Class CSSTags

  • public class CSSTags
    extends java.lang.Object
    Complete List of CSS CLASS and ID Attributes that are inserted by the HTML Processor Classes CSSTagsTopAndSumm and CSSTagsDetails.

    The class Colorize, appends CSS class attributes to the many of the HTML Elements inside of a JavaDoc generated web-page - for instance, the web-page you are currently reading right now! Mostly, the HTML packages from this JAR Library are used to parse an HTML page, and then it is searched for all of the usual elements that JavaDoc places into an HTML Class Documentation Web-Page.

    Once CLASS and ID information has been added, it becomes a trivial task to improve the readability of many of the complicated descriptions that are in Documentation Pages. Such is performed using a simple CSS page.

    Included Table's:
    There is a simple chart / table for each of the CLASS & ID's defined in this Java Class. These charts are the Java-Doc for the fields inside this class. This Java Class does not actually export any methods, but rather only the fields listed.

    The primary purpose of this class is largely just for this JavaDoc Documentation Web-Page that you are reading right now. It explains each of the CSS CLSS and ID attributes that are added (or in some cases, appended) to the HTML Elements of an Upgraded Java-Doc Documentation Web-page by the Upgrade-Process.

    Original Widgets:
    The CSS-Tags in this class are the ones that are directly inserted into Java-Doc Widgets that are generated by the original Sun / Oracle JavaDoc Tool. These are grouped or termed as Original Widgets. These are a suite of CSS CLASS & ID definitions that help improve the presentation of the original data generated by the 'javadoc' Tool, before the upgrader has run.


    Upgrader Insertions: >
    The attributes that are inserted are all CSS CLASS & ID's. They may be viewed in the simple Image Screen-Capture below:

    CSS Tags

    Stateless Class:
    This class neither contains any program-state, nor can it be instantiated. The @StaticFunctional Annotation may also be called 'The Spaghetti Report'. Static-Functional classes are, essentially, C-Styled Files, without any constructors or non-static member fields. It is a concept very similar to the Java-Bean's @Stateless Annotation.

    • 1 Constructor(s), 1 declared private, zero-argument constructor
    • 0 Method(s)
    • 30 Field(s), 30 declared static, 30 declared final

    • Field Detail


        🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final java.lang.String CSS_ID_FOR_TITLE
        This is the name of the CSS Class that is added to the Class, Interface or Enumerated-Type Title.
        Property Explanation & Value
        CSS ID C01
        Formatting Purpose Page Title
        javadoc HTML Use <h2 class="title" title="Class HTMLNode" id='C01'>Class HTMLNode</h2>
        Default Original-Widgets.css H2#C01 { padding: 0.4em 1em 0.4em 1em; background: darkred; color: white; font-size: 225%; font-family: monospace; letter-spacing: 0.04em; overflow: auto; border-radius: 1em; } H2#C01 A { color: lightskyblue !important; }

        Sample use of CLASS C01:

        Class HTMLNode        

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final String CSS_ID_FOR_TITLE = "C01";

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final java.lang.String CSS_ID_FOR_PACKAGE
        This is the name of the CSS Class that is added to the Package-Name for the Class, Interface, or Enumerated-Type.

        NOTE: The CSS key-word !important is merely being used to override the standard Java Doc CSS file definitions, so that that file does not need to be modified to acheive the desired formatting settings.
        Property Explanation & Value
        CSS ID C02
        Formatting Purpose Full Package Specified Name
        javadoc HTML Use <div id='C02' class="subTitle"><span class="packageLabelInType">Package</span> <a href="package-summary.html">Torello.HTML.Tools.JavaDoc</a></div>
        Default Original-Widgets.css DIV#C02 { padding: 1em 1em 1em 0em; background: white; color: black; font-weight: bold; font-size: 120% !important; border-radius: 1em; display: inline-block; /* don't use up entire screen-width */ padding: 0.5em 1.5em; margin-bottom: 1.5em; box-shadow: inset 0 0 1em var(--JD-DarkBlue2); }

        Sample use of CLASS C02:

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final String CSS_ID_FOR_PACKAGE = "C02";

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final java.lang.String CSS_CLASS_FOR_INHERITANCE
        This is the name of the CSS Class that is added to each of the HTML <UL> ... </UL> used to depict the "inheritance model" used for both classes and interfaces. There may be multiple Unordered Lists employed by the Java-Doc tool to show the inheritance.
        Property Explanation & Value
        CSS Class-Name C03
        Formatting Purpose Indented Inheritance List
        javadoc HTML Use
        <ul class='C03 inheritance'>
        <ul class='C03 inheritance'>
        <li><a href="HTMLNode.html" title="class in Torello.HTML">Torello.HTML.HTMLNode</a></li>
        <ul class='C03 inheritance'>
        Default Original-Widgets.css UL.C03 LI { padding-left: 1em; line-height: 1.8; font-weight: bold; }

        Sample use of CLASS C03:

        • java.lang.Object
          • Torello.HTML.HTMLNode
            • Torello.HTML.CommentNode

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final String CSS_CLASS_FOR_INHERITANCE = "C03";

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final java.lang.String CSS_CLASS_FOR_HEADERDL
        This is the name of the CSS Class that is added to the HTML <DL> ... </DL> header HTML Term-Definition list. There may be several, outer, <DL> subsections. This CSS Class is solely used for spacing.

        Below is a brief list of some of the sublists that would be depicted at the top of a JavaDoc Generated Web-page using the HTML '<DL> ... </DL>' list:

        • Functional Interface Explanations
        • 'Implemented Interfaces' followed by a list
        • Direct Known Subclasses
        • SuperInterfaces
        • ... and more

        Property Explanation & Value
        CSS Class-Name C04
        Formatting Purpose Notes about the CIET - Classes, Interfaces & Enumerated-Types, etc...
        javadoc HTML Use <dl CLASS='C04'>
        Default Original-Widgets.css DL.C04 DT SPAN { width: 20em; }

        Sample use of CLASS C04:

        All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.CharSequence, java.lang.Cloneable, java.lang.Comparable<CommentNode>

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final String CSS_CLASS_FOR_HEADERDL = "C04";

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final java.lang.String CSS_CLASS_FOR_PARAMETER_DEFINITIONS
        This is the name of the CSS Class that is added to the HTML '<CODE>...</CODE>' element for each parameter whose definition is explained on a Java Documentation Web-Page. This allows a programmer to change how the "Parameter Declaration Part" looks in a Java Doc Page - using an external CSS Page.

        CSS Class C05 and C06 work together. C05 provides for coloring, while C06 is for spacing.
        Property Explanation & Value
        CSS Class-Name C05
        Formatting Purpose Parameter Names
        javadoc HTML Use <code class='C05'>rootJavaDocDirectory<code>
        Default Original-Widgets.css CODE.C05 { font-weight: bold; color: black; background: lightgreen; padding: 0.1em 4em 0.1em 2em; border-radius: 0.5em; }

        Sample use of CLASS C05 and C06:

        rootJavaDocDirectory - This is the output directory that was used for the last call to the JavaDoc Utility. The Upgrade Logic should expect to find all class, interface and enumerated types to be hilited in this directory. This parameter may not be null.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final String CSS_CLASS_FOR_PARAMETER_DEFINITIONS = "C05";

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final java.lang.String CSS_CLASS_FOR_PARAMETER_DD_ELEMENT
        This is the name of the CSS Class that is added to the HTML '<DD>...</DD>' element for each parameter whose definition is explained on a Java Documentation Web-Page. This allows a programmer to change how the overall / complete "Parameter Definition" looks in a Java Doc Page - using an external CSS Page.

        CSS Class C05 and C06 work together. C05 provides for coloring, while C06 is for spacing.
        Property Explanation & Value
        CSS Class-Name C06
        Formatting Purpose Parameter Name & Definition
        javadoc HTML Use <dd class='C06'>
        Default Original-Widgets.css DD.C06 { padding: 0.6em 1.5em 0.6em 3em; line-height: 1.8em; }

        Sample use of CLASS C05 and C06:

        rootJavaDocDirectory - This is the output directory that was used for the last call to the JavaDoc Utility. The Upgrade Logic should expect to find all class, interface and enumerated types to be hilited in this directory. This parameter may not be null.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final String CSS_CLASS_FOR_PARAMETER_DD_ELEMENT = "C06";

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final java.lang.String CSS_CLASS_FOR_THROWS
        This is the name of the CSS Class that is added to the HTML '<CODE>...</CODE>'' element for each 'throws' on a Java Documentation Web-Page. This allows a programmer to change how the overall / complete "Throws Explanation" looks in a Java Doc Page - using an external CSS Page.

        CSS Class C07 and C08 work together. C07 provides for coloring, while C08 is for spacing.
        Property Explanation & Value
        CSS Class-Name C07
        Formatting Purpose HTML Code Element for Exception & Throws Names
        javadoc HTML Use <code class=C07> java.util.DirExpectedException</code>
        Default Original-Widgets.css CODE.C07 { background: var(--JD-DarkBlue2); color: white; font-weight: bold; padding: 0.2em 3em 0.2em 1em; border-radius: 0.5em; letter-spacing: 0.08em; } CODE.C07 a:link, .C07 a:visited { color: white !important; } CODE.C07 a:hover { color: var(--JD-Gold) !important; }

        Sample use of CLASS C07 and C08:

        DirExpectedException - If 'this' instance of FileNode is a file, not a directory, then this exception shall throw. Only directories can contain other instances of FileNode.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final String CSS_CLASS_FOR_THROWS = "C07";

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final java.lang.String CSS_CLASS_FOR_THROWS_DD_ELEMENT
        This is the name of the CSS Class that is added to the HTML '<DD>...</DD>' element for each 'throws' on a Java Documentation Web-Page. This allows a programmer to change how the overall / complete "Throws Explanation" looks in a Java Doc Page - using an external CSS Page.
        Property Explanation & Value
        CSS Class-Name C08
        Formatting Purpose HTML DD For Exceptions & Throws
        javadoc HTML Use <dd class='C08'><code class='C07'> <a href="../../Torello/Java/DirExpectedException.html" title="class in Torello.Java"> ...
        Default Original-Widgets.css DD.C08 { padding: 0.9em 1.5em 0.9em 3em; line-height: 1.8em; }

        Sample use of CLASS C07 and C08:

        DirExpectedException - If 'this' instance of FileNode is a file, not a directory, then this exception shall throw. Only directories can contain other instances of FileNode.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final String CSS_CLASS_FOR_THROWS_DD_ELEMENT = "C08";

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final java.lang.String CSS_CLASS_FOR_SIGNATURES
        This is the name of the CSS Class that is added to the HTML '<PRE>...</PRE>' element for each field, constructor and method "signature" section that is at the top of each "Details Section" for Methods, Classes, and Fields in a Java Documentation Web-Page. This allows a programmer to change how the "Signature Part" looks in a Java Doc Page - using an external CSS Page.
        Property Explanation & Value
        CSS Class-Name C09
        Formatting Purpose Method, Field & Constructor "Signature"
        javadoc HTML Use <pre class='C09 methodSignature'>public static <a href="../../DotPair.html" title="class in Torello.HTML">DotPair</a> <a href="../../../../src-html/Torello/HTML/Tools/JavaDoc/DetailsParts.html#line.44">name</a>​ (java.util.Vector<<a href="../../HTMLNode.html" title="class in Torello.HTML">HTMLNode</a>> javaDocDetailItemHTML) </pre>
        Default Original-Widgets.css PRE.C09 { border: 1px solid; padding: 1.2em 1em 1.2em 1em; box-shadow: 12px 12px 8px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.65); margin: 0.5em 2em 2em 0em; overflow: auto; font-size: 1.1em; font-weight: bold; }

        Sample use of CLASS C09:

        public static DotPair name​
                (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> javaDocDetailItemHTML)

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final String CSS_CLASS_FOR_SIGNATURES = "C09";

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final java.lang.String CSS_ID_FOR_SIGNATURES_HEADER
        This is the name of the CSS ID that is added to the HTML '<PRE>...</PRE>' element for each class, interface or enumerated type "signature" at the top of the page. This allows a programmer to change how the "Top Class Signature Part" looks in a Java Doc Page - using an external CSS Page.
        Property Explanation & Value
        CSS Class-Name C10
        Formatting Purpose Primary (at top of page) Class, Interface "Signature"
        javadoc HTML Use <pre id='C10'>public class <a href="../../../../src-html/Torello/HTML/Tools/JavaDoc/Colorize.html"> Colorize</a> extends java.lang.Object</pre>
        Default Original-Widgets.css PRE#C10 { border: 1px solid; padding: 1.2em 1em 1.2em 1em; box-shadow: 12px 12px 8px 0px rgba(0,0,0,0.65); margin: 1em 2em 2em 0em; overflow: auto; font-size: 1.1em; font-weight: bold; }

        Sample use of CLASS C10:

        public class Colorize
            extends java.lang.Object

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final String CSS_ID_FOR_SIGNATURES_HEADER = "C10";

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final java.lang.String CSS_ID_FOR_DESCRIPTION_HEADER
        This is the name of the CSS ID that is added to the HTML for each class, interface or enumerated type "description divider ('<DIV>...</DIV>') element at the top of the class page. This allows a programmer to change how the "Top Class Description" looks in a Java Doc Page - using an external CSS Page.
        Property Explanation & Value
        CSS Class-Name C11
        Formatting Purpose Primary Class, Interface or Enumerated Type (Yellow) "Description" (at the top of the page).
        javadoc HTML Use <div id='C11' class="block" STYLE='text-align:initial !important;'> <CODE>IF (Image Format) - Documentation.</CODE><BR/><BR/> This is just an enumerated-type used to ensure proper parameter-requests when downloading images. The type provides a simple means for storing words such as <code>'jpg,' 'png,' 'gif,' etc...ff</code> when attempting to download images. </div>
        Default Original-Widgets.css DIV#C11 { background: lightyellow; padding: 1.5em 2em 1.5em 1.7em; border: 1px dashed red; border-radius: 2em; margin: 0em 2em 0em 0em; }

        Sample use of CLASS C11:

        IF (Image Format) - Documentation.

        This is just an enumerated-type used to ensure proper parameter-requests when downloading images. The type provides a simple means for storing words such as 'jpg,' 'png,' 'gif,' etc... when attempting to download images.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final String CSS_ID_FOR_DESCRIPTION_HEADER = "C11";

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final java.lang.String CSS_CLASS_FOR_DESCRIPTIONS
        This is the name of the CSS Class that is added to the first HTML '<DIV CLASS='block'>...</DIV>' element for each field, constructor and method "description" section that is at the top of each "Details Section" for Methods, Classes, and Fields in a Java Documentation Web-Page. This allows a programmer to change how the "Description Part" looks in a Java Doc Page - using an external CSS Page.

        NOTE: This CSS Class Definition has a second use when coloring the background for Convenience Methods (and Convenience Constructors). The definitions below include both variants.
        Property Explanation & Value
        CSS Class-Name C12
        Formatting Purpose Light-Yellow "Primary-Description" for Methods, Fields, Constructors...
        javadoc HTML Use <div class='C12 block'> -- Some Method, Field, Constructor etc... 'Detail Description' -- </div>
        Default Original-Widgets.css DIV.C12 { background: lightyellow; padding: 1.5em 2em 1.5em 1.7em; } /** Makes a DITHERED-GRADIENT background for Convenience Methods and Convenience Constructors */ UL.CNVMETHOD DIV.C12, UL.CNVCTOR DIV.C12 { background: linear-gradient(0.25turn, lightyellow, 75%, #BB7A2A); }

        Sample use of CLASS C12:

        -- Some Method, Field, Constructor etc... 'Detail Description' --

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final String CSS_CLASS_FOR_DESCRIPTIONS = "C12";

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final java.lang.String CSS_CLASS_FOR_SEE_ALSO
        This is the name of the CSS Class that is added to each and every <CODE> and <A HREF=...> HTML Element found inside of a Java-Doc Web-Page's "See Also" Section. These CSS Class Tags are added to any and all "See Also" sections for each and every method, constructor or field inside of a Java-Doc HTML Page. This allows a programmer to change how the "See Also Links" look in a Java Doc Page - using an external CSS Page.
        Property Explanation & Value
        CSS Class-Name C13
        Formatting Purpose Convert all "See Also" labels from Inline to Block, for better spacing.
        javadoc HTML Use <DT><span class="seeLabel">See Also:</span></DT> <dd><a href="#toString(int)" class='C13'><code class='C13'>toString(int)</code></a></dd>
        Default Original-Widgets.css CODE.C13, A.C13 { font-weight: bold; display: block; padding: 0em 0em 0em 1.5em; }

        Sample use of CLASS C13:

        See Also:

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final String CSS_CLASS_FOR_SEE_ALSO = "C13";

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final java.lang.String CSS_CLASS_COMMA_SEE_ALSO
        This helps 'erase' the comma after each element of a "See Also" list. The best way to deal with the "See Also" links is to add the CSS Style Directive "display: block;". This allows each of the "See Also" links to be viewed on separate lines. If the links are, they look much better on separate lines. Unfortunately there ends up being a problem with a "Comma" in between each line. By adding an HTML <SPAN CLASS='COMMA_SEE_ALSO'>, </SPAN> three-element list after each of the SEE ALSO links, one may hide or show the comma at the programmers discretion.

        AGAIN: The best way to put each of the links on a separate is to just add the "display: block" directive these elements.
        Property Explanation & Value
        CSS Class-Name C14
        Formatting Purpose HACK: Get's rid of a ',' ('Comma-Character') inserted by JavaDoc.
        javadoc HTML Use <SPAN CLASS='C14'>, </SPAN>
        Default Original-Widgets.css SPAN.C14 { display: none; }

        Sample use of CLASS C14:


        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final String CSS_CLASS_COMMA_SEE_ALSO = "C14";

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final java.lang.String CSS_CLASS_FOR_CODE_METHOD_LABEL
        This CSS class if for the HTML <DD>, <DT> Elements that incorporate Code-HiLited Method Bodies. This CSS class, specifically, is placed in an HTML <SPAN>...</SPAN> element, and is for the method-body label.

        CSS Class C15 and C16 work together. C15 provides for coloring, while C16 is for spacing.

        The HTML Element itself is similar to the elements automatically created by the original java-doc tool. On the actual documentation page, it will look like:

        HTML Elements:
        <span class="paramLabel">Parameters:</span>
        <span class="seeLabel">See Also:</span>
        <span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span>
        <!-- And this CSS Class facilitates the addition of ... -->
        <SPAN CLASS="C15">Code:</SPAN>  ... Code Hi-Lited Method Body

        Property Explanation & Value
        CSS Class-Name C15
        Formatting Purpose Generates / Creates a new "Label" for (Methods) Code-Hiliting - a label similar to the "See Also", "Throws", etc...
        javadoc HTML Use <DT><span class='C15'>Code:</span></dt>
        Default Original-Widgets.css SPAN.paramLabel, SPAN.returnLabel, SPAN.seeLabel, SPAN.throwsLabel, SPAN.overrideSpecifyLabel, SPAN.simpleTagLabel, /* The "@since" Taglet uses this CSS Class, among others */ SPAN.C15, SPAN.C17, SPAN.C21, SPAN.C22, SPAN.C24, SPAN.srcCodeLabel, SPAN.staticFunctional, SPAN.headerLabel, SPAN.headerSeeLabel { background: white; padding: 0.8em 1em 0.8em 1.5em; margin: 1.6em 1em 1.6em 0em; font-size: 1.1em; font-family: 'Cinzel Decorative', monospace; font-style: italic; font-weight: 900 !important; letter-spacing: 0.125em; display: block; border-radius: 1.5em; background: var(--JD-DarkGray2) !important; color: white; text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px var(--JD-Gold), 0px 0px 10px var(--JD-Gold), 0px 0px 10px var(--JD-Gold), 0px 0px 20px var(--JD-Gold); } SPAN.paramLabel, SPAN.returnLabel, SPAN.seeLabel, SPAN.throwsLabel, SPAN.overrideSpecifyLabel, SPAN.simpleTagLabel, /* The "@since" Taglet uses this CSS Class, as do others */ SPAN.C15, SPAN.C17, SPAN.C21, SPAN.C22, SPAN.C24 { width: 12em; }

        Sample use of CLASS C15 & C16:

              Exact Method Body:

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final String CSS_CLASS_FOR_CODE_METHOD_LABEL = "C15";

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final java.lang.String CSS_CLASS_FOR_CODE_METHOD_DEFINITION
        This CSS class if for the HTML <DD>, <DT> Elements that incorporate Code-HiLited Method Bodies. This CSS class, is for the method-body itself. It is placed in the HTML <DD> element that contains the actual Hi-Lited Source Code.

        CSS Class C15 and C16 work together. C15 provides for coloring, while C16 is for spacing.
        Property Explanation & Value
        CSS Class-Name C16
        Formatting Purpose Inserted into an HTML 'DD'. Adds padding only, mostly unused.
        javadoc HTML Use <DD CLASS='C16'><B>Exact Method Body:</B><BR />
        Default Original-Widgets.css DD.C16, DD.C18, DD.C23, DD.C25 { padding: 0.5em 1em 0em 1em; }

        Sample use of CLASS C15 & C16:

              Exact Method Body:

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final String CSS_CLASS_FOR_CODE_METHOD_DEFINITION = "C16";

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final java.lang.String CSS_CLASS_FOR_CODE_FIELD_LABEL
        This CSS class if for the HTML <DD>, <DT> Elements that incorporate Code-HiLited Field Definitions. This CSS class, specifically, is placed in an HTML <SPAN>...</SPAN> element, and is for the field-body label.

        CSS Class C17 and C18 work together. C17 provides for coloring, while C18 is for spacing.

        The HTML Element itself is similar to the elements automatically created by the original java-doc tool. On the actual documentation page, it will look like:

        HTML Elements:
        <span class="paramLabel">Parameters:</span>
        <span class="seeLabel">See Also:</span>
        <span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span>
        <!-- And this CSS Class facilitates the addition of ... -->
        <SPAN CLASS="C17">Code:</SPAN>  ... Code Hi-Lited Method Body

        Property Explanation & Value
        CSS Class-Name C17
        Formatting Purpose Generates / Creates a new "Label" for (Fields) Code-Hiliting - a label similar to the "See Also", "Throws", etc...
        javadoc HTML Use <DT><span class='C17'>Code:</span></dt>
        Default Original-Widgets.css SPAN.paramLabel, SPAN.returnLabel, SPAN.seeLabel, SPAN.throwsLabel, SPAN.overrideSpecifyLabel, SPAN.simpleTagLabel, /* The "@since" Taglet uses this CSS Class, among others */ SPAN.C15, SPAN.C17, SPAN.C21, SPAN.C22, SPAN.C24, SPAN.srcCodeLabel, SPAN.staticFunctional, SPAN.headerLabel, SPAN.headerSeeLabel { background: white; padding: 0.8em 1em 0.8em 1.5em; margin: 1.6em 1em 1.6em 0em; font-size: 1.1em; font-family: 'Cinzel Decorative', monospace; font-style: italic; font-weight: 900 !important; letter-spacing: 0.125em; display: block; border-radius: 1.5em; background: var(--JD-DarkGray2) !important; color: white; text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px var(--JD-Gold), 0px 0px 10px var(--JD-Gold), 0px 0px 10px var(--JD-Gold), 0px 0px 20px var(--JD-Gold); } SPAN.paramLabel, SPAN.returnLabel, SPAN.seeLabel, SPAN.throwsLabel, SPAN.overrideSpecifyLabel, SPAN.simpleTagLabel, /* The "@since" Taglet uses this CSS Class, as do others */ SPAN.C15, SPAN.C17, SPAN.C21, SPAN.C22, SPAN.C24 { width: 12em; }

        Sample use of CLASS C17 & C18:

              Exact Field Declaration Expression:

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final String CSS_CLASS_FOR_CODE_FIELD_LABEL = "C17";

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final java.lang.String CSS_CLASS_FOR_CODE_FIELD_DEFINITION
        This CSS class if for the HTML <DD>, <DT> Elements that incorporate Code-HiLited Field Definitions. This CSS class, is for the field-definition itself. It is placed in the HTML <DD> element that contains the actual Hi-Lited Source Code Definition.

        CSS Class C17 and C18 work together. C17 provides for coloring, while C18 is for spacing.
        Property Explanation & Value
        CSS Class-Name C18
        Formatting Purpose Inserted into an HTML 'DD' Element. Adds padding only, mostly unused.
        javadoc HTML Use <DD CLASS='C18'><B>Exact Field Declaration Expression:</B><BR />
        Default Original-Widgets.css DD.C16, DD.C18, DD.C23, DD.C25 { padding: 0.5em 1em 0em 1em; }

        Sample use of CLASS C17 & C18:

              Exact Field Declaration Expression:

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final String CSS_CLASS_FOR_CODE_FIELD_DEFINITION = "C18";

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final java.lang.String CSS_CLASS_FOR_RETURN_DD
        This CSS class if for the HTML <DD> Elements that hold a "Return Value Description" for methods in which the programmer has provided some kind of description. This class currently is just used to align the "Returns" text with the rest of the HTML on the page.
        Property Explanation & Value
        CSS Class-Name C19
        Formatting Purpose HTML <DD> Element. Holds the return-value explanation for methods
        javadoc HTML Use <DD CLASS='C19'> This method returns an HTML Element, as a String. </dd>
        Default Original-Widgets.css DD.C19 { padding: 0.3em 3.5em 0.3em 3em; }

        Sample use of CLASS C19:


        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final String CSS_CLASS_FOR_RETURN_DD = "C19";

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final java.lang.String CSS_CLASS_FOR_NAME_H4
        This CSS Class is used for the "Name" (an HTML <H4>...</H4> element. Every Method, Constructor, Field, and Enumerated-Constant (of an Enumerated-Type) has a name-portion at the top of the Details section which, actually, begins the description/definition of the "Details Section".

        NOTE: The CSS key-word !important is merely being used to override the standard Java Doc CSS file definitions, so that that file does not need to be modified to acheive the desired formatting settings.
        Property Explanation & Value
        CSS Class-Name C20
        Formatting Purpose HTML <H4> Element. Holds the name of the item being described.
        javadoc HTML Use <H4 CLASS=C20>-Some Method Name-</H4>
        Default Original-Widgets.css H4.C20 { font-family: Verdana, Arial, sans-serif; padding: 0.5em 0.5em 0.5em 1.25em !important; background: var(--JD-DarkBlue1) !important; color: white; letter-spacing: 0.085em; font-size: 165%; font-weight: bold; overflow: auto; /* If they "spill-over", generate a slider bar */ border-radius: 1em !important; }

        Sample use of CLASS C20:


        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final String CSS_CLASS_FOR_NAME_H4 = "C20";

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final java.lang.String CSS_CLASS_FOR_ANNOTATION_DEFAULT
        This CSS Class is used for the "Default Value" of an Annotation-Element (for any Annotation which has elements that may be assigned-values, and alsoa have had a default-value assigned).

        This will only be used in @interface (Annotation) Documentation-Pages, and furthermore, it will only be used if the programmer has, indeed, assigned a default value.
        Property Explanation & Value
        CSS Class-Name C21
        Formatting Purpose HTML <DT> Element.
        javadoc HTML Use <DT><SPAN CLASS=C21>Default:</SPAN></DT>
        Default Original-Widgets.css SPAN.paramLabel, SPAN.returnLabel, SPAN.seeLabel, SPAN.throwsLabel, SPAN.overrideSpecifyLabel, SPAN.simpleTagLabel, /* The "@since" Taglet uses this CSS Class, among others */ SPAN.C15, SPAN.C17, SPAN.C21, SPAN.C22, SPAN.C24, SPAN.srcCodeLabel, SPAN.staticFunctional, SPAN.headerLabel, SPAN.headerSeeLabel { background: white; padding: 0.8em 1em 0.8em 1.5em; margin: 1.6em 1em 1.6em 0em; font-size: 1.1em; font-family: 'Cinzel Decorative', monospace; font-style: italic; font-weight: 900 !important; letter-spacing: 0.125em; display: block; border-radius: 1.5em; background: var(--JD-DarkGray2) !important; color: white; text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px var(--JD-Gold), 0px 0px 10px var(--JD-Gold), 0px 0px 10px var(--JD-Gold), 0px 0px 20px var(--JD-Gold); } SPAN.paramLabel, SPAN.returnLabel, SPAN.seeLabel, SPAN.throwsLabel, SPAN.overrideSpecifyLabel, SPAN.simpleTagLabel, /* The "@since" Taglet uses this CSS Class, as do others */ SPAN.C15, SPAN.C17, SPAN.C21, SPAN.C22, SPAN.C24 { width: 12em; }

        Sample use of CLASS C21:

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final String CSS_CLASS_FOR_ANNOTATION_DEFAULT = "C21";

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final java.lang.String CSS_CLASS_FOR_CODE_ANNOTATION_ELEM_LABEL
        This CSS class if for the HTML <DD>, <DT> Elements that incorporate Code-HiLited Annotation-Element Declarations. This CSS class, specifically, is placed in an HTML <SPAN>...</SPAN> element, and is for the annotation-element label.

        CSS Class C22 and C23 work together. C22 provides for coloring, while C23 is for spacing.

        The HTML Element itself is similar to the elements automatically created by the original java-doc tool. On the actual documentation page, it will look like:

        HTML Elements:
        <span class="paramLabel">Parameters:</span>
        <span class="seeLabel">See Also:</span>
        <span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span>
        <!-- And this CSS Class facilitates the addition of ... -->
        <SPAN CLASS="C15">Code:</SPAN>  ... Code Hi-Lited Annotation-Element Declaration

        Property Explanation & Value
        CSS Class-Name C22
        Formatting Purpose Generates / Creates a new "Label" for Annotation-Element Code-Hiliting - a label similar to the "See Also", "Throws", etc...
        javadoc HTML Use <DT><span class='C22'>Code:</span></dt>
        Default Original-Widgets.css SPAN.paramLabel, SPAN.returnLabel, SPAN.seeLabel, SPAN.throwsLabel, SPAN.overrideSpecifyLabel, SPAN.simpleTagLabel, /* The "@since" Taglet uses this CSS Class, among others */ SPAN.C15, SPAN.C17, SPAN.C21, SPAN.C22, SPAN.C24, SPAN.srcCodeLabel, SPAN.staticFunctional, SPAN.headerLabel, SPAN.headerSeeLabel { background: white; padding: 0.8em 1em 0.8em 1.5em; margin: 1.6em 1em 1.6em 0em; font-size: 1.1em; font-family: 'Cinzel Decorative', monospace; font-style: italic; font-weight: 900 !important; letter-spacing: 0.125em; display: block; border-radius: 1.5em; background: var(--JD-DarkGray2) !important; color: white; text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px var(--JD-Gold), 0px 0px 10px var(--JD-Gold), 0px 0px 10px var(--JD-Gold), 0px 0px 20px var(--JD-Gold); } SPAN.paramLabel, SPAN.returnLabel, SPAN.seeLabel, SPAN.throwsLabel, SPAN.overrideSpecifyLabel, SPAN.simpleTagLabel, /* The "@since" Taglet uses this CSS Class, as do others */ SPAN.C15, SPAN.C17, SPAN.C21, SPAN.C22, SPAN.C24 { width: 12em; }

        Sample use of CLASS C22 & C23:

              Exact Element Declaration:

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final String CSS_CLASS_FOR_CODE_ANNOTATION_ELEM_LABEL = "C22";

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final java.lang.String CSS_CLASS_FOR_CODE_ANNOTATION_ELEM_DEFINITION
        This CSS class if for the HTML <DD>, <DT> Elements that incorporate Code-HiLited Annotation-Elements. This CSS class, is for the element-declaration itself. It is placed in the HTML <DD> element that contains the actual Hi-Lited Source Code.

        CSS Class C22 and C23 work together. C22 provides for coloring, while C23 is for spacing.
        Property Explanation & Value
        CSS Class-Name C23
        Formatting Purpose Inserted into an HTML 'DD'. Adds padding only, mostly unused.
        javadoc HTML Use <DD CLASS='C23'><B>Exact Element Declaration:</B><BR />
        Default Original-Widgets.css DD.C16, DD.C18, DD.C23, DD.C25 { padding: 0.5em 1em 0em 1em; }

        Sample use of CLASS C22 & C23:

              Exact Element Declaration:

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final String CSS_CLASS_FOR_CODE_ANNOTATION_ELEM_DEFINITION = "C23";

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final java.lang.String CSS_CLASS_FOR_CODE_ENUM_CONST_LABEL
        This CSS class if for the HTML <DD>, <DT> Elements that incorporate Code-HiLited Enumerated Constant Declarations. This CSS class, specifically, is placed in an HTML <SPAN>...</SPAN> element, and is for the enum-constant label.

        CSS Class C24 and C25 work together. C24 provides for coloring, while C25 is for spacing.

        The HTML Element itself is similar to the elements automatically created by the original java-doc tool. On the actual documentation page, it will look like:

        HTML Elements:
        <span class="paramLabel">Parameters:</span>
        <span class="seeLabel">See Also:</span>
        <span class="returnLabel">Returns:</span>
        <!-- And this CSS Class facilitates the addition of ... -->
        <SPAN CLASS="C15">Code:</SPAN>  ... Code Hi-Lited Enumerated Constant Declaration

        Property Explanation & Value
        CSS Class-Name C24
        Formatting Purpose Generates / Creates a new "Label" for Enumerated Constant Code-Hiliting - a label similar to the "See Also", "Throws", etc...
        javadoc HTML Use <DT><span class='C24'>Code:</span></dt>
        Default Original-Widgets.css SPAN.paramLabel, SPAN.returnLabel, SPAN.seeLabel, SPAN.throwsLabel, SPAN.overrideSpecifyLabel, SPAN.simpleTagLabel, /* The "@since" Taglet uses this CSS Class, among others */ SPAN.C15, SPAN.C17, SPAN.C21, SPAN.C22, SPAN.C24, SPAN.srcCodeLabel, SPAN.staticFunctional, SPAN.headerLabel, SPAN.headerSeeLabel { background: white; padding: 0.8em 1em 0.8em 1.5em; margin: 1.6em 1em 1.6em 0em; font-size: 1.1em; font-family: 'Cinzel Decorative', monospace; font-style: italic; font-weight: 900 !important; letter-spacing: 0.125em; display: block; border-radius: 1.5em; background: var(--JD-DarkGray2) !important; color: white; text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px var(--JD-Gold), 0px 0px 10px var(--JD-Gold), 0px 0px 10px var(--JD-Gold), 0px 0px 20px var(--JD-Gold); } SPAN.paramLabel, SPAN.returnLabel, SPAN.seeLabel, SPAN.throwsLabel, SPAN.overrideSpecifyLabel, SPAN.simpleTagLabel, /* The "@since" Taglet uses this CSS Class, as do others */ SPAN.C15, SPAN.C17, SPAN.C21, SPAN.C22, SPAN.C24 { width: 12em; }

        Sample use of CLASS C24 & C25:

              Exact Constant Declaration:

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final String CSS_CLASS_FOR_CODE_ENUM_CONST_LABEL = "C24";

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final java.lang.String CSS_CLASS_FOR_CODE_ENUM_CONST_DEFINITION
        This CSS class if for the HTML <DD>, <DT> Elements that incorporate Code-HiLited Enumeration-Constants. This CSS class, is for the constant-declaration itself. It is placed in the HTML <DD> element that contains the actual Hi-Lited Source Code.

        CSS Class C24 and C25 work together. C24 provides for coloring, while C25 is for spacing.
        Property Explanation & Value
        CSS Class-Name C25
        Formatting Purpose Inserted into an HTML 'DD'. Adds padding only, mostly unused.
        javadoc HTML Use <DD CLASS='C25'><B>Exact Constant Declaration:</B><BR />
        Default Original-Widgets.css DD.C16, DD.C18, DD.C23, DD.C25 { padding: 0.5em 1em 0em 1em; }

        Sample use of CLASS C24 & C25:

              Exact Constant Declaration:

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final String CSS_CLASS_FOR_CODE_ENUM_CONST_DEFINITION = "C25";

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final java.lang.String CSS_CLASS_FOR_SUMMARY_SECTION
        This CSS class is for the "Summary Section's"

        NOTE: The CSS key-word !important is merely being used to override the standard Java Doc CSS file definitions, so that that file does not need to be modified to acheive the desired formatting settings.
        Property Explanation & Value
        CSS Class-Name C26
        Formatting Purpose Creates a colored placard for Summary Sections: Method, Constructor, Field, Inner-Class, Enum-Constant, Required & Optional Annotation Elements
        javadoc HTML Use <h3 CLASS='C26'>Method Summary</h3> (for instance)
        Default Original-Widgets.css H3.C26, H3.C27 { text-align: center; padding: 0.4em 1em 0.4em 1em !important; font-size: 200%; font-family: 'Cinzel Decorative', monospace; font-style: italic !important; font-weight: 700 !important; letter-spacing: 0.125em; overflow: auto; /* If they "spill-over", generate a slider bar */ background: darkred; color: white; border-radius: 1em; }

        Sample use of CLASS C26:

        Method Summary

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final String CSS_CLASS_FOR_SUMMARY_SECTION = "C26";

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final java.lang.String CSS_CLASS_FOR_DETAILS_SECTION
        This CSS class is for the "Detail Section's"

        NOTE: The CSS key-word !important is merely being used to override the standard Java Doc CSS file definitions, so that that file does not need to be modified to acheive the desired formatting settings.
        Property Explanation & Value
        CSS Class-Name C27
        Formatting Purpose Creates a colored placard for Detail Sections: Method, Constructor, Field, Enum-Constant, and Annotation-Element
        javadoc HTML Use <h3 CLASS='C27'>Method Details</h3> (for instance)
        Default Original-Widgets.css H3.C26, H3.C27 { text-align: center; padding: 0.4em 1em 0.4em 1em !important; font-size: 200%; font-family: 'Cinzel Decorative', monospace; font-style: italic !important; font-weight: 700 !important; letter-spacing: 0.125em; overflow: auto; /* If they "spill-over", generate a slider bar */ background: darkred; color: white; border-radius: 1em; }

        Sample use of CLASS C27:

          Method Detail  

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final String CSS_CLASS_FOR_DETAILS_SECTION = "C27";

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final java.lang.String CSS_CLASS_FOR_TYPE_PARAMETER_DEFINITIONS
        This is the name of the CSS Class that is added to the HTML '<CODE>...</CODE>' element for each type-parameter whose definition is explained on a Java Documentation Web-Page. This allows a programmer to change how the "Type-Parameter Declaration Part" looks in a Java Doc Page - using an external CSS Page.

        CSS Class C28 and C29 work together. C28 provides for coloring, while C29 is for spacing.
        Property Explanation & Value
        CSS Class-Name C28
        Formatting Purpose Type Parameter Names
        javadoc HTML Use <code class='C28'>ENTITY<code>
        Default Original-Widgets.css CODE.C28 { font-weight: bold; color: black; background: lightskyblue; padding: 0.1em 4em 0.1em 2em; border-radius: 0.5em; }

        Sample use of CLASS C28 and C29:

        ENTITY - This will take one of five type's: Method, Constructor, Field, EnumConstant, AnnotationElem. The html contained by this class must directly correspond to the HTMl contained by a detail section of one of these five entities.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final String CSS_CLASS_FOR_TYPE_PARAMETER_DEFINITIONS = "C28";

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final java.lang.String CSS_CLASS_FOR_TYPE_PARAMETER_DD_ELEMENT
        This is the name of the CSS Class that is added to the HTML '<DD>...</DD>' element for each parameter whose definition is explained on a Java Documentation Web-Page. This allows a programmer to change how the overall / complete "Type-Parameter Definition" looks in a Java Doc Page - using an external CSS Page.

        CSS Class C28 and C29 work together. C28 provides for coloring, while C29 is for spacing.
        Property Explanation & Value
        CSS Class-Name C29
        Formatting Purpose Type-Parameter Name & Definition
        javadoc HTML Use <dd class='C29'>
        Default Original-Widgets.css DD.C29 { padding: 0.6em 1.5em 0.6em 3em; line-height: 1.8em; }

        Sample use of CLASS C28 and C29:

        ENTITY - This will take one of five type's: Method, Constructor, Field, EnumConstant, AnnotationElem. The html contained by this class must directly correspond to the HTMl contained by a detail section of one of these five entities.

        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final String CSS_CLASS_FOR_TYPE_PARAMETER_DD_ELEMENT = "C29";

        🡅     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final java.lang.String CSS_CLASS_FOR_OVERRIDE_SPECIFY_DD
        Facilitates indenting the text for 'Overrides' and 'Specified By' <DD> elements.

        NOTE: The CSS key-word !important is merely being used to override the standard Java Doc CSS file definitions, so that that file does not need to be modified to acheive the desired formatting settings.
        Property Explanation & Value
        CSS Class-Name C30
        Formatting Purpose Margins for 'Overrides' and 'Specified By' Labels
        javadoc HTML Use <DD CLASS=C30>
        Default Original-Widgets.css DD.C31 { margin-left: 3em !important; }

        Sample use of CLASS C30:


        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final String CSS_CLASS_FOR_OVERRIDE_SPECIFY_DD = "C30";