Package Torello.Java.Build
Class S08_SetMaxAge
- java.lang.Object
- Torello.Java.Build.S08_SetMaxAge
public class S08_SetMaxAge extends java.lang.Object
This is the last Build-Stage, and it is part of the synchronization of a project with Google Cloud Platform Stroage Buckets. This class relies heavily on the GCP Shell-Command'gsutil'
and it's Java implementation -Torello.Java.GSUTIL
This class' synchronization-efforts involve setting a simple Browser'CACHE-CONTROL'
configuration for all Java-Documentation Files on the relevant Google Cloud Server Storage-Bucket. The setting prevents browsers from caching Java-Doc Web-Pages so that development efforts where classes and their members are changing frequently won't be cached by the browser (and, therefore, won't impede developer-progress)!Build-Stage / Step Class: Primarily for Internal Use!
This class is really just included in this Java-Doc Collection in order to allow more curious Software-Engineers the ability to review how this Build-Tool operates.
if you have any interest in reviewing the code for how this stage / step actually works - you may do so easily. Simply click on the'HiLited'
Button at the top of this page, or on one of theHiLited Source Code
Links, directly below, and your browser should jump directly to this file's Source-Code.
Hi-Lited Source-Code:- View Here: Torello/Java/Build/
- Open New Browser-Tab: Torello/Java/Build/
File Size: 2,632 Bytes Line Count: 74 '\n' Characters Found
Stateless Class:This class neither contains any program-state, nor can it be instantiated. The@StaticFunctional
Annotation may also be called 'The Spaghetti Report'.Static-Functional
classes are, essentially, C-Styled Files, without any constructors or non-static member fields. It is a concept very similar to the Java-Bean's@Stateless
- 1 Constructor(s), 1 declared private, zero-argument constructor
- 1 Method(s), 1 declared static
- 0 Field(s)
Method Summary
Static & public Stage Invocation Method Modifier and Type Method static void
set(BuilderRecord brec)