Package Torello.Java

Class SED

  • public class SED
    extends java.lang.Object
    Based on the UNIX 'SED' Command, this class updates files based on either String-Literal matches & replacements, or or Regular-Expression matches.

    The original UNIX 'SED' command was usually used as a Programming Tool for making updates to Source-Code Files, or other types of coding related Text-Files.

    This class provides the ability to update files based on either String-Literal matches, or via matches made using a Regular-Expression Matcher object. This class provides a Text-Based interactive UI when processing these files, and for this reason, the methods are further divided into two categories. The first category of methods process Single-Line String-Literal or Regular-Expression matches, and the second category of methods process Multi-Line Matches. Again, the impetus for this design decision is essentially for the output printing to System.out that occurs.

    Note that all methods in this class accept several identical Configuration-Parameters. Parameters that are identical to all primary methods in this class are listed in the table below.

    Method Parameters

    Parameter Explanation
    Iterable<FileNode> files Accepts any Java Iterable containing files for 'SED' Processing. These files are intended to be Text-Files, and the updating that occurs will be based on String-Matches.

    Non-deterministic results will occur if a file is processed that cannot properly be loaded into a java.lang.String
    boolean askFirst Provides the user the option of skipping the System.out interactive process, and performing any / all updates without asking the user anything.

    When TRUE is passed to this parameter, the programmer will be queried before each File-System update. When passed FALSE, this parameter asks that all Update-Processing be done automatically, without any pauses to ask for permission.
    IOExceptionHandler ioeh Each file listed in Iterable Parameter 'files' will be loaded from the File-System, which is an operation that potentially throws Java's IOException. This handler is provided to allow a user to decide what to do if this exception is thrown during a File-System read or write.
    Appendable outputSaver In order to save a record / log of the output Terminal-Output sent by SED, pass any Appendable instance to this parameter. Text will be transmitted to this Appendable instance, in addition to being written to Standard-Output (System.out).

    This parameter may be passed null, and if it is, it will be silently ignored. Text output will continue to be sent to System.out (Standard-Output).

    Java's Appendable interface's append(...) methods allow for an IOException throw. If 'outputSaver' throws any IOException's, they will be wrapped in an AppendableError as the Cause-Throwable, and then re-thrown.
    boolean useUNIXColors When this parameter is passed TRUE, UNIX-Terminal Color Codes will be included in the User-Output. These color codes may be viewed in class C. When FALSE is passed, the Color-Code Terminal Escape-Sequences will be left out.
    Verbosity verbosity Sets the Verbosity Level. This parameter may be null, and if it is the level will default to Verbosity.Normal.

    NOTE: If Verbosity.Silent is chosen, parameter 'askFirst' must be passed FALSE, or an IllegalArgumentException will throw. This is because the option to query a user cannot function without Output Text.

    Stateless Class:
    This class neither contains any program-state, nor can it be instantiated. The @StaticFunctional Annotation may also be called 'The Spaghetti Report'. Static-Functional classes are, essentially, C-Styled Files, without any constructors or non-static member fields. It is a concept very similar to the Java-Bean's @Stateless Annotation.

    • 1 Constructor(s), 1 declared private, zero-argument constructor
    • 8 Method(s), 8 declared static
    • 2 Field(s), 2 declared static, 2 declared final

    • Field Summary

      FilenameFilter's for class FileNode's loadTree Methods
      Modifier and Type Field
      static FilenameFilter filterFilesHTML
      static FilenameFilter filterFilesJava
    • Method Summary

      Replace all instances of a Single-Line String in a list of Files
      Modifier and Type Method
      static List<FileNode> singleLine​(
         Iterable<FileNode> files,
         String matchStr,
         String replaceStr
      static List<FileNode> singleLine​(
         Iterable<FileNode> files,
         String matchStr,
         String replaceStr,
         boolean askFirst,
         IOExceptionHandler ioeh,
         Appendable outputSaver,
         boolean useUNIXColors,
         Verbosity verbosity
      Replace all instances of a Single-Line Regular-Expression in a list of Files
      Modifier and Type Method
      static List<FileNode> singleLine​(
         Iterable<FileNode> files,
         Pattern regEx,
         Function<MatchResult,​String> replaceFunction
      static List<FileNode> singleLine​(
         Iterable<FileNode> files,
         Pattern regEx,
         Function<MatchResult,​String> replaceFunction,
         boolean askFirst,
         IOExceptionHandler ioeh,
         Appendable outputSaver,
         boolean useUNIXColors,
         Verbosity verbosity
      Replace all instances of a Multi-Line String in a list of Files
      Modifier and Type Method
      static List<FileNode> multiLine​(
         Iterable<FileNode> files,
         String matchStr,
         String replaceStr
      static List<FileNode> multiLine​(
         Iterable<FileNode> files,
         String matchStr,
         String replaceStr,
         boolean askFirst,
         IOExceptionHandler ioeh,
         Appendable outputSaver,
         boolean useUNIXColors,
         Verbosity verbosity
      Replace all instances of a Multi-Line Regular-Expression in a list of Files
      Modifier and Type Method
      static List<FileNode> multiLine​(
         Iterable<FileNode> files,
         Pattern regEx,
         Function<MatchResult,​String> replaceFunction
      static List<FileNode> multiLine​(
         Iterable<FileNode> files,
         Pattern regEx,
         Function<MatchResult,​String> replaceFunction,
         boolean askFirst,
         IOExceptionHandler ioeh,
         Appendable outputSaver,
         boolean useUNIXColors,
         Verbosity verbosity
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Method Detail

      • singleLine

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static java.util.List<FileNodesingleLine​
                    (java.lang.Iterable<FileNode> files,
                     java.lang.String matchStr,
                     java.lang.String replaceStr,
                     boolean askFirst,
                     IOExceptionHandler ioeh,
                     java.lang.Appendable outputSaver,
                     boolean useUNIXColors,
                     Verbosity verbosity)
        Makes updates to Text-Files listed in parameter 'files'.

        In the example below, all '.java' Source-Code Files in the Java-HTML Library are loaded into a Vector<FileNode>. Using this particular 'SED' method, each substring that looks like <B>TRUE</B> (in all '.java' Source-Files) is converted to look like {@code TRUE}

         StringBuilder log = new StringBuilder();
         // Load all Java-HTML Source-Files (in all packages) into a FileNode-Vector
         Vector<FileNode> files = FileNode
              .loadTree(-1, SED.filterFilesJava, null)
         // Invoke this method
         singleLine(files, "<B>TRUE</B>", "{@code TRUE}", true, null, log, true, Verbosity.Normal);
         // Save the Changes that were made to a log
         FileRW.writeFile(log, "ChangesMade.log.txt");
        matchStr - Any Java String-Literal. It is required that this String not contain any new-line ('\n') characters, or an IllegalArgumentException will throw.
        replaceStr - For all 'files', each instance of the String-Literal parameter 'matchStr' found in any file will be replaced by 'replaceStr'.

        As with parameter 'matchStr', if this String contains any new-line ('\n') characters, an IllegalArgumentException will throw.
        A list of FileNode instances whose File-Contents were modified / updated by this method.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If either of the String parameters 'matchStr' or 'replaceStr' contain any newline ('\n') characters.

        If a 'SED' replacement needs to be done using a String-Match that spans more than one line, use the Multi-Line method provided in this class.
        AppendableError - If the Appendable parameter 'outputSaver' throws an IOException, then that exception is wrapped in an AppendableError (it is set as the Cause-Throwable) and re-thrown. - On File-System read / write error.
      • singleLine

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static java.util.List<FileNodesingleLine​
                    (java.lang.Iterable<FileNode> files,
                     java.util.regex.Pattern regEx,
                     java.util.function.Function<java.util.regex.MatchResult,​java.lang.String> replaceFunction,
                     boolean askFirst,
                     IOExceptionHandler ioeh,
                     java.lang.Appendable outputSaver,
                     boolean useUNIXColors,
                     Verbosity verbosity)
        Makes updates to Text-Files listed in parameter 'files'. Matches that are eligible for replacement are identified using the Regular-Expression parameter 'regEx'.

        Replacement-String's are obtained by invoking the 'replaceFunction' parameter.

        In the example below, all Java HTML Library Source-Files are loaded into a Vector<FileNode>, and then iterated by this method. In each file, any instances of an EMBED-Tag that contains a FILE-ID Data-Attribute whose value is wrapped in Double Quotation-Marks has that value extracted and re-inserted without any Quotation-Marks.

         StringBuilder log = new StringBuilder();
         // Load all Java-HTML Source-Files (in all packages) into a FileNode-Vector
         Vector<FileNode> files = FileNode
              .loadTree(-1, filterFilesJava, null)
         // Matches an <EMBED> Tag's FILE-ID Data-Attribute.  There are parenthesis placed around the
         // actual ID-Name.  The contents of the parenthesis are "Reg-Ex Match-Group #1"
         Pattern regEx = Pattern.compile("DATA-FILE-ID=\"(\\w+)\"");
         // This Function extracts Reg-Ex Group-1, and re-inserts it **WITHOUT** the Double
         // Quotation-Marks that were placed around it.  Look Closely at Previous Line of Code, the
         // 'replacer' function does not include the Double-Quotes.
         Function<MatchResult, String> replacer = (MatchResult mr) -> "DATA-FILE-ID=" +;
         // Invoke this method
         singleLine(files, regEx, replacer, true, null, log, true, Verbosity.Normal);
         // Write the changes that have been made to a log-file
         FileRW.writeFile(log, "ChangesMade.log.txt");
        regEx - Any Java Regular-Expression. This will be used to match against the text inside each file returned by the Iterable parameter 'files'.

        If this Regular-Expression returns a match that spans more than a single line of text, this method will throw an exception. To perform matches that span multiple lines of text, use the Multi-Line methods, provided by this class
        replaceFunction - Any Lambda-Expression or Function-Pointer that accepts a java.util.regex.MatchResult, and returns a Replacement-String.

        If this Replace-Function returns a match that contains any newline '\n' characters, this method will throw a RegExException.
        A list of FileNode instances whose File-Contents were modified / updated by this method.
        RegExExpression - Throws if the Pattern parameter 'regEx' returns a match that covers more than one line of text in any of the files that are scanned.

        This exception will also throw if the Lambda-Target / Function-Pointer parameter 'replaceFunction' ever returns a String that spans multiple lines.

        In both of these cases, the logic simply checks for the presence of a newline '\n' character.
        AppendableError - If the Appendable parameter 'outputSaver' throws an IOException, then that exception is wrapped in an AppendableError (it is set as the Cause-Throwable) and re-thrown. - On File-System read / write error.
      • multiLine

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static java.util.List<FileNodemultiLine​
                    (java.lang.Iterable<FileNode> files,
                     java.lang.String matchStr,
                     java.lang.String replaceStr,
                     boolean askFirst,
                     IOExceptionHandler ioeh,
                     java.lang.Appendable outputSaver,
                     boolean useUNIXColors,
                     Verbosity verbosity)
        Makes updates to Text-Files listed in parameter 'files'.

        Single-Line & Multi-Line:
        If either parameters 'matchStr' or 'replaceStr' receive a String that does not actually contain any new-line characters ('\n'), this method will not throw any exceptions. All User-Requested Text-Updates will be processed to completion!

        This somewhat in contrast to method 'singleLine' which will, indeed, throw an IllegalArgumentException if either 'matchStr' or 'replaceStr' contain newline characters.
        matchStr - Any Java String-Literal.
        replaceStr - For all 'files', each instance of the String-Literal parameter 'matchStr' found in any file will be replaced by 'replaceStr'.
        A list of FileNode instances whose File-Contents were modified / updated by this method.
        AppendableError - If the Appendable parameter 'outputSaver' throws an IOException, then that exception is wrapped in an AppendableError (it is set as the Cause-Throwable) and re-thrown. - On File-System read / write error.
      • multiLine

        🡅     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public static java.util.List<FileNodemultiLine​
                    (java.lang.Iterable<FileNode> files,
                     java.util.regex.Pattern regEx,
                     java.util.function.Function<java.util.regex.MatchResult,​java.lang.String> replaceFunction,
                     boolean askFirst,
                     IOExceptionHandler ioeh,
                     java.lang.Appendable outputSaver,
                     boolean useUNIXColors,
                     Verbosity verbosity)
        Makes updates to Text-Files listed in parameter 'files'.

        Single-Line & Multi-Line:
        When unsure whether to use the 'singleLine' versus the 'multiLine' variants class , given a 'regEx' that might match either one or many lines of text - always use the Multi-Line Version (this method) to avoid exception throws!

        The main differences between methods 'singleLine' and 'multiLine' lays with the formatting of the User-Output Text that is printed by this method as matches are found.

        This method can easily handle falling back to printing only one line of Matching-Text. However, 'singleLine' is simply incapable of printing a Multi-Line Regular-Expression Match, and will instead throw an exception if such a match is identified.
        regEx - Any Java Regular-Expression. This will be used to match against the text inside each file returned by the Iterable parameter 'files'.

        The Regular-Expression passed may match any number of characters or lines in the Source-File. If just one line of the original file is matched by 'regEx', this is perfectly fine and will not produce any exception throws.

        This method's User Output-Text Printing-Mechanism is written to handle 'regEx' Match-Text of any size.
        replaceFunction - Any Lambda-Expression or Function-Pointer that accepts a java.util.regex.MatchResult, and returns a Replacement-String.
        A list of FileNode instances whose File-Contents were modified / updated by this method.
        AppendableError - If the Appendable parameter 'outputSaver' throws an IOException, then that exception is wrapped in an AppendableError (it is set as the Cause-Throwable) and re-thrown. - On File-System read / write error.