Package Torello.Java.Build
Class Timers
- java.lang.Object
- Torello.Java.Build.Timers
public class Timers extends java.lang.Object
This Build-Processor keeps a record of how long the various build-stages take to run to completion. That work is done by the methods in this class.
Internal Helper Class:
Though often kept out of the Publicly-Visible A.P.I., Internally-Use-Only classes will sometimes remain publicly visible within this Java-Doc Hierarchy. The methods in this class have been declared with thePackage-Private
Level of visibility, and they are unlikely of much use to an outside programmer.
However, understanding the build process may be of some interest to a programmer, and this file's source-code may easily be viewed by clicking on the Hi-Lited Source-Code Link provided below.
Hi-Lited Source-Code:- View Here: Torello/Java/Build/
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