Class SummaryTableHTML<ENTITY extends Declaration>

  • Type Parameters:
    ENTITY - This will take one of six type's: Method, Constructor, Field, EnumConstant, AnnotationElem or NestedType. The HTML contained by this class correspond directly to the HTML contained by a Summary-Table of one of section of one of these Entities / Members.

    public class SummaryTableHTML<ENTITY extends Declaration>
    extends java.lang.Object
    Optional-Extension Class of a Basic-Upgrade:
    Running a Standard-Upgrade on a Java-Doc Web-Page Directory-Tree only requires building an instance of class Upgrade, and executing its upgrade() method!

    The Standard-Upgrade Process will insert CSS-Tags, Hi-Lite Properly-Marked Code-Snippet <DIV>'s, Hi-Lite all Method-Bodies & Field-Declarations, and even create Navigation-Menu Links. If more fine-grained control is needed, this class provides direct access to the Java Doc Web-Page HTML.

    Accessing this Class:
    This class may be accessed by utilizing a configuration method in class Upgrade, specifically calling:

    Upgrade.setExtraTasks(Consumer<JavaDocHTMLFile> handler)

    ... with a handler (a java.util.function.Consumer instance) that receives a JavaDocHTMLFile instance.

    Class JavaDocHTMLFile provides access to every HTML Component on a Java-Doc Web-Page. If programmatic changes to a Java-Doc Web-Page are needed, these Reflection-API classes make it easy to change, update, remove & add-to the HTML on these pages. Simply registering a handler with the Upgrader, make the necessary improvements, and they will be incorporated into the final-output HTML-Page.

    Again, class JavaDocHTMLFile has getters for: HeaderFooterHTML, SummaryTableHTML and ReflHTML

    Creating an instance of one of the two offered "User-Processor" classes - both of which have several listener/handler methods - is also a great way to access the Reflection-HTML API. These two Java Interfaces are:

    This class stores the HTML for a Summary-Table - which is the table at the top of a Java Doc Page listing all of one type of entities present in the CIET/Type.

    This Class May be Used to Programmatically Modify JavaDoc HTML

    Modifying JavaDoc HTML can be done using: JavaDocHTMLFile, SummaryTableHTML, ReflHTML and HeaderFooterHTML.

    To get instances of these classes, just register a listener with the Upgrader using: Upgrade.setExtraTasks
    This is optional, as the Standard Upgrader-Features do not necessitate use of this class.

    There are several possible Summary-Tables, inclusive of:

    • Method Summaries
    • Field Summaries
    • Constructor Summaries
    • Enum Constant Summaries
    • Optional Annotation Element Summaries
    • Requires Annotation Element Summaries
    • Inner-Class Summaries

    • Field Detail

      • serialVersionUID

        🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        protected static final long serialVersionUID
        This fulfils the SerialVersion UID requirement for all classes that implement Java's interface Using the Serializable Implementation offered by java is very easy, and can make saving program state when debugging a lot easier. It can also be used in place of more complicated systems like "hibernate" to store data as well.
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
        Exact Field Declaration Expression:
         protected static final long serialVersionUID = 1;
    • Method Detail

      • numRows

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public int numRows()
        Retrieve the total number of Table-Rows in the Summary-Table.
        The number of HTML <TR>...</TR> elements in this Summary-Table
        Exact Method Body:
         return tableRows.size();
      • numTitleBarRows

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public int numTitleBarRows()
        Retrieve the number of Table-Rows that have Title-Bars in this Summary-Table.
        The number of HTML <TR>...</TR> elements in this Summary-Table which contain Title-Bars, rather than entity/member signature URL-Links.
        Exact Method Body:
         int counter = 0;
         for (ENTITY e : rowEntities) if (e == null) counter++;
         return counter;
      • numSignatureRows

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public int numSignatureRows()
        Retrieve the number of Entity/Member Signatures which occupy a Table-Row in this Summary-Table
        The number of HTML <TR>...</TR> elements in this Summary-Table which contain entity/member signature URL-Links.
        Exact Method Body:
         int counter = 0;
         for (ENTITY e : rowEntities) if (e != null) counter++;
         return counter;
      • memberRows

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public boolean[] memberRows()
        This method simply scans the internal 'rowEntities' list / Vector to check each element to determine if it contains one of the User-Provided descriptive orange-banner titles, or contains an actual Entity/Member URL-Link.

        The members of a type are listed in enum Entity. JavaDoc Upgrader refers to Class or Interface members as "Entities." A Summary-Table on a Java-Doc Page - after a Summary HTML Table Sort - will have some HTML Table-Rows with Members / Entities, and some Rows having orange-colored horizontal banner Title-Bars.

        When the HTML Table-Row ('<TR> ... </TR>') has an <A>-URL link to one of the members of the class (a method, field, constructor, etc...), the returned array will contain TRUE for that index. When the row contains a Title-Bar, the array-index for that row will contain FALSE.
        A boolean[]-Array whose length is equal to the number of rows in this Summary-Table, and whose boolean values are TRUE if the Table-Row contains a URL-Link to one of the entities (Methods, Constructors, Fields, etc...) of the CIET / Type.
        Exact Method Body:
         boolean[]   ret = new boolean[rowEntities.size()];
         int         i   = 0;
         for (ENTITY e : rowEntities) ret[i++] = (e != null);
         return ret;
      • getRowDetail

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public ReflHTML<ENTITYgetRowDetail​(int rowIndex)
        If you have a chosen / desired HTML Summary-Table Row (with a selected summary element/item) - you may pass the table-row index of that item to retrieve the rowIndexth instance of ReflHTML that contains the Detail-Element Parsed-HTML corresponding to that row.
        rowIndex - Any one of the Summary-HTML Table-Rows. Each Summary-Table Row is either a Title-Bar <TR> / Row, or it is a Entity / Member Table <TR> Row. Entity-Rows are HTML <TR>-Rows that simply contain an Anchor <A> link to one of this CIET's Members / Entites.

        For example, if 'this' Summary-Table instance were for Method's, and the Table-Row index for the 'toString()' Method were passed to parameter 'rowIndex', this method would return the ReflHTML for the toString Method.

        The returned ReflHTML instance would contain all of the parsed HTML information for the method toString.

        If this parameter points to a Table-Row that contains an Orange-Colored Title-Bar (generated by the Summary-Sorters), rather than an Entity/Member Signature, then this method will return null.
        The parsed detailed HTML explanation for the Summary-Table item chosen by parameter 'rowIndex'.

        IMPORTANT: When parameter 'rowIndex' is passed a value that is not out of bounds for the 'rowEntities' vector, but is a row that contains an orange Title-Bar, in such cases there is no detail-member (no instance of ReflHTML) to return. When a 'rowIndex' for a Title-Bar row is passed, this method will return null, gracefully.
        java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - If rowIndex is not properly chosen as per the number of rows in the table. If there are '10' rows-items in this table, then the rowIndex parameter should be between '0' and '9'.
        Exact Method Body:
         // Look up the "rowIndex" row in the "rowEntities" vector which just contains the list of
         // rows on this Summary HTML Table.  The "ENTITY" is one of the 5 reflected-HTML classes
         // used by this package (Method, Field, Constructor etc...)
         ENTITY selectedEntityMember = rowEntities.elementAt(rowIndex);
         // Some rows contain only title information.  In such cases, there is no detail-element
         // associated with this table-row.  It is just a title!!  When the user has passed a title
         // row to parameter 'rowIndex', just return null.
         if (selectedEntityMember == null) return null;
         // Use JavaDocHTMLFile.findReflHTML(int, Class) to get the ReflHTML needed.
         // NOTE: this.tableType.upgraderReflectionClass <==> ENTITY.class
         return (ReflHTML<ENTITY>) jdhf.findReflHTML
             (, this.tableType.upgraderReflectionClass);
      • getRowHTML

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public java.util.Vector<HTMLNodegetRowHTML​(int rowIndex)
        Retrieve the ith HTML <TR> (row) from this Summary-Table

        Entity-Member Rows:
        If 'rowIndex' is pointing to one of the entities / members of the class (such as a Field, Method or Constructor etc...), then the HTML <A ...> Anchor-URL for that Entity is returned. The returned HTML-Vector will contain everything between the <TR> and the </TR> for that Table-Row.

        Title-Bar Rows:
        Not every row in a Summary-Table is guaranteed to have an Entity/Member Signature instance. Bear in mind that whenever a user sorts Summary-Table Row's into Categories or Sections, then any & all Section / Category Title-Bar Rows will be present in the Summary-Table HTML.

        Title-Bar rows are the horizontal, fading-orange bars that line the Table of Contents (Summary-Tables). These orange-colored banners have a brief, one-sentence description for a small group of methods, fields or constructors.

        If parameter 'rowIndex' is pointing to a Title-Bar, then the parsed HTML-Vector for that Title-Bar is returned.

        In all other cases, the entity/member Signature is returned as a result from a call to this method.
        rowIndex - The row number to retrieve
        All HTML between the <TR> and the </TR> for one table-summary row.
        java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - If 'rowIndex' is not within the bounds of the list of rows
        Exact Method Body:
         return tableRows.elementAt(rowIndex);
      • getRowEntity

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public ENTITY getRowEntity​(int rowIndex)
        Retrieve the ith entity. The returned instance will be one of the six subclasses of class Declaration, as decided by the type-parameter ENTITY.

        Entity-Member Rows:
        If 'rowIndex' is pointing to one of the entities / members of the class (such as a Field, Method or Constructor etc...), then the reflected-class for that Method, Field, Constructor is returned. If 'this' Summary-Table has Generic-Type SummaryTableHTML<Field>, then the returned SummaryTableHTML will be a Field class instance.

        Title-Bar Rows:
        Not every row in a Summary-Table is guaranteed to have an Entity/Member Signature instance. Bear in mind that whenever a user sorts Summary-Table Row's into Categories or Sections, then any & all Section / Category Title-Bar Rows will be present in the Summary-Table HTML.

        Title-Bar rows are the horizontal, fading-orange bars that line the Table of Contents (Summary-Tables). These orange-colored banners have a brief, one-sentence description for a small group of methods, fields or constructors.

        If parameter 'rowIndex' is pointing to a Title-Bar, then this method shall default and return null!
        rowIndex - The entity-number (row-number) to retrieve from this Summary-Table.
        The refected-information for one Summary-Table row.

        Type-Parameter ENTITY:
        This Class' Type-Parameter 'ENTITY' specifies what kind of Summary-Table is being encapsulated by 'this' instance. When Java-Doc builds a Web-Page for a class / type, it can create a table for each of up to six different kinds of Entity's or members.

        The six kinds of Entity's / members are: Methods, Fields, Constructors, EnumConstants, AnnotationElems and NestedTypes. The Generic Type-Parameter 'ENTITY' must be equal to exactly one of these six aforementioned classes.
        java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - If 'rowIndex' is not within the bounds of the list of rows
        Exact Method Body:
         return rowEntities.elementAt(rowIndex);
      • getRowEntityAndHTML

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public Ret2<ENTITY,​java.util.Vector<HTMLNode>> getRowEntityAndHTML​
                    (int rowIndex)
        Retrieve both the row-HTML and the reflected-entity information for the ith row in this Summary-Table.

        Not every row in a Summary-Table is guaranteed to have a Member Signature. When Summary-Table's are sorted into categories or sections, then a Summary-Table may also have a Title-Bar row. It is (hopefully) obvious that a Title-Bar row would not contain an associated 'ENTITY' (Method, Field, Constructor, etc...).
        rowIndex - The entity-number / row-number to retrieve from this Summary-Table.
        An instance of Ret2:

        • Ret2.a, of type 'ENTITY' (this class sole type-parameter).
          If parameter 'rowIndex' points to a 'Title-Bar' row, rather than a CIET/Type row, then Ret2.a will contain null.

        • Ret2.b, of type Vector<HTMLNode>.
          This will usually contain a Member/ Entity Signature, as a parsed HTML-Vector. If parameter 'rowIndex' is pointing to a Title-Bar Row, then the HTML-Vector that's returned will contain the Title-Bar's HTML.

        Type-Parameter ENTITY:
        This Class' Type-Parameter 'ENTITY' specifies what kind of Summary-Table is being encapsulated by 'this' instance. When Java-Doc builds a Web-Page for a class / type, it can create a table for each of up to six different kinds of Entity's or members.

        The six kinds of Entity's / members are: Methods, Fields, Constructors, EnumConstants, AnnotationElems and NestedTypes. The Generic Type-Parameter 'ENTITY' must be equal to exactly one of these six aforementioned classes.
        java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - If 'rowIndex' is not within the bounds of the list of rows
        Exact Method Body:
         return new Ret2<>(rowEntities.elementAt(rowIndex), tableRows.elementAt(rowIndex));
      • getRowDetailAndHTML

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public Ret2<ReflHTML<ENTITY>,​java.util.Vector<HTMLNode>> getRowDetailAndHTML​
                    (int rowIndex)
        Retrieve both the row-HTML and and the corresponding / matching instance of ReflHTML for the ith row in this Summary-Table

        Not every row in a Summary-Table is guaranteed to have a Member Signature. When Summary-Table's are sorted into categories or sections, then a Summary-Table may also have a Title-Bar row. It is (hopefully) obvious that a Title-Bar row would not contain an associated 'ReflHTML' HTML Data-Object either.
        rowIndex - The entity-number / row-number to retrieve from this Summary-Table.
        An instance of Ret2:

        • Ret2.a, of type ReflHTML<ENTITY>.
          An instance of 'ReflHTML' contains the entire parsed-HTML Detail-Element, broken down into it's constituent parts.

          If parameter 'rowIndex' points to a 'Title-Bar' row, rather than a CIET/Type row, then Ret2.a will contain null.

        • Ret2.b, of type Vector<HTMLNode>.
          This will usually contain a Member/ Entity Signature, as a parsed HTML-Vector. If parameter 'rowIndex' is pointing to a Title-Bar Row, then the HTML-Vector that's returned will contain the Title-Bar's HTML.

        Type-Parameter ENTITY:
        This Class' Type-Parameter 'ENTITY' specifies what kind of Summary-Table is being encapsulated by 'this' instance. When Java-Doc builds a Web-Page for a class / type, it can create a table for each of up to six different kinds of Entity's or members.

        The six kinds of Entity's / members are: Methods, Fields, Constructors, EnumConstants, AnnotationElems and NestedTypes. The Generic Type-Parameter 'ENTITY' must be equal to exactly one of these six aforementioned classes.
        java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException - If i is not within the bounds of the list of rows
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         return new Ret2<>(getRowDetail(rowIndex), tableRows.elementAt(rowIndex));
      • rowHTMLStream

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public<java.util.Vector<HTMLNode>> rowHTMLStream()
        A Stream that contains this Summary-Table's rows, as Vectorized-HTML
        A stream of Vectorized-HTML Table-Rows for this Summary-Table.

        Note that a Java Stream is easily converted into just about any necessary data-type, as explained in the table below:

        Conversion-Target Stream-Method Invocation
        T[] Stream.toArray(T[]::new); /* Use Actual Class of T, generic array creation is not allowed in Java. */
        List<T> Stream.collect(Collectors.toList());
        Vector<T> Stream.collect(Collectors.toCollection(Vector::new));
        TreeSet<T> Stream.collect(Collectors.toCollection(TreeSet::new));
        Iterator<T> Stream.iterator();
        Exact Method Body:
      • rowEntityStream

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        A Stream that contains all Summary-Table row-entities, as instances of the reflected information class ENTITY (this class' sole type-parameter).

        Generic Type-Parameter ENTITY will be one of the six concrete subclasses of class Declaration.
        A stream of entities contained by this Summary-Table.

        Type-Parameter ENTITY:
        This Class' Type-Parameter 'ENTITY' specifies what kind of Summary-Table is being encapsulated by 'this' instance. When Java-Doc builds a Web-Page for a class / type, it can create a table for each of up to six different kinds of Entity's or members.

        The six kinds of Entity's / members are: Methods, Fields, Constructors, EnumConstants, AnnotationElems and NestedTypes. The Generic Type-Parameter 'ENTITY' must be equal to exactly one of these six aforementioned classes.

        Note that a Java Stream is easily converted into just about any necessary data-type, as explained in the table below:

        Conversion-Target Stream-Method Invocation
        T[] Stream.toArray(T[]::new); /* Use Actual Class of T, generic array creation is not allowed in Java. */
        List<T> Stream.collect(Collectors.toList());
        Vector<T> Stream.collect(Collectors.toCollection(Vector::new));
        TreeSet<T> Stream.collect(Collectors.toCollection(TreeSet::new));
        Iterator<T> Stream.iterator();
        Exact Method Body:
      • entityAndHTMLStream

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public<Ret2<ENTITY,​java.util.Vector<HTMLNode>>> entityAndHTMLStream
        Retrieve a Stream that contains every Summary-Table Row.

        The specific contents of this Stream are instances of Ret2, which contain both the reflected-entity information (instance of Type-Parameter ENTITY) and the Vectorized-HTML Table-Row, as well.
        A Java Stream containing instances of Ret2:

        • Ret2.a, of type 'ENTITY' (this class sole type-parameter).
          If parameter 'rowIndex' points to a 'Title-Bar' row, rather than a CIET/Type row, then Ret2.a will contain null.

        • Ret2.b, of type Vector<HTMLNode>.
          This will usually contain a Member/ Entity Signature, as a parsed HTML-Vector. If parameter 'rowIndex' is pointing to a Title-Bar Row, then the HTML-Vector that's returned will contain the Title-Bar's HTML.

        Type-Parameter ENTITY:
        This Class' Type-Parameter 'ENTITY' specifies what kind of Summary-Table is being encapsulated by 'this' instance. When Java-Doc builds a Web-Page for a class / type, it can create a table for each of up to six different kinds of Entity's or members.

        The six kinds of Entity's / members are: Methods, Fields, Constructors, EnumConstants, AnnotationElems and NestedTypes. The Generic Type-Parameter 'ENTITY' must be equal to exactly one of these six aforementioned classes.
        Exact Method Body:
         Stream.Builder<Ret2<ENTITY, Vector<HTMLNode>>> b = Stream.builder();
         for (int rowIndex=0; rowIndex < rowEntities.size(); rowIndex++)
             b.accept(new Ret2<>(rowEntities.elementAt(rowIndex), tableRows.elementAt(rowIndex)));
      • reflAndHTMLStream

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public<Ret2<ReflHTML<ENTITY>,​java.util.Vector<HTMLNode>>> reflAndHTMLStream
        Retrieve the entire list of Table-Rows in this HTML Summary-Table into a Vector.
        A Java Stream containing instances of Ret2:

        • Ret2.a, of type ReflHTML<ENTITY>.
          An instance of 'ReflHTML' contains the entire parsed-HTML Detail-Element, broken down into it's constituent parts.

          If parameter 'rowIndex' points to a 'Title-Bar' row, rather than a CIET/Type row, then Ret2.a will contain null.

        • Ret2.b, of type Vector<HTMLNode>.
          This will usually contain a Member/ Entity Signature, as a parsed HTML-Vector. If parameter 'rowIndex' is pointing to a Title-Bar Row, then the HTML-Vector that's returned will contain the Title-Bar's HTML.

        Type-Parameter ENTITY:
        This Class' Type-Parameter 'ENTITY' specifies what kind of Summary-Table is being encapsulated by 'this' instance. When Java-Doc builds a Web-Page for a class / type, it can create a table for each of up to six different kinds of Entity's or members.

        The six kinds of Entity's / members are: Methods, Fields, Constructors, EnumConstants, AnnotationElems and NestedTypes. The Generic Type-Parameter 'ENTITY' must be equal to exactly one of these six aforementioned classes.
        Exact Method Body:
         Stream.Builder<Ret2<ReflHTML<ENTITY>, Vector<HTMLNode>>> b = Stream.builder();
         for (int rowIndex=0; rowIndex < rowEntities.size(); rowIndex++)
             b.accept(new Ret2<>(getRowDetail(rowIndex), tableRows.elementAt(rowIndex)));
      • find

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public int find​(java.lang.String name)
        Retrieves the first Entity/Member whose name matches name. When searching a SummaryTableHTML<Field>, SummaryTableHTML<EnumConstant> or SummaryTableHTML<AnnotationElem>, the name of the entity/member will uniquely identify it amongst the others in the table.

        Due to Java's function overloading, there may be many cases where a member 'name' is not sufficient to uniquely identify it (for Method's and Constructor's). In such cases (e.g. overloaded methods) this method simply return the index of the first match it finds.
        name - The name of the entity / member, as a java.lang.String
        The index of the (first) HTML Table-Row that contains the specified Entity. If this Summary-Table does not have any member-signatures by that 'name', then -1 will be returned.
        Exact Method Body:
         ENTITY e = null;
         for (int i=0; i < rowEntities.size(); i++)
             // After a sort, all Title-Rows have null Row-Entity elements
             // Make sure to skip any row completely if it is a Title-Row
             if ((e = rowEntities.elementAt(i)) != null)
                 if (
                     return i;
         return -1;
      • findFirst

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public int findFirst​(java.lang.String methodOrCtorName)
        Retrieves the first Entity/Member whose name matches 'methodOrCtorName'.

        Callable's Only:
        This method should only be invoked on Method or Constructor Summary Table's (otherwise an exception shall throw).
        methodOrCtorName - The name of the callable (method or constructor) for which you are searching. Note that if you are looking for a constructor, this String should be the same as the CIET/Type class-name whose summaries you are searching.
        The index of the first HTML Table-Row that matches this specified name. If this Summary-Table does not have any (Method or Constructor) Member-Signatures by that name, then -1 is returned.
        SummaryTableException - This method should only be invoked on SummaryTableHTML instances that have Callable's (Method or Constructor) as their table-type. If it is invoked on a SummaryTableHTML<Field>, for instance, then this exception would throw.
        Exact Method Body:
         ENTITY e = null;
         for (int i=0; i < rowEntities.size(); i++)
             // After a sort, all Title-Rows have null Row-Entity elements
             // Make sure to skip any row completely if it is a Title-Row
             if ((e = rowEntities.elementAt(i)) != null)
                 if (
                     return i;
         return -1;
      • findFirst

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public int findFirst​(java.lang.String methodOrCtorName,
                             int numParams)
        Retrieves the first Entity/Member whose name matches 'methodOrCtorName', and accepts 'numParams' parameters.

        Callable's Only:
        This method should only be invoked on Method or Constructor Summary Table's (otherwise an exception shall throw).
        methodOrCtorName - The name of the callable (method or constructor) for which you are searching. Note that if you are looking for a constructor, this String should be the same as the CIET/Type class-name whose summaries you are searching.
        The index of the first HTML Table-Row that matches the provided specifications. If this Summary-Table does not have any Member-Signatures with that name and accepting the specified number of parameters, then this method returns -1.
        SummaryTableException - This method should only be invoked on SummaryTableHTML instances that have Callable's (Method or Constructor) as their table-type. If it is invoked on a SummaryTableHTML<Field>, for instance, then this exception would throw.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the value passed to the 'numParams' parameter is less than '1', then this method will throw an exception. Callable's cannot accept a negative number of arguments, and to find a zero-argument Callable, the standard find(String name) method should be used.
        Exact Method Body:
         for (int i=0; i < rowEntities.size(); i++)
             ENTITY e = rowEntities.elementAt(i);
             // After a sort, all Title-Rows have null Row-Entity elements
             // Make sure to skip any row completely if it is a Title-Row
             if (e == null) continue;
             if (
                 if (((Callable) e).numParameters() == numParams)
                     return i;
         return -1;
      • findAll

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public findAll​
                    (java.lang.String methodOrCtorName)
        Retrieves all Entities/Member Table-Row Indices whose name matches 'methodOrCtorName'.

        Callable's Only:
        This method should only be invoked on Method or Constructor Summary Table's (otherwise an exception shall throw).
        methodOrCtorName - The name of the callable (method or constructor) for which you are searching. Note that if you are looking for a constructor, this String should be the same as the CIET/Type class-name whose summaries you are searching.
        A Java IntStream of all indices for table-rows that match. If no matches are found, then the empty-stream is returned.

        Remember that a Java Int-Stream is easily & quickly converted to an int[]-Array using the class IntStream method 'toArray()'.

         int[] tableRows = methodSummTable.findAll("someMethodName").toArray();
        SummaryTableException - This method should only be invoked on SummaryTableHTML instances that have Callable's (Method or Constructor) as their table-type. If it is invoked on a SummaryTableHTML<Field>, for instance, then this exception would throw.
        Exact Method Body:
         IntStream.Builder   b = IntStream.builder();
         ENTITY              e = null;
         for (int i=0; i < rowEntities.size(); i++)
             // After a sort, all Title-Rows have null Row-Entity elements
             // Make sure to skip any row completely if it is a Title-Row
             if ((e = rowEntities.elementAt(i)) != null)
                 if (
      • findAll

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public findAll​
                    (java.lang.String methodOrCtorName,
                     int numParams)
        Retrieves the first Entity/Member Table-Row Index whose name matches 'methodOrCtorName', and accepts 'numParams' parameters.

        Callable's Only:
        This method should only be invoked on Method or Constructor Summary Table's (otherwise an exception shall throw).
        methodOrCtorName - The name of the callable (method or constructor) for which you are searching. Note that if you are looking for a constructor, this String should be the same as the CIET/Type class-name whose summaries you are searching.
        numParams - This parameter should identify how many params are accepted by the Callable (Method or Constructor) for which you are searching.

        NOTE: If you are attempting to find a zero-argument Method or Constructor, the name of that Callable would uniquely identify it amongst other Callable's of the same name. Only Callable's that accept at least one parameter can be overloaded!

        To find a zero-argument Callable, please use the method: find(String name). This method will throw an IllegalArgumentException if the value passed to this parameter is less than '1'
        A Java IntStream of all indices for table-rows that match. If no matches are found, then the empty-stream is returned.

        Remember that a Java Int-Stream is easily & quickly converted to an int[]-Array using the class IntStream method 'toArray()'.

         int[] tableRows = methodSummTable.findAll("someMethodName", 1).toArray();
        SummaryTableException - This method should only be invoked on SummaryTableHTML instances that have Callable's (Method or Constructor) as their table-type. If it is invoked on a SummaryTableHTML<Field>, for instance, then this exception would throw.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the value passed to the 'numParams' parameter is less than '1', then this method will throw an exception. Callable's cannot accept a negative number of arguments, and to find a zero-argument Callable, the standard find(String name) method should be used.
        Exact Method Body:
         IntStream.Builder b = IntStream.builder();
         for (int i=0; i < rowEntities.size(); i++)
             ENTITY e = rowEntities.elementAt(i);
             // After a sort, all Title-Rows have null Row-Entity elements
             // Make sure to skip any row completely if it is a Title-Row
             if (e == null) continue;
             if (
                 if (((Callable) e).numParameters() == numParams)
      • debugPrint

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public void debugPrint​(java.lang.Appendable a)
        Prints an abbreviated-version of the contents of this instance, to a user-provided Appendable. If the HTML requires more than four lines of text, only the first four lines are printed.
        a - This may be any Java Appendable. If an IOException is thrown while writing to this Appendable, it will be caught an wrapped in an IllegalArgumentException, with the IOException set as the cause.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If 'a' throws an IOException
        See Also:
        StrPrint.firstNLines(String, int), Util.pageToString(Vector), StrIndent.indent(String, int)
        Exact Method Body:
             if (tableType != null) a.append
                 (BCYAN + "this.tableType: " + RESET + this.tableType.toString() + "\n");
                 a.append(BRED + "this.tableType is null" + RESET);
             if (tableOpen != null) a.append
                 (BCYAN + "this.tableOpen: " + RESET + this.tableOpen.n.str + "\n");
                 a.append(BRED + "this.tableOpen is null" + RESET);
             if (tableClose != null) a.append
                 (BCYAN + "this.tableClose: " + RESET + this.tableClose.n.str + "\n");
                 a.append(BRED + "this.tableClose is null" + RESET);
             if (cinzelH3 != null) a.append
                 (BCYAN + "this.cinzelH3: " + RESET + this.cinzelH3.n.str + "\n");
                 a.append(BRED + "this.cinzelH3 is null" + RESET);
             if (headerRow != null) a.append(
                 STARS + BCYAN + "this.headerRow:" + RESET + STARS +
                 StrPrint.firstNLines(Util.pageToString(headerRow), 4) +
             for (int i=0; i < tableRows.size(); i++)
                     BCYAN + "TABLE ROW " + (i+1) + RESET + '\n' +
                     BGREEN + "HTML:\n" + RESET +
                         (Util.pageToString(tableRows.elementAt(i)).replace("\n", "\\n"), 4) +
                     '\n' +
                     BGREEN + "ENTITY:\n" + RESET +
                         (rowEntities.elementAt(i).toString(PF.UNIX_COLORS | PF.JOW_INSTEAD), 4) +
         catch ( ioe)
             throw new IllegalArgumentException(
      • debugPrintDense

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public java.lang.String debugPrintDense​(int numCharsWide)
        A really great way to view the contents of this class - in just one page of text.
        numCharsWide - The maximum line width to be printed to terminal. This number must be between 60 and 150, or else an exception shall throw.
        The contents of this class-instance, as a String
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the parameter 'numCharsWide' was not passed a value within the aforementioned range.
        See Also:
        StrPrint.printListAbbrev(Iterable, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean), StrPrint.printListAbbrev(Iterable, IntTFunction, int, int, boolean, boolean, boolean)
        Exact Method Body:
         if ((numCharsWide < 60) || (numCharsWide > 150)) throw new IllegalArgumentException
             ("Parameter 'numCharsWide' wasn't passed a value between 60 and 150: " + numCharsWide);
             "rowEntities.size(): " + rowEntities.size() + '\n' +
             "rowEntities Vector Contents:" + // '\n' is automatically added
                 StrPrint.printListAbbrev(rowEntities, numCharsWide, 4, false, true, true) + '\n' +
             "tableRows.size(): " + tableRows.size() + '\n' +
             "tableRows Vector Contents:" + // '\n' is automatically added
                     (int i, Vector<HTMLNode> tableRow) -> Util.pageToString(tableRow),
                     numCharsWide, 4, false, true, true
      • toString

        🡅     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public java.lang.String toString()
        Converts the contents of this class into a String
        toString in class java.lang.Object
        A Printable-String
        See Also:
        Exact Method Body:
         final String oStr = (this.tableOpen == null)
             ? "null"
             : this.tableOpen.toString();
         final String cStr = (this.tableClose == null)
             ? "null"
             : this.tableClose.toString();
         final String hStr = (this.headerRow == null)
             ? "null"
             : StrPrint.abbrevEndRDSF(Util.pageToString(headerRow), 120, false);
             "tableType:  " + tableType + '\n' +
             "tableOpen:  " + oStr + '\n' +
             "tableClose: " + cStr + '\n' +
             "headerRow:  " + hStr + '\n' +