• public class EXPORT_PORTAL
    extends java.lang.Object
    IMPORTANT NOTE: Have a "rocket science" moment, and accept that all this is doing is facilitating the "preservation" of the PACKAGE-PRIVATE levels of privacy on these methods, fields and constructors after "The Big Move"

    Note that "The Big Move" was putting all of the classes that were deemed "HTML Processors" to sub-directories & sub-packages. Primary User-API classes (such as "JavaDocHTMLFile" and others like "ReflHTML") are still in the main-directory / main-package.

    The only two options were to make all of these methods, fields and constructors public or to create this portal class!!

    The reason keeping these methods, fields & constructors package-private is that once this the Upgrader is truly finished, "The API" that users see should make sense, and they shouldn't be bothered with internal coding/logic decisions that they aren't supposed to use.

    The stuff "exported" below are used by the sub-packages, which are not exported to the API at all. The end user doesn't need to know a thing about any of these. YES it would be easy to cheat using these, but there is no point. The "readability" of the classes that are listed above is still preserved. Knock yourself out, there would be no point...

    All "Details Sections" in this class have been removed.

    Stateless Class:
    This class neither contains any program-state, nor can it be instantiated. The @StaticFunctional Annotation may also be called 'The Spaghetti Report'. Static-Functional classes are, essentially, C-Styled Files, without any constructors or non-static member fields. It is a concept very similar to the Java-Bean's @Stateless Annotation.

    • 1 Constructor(s), 1 declared private, zero-argument constructor
    • 9 Method(s), 9 declared static
    • 0 Field(s)

    • Method Summary

      Package-Private JavaDocHTMLFile
      Modifier and Type Method
      static Hashtable<String,​Integer> JavaDocHTMLFile$checkValidity​(JavaDocHTMLFile jdhf)
      static void JavaDocHTMLFile$commitChanges​(JavaDocHTMLFile jdhf)
      static void JavaDocHTMLFile$commitFileToDisk​(JavaDocHTMLFile jdhf)
      Package-Private SummaryTableHTML
      Modifier and Type Method
      static TagNodeIndex SummaryTableHTML$cinzelH3​(SummaryTableHTML<?> stHTML)
      static Vector<HTMLNode> SummaryTableHTML$headerRow​(SummaryTableHTML<?> stHTML)
      static <ENTITY extends Declaration>
      SummaryTableHTML$setTableRows​(SummaryTableHTML<ENTITY> stHTML, Vector<Vector<HTMLNode>> tableRows, Vector<ENTITY> rowEntities)
      Package-Private PackageSummaryHTML
      Modifier and Type Method
      static Torello.JDUInternal.Features.SORT_TYPES_FRAMES_SUMMARIES.D1_PkgSort PackageSummaryHTML$sorter​(PackageSummaryHTML psHTML)
      Package-Private Declaration
      Modifier and Type Method
      static String Declaration$codeHiLiteString​(Declaration d)
      Package-Private Upgrade
      Modifier and Type Method
      static void Upgrade$registerEliminatedBuildPackages​(Upgrade upgrade, ReadOnlyList<BuildPackage> eliminatedBuildPackages)
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait