Class Method

  • All Implemented Interfaces:, java.lang.Cloneable, java.lang.Comparable<Method>

    public class Method
    extends Callable
    implements, java.lang.Comparable<Method>, java.lang.Cloneable
    Similar to java.lang.reflect
    This class is heavily used internally, and can be used (if needed) to modify Java Doc Web-Pages, programmatically.

    HTML Processors that sort the Web-Page "Summary-Tables" will provide instances of this class to your Summary-Sorter Handler methods. Summary-Sorter handlers usually implement the SummarySorterHelper interface; please review that class for more about sorting Java-Doc Page Summary Tables.

    The HTML Processors that upgrade Web-Page "Detail Elements" also rely heavily on this class. Please review the class: ReflHTML for more information about Java-Doc Web-Page Detail Sections.
    Reflection Class: Holds all information extracted from '.java' Source-Files about Method's identified in that file.

    Instances of this Class are Obtained From: ReflHTML & SummaryTableHTML

    Use of the Reflection-HTML API is *NOT REQUIRED* to perform a standard Java Doc HTML File Upgrade. This "extra API" allows for programmatic modification of Java Doc HTML. This class contains quite a bit of reflected information, and furthermore, here there is a hook to the Native Java Parser Reflection Class.
    Class Method allows for storing the name, definition and modifiers list of a method.

    Reflection-Classes Inheritance-Diagram

    Class Declaration
    Class Callable
    Class Method
    Class Constructor
    Also Inherits Class Callable
    No Additional Fields
    Reflection Class
    Inheritance Diagram

    Class Field
    Class EnumConstant
    Class AnnotationElem
    Class NestedType

    Native JDK API Hook:
    All reflection classes above, also contain an additional (transient, non-Serializable) field that hooks into the native Java Tree-Parser Tools available in JDK Package com.sun.source.tree.*

    If a more in-depth Code-Analysis is needed, the JDK's AST's have full and complete Parses of your Source-Code that can facilitate almost any analysis.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form

    • Field Detail

      • serialVersionUID

        🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static final long serialVersionUID
        This fulfils the SerialVersion UID requirement for all classes that implement Java's interface Using the Serializable Implementation offered by java is very easy, and can make saving program state when debugging a lot easier. It can also be used in place of more complicated systems like "hibernate" to store data as well.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         public static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
      • returnType

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public final java.lang.String returnType
        The return type of the method, as a String. If this is a method with a 'void' return-type, this shall be "void".

        NOTE: The parsed return-type will include the full-package name of the returned class (or interface), if the method returns a class or interface.
      • returnTypeJOW

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public final java.lang.String returnTypeJOW
        The return type of the method, as a String.

        JOW: Just One Word

        If the String's in a type-as-String contain complicated or intricate detailed information, and all you need is a simple identifier, the JOW-String stores the type-as-String with all package-name and generic-parameters (if they were present / included) stripped from the String. Furthermore, if the type was originally an inner-class, even the containing class-name is removed from the JOW-String.

        If a parameter to a Method, or the type of a Field had the (fully-qualified) type-name:<String>, the JOW-String would simply have the word "Builder".

        NOTE: If the type, itself, is an array of any kind, the array-brackets will be included in this String-name.
        Output Single-Word, Type-StringInput Type
        "Entry" "java.util.Map.Entry<K, V>"
        "Vector" "java.util.Vector<E>"
        "Vector" "Vector<TagNode>"
        "Vector" "Vector<Vector<TagNode>>"
        "Vector" "java.util.Vector<Vector<TagNode>>"
        "String" "String"
        "String" "java.lang.String"
        "String[]" "java.lang.String[]"
        "Integer" "Integer"
        "Integer[]" "java.lang.Integer[]"
        "String[]" "String..."
        "String[]" "java.lang.String..."

        NOTE: You may view the StringParse class' methods removeGeneric, and typeToJavaIdentifier for more information.
      • methodTree

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public final transient com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree methodTree

        Hook Reference to Sun/Oracle Parser-Refletion Class

        Though this class offers a streamlined set of reflection features, the Native Oracle Library Reflection-Classes offer a detailed AST interface into the standard Java Compiler. If you would like to use these Tree's to provide further code analysis on your Java-Doc Pages, this field is provided as a convenience for such purposes.
        If a user decides to make use of the native Sun/Oracle MethodTree instance that was used to build this Method instance, it may be retrieved from this transient field.
    • Method Detail

      • toString

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public java.lang.String toString()
        Generates a String of this method, with most information included.

        NOTE: This will not return every piece of information contained by this class. For example, both the method body, and any possible JavaDoc Comments are not included. For a more enhanced toString() version, call the one that accepts flags.
        toString in class Callable
        A printable String of this method.
        See Also:
        PF, toString(int), StrCSV.toCSV(String[], boolean, boolean, Integer)
        Exact Method Body:
             "Name:            [" + name + "]\n" +
             "Signature:       [" + StrPrint.abbrevEndRDSF(signature, MAX_STR_LEN, true) + "]\n" +
             "Modifiers:       [" + StrCSV.toCSV(modifiers, true, true, null) + "]\n" +
             printedParameterNamesTS() +
             printedParameterTypesTS() +
             "Return Type:     [" + returnType + "]\n" +
             printedExceptionsTS() +
             // This will **NEVER** be null - unless 'this' instance was built from an HTML File,
             // rather than a source-code file.  Instances like that are only used temporarily, and
             // are garbage collected instantly.  Do this check anyway (just in case).
             "Location:        " + ((this.location == null)
                 ? "null" 
                 : ('[' + this.location.quickSummary() + ']'));
      • toString

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public java.lang.String toString​(int flags)
        This class expects a flags that has been masked using the constant (public, static, final int) fields of class PF. Please view this class for more information about the flags available for modifying the return-value of this toString() method.
        toString in class Callable
        flags - These are the toString flags from class PF ("Print Flags"). View available flags listed in class PF.
        A printable String of this method, with comment information included as well.
        See Also:
        StrCSV.toCSV(String[], boolean, boolean, Integer), toString(), PF
        Exact Method Body:
         boolean color = (flags & UNIX_COLORS) > 0;
         Ret2<Boolean, Boolean> jow = jowFlags(flags);
             printedName("Method", 20, color) +
             printedSignature(20, color) +
             printedModifiers(20) +
             printedParamNames() + 
             printedParamTypes(jow) +
             printedReturnType(jow, color) +
             printedExceptions() +
             printedLocation(20, color, (flags & BRIEF_LOCATION) > 0) +
             // The previous method does not add a '\n' end to the end of the returned string
             // These are both optional, they add a '\n' AT THE BEGINNING if one of them is included
             printedComments(20, color, (flags & JAVADOC_COMMENTS) > 0) +
      • compareTo

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public int compareTo​(Method m)
        Java's interface Comparable<T> requirements. This does a very simple comparison using the two method's name field. If the name comparison will not suffice in making a decision, then the number of parameters, and parameter-types are used to making the sort-decision.
        Specified by:
        compareTo in interface java.lang.Comparable<Method>
        m - Any other Method to be compared to 'this' Method
        An integer that fulfils Java's interface Comparable<Method> public boolean compareTo(Method m) method requirements.
        Exact Method Body:
         // Identical References
         if (this == m) return 0;
         // Sorting by ignoring case is best - usually for the looks of a list
         // NOTE: Returning '0' is bad, because a TreeSet will remove duplicate-elements.  This
         //       means two different meethods with the same name would not "fit" into a treeset.
         int ret =;
         if (ret != 0) return ret;
         // Try to identify a different without ignoring case.
         ret =;
         if (ret != 0) return ret;
         ret = this.numParameters() - m.numParameters();
         if (ret != 0) return ret;
         for (int i=0; i < this.parameterTypesJOW.size(); i++)
             ret = this.parameterTypesJOW.get(i).compareTo(m.parameterTypesJOW.get(i));
             if (ret != 0) return ret;
         return 0;
      • equals

        🡅     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public boolean equals​(Method other)
        This should be called an "atypical version" of the usual equals(Object other) method. This version of equals merely compares the name and parameters-list of the method. The presumption here is that the definition of a 'method' only has meaning - at all - inside the context of a class, interface, or enumerated-type where that method is defined. Since inside any '.java' source-code file, there may only be one method with a given name and parameter-list, this shall return TRUE whenever the method being compared has the same name and parameter types as 'this' does.
        other - This may be any other method. It is strongly suggested that this be a method defined in the same '.java' source-code file as 'this' method.
        This method returns TRUE when 'this' instance of Method has both the same public final Sting name and the same parameter-list as 'other'.
        Exact Method Body:
         // The method's must have the same name!
         if (! return false;
         // If the number of parameters in the 'other' instance of Method differ from the number
         // of parameters in 'this' Method, then return FALSE immediately.  It cannot be a match.
         if (this.numParameters() != other.numParameters()) return false;
         // If both of these have zero parameters, and their names have matched, return true
         // immediately
         if (this.numParameters() == 0) return true;
         // If any of the parameter-names are different, break immediately and return false;
         for (int i=0; i < this.parameterNames.size(); i++)
             if (! this.parameterNames.get(i).equals(other.parameterNames.get(i))) return false;
         // If the parameter-types listed by the javadoc '.html' file differ from the parameter
         // types listed in the original '.java' source-code file, then break immediately.
         // NOTE: The "package-information" for the FULL CLASS OR INTERFACE NAME is not always
         //       available.
         for (int i=0; i < this.parameterTypesJOW.size(); i++)
             if (! this.parameterTypesJOW.get(i).equals(other.parameterTypesJOW.get(i)))
                 return false;
         // ALL TEST PASSED
         return true;