Class JS

  • public class JS
    extends java.lang.Object
    A 'work-book' class included in the Java-HTML JAR-Library, mostly in order to demonstrate the similarities between searching a Java Script DOM-Tree and searching Vectorized-HTML for tags, text and comments.

    This class attempts to mimic the java-scripts methods:

    • getElementsByTagName()
    • getElementsByClassName()
    • getElementById()
    • getElementsByName()

    This class adds many additional versions of these standard Java-Script library methods which assist a programmer to retrieve the vector-index integer-pointer using a 'find' method instead of a 'get' method. The other five versions including count, get, remove, peek, and poll are also included. Below is a table that describes the precise-meaning of the key-words used in these "Extra Java-Script Methods."

    • Count: This implies that a count of the number of nodes that have matched a specified search criteria shall be computed. Methods named 'Count' will always return single-integers that represent this count.
    • Find: This implies that integer-arrays, or single-integer are returned by the methods that use this word. These integers are intended to function as pointers into the underlying Java Vector. A method or class with the word 'Find' will always return a pointer (integer-index, or indices), not a node.
    • Get: This implies that HTMLNode's: TagNode, TextNode, CommentNode are returned by these Java-Script-like methods. Integer-pointers (a.k.a. the integer-index into the underlying Vector) are not returned.
    • Peek: This implies that BOTH the Vector-index AND the HTML node found at-that-integer-index-location are SIMULTANEOUSLY returned by these methods. It is here that these (sort-of) 'extra' data-classes NodeIndex, TagNodeIndex, TextNodeIndex are used. These data-classes are always used as return values for methods that contain the word 'Peek'.
    • Poll: This refers to the operation of both removing a node from the vectorized-html web-page, and then returning that node (or those nodes) back to the programmer as a return value. Remember, for all methods that use the word 'Poll' in their name - after such a method finishes, the initial vectorized-html, itself, will contain fewer elements.
    • Remove: This implies that neither nodes nor node-pointers are returned, but rather in this case (cases in which a method or class uses the key-word 'Remove') - nodes are actually extracted from the vectorized html-page. Afterwards an integer is returned that lets the caller know precisely how many nodes have been removed. Just as in a 'Poll' operation, after a 'Remove' the initial vectorized-html, itself, shall have fewer elements.

    Stateless Class:
    This class neither contains any program-state, nor can it be instantiated. The @StaticFunctional Annotation may also be called 'The Spaghetti Report'. Static-Functional classes are, essentially, C-Styled Files, without any constructors or non-static member fields. It is a concept very similar to the Java-Bean's @Stateless Annotation.

    • 1 Constructor(s), 1 declared private, zero-argument constructor
    • 43 Method(s), 43 declared static
    • 0 Field(s)

    • Method Detail

      • findElementById

        🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static int findElementById​(java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                                          java.lang.String id)
        Java-Script's Element by ID function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements that have a specified CSS ID-Attribute.

        These operations return the integer Vector-indices which point to nodes in the original html-Vector that match the specified criteria.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        id - This should be a valid HTML 'ID' Attribute-Value (inner-tag value). This is also known as a CSS-Style-Sheet 'ID' Tag.
        The integer vector-index of the first HTML TagNode Element that matches the specified criteria.
        CSSStrException - This exception will throw if the String passed to the 'id' parameter is not a valid CSS 'ID'. Please review the Exception CSSStrException to see what constitutes a valid CSS 'ID'.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagFind.first(html, "id", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, id);
      • getElementById

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static TagNode getElementById​(java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                                             java.lang.String id)
        Java-Script's Element by ID function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements that have a specified CSS ID-Attribute.

        These operations return the nodes that match the specified criteria.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        id - This should be a valid HTML 'ID' Attribute-Value (inner-tag value). This is also known as a CSS-Style-Sheet 'ID' Tag.
        The first HTML TagNode Element that matches the specified criteria.
        CSSStrException - This exception will throw if the String passed to the 'id' parameter is not a valid CSS 'ID'. Please review the Exception CSSStrException to see what constitutes a valid CSS 'ID'.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagGet.first(html, "id", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, id);
      • removeElementById

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static int removeElementById​(java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                                            java.lang.String id)
        Java-Script's Element by ID function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements that have a specified CSS ID-Attribute.

        These operations remove nodes that match the specified criteria, and then, afterwards, return an integer 'count' - informing the user how many nodes were actually removed.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        id - This should be a valid HTML 'ID' Attribute-Value (inner-tag value). This is also known as a CSS-Style-Sheet 'ID' Tag.
        The total number of HTML Nodes that were removed from the input-Vector 'html'
        CSSStrException - This exception will throw if the String passed to the 'id' parameter is not a valid CSS 'ID'. Please review the Exception CSSStrException to see what constitutes a valid CSS 'ID'.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagRemove.first(html, "id", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, id);
      • peekElementById

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static TagNodeIndex peekElementById​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String id)
        Java-Script's Element by ID function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements that have a specified CSS ID-Attribute.

        The elements / nodes themselves, along with the Vector-indices where the nodes were found / identified are both (simultaneously) returned together as a single data-class reference. This Java HTML Type is simply called TagNodeIndex. Remember, that class 'TagNodeIndex' implements the Replaceable interface, making it an efficient List-Modification class.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        id - This should be a valid HTML 'ID' Attribute-Value (inner-tag value). This is also known as a CSS-Style-Sheet 'ID' Tag.
        A first 'TagNode' element that matches the specified input-criteria, along with the Vector-index as an integer included in the 'TagNodeIndex' return-type. class 'TagNodeIndex' includes both the 'TagNode', and the Vector-index from whence it came.
        CSSStrException - This exception will throw if the String passed to the 'id' parameter is not a valid CSS 'ID'. Please review the Exception CSSStrException to see what constitutes a valid CSS 'ID'.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagPeek.first(html, "id", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, id);
      • pollElementById

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static TagNode pollElementById​(java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                                              java.lang.String id)
        Java-Script's Element by ID function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements that have a specified CSS ID-Attribute.

        These operations simply behave like a combination of the 'Get' operation and the 'Remove' operation. In a 'Poll' styled method, HTMLNode's are first removed, and afterwards, these removed nodes are put into a list and returned back to the invoking method.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        id - This should be a valid HTML 'ID' Attribute-Value (inner-tag value). This is also known as a CSS-Style-Sheet 'ID' Tag.
        The first HTML TagNode Element that matches the specified criteria.
        CSSStrException - This exception will throw if the String passed to the 'id' parameter is not a valid CSS 'ID'. Please review the Exception CSSStrException to see what constitutes a valid CSS 'ID'.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagPoll.first(html, "id", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, id);
      • findElementByIdInclusive

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static DotPair findElementByIdInclusive​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String id)
        Java-Script's Element by ID function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements that have a specified CSS ID-Attribute.

        These operations return the integer Vector-indices which point to nodes in the original html-Vector that match the specified criteria.

        In this html search library, all the word 'inclusive' means, is that when an opening TagNode is found by an 'inclusive method', before returning that node, the matching, and closing pair of that TagNode, along with all HTMLNode's in-between, are included in the result.

        This, effectively, means that 'inclusive' methods will always return either a complete Vectorized-HTML Sub-List, or a DotPair instance instead. (DotPair's are simply wrappers for a Starting-Index integer and an Ending-Index integer that mean to demarcate a Sub-List.

        For instance, an HTML divider-element like <DIV class=someClass ...> ... </DIV> as an 'inclusive return-value' that will likely have many HTMLNode's in that returned list.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        id - This should be a valid HTML 'ID' Attribute-Value (inner-tag value). This is also known as a CSS-Style-Sheet 'ID' Tag.
        Integer vector-index pointers, for a sublist, that match the specified input criteria.
        CSSStrException - This exception will throw if the String passed to the 'id' parameter is not a valid CSS 'ID'. Please review the Exception CSSStrException to see what constitutes a valid CSS 'ID'.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagFindInclusive.first  (html, "id", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, id);
      • getElementByIdInclusive

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static java.util.Vector<HTMLNodegetElementByIdInclusive​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String id)
        Java-Script's Element by ID function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements that have a specified CSS ID-Attribute.

        These operations return the nodes that match the specified criteria.

        In this html search library, all the word 'inclusive' means, is that when an opening TagNode is found by an 'inclusive method', before returning that node, the matching, and closing pair of that TagNode, along with all HTMLNode's in-between, are included in the result.

        This, effectively, means that 'inclusive' methods will always return either a complete Vectorized-HTML Sub-List, or a DotPair instance instead. (DotPair's are simply wrappers for a Starting-Index integer and an Ending-Index integer that mean to demarcate a Sub-List.

        For instance, an HTML divider-element like <DIV class=someClass ...> ... </DIV> as an 'inclusive return-value' that will likely have many HTMLNode's in that returned list.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        id - This should be a valid HTML 'ID' Attribute-Value (inner-tag value). This is also known as a CSS-Style-Sheet 'ID' Tag.
        The complete sub-list of HTMLNode's that match the specified input criteria.
        CSSStrException - This exception will throw if the String passed to the 'id' parameter is not a valid CSS 'ID'. Please review the Exception CSSStrException to see what constitutes a valid CSS 'ID'.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagGetInclusive.first(html, "id", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, id);
      • removeElementByIdInclusive

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static int removeElementByIdInclusive​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String id)
        Java-Script's Element by ID function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements that have a specified CSS ID-Attribute.

        These operations remove nodes that match the specified criteria, and then, afterwards, return an integer 'count' - informing the user how many nodes were actually removed.

        In this html search library, all the word 'inclusive' means, is that when an opening TagNode is found by an 'inclusive method', before returning that node, the matching, and closing pair of that TagNode, along with all HTMLNode's in-between, are included in the result.

        This, effectively, means that 'inclusive' methods will always return either a complete Vectorized-HTML Sub-List, or a DotPair instance instead. (DotPair's are simply wrappers for a Starting-Index integer and an Ending-Index integer that mean to demarcate a Sub-List.

        For instance, an HTML divider-element like <DIV class=someClass ...> ... </DIV> as an 'inclusive return-value' that will likely have many HTMLNode's in that returned list.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        id - This should be a valid HTML 'ID' Attribute-Value (inner-tag value). This is also known as a CSS-Style-Sheet 'ID' Tag.
        The total number of HTML Nodes that were removed from the input-Vector 'html'
        CSSStrException - This exception will throw if the String passed to the 'id' parameter is not a valid CSS 'ID'. Please review the Exception CSSStrException to see what constitutes a valid CSS 'ID'.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagRemoveInclusive.first(html, "id", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, id);
      • peekElementByIdInclusive

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static SubSection peekElementByIdInclusive​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String id)
        Java-Script's Element by ID function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements that have a specified CSS ID-Attribute.

        The elements / nodes themselves, along with the Vector-indices where they were found / identified are returned as a single data-Object of type SubSection. Class SubSection and class TagNodeIndex both implement the Replaceable interface, meaning they can help improve the efficiency of large page-modification operations.

        These two classes differ in that class SubSection wraps an entire Sub-List, while class TagNodeIndex only wraps a single TagNode. Both have their location / index & HTML-Content information encapsulated, together in a single reference - as do all classes which implement Replaceable

        In this html search library, all the word 'inclusive' means, is that when an opening TagNode is found by an 'inclusive method', before returning that node, the matching, and closing pair of that TagNode, along with all HTMLNode's in-between, are included in the result.

        This, effectively, means that 'inclusive' methods will always return either a complete Vectorized-HTML Sub-List, or a DotPair instance instead. (DotPair's are simply wrappers for a Starting-Index integer and an Ending-Index integer that mean to demarcate a Sub-List.

        For instance, an HTML divider-element like <DIV class=someClass ...> ... </DIV> as an 'inclusive return-value' that will likely have many HTMLNode's in that returned list.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        id - This should be a valid HTML 'ID' Attribute-Value (inner-tag value). This is also known as a CSS-Style-Sheet 'ID' Tag.
        Instances of 'SubSection' contain both the html sub-page as a Vector, and the matching 'DotPair' Vector index-pointer from the original Vector from whence they came.
        CSSStrException - This exception will throw if the String passed to the 'id' parameter is not a valid CSS 'ID'. Please review the Exception CSSStrException to see what constitutes a valid CSS 'ID'.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagPeekInclusive.first(html, "id", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, id);
      • pollElementByIdInclusive

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static java.util.Vector<HTMLNodepollElementByIdInclusive​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String id)
        Java-Script's Element by ID function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements that have a specified CSS ID-Attribute.

        These operations simply behave like a combination of the 'Get' operation and the 'Remove' operation. In a 'Poll' styled method, HTMLNode's are first removed, and afterwards, these removed nodes are put into a list and returned back to the invoking method.

        In this html search library, all the word 'inclusive' means, is that when an opening TagNode is found by an 'inclusive method', before returning that node, the matching, and closing pair of that TagNode, along with all HTMLNode's in-between, are included in the result.

        This, effectively, means that 'inclusive' methods will always return either a complete Vectorized-HTML Sub-List, or a DotPair instance instead. (DotPair's are simply wrappers for a Starting-Index integer and an Ending-Index integer that mean to demarcate a Sub-List.

        For instance, an HTML divider-element like <DIV class=someClass ...> ... </DIV> as an 'inclusive return-value' that will likely have many HTMLNode's in that returned list.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        id - This should be a valid HTML 'ID' Attribute-Value (inner-tag value). This is also known as a CSS-Style-Sheet 'ID' Tag.
        The complete sub-list of HTMLNode's that match the specified input criteria.
        CSSStrException - This exception will throw if the String passed to the 'id' parameter is not a valid CSS 'ID'. Please review the Exception CSSStrException to see what constitutes a valid CSS 'ID'.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagPollInclusive.first(html, "id", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, id);
      • countElementsByTagName

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static int countElementsByTagName​(java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                                                 java.lang.String htmlTok)
        Java-Script's Elements by TagName function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements having a certain "HTML Token." For instance, one could specify all '<DIV>' elements, or all perhaps HTML anchor '<A HREF=...>' elements by passing either the String parameter "div" or "a" to this method.

        These operations return a count on the number of matches of the specified criteria.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        htmlTok - This is an HTML Element Token - also known as "The HTML Element Name." For instance: 'DIV', 'SPAN', 'IMG', etc...
        The number of 'TagNode' elements that match the specified input criteria.
        HTMLTokException - This exception will be thrown by class ARGCHECK if the HTML Element Name provided is not a valid HTML Element.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return TagNodeCount.all(html, TC.OpeningTags, htmlTok);
      • findElementsByTagName

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static int[] findElementsByTagName​(java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                                                  java.lang.String htmlTok)
        Java-Script's Elements by TagName function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements having a certain "HTML Token." For instance, one could specify all '<DIV>' elements, or all perhaps HTML anchor '<A HREF=...>' elements by passing either the String parameter "div" or "a" to this method.

        These operations return the integer Vector-indices which point to nodes in the original html-Vector that match the specified criteria.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        htmlTok - This is an HTML Element Token - also known as "The HTML Element Name." For instance: 'DIV', 'SPAN', 'IMG', etc...
        A list of integer vector-index pointers into the input vector parameter 'html.'
        HTMLTokException - This exception will be thrown by class ARGCHECK if the HTML Element Name provided is not a valid HTML Element.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return TagNodeFind.all(html, TC.OpeningTags, htmlTok);
      • getElementsByTagName

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static java.util.Vector<TagNodegetElementsByTagName​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String htmlTok)
        Java-Script's Elements by TagName function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements having a certain "HTML Token." For instance, one could specify all '<DIV>' elements, or all perhaps HTML anchor '<A HREF=...>' elements by passing either the String parameter "div" or "a" to this method.

        These operations return the nodes that match the specified criteria.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        htmlTok - This is an HTML Element Token - also known as "The HTML Element Name." For instance: 'DIV', 'SPAN', 'IMG', etc...
        A list of all 'TagNode' elements that match the specified input-criteria.
        HTMLTokException - This exception will be thrown by class ARGCHECK if the HTML Element Name provided is not a valid HTML Element.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return TagNodeGet.all(html, TC.OpeningTags, htmlTok);
      • removeElementsByTagName

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static int removeElementsByTagName​(java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                                                  java.lang.String htmlTok)
        Java-Script's Elements by TagName function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements having a certain "HTML Token." For instance, one could specify all '<DIV>' elements, or all perhaps HTML anchor '<A HREF=...>' elements by passing either the String parameter "div" or "a" to this method.

        These operations remove nodes that match the specified criteria, and then, afterwards, return an integer 'count' - informing the user how many nodes were actually removed.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        htmlTok - This is an HTML Element Token - also known as "The HTML Element Name." For instance: 'DIV', 'SPAN', 'IMG', etc...
        The total number of HTML Nodes that were removed from the input-Vector 'html'
        HTMLTokException - This exception will be thrown by class ARGCHECK if the HTML Element Name provided is not a valid HTML Element.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return TagNodeRemove.all(html, TC.OpeningTags, htmlTok);
      • peekElementsByTagName

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static java.util.Vector<TagNodeIndexpeekElementsByTagName​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String htmlTok)
        Java-Script's Elements by TagName function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements having a certain "HTML Token." For instance, one could specify all '<DIV>' elements, or all perhaps HTML anchor '<A HREF=...>' elements by passing either the String parameter "div" or "a" to this method.

        The elements / nodes themselves, along with the Vector-indices where the nodes were found / identified are both (simultaneously) returned together as a single data-class reference. This Java HTML Type is simply called TagNodeIndex. Remember, that class 'TagNodeIndex' implements the Replaceable interface, making it an efficient List-Modification class.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        htmlTok - This is an HTML Element Token - also known as "The HTML Element Name." For instance: 'DIV', 'SPAN', 'IMG', etc...
        A list of all 'TagNode' elements that match the specified input-criteria, along with the Vector-index as an integer included in the 'TagNodeIndex' return-type. class 'TagNodeIndex' includes both the 'TagNode', and the Vector-index from whence it came.
        HTMLTokException - This exception will be thrown by class ARGCHECK if the HTML Element Name provided is not a valid HTML Element.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return TagNodePeek.all(html, TC.OpeningTags, htmlTok);
      • pollElementsByTagName

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static java.util.Vector<TagNodepollElementsByTagName​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String htmlTok)
        Java-Script's Elements by TagName function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements having a certain "HTML Token." For instance, one could specify all '<DIV>' elements, or all perhaps HTML anchor '<A HREF=...>' elements by passing either the String parameter "div" or "a" to this method.

        These operations simply behave like a combination of the 'Get' operation and the 'Remove' operation. In a 'Poll' styled method, HTMLNode's are first removed, and afterwards, these removed nodes are put into a list and returned back to the invoking method.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        htmlTok - This is an HTML Element Token - also known as "The HTML Element Name." For instance: 'DIV', 'SPAN', 'IMG', etc...
        A list of all 'TagNode' elements that match the specified input-criteria.
        HTMLTokException - This exception will be thrown by class ARGCHECK if the HTML Element Name provided is not a valid HTML Element.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return TagNodePoll.all(html, TC.OpeningTags, htmlTok);
      • findElementsByTagNameInclusive

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static java.util.Vector<DotPairfindElementsByTagNameInclusive​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String htmlTok)
        Java-Script's Elements by TagName function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements having a certain "HTML Token." For instance, one could specify all '<DIV>' elements, or all perhaps HTML anchor '<A HREF=...>' elements by passing either the String parameter "div" or "a" to this method.

        These operations return the integer Vector-indices which point to nodes in the original html-Vector that match the specified criteria.

        In this html search library, all the word 'inclusive' means, is that when an opening TagNode is found by an 'inclusive method', before returning that node, the matching, and closing pair of that TagNode, along with all HTMLNode's in-between, are included in the result.

        This, effectively, means that 'inclusive' methods will always return either a complete Vectorized-HTML Sub-List, or a DotPair instance instead. (DotPair's are simply wrappers for a Starting-Index integer and an Ending-Index integer that mean to demarcate a Sub-List.

        For instance, an HTML divider-element like <DIV class=someClass ...> ... </DIV> as an 'inclusive return-value' that will likely have many HTMLNode's in that returned list.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        htmlTok - This is an HTML Element Token - also known as "The HTML Element Name." For instance: 'DIV', 'SPAN', 'IMG', etc...
        A "list of lists" where each DotPair element contains the starting and ending index-pointers (as integers, wrapped in a 'DotPair' instance) for each match of the input parameter criteria-specifications.
        HTMLTokException - This exception will be thrown by class ARGCHECK if the HTML Element Name provided is not a valid HTML Element.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return TagNodeFindInclusive.all(html, htmlTok);
      • getElementsByTagNameInclusive

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static java.util.Vector<java.util.Vector<HTMLNode>> getElementsByTagNameInclusive​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String htmlTok)
        Java-Script's Elements by TagName function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements having a certain "HTML Token." For instance, one could specify all '<DIV>' elements, or all perhaps HTML anchor '<A HREF=...>' elements by passing either the String parameter "div" or "a" to this method.

        These operations return the nodes that match the specified criteria.

        In this html search library, all the word 'inclusive' means, is that when an opening TagNode is found by an 'inclusive method', before returning that node, the matching, and closing pair of that TagNode, along with all HTMLNode's in-between, are included in the result.

        This, effectively, means that 'inclusive' methods will always return either a complete Vectorized-HTML Sub-List, or a DotPair instance instead. (DotPair's are simply wrappers for a Starting-Index integer and an Ending-Index integer that mean to demarcate a Sub-List.

        For instance, an HTML divider-element like <DIV class=someClass ...> ... </DIV> as an 'inclusive return-value' that will likely have many HTMLNode's in that returned list.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        htmlTok - This is an HTML Element Token - also known as "The HTML Element Name." For instance: 'DIV', 'SPAN', 'IMG', etc...
        A "list of lists" for each opening and closing HTML Element match.
        HTMLTokException - This exception will be thrown by class ARGCHECK if the HTML Element Name provided is not a valid HTML Element.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return TagNodeGetInclusive.all(html, htmlTok);
      • removeElementsByTagNameInclusive

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static int removeElementsByTagNameInclusive​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String htmlTok)
        Java-Script's Elements by TagName function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements having a certain "HTML Token." For instance, one could specify all '<DIV>' elements, or all perhaps HTML anchor '<A HREF=...>' elements by passing either the String parameter "div" or "a" to this method.

        These operations remove nodes that match the specified criteria, and then, afterwards, return an integer 'count' - informing the user how many nodes were actually removed.

        In this html search library, all the word 'inclusive' means, is that when an opening TagNode is found by an 'inclusive method', before returning that node, the matching, and closing pair of that TagNode, along with all HTMLNode's in-between, are included in the result.

        This, effectively, means that 'inclusive' methods will always return either a complete Vectorized-HTML Sub-List, or a DotPair instance instead. (DotPair's are simply wrappers for a Starting-Index integer and an Ending-Index integer that mean to demarcate a Sub-List.

        For instance, an HTML divider-element like <DIV class=someClass ...> ... </DIV> as an 'inclusive return-value' that will likely have many HTMLNode's in that returned list.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        htmlTok - This is an HTML Element Token - also known as "The HTML Element Name." For instance: 'DIV', 'SPAN', 'IMG', etc...
        The total number of HTML Nodes that were removed from the input-Vector 'html'
        HTMLTokException - This exception will be thrown by class ARGCHECK if the HTML Element Name provided is not a valid HTML Element.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return TagNodeRemoveInclusive.all(html, htmlTok);
      • peekElementsByTagNameInclusive

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static java.util.Vector<SubSectionpeekElementsByTagNameInclusive​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String htmlTok)
        Java-Script's Elements by TagName function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements having a certain "HTML Token." For instance, one could specify all '<DIV>' elements, or all perhaps HTML anchor '<A HREF=...>' elements by passing either the String parameter "div" or "a" to this method.

        The elements / nodes themselves, along with the Vector-indices where they were found / identified are returned as a single data-Object of type SubSection. Class SubSection and class TagNodeIndex both implement the Replaceable interface, meaning they can help improve the efficiency of large page-modification operations.

        These two classes differ in that class SubSection wraps an entire Sub-List, while class TagNodeIndex only wraps a single TagNode. Both have their location / index & HTML-Content information encapsulated, together in a single reference - as do all classes which implement Replaceable

        In this html search library, all the word 'inclusive' means, is that when an opening TagNode is found by an 'inclusive method', before returning that node, the matching, and closing pair of that TagNode, along with all HTMLNode's in-between, are included in the result.

        This, effectively, means that 'inclusive' methods will always return either a complete Vectorized-HTML Sub-List, or a DotPair instance instead. (DotPair's are simply wrappers for a Starting-Index integer and an Ending-Index integer that mean to demarcate a Sub-List.

        For instance, an HTML divider-element like <DIV class=someClass ...> ... </DIV> as an 'inclusive return-value' that will likely have many HTMLNode's in that returned list.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        htmlTok - This is an HTML Element Token - also known as "The HTML Element Name." For instance: 'DIV', 'SPAN', 'IMG', etc...
        A "list of lists" for each opening and closing HTML Element match. Instances of 'SubSection' contain both the html sub-page as a Vector, and the matching 'DotPair' Vector index-pointer from the original Vector from whence they came.
        HTMLTokException - This exception will be thrown by class ARGCHECK if the HTML Element Name provided is not a valid HTML Element.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return TagNodePeekInclusive.all(html, htmlTok);
      • pollElementsByTagNameInclusive

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static java.util.Vector<java.util.Vector<HTMLNode>> pollElementsByTagNameInclusive​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String htmlTok)
        Java-Script's Elements by TagName function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements having a certain "HTML Token." For instance, one could specify all '<DIV>' elements, or all perhaps HTML anchor '<A HREF=...>' elements by passing either the String parameter "div" or "a" to this method.

        These operations simply behave like a combination of the 'Get' operation and the 'Remove' operation. In a 'Poll' styled method, HTMLNode's are first removed, and afterwards, these removed nodes are put into a list and returned back to the invoking method.

        In this html search library, all the word 'inclusive' means, is that when an opening TagNode is found by an 'inclusive method', before returning that node, the matching, and closing pair of that TagNode, along with all HTMLNode's in-between, are included in the result.

        This, effectively, means that 'inclusive' methods will always return either a complete Vectorized-HTML Sub-List, or a DotPair instance instead. (DotPair's are simply wrappers for a Starting-Index integer and an Ending-Index integer that mean to demarcate a Sub-List.

        For instance, an HTML divider-element like <DIV class=someClass ...> ... </DIV> as an 'inclusive return-value' that will likely have many HTMLNode's in that returned list.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        htmlTok - This is an HTML Element Token - also known as "The HTML Element Name." For instance: 'DIV', 'SPAN', 'IMG', etc...
        A "list of lists" for each opening and closing HTML Element match.
        HTMLTokException - This exception will be thrown by class ARGCHECK if the HTML Element Name provided is not a valid HTML Element.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return TagNodePollInclusive.all(html, htmlTok);
      • countElementsByClassName

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static int countElementsByClassName​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String className)
        Java-Script's Elements by Class Name function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements that are tagged with a specified CSS-Class

        These operations return a count on the number of matches of the specified criteria.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        className - This should be a valid HTML CSS 'CLASS' Attribute-Value (inner-tag value).
        The number of 'TagNode' elements that match the specified input criteria.
        CSSStrException - Whenever the TextComparitor's for CSS 'Classes' are used, passed or invoked, the 'class-name', or list of class-name's (as String's) provided to the TextComparitor will be checked for validity according to CSS naming conventions. If parameter 'className' does not meet the strict requirements for CSS Class-Names, this exception will throw immediately.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagCount.all(html, "class", TextComparitor.C, className);
      • findElementsByClassName

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static int[] findElementsByClassName​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String className)
        Java-Script's Elements by Class Name function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements that are tagged with a specified CSS-Class

        These operations return the integer Vector-indices which point to nodes in the original html-Vector that match the specified criteria.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        className - This should be a valid HTML CSS 'CLASS' Attribute-Value (inner-tag value).
        A list of integer vector-index pointers into the input vector parameter 'html.'
        CSSStrException - Whenever the TextComparitor's for CSS 'Classes' are used, passed or invoked, the 'class-name', or list of class-name's (as String's) provided to the TextComparitor will be checked for validity according to CSS naming conventions. If parameter 'className' does not meet the strict requirements for CSS Class-Names, this exception will throw immediately.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagFind.all(html, "class", TextComparitor.C, className);
      • getElementsByClassName

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static java.util.Vector<TagNodegetElementsByClassName​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String className)
        Java-Script's Elements by Class Name function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements that are tagged with a specified CSS-Class

        These operations return the nodes that match the specified criteria.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        className - This should be a valid HTML CSS 'CLASS' Attribute-Value (inner-tag value).
        A list of all 'TagNode' elements that match the specified input-criteria.
        CSSStrException - Whenever the TextComparitor's for CSS 'Classes' are used, passed or invoked, the 'class-name', or list of class-name's (as String's) provided to the TextComparitor will be checked for validity according to CSS naming conventions. If parameter 'className' does not meet the strict requirements for CSS Class-Names, this exception will throw immediately.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagGet.all(html, "class", TextComparitor.C, className);
      • removeElementsByClassName

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static int removeElementsByClassName​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String className)
        Java-Script's Elements by Class Name function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements that are tagged with a specified CSS-Class

        These operations remove nodes that match the specified criteria, and then, afterwards, return an integer 'count' - informing the user how many nodes were actually removed.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        className - This should be a valid HTML CSS 'CLASS' Attribute-Value (inner-tag value).
        The total number of HTML Nodes that were removed from the input-Vector 'html'
        CSSStrException - Whenever the TextComparitor's for CSS 'Classes' are used, passed or invoked, the 'class-name', or list of class-name's (as String's) provided to the TextComparitor will be checked for validity according to CSS naming conventions. If parameter 'className' does not meet the strict requirements for CSS Class-Names, this exception will throw immediately.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagRemove.all(html, "class", TextComparitor.C, className);
      • peekElementsByClassName

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static java.util.Vector<TagNodeIndexpeekElementsByClassName​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String className)
        Java-Script's Elements by Class Name function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements that are tagged with a specified CSS-Class

        The elements / nodes themselves, along with the Vector-indices where the nodes were found / identified are both (simultaneously) returned together as a single data-class reference. This Java HTML Type is simply called TagNodeIndex. Remember, that class 'TagNodeIndex' implements the Replaceable interface, making it an efficient List-Modification class.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        className - This should be a valid HTML CSS 'CLASS' Attribute-Value (inner-tag value).
        A list of all 'TagNode' elements that match the specified input-criteria, along with the Vector-index as an integer included in the 'TagNodeIndex' return-type. class 'TagNodeIndex' includes both the 'TagNode', and the Vector-index from whence it came.
        CSSStrException - Whenever the TextComparitor's for CSS 'Classes' are used, passed or invoked, the 'class-name', or list of class-name's (as String's) provided to the TextComparitor will be checked for validity according to CSS naming conventions. If parameter 'className' does not meet the strict requirements for CSS Class-Names, this exception will throw immediately.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagPeek.all(html, "class", TextComparitor.C, className);
      • pollElementsByClassName

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static java.util.Vector<TagNodepollElementsByClassName​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String className)
        Java-Script's Elements by Class Name function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements that are tagged with a specified CSS-Class

        These operations simply behave like a combination of the 'Get' operation and the 'Remove' operation. In a 'Poll' styled method, HTMLNode's are first removed, and afterwards, these removed nodes are put into a list and returned back to the invoking method.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        className - This should be a valid HTML CSS 'CLASS' Attribute-Value (inner-tag value).
        A list of all 'TagNode' elements that match the specified input-criteria.
        CSSStrException - Whenever the TextComparitor's for CSS 'Classes' are used, passed or invoked, the 'class-name', or list of class-name's (as String's) provided to the TextComparitor will be checked for validity according to CSS naming conventions. If parameter 'className' does not meet the strict requirements for CSS Class-Names, this exception will throw immediately.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagPoll.all(html, "class", TextComparitor.C, className);
      • findElementsByClassNameInclusive

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static java.util.Vector<DotPairfindElementsByClassNameInclusive​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String className)
        Java-Script's Elements by Class Name function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements that are tagged with a specified CSS-Class

        These operations return the integer Vector-indices which point to nodes in the original html-Vector that match the specified criteria.

        In this html search library, all the word 'inclusive' means, is that when an opening TagNode is found by an 'inclusive method', before returning that node, the matching, and closing pair of that TagNode, along with all HTMLNode's in-between, are included in the result.

        This, effectively, means that 'inclusive' methods will always return either a complete Vectorized-HTML Sub-List, or a DotPair instance instead. (DotPair's are simply wrappers for a Starting-Index integer and an Ending-Index integer that mean to demarcate a Sub-List.

        For instance, an HTML divider-element like <DIV class=someClass ...> ... </DIV> as an 'inclusive return-value' that will likely have many HTMLNode's in that returned list.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        className - This should be a valid HTML CSS 'CLASS' Attribute-Value (inner-tag value).
        A "list of lists" where each DotPair element contains the starting and ending index-pointers (as integers, wrapped in a 'DotPair' instance) for each match of the input parameter criteria-specifications.
        CSSStrException - Whenever the TextComparitor's for CSS 'Classes' are used, passed or invoked, the 'class-name', or list of class-name's (as String's) provided to the TextComparitor will be checked for validity according to CSS naming conventions. If parameter 'className' does not meet the strict requirements for CSS Class-Names, this exception will throw immediately.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagFindInclusive.all(html, "class", TextComparitor.C, className);
      • getElementsByClassNameInclusive

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static java.util.Vector<java.util.Vector<HTMLNode>> getElementsByClassNameInclusive​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String className)
        Java-Script's Elements by Class Name function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements that are tagged with a specified CSS-Class

        These operations return the nodes that match the specified criteria.

        In this html search library, all the word 'inclusive' means, is that when an opening TagNode is found by an 'inclusive method', before returning that node, the matching, and closing pair of that TagNode, along with all HTMLNode's in-between, are included in the result.

        This, effectively, means that 'inclusive' methods will always return either a complete Vectorized-HTML Sub-List, or a DotPair instance instead. (DotPair's are simply wrappers for a Starting-Index integer and an Ending-Index integer that mean to demarcate a Sub-List.

        For instance, an HTML divider-element like <DIV class=someClass ...> ... </DIV> as an 'inclusive return-value' that will likely have many HTMLNode's in that returned list.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        className - This should be a valid HTML CSS 'CLASS' Attribute-Value (inner-tag value).
        A "list of lists" for each opening and closing HTML Element match.
        CSSStrException - Whenever the TextComparitor's for CSS 'Classes' are used, passed or invoked, the 'class-name', or list of class-name's (as String's) provided to the TextComparitor will be checked for validity according to CSS naming conventions. If parameter 'className' does not meet the strict requirements for CSS Class-Names, this exception will throw immediately.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagGetInclusive.all(html, "class", TextComparitor.C, className);
      • removeElementsByClassNameInclusive

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static int removeElementsByClassNameInclusive​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String className)
        Java-Script's Elements by Class Name function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements that are tagged with a specified CSS-Class

        These operations remove nodes that match the specified criteria, and then, afterwards, return an integer 'count' - informing the user how many nodes were actually removed.

        In this html search library, all the word 'inclusive' means, is that when an opening TagNode is found by an 'inclusive method', before returning that node, the matching, and closing pair of that TagNode, along with all HTMLNode's in-between, are included in the result.

        This, effectively, means that 'inclusive' methods will always return either a complete Vectorized-HTML Sub-List, or a DotPair instance instead. (DotPair's are simply wrappers for a Starting-Index integer and an Ending-Index integer that mean to demarcate a Sub-List.

        For instance, an HTML divider-element like <DIV class=someClass ...> ... </DIV> as an 'inclusive return-value' that will likely have many HTMLNode's in that returned list.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        className - This should be a valid HTML CSS 'CLASS' Attribute-Value (inner-tag value).
        The total number of HTML Nodes that were removed from the input-Vector 'html'
        CSSStrException - Whenever the TextComparitor's for CSS 'Classes' are used, passed or invoked, the 'class-name', or list of class-name's (as String's) provided to the TextComparitor will be checked for validity according to CSS naming conventions. If parameter 'className' does not meet the strict requirements for CSS Class-Names, this exception will throw immediately.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagRemoveInclusive.all(html, "class", TextComparitor.C, className);
      • peekElementsByClassNameInclusive

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static java.util.Vector<SubSectionpeekElementsByClassNameInclusive​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String className)
        Java-Script's Elements by Class Name function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements that are tagged with a specified CSS-Class

        The elements / nodes themselves, along with the Vector-indices where they were found / identified are returned as a single data-Object of type SubSection. Class SubSection and class TagNodeIndex both implement the Replaceable interface, meaning they can help improve the efficiency of large page-modification operations.

        These two classes differ in that class SubSection wraps an entire Sub-List, while class TagNodeIndex only wraps a single TagNode. Both have their location / index & HTML-Content information encapsulated, together in a single reference - as do all classes which implement Replaceable

        In this html search library, all the word 'inclusive' means, is that when an opening TagNode is found by an 'inclusive method', before returning that node, the matching, and closing pair of that TagNode, along with all HTMLNode's in-between, are included in the result.

        This, effectively, means that 'inclusive' methods will always return either a complete Vectorized-HTML Sub-List, or a DotPair instance instead. (DotPair's are simply wrappers for a Starting-Index integer and an Ending-Index integer that mean to demarcate a Sub-List.

        For instance, an HTML divider-element like <DIV class=someClass ...> ... </DIV> as an 'inclusive return-value' that will likely have many HTMLNode's in that returned list.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        className - This should be a valid HTML CSS 'CLASS' Attribute-Value (inner-tag value).
        A "list of lists" for each opening and closing HTML Element match. Instances of "SubSection" contain both the html sub-page as a vector, and the matching DotPair Vector index-pointer from the original Vector from whence they came.
        CSSStrException - Whenever the TextComparitor's for CSS 'Classes' are used, passed or invoked, the 'class-name', or list of class-name's (as String's) provided to the TextComparitor will be checked for validity according to CSS naming conventions. If parameter 'className' does not meet the strict requirements for CSS Class-Names, this exception will throw immediately.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagPeekInclusive.all(html, "class", TextComparitor.C, className);
      • pollElementsByClassNameInclusive

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static java.util.Vector<java.util.Vector<HTMLNode>> pollElementsByClassNameInclusive​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String className)
        Java-Script's Elements by Class Name function retrieves all HTML TagNode Elements that are tagged with a specified CSS-Class

        These operations simply behave like a combination of the 'Get' operation and the 'Remove' operation. In a 'Poll' styled method, HTMLNode's are first removed, and afterwards, these removed nodes are put into a list and returned back to the invoking method.

        In this html search library, all the word 'inclusive' means, is that when an opening TagNode is found by an 'inclusive method', before returning that node, the matching, and closing pair of that TagNode, along with all HTMLNode's in-between, are included in the result.

        This, effectively, means that 'inclusive' methods will always return either a complete Vectorized-HTML Sub-List, or a DotPair instance instead. (DotPair's are simply wrappers for a Starting-Index integer and an Ending-Index integer that mean to demarcate a Sub-List.

        For instance, an HTML divider-element like <DIV class=someClass ...> ... </DIV> as an 'inclusive return-value' that will likely have many HTMLNode's in that returned list.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        className - This should be a valid HTML CSS 'CLASS' Attribute-Value (inner-tag value).
        A "list of lists" for each opening and closing HTML Element match.
        CSSStrException - Whenever the TextComparitor's for CSS 'Classes' are used, passed or invoked, the 'class-name', or list of class-name's (as String's) provided to the TextComparitor will be checked for validity according to CSS naming conventions. If parameter 'className' does not meet the strict requirements for CSS Class-Names, this exception will throw immediately.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagPollInclusive.all(html, "class", TextComparitor.C, className);
      • countElementsByName

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static int countElementsByName​(java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                                              java.lang.String name)
        Java-Script's Elements by Name function retrieves all HTML Elements whose NAME-Attribute which matches a given name parameter.

        These operations return a count on the number of matches of the specified criteria.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        name - This should be a valid HTML 'NAME' Attribute- Value (inner-tag value). This a "pre-HTML-5" used tag, that has been largely deprecated, and subsequently replaced by the 'ID' and 'CLASS' CSS-Attributes.
        The number of 'TagNode' elements that match the specified input criteria.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagCount.all(html, "name", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, name);
      • findElementsByName

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static int[] findElementsByName​(java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                                               java.lang.String name)
        Java-Script's Elements by Name function retrieves all HTML Elements whose NAME-Attribute which matches a given name parameter.

        These operations return the integer Vector-indices which point to nodes in the original html-Vector that match the specified criteria.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        name - This should be a valid HTML 'NAME' Attribute- Value (inner-tag value). This a "pre-HTML-5" used tag, that has been largely deprecated, and subsequently replaced by the 'ID' and 'CLASS' CSS-Attributes.
        A list of integer vector-index pointers into the input vector parameter 'html.'
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagFind.all(html, "name", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, name);
      • getElementsByName

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static java.util.Vector<TagNodegetElementsByName​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String name)
        Java-Script's Elements by Name function retrieves all HTML Elements whose NAME-Attribute which matches a given name parameter.

        These operations return the nodes that match the specified criteria.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        name - This should be a valid HTML 'NAME' Attribute- Value (inner-tag value). This a "pre-HTML-5" used tag, that has been largely deprecated, and subsequently replaced by the 'ID' and 'CLASS' CSS-Attributes.
        A list of all 'TagNode' elements that match the specified input-criteria.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagGet.all(html, "name", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, name);
      • removeElementsByName

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static int removeElementsByName​(java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                                               java.lang.String name)
        Java-Script's Elements by Name function retrieves all HTML Elements whose NAME-Attribute which matches a given name parameter.

        These operations remove nodes that match the specified criteria, and then, afterwards, return an integer 'count' - informing the user how many nodes were actually removed.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        name - This should be a valid HTML 'NAME' Attribute- Value (inner-tag value). This a "pre-HTML-5" used tag, that has been largely deprecated, and subsequently replaced by the 'ID' and 'CLASS' CSS-Attributes.
        The total number of HTML Nodes that were removed from the input-Vector 'html'
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagRemove.all(html, "name", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, name);
      • peekElementsByName

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static java.util.Vector<TagNodeIndexpeekElementsByName​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String name)
        Java-Script's Elements by Name function retrieves all HTML Elements whose NAME-Attribute which matches a given name parameter.

        The elements / nodes themselves, along with the Vector-indices where the nodes were found / identified are both (simultaneously) returned together as a single data-class reference. This Java HTML Type is simply called TagNodeIndex. Remember, that class 'TagNodeIndex' implements the Replaceable interface, making it an efficient List-Modification class.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        name - This should be a valid HTML 'NAME' Attribute- Value (inner-tag value). This a "pre-HTML-5" used tag, that has been largely deprecated, and subsequently replaced by the 'ID' and 'CLASS' CSS-Attributes.
        A list of all 'TagNode' elements that match the specified input-criteria, along with the Vector-index as an integer included in the 'TagNodeIndex' return-type. class 'TagNodeIndex' includes both the 'TagNode', and the Vector-index from whence it came.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagPeek.all(html, "name", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, name);
      • pollElementsByName

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static java.util.Vector<TagNodepollElementsByName​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String name)
        Java-Script's Elements by Name function retrieves all HTML Elements whose NAME-Attribute which matches a given name parameter.

        These operations simply behave like a combination of the 'Get' operation and the 'Remove' operation. In a 'Poll' styled method, HTMLNode's are first removed, and afterwards, these removed nodes are put into a list and returned back to the invoking method.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        name - This should be a valid HTML 'NAME' Attribute- Value (inner-tag value). This a "pre-HTML-5" used tag, that has been largely deprecated, and subsequently replaced by the 'ID' and 'CLASS' CSS-Attributes.
        A list of all 'TagNode' elements that match the specified input-criteria.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagPoll.all(html, "name", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, name);
      • findElementsByNameInclusive

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static java.util.Vector<DotPairfindElementsByNameInclusive​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String name)
        Java-Script's Elements by Name function retrieves all HTML Elements whose NAME-Attribute which matches a given name parameter.

        These operations return the integer Vector-indices which point to nodes in the original html-Vector that match the specified criteria.

        In this html search library, all the word 'inclusive' means, is that when an opening TagNode is found by an 'inclusive method', before returning that node, the matching, and closing pair of that TagNode, along with all HTMLNode's in-between, are included in the result.

        This, effectively, means that 'inclusive' methods will always return either a complete Vectorized-HTML Sub-List, or a DotPair instance instead. (DotPair's are simply wrappers for a Starting-Index integer and an Ending-Index integer that mean to demarcate a Sub-List.

        For instance, an HTML divider-element like <DIV class=someClass ...> ... </DIV> as an 'inclusive return-value' that will likely have many HTMLNode's in that returned list.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        name - This should be a valid HTML 'NAME' Attribute- Value (inner-tag value). This a "pre-HTML-5" used tag, that has been largely deprecated, and subsequently replaced by the 'ID' and 'CLASS' CSS-Attributes.
        A "list of lists" where each DotPair element contains the starting and ending index-pointers (as integers, wrapped in a 'DotPair' instance) for each match of the input parameter criteria-specifications.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagFindInclusive.all(html, "name", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, name);
      • getElementsByNameInclusive

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static java.util.Vector<java.util.Vector<HTMLNode>> getElementsByNameInclusive​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String name)
        Java-Script's Elements by Name function retrieves all HTML Elements whose NAME-Attribute which matches a given name parameter.

        These operations return the nodes that match the specified criteria.

        In this html search library, all the word 'inclusive' means, is that when an opening TagNode is found by an 'inclusive method', before returning that node, the matching, and closing pair of that TagNode, along with all HTMLNode's in-between, are included in the result.

        This, effectively, means that 'inclusive' methods will always return either a complete Vectorized-HTML Sub-List, or a DotPair instance instead. (DotPair's are simply wrappers for a Starting-Index integer and an Ending-Index integer that mean to demarcate a Sub-List.

        For instance, an HTML divider-element like <DIV class=someClass ...> ... </DIV> as an 'inclusive return-value' that will likely have many HTMLNode's in that returned list.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        name - This should be a valid HTML 'NAME' Attribute- Value (inner-tag value). This a "pre-HTML-5" used tag, that has been largely deprecated, and subsequently replaced by the 'ID' and 'CLASS' CSS-Attributes.
        A "list of lists" for each opening and closing HTML Element match.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagGetInclusive.all(html, "name", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, name);
      • removeElementsByNameInclusive

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static int removeElementsByNameInclusive​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String name)
        Java-Script's Elements by Name function retrieves all HTML Elements whose NAME-Attribute which matches a given name parameter.

        These operations remove nodes that match the specified criteria, and then, afterwards, return an integer 'count' - informing the user how many nodes were actually removed.

        In this html search library, all the word 'inclusive' means, is that when an opening TagNode is found by an 'inclusive method', before returning that node, the matching, and closing pair of that TagNode, along with all HTMLNode's in-between, are included in the result.

        This, effectively, means that 'inclusive' methods will always return either a complete Vectorized-HTML Sub-List, or a DotPair instance instead. (DotPair's are simply wrappers for a Starting-Index integer and an Ending-Index integer that mean to demarcate a Sub-List.

        For instance, an HTML divider-element like <DIV class=someClass ...> ... </DIV> as an 'inclusive return-value' that will likely have many HTMLNode's in that returned list.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        name - This should be a valid HTML 'NAME' Attribute- Value (inner-tag value). This a "pre-HTML-5" used tag, that has been largely deprecated, and subsequently replaced by the 'ID' and 'CLASS' CSS-Attributes.
        The total number of HTML Nodes that were removed from the input-Vector 'html'
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagRemoveInclusive.all(html, "name", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, name);
      • peekElementsByNameInclusive

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static java.util.Vector<SubSectionpeekElementsByNameInclusive​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String name)
        Java-Script's Elements by Name function retrieves all HTML Elements whose NAME-Attribute which matches a given name parameter.

        The elements / nodes themselves, along with the Vector-indices where they were found / identified are returned as a single data-Object of type SubSection. Class SubSection and class TagNodeIndex both implement the Replaceable interface, meaning they can help improve the efficiency of large page-modification operations.

        These two classes differ in that class SubSection wraps an entire Sub-List, while class TagNodeIndex only wraps a single TagNode. Both have their location / index & HTML-Content information encapsulated, together in a single reference - as do all classes which implement Replaceable

        In this html search library, all the word 'inclusive' means, is that when an opening TagNode is found by an 'inclusive method', before returning that node, the matching, and closing pair of that TagNode, along with all HTMLNode's in-between, are included in the result.

        This, effectively, means that 'inclusive' methods will always return either a complete Vectorized-HTML Sub-List, or a DotPair instance instead. (DotPair's are simply wrappers for a Starting-Index integer and an Ending-Index integer that mean to demarcate a Sub-List.

        For instance, an HTML divider-element like <DIV class=someClass ...> ... </DIV> as an 'inclusive return-value' that will likely have many HTMLNode's in that returned list.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        name - This should be a valid HTML 'NAME' Attribute- Value (inner-tag value). This a "pre-HTML-5" used tag, that has been largely deprecated, and subsequently replaced by the 'ID' and 'CLASS' CSS-Attributes.
        A "list of lists" for each opening and closing HTML Element match. Instances of 'SubSection' contain both the html sub-page as a Vector, and the matching 'DotPair' Vector index-pointer from the original Vector from whence they came.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagPeekInclusive.all(html, "name", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, name);
      • pollElementsByNameInclusive

        🡅     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static java.util.Vector<java.util.Vector<HTMLNode>> pollElementsByNameInclusive​
                    (java.util.Vector<HTMLNode> html,
                     java.lang.String name)
        Java-Script's Elements by Name function retrieves all HTML Elements whose NAME-Attribute which matches a given name parameter.

        These operations simply behave like a combination of the 'Get' operation and the 'Remove' operation. In a 'Poll' styled method, HTMLNode's are first removed, and afterwards, these removed nodes are put into a list and returned back to the invoking method.

        In this html search library, all the word 'inclusive' means, is that when an opening TagNode is found by an 'inclusive method', before returning that node, the matching, and closing pair of that TagNode, along with all HTMLNode's in-between, are included in the result.

        This, effectively, means that 'inclusive' methods will always return either a complete Vectorized-HTML Sub-List, or a DotPair instance instead. (DotPair's are simply wrappers for a Starting-Index integer and an Ending-Index integer that mean to demarcate a Sub-List.

        For instance, an HTML divider-element like <DIV class=someClass ...> ... </DIV> as an 'inclusive return-value' that will likely have many HTMLNode's in that returned list.
        html - This may be any vectorized-html page, or sub-page.
        name - This should be a valid HTML 'NAME' Attribute- Value (inner-tag value). This a "pre-HTML-5" used tag, that has been largely deprecated, and subsequently replaced by the 'ID' and 'CLASS' CSS-Attributes.
        A "list of lists" for each opening and closing HTML Element match.
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return InnerTagPollInclusive.all(html, "name", TextComparitor.EQ_CI_TRM, name);