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c - Variable in class Torello.CSS.Delimiter
The Character represented by this Delimiter-Token
c - Variable in class Torello.CSS.Punct
The actual character that comprises this Punxtuation-Mark Token.
c - Variable in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AbstractHNLI
This is the type of HTMLNode being iterated
c - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Ret3
This holds a pointer to the third response object.
c - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Ret4
This holds a pointer to the third response object.
c - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Ret5
This holds a pointer to the third response object.
c - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Tuple3
This holds a pointer to the third field / instance.
c - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Tuple4
This holds a pointer to the third field / instance.
c - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Tuple5
This holds a pointer to the third field / instance.
C - Class in Torello.Java
A UNIX Terminal Color-Codes implementation for printing colored text to terminal.
C - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
This is used as an EXTRA "abbreviation" to save typing (for convenience).
C(HTMLNode, StringBuffer) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Debug
Prints an HTML Element (TagNode, TextNode or CommentNode) using Print Style 'C'
C_AND - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
This is used as an "abbreviation" to save typing (for convenience).
C_NAND - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
This is just used as an "abbreviation" to save typing (for convenience).
C_OR - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
This is used as an "abbreviation" to save typing (for convenience).
C_XOR - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
This is just used as an "abbreviation" to save typing (for convenience).
c3 - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Ret6
This holds a pointer to the third response object.
c3 - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Ret7
This holds a pointer to the third response object.
c3 - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Ret8
This holds a pointer to the third response object.
c3 - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Tuple6
This holds a pointer to the third field / instance.
c3 - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Tuple7
This holds a pointer to the third field / instance.
c3 - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Tuple8
This holds a pointer to the third field / instance.
CA - Torello.Languages.LC
Language: Catalan
cache - Variable in class Torello.Java.HiLiteMe.Params
Instantiate a Cache, and the HiLite.ME server will save all code-String's into a cache.
Cache(String) - Constructor for class Torello.Java.HiLiteMe.Cache
This will load the hashCodes table to memory from the file-system directory identified by String-Parameter 'cacheSaveDirectory'.
Cache(String, String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.CacheStorage.Cache
Cache(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.CacheStorage.Cache
JSON Object Constructor
CACHE_CONTROL(Iterable<String>, String, String...) - Method in class Torello.Java.GSUTIL
Convenience Method.
CACHE_CONTROL(String[], String, String...) - Method in class Torello.Java.GSUTIL
CACHE_CONTROL(String, String, String...) - Method in class Torello.Java.GSUTIL
CachedResource(String, String, Network.Response, Number) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Network.CachedResource
CachedResource(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Network.CachedResource
JSON Object Constructor
CachedResponse(String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.CacheStorage.CachedResponse
CachedResponse(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.CacheStorage.CachedResponse
JSON Object Constructor
CachedResponseType - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.CacheStorage
type of HTTP response cached
CacheError - Error in Torello.Java
This error is thrown by the HiLiteMe.Cache class, and it could potentially be used for any type of Cache Error.
cacheId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.CacheStorage.Cache
An opaque unique id of the cache.
cacheName - Variable in class Torello.Browser.CacheStorage.Cache
The name of the cache.
cacheName - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Storage.cacheStorageContentUpdated
Name of cache in origin.
CacheStorage - Class in Torello.Browser
[No Description Provided by Google]
CacheStorage.Cache - Class in Torello.Browser
Cache identifier.
CacheStorage.CachedResponse - Class in Torello.Browser
Cached response
CacheStorage.DataEntry - Class in Torello.Browser
Data entry.
CacheStorage.Header - Class in Torello.Browser
[No Description Provided by Google]
cacheStorageCacheName - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.Response
Cache Storage Cache Name.
cacheStorageContentUpdated(String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Storage.cacheStorageContentUpdated
cacheStorageContentUpdated(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Storage.cacheStorageContentUpdated
JSON Object Constructor
cacheStorageListUpdated(String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Storage.cacheStorageListUpdated
cacheStorageListUpdated(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Storage.cacheStorageListUpdated
JSON Object Constructor
Callable - Class in Torello.JavaDoc
Reflection Class: Common-Root Ancestor Class of both Method and Constructor.
CallableBodyException - Exception in Torello.Java
This is an exception that occurs when parsing Java Method & Constructor Bodies for the JavaDoc Code-HiLiting Application; and it indicates that the method or constructor body passed to the code-hiliting mechanism is not properly formatted.
CallableBodyException() - Constructor for exception Torello.Java.CallableBodyException
Constructs a CallableBodyException with no detail message.
CallableBodyException(String) - Constructor for exception Torello.Java.CallableBodyException
Constructs a CallableBodyException with the specified detail 'message'.
CallableBodyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception Torello.Java.CallableBodyException
Constructs an CallableBodyException with the specified detail 'message' and 'cause'.
CallableBodyException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception Torello.Java.CallableBodyException
Constructs a new exception with the specified 'cause' and a detail 'message' of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
CallArgument(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.RunTime.CallArgument
JSON Object Constructor
CallArgument(JsonValue, String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.RunTime.CallArgument
callbackBufferSize - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.BaseAudioContext
Platform-dependent callback buffer size.
callbackIntervalMean - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.ContextRealtimeData
A running mean of callback interval.
callbackIntervalVariance - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.ContextRealtimeData
A running variance of callback interval.
callFrame - Variable in class Torello.Browser.HeapProfiler.SamplingHeapProfileNode
Function location.
callFrame - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Profiler.ProfileNode
Function location.
CallFrame(String, String, String, int, int) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.RunTime.CallFrame
CallFrame(String, String, Debugger.Location, Debugger.Location, String, Debugger.Scope[], RunTime.RemoteObject, RunTime.RemoteObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Debugger.CallFrame
CallFrame(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Debugger.CallFrame
JSON Object Constructor
CallFrame(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.RunTime.CallFrame
JSON Object Constructor
callFrameId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.CallFrame
Call frame identifier.
callFrames - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.paused
Call stack the virtual machine stopped on.
callFrames - Variable in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.StackTrace
JavaScript function name.
callFunctionOn(String, String, RunTime.CallArgument[], Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Integer, String, Boolean) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.RunTime
Calls function with given declaration on the given object.
Cambodia - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Cambodia
Cameroon - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Cameroon
canAccessOpener - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Target.TargetInfo
Whether the target has access to the originating window.
Canada - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Canada
CANARY_EXE - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.BRDPC
A common location for the Chome-Canary Binary on a Windows Machine.
cancelDownload(String, String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Browser
Cancel a download if in progress
canceled - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.loadingFailed
True if loading was canceled.
canceled - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Page.FrameResource
True if the resource was canceled during loading.
canClearBrowserCache() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Network
Tells whether clearing browser cache is supported.
canClearBrowserCookies() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Network
Tells whether clearing browser cookies is supported.
canEmulate() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Emulation
Tells whether emulation is supported.
canEmulateNetworkConditions() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Network
Tells whether emulation of network conditions is supported.
canonicalTag - Static variable in class Torello.HTML.Features
If you have pages on your site that are almost identical, then you may need to inform search engines which one to prioritize.
capacity() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyVector
Returns the current capacity of this Vector.
CapeVerde - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Cape Verde
captureScreenshot(String, Integer, Page.Viewport, Boolean, Boolean) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Page
Capture page screenshot.
captureSnapshot(String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Page
Returns a snapshot of the page as a string.
captureSnapshot(String[], Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot
Returns a document snapshot, including the full DOM tree of the root node (including iframes, template contents, and imported documents) in a flattened array, as well as layout and white-listed computed style information for the nodes.
caretBeneath(String, int) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrSource
This will print a caret-symbol on a line of text underneath the input String parameter 'str'.
Cast - Class in Torello.Browser
A domain for interacting with Cast, Presentation API, and Remote Playback API functionalities.
Cast.issueUpdated - Class in Torello.Browser
This is fired whenever the outstanding issue/error message changes.
Cast.Sink - Class in Torello.Browser
[No Description Provided by Google]
Cast.sinksUpdated - Class in Torello.Browser
This is fired whenever the list of available sinks changes.
castToStrPred() - Method in interface Torello.Java.StrFilter
Java is not perfect.
category - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Log.LogEntry
[No Description Provided by Google]

categoryIterator() - Static method in class Torello.HTML.HTTPCodes
The Iterator returned by this method will simply list each of the category names, and their descriptions, supported by this class.
CaymanIslands - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Cayman Islands
CB(Vector<HTMLNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Balance

Balance.check(Vector) Balance.checkNonZero(Hashtable) Balance.toStringBalance(Hashtable) String b = Balance.CB(a.articleBody); System.out.println((b == null) ? "Page has Balanced HTML" : b); // If Page has equal number of open and close tags prints: // Page Has Balanced HTML // OTHERWISE PRINTS REPORT
CDC - Class in Torello.CSS
CSS-Tokenizer Class for the Comment-Delimiter Close Token.
CDO - Class in Torello.CSS
CSS-Tokenizer Class for the Comment-Delimiter Open Token.
ceiling(E) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyNavigableSet
Returns the least element in this set greater than or equal to the given element, or null if there is no such element.
ceiling(E) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyTreeSet
ceilingEntry(K) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.LRUTreeMap
Returns a key-value mapping associated with the least key greater than or equal to the given 'key', or null if there is no such key.
ceilingEntry(K) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyNavigableMap
Returns a key-value mapping associated with the least key greater than or equal to the given key, or null if there is no such key.
ceilingEntry(K) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyTreeMap
ceilingKey(K) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.LRUTreeMap
Returns the least key greater than or equal to the given 'key', or null if there is no such key.
ceilingKey(K) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyNavigableMap
Returns the least key greater than or equal to the given key, or null if there is no such key.
ceilingKey(K) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyTreeMap
cellBorderColor - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.GridHighlightConfig
The cell border color (default: transparent).
cellBorderDash - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.GridHighlightConfig
Whether the cell border is dashed (default: false).
CentralAfricanRepublic - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Central African Republic
certificate - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Security.CertificateSecurityState
Page certificate.
certificate - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Security.SecurityStateExplanation
Page certificate.
certificateError(int, String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Security.certificateError
certificateError(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Security.certificateError
JSON Object Constructor
CertificateErrorAction - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Security
The action to take when a certificate error occurs.
certificateHasSha1Signature - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Security.CertificateSecurityState
True if the certificate has a SHA1 signature in the chain.
certificateHasWeakSignature - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Security.CertificateSecurityState
True if the certificate uses a weak signature aglorithm.
certificateId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.SecurityDetails
Certificate ID value.
certificateNetworkError - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Security.CertificateSecurityState
The highest priority network error code, if the certificate has an error.
certificates - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.SignedExchangeSignature
The encoded certificates.
certificateSecurityState - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Security.VisibleSecurityState
Security state details about the page certificate.
CertificateSecurityState(String, String, String, String, String, String[], String, String, Number, Number, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Security.CertificateSecurityState
CertificateSecurityState(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Security.CertificateSecurityState
JSON Object Constructor
certificateTransparencyCompliance - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.SecurityDetails
Whether the request complied with Certificate Transparency policy
CertificateTransparencyCompliance - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Network
Whether the request complied with Certificate Transparency policy.
certSha256 - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.SignedExchangeSignature
The hex string of signed exchange signature cert sha256.
certUrl - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.SignedExchangeSignature
Signed exchange signature cert Url.
Chad - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Chad
channelCount - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.AudioNode
[No Description Provided by Google]
channelCountMode - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.AudioNode
[No Description Provided by Google]
ChannelCountMode - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio
Enum of AudioNode::ChannelCountMode from the spec
channelInterpretation - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.AudioNode
[No Description Provided by Google]
ChannelInterpretation - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio
Enum of AudioNode::ChannelInterpretation from the spec
characterData - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOM.characterDataModified
New text value.
characterDataModified(int, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.DOM.characterDataModified
characterDataModified(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.DOM.characterDataModified
JSON Object Constructor
charAt(int) - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
charAt(int) - Method in class Torello.HTML.HTMLNode
Returns the char value at the specified index of the field: public final String str.
charAt(int) - Method in class Torello.HTML.NodeIndex
Returns the char value at the specified index of the public final String str field of 'this' field public final HTMLNode n.
charAt(int) - Method in class Torello.HTML.SubSection
Returns the char value at the specified index of the String defined-by an invokation of the method: Util.pageToString(html).
charAt(int) - Method in class Torello.Java.FileNode
Returns the char value at the specified index of the results to a call of method FileNode.getFullPathName().
CharConsumer - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: char Output: void.
CharPredicate - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: char Output: boolean.
CHARSEQUENCE_M - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.SummarySorterHelper
Label for methods inherited from class CharSequence

Checker Method SummarySorterHelper.CHARSEQUENCE_M(Method) matches method named: "toString", "subSequence", "charAt", "length"
CHARSEQUENCE_M(Method) - Static method in class Torello.JavaDoc.SummarySorterHelper
Identifies whether or not a particular method should be placed under the Method Summary Section Title for methods which implement or extend java.lang.CharSequence.
CharSupplier - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: NONE Output: char.
CharTFunction<T,​R> - Interface in Torello.Java.Function
Function-Pointer Input: chat, T Output: R.
check(int) - Static method in exception Torello.Java.NException
This will check a value of of parameter 'n' to ensure that it is a positive-Integer (greater-than zero).
check(int, int, int) - Static method in exception Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CursorException
Checks that a supplied position parameter, 'pos', is within the bounds of a given window, and throws an appropriately formatted exception if it is not.
check(int, int, int[]) - Static method in exception Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CursorException
Checks that each an every index-position from a supplied position-array parameter, 'posArr', is within the bounds of a given window, and throws an appropriately formatted exception if any of the indices in 'posArr' are not within the windows bounds.
check(int, int, DotPair) - Static method in exception Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CursorException
Checks that a supplied DotPair parameter, 'dp', is FULLY within the bounds (READ: both DotPair.start and DotPair.end) of a given window, and throws an appropriately formatted exception if it is not.
check(int, String) - Static method in exception Torello.Java.NException
This will check a value of of parameter 'n' against a java.lang.String, for the purposes of String-Comparison Routines.
check(int, Vector<?>) - Static method in exception Torello.Java.NException
This will check a value of of parameter 'n' against a Vector, for the purposes of Vector-Search Routines.
check(File) - Static method in exception Torello.Java.WritableDirectoryException
Checks that a directory-name is valid and ready for saving image files.
check(Object, String, Object, String) - Static method in exception Torello.Java.ParallelArrayException
This will check that the parameter 'arr1' (which is presumed to be an array) has an identical length to that of parameter 'arr2'.
check(String) - Static method in exception Torello.HTML.InnerTagValueException
This merely performs a "new-line ('\n')" test.
check(String) - Static method in exception Torello.Java.WritableDirectoryException
Checks that a directory-name is valid and ready for saving image files.
check(String...) - Static method in exception Torello.HTML.HTMLTokException
This just checks if the passed HTML tok(s) is a valid HTML-element, for instance: img, div, p, a, b, h1, h2, h3 etc...
check(String...) - Static method in exception Torello.HTML.InnerTagKeyException
This verifies that any Java-String that is intended to be use as an inner-tag conforms to the right rules.
check(String...) - Static method in exception Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CSSStrException
This will do a simple test of the compare-String's to make sure none of them are null, and that there are at least one String in the array.
check(String...) - Static method in exception Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.InclusiveException
Checks either one, or a list, of html-tags (same as the TagNode.tok) to make sure they are not "singleton" (sometimes called 'empty' HTML elements.
check(String...) - Static method in exception Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TCCompareStrException
This will do a simple test of the compare-String's to make sure none of them are null, and that there are at least one String in the String[] array.
check(String[]) - Static method in exception Torello.Java.StrCmprException
This will do a simple test of the compare-String's to make sure none of them are null, and that there are at least one String in the array.
check(String, String) - Static method in exception Torello.HTML.InnerTagKeyException
This method is identical to the public static void check(key);, except it allows the programmer to add the key-value pair to the Exception's error message.
check(String, String) - Static method in exception Torello.HTML.InnerTagValueException
This performs the identical test as the other method by this same name, but allows for the attribute-key to be included in the Exception's "Error Message" (for reporting purposes only)
check(String, SD, String) - Static method in exception Torello.HTML.QuotesException
The primary purpose of this static function is to generate a uniformly formatted error message when a "Quote within Quote" problem is identified.
check(URL, Vector<HTMLNode>) - Static method in exception Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.ArticleGetException
When this constructor is used, the URL and page-Vector will be preserved as final (constant) fields within this class instance for future reference and debugging.
check(Stream<String>) - Static method in exception Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CSSStrException
This will do a simple test of the compare-String's to make sure none of them are null, and that there are at least one String in the array.
check(Vector<?>, int) - Static method in exception Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.IteratorOutOfBoundsException
This method provides a consistently formatted error message when this exception is thrown by the HNLI & HNLIInclusive Iterator classes.
check(Vector<?>, int[]) - Static method in exception Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.IteratorOutOfBoundsException
This method provides a consistently formatted error message when this exception is thrown by the HNLI & HNLIInclusive Iterator classes.
check(Vector<?>, DotPair) - Static method in exception Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.IteratorOutOfBoundsException
This method provides a consistently formatted error message for this exception.
check(Vector<? super TagNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Balance
Creates a Hashtable that has a count of all open and closed HTML tags found on the page.
check(Vector<? super TagNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Balance
Creates an array that includes an open-and-close 'count' for each HTML-Tag / that was requested via the passed input String[]-Array parameter 'htmlTags'.
check(Vector<HTMLNode>) - Static method in exception Torello.JavaDoc.DetailsException
This check method is used to ensure that a passed-parameter vectorized-HTML sub-page to one of the DetailsPartMethods, DetailsPartConstructors or DetailsPartFields is a properly formatted HTML Sub-Section.
check(T[], String, boolean, Object, String) - Static method in exception Torello.Java.ParallelArrayException
This will check that the parameter 'tArr' has an identical length to that of parameter 'arr' (which is presumed to be an array).
check(T[], String, boolean, U[], String, boolean) - Static method in exception Torello.Java.ParallelArrayException
This will check that the parameter 'tArr' has an identical length to that of parameter 'arr' (which is presumed to be an array).
check(TagNode) - Static method in exception Torello.HTML.ClosingTagNodeException
Checks the input TagNode parameter to ensure that it is a 'Closing HTML Element.' This can be verified by inspecting the public final boolean 'isClosing' field.
check(FileNode) - Static method in exception Torello.Java.DirExpectedException
Checks whether or not the FileNode parameter passed is actually one representing a directory, not a file.
check(FileNode) - Static method in exception Torello.Java.FileExpectedException
Checks whether or not the FileNode parameter passed is actually one representing a file, not a directory.
check(FileNode, String) - Static method in exception Torello.Java.SameSourceAndTargetException
This method can be used to check whether the source and target directories in a program are actually pointing to the same location on the file-system.
CHECK_CME() - Method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AbstractHNLI
Does a check regarding whether an exception should throw.
CHECK_EXCEPTIONS() - Method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AbstractHNLI
Does a check regarding whether any exceptions should throw.
CHECK_EXCEPTIONS(int) - Method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AbstractHNLI
Checks the input position 'pos' parameter to verify it is not out of the bounds of the underlying HTML-Vector, nor out of the bounds of the Cursor Boundary Window - if one has been set.

This shall throw exceptions if the passed 'range' is out of either of these bounds.
CHECK_EXCEPTIONS(int[]) - Method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AbstractHNLI
Checks the input position-array 'posArr' parameter to verify that none of the indices listed in this position-array are out of the bounds of the underlying HTML-Vector, nor out of the bounds of the Cursor Boundary Window - if one has been set.

This shall throw exceptions if the indices in this input array extend past either of these boundaries.
CHECK_EXCEPTIONS(String, int, int) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Tools.Images.URLIterator
CHECK_EXCEPTIONS(DotPair) - Method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AbstractHNLI
Checks the input position 'range' parameter to verify the provided range values are not out of the bounds of the underlying HTML-Vector, nor out of the bounds of the Cursor Boundary Window - if one has been set.

This shall throw exceptions if the passed 'range' is out of either of these bounds.
checkAnnotation(Vector<HTMLNode>) - Static method in exception Torello.JavaDoc.DetailsException
This check method is used to ensure that a passed-parameter vectorized-HTML sub-page is correct.
checkContrast(Boolean) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Audits
Runs the contrast check for the target page.
checkEndPoints(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.Elements
This method, functionally, does the exact same thing as "checkEndPoints" - but with the endpoints specified.
checkEndPoints(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.Elements
This method is used to guarantee precisely two conditions to the passed HTML Tag list.
checkFileExistsAndCanAccess(String, String) - Static method in exception Torello.JavaDoc.UpgradeException
Simple error checking to ensure that a file exists, and that it is accessible.
checkFileIsWriteable(String, String, String) - Static method in exception Torello.JavaDoc.UpgradeException
Simple error checking to ensure that write access is available to a file-name.
checkForSingleQuote(String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Features
This method checks whether the String-Parameter 's' contains a Single-Quotations Punctuation-Mark anywhere inside that String.
checkHTTPCompression(Map<String, List<String>>, InputStream) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Scrape
This method will check whether the HTTP Header returned by a website has been encoded using compression.
checkL1(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int, Vector<DotPair>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.Elements
This method, functionally, does the exact same thing as "checkEL1" - but with the endpoints specified.
checkL1(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Vector<DotPair>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.Elements
This checks that the sublists demarcated by the Vector<DotPair> htmlSubLists parameter are properly formatted HTML.
checkNonZero(Hashtable<String, Integer>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Balance
Creates a Hashtable that has a count of all open and closed HTML-Tags found on the page - whose count-value is not equal to zero.
checkRequiredOptions() - Method in class Apache.CLI.DefaultParser
Throws a MissingOptionException if all of the required options are not present.
checkTag(Vector<? super TagNode>, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Balance
This will compute a count for just one, particular, HTML Element of whether that Element has been properly opened and closed.
childFrames - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Page.FrameResourceTree
Child frames.
childFrames - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Page.FrameTree
Child frames.
childIds - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Accessibility.AXNode
IDs for each of this node's child nodes.
childNodeCount - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOM.childNodeCountUpdated
New node count.
childNodeCount - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOM.Node
Child count for Container nodes.
childNodeCountUpdated(int, int) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.DOM.childNodeCountUpdated
childNodeCountUpdated(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.DOM.childNodeCountUpdated
JSON Object Constructor
childNodeIndexes - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.DOMNode
The indexes of the node's child nodes in the domNodes array returned by getSnapshot, if any.
childNodeInserted(int, int, DOM.Node) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.DOM.childNodeInserted
childNodeInserted(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.DOM.childNodeInserted
JSON Object Constructor
childNodeRemoved(int, int) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.DOM.childNodeRemoved
childNodeRemoved(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.DOM.childNodeRemoved
JSON Object Constructor
childOutlineColor - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.SourceOrderConfig
the color to outline the child elements in.
children - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOM.Node
Child nodes of this node when requested with children.
children - Variable in class Torello.Browser.HeapProfiler.SamplingHeapProfileNode
Child nodes.
children - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Profiler.ProfileNode
Child node ids.
children - Variable in class Torello.Java.FileNode
This variable remains null for all instances of this class which represent 'files' on the underlying Operating-System, rather than 'directories.'

On the other hand, if 'this' instance of FileNode represents an MS-DOS, Unix, or Apple File-System directory, then this field will be constructed / instantiated and hold all file and sub-directory FileNode-instances which contained by this directory.
Chile - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Chile
China - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: China
CHMOD(String...) - Method in class Torello.Java.Shell
Runs the UNIX / BASH / LINUX 'shell' command: chmod $ chmod <args[0]> <args[1]> ... <args[args.length-1]>
chompCallableBraces(String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrIndent
This method expects to receive a method body, constructor body, or other callable body as a String; it will remove the beginning and ending braces ('{' & '}'), and beginning & ending empty lines.
CHOWN(String...) - Method in class Torello.Java.Shell
Runs the UNIX / BASH / LINUX 'shell' command: chown $ chown <args[0]> <args[1]> ... <args[args.length-1]>
ChristmasIsland - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Christmas Island
CHROME_EXE - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.BRDPC
A commmon location for the Chrome-Binary on a Windows Machine.
chunk - Variable in class Torello.Browser.HeapProfiler.addHeapSnapshotChunk
[No Description Provided by Google]
ciet - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.NestedType
Identifies whether this is a nested/inner Class, Interface, Enum, Annotation etc...
ciet - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.ParsedFile
The acronym 'CIET' simply means "Class, Interface or Enumerated-Type.
CIET - Enum in Torello.JavaDoc
CIET: Class, Interface, Enumerated-Type, Annotation (@interface) or Java 17+ Record.
cipher - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.SecurityDetails
Cipher name.
cipher - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Security.CertificateSecurityState
Cipher name.
CLASS - Torello.JavaDoc.CIET
Identifies that the associated file represents a java 'class'
CLASS_FILES - Static variable in class Torello.Java.FileNode
Implements the interface java.io.FilenameFilte, and can therefore be used within the loadTree method.
CLASS_PATH - Variable in class Torello.Java.Build.Config
The Root Class-File Directories to use with 'javac'.
CLASS_PATH_STR - Variable in class Torello.Java.Build.BuilderRecord
This is the classpath that is passed to the Stage 1 Build-Class S01_JavaCompiler.
CLASS_VALUE - Static variable in class Apache.CLI.PatternOptionBuilder
Class class
className - Variable in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.RemoteObject
Object class (constructor) name.
classPathLocation - Variable in class Torello.Java.Build.BuildPackage
This package's class-path location within the File-System.
classRTEX - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.AppendableSafe
This may be null, and if it is - the value stored AppendableSafe.throwDecision is used for deciding what to do when the internal / wrapped Appendable throws an IOException while appending character-data.
classTree - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.NestedType
If a user decides to make use of the native Sun/Oracle ClassTree instance that was used to build this NestedType instance, it may be retrieved from this transient field.
clear() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Log
Clears the log.
clear() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.AppendableTap
Clears the 'tap' of all contents
clear() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.LRUTreeMap
Removes all of the mappings from 'this' map.
clear() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROArrayListBuilder
Removes all of the elements from this list.
clear() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROHashMapBuilder
Removes all of the mappings from this map.
clear() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROHashSetBuilder
Removes all of the elements from this set.
clear() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROHashtableBuilder
Clears this hashtable so that it contains no keys.
clear() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROPropertiesBuilder
clear() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROTreeMapBuilder
Removes all of the mappings from this map.
clear() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROTreeSetBuilder
Removes all of the elements from this set.
clear() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROVectorBuilder
Removes all of the elements from this Vector.
clear(DOMStorage.StorageId) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.DOMStorage
[No Description Provided by Google]
clearAcceptedEncodingsOverride() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Network
Clears accepted encodings set by setAcceptedEncodings
clearBrowserCache() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Network
Clears browser cache.
clearBrowserCookies() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Network
Clears browser cookies.
clearCompilationCache() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Page
Clears seeded compilation cache.
clearCookies(String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Storage
Clears cookies.
clearCredentials(String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.WebAuthn
Clears all the credentials from the specified device.
clearCursorBounds() - Method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AbstractHNLI
Eliminates the Cursor Boundary Window, if one had been set.
clearDataForOrigin(String, String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Storage
Clears storage for origin.
clearDeviceMetricsOverride() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Emulation
Clears the overridden device metrics.
clearDeviceMetricsOverride() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Page
Clears the overridden device metrics.
clearDeviceOrientationOverride() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.DeviceOrientation
Clears the overridden Device Orientation.
clearDeviceOrientationOverride() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Page
Clears the overridden Device Orientation.
clearEvents(String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.BackgroundService
Clears all stored data for the service.
clearExtensions() - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocket
Remove all extensions from Sec-WebSocket-Extension.
clearGeolocationOverride() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Emulation
Clears the overridden Geolocation Position and Error.
clearGeolocationOverride() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Page
Clears the overridden Geolocation Position and Error.
clearHeaders() - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocket
Clear all extra HTTP headers.
clearHTML() - Method in interface Torello.HTML.Replaceable
Removes all HTML from this Replaceable, such that's Replaceable.currentNodes() would return an empty HTML list.
clearIdleOverride() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Emulation
Clears Idle state overrides.
clearListeners() - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocket
Remove all the listeners from this WebSocket.
clearMessages() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Console
Does nothing.
clearObjectStore(String, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.IndexedDB
Clears all entries from an object store.
clearProtocols() - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocket
Remove all protocols from Sec-WebSocket-Protocol.
clearTrustTokens(String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Storage
Removes all Trust Tokens issued by the provided issuerOrigin.
clearUserInfo() - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocket
Clear the credentials to connect to the WebSocket endpoint.
cli - Variable in class Torello.Java.Build.BuilderRecord
This is generated by parsing the Command-Line Arguments passed to this class constructor.
cli(int, String[]) - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.DFBuilder
This method is intended to be used by classes that inherit this abstract class.
CLI - Class in Torello.Java.Build
This data class is instantiated by parsing the Command-Line Input.
clientHeight - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Page.LayoutViewport
Height (CSS pixels), excludes scrollbar if present.
clientHeight - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Page.VisualViewport
Height (CSS pixels), excludes scrollbar if present.
ClientNavigationDisposition - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Page
[No Description Provided by Google]

ClientNavigationReason - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Page
[No Description Provided by Google]

clientRects - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.LayoutTreeSnapshot
The client rect of nodes.
clientSecurityState - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits.CorsIssueDetails
[No Description Provided by Google]

clientSecurityState - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.requestWillBeSentExtraInfo
The client security state set for the request.
ClientSecurityState(boolean, String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Network.ClientSecurityState
ClientSecurityState(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Network.ClientSecurityState
JSON Object Constructor
clientWidth - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Page.LayoutViewport
Width (CSS pixels), excludes scrollbar if present.
clientWidth - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Page.VisualViewport
Width (CSS pixels), excludes scrollbar if present.
clip - Variable in class Torello.Browser.LayerTree.layerPainted
Clip rectangle.
ClippertonIsland - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Clipperton Island
clone() - Method in class Apache.CLI.Option
A rather odd clone method - due to incorrect code in 1.0 it is public and in 1.1 rather than throwing a CloneNotSupportedException it throws a RuntimeException so as to maintain backwards compat at the API level.
clone() - Method in class Torello.HTML.CommentNode
Java's interface Cloneable requirements.
clone() - Method in class Torello.HTML.CommentNodeIndex
Java's interface Cloneable requirements.
clone() - Method in class Torello.HTML.DotPair
Java's interface Cloneable requirements.
clone() - Method in class Torello.HTML.HTMLNode
Sub-classes of HTMLNode must be Cloneable.
clone() - Method in class Torello.HTML.PageStats
Generates a carbon copy of passed reference instance 'PageStats'
clone() - Method in class Torello.HTML.SubSection
Java's interface Cloneable requirements.
clone() - Method in class Torello.HTML.TagNode
Java's interface Cloneable requirements.
clone() - Method in class Torello.HTML.TagNodeIndex
Java's interface Cloneable requirements.
clone() - Method in class Torello.HTML.TextNode
Java's interface Cloneable requirements.
clone() - Method in class Torello.HTML.TextNodeIndex
Java's interface Cloneable requirements.
clone() - Method in class Torello.HTML.Tools.Images.ImageInfo
Generates a Shallow Copy of 'this' instance.
clone() - Method in class Torello.HTML.Tools.Images.Request
Builds a clone of 'this' instance
clone() - Method in class Torello.HTML.Tools.Images.Results
Generates a Deep Copy of 'this' instance.
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.ByRef
This creates a clone of the wrapper class.
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.EffectivelyFinal
This creates a clone of the wrapper class.
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.LRUTreeMap
Returns a shallow copy of this LRUTreeMap instance.
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.MultiType
Clones the contents of 'this' instance of.
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.Ret0
This method may not be invoked, or it will throw an exception.
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.Ret1
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.Ret2
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.Ret3
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.Ret4
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.Ret5
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.Ret6
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.Ret7
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.Ret8
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.Tuple0
This method may not be invoked, or it will throw an exception.
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.Tuple1
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.Tuple2
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.Tuple3
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.Tuple4
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.Tuple5
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.Tuple6
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.Tuple7
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.Tuple8
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.FileNode
Java's interface Cloneable requirements.
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.GSUTIL
Creates a clone of 'this' instance.
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.LV
Java's interface Cloneable requirements.
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.MSDOS
Creates a clone of 'this' instance.
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.OSCommands
Creates a clone of 'this' instance.
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.OSExtras
Makes a copy of 'this' instance and returns it.
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.OSResponse
Creates and returns a copy of this object.
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROArrayListBuilder
Clones this instance' of ROArrayListBuilder.
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROHashMapBuilder
Clones this instance' of ROHashMapBuilder.
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROHashSetBuilder
Clones this instance' of ROHashSetBuilder.
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROHashtableBuilder
Clones this instance' of ROHashtableBuilder.
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROPropertiesBuilder
Clones this instance' of ROPropertiesBuilder.
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROTreeMapBuilder
Clones this instance' of ROTreeMapBuilder.
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROTreeSetBuilder
Clones this instance' of ROTreeSetBuilder.
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROVectorBuilder
Clones this instance' of ROVectorBuilder.
clone() - Method in class Torello.Java.Shell
Creates a clone of 'this' instance.
clone() - Method in class Torello.JavaDoc.Location
Standard Java clone() method
clone() - Method in class Torello.JavaDoc.ReflHTML
Java's interface Cloneable requirements.
clone(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Util
Convenience Method.
CLONEABLE_M - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.SummarySorterHelper
Label for methods inherited from class Cloneable

Checker Method SummarySorterHelper.CLONEABLE_M(Method) matches method named: "clone"
CLONEABLE_M(Method) - Static method in class Torello.JavaDoc.SummarySorterHelper
Identifies whether or not a particular method should be placed under the Method Summary Section Title for methods which implement or extend java.lang.Cloneable.
cloneRange(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, int, int) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Util
Copies (clones!) a sub-range of the HTML page, stores the results in a Vector, and returns it.
cloneRange(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, DotPair) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Util
Convenience Method.
cloneToArrayList() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyArrayList
Clone's 'this' instance internal ArrayList<E> field, and returns it.
cloneToHashMap() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyHashMap
Clone's 'this' instance internal HashMap<K, V> field, and returns it.
cloneToHashSet() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyHashSet
Clone's 'this' instance internal HashSet<E> field, and returns it.
cloneToHashtable() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyHashtable
Clone's 'this' instance internal Hashtable<K, V> field, and returns it.
cloneToProperties() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyProperties
Clone's 'this' instance internal Properties<E> field, and returns it.
cloneToTreeMap() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyTreeMap
Clone's 'this' instance internal TreeMap<K, V> field, and returns it.
cloneToTreeSet() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyTreeSet
Clone's 'this' instance internal TreeSet<E> field, and returns it.
cloneToVector() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyVector
Clone's 'this' instance internal Vector<E> field, and returns it.
close() - Method in interface javax.json.JsonReader
Closes this reader and frees any resources associated with the reader.
close() - Method in interface javax.json.JsonWriter
close() - Method in interface javax.json.stream.JsonGenerator
Closes this generator and frees any resources associated with it.
close() - Method in interface javax.json.stream.JsonParser
Closes this parser and frees any resources associated with the parser.
close() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Browser
Close browser gracefully.
close() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Page
Tries to close page, running its beforeunload hooks, if any.
close() - Method in class Torello.Java.StorageWriter
Does nothing, dummy method.
close(String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.IO
Close the stream, discard any temporary backing storage.
CLOSE - Static variable in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketOpcode
Opcode for "connection close" (0x8).
CLOSEABLE_M - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.SummarySorterHelper
Label for methods inherited from class java.io.Closeable

Checker Method SummarySorterHelper.CLOSEABLE_M(Method) matches method named: "close"
CLOSEABLE_M(Method) - Static method in class Torello.JavaDoc.SummarySorterHelper
Identifies whether or not a particular method should be placed under the Method Summary Section Title for methods which implement or extend java.io.Closeable.
CLOSED - NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketState
The WebSocket connection is closed.
closeTarget(String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Target
Closes the target.
CLOSING - NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketState
A closing handshake is being performed.
ClosingTagNodeException - Exception in Torello.HTML
This throws when attempting to write attributes to a closing TagNode (because closing tag's may not have attributes),

Valid HTML does not allow "Inner Tags" or "Attributes" to be inserted into HTML Elements that begin with the forward-slash (ASCII Character: '/').
ClosingTagNodeException() - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.ClosingTagNodeException
Constructs a ClosingTagNodeException with no detail message.
ClosingTagNodeException(String) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.ClosingTagNodeException
Constructs a ClosingTagNodeException with the specified detail message.
ClosingTagNodeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.ClosingTagNodeException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
ClosingTagNodeException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.ClosingTagNodeException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
ClosingTagNodeExpectedException - Exception in Torello.HTML
If a programmer is expecting an HTML-Page Vector position-index to contain a TagNode whose TagNode.isClosing field to be set to TRUE and it is not, then this exception should be thrown.
ClosingTagNodeExpectedException() - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.ClosingTagNodeExpectedException
Constructs an ClosingTagNodeExpectedException with no detail message.
ClosingTagNodeExpectedException(int) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.ClosingTagNodeExpectedException
Builds a new exception with a consistently worded error message.
ClosingTagNodeExpectedException(String) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.ClosingTagNodeExpectedException
Constructs an ClosingTagNodeExpectedException with the specified detail message.
ClosingTagNodeExpectedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.ClosingTagNodeExpectedException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
ClosingTagNodeExpectedException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.ClosingTagNodeExpectedException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
ClosingTags - Torello.HTML.TC
ClosingTag indicates HTML TagNode's that constitute the second of the two TagNode pair such as: </A>, rather than <A HREF=...>
cloudRootStorageDir - Variable in class Torello.Java.Build.CloudSync
The Cloud-Storage Target-Directory you intend to use.
cloudSync - Variable in class Torello.Java.Build.BuilderRecord
Multiple Cloud-Synchronization Options may be presented within the User-Provided class Config instance.
CloudSync - Class in Torello.Java.Build
This interface contains all of the interactions that occur between a Cloud-Basked Storage-Bucket, such as Google Cloud Platform or an Amazon-S3 Compatible Storage-System, and this '.jar' and Java-Doc Build Tools.
CloudSync(boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Java.Build.CloudSync
CloudSyncGSUTIL - Class in Torello.Java.Build
An implementation of the CloudSync Java-Interface that utilizes the Google-Provided Python Based Tool known as 'GSUTIL' (see: GSUTIL).
CloudSyncGSUTIL(String, String, boolean, boolean, boolean, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Java.Build.CloudSyncGSUTIL
Constructs an instance of the GSUTIL-based Cloud-Synchroniztion Class (this class).
CloudSyncRClone - Class in Torello.Java.Build
Under Development.
CloudSyncS3 - Class in Torello.Java.Build
Under Development.
cmd - Variable in class Apache.CLI.DefaultParser
The command-line instance.
cmp(String) - Static method in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AVT
This is a static factory method that generates AVT-Predicate's - (Predicate<TagNode>).
cmp(String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AVT
This is a static factory method that generates AVT-Predicate's - (Predicate<TagNode>).
cmp(String, Pattern) - Static method in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AVT
This is a static factory method that generates AVT-Predicate's (Predicate<TagNode>).
cmp(String, Pattern, boolean, boolean) - Static method in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AVT
This is a static factory method that generates AVT-Predicate's (Predicate<TagNode>).
cmp(String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AVT
This is a static factory method that generates AVT-Predicate's (Predicate<TagNode>).
cmp(String, StrFilter) - Static method in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AVT
Convenience Method.
CMP(String...) - Method in class Torello.Java.Shell
Runs the UNIX / BASH / LINUX 'shell' command: cmp $ cmp <args[0]> <args[1]> ... <args[args.length-1]>
cmpKIITNF(String, Predicate<String>) - Static method in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AVT
cmpKIITNF(String, Pattern) - Static method in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AVT
cmpKIITNF(String, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AVT
cmpKIITNF(String, StrFilter) - Static method in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AVT
Convenience Method.
CN - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Checks an attribute-value or TextNode to identify whether it contains at least one match out of a list compare-String's.
CN_AND - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Checks an attribute-value or TextNode to ensure that it does not contain any matches with the list of compare-String's.
CN_CI - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
This function pointer's name is just an abbreviation for the public static field named TextComparitor.CONTAINS_CASE_INSENSITIVE.
CN_CI_AND - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
This function pointer's name is just an abbreviation for the public static field named TextComparitor.CONTAINS_CASE_INSENSITIVE_AND.
CN_CI_NAND - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
This function pointer's name is just an abbreviation for the public static field named TextComparitor.CONTAINS_CASE_INSENSITIVE_NAND.
CN_CI_OR - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
This function pointer's name is just an abbreviation for the public static field named TextComparitor.CONTAINS_CASE_INSENSITIVE_OR.
CN_CI_XOR - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
This function pointer's name is just an abbreviation for the public static field named TextComparitor.CONTAINS_CASE_INSENSITIVE_XOR.
CN_NAND - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Checks an attribute-value or TextNode to ensure that it does not contain any matches with the list of compare-String's.
CN_OR - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Checks an attribute-value or TextNode to identify whether it contains at least one match out of a list compare-String's.
CN_XOR - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Checks an attribute-value or TextNode to identify if it will match precisely one and only one String from a list of compare-String's.
Cocos - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Cocos (Keeling) Islands
code - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits.InspectorIssue
[No Description Provided by Google]
code - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Database.Error
Error code.
CODE_DRIVE_BACKUP_FILE_START - Variable in class Torello.Java.Build.CloudSyncGSUTIL
The location for backing up the code in this project.
codeOffset - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.scriptFailedToParse
If the scriptLanguage is WebAssembly, the code section offset in the module.
codeOffset - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.scriptParsed
If the scriptLanguage is WebAssembly, the code section offset in the module.
coep - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.SecurityIsolationStatus
[No Description Provided by Google]

collectClassNames(String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.CSS
Returns all class names from specified stylesheet.
collectClassNamesFromSubtree(int) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.DOM
Collects class names for the node with given id and all of it's child nodes.
collectGarbage() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.HeapProfiler
[No Description Provided by Google]
Colombia - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Colombia
color - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.LineStyle
The color of the line (default: transparent)

colorANSI - Static variable in class Torello.Java.C
If Java is not running on a UNIX machine, the terminal output that contains "color" will not function.
colorFormat - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.HighlightConfig
The color format used to format color styles (default: hex).
ColorFormat - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Overlay
[No Description Provided by Google]
COLORS_CSS_FILENAME - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSFiles
colorsCSS - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSFiles
column - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Console.ConsoleMessage
Column number in the resource that generated this message (1-based).
column - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Page.AppManifestError
Error column.
columnGapColor - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.GridHighlightConfig
The column gap highlight fill color (default: transparent).
columnGapSpace - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.FlexContainerHighlightConfig
Style of empty space caused by columns gaps (gap/column-gap).
columnHatchColor - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.GridHighlightConfig
The column gap hatching fill color (default: transparent).
columnLineColor - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.GridHighlightConfig
The column line color (default: transparent).
columnLineDash - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.GridHighlightConfig
Whether column lines are dashed (default: false).
columnNumber - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits.SourceCodeLocation
[No Description Provided by Google]
columnNumber - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.BreakLocation
Column number in the script (0-based).
columnNumber - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.Location
Column number in the script (0-based).
columnNumber - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.ScriptPosition
[No Description Provided by Google]
columnNumber - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOMDebugger.EventListener
Column number in the script (0-based).
columnNumber - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.Initiator
Initiator column number, set for Parser type or for Script type (when script is importing module) (0-based).
columnNumber - Variable in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.CallFrame
JavaScript script column number (0-based).
columnNumber - Variable in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.ExceptionDetails
Column number of the exception location (0-based).
columnNumber - Variable in class Torello.Browser.ServiceWorker.ServiceWorkerErrorMessage
[No Description Provided by Google]
COMMA_REGEX - Static variable in class Torello.Java.StringParse
This regular expression simply matches the comma.
commaAUC(char) - Static method in class Torello.Languages.ZH
Comma - any version.
COMMAND(String, String...) - Method in class Torello.Java.Shell
Runs the UNIX / BASH / LINUX 'shell' command named by the input parameter COMMAND_NAME.
CommandLine - Class in Apache.CLI
Represents list of arguments parsed against a Options descriptor.
CommandLine() - Constructor for class Apache.CLI.CommandLine
Creates a command line.
CommandLine.Builder - Class in Apache.CLI
A nested builder class to create CommandLine instance using descriptive methods.
CommandLineParser - Interface in Apache.CLI
A class that implements the CommandLineParser interface can parse a String array according to the Options specified and return a CommandLine.
commandStr - Variable in class Torello.Java.OSResponse
Maintains a copy of the command (as a String) that produced this instance
commandStrAppendable - Variable in class Torello.Java.OSCommands
commas(long) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StringParse
Makes a long number like 123456789 into a number-string such as: "123,456,789".
Comment - Class in Torello.CSS
Represents a CSS Comment-Block
CommentNode - Class in Torello.HTML
Represents HTML Comments, and is one of only three HTML Element Classes provided by the Java HTML Library Tool, and also one of the three data-classes that can be generated by the HTML Parser.
CommentNode(String) - Constructor for class Torello.HTML.CommentNode
This constructor simply makes a call to super(s); a.k.a. class HTML.HTMLNode

This constructor also checks to ensure that the internal String-field (public final String str) contains beginning and ending comment markers: '<!--' and '-->'
CommentNodeCount - Class in Torello.HTML.NodeSearch
Counts HTML Comments which match a user-specified criteria, such as a String-Predicate, Regular-Expression or TextComparitor.
CommentNodeFind - Class in Torello.HTML.NodeSearch
Identifies Vectorized-HTML indices having HTML Comments that match a user-provided criteria, specified using a String-Predicate, Regular-Expression or TextComparitor.
CommentNodeGet - Class in Torello.HTML.NodeSearch
Retrieves HTML Comments as CommentNode-instances, which match a search-criteria that may be specified using either a String-Predicate, Regular-Expression or TextComparitor.
CommentNodeIndex - Class in Torello.HTML
This is a simple data-class whose primary reason for development was to provide a way for the NodeSearch Package classes to simultaneously return both a CommentNode instance, and a Vector-index location (for that node) - at the same time - when searching HTML web-pages for HTML comments.
CommentNodeIndex(int, CommentNode) - Constructor for class Torello.HTML.CommentNodeIndex
Constructor for this class.
CommentNodeIterator - Class in Torello.HTML.NodeSearch
Static methods for building and instantiating an HNLI<CommentNode> (which extends the basic iterator class) for iterating the comments inside of an HTML-Vector, with the help of a user-provided String-Predicate, Regular Expression or TextComparitor as a search-specifier.
CommentNodePeek - Class in Torello.HTML.NodeSearch
"Peeks" into Vectorized-HTML for Comments matching a search-criteria and returns the Vector-index where matches are found, and the CommentNode at that Vector-location, as an instance of CommentNodeIndex.
CommentNodePoll - Class in Torello.HTML.NodeSearch
Searches for, and extracts, HTML Comments from Vectorized-HTML that match a user-specified search-criteria, and returns those extracted node or nodes.
CommentNodeRemove - Class in Torello.HTML.NodeSearch
Finds and removes HTML Comments from an HTML-Vector that match a user-provided search-criteria specified with a String-Predicate, Regular-Expression or TextComparitor.
commentNodes(Vector<HTMLNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Util.Count
Convenience Method.
commentNodes(Vector<HTMLNode>, int, int) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Util.Count
Counts the number of CommentNode's in an Vector<HTMLNode> between the demarcated array / Vector positions.
commentNodes(Vector<HTMLNode>, DotPair) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Util.Count
Convenience Method.
Comoros - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Comoros
comp2 - Static variable in class Torello.HTML.DotPair
This is an "alternative Comparitor" that can be used for sorting instances of this class.
comp2 - Static variable in class Torello.HTML.NodeIndex
This is an "alternative Comparitor" that can be used for sorting instances of this class.
comp2 - Static variable in class Torello.HTML.SubSection
This is an "alternative Comparitor" that can be used for sorting instances of this class.
comp2 - Static variable in class Torello.HTML.TextNode
This is an "alternative Comparitor" that can be used for sorting instances of this class.
comp2 - Static variable in class Torello.Java.FileNode
This is an "alternative Comparitor" that can be used for sorting instances of this class.
comp3 - Static variable in class Torello.HTML.NodeIndex
This is an "alternative Comparitor" that can be used for sorting instances of this class.
compactTextNodes(Vector<HTMLNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Util
Convenience Method.
compactTextNodes(Vector<HTMLNode>, int, int) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Util
Occasionally, when removing instances of TagNode from a vectorized-html page, certain instances of TextNode which were not adjacent / neighbours in the Vector, all of a sudden become adjacent.
compactTextNodes(Vector<HTMLNode>, DotPair) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Util
Convenience Method.
COMPARABLE_M - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.SummarySorterHelper
Label for methods inherited from class Combarable

Checker Method SummarySorterHelper.COMPARABLE_M(Method) matches methods named: "compareTo"
COMPARABLE_M(Method) - Static method in class Torello.JavaDoc.SummarySorterHelper
Identifies whether or not a particular method should be placed under the Method Summary Section Title for methods which implement or extend java.lang.Comparable.
comparator() - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlySortedMap
Returns the comparator used to order the keys in this map, or null if this map uses the natural ordering of its keys.
comparator() - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlySortedSet
Returns the comparator used to order the elements in this set, or null if this set uses the natural ordering of its elements.
comparator() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyTreeMap
comparator() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyTreeSet
compareStrVec - Variable in exception Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TCCompareStrException

This should contain the list of compare-String's passed for a parameter list to a TextComparitor.
compareStrVec - Variable in exception Torello.Java.StrCmprException

This should contain the list of compare-String's passed for a parameter list to class StrCmpr.
compareTo(CharSequence) - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
compareTo(CommentNode) - Method in class Torello.HTML.CommentNode
Java's interface Comparable<T> requirements.
compareTo(DotPair) - Method in class Torello.HTML.DotPair
Java's interface Comparable<T> requirements.
compareTo(PageStats) - Method in class Torello.HTML.PageStats
Java's interface Comparable<T> requirements.
compareTo(Replaceable) - Method in interface Torello.HTML.Replaceable
Java's Comparable interface requirements.
compareTo(TagNode) - Method in class Torello.HTML.TagNode
compareTo(TextNode) - Method in class Torello.HTML.TextNode
Java's interface Comparable<T> requirements.
compareTo(FileNode) - Method in class Torello.Java.FileNode
Java's Comparable<T> Interface-Requirements.
compareTo(AnnotationElem) - Method in class Torello.JavaDoc.AnnotationElem
Java's interface Comparable<T> requirements.
compareTo(Constructor) - Method in class Torello.JavaDoc.Constructor
Java's interface Comparable<T> requirements.
compareTo(EnumConstant) - Method in class Torello.JavaDoc.EnumConstant
Java's interface Comparable<T> requirements.
compareTo(Field) - Method in class Torello.JavaDoc.Field
Java's interface Comparable<T> requirements.
compareTo(Method) - Method in class Torello.JavaDoc.Method
Java's interface Comparable<T> requirements.
compareTo(NestedType) - Method in class Torello.JavaDoc.NestedType
Java's interface Comparable<T> requirements.
compareTo(ReflHTML) - Method in class Torello.JavaDoc.ReflHTML
Java's interface Comparable<T> requirements.
comparingByKey() - Static method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyMap.Entry
Returns a comparator that compares ReadOnlyMap.Entry in natural order on key.
comparingByKey(Comparator<? super K>) - Static method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyMap.Entry
Returns a comparator that compares ReadOnlyMap.Entry by key using the given Comparator.
comparingByValue() - Static method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyMap.Entry
Returns a comparator that compares ReadOnlyMap.Entry in natural order on value.
comparingByValue(Comparator<? super V>) - Static method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyMap.Entry
Returns a comparator that compares ReadOnlyMap.Entry by value using the given Comparator.
comparitor(TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in interface Torello.Java.StrFilter
Here, the class TextComparitor is reused from the 'NodeSearch' package.
compatibilityMode - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOM.Node
[No Description Provided by Google]

CompatibilityMode - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.DOM
Document compatibility mode.
CompilationCacheParams(String, Boolean) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Page.CompilationCacheParams
CompilationCacheParams(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Page.CompilationCacheParams
JSON Object Constructor
compilationCacheProduced(String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Page.compilationCacheProduced
compilationCacheProduced(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Page.compilationCacheProduced
JSON Object Constructor
compilationUnitTree - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.TreeUtils
This instance is generated by the Java-Compiler when it is asked to perform an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) parse of a Java Source-Code File (a '.java' File).
compile(BuilderRecord) - Static method in class Torello.Java.Build.S01_JavaCompiler
compileScript(String, String, boolean, Integer) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.RunTime
Compiles expression.
completedAttempts - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.ReportingApiReport
The number of delivery attempts made so far, not including an active attempt.
compose(ArticleGet) - Method in interface Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.ArticleGet
This is the standard-java Function 'compose' method.
compositeStep_RunStage1to4_OptionSelected - Variable in class Torello.Java.Build.CLI
This field is assigned TRUE if-and-only-if the Composite-Step Menu-Option associated with running Primary-Steps / Primary-Stages #1 to #4 has been selected by the user.
compositingReasons(String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.LayerTree
Provides the reasons why the given layer was composited.
compress(BuilderRecord) - Static method in class Torello.Java.Build.S04_TarJar
COMPRESSION_ERROR - NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketError
Compression failed.
compute(Object, BiFunction<Object, Object, ?>) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROPropertiesBuilder
compute(K, BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROHashMapBuilder
Attempts to compute a mapping for the specified key and its current mapped value (or null if there is no current mapping).
compute(K, BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROHashtableBuilder
Attempts to compute a mapping for the specified key and its current mapped value (or null if there is no current mapping).
compute(K, BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROTreeMapBuilder
computedLength - Variable in class Torello.Browser.CSS.MediaQueryExpression
Computed length of media query expression (if applicable).
ComputedStyle(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.ComputedStyle
JSON Object Constructor
ComputedStyle(DOMSnapshot.NameValue[]) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.ComputedStyle
computeEffectiveLeadingWhiteSpace(char[], int, int) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrIndent
Helper Method for calculating the number of space characters to be used at the beginning of a line of code, all the while obeying a particular tabs-policy.
computeIfAbsent(Object, Function<Object, ?>) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROPropertiesBuilder
computeIfAbsent(K, Function<? super K, ? extends V>) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROHashMapBuilder
If the specified key is not already associated with a value (or is mapped to null), attempts to compute its value using the given mapping function and enters it into this map unless null.
computeIfAbsent(K, Function<? super K, ? extends V>) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROHashtableBuilder
If the specified key is not already associated with a value (or is mapped to null), attempts to compute its value using the given mapping function and enters it into this map unless null.
computeIfAbsent(K, Function<? super K, ? extends V>) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROTreeMapBuilder
computeIfPresent(Object, BiFunction<Object, Object, ?>) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROPropertiesBuilder
computeIfPresent(K, BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROHashMapBuilder
If the value for the specified key is present and non-null, attempts to compute a new mapping given the key and its current mapped value.
computeIfPresent(K, BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROHashtableBuilder
If the value for the specified key is present and non-null, attempts to compute a new mapping given the key and its current mapped value.
computeIfPresent(K, BiFunction<? super K, ? super V, ? extends V>) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROTreeMapBuilder
ConcatToEnd - Torello.HTML.AUM
ConcatToEnd when used as an Attribute Update Method, tells the HTML Element Attribute Update Logic to concatenate the provided attribute-value to an already in place attribute-value at the end of the current attribute-value String.
ConcatToEndAddSpace - Torello.HTML.AUM
This AUM enumerated type is precisely identical to the one named ConcatToEnd - except that in the case where the inner-tag value is appended, a space is added immediately before the newly added String-value token.
ConcatToEndOrSet - Torello.HTML.AUM
ConcatToEnd when used as an Attribute Update Method, tells the HTML Element Attribute Update Logic to concatenate the provided attribute-value to an already in place attribute-value at the end of the current attribute-value String.
ConcatToEndOrSetAddSpace - Torello.HTML.AUM
This AUM enumerated type is precisely identical to the one named ConcatToEnd - except that in the case where the inner-tag value is appended, a space is added immediately before the newly added String-value token.
ConcatToStart - Torello.HTML.AUM
ConcatToStart when used as an Attribute Update Method, tells the HTML Element Attribute Update Logic to concatenate the provided attribute-value to an already in place attribute-value before the beginning of the current attribute-value String.
ConcatToStartAddSpace - Torello.HTML.AUM
This AUM enumerated type is precisely identical to the one named ConcatToStart - except that in the case where the inner-tag value is appended, a space is added immediately after the newly added String-value token.
ConcatToStartOrSet - Torello.HTML.AUM
ConcatToStart when used as an Attribute Update Method, tells the HTML Element Attribute Update Logic to concatenate the provided attribute-value to an already in place attribute-value before the beginning of the current attribute-value String.
ConcatToStartOrSetAddSpace - Torello.HTML.AUM
This AUM enumerated type is precisely identical to the one named ConcatToStartOrSet - except that in the case where the inner-tag value is appended (concatenated), a space is added immediately after the newly added String-value token.
Config - Class in Torello.Java.Build
This class provides a list of fields, all of which may be modified and configured, for providing any needed settings to class BuilderRecord.
Config() - Constructor for class Torello.Java.Build.Config
Creates an instance of this class, with all default values assigned to the parameter / fields.
configurable - Variable in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.PropertyDescriptor
True if the type of this property descriptor may be changed and if the property may be deleted from the corresponding object.
CONFIGURATION - Torello.JavaDoc.Excuse
Indicates the field isn't marked with the 'final' modifier because it is used as a simple-configuration.
Congo - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Democratic Republic of the Congo
connect() - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocket
Connect to the server, send an opening handshake to the server, receive the response and then start threads to communicate with the server.
connect(ExecutorService) - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocket
Execute WebSocket.connect() asynchronously using the given ExecutorService.
CONNECT_THREAD - NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.ThreadType
A thread which calls WebSocket.connect() asynchronously (ConnectThread).
connectable() - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocket
Get a new Callable<WebSocket> instance whose call() method calls WebSocket.connect() method of this WebSocket instance.
connectAsynchronously() - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocket
Execute WebSocket.connect() asynchronously by creating a new thread and calling connect() in the thread.
connectEnd - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.ResourceTiming
Connected to the remote host.
CONNECTING - NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketState
An opening handshake is being performed.
connectionId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.Response
Physical connection id that was actually used for this request.
connectionId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Tethering.accepted
Connection id to be used.
connectionReused - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.Response
Specifies whether physical connection was actually reused for this request.
ConnectionType - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Network
The underlying connection technology that the browser is supposedly using.
connectStart - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.ResourceTiming
Started connecting to the remote host.
connectTiming - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.requestWillBeSentExtraInfo
Connection timing information for the request.
ConnectTiming(Number) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Network.ConnectTiming
ConnectTiming(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Network.ConnectTiming
JSON Object Constructor
Console - Class in Torello.Browser
This domain is deprecated - use RunTime or Log instead.
Console.ConsoleMessage - Class in Torello.Browser
Console message.
Console.messageAdded - Class in Torello.Browser
Issued when new console message is added.
consoleAPICalled(String, RunTime.RemoteObject[], int, Number, RunTime.StackTrace, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.RunTime.consoleAPICalled
consoleAPICalled(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.RunTime.consoleAPICalled
JSON Object Constructor
ConsoleMessage(String, String, String, String, Integer, Integer) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Console.ConsoleMessage
ConsoleMessage(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Console.ConsoleMessage
JSON Object Constructor
consoleProfileFinished(String, Debugger.Location, Profiler.Profile, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Profiler.consoleProfileFinished
consoleProfileFinished(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Profiler.consoleProfileFinished
JSON Object Constructor
consoleProfileStarted(String, Debugger.Location, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Profiler.consoleProfileStarted
consoleProfileStarted(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Profiler.consoleProfileStarted
JSON Object Constructor
Constructor - Class in Torello.JavaDoc
Reflection Class: Holds all information extracted from '.java' Source-Files about Constructor's identified in that file.
Constructor(MethodTree, TreeUtils, String) - Constructor for class Torello.JavaDoc.Constructor
Constructor(CallableSignature) - Constructor for class Torello.JavaDoc.Constructor
Constructor(CallableSignature, Constructor) - Constructor for class Torello.JavaDoc.Constructor
CONSTRUCTOR - Torello.JavaDoc.Entity
Denotes Constructor(s).
constructorDetailsRemoved - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.JavaDocHTMLFile
Identifies if this Java Doc HTML Page has had it's Constructor Details Removed
constructors - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.ParsedFile
This is the list of Constructor instances identified by the parser for this ParsedFile
constructorSummaryTable - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.JavaDocHTMLFile
The HTML for a Constructor Summary Table
CONSTSpecialQuoteLeft - Static variable in class Torello.Languages.ZH
Special Quotation Mark, left-side
CONSTSpecialQuoteRight - Static variable in class Torello.Languages.ZH
Special Quotation Mark, right-side
consume(int[], ByRef<Integer>, Consumer<CSSToken>) - Static method in class Torello.CSS.AtKeyword
This is a tokenizer method which "consumes" the next At-Rule Token from the input Code-Point Array.
consume(int[], ByRef<Integer>, Consumer<CSSToken>) - Static method in class Torello.CSS.UnicodeRange
This is a tokenizer method which "consumes" the next UnicodeRange-Token from the input Code-Point Array.
consume(int[], ByRef<Integer>, Consumer<CSSToken>) - Static method in class Torello.CSS.Whitespace
This is a tokenizer method which "consumes" as much white-space as possible for the purpose of building a Whitespace Token.
consume(int[], ByRef<Integer>, Consumer<CSSToken>, int) - Static method in class Torello.CSS.BadURL
This is a tokenizer method which "consumes" the next BadURL-Token from the input Code-Point Array.
consume(int[], ByRef<Integer>, Consumer<CSSToken>, int, Num) - Static method in class Torello.CSS.Dimension
This is a tokenizer method which "consumes" the next Dimension-Token from the input Code-Point Array.
consume(int[], ByRef<Integer>, Consumer<CSSToken>, Consumer<TokenizeError>) - Static method in class Torello.CSS.Comment
This is a tokenizer method which "consumes" the next Comment-Token from the input Code-Point Array.
consume(int[], ByRef<Integer>, Consumer<CSSToken>, Consumer<TokenizeError>) - Static method in class Torello.CSS.Num
This is a tokenizer method which "consumes" the next Number-Token (or Number-Token Subclass) from the input Code-Point Array.
consume(int[], ByRef<Integer>, Consumer<CSSToken>, Consumer<TokenizeError>) - Static method in class Torello.CSS.Str
This is a tokenizer method which "consumes" the next String-Literal from the input Code-Point Array.
consume(int[], ByRef<Integer>, Consumer<CSSToken>, Consumer<TokenizeError>, boolean) - Static method in class Torello.CSS.URLToken
This is a tokenizer method which "consumes" the next URLToken from the input Code-Point Array.
consumeEscapedUnicode(int[], int, IntStream.Builder) - Static method in class Torello.CSS.CSSUtil
This is a tokenizer method which "consumes" an escaped Unicode Code-Point.
consumeIdentLikeSequence(int[], ByRef<Integer>, Consumer<CSSToken>, Consumer<TokenizeError>) - Static method in class Torello.CSS.Identifier
This is a tokenizer method which "consumes" the next Identifier-Token (or Identifier-Token Subclass) from the input Code-Point Array.
consumeIdentSequence(int[], int, ByRef<String>) - Static method in class Torello.CSS.Identifier
This is a tokenizer method which "consumes" the next Identifier-Sequence from the input Code-Point Array.
consumeNumber(int[], int, ByRef<Num>) - Static method in class Torello.CSS.Num
This is a tokenizer method which "consumes" the next Number-Literal from the input Code-Point Array.
contact - Torello.HTML.MetaTagName
The meta 'contact' name is used to add an email address.
containedMixedForm - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Security.InsecureContentStatus
Always false.
containerBorder - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.ContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig
The style of the container border.
containerBorder - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.FlexContainerHighlightConfig
The style of the container border

containerClasses - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.ParsedFile
This identifies inner classes and interfaces.
containerQueries - Variable in class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSRule
Container query list array (for rules involving container queries).
containerQueryContainerHighlightConfig - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.ContainerQueryHighlightConfig
A descriptor for the highlight appearance of container query containers.
containerQueryContainerHighlightConfig - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.HighlightConfig
The container query container highlight configuration (default: all transparent).
ContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Overlay.ContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig
JSON Object Constructor
ContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig(Overlay.LineStyle, Overlay.LineStyle) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Overlay.ContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig
ContainerQueryHighlightConfig(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Overlay.ContainerQueryHighlightConfig
JSON Object Constructor
ContainerQueryHighlightConfig(Overlay.ContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig, int) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Overlay.ContainerQueryHighlightConfig
containingBlockRect - Variable in class Torello.Browser.LayerTree.StickyPositionConstraint
Layout rectangle of the containing block of the sticky element
contains(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyArrayList
Returns TRUE if this list contains the specified element.
contains(Object) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyCollection
Returns TRUE if this collection contains the specified element.
contains(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyHashSet
Returns TRUE if this set contains the specified element.
contains(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyHashtable
Tests if some key maps into the specified value in this Hashtable.
contains(Object) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyList
Returns TRUE if this list contains the specified element.
contains(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyProperties
contains(Object) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlySet
Returns TRUE if this set contains the specified element.
contains(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyTreeSet
Returns TRUE if this set contains the specified element.
contains(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyVector
Returns TRUE if this Vector contains the specified element.
contains(String, int, int, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
contains(String, int, int, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
contains(String, int, int, Predicate<Character>, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
contains(String, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
contains(String, Predicate<Character>, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
contains(String, LV, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
This method remains 'protected' because it utilizes a specialized Loop-Control Variable Class Version of 'LV'.
contains(String, LV, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
This method remains 'protected' because it utilizes a specialized Loop-Control Variable Class Version of 'LV'.
contains(String, LV, Predicate<Character>, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
This method remains 'protected' because it utilizes a specialized Loop-Control Variable Class Version of 'LV'.
CONTAINS - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Checks an attribute-value or TextNode to identify whether it contains at least one match out of a list compare-String's.
CONTAINS(boolean, byte, String, String[]) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
Implementing a 'contains' is more efficient by performing only one loop iteration.
CONTAINS(boolean, byte, String, String[]) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
Implementing a 'contains' is more efficient by performing only one loop iteration.
CONTAINS(boolean, byte, String, Predicate<Character>, String[]) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
Implementing a 'contains' is more efficient by performing only one loop iteration.
CONTAINS(boolean, byte, LV, String, String[]) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
Implementing a 'contains' is more efficient by performing only one loop iteration.
CONTAINS(boolean, byte, LV, String, String[]) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
Implementing a 'contains' is more efficient by performing only one loop iteration.
CONTAINS(boolean, byte, LV, String, Predicate<Character>, String[]) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
Implementing a 'contains' is more efficient by performing only one loop iteration.
CONTAINS_AND - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Checks an attribute-value or TextNode to identify whether it contains a match for every string in the list compare-String's.
CONTAINS_CASE_INSENSITIVE - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Similar to public static field TextComparitor.CONTAINS, this function-pointer checks an attribute-value or TextNode to identify whether it contains at least one match out of a list compare-String's.
CONTAINS_CASE_INSENSITIVE_AND - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Just like public static field TextComparitor.CONTAINS_AND, this function-pointer checks an attribute-value or TextNode to identify whether it contains a match for every string in the list compare-String's.
CONTAINS_CASE_INSENSITIVE_NAND - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Just like public static field TextComparitor.CONTAINS_NAND, this function pointer checks an attribute-value or TextNode to ensure that it does not contain any matches with the list of compare-String's.
CONTAINS_CASE_INSENSITIVE_OR - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Similar to public static field TextComparitor.CONTAINS_OR, this function-pointer checks an attribute-value or TextNode to identify whether it contains at least one match out of a list of compare-String's.
CONTAINS_CASE_INSENSITIVE_XOR - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Similar to public static field TextComparitor.CONTAINS_XOR, this function-pointer checks an attribute-value or TextNode to identify if it will match precisely one and only one String from a list of compare-String's.
CONTAINS_CSS_CLASS_AND - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
This will check that all / every-one-of the named/provided "Compare-String's" are present, as tokens not substrings, in the CSS-Class-String of an HTML Element.
CONTAINS_CSS_CLASS_NAND - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
This will check that none of the named/provided "Compare-String's" are present, as tokens not substrings, in the CSS-Class-String of an HTML Element.
CONTAINS_CSS_CLASS_OR - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
This will check that at least one of the named/provided "Compare-String's" are present, as tokens not substrings, in the CSS-Class-String of an HTML Element.
CONTAINS_CSS_CLASS_XOR - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
This will check that exactly one of the named/provided "Compare-String's" are present, as tokens not substrings, in the CSS-Class-String of an HTML Element.
CONTAINS_NAND - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Checks an attribute-value or TextNode to ensure that it does not contain any matches with the list of compare-String's.
CONTAINS_NAND_OR(boolean, byte, String, char[]) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCh
A protected helper method for NAND and OR 'contains' methods.
CONTAINS_OR - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Checks an attribute-value or TextNode to identify whether it contains at least one match out of a list of compare-String's.
CONTAINS_XOR - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Checks an attribute-value or TextNode to identify if it will match precisely one and only one String from a list of compare-String's.
CONTAINS_XOR_AND(boolean, byte, String, char[]) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCh
A protected helper method for XOR and AND 'contains' methods.
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyArrayList
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyCollection
Returns TRUE if this collection contains all of the elements in the specified collection.
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyHashSet
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyList
Returns TRUE if this list contains all of the elements of the specified collection.
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlySet
Returns TRUE if this set contains all of the elements of the specified collection.
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyTreeSet
containsAll(Collection<?>) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyVector
Returns TRUE if this Vector contains all of the elements in the specified Collection
containsAND(Iterable<?>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyCollection
Checks to ensure that 'this' instance of ReadOnlyCollection contains every one of the elements in Iterable parameter 'i'
containsAND(Object...) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyCollection
Checks to ensure that 'this' instance of ReadOnlyCollection contains every one of the elements in Var-Args Parameter 'elements'
containsAND(String, char...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCh
containsAND(String, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
containsAND(String, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsAND(String, int, int, Predicate<Character>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsAND(String, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
containsAND(String, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsAND(String, Predicate<Character>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsAND_CI(String, char...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCh
containsAND_CI(String, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
containsAND_CI(String, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsAND_CI(String, int, int, Predicate<Character>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsAND_CI(String, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
containsAND_CI(String, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsAND_CI(String, Predicate<Character>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsIgnoreCase(String, char) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCh
Checks whether or not 'srcStr' contains 'compareChar'.
containsIgnoreCase(String, int, int, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
containsIgnoreCase(String, int, int, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsIgnoreCase(String, int, int, Predicate<Character>, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsIgnoreCase(String, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
This performs the exact same comparison as Java's String.contains(String) method.
containsIgnoreCase(String, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsIgnoreCase(String, Predicate<Character>, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsIgnoreCase(String, LV, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
This method remains 'protected' because it utilizes a specialized Loop-Control Variable Class Version of 'LV'.
containsIgnoreCase(String, LV, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
This method remains 'protected' because it utilizes a specialized Loop-Control Variable Class Version of 'LV'.
containsIgnoreCase(String, LV, Predicate<Character>, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
This method remains 'protected' because it utilizes a specialized Loop-Control Variable Class Version of 'LV'.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.LRUTreeMap
Returns TRUE if 'this' map contains a mapping for the specified 'key'.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyHashMap
Returns TRUE if this map contains a mapping for the specified key.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyHashtable
Tests if the specified object is a key in this Hashtable.
containsKey(Object) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyMap
Returns TRUE if this map contains a mapping for the specified key.
containsKey(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyProperties
containsKey(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyTreeMap
Returns TRUE if this map contains a mapping for the specified key.
containsKeyAND(Iterable<?>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyMap
Checks to ensure that 'this' instance of ReadOnlyMap contains a matching key for every one of the elements in Iterable parameter 'i'.
containsKeyAND(Object...) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyMap
Checks to ensure that 'this' instance of ReadOnlyMap contains a matching key for every one of the elements in Var-Args Parameter 'elements'
containsKeyNAND(Iterable<?>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyMap
Checks to ensure that 'this' instance of ReadOnlyMap does not contain any key that matches any of the elements in Iterable parameter 'i'
containsKeyNAND(Object...) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyMap
Checks to ensure that 'this' instance of ReadOnlyMap does not contain any key that matches any of the elements in Var-Args Parameter 'elements'
containsKeyOR(Iterable<?>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyMap
Checks to ensure that 'this' instance of ReadOnlyMap contains at least one key that matches at least one element in Iterable parameter 'i'
containsKeyOR(Object...) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyMap
Checks to ensure that 'this' instance of ReadOnlyMap contains at least one key that matches at least one element in Var-Args Parameter 'elements'
containsKeyXOR(Iterable<?>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyMap
Checks to ensure that 'this' instance of ReadOnlyMap contains exactly one key that matches an element in Iterable parameter 'i'
containsKeyXOR(Object...) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyMap
Checks to ensure that 'this' instance of ReadOnlyMap contains exactly one key that matches an element in Var-Args Parameter 'elements'
containsNAND(Iterable<?>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyCollection
Checks to ensure that 'this' instance of ReadOnlyCollection does not contain any of the elements in Iterable parameter 'i'
containsNAND(Object...) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyCollection
Checks to ensure that 'this' instance of ReadOnlyCollection does not contain any of the elements in Var-Args Parameter 'elements'
containsNAND(String, char...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCh
containsNAND(String, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
containsNAND(String, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsNAND(String, int, int, Predicate<Character>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsNAND(String, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
containsNAND(String, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsNAND(String, Predicate<Character>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsNAND_CI(String, char...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCh
containsNAND_CI(String, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
containsNAND_CI(String, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsNAND_CI(String, int, int, Predicate<Character>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsNAND_CI(String, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
containsNAND_CI(String, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsNAND_CI(String, Predicate<Character>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsOR(Iterable<?>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyCollection
Checks to ensure that 'this' instance of ReadOnlyCollection contains at least one of the elements in Iterable parameter 'i'
containsOR(Object...) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyCollection
Checks to ensure that 'this' instance of ReadOnlyCollection contains at least one of the elements in Var-Args Parameter 'elements'
containsOR(String, char...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCh
containsOR(String, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
containsOR(String, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsOR(String, int, int, Predicate<Character>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsOR(String, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
containsOR(String, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsOR(String, Predicate<Character>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsOR_CI(String, char...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCh
containsOR_CI(String, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
containsOR_CI(String, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsOR_CI(String, int, int, Predicate<Character>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsOR_CI(String, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
containsOR_CI(String, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsOR_CI(String, Predicate<Character>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsParameter(String) - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketExtension
Check if the parameter identified by the key is contained.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.LRUTreeMap
Returns TRUE if 'this' map maps one or more keys to the specified 'value'.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyHashMap
Returns TRUE if this map maps one or more keys to the specified value.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyHashtable
Returns TRUE if this Hashtable maps one or more keys to this value.
containsValue(Object) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyMap
Returns TRUE if this map maps one or more keys to the specified value.
containsValue(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyProperties
containsValue(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyTreeMap
Returns TRUE if this map maps one or more keys to the specified value.
containsValue(JsonStructure) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonPointer
Returns true if there is a value at the referenced location in the specified target.
containsValueAND(Iterable<?>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyMap
Checks to ensure that 'this' instance of ReadOnlyMap contains a matching value for every one of the elements in Iterable parameter 'i'
containsValueAND(Object...) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyMap
Checks to ensure that 'this' instance of ReadOnlyMap contains a matching value for every one of the elements in Var-Args Parameter 'elements'
containsValueNAND(Iterable<?>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyMap
Checks to ensure that 'this' instance of ReadOnlyMap does not contain any value that matches any of the elements in Iterable parameter 'i'
containsValueNAND(Object...) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyMap
Checks to ensure that 'this' instance of ReadOnlyMap does not contain any value that matches any of the elements in Var-Args Parameter 'elements'
containsValueOR(Iterable<?>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyMap
Checks to ensure that 'this' instance of ReadOnlyMap contains at least one value that matches at least one element in Iterable parameter 'i'
containsValueOR(Object...) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyMap
Checks to ensure that 'this' instance of ReadOnlyMap contains at least one value that matches at least one element in Var-Args Parameter 'elements'
containsValueXOR(Iterable<?>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyMap
Checks to ensure that 'this' instance of ReadOnlyMap contains exactly one value that matches an element in Iterable parameter 'i'
containsValueXOR(Object...) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyMap
Checks to ensure that 'this' instance of ReadOnlyMap contains exactly one value that matches an element in Var-Args Parameter 'elements'
containsXOR(Iterable<?>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyCollection
Checks to ensure that 'this' instance of ReadOnlyCollection contains precisely one of the elements in Iterable parameter 'i'
containsXOR(Object...) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyCollection
Checks to ensure that 'this' instance of ReadOnlyCollection contains precisely one of the elements in Var-Args Parameter 'elements'
containsXOR(String, char...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCh
containsXOR(String, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
containsXOR(String, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsXOR(String, int, int, Predicate<Character>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsXOR(String, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
containsXOR(String, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsXOR(String, Predicate<Character>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsXOR_CI(String, char...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCh
containsXOR_CI(String, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
containsXOR_CI(String, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsXOR_CI(String, int, int, Predicate<Character>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsXOR_CI(String, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
containsXOR_CI(String, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
containsXOR_CI(String, Predicate<Character>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
content - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOM.BoxModel
Content box
CONTENT_DISPOSITION(Iterable<String>, String, String...) - Method in class Torello.Java.GSUTIL
Convenience Method.
CONTENT_DISPOSITION(String[], String, String...) - Method in class Torello.Java.GSUTIL
CONTENT_DISPOSITION(String, String, String...) - Method in class Torello.Java.GSUTIL
CONTENT_ENCODING(Iterable<String>, String, String...) - Method in class Torello.Java.GSUTIL
Convenience Method.
CONTENT_ENCODING(String[], String, String...) - Method in class Torello.Java.GSUTIL
CONTENT_ENCODING(String, String, String...) - Method in class Torello.Java.GSUTIL
CONTENT_TYPE(Iterable<String>, String, String...) - Method in class Torello.Java.GSUTIL
Convenience Method.
CONTENT_TYPE(String[], String, String...) - Method in class Torello.Java.GSUTIL
CONTENT_TYPE(String, String, String...) - Method in class Torello.Java.GSUTIL
contentColor - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.HighlightConfig
The content box highlight fill color (default: transparent).
contentColor - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.HingeConfig
The content box highlight fill color (default: a dark color).
contentDocument - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOM.Node
Content document for frame owner elements.
contentDocumentIndex - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.DOMNode
The index of a frame owner element's content document in the domNodes array returned by getSnapshot, if any.
contentDocumentIndex - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.NodeTreeSnapshot
The index of the document in the list of the snapshot documents.
ContentEncoding - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Network
List of content encodings supported by the backend.
contentHeight - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.DocumentSnapshot
Document content height.
contentLanguage - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.DocumentSnapshot
Contains the document's content language.
contentLanguage - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.DOMNode
Only set for documents, contains the document's content language.
contentSecurityPolicyIssueDetails - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits.InspectorIssueDetails
[No Description Provided by Google]

ContentSecurityPolicyIssueDetails(String, String, boolean, String, Audits.AffectedFrame, Audits.SourceCodeLocation, Integer) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Audits.ContentSecurityPolicyIssueDetails
ContentSecurityPolicyIssueDetails(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Audits.ContentSecurityPolicyIssueDetails
JSON Object Constructor
contentSecurityPolicyViolationType - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits.ContentSecurityPolicyIssueDetails
[No Description Provided by Google]
ContentSecurityPolicyViolationType - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits
[No Description Provided by Google]
contentSize - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Page.FrameResource
Resource content size.
contentWidth - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.DocumentSnapshot
Document content width.
context - Variable in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.consoleAPICalled
Console context descriptor for calls on non-default console context (not console.*): 'anonymous#unique-logger-id' for call on unnamed context, 'name#unique-logger-id' for call on named context.
context - Variable in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.executionContextCreated
A newly created execution context.
context - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.contextChanged
[No Description Provided by Google]
context - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.contextCreated
[No Description Provided by Google]
contextChanged(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.contextChanged
JSON Object Constructor
contextChanged(WebAudio.BaseAudioContext) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.contextChanged
contextCreated(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.contextCreated
JSON Object Constructor
contextCreated(WebAudio.BaseAudioContext) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.contextCreated
contextId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.AudioListener
[No Description Provided by Google]
contextId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.audioListenerWillBeDestroyed
[No Description Provided by Google]
contextId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.AudioNode
[No Description Provided by Google]
contextId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.audioNodeWillBeDestroyed
[No Description Provided by Google]
contextId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.AudioParam
[No Description Provided by Google]
contextId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.audioParamWillBeDestroyed
[No Description Provided by Google]
contextId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.BaseAudioContext
[No Description Provided by Google]
contextId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.contextWillBeDestroyed
[No Description Provided by Google]
contextId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.nodeParamConnected
[No Description Provided by Google]
contextId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.nodeParamDisconnected
[No Description Provided by Google]
contextId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.nodesConnected
[No Description Provided by Google]
contextId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.nodesDisconnected
[No Description Provided by Google]
ContextRealtimeData(Number, Number, Number, Number) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.ContextRealtimeData
ContextRealtimeData(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.ContextRealtimeData
JSON Object Constructor
contextState - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.BaseAudioContext
[No Description Provided by Google]
ContextState - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio
Enum of AudioContextState from the spec
contextType - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.BaseAudioContext
[No Description Provided by Google]
ContextType - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio
Enum of BaseAudioContext types
contextWillBeDestroyed(String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.contextWillBeDestroyed
contextWillBeDestroyed(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.contextWillBeDestroyed
JSON Object Constructor
CONTINUATION - Static variable in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketOpcode
Opcode for "frame continuation" (0x0).
CONTINUATION_NOT_CLOSED - NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketError
A non-control frame was detected although the existing continuation had not been closed.
continueInterceptedRequest(String, String, String, String, String, String, JsonObject, Network.AuthChallengeResponse) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Network
Response to Network.requestIntercepted which either modifies the request to continue with any modifications, or blocks it, or completes it with the provided response bytes.
continueRequest(String, String, String, String, Fetch.HeaderEntry[], Boolean) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Fetch
Continues the request, optionally modifying some of its parameters.
continueResponse(String, Integer, String, Fetch.HeaderEntry[], String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Fetch
Continues loading of the paused response, optionally modifying the response headers.
continueToLocation(Debugger.Location, String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Debugger
Continues execution until specific location is reached.
continueWithAuth(String, Fetch.AuthChallengeResponse) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Fetch
Continues a request supplying authChallengeResponse following authRequired event.
contrastAlgorithm - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.HighlightConfig
The contrast algorithm to use for the contrast ratio (default: aa).
ContrastAlgorithm - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Overlay
[No Description Provided by Google]
contrastRatio - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits.LowTextContrastIssueDetails
[No Description Provided by Google]
controlledClients - Variable in class Torello.Browser.ServiceWorker.ServiceWorkerVersion
[No Description Provided by Google]

convert(String, String, boolean, HTMLModifier, Appendable) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.ToHTML
This method is a 'convenience' method that converts the data-files (Java Serialized Objects) generated by the ScrapeArticles.download(...) method into partial HTML files whose images have even been download.
convertAnyAUC(String) - Static method in class Torello.Languages.ZH
Checks for higher-Unicode letters and numbers, and converts them into lower-level versions of the appropriate letter or number.
convertHTML_TO_UTF8(String) - Static method in class Torello.Languages.ES
This function is somewhat redundant, as a complete HTML-Character Escape-Sequence class is included in the Torello.HTML package.
convertMessage(Exception) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.HTTPCodes
This just "pretty-prints" the message when there is an exception thrown that has an "identifiable HTTP Response Code." If this method cannot find an "HTTP Status/Response Code," then this method will return null.
convertMessageVerbose(Exception, URL, int) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.HTTPCodes
Uses a verbose-output print-style.
convertToNumber(String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.JSON.RJInternal
Converts any java.lang.String into one of the inheriting subclasses of Java class Number
convertToNumber(BigDecimal) - Static method in class Torello.Java.JSON.RJInternal
Converts any java.math.BigDecimal into one of the inheriting subclasses of Number.
convertToNumber(JsonNumber) - Static method in class Torello.Java.JSON.RJInternal
Converts any JsonNumber into one of the inheriting subclasses of Java class Number
cookie - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits.SameSiteCookieIssueDetails
If AffectedCookie is not set then rawCookieLine contains the raw Set-Cookie header string.
cookie - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.BlockedCookieWithReason
The cookie object representing the cookie which was not sent.
cookie - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.BlockedSetCookieWithReason
The cookie object which represents the cookie which was not stored.
Cookie(String, String, String, String, Number, int, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, String, boolean, String, int) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Network.Cookie
Cookie(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Network.Cookie
JSON Object Constructor
CookieBlockedReason - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Network
Types of reasons why a cookie may not be sent with a request.
cookieExclusionReasons - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits.SameSiteCookieIssueDetails
[No Description Provided by Google]
cookieLine - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.BlockedSetCookieWithReason
The string representing this individual cookie as it would appear in the header.
CookieParam(String, String, String, String, String, Boolean, Boolean, String, Number, String, Boolean, String, Integer) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Network.CookieParam
CookieParam(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Network.CookieParam
JSON Object Constructor
CookiePriority - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Network
Represents the cookie's 'Priority' status: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-west-cookie-priority-00

CookieSameSite - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Network
Represents the cookie's 'SameSite' status: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-west-first-party-cookies
CookieSourceScheme - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Network
Represents the source scheme of the origin that originally set the cookie.
cookieUrl - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits.SameSiteCookieIssueDetails
[No Description Provided by Google]

cookieWarningReasons - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits.SameSiteCookieIssueDetails
[No Description Provided by Google]
CookIslands - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Cook Islands
coop - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.SecurityIsolationStatus
[No Description Provided by Google]

copy(String, String) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonPatchBuilder
Adds a "copy" JSON Patch operation.
copy(FileNode, FileNodeFilter, String, Appendable) - Static method in class Torello.Java.FileTransfer
Copies the contents of one directory to another.
COPY - javax.json.JsonPatch.Operation
"copy" operation.
COPY(String[], String) - Method in class Torello.Java.MSDOS
MS-DOS Command: COPY C:\>COPY <src[0]> <src[1]> ... <src[src.length-1]> <target>
COPY(String, String) - Method in class Torello.Java.MSDOS
MS-DOS Command: COPY C:\>COPY <src> <target>
COPY(Vector<String>, String) - Method in class Torello.Java.MSDOS
MS-DOS Command: COPY C:\>COPY <src.elementAt(0)> <src.elementAt(1)> ... <src.elementAt(src.size()-1)> <target>
copyFile(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class Torello.Java.FileRW
This method will perform a byte-for-byte copy of a file from one location to another.
copyFile_JAR(Class<?>, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.LFEC
Loads a file from a java jar-file using an InputStream and copies that file, byte-for-byte, to 'targetFileName'.
copyInto(Object[]) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyVector
Copies the components of this Vector into the specified array.
copyIntoCollection(Collection<? super E>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyCollection
Simply copies the contents of 'this' instance of ReadOnlyCollection into the user-provided 'collection' data-structure.
copyIntoMap(Map<? super K, ? super V>) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyMap
Copies the contents of 'this' ReadOnlyMap into the user-provided 'map'.
copyJavaDocDirToCloudDir() - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.CloudSync
This method should copy all files from the Machine-Local 'javadoc/' directory to the 'javadoc/' directory in the cloud.
copyJavaDocDirToCloudDir() - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.CloudSyncGSUTIL
copyJDTarAndJarToCloud() - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.CloudSync
This method should copy the following files to their relevant Cloud Storage Directory:

Project.jar Project-JavaDoc.tar
copyJDTarAndJarToCloud() - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.CloudSyncGSUTIL
copyLogDirToCloud() - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.CloudSync
Copies all files in the User-Supplied 'logs/' Local-Directory to the Cloud Storage Log-Directory.
copyLogDirToCloud() - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.CloudSyncGSUTIL
copyOf(Collection<? extends E>) - Static method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlySet
Returns an unmodifiable Set containing the elements of the given Collection.
copyOf(ReadOnlyCollection<? extends E>) - Static method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyList
Returns a ReadOnlyList containing the elements of the given ReadOnlyCollection, in its iteration order.
copyOtherPackageDirsToCloudDir(OSExtras, Vector<String>, String) - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.CloudSync
Copy additional Package Sub-Directories to the Cloud.
copyOtherPackageDirsToCloudDir(OSExtras, Vector<String>, String) - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.CloudSyncGSUTIL
copyRecursive(FileNode, FileNodeFilter, FileNodeFilter, String, Appendable) - Static method in class Torello.Java.FileTransfer
Copies an entire directory tree to a target-directory.
copyright - Torello.HTML.MetaTagName
How do you explain that the photos and the text on your website are protected? You use the so called COPYRIGHT Meta-Tag.
copySingleJDPackageToCloud(String, String) - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.CloudSync
Copy the primary Java-Doc Web-Page Files for a Single Java Package to the appropriate Cloud Storage Directory.
copySingleJDPackageToCloud(String, String) - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.CloudSyncGSUTIL
copyTextFiles - Variable in class Torello.Java.HiLiteMe.Params
Any file that ends with ".txt" can be copied to the HiLiteMe.Params.targetDirectory location - without being pretty printed if this variable is set to TRUE.
copyTo(int, int, Integer) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.DOM
Creates a deep copy of the specified node and places it into the target container before the given anchor.
cOR(Declaration, String...) - Static method in class Torello.JavaDoc.SummarySorterHelper
CoralSeaIslands - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Coral Sea Islands
corsError - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.CorsErrorStatus
[No Description Provided by Google]
CorsError - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Network
The reason why request was blocked.
corsErrorStatus - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits.CorsIssueDetails
[No Description Provided by Google]
corsErrorStatus - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.loadingFailed
The reason why loading was blocked by CORS, if any.
CorsErrorStatus(String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Network.CorsErrorStatus
CorsErrorStatus(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Network.CorsErrorStatus
JSON Object Constructor
corsIssueDetails - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits.InspectorIssueDetails
[No Description Provided by Google]

CorsIssueDetails(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Audits.CorsIssueDetails
JSON Object Constructor
CorsIssueDetails(Network.CorsErrorStatus, boolean, Audits.AffectedRequest, Audits.SourceCodeLocation, String, String, Network.ClientSecurityState) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Audits.CorsIssueDetails
CostaRica - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Costa Rica
COULD_NOT_DOWNLOAD - Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.DownloadResult
The HTTP-Download Connection failed.
count - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Browser.Bucket
Number of samples.
count - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Browser.Histogram
Total number of samples.
count - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Profiler.CoverageRange
Collected execution count of the source range.
count - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Storage.TrustTokens
[No Description Provided by Google]
count() - Method in class Torello.Java.FileNode
Convenience Method.
count(FileNodeFilter, FileNodeFilter) - Method in class Torello.Java.FileNode
Performs a count on the total number of files and directories contained by 'this' directory.
countCharacters(String, char) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StringParse
Counts the number of instances of character input char c contained by the input String s
countElementsByClassName(Vector<HTMLNode>, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.JS
countElementsByName(Vector<HTMLNode>, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.JS
countElementsByTagName(Vector<HTMLNode>, String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.JS
Counter - Class in Torello.Java.Additional
An extremely basic 'Counter' class that is used to help alleviate Java's stringent 'Effectively Final' requirement for lambda-expressions.
Counter() - Constructor for class Torello.Java.Additional.Counter
Creates a new counter instance, and initializes it's internal-private int counter field to '0'.
Counter(int) - Constructor for class Torello.Java.Additional.Counter
Creates a new counter object, and initializes it's value to the passed-parameter int startingValue
countJustDirs() - Method in class Torello.Java.FileNode
Convenience Method.
countJustDirs(FileNodeFilter) - Method in class Torello.Java.FileNode
Performs a count on the total number of sub-directories contained by 'this' directory.
countJustFiles() - Method in class Torello.Java.FileNode
Convenience Method.
countJustFiles(FileNodeFilter, FileNodeFilter) - Method in class Torello.Java.FileNode
Performs a count on the total number of files only (does not count sub directories) contained by 'this' directory.
countLeadingLettersAndNumbers(String) - Static method in class Torello.Languages.ZH
Checks for any leading alphabetic ('a' ... 'z') and numeric ('0' ... '9') characters in a Chinese String.
country - Variable in class Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.NewsSite
Country of origin for the news-site in question
Country - Enum in Torello.Java
An enumeration of countries in the world.
countryName - Variable in enum Torello.Java.Country
This is the name of the country
countSyllablesAndNonChinese(String, Appendable) - Static method in class Torello.Languages.ZH
Counts syllables in a "word" of PinYin.
countToneVowels(String) - Static method in class Torello.Languages.ZH
Counts the number of tone vowels in a PinYin String.
CoverageRange(int, int, int) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Profiler.CoverageRange
CoverageRange(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Profiler.CoverageRange
JSON Object Constructor
CP(Iterable<String>, String, String...) - Method in class Torello.Java.GSUTIL
Convenience Method.
CP(String[], String) - Method in class Torello.Java.Shell
UNIX Shell Command: Copy $ cp <src[0]> <src[1]> ... <src[src.length-1]> <target>
CP(String[], String, String...) - Method in class Torello.Java.GSUTIL
CP(String, String) - Method in class Torello.Java.Shell
UNIX Shell Command: Copy $ cp <src> <target>
CP(String, String, String...) - Method in class Torello.Java.GSUTIL
CP(Vector<String>, String) - Method in class Torello.Java.Shell
UNIX Shell Command: Copy $ cp <src.elementAt(0)> <src.elementAt(1)> ... <src.elementAt(src.size()-1)> <target>
cpuTime - Variable in class Torello.Browser.SystemInfo.ProcessInfo
Specifies cumulative CPU usage in seconds across all threads of the process since the process start.
crash() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Browser
Crashes browser on the main thread.
crash() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Page
Crashes renderer on the IO thread, generates minidumps.
crashGpuProcess() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Browser
Crashes GPU process.
create(int, Vector<HTMLNode>) - Static method in interface Torello.HTML.Replaceable
Creates a new Replaceable instance whose original-location is just a single-node, but whose new html may be an arbitrarily-sized html Vector.
create(DotPair, Vector<HTMLNode>) - Static method in interface Torello.HTML.Replaceable
Provides a mechanism for creating a SubSection instance whose html does not match the size of the location where that html is to be placed.
createArrayBuilder() - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Creates a JSON array builder
createArrayBuilder() - Method in interface javax.json.JsonBuilderFactory
Creates a JsonArrayBuilder instance that is used to build JsonArray
createArrayBuilder(Collection<?>) - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Creates a JSON array builder, initialized with the content of specified collection.
createArrayBuilder(Collection<?>) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonBuilderFactory
Creates a JsonArrayBuilder instance, initialized with the content of specified collection.
createArrayBuilder(JsonArray) - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Creates a JSON array builder, initialized with the specified array
createArrayBuilder(JsonArray) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonBuilderFactory
Creates a JsonArrayBuilder instance, initialized with an array.
createBinaryFrame(byte[]) - Static method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketFrame
Create a binary frame.
createBrowserContext(Boolean, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Target
Creates a new empty BrowserContext.
createBuilder(String[]) - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.Config
Processes Command-Line Inputs, and creates an instance of BuilderRecord.
createBuilderFactory(Map<String, ?>) - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Creates a builder factory for creating JsonArrayBuilder and JsonObjectBuilder objects.
createClass(String) - Static method in class Apache.CLI.TypeHandler
Returns the class whose name is className.
createCloseFrame() - Static method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketFrame
Create a close frame.
createCloseFrame(int) - Static method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketFrame
Create a close frame.
createCloseFrame(int, String) - Static method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketFrame
Create a close frame.
createContinuationFrame() - Static method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketFrame
Create a continuation frame.
createContinuationFrame(byte[]) - Static method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketFrame
Create a continuation frame.
createContinuationFrame(String) - Static method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketFrame
Create a continuation frame.
CREATED - NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketState
The initial state of a WebSocket instance.
createDate(String) - Static method in class Apache.CLI.TypeHandler
Returns the date represented by str.
createDiff(JsonStructure, JsonStructure) - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Generates a JSON Patch (RFC 6902) from the source and target JsonStructure.
createFile(String) - Static method in class Apache.CLI.TypeHandler
Returns the File represented by str.
createFiles(String) - Static method in class Apache.CLI.TypeHandler
Returns the File[] represented by str.
createGenerator(OutputStream) - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Creates a JSON generator for writing JSON to a byte stream.
createGenerator(OutputStream) - Method in interface javax.json.stream.JsonGeneratorFactory
Creates a JSON generator to write JSON text to a byte stream.
createGenerator(OutputStream, Charset) - Method in interface javax.json.stream.JsonGeneratorFactory
Creates a JSON generator to write JSON text to a byte stream.
createGenerator(Writer) - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Creates a JSON generator for writing JSON to a character stream.
createGenerator(Writer) - Method in interface javax.json.stream.JsonGeneratorFactory
Creates a JSON generator to write JSON text to a character stream.
createGeneratorFactory(Map<String, ?>) - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Creates a generator factory for creating JsonGenerator objects.
createIndex(TreeSet<String>, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.HiLiteMe
This will generate an 'index.html' file of all the recently generated '.html' files.
createInsertion(int, Vector<HTMLNode>) - Static method in interface Torello.HTML.Replaceable
Creates a new Replaceable instance whose original-location had zero-length
createIsolatedWorld(String, String, Boolean) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Page
Creates an isolated world for the given frame.
createMergeDiff(JsonValue, JsonValue) - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Generates a JSON Merge Patch (RFC 7396) from the source and target JsonValues which when applied to the source, yields the target.
createMergePatch(JsonValue) - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Creates JSON Merge Patch (RFC 7396) from specified JsonValue.
createNumber(String) - Static method in class Apache.CLI.TypeHandler
Create a number from a String.
createObject(String) - Static method in class Apache.CLI.TypeHandler
Create an Object from the class name and empty constructor.
createObjectBuilder() - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Creates a JSON object builder
createObjectBuilder() - Method in interface javax.json.JsonBuilderFactory
Creates a JsonObjectBuilder instance that is used to build JsonObject.
createObjectBuilder(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Creates a JSON object builder, initialized with the data from specified map.
createObjectBuilder(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonBuilderFactory
Creates a JsonObjectBuilder instance, initialized with the specified object.
createObjectBuilder(JsonObject) - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Creates a JSON object builder, initialized with the specified object.
createObjectBuilder(JsonObject) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonBuilderFactory
Creates a JsonObjectBuilder instance, initialized with an object.
createPadding(int) - Method in class Apache.CLI.HelpFormatter
Return a String of padding of length len.
createParser(InputStream) - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Creates a JSON parser from a byte stream.
createParser(InputStream) - Method in interface javax.json.stream.JsonParserFactory
Creates a JSON parser from the specified byte stream.
createParser(InputStream, Charset) - Method in interface javax.json.stream.JsonParserFactory
Creates a JSON parser from the specified byte stream.
createParser(Reader) - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Creates a JSON parser from a character stream.
createParser(Reader) - Method in interface javax.json.stream.JsonParserFactory
Creates a JSON parser from a character stream.
createParser(JsonArray) - Method in interface javax.json.stream.JsonParserFactory
Creates a JSON parser from the specified JSON array.
createParser(JsonObject) - Method in interface javax.json.stream.JsonParserFactory
Creates a JSON parser from the specified JSON object.
createParserFactory(Map<String, ?>) - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Creates a parser factory for creating JsonParser objects.
createPatch(JsonArray) - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Creates a JSON Patch (RFC 6902) from the specified operations.
createPatchBuilder() - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Creates a JSON Patch builder (RFC 6902).
createPatchBuilder(JsonArray) - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Creates a JSON Patch builder (RFC 6902), initialized with the specified operations.
createPingFrame() - Static method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketFrame
Create a ping frame.
createPingFrame(byte[]) - Static method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketFrame
Create a ping frame.
createPingFrame(String) - Static method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketFrame
Create a ping frame.
createPointer(String) - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Creates JSON Pointer (RFC 6901) from given jsonPointer string.
createPongFrame() - Static method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketFrame
Create a pong frame.
createPongFrame(byte[]) - Static method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketFrame
Create a pong frame.
createPongFrame(String) - Static method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketFrame
Create a pong frame.
createReader(InputStream) - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Creates a JSON reader from a byte stream.
createReader(InputStream) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonReaderFactory
Creates a JSON reader from a byte stream.
createReader(InputStream, Charset) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonReaderFactory
Creates a JSON reader from a byte stream.
createReader(Reader) - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Creates a JSON reader from a character stream.
createReader(Reader) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonReaderFactory
Creates a JSON reader from a character stream.
createReaderFactory(Map<String, ?>) - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Creates a reader factory for creating JsonReader objects.
createRoot(String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.FileNode
This is the "Factory Method" for this class.
createSocket(String) - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketFactory
Create a WebSocket.
createSocket(String, int) - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketFactory
Create a WebSocket.
createSocket(URI) - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketFactory
Create a WebSocket.
createSocket(URI, int) - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketFactory
Create a WebSocket.
createSocket(URL) - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketFactory
Create a WebSocket.
createSocket(URL, int) - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketFactory
Create a WebSocket.
createStyleSheet(String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.CSS
Creates a new special "via-inspector" stylesheet in the frame with given frameId.
createTarget(String, Integer, Integer, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Target
Creates a new page.
createTextFrame(String) - Static method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketFrame
Create a text frame.
createURL(String) - Static method in class Apache.CLI.TypeHandler
Returns the URL represented by str.
createValue(double) - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Creates a JsonNumber.
createValue(int) - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Creates a JsonNumber.
createValue(long) - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Creates a JsonNumber.
createValue(String) - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Creates a JsonString.
createValue(String, Class<T>) - Static method in class Apache.CLI.TypeHandler
Returns the Object of type clazz with the value of str.
createValue(String, Object) - Static method in class Apache.CLI.TypeHandler
Returns the Object of type obj with the value of str.
createValue(BigDecimal) - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Creates a JsonNumber.
createValue(BigInteger) - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Creates a JsonNumber.
createWriter(OutputStream) - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Creates a JSON writer to write a JSON object or array structure to the specified byte stream.
createWriter(OutputStream) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonWriterFactory
Creates a JSON writer to write a JSON object or array structure to the specified byte stream.
createWriter(OutputStream, Charset) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonWriterFactory
Creates a JSON writer to write a JSON object or array structure to the specified byte stream.
createWriter(Writer) - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Creates a JSON writer to write a JSON object or array structure to the specified character stream.
createWriter(Writer) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonWriterFactory
Creates a JSON writer to write a JSON object or array structure to the specified character stream.
createWriterFactory(Map<String, ?>) - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Creates a writer factory for creating JsonWriter objects.
Credential(String, boolean, String, String, String, int, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.WebAuthn.Credential
Credential(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.WebAuthn.Credential
JSON Object Constructor
credentialId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAuthn.Credential
[No Description Provided by Google]
critical - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Page.AppManifestError
If criticial, this is a non-recoverable parse error.
Croatia - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Croatia
crossAlignment - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.FlexContainerHighlightConfig
Style of the self-alignment line (align-items).
crossDistributedSpace - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.FlexContainerHighlightConfig
Style of content-distribution space on the cross axis (align-content).
CrossOriginEmbedderPolicyStatus(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Network.CrossOriginEmbedderPolicyStatus
CrossOriginEmbedderPolicyStatus(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Network.CrossOriginEmbedderPolicyStatus
JSON Object Constructor
CrossOriginEmbedderPolicyValue - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Network
[No Description Provided by Google]

crossOriginIsolatedContextType - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Page.Frame
Indicates whether this is a cross origin isolated context.
CrossOriginIsolatedContextType - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Page
Indicates whether the frame is cross-origin isolated and why it is the case.
CrossOriginOpenerPolicyStatus(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Network.CrossOriginOpenerPolicyStatus
CrossOriginOpenerPolicyStatus(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Network.CrossOriginOpenerPolicyStatus
JSON Object Constructor
CrossOriginOpenerPolicyValue - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Network
[No Description Provided by Google]

CS - Torello.Languages.LC
Language: Czech
CSPViolationType - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.DOMDebugger
CSP Violation type.
CSS - Class in Torello.Browser
This domain exposes CSS read/write operations.
CSS_CLASS_COMMA_SEE_ALSO - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSTags
CSS_CLASS_FOR_ANNOTATION_DEFAULT - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSTags
CSS_CLASS_FOR_CODE_ANNOTATION_ELEM_DEFINITION - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSTags
CSS_CLASS_FOR_CODE_ANNOTATION_ELEM_LABEL - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSTags
CSS_CLASS_FOR_CODE_ENUM_CONST_DEFINITION - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSTags
CSS_CLASS_FOR_CODE_ENUM_CONST_LABEL - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSTags
CSS_CLASS_FOR_CODE_FIELD_DEFINITION - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSTags
CSS_CLASS_FOR_CODE_FIELD_LABEL - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSTags
CSS_CLASS_FOR_CODE_METHOD_DEFINITION - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSTags
CSS_CLASS_FOR_CODE_METHOD_LABEL - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSTags
CSS_CLASS_FOR_DESCRIPTIONS - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSTags
CSS_CLASS_FOR_DETAILS_SECTION - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSTags
CSS_CLASS_FOR_HEADERDL - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSTags
CSS_CLASS_FOR_INHERITANCE - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSTags
CSS_CLASS_FOR_NAME_H4 - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSTags
CSS_CLASS_FOR_OVERRIDE_SPECIFY_DD - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSTags
CSS_CLASS_FOR_PARAMETER_DD_ELEMENT - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSTags
CSS_CLASS_FOR_PARAMETER_DEFINITIONS - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSTags
CSS_CLASS_FOR_RETURN_DD - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSTags
CSS_CLASS_FOR_SEE_ALSO - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSTags
CSS_CLASS_FOR_SIGNATURES - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSTags
CSS_CLASS_FOR_SUMMARY_SECTION - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSTags
CSS_CLASS_FOR_THROWS - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSTags
CSS_CLASS_FOR_THROWS_DD_ELEMENT - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSTags
CSS_CLASS_FOR_TYPE_PARAMETER_DD_ELEMENT - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSTags
CSS_CLASS_FOR_TYPE_PARAMETER_DEFINITIONS - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSTags
CSS_FILES - Static variable in class Torello.Java.FileNode
Implements the interface java.io.FilenameFilte, and can therefore be used within the loadTree method.
CSS_ID_FOR_DESCRIPTION_HEADER - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSTags
CSS_ID_FOR_PACKAGE - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSTags
CSS_ID_FOR_SIGNATURES_HEADER - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSTags
CSS_ID_FOR_TITLE - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSTags
CSS.CSSComputedStyleProperty - Class in Torello.Browser
[No Description Provided by Google]
CSS.CSSContainerQuery - Class in Torello.Browser
CSS container query rule descriptor.
CSS.CSSKeyframeRule - Class in Torello.Browser
CSS keyframe rule representation.
CSS.CSSKeyframesRule - Class in Torello.Browser
CSS keyframes rule representation.
CSS.CSSMedia - Class in Torello.Browser
CSS media rule descriptor.
CSS.CSSProperty - Class in Torello.Browser
CSS property declaration data.
CSS.CSSRule - Class in Torello.Browser
CSS rule representation.
CSS.CSSStyle - Class in Torello.Browser
CSS style representation.
CSS.CSSStyleSheetHeader - Class in Torello.Browser
CSS stylesheet metainformation.
CSS.FontFace - Class in Torello.Browser
Properties of a web font: https://www.w3.org/TR/2008/REC-CSS2-20080411/fonts.html#font-descriptions and additional information such as platformFontFamily and fontVariationAxes.
CSS.fontsUpdated - Class in Torello.Browser
Fires whenever a web font is updated.
CSS.FontVariationAxis - Class in Torello.Browser
Information about font variation axes for variable fonts
CSS.InheritedStyleEntry - Class in Torello.Browser
Inherited CSS rule collection from ancestor node.
CSS.MediaQuery - Class in Torello.Browser
Media query descriptor.
CSS.MediaQueryExpression - Class in Torello.Browser
Media query expression descriptor.
CSS.mediaQueryResultChanged - Class in Torello.Browser
Fires whenever a MediaQuery result changes (for example, after a browser window has been resized.) The current implementation considers only viewport-dependent media features.
CSS.PlatformFontUsage - Class in Torello.Browser
Information about amount of glyphs that were rendered with given font.
CSS.PseudoElementMatches - Class in Torello.Browser
CSS rule collection for a single pseudo style.
CSS.RuleMatch - Class in Torello.Browser
Match data for a CSS rule.
CSS.RuleUsage - Class in Torello.Browser
CSS coverage information.
CSS.SelectorList - Class in Torello.Browser
Selector list data.
CSS.ShorthandEntry - Class in Torello.Browser
[No Description Provided by Google]
CSS.SourceRange - Class in Torello.Browser
Text range within a resource.
CSS.StyleDeclarationEdit - Class in Torello.Browser
A descriptor of operation to mutate style declaration text.
CSS.styleSheetAdded - Class in Torello.Browser
Fired whenever an active document stylesheet is added.
CSS.styleSheetChanged - Class in Torello.Browser
Fired whenever a stylesheet is changed as a result of the client operation.
CSS.styleSheetRemoved - Class in Torello.Browser
Fired whenever an active document stylesheet is removed.
CSS.Value - Class in Torello.Browser
Data for a simple selector (these are delimited by commas in a selector list).
CSSClass() - Method in annotation type Torello.JavaDoc.JDHeaderBackgroundImg
This Annotation-Element is optional.
cssClasses() - Method in class Torello.HTML.TagNode
cssClassesNOCSE() - Method in class Torello.HTML.TagNode
Convenience Method.
CSSComputedStyleProperty(String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSComputedStyleProperty
CSSComputedStyleProperty(String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.DOM.CSSComputedStyleProperty
CSSComputedStyleProperty(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSComputedStyleProperty
JSON Object Constructor
CSSComputedStyleProperty(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.DOM.CSSComputedStyleProperty
JSON Object Constructor
CSSContainerQuery(String, CSS.SourceRange, String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSContainerQuery
CSSContainerQuery(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSContainerQuery
JSON Object Constructor
cssExternalSheet - Static variable in class Torello.HTML.Features
This String may be inserted in the HTML <HEAD> ... </HEAD> section to add a Cascading Style Sheet (a '.css' file) to your page.
cssExternalSheetWithMediaAttribute - Static variable in class Torello.HTML.Features
This String may be inserted in the HTML <HEAD> ... </HEAD> section to add a Cascading Style Sheet (a '.css' file) to your page.
CSSFiles - Class in Torello.JavaDoc
A class for encapsulating all four JavaDoc Upgrader '.css' Files, each of which has been saved, in entirety, as a simple Java String.
CSSFiles(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSFiles
Constructs an instance of this class by assigning the input parameters to the fields of the exact same name.
CSSgetCode() - Static method in class Torello.Languages.Verbs.WebFiles
Extracts the needed CSS Declaractions from the Java-HTML JAR File, and returns that CSS as a java.lang.String.
cssGridColor - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.HighlightConfig
The grid layout color (default: transparent).
cssId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Animation._Animation
A unique ID for Animation representing the sources that triggered this CSS animation/transition.
CSSKeyframeRule(String, String, CSS.Value, CSS.CSSStyle) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSKeyframeRule
CSSKeyframeRule(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSKeyframeRule
JSON Object Constructor
CSSKeyframesRule(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSKeyframesRule
JSON Object Constructor
CSSKeyframesRule(CSS.Value, CSS.CSSKeyframeRule[]) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSKeyframesRule
CSSLinks - Annotation Type in Torello.JavaDoc
This Annotation allows a user to request that a CSS Link-Import be included in the Header Portion of any CIET/Type's respective Java-Doc Web-Page.
CSSMedia(String, String, String, CSS.SourceRange, String, CSS.MediaQuery[]) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSMedia
CSSMedia(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSMedia
JSON Object Constructor
cssProperties - Variable in class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSStyle
CSS properties in the style.
CSSProperty(String, String, Boolean, Boolean, String, Boolean, Boolean, CSS.SourceRange) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSProperty
CSSProperty(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSProperty
JSON Object Constructor
CSSRule(String, CSS.SelectorList, String, CSS.CSSStyle, CSS.CSSMedia[], CSS.CSSContainerQuery[]) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSRule
CSSRule(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSRule
JSON Object Constructor
CSSStrException - Exception in Torello.HTML.NodeSearch
An exception used for problems generated by either HTML-Tag in-line CSS STYLE='...' attributes, or by explicitly declared CSS <STYLE TYPE='text/css'> style-blocks.
CSSStrException(String, String[], int) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CSSStrException
This constructor just calls the line: super(message, compareStr, i);
CSSStrException(String, Throwable, String[], int) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CSSStrException
This constructor just calls the line: super(message, cause, compareStr, i);
cssStyle() - Method in class Torello.HTML.TagNode
CSSStyle(String, CSS.CSSProperty[], CSS.ShorthandEntry[], String, CSS.SourceRange) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSStyle
CSSStyle(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSStyle
JSON Object Constructor
CSSStyleSheetHeader(String, String, String, String, String, String, Integer, boolean, Boolean, boolean, boolean, boolean, Number, Number, Number, Number, Number) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSStyleSheetHeader
CSSStyleSheetHeader(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSStyleSheetHeader
JSON Object Constructor
CSSTags - Class in Torello.JavaDoc
Complete List of CSS CLASS and ID Attributes that are inserted by the HTML Processor Classes CSSTagsTopAndSumm and CSSTagsDetails.
CSSTCs - Static variable in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.ARGCHECK
This just keeps a short list of all the instance-objects of class TextComparitor that perform the "CSS Class" Checks.
cssText - Variable in class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSStyle
Style declaration text (if available).
CSSToken - Class in Torello.CSS
The root abstract-parent class for all CSSToken Sub-Classes.
CSSTokenizer - Class in Torello.CSS
CSSUtil - Class in Torello.CSS
CSSUtil() - Constructor for class Torello.CSS.CSSUtil
CSV(String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCSV
Convenience Method.
CSV(String, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCSV
This will return a list of String that are in-between each-and-every comma that is found inside the parameter-String 's'

Java Stream API:
This method uses Java 8 or 9's package java.util.stream.*.
ctap2Version - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAuthn.VirtualAuthenticatorOptions
Defaults to ctap2_0.
Ctap2Version - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAuthn
[No Description Provided by Google]
Cuba - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Cuba
CURL(URL, String, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.Additional.URLs
As of today, the version of UNIX curl command does not seem to be downloading everything properly.
currentNodes() - Method in class Torello.HTML.NodeIndex
currentNodes() - Method in interface Torello.HTML.Replaceable
All nodes currently contained by this Replaceable.
currentNodes() - Method in class Torello.HTML.SubSection
currentOption - Variable in class Apache.CLI.DefaultParser
The last option parsed.
currentRect - Variable in class Torello.Browser.PerformanceTimeline.LayoutShiftAttribution
[No Description Provided by Google]
currentSize() - Method in class Torello.HTML.NodeIndex
currentSize() - Method in interface Torello.HTML.Replaceable
Returns how many nodes are currently in this instance.
currentSize() - Method in class Torello.HTML.SubSection
currentSourceURL - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.DOMNode
The selected url for nodes with a srcset attribute.
currentSourceURL - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.NodeTreeSnapshot
The selected url for nodes with a srcset attribute.
currentTime - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Animation._Animation
Animation's current time.
currentTime - Variable in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.ContextRealtimeData
The current context time in second in BaseAudioContext.
currentToken - Variable in class Apache.CLI.DefaultParser
The token currently processed.
currentWorkingDirectory - Variable in class Torello.Java.OSExtras
cursive - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Page.FontFamilies
The cursive font-family.
cursor - Variable in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AbstractHNLI
Internal 'cursor' field.
CursorException - Exception in Torello.HTML.NodeSearch
This exception is thrown when attempts to violate a Cursor Boundary Window Contract (possibly rendering the window invalid) are made inside any of the methods exported by the AbstractHNLI, HNLI or HNLIInclusive iterators.
CursorException(String, int, int, int) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CursorException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message, and the two public, final parameters: maxCursor, minCursor and pos.
CursorException(String, Throwable, int, int, int) - Constructor for exception Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CursorException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message, and the two public, final parameters: maxCursor, minCursor and pos.
cursorLocation() - Method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AbstractHNLI
Retrieves the current location of the cursor.
CUSTOM_METADATA(Iterable<String>, String, String...) - Method in class Torello.Java.GSUTIL
Convenience Method.
CUSTOM_METADATA(String[], String, String...) - Method in class Torello.Java.GSUTIL
CUSTOM_METADATA(String, String, String...) - Method in class Torello.Java.GSUTIL
CUSTOMIZED_CSS_FILENAME - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSFiles
customizedCSS - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.CSSFiles
customMappings - Variable in class Torello.Java.HiLiteMe.Params
This is null by default.
customPreview - Variable in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.RemoteObject
[No Description Provided by Google]

CustomPreview(String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.RunTime.CustomPreview
CustomPreview(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.RunTime.CustomPreview
JSON Object Constructor
CY - Torello.Languages.LC
Language: Welsh
CYAN - Static variable in class Torello.Java.C
CYAN_BKGND - Static variable in class Torello.Java.C
Cyprus - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Cyprus
CzechRepublic - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Czech Republic
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