harvesting and spam runs. In the USA you can even start a lawsuit.

        This is why the Meta-Tag contains a link to the page with your statement regarding spam runs and harvesting.

        This Meta-Tag has no influence on your search engine ranking. Meta-Tags who do have a lot of influence are the title of your page, the 'keywords' and the 'description' Meta-Tag.

        Add the following Meta-Tag in the source of your web-page. The difference in spelling at the end of the tag is either you use /> = for xml or >= for html.

        HTML Elements:
         <META NAME="no-email-collection" CONTENT="">

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      • rating

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final MetaTagName rating
        If you wish to rate your page's audience appropriateness, use the rating Meta-Tag.

        This Meta-Tag is often use to let the younger web-surfers know the content is appropriate. If you use this tag the wrong way (call an adult website safe for kids is bad!) you will get banned for live.

        This Meta-Tag has no influence on your search engine ranking unless you use it the wrong way. Meta-Tags who do have a lot of influence are the title of your page, the 'keywords' and the 'description' Meta-Tag.

        You can use on of the following values:

        • general
        • mature
        • restricted
        • 14 years
        • safe for kids

        HTML Elements:
         <META NAME="rating" CONTENT="general">
         <META NAME="rating" CONTENT="safe for kids">

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      • slurp

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final MetaTagName slurp
        Yahoo's 'NOYDIR' Opt-Out for Yahoo Directory Titles & Descriptions

        The search engine Yahoo! supports the use of the so called ‘NOYDIR’ Meta tag. It might have been a long time ago since your website has been added to the index of the Yahoo Directory. And it could be that the 'title' or 'description' that is still in there has to be changed. If you want to force Yahoo to add your new title and meta description tag of your website use the so called 'NOYDIR' Meta-Tag.

        The Yahoo Directory is composed by humans and might contain information you may not wish displayed. The Yahoo’s directory contains many old summaries.

        =The solution to this problem is very simple: add the following Meta-Tag on every page:

        HTML Elements:
         <META NAME="robots" CONTENT="noydir">

        This Meta-Tag tells every search engine spider not to add the Yahoo Directory 'title' or the meta 'description'. Now that you are able to influence yourself what the title and the click through link is in the index of a search engine, you also influence the CTR. And this improves your ranking!

        If you want to make sure that Yahoo doesn't use the Directory description, please add the following:

        HTML Elements:
         <META NAME="Slurp" CONTENT="NOYDIR">

        A Meta-Tag that corresponds to the 'SLURP' tag is the 'NOODP' meta tag. Displaying old information occurs because of the result from the Open Directory Project DMOZ. The website, with the old meta 'description', has a description and a link in the ODP listings (Open Directory Project). If you want to make notice that all the search engines won't use this information you add :

        HTML Elements:

        Sometimes we notice that people address every spider separately:

        HTML Elements:

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    • Method Detail

      • values

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static MetaTagName[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (MetaTagName c : MetaTagName.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        🡅     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static MetaTagName valueOf​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null