Class JavaDocHTMLFile

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public final class JavaDocHTMLFile
    extends ParsedFile

    Optional-Extension Class of a Simple-Upgrade:

    Running a Standard-Upgrade on a Java-Doc Web-Page Directory-Tree only requires building an instance of class Upgrade, and executing its upgrade() method!

    The Standard-Upgrade Process will insert CSS-Tags, Hi-Lite Properly-Marked Code-Snippet <DIV>'s, Hi-Lite all Method-Bodies & Field-Declarations, and even create Navigation-Menu Links. If more fine-grained control is needed, this class provides direct access to the Java Doc Web-Page HTML.

    Accessing this Class:
    This class may be accessed by utilizing a configuration method in class Upgrade, specifically calling:

    Upgrade.setExtraTasks(Consumer<JavaDocHTMLFile> handler)

    ... with a handler (a java.util.function.Consumer instance) that receives a JavaDocHTMLFile instance.

    Class JavaDocHTMLFile provides access to every HTML Component on a Java-Doc Web-Page. If programmatic changes to a Java-Doc Web-Page are needed, these Reflection-API classes make it easy to change, update, remove & add-to the HTML on these pages. Simply registering a handler with the Upgrader, make the necessary improvements, and they will be incorporated into the final-output HTML-Page.

    Again, class JavaDocHTMLFile has getters for: HeaderFooterHTML, SummaryTableHTML and ReflHTML

    Access Alternative:
    Creating an instance of one of the two offered "User-Processor" classes - both of which have several listener/handler methods - is also a great way to access the Reflection-HTML API. These two Java Interfaces are:

    Retains all information parsed from a '.html' Java-Doc web-page, and borrows any missing information that was found in the '.java' source-code file; note that an instance-reference of this class may be rerieved, and used, to further change a Java Doc page by registering a visitor-handler with the configuration class Upgrade by calling Upgrade.setExtraTasks(Consumer).

    This Class May be Used to Programmatically Modify JavaDoc HTML

    Modifying JavaDoc HTML can be done using: JavaDocHTMLFile, SummaryTableHTML, ReflHTML and HeaderFooterHTML.

    To get instances of these classes, just register a listener with the Upgrader using: Upgrade.setExtraTasks
    This is optional, as the Standard Upgrader-Features do not necessitate use of this class.

    This class is used to "Parse" an already vectorized-html web-page that is, specifically, a page that was generated by the Java-Doc HTML code-documentation page-generator tool. This class works in tandem with the class JavaSourceCodeFile which uses the more advanced 'Java Parser' tool to parse '.java' source-code files into lists of method, constructor and field definitions. The features of both of these classes is similar to the features that Java's "Reflection A.P.I." offers:

    1. class JavaSourceCodeFile - Parses '.java' Source-Code Files
    2. class JavaDocHTMLFile - Extracts Method, Constructor & Field Info from '.html' javadoc files.

    This class, which is the second listed in the above list, simply retrieves the method names, constructor names and method-types (and constructor-types, etc...). With this information encapsulated in string-format, the internal JavaDoc Upgrader can find additional information that the original javadoc tool (written in the 1990's) does not include in the output documentation web-pages. The primary point to remember about this class, though, is that in order to "insert / update" more information into the output '.html' web-page files, the information which comes from the '.java' source-code files needs to do some work to be able to "automatically map" a method, constructor, or field definition on a documentation page with the same method, constructor or field defined in the source-code file. In order to do this, both files need to have their lists of these things parsed and converted into something simple and manageable. This class parses the "web-page .html files." The other class - 'JavaSourceCodeFile' - parses '.java' files and builds the exact same lists of String's so that both files may be matched.

    In order to retrieve Java Method and Constructor bodies as String's - and perform the syntax hiliting needed to insert them into the JavaDoc Web-Pages, both of these parsers are needed to do an upgrade.
    See Also:
    JavaSourceCodeFile, Serialized Form

    • Method Detail

      • findMethodHTML

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public<ReflHTML<Method>> findMethodHTML​
                    (java.lang.String methodName)
        Returns a list as a of all Reflected-HTML-Method instances that have a name equal to 'methodName'.
        methodName - The name of the method being searched for.
        A Java Stream containing all Method-ReflHTML instances that match the provided 'methodName' criteria.
        Exact Method Body:
         return allMethodDetails
             .filter((ReflHTML<Method> refl) ->;
      • findMethodHTML

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public<ReflHTML<Method>> findMethodHTML​
                    (int numParameters)
        Returns a list as a of all Reflected-HTML-Method instances that have the specified number of parameters.
        numParameters - The number of parameters contained by the Method being searched for.
        A Java Stream containing all Method-ReflHTML instances that match the provided 'numParameters' criteria.
        Exact Method Body:
         return allMethodDetails
             .filter((ReflHTML<Method> refl) -> refl.entity.numParameters() == numParameters);
      • findConstructorHTML

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public<ReflHTML<Constructor>> findConstructorHTML​
                    (int numParameters)
        Returns a list as a of all Reflected-HTML-Constructor instances that have the specified number of parameters.
        numParameters - The number of parameters contained by the Constructor being searched for.
        A Java Stream containing all Constructor-ReflHTML instances that match the provided 'numParameters' specifier.
        Exact Method Body:
         return allConstructorDetails
             .filter((ReflHTML<Constructor> refl) -> refl.entity.numParameters() == numParameters);
      • findFieldHTML

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public ReflHTML<FieldfindFieldHTML​(java.lang.String fieldName)
        The Reflected-HTML Field having the specified name, or null if no such field exists
        fieldName - The name of the field being searched
        The ReflHTML<Field> instance, from 'this' Java Doc Page, whose name matches fieldName, or null it wasn't found.
        Exact Method Body:
         for (ReflHTML<Field> f : allFieldDetails) if ( return f;
         return null;
      • findECHTML

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public ReflHTML<EnumConstantfindECHTML​
                    (java.lang.String enumConstantName)
        The Reflected-HTML Enum-Constant having the specified name, or null if no such constant exists
        enumConstantName - The name of the constant being searched
        The ReflHTML<EnumConstant> instance, from 'this' Java Doc Page, whose name matches enumConstantName, or null it wasn't found.
        UpgradeException - Only a Java CIET/Type 'enum' is allowed to declare Enum-Constants, and therefore this exception throws when this method is invoked on a Java Doc HTML File that doesn't represent an enum.
        Exact Method Body:
         if (this.ciet != CIET.ENUM) throw new UpgradeException(
             "Finding Enumeration-Constants is only possible with HTML Files for Java 'enum' " +
             "Type's.  This file is of type [" + this.ciet.toString() + "]"
         for (ReflHTML<EnumConstant> ec : allECDetails)
             if (
                 return ec;
         return null;
      • findAEHTML

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public ReflHTML<AnnotationElemfindAEHTML​
                    (java.lang.String annotationElemName)
        The Reflected-HTML Annotation-Element having the specified name, or null if no such element exists
        annotationElemName - The name of the constant being searched
        The ReflHTML<EnumConstant> instance, from 'this' Java Doc Page, whose name matches annotationElemName, or null it wasn't found.
        UpgradeException - Only a Java CIET/Type '@interface' is allowed to declare Annotation-Elements, and therefore this exception throws when this method is invoked on a Java Doc HTML File that doesn't represent an annotation.
        Exact Method Body:
         if (this.ciet != CIET.ANNOTATION) throw new UpgradeException(
             "Finding Annotation-Elements is only possible with HTML Files for Java '@interface' " +
             "(Annotation) Type's.  This file is of type [" + this.ciet.toString() + "]"
         for (ReflHTML<AnnotationElem> ae : allAEDetails)
             if (
                 return ae;
         return null;
      • findReflHTML

        🡅  🡇     🗕  🗗  🗖
        public <ENTITY extends DeclarationReflHTML<ENTITY> findReflHTML​
                    (int declarationID,
                     java.lang.Class<ENTITY> c)
        Finds a matching ReflHTML instance whose internal 'entity' field has an ID number that matches input-parameter 'declarationID'.
        declarationID - Whenever any instance of a sub-class of Declaration is created, it is given a unique id that uniquely identifies it across the entire life-cycle of the JVM that is currently running.
        c - This must be a Java java.lang.Class from one of the following: Constructor, Method, Field, EnumConstant or AnnotationElem.

        NOTE: This class is very easily obtained by simple using the 'enum' field Entity.upgraderReflectionClass. To pass the appropriate class for a method, simply pass Entity.METHOD.upgraderReflectionClass to this parameter.

        ALSO: Even more easy (if you know the member/entity type), you can hard-code / hand-type the class yourself - for instance Method.class. If you were searching for a ReflHTML<Field>, you would pass Field.class to this parameter.
        The ReflHTML instance whose HTML describes the Method, Field, or Constructor etc... whose actual Reflected-class has an ID that matches 'declarationID'. Note that the second parameter 'c' is primarily used to "speed up" the search process.

         // Note the 'Method' being passed is Torello.JavaDoc.Method (not java.lang.reflect.Method)
         ReflHTML<Method> refl = jdhf.findEntity(someEntityID, Method.class);
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the value passed to 'declarationID' is negative.
        Exact Method Body:
         if (declarationID < 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException
             ("You have passed a negative declarationID: " + declarationID);
         if (Constructor.class.equals(c)) // This is **CLEARLY** not an unchecked cast!
             for (ReflHTML<Constructor> r : allConstructorDetails)
                 { if ( == declarationID) return (ReflHTML<ENTITY>) r; }
         else if (Method.class.equals(c))
             for (ReflHTML<Method> r : allMethodDetails)
                 { if ( == declarationID) return (ReflHTML<ENTITY>) r; }
         else if (Field.class.equals(c))
             for (ReflHTML<Field> r : allFieldDetails)
                 { if ( == declarationID) return (ReflHTML<ENTITY>) r; }
         else if (EnumConstant.class.equals(c))
             for (ReflHTML<EnumConstant> r : allECDetails)
                 { if ( == declarationID) return (ReflHTML<ENTITY>) r; }
         else if (AnnotationElem.class.equals(c))
             for (ReflHTML<AnnotationElem> r : allAEDetails)
                 { if ( == declarationID) return (ReflHTML<ENTITY>) r; }
         return null;