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e - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Ret5
This holds a pointer to the fifth response object.
e - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Tuple5
This holds a pointer to the fifth field / instance.
E(HTMLNode, StringBuffer) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Debug
Prints an HTML Element (TagNode, TextNode or CommentNode) using Print Style 'E'
e5 - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Ret6
This holds a pointer to the fifth response object.
e5 - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Ret7
This holds a pointer to the fifth response object.
e5 - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Ret8
This holds a pointer to the fifth response object.
e5 - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Tuple6
This holds a pointer to the fifth field / instance.
e5 - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Tuple7
This holds a pointer to the fifth field / instance.
e5 - Variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.Tuple8
This holds a pointer to the fifth field / instance.
eaDescription(String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.InnerTags
eager - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Page.CompilationCacheParams
A hint to the backend whether eager compilation is recommended.
EARLY_DEVELOPMENT - Static variable in class Torello.Java.Build.BuildPackage
Can be used to flag a package as "Under Development." Packages flagged as such will not be included in the Build unless explicity requested.
earlyDevelopment - Variable in class Torello.Java.Build.BuildPackage
This field simply indicates whether or not the BuildPackage.EARLY_DEVELOPMENT was assigned to 'this' instance of BuildPackage.
easing - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Animation.AnimationEffect
AnimationEffect's timing function.
easing - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Animation.KeyframeStyle
AnimationEffect's timing function.
ecDetailsRemoved - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.JavaDocHTMLFile
Identifies if this Java Doc HTML Page has had it's Enumeration Constant Details Removed
ecSummaryTable - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.JavaDocHTMLFile
The HTML for an Enum-Constant Summary Table
Ecuador - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Ecuador
EffectivelyFinal<A> - Class in Torello.Java.Additional
Another extremely simple class that can help avoid Effectively Final Java Compiler warnings.
EffectivelyFinal() - Constructor for class Torello.Java.Additional.EffectivelyFinal
Creates an instance of this class, and initializes the field this.f to null.
EffectivelyFinal(A) - Constructor for class Torello.Java.Additional.EffectivelyFinal
Creates an instance of this class, and initializes the field.
Egypt - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Egypt
EL - Torello.Languages.LC
Language: Greek
EL_ESPECTADOR_LINKS_GETTER(URL, Vector<HTMLNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.NewsSites
The News Site at address: "https://www.ElEspectador.com/" is slightly more complicated when retrieving News-Article Links.
EL_NACIONAL_LINKS_GETTER(URL, Vector<HTMLNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.NewsSites
The News Site at address: "https://www.ElNacional.com/" is slightly more complicated when retrieving News-Article Links.
elementAt(int) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyVector
Returns the component at the specified index.
elementId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.PerformanceTimeline.LargestContentfulPaint
The id attribute of the element, if available.
elements() - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyDictionary
Returns an enumeration of the values in this dictionary.
elements() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyHashtable
Returns an enumeration of the values in this Hashtable.
elements() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyProperties
elements() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyVector
Returns an enumeration of the components of this Vector.
Elements - Class in Torello.HTML.NodeSearch
A simple, demonstrative set of functions for retrieving HTMLNode's from a web-page (a 'Workbook Class').
ElEspectador - Static variable in class Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.NewsSites
This is the NewsSite definition for the Newspaper located at: https://www.elespectador.com/.
ElNacional - Static variable in class Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.NewsSites
This is the NewsSite definition for the Newspaper located at: https://www.elnacional.com/.
ElSalvador - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: El Salvador
embedderName - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.scriptFailedToParse
The name the embedder supplied for this script.
embedderName - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.scriptParsed
The name the embedder supplied for this script.
EmbedTagFileID() - Method in annotation type Torello.JavaDoc.JDHeaderBackgroundImg
This Annotation-Element is also optional.
empty(int) - Static method in interface Torello.HTML.Replaceable
Returns an empty Replaceable (an instance having 0 HTMLNode's) located at sPos.
EMPTY_JSON_ARRAY - Static variable in interface javax.json.JsonValue
The empty JSON array.
EMPTY_JSON_OBJECT - Static variable in interface javax.json.JsonValue
The empty JSON object.
EMPTY_PAGE_VECTOR - Torello.HTML.Tools.NewsSite.DownloadResult
The HTTP-Download Returned an empty Vector.
EMPTY_STR_ARRAY - Static variable in class Torello.Java.StringParse
An empty String array.
EmptyListException - Exception in Torello.Java
Intended to signal that a required-parameter or configuration has been passed a Data-Structure that is an empty or null list.
EmptyListException() - Constructor for exception Torello.Java.EmptyListException
Constructs a EmptyListException with no detail message.
EmptyListException(String) - Constructor for exception Torello.Java.EmptyListException
Constructs a EmptyListException with the specified detail message.
EmptyListException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception Torello.Java.EmptyListException
Constructs a new EmptyListException with the specified detail message and cause.
EmptyListException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception Torello.Java.EmptyListException
Constructs a new EmptyListException with the specified cause and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
emptyROAL() - Static method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyArrayList
emptyROHM() - Static method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyHashMap
Returns an empty, singleton, instance of ReadOnlyHashMap.
emptyROHS() - Static method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyHashSet
emptyROHT() - Static method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyHashtable
Returns an empty, singleton, instance of ReadOnlyHashtable.
emptyROP() - Static method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyProperties
emptyROTM() - Static method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyTreeMap
Returns an empty, singleton, instance of ReadOnlyTreeMap.
emptyROTS() - Static method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyTreeSet
emptyROV() - Static method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyVector
emulateNetworkConditions(boolean, Number, Number, Number, String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Network
Activates emulation of network conditions.
emulateTouchFromMouseEvent(String, int, int, String, Number, Number, Number, Integer, Integer) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Input
Emulates touch event from the mouse event parameters.
Emulation - Class in Torello.Browser
This domain emulates different environments for the page.
Emulation.DisplayFeature - Class in Torello.Browser
[No Description Provided by Google]
Emulation.MediaFeature - Class in Torello.Browser
[No Description Provided by Google]
Emulation.ScreenOrientation - Class in Torello.Browser
Screen orientation.
Emulation.UserAgentBrandVersion - Class in Torello.Browser
Used to specify User Agent Cient Hints to emulate.
Emulation.UserAgentMetadata - Class in Torello.Browser
Used to specify User Agent Cient Hints to emulate.
Emulation.virtualTimeBudgetExpired - Class in Torello.Browser
Notification sent after the virtual time budget for the current VirtualTimePolicy has run out.
EN - Torello.Languages.LC
Language: English
enable() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Accessibility
Enables the accessibility domain which causes AXNodeIds to remain consistent between method calls.
enable() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Animation
Enables animation domain notifications.
enable() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Audits
Enables issues domain, sends the issues collected so far to the client by means of the issueAdded event.
enable() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Console
Enables console domain, sends the messages collected so far to the client by means of the messageAdded notification.
enable() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.CSS
Enables the CSS agent for the given page.
enable() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Database
Enables database tracking, database events will now be delivered to the client.
enable() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.DOM
Enables DOM agent for the given page.
enable() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot
Enables DOM snapshot agent for the given page.
enable() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.DOMStorage
Enables storage tracking, storage events will now be delivered to the client.
enable() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.HeadlessExperimental
Enables headless events for the target.
enable() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.HeapProfiler
[No Description Provided by Google]
enable() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.IndexedDB
Enables events from backend.
enable() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Inspector
Enables inspector domain notifications.
enable() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.LayerTree
Enables compositing tree inspection.
enable() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Log
Enables log domain, sends the entries collected so far to the client by means of the entryAdded notification.
enable() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Media
Enables the Media domain
enable() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Overlay
Enables domain notifications.
enable() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Page
Enables page domain notifications.
enable() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Profiler
[No Description Provided by Google]
enable() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.RunTime
Enables reporting of execution contexts creation by means of executionContextCreated event.
enable() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Security
Enables tracking security state changes.
enable() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.ServiceWorker
[No Description Provided by Google]
enable() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio
Enables the WebAudio domain and starts sending context lifetime events.
enable() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.WebAuthn
Enable the WebAuthn domain and start intercepting credential storage and retrieval with a virtual authenticator.
enable(Integer, Integer, Integer) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Network
Enables network tracking, network events will now be delivered to the client.
enable(Number) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Debugger
Enables debugger for the given page.
enable(String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Cast
Starts observing for sinks that can be used for tab mirroring, and if set, sinks compatible with |presentationUrl| as well.
enable(String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Performance
Enable collecting and reporting metrics.
enable(String[]) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.PerformanceTimeline
Previously buffered events would be reported before method returns.
enable(Fetch.RequestPattern[], Boolean) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Fetch
Enables issuing of requestPaused events.
enableArgumentFilter - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Tracing.TraceConfig
Turns on argument filter.
enableReportingApi(boolean) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Network
Enables tracking for the Reporting API, events generated by the Reporting API will now be delivered to the client.
enableSampling - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Tracing.TraceConfig
Turns on JavaScript stack sampling.
enableSystrace - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Tracing.TraceConfig
Turns on system tracing.
enclosedBy(DotPair) - Method in class Torello.HTML.DotPair
Tests whether 'this' DotPair is fully enclosed by DotPair parameter 'other'
encloses(DotPair) - Method in class Torello.HTML.DotPair
Tests whether 'this' DotPair is enclosed, completely, by parameter DotPair parameter 'other'
encodedDataLength - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.dataReceived
Actual bytes received (might be less than dataLength for compressed encodings).
encodedDataLength - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.loadingFinished
Total number of bytes received for this request.
encodedDataLength - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.Response
Total number of bytes received for this request so far.
encodePointer(String) - Static method in class javax.json.Json
Encodes (escapes) a passed string as defined by RFC 6901.
encodingName - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.DocumentSnapshot
Contains the document's character set encoding.
end - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.LocationRange
[No Description Provided by Google]
end - Variable in class Torello.HTML.DotPair
This is intended to be the "ending index" into a sub-array of an HTML Vector of HTMLNode elements.
end - Variable in class Torello.Java.LV
This integer represents the ending point of a for-loop.
end() - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Tracing
Stop trace events collection.
END_ARRAY - javax.json.stream.JsonParser.Event
End of a JSON array.
END_OBJECT - javax.json.stream.JsonParser.Event
End of a JSON object.
endColumn - Variable in class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSStyleSheetHeader
Column offset of the end of the stylesheet within the resource (zero based).
endColumn - Variable in class Torello.Browser.CSS.SourceRange
End column of range (exclusive).
endColumn - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.scriptFailedToParse
Length of the last line of the script.
endColumn - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.scriptParsed
Length of the last line of the script.
endDelay - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Animation.AnimationEffect
AnimationEffect's end delay.
endingHTML - Variable in class Torello.Java.HiLiteMe.Params
This is the HTML that is appended to each pretty-printed source-code file received from HiLite.ME servers.
endLine - Variable in class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSStyleSheetHeader
Line offset of the end of the stylesheet within the resource (zero based).
endLine - Variable in class Torello.Browser.CSS.SourceRange
End line of range
endLine - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.scriptFailedToParse
Last line of the script.
endLine - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.scriptParsed
Last line of the script.
endLineNum(Tree) - Method in class Torello.JavaDoc.TreeUtils
Returns the line-number within the text of the relevant Java Source-Code File for the last line of code of the element specified by parameter 'tree'.
endLineNumber - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.ParsedFile
The line-number in the source-code file where this class definition ends.
endLocation - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.Scope
Location in the source code where scope ends

endOffset - Variable in class Torello.Browser.CSS.RuleUsage
Offset of the end of the rule body from the beginning of the stylesheet.
endOffset - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Profiler.CoverageRange
JavaScript script source offset for the range end.
endOfPhrase(char) - Static method in class Torello.Languages.ZH
endOfPhrase - any version of the end-of-phrase markers usually used in Mandarin Chinese text.
endOfPhraseAUC(char) - Static method in class Torello.Languages.ZH
Checks for end-of-phrase punctuation marks - and "down-converts" them to the simple ASCII equivalent version of that punctuation mark.
endOfSentence(char) - Static method in class Torello.Languages.ZH
Checks for end-of-sentence punctuation marks.
endOfSentenceAUC(char) - Static method in class Torello.Languages.ZH
Checks for end-of-sentence punctuation marks - and "down-converts" them to the simple ASCII equivalent version of that punctuation mark.
endPointsIterator(Iterable<DotPair>, boolean) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.DPUtil
Convenience Method.
endPointsToPosArray(Iterable<DotPair>, boolean) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.DPUtil
Convenience Method.
endPointsToStream(Iterable<DotPair>, boolean) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.DPUtil
Collates a list of dotted-pairs into an IntStream.
endPos(Tree) - Method in class Torello.JavaDoc.TreeUtils
Returns the ending position within the text of the relevant Java Source-Code File for the sub-tree specified by parameter 'tree'.
ENDS_WITH - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Checks an input 'source String' (usually an inner-tag value or a TextNode) to verify that the ending characters (the 'tail' of the source-String) will match with precisely one of the java var-args String... compare-String's list.
ENDS_WITH_CASE_INSENSITIVE - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Nearly identical to TextComparitor.ENDS_WITH, but here the function-pointer points to a method that ignores case when performing the comparisons.
ENDS_WITH_CASE_INSENSITIVE_TRIM - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Invokes java.lang.String.trim() on the first input-parameter; although the remainder of this BiPredicate<String, String[] is identical to public static field TextComparitor.ENDS_WITH_CASE_INSENSITIVE.
ENDS_WITH_TRIM - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Invokes java.lang.String.trim() on the first input-parameter; although the remainder of this BiPredicate<String, String[] is identical to public static field TextComparitor.ENDS_WITH.
endsAfter(DotPair) - Method in class Torello.HTML.DotPair
Tests whether 'this' ends after DotPair parameter 'other'.
endStage() - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.CloudSync
Finalizes the a particular Build-Stages Log Printing Output.
endStage() - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.CloudSyncGSUTIL
endsWith(String, int, int, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
endsWith(String, int, int, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
endsWith(String, int, int, Predicate<Character>, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
endsWith(String, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
endsWith(String, Predicate<Character>, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
endsWith(String, LV, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
This method remains 'protected' because it utilizes a specialized Loop-Control Variable Class Version of 'LV'.
endsWith(String, LV, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
This method remains 'protected' because it utilizes a specialized Loop-Control Variable Class Version of 'LV'.
endsWith(String, LV, Predicate<Character>, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
This method remains 'protected' because it utilizes a specialized Loop-Control Variable Class Version of 'LV'.
endsWithIgnoreCase(String, char) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCh
Checks whether or not 'srcStr' ends-with 'compareChar'.
endsWithIgnoreCase(String, int, int, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
endsWithIgnoreCase(String, int, int, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
endsWithIgnoreCase(String, int, int, Predicate<Character>, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
endsWithIgnoreCase(String, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
This performs the exact same comparison as Java's String.endsWith(String) method.
endsWithIgnoreCase(String, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
endsWithIgnoreCase(String, Predicate<Character>, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
endsWithIgnoreCase(String, LV, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
This method remains 'protected' because it utilizes a specialized Loop-Control Variable Class Version of 'LV'.
endsWithIgnoreCase(String, LV, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
This method remains 'protected' because it utilizes a specialized Loop-Control Variable Class Version of 'LV'.
endsWithIgnoreCase(String, LV, Predicate<Character>, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
This method remains 'protected' because it utilizes a specialized Loop-Control Variable Class Version of 'LV'.
endsWithNAND(String, char...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCh
endsWithNAND(String, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
endsWithNAND(String, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
endsWithNAND(String, int, int, Predicate<Character>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
endsWithNAND(String, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
endsWithNAND(String, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
endsWithNAND(String, Predicate<Character>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
endsWithNAND_CI(String, char...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCh
endsWithNAND_CI(String, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
endsWithNAND_CI(String, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
endsWithNAND_CI(String, int, int, Predicate<Character>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
endsWithNAND_CI(String, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
endsWithNAND_CI(String, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
endsWithNAND_CI(String, Predicate<Character>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
endsWithOR(String, char...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCh
endsWithOR_CI(String, char...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCh
endsWithXOR(String, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
endsWithXOR(String, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
endsWithXOR(String, int, int, Predicate<Character>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
endsWithXOR(String, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
endsWithXOR(String, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
endsWithXOR(String, Predicate<Character>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
endsWithXOR_CI(String, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
endsWithXOR_CI(String, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
endsWithXOR_CI(String, int, int, Predicate<Character>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
endsWithXOR_CI(String, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
endsWithXOR_CI(String, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
endsWithXOR_CI(String, Predicate<Character>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrTokCmpr
endTime - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Profiler.Profile
Profiling end timestamp in microseconds.
engl - Variable in class Torello.Languages.Pin1Yin1
These are the English Translations of each word; some Chinese Words are translated into multiple english words.
ensureCapacity(int) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROArrayListBuilder
Increases the capacity of this ArrayList instance, if necessary, to ensure that it can hold at least the number of elements specified by the minimum capacity argument.
ensureCapacity(int) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROVectorBuilder
Increases the capacity of this vector, if necessary, to ensure that it can hold at least the number of components specified by the minimum capacity argument.
entity - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.Declaration
This just stores the type of Entity this is.
entity - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.ReflHTML
This is the actual type-reflection (type-mirror) of the Entity extracted from the Java Doc '.html' web-page file, and from the '.java' Source Code File.
Entity - Enum in Torello.JavaDoc
Entity: Exhaustive list of all items that may be defined inside of a Java Type.
entityAndHTMLStream() - Method in class Torello.JavaDoc.SummaryTableHTML
Retrieve a Stream that contains every Summary-Table Row.
entityAsEnum - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.ReflHTML
This is used as a 'faster-way' to retrieve what type of Entity this "Reference-HTML" detail-section is being represented here.
entries - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Profiler.ScriptTypeProfile
Type profile entries for parameters and return values of the functions in the script.
entries - Variable in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.ObjectPreview
List of the entries.
entry - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Log.entryAdded
The entry.
entry(K, V) - Static method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyMap
Returns an unmodifiable ReadOnlyMap.Entry containing the given key and value.
entryAdded(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Log.entryAdded
JSON Object Constructor
entryAdded(Log.LogEntry) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Log.entryAdded
EntryPreview(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.RunTime.EntryPreview
JSON Object Constructor
EntryPreview(RunTime.ObjectPreview, RunTime.ObjectPreview) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.RunTime.EntryPreview
entrySet() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyHashMap
Returns a ReadOnlySet view of the mappings contained in this map.
entrySet() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyHashtable
Returns a ReadOnlySet view of the mappings contained in this map.
entrySet() - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyMap
Returns a ReadOnlySet view of the mappings contained in this map.
entrySet() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyProperties
entrySet() - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlySortedMap
Returns a ReadOnlySet view of the mappings contained in this map.
entrySet() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyTreeMap
Returns a ReadOnlySet view of the mappings contained in this map.
entrySet() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROHashMapBuilder
Restricts a back-door into the underlying data-structure.
entrySet() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROHashtableBuilder
Restricts a back-door into the underlying data-structure.
entrySet() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROPropertiesBuilder
Restricts a back-door into the underlying data-structure.
entrySet() - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROTreeMapBuilder
Restricts a back-door into the underlying data-structure.
ENUM - Torello.JavaDoc.CIET
Identifies that the associated file represents a java 'enum' (Enumerated-Type)
ENUM_CONSTANT - Torello.JavaDoc.Entity
Used for the Enumerated-Constants.
enum$M$Sections - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.SummarySorterHelper

If you have written additional functions, then you should use SummarySorterHelper.enum2$M$Sections, because that String[] Array has an extra Category / Section-Title called "More Methods".
enum$M$Sorter(Method) - Static method in class Torello.JavaDoc.SummarySorterHelper
Sorts an enum's methods (in the Java Doc 'Method Summary') into the Categories / Section-Titles provided by SummarySorterHelper.enum$M$Sections.
enum2$M$Sections - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.SummarySorterHelper

If your enum only has these two synthetic-Java methods, then you should use SummarySorterHelper.enum$M$Sections.
enum2$M$Sorter(Method) - Static method in class Torello.JavaDoc.SummarySorterHelper
Sorts an enum's methods (in the Java Doc 'Method Summary') into the Categories / Section-Titles provided by SummarySorterHelper.enum2$M$Sections.
EnumConstant - Class in Torello.JavaDoc
Reflection Class: Holds all information extracted from '.java' enum Source-Files about Enumerated-Constants's identified in that 'enum' file.
EnumConstant(VariableTree, TreeUtils) - Constructor for class Torello.JavaDoc.EnumConstant
enumConstants - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.ParsedFile
This is the list of EnumConstant instances identified by the parser for this ParsedFile
enumerable - Variable in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.PropertyDescriptor
True if this property shows up during enumeration of the properties on the corresponding object.
environmentVariableUpdater - Variable in class Torello.Java.OSExtras
EO - Torello.Languages.LC
Language: Esperanto
ePos - Variable in class Torello.CSS.TokenizeError
The exact location of the input Code-Point int[]-Array that was being analyzed when it was ultimately decided that a Parse-Error had unequivocally occured.
EQ - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Will compare an attribute-value String, or TextNode for equality against a list of possible String-match candidates.
EQ_CASE_INSENSITIVE - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Will compare an attribute-value String, or TextNode for equality against a list of possible String-match candidates.
EQ_CASE_INSENSITIVE_TRIM - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Will compare an attribute-value String, or TextNode for equality against a list of possible String-match candidates.
EQ_CI - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Will compare an attribute-value String, or TextNode for equality against a list of possible String-match candidates.
EQ_CI_NAND - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Will compare an attribute-value String, or TextNode for equality against a list of possible String-match candidates.
EQ_CI_NAND_TRM - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Will compare an attribute-value String, or TextNode for equality against a list of possible String-match candidates.
EQ_CI_TRM - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Will compare an attribute-value String, or TextNode for equality against a list of possible String-match candidates.
EQ_NAND - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Will compare an attribute-value String, or TextNode for equality against a list of possible String-match candidates.
EQ_NAND_TRM - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Will compare an attribute-value String, or TextNode for equality against a list of possible String-match candidates.
EQ_TRM - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Will compare an attribute-value String, or TextNode for equality against a list of possible String-match candidates.
eqOR(Declaration, String...) - Static method in class Torello.JavaDoc.SummarySorterHelper
equals(Object) - Method in class Apache.CLI.Option
equals(Object) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonNumber
Compares the specified object with this JsonNumber object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in interface javax.json.JsonString
Compares the specified object with this JsonString for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Accessibility.AXNode
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Accessibility.AXProperty
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Accessibility.AXRelatedNode
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Accessibility.AXValue
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Accessibility.AXValueSource
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Animation._Animation
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Animation.animationCanceled
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Animation.animationCreated
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Animation.AnimationEffect
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Animation.animationStarted
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Animation.KeyframesRule
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Animation.KeyframeStyle
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Audits.AffectedCookie
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Audits.AffectedFrame
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Audits.AffectedRequest
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Audits.AttributionReportingIssueDetails
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Audits.BlockedByResponseIssueDetails
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Audits.ContentSecurityPolicyIssueDetails
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Audits.CorsIssueDetails
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Audits.GenericIssueDetails
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Audits.HeavyAdIssueDetails
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Audits.InspectorIssue
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Audits.InspectorIssueDetails
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Audits.issueAdded
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Audits.LowTextContrastIssueDetails
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Audits.MixedContentIssueDetails
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Audits.NavigatorUserAgentIssueDetails
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Audits.QuirksModeIssueDetails
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Audits.SameSiteCookieIssueDetails
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Audits.SharedArrayBufferIssueDetails
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Audits.SourceCodeLocation
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Audits.TrustedWebActivityIssueDetails
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Audits.WasmCrossOriginModuleSharingIssueDetails
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.BackgroundService.BackgroundServiceEvent
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.BackgroundService.backgroundServiceEventReceived
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.BackgroundService.EventMetadata
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.BackgroundService.recordingStateChanged
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Browser.Bounds
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Browser.Bucket
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Browser.downloadProgress
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Browser.downloadWillBegin
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Browser.Histogram
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Browser.PermissionDescriptor
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CacheStorage.Cache
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CacheStorage.CachedResponse
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CacheStorage.DataEntry
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CacheStorage.Header
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Cast.issueUpdated
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Cast.Sink
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Cast.sinksUpdated
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Console.ConsoleMessage
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Console.messageAdded
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSComputedStyleProperty
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSContainerQuery
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSKeyframeRule
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSKeyframesRule
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSMedia
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSProperty
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSRule
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSStyle
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CSS.CSSStyleSheetHeader
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CSS.FontFace
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CSS.fontsUpdated
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CSS.FontVariationAxis
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CSS.InheritedStyleEntry
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CSS.MediaQuery
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CSS.MediaQueryExpression
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CSS.PlatformFontUsage
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CSS.PseudoElementMatches
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CSS.RuleMatch
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CSS.RuleUsage
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CSS.SelectorList
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CSS.ShorthandEntry
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CSS.SourceRange
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CSS.StyleDeclarationEdit
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CSS.styleSheetAdded
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CSS.styleSheetChanged
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CSS.styleSheetRemoved
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.CSS.Value
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Database._Database
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Database.addDatabase
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Database.Error
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.BreakLocation
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.breakpointResolved
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.CallFrame
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.DebugSymbols
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.Location
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.LocationRange
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.paused
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.Scope
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.scriptFailedToParse
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.scriptParsed
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.ScriptPosition
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.SearchMatch
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOM.attributeModified
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOM.attributeRemoved
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOM.BackendNode
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOM.BoxModel
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOM.characterDataModified
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOM.childNodeCountUpdated
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOM.childNodeInserted
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOM.childNodeRemoved
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOM.CSSComputedStyleProperty
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOM.distributedNodesUpdated
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOM.inlineStyleInvalidated
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOM.Node
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOM.pseudoElementAdded
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOM.pseudoElementRemoved
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOM.Rect
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOM.RGBA
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOM.setChildNodes
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOM.shadowRootPopped
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOM.shadowRootPushed
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOM.ShapeOutsideInfo
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOMDebugger.EventListener
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.ComputedStyle
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.DocumentSnapshot
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.DOMNode
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.InlineTextBox
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.LayoutTreeNode
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.LayoutTreeSnapshot
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.NameValue
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.NodeTreeSnapshot
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.RareBooleanData
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.RareIntegerData
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.RareStringData
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.TextBoxSnapshot
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOMStorage.domStorageItemAdded
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOMStorage.domStorageItemRemoved
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOMStorage.domStorageItemsCleared
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOMStorage.domStorageItemUpdated
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.DOMStorage.StorageId
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Emulation.DisplayFeature
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Emulation.MediaFeature
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Emulation.ScreenOrientation
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Emulation.UserAgentBrandVersion
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Emulation.UserAgentMetadata
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Fetch.AuthChallenge
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Fetch.AuthChallengeResponse
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Fetch.authRequired
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Fetch.HeaderEntry
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Fetch.RequestPattern
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Fetch.requestPaused
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.HeadlessExperimental.needsBeginFramesChanged
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.HeadlessExperimental.ScreenshotParams
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.HeapProfiler.addHeapSnapshotChunk
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.HeapProfiler.heapStatsUpdate
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.HeapProfiler.lastSeenObjectId
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.HeapProfiler.reportHeapSnapshotProgress
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.HeapProfiler.SamplingHeapProfile
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.HeapProfiler.SamplingHeapProfileNode
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.HeapProfiler.SamplingHeapProfileSample
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.IndexedDB.DatabaseWithObjectStores
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.IndexedDB.DataEntry
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.IndexedDB.Key
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.IndexedDB.KeyPath
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.IndexedDB.KeyRange
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.IndexedDB.ObjectStore
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.IndexedDB.ObjectStoreIndex
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Input.DragData
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Input.DragDataItem
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Input.dragIntercepted
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Input.TouchPoint
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Inspector.detached
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.LayerTree.Layer
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.LayerTree.layerPainted
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.LayerTree.layerTreeDidChange
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.LayerTree.PictureTile
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.LayerTree.ScrollRect
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.LayerTree.StickyPositionConstraint
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Log.entryAdded
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Log.LogEntry
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Log.ViolationSetting
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Media.PlayerError
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Media.playerErrorsRaised
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Media.PlayerEvent
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Media.playerEventsAdded
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Media.PlayerMessage
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Media.playerMessagesLogged
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Media.playerPropertiesChanged
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Media.PlayerProperty
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Media.playersCreated
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Memory.Module
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Memory.SamplingProfile
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Memory.SamplingProfileNode
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.AuthChallenge
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.AuthChallengeResponse
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.BlockedCookieWithReason
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.BlockedSetCookieWithReason
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.CachedResource
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.ClientSecurityState
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.ConnectTiming
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.Cookie
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.CookieParam
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.CorsErrorStatus
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.CrossOriginEmbedderPolicyStatus
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.CrossOriginOpenerPolicyStatus
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.dataReceived
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.eventSourceMessageReceived
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.Initiator
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.loadingFailed
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.loadingFinished
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.LoadNetworkResourceOptions
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.LoadNetworkResourcePageResult
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.PostDataEntry
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.ReportingApiReport
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.reportingApiReportAdded
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.reportingApiReportUpdated
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.Request
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.requestIntercepted
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.RequestPattern
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.requestServedFromCache
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.requestWillBeSent
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.requestWillBeSentExtraInfo
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.resourceChangedPriority
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.ResourceTiming
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.Response
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.responseReceived
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.responseReceivedExtraInfo
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.SecurityDetails
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.SecurityIsolationStatus
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.SignedCertificateTimestamp
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.SignedExchangeError
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.SignedExchangeHeader
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.SignedExchangeInfo
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.signedExchangeReceived
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.SignedExchangeSignature
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.subresourceWebBundleInnerResponseError
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.subresourceWebBundleInnerResponseParsed
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.subresourceWebBundleMetadataError
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.subresourceWebBundleMetadataReceived
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.trustTokenOperationDone
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.TrustTokenParams
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.webSocketClosed
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.webSocketCreated
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.WebSocketFrame
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.webSocketFrameError
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.webSocketFrameReceived
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.webSocketFrameSent
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.webSocketHandshakeResponseReceived
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.WebSocketRequest
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.WebSocketResponse
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.webSocketWillSendHandshakeRequest
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.webTransportClosed
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.webTransportConnectionEstablished
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Network.webTransportCreated
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.BoxStyle
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.ContainerQueryContainerHighlightConfig
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.ContainerQueryHighlightConfig
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.FlexContainerHighlightConfig
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.FlexItemHighlightConfig
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.FlexNodeHighlightConfig
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.GridHighlightConfig
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.GridNodeHighlightConfig
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.HighlightConfig
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.HingeConfig
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.inspectNodeRequested
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.IsolatedElementHighlightConfig
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.IsolationModeHighlightConfig
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.LineStyle
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.nodeHighlightRequested
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.screenshotRequested
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.ScrollSnapContainerHighlightConfig
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.ScrollSnapHighlightConfig
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.SourceOrderConfig
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.AdFrameStatus
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.AppManifestError
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.AppManifestParsedProperties
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.BackForwardCacheNotRestoredExplanation
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.backForwardCacheNotUsed
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.CompilationCacheParams
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.compilationCacheProduced
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.documentOpened
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.domContentEventFired
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.downloadProgress
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.downloadWillBegin
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.fileChooserOpened
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.FontFamilies
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.FontSizes
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.Frame
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.frameAttached
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.frameClearedScheduledNavigation
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.frameDetached
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.frameNavigated
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.frameRequestedNavigation
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.FrameResource
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.FrameResourceTree
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.frameScheduledNavigation
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.frameStartedLoading
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.frameStoppedLoading
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.FrameTree
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.InstallabilityError
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.InstallabilityErrorArgument
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.javascriptDialogClosed
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.javascriptDialogOpening
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.LayoutViewport
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.lifecycleEvent
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.loadEventFired
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.navigatedWithinDocument
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.NavigationEntry
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.OriginTrial
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.OriginTrialToken
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.OriginTrialTokenWithStatus
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.PermissionsPolicyBlockLocator
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.PermissionsPolicyFeatureState
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.screencastFrame
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.ScreencastFrameMetadata
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.screencastVisibilityChanged
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.Viewport
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.VisualViewport
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Page.windowOpen
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Performance.Metric
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Performance.metrics
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.PerformanceTimeline.LargestContentfulPaint
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.PerformanceTimeline.LayoutShift
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.PerformanceTimeline.LayoutShiftAttribution
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.PerformanceTimeline.TimelineEvent
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.PerformanceTimeline.timelineEventAdded
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Profiler.consoleProfileFinished
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Profiler.consoleProfileStarted
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Profiler.CoverageRange
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Profiler.FunctionCoverage
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Profiler.PositionTickInfo
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Profiler.preciseCoverageDeltaUpdate
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Profiler.Profile
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Profiler.ProfileNode
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Profiler.ScriptCoverage
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Profiler.ScriptTypeProfile
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Profiler.TypeObject
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Profiler.TypeProfileEntry
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.bindingCalled
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.CallArgument
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.CallFrame
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.consoleAPICalled
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.CustomPreview
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.EntryPreview
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.ExceptionDetails
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.exceptionRevoked
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.exceptionThrown
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.executionContextCreated
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.ExecutionContextDescription
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.executionContextDestroyed
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.inspectRequested
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.InternalPropertyDescriptor
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.ObjectPreview
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.PrivatePropertyDescriptor
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.PropertyDescriptor
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.PropertyPreview
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.RemoteObject
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.StackTrace
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.StackTraceId
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Schema.Domain
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Security.certificateError
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Security.CertificateSecurityState
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Security.InsecureContentStatus
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Security.SafetyTipInfo
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Security.securityStateChanged
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Security.SecurityStateExplanation
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Security.VisibleSecurityState
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Security.visibleSecurityStateChanged
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.ServiceWorker.ServiceWorkerErrorMessage
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.ServiceWorker.ServiceWorkerRegistration
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.ServiceWorker.ServiceWorkerVersion
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.ServiceWorker.workerErrorReported
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.ServiceWorker.workerRegistrationUpdated
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.ServiceWorker.workerVersionUpdated
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Storage.cacheStorageContentUpdated
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Storage.cacheStorageListUpdated
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Storage.indexedDBContentUpdated
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Storage.indexedDBListUpdated
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Storage.TrustTokens
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Storage.UsageForType
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.SystemInfo.GPUDevice
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.SystemInfo.GPUInfo
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.SystemInfo.ImageDecodeAcceleratorCapability
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.SystemInfo.ProcessInfo
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.SystemInfo.Size
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.SystemInfo.VideoDecodeAcceleratorCapability
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.SystemInfo.VideoEncodeAcceleratorCapability
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Target.attachedToTarget
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Target.detachedFromTarget
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Target.receivedMessageFromTarget
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Target.RemoteLocation
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Target.targetCrashed
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Target.targetCreated
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Target.targetDestroyed
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Target.TargetInfo
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Target.targetInfoChanged
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Tethering.accepted
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Tracing.bufferUsage
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Tracing.dataCollected
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Tracing.TraceConfig
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.Tracing.tracingComplete
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.AudioListener
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.audioListenerCreated
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.audioListenerWillBeDestroyed
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.AudioNode
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.audioNodeCreated
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.audioNodeWillBeDestroyed
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.AudioParam
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.audioParamCreated
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.audioParamWillBeDestroyed
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.BaseAudioContext
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.contextChanged
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.contextCreated
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.ContextRealtimeData
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.contextWillBeDestroyed
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.nodeParamConnected
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.nodeParamDisconnected
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.nodesConnected
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.WebAudio.nodesDisconnected
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.WebAuthn.Credential
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Browser.WebAuthn.VirtualAuthenticatorOptions
Checks whether 'this' equals an input Java-Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.CSS.CSSToken
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.HTML.DotPair
Java's public boolean equals(Object o) requirements.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.HTML.HTMLNode
Java's public boolean equals(Object o) requirements.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.HTML.NodeIndex
Java's public boolean equals(Object o) requirements.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.HTML.PageStats
Java's public boolean equals(Object o) requirements.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.HTML.Tools.Images.ImageInfo
Checks whether 'this' instance is equal to 'other'.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.HTML.Tools.Images.Results
Checks whether 'this' instance is equal to another instance of class Results.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.ByRef
This equality test checks whether both 'this' and 'other' share identical references.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.EffectivelyFinal
This equality test checks whether both 'this' and 'other' share identical references.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.MultiType
Compares 'this' with another Java Object for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.Ret0
There is only one, singleton, instance of Ret0, so reference-equality is the only equality-test.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.Tuple0
There is only one, singleton, instance of Tuple0, so reference-equality is the only equality-test.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.AuxiliaryOptRecord
Check's for equality between 'this' instance, and any other instance of java.lang.Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.CLI
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.Build.SelectedOptionsRecord
Check's for equality between 'this' instance, and any other instance of java.lang.Object
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.FileNode
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.LV
Java's public boolean equals(Object o) requirements.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.OSExtras
Checks for equality based on whether two instances have identical references.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.OSResponse
Checks whether 'this' is equal to another possible instance of OSResponse, or a subclass of it.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyArrayList
Compares the specified Object with this List for equality, as per the definition in the class java.util.ArrayList.
equals(Object) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyCollection
Compares the specified object with this collection for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyHashMap
Compares the specified Object with this Map for equality, as per the definition in the class java.util.HashMap.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyHashSet
Compares the specified Object with this Set for equality, as per the definition in the class java.util.HashSet.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyHashtable
Compares the specified Object with this Map for equality, as per the definition in the class java.util.Hashtable.
equals(Object) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyList
Compares the specified object with this list for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyMap.Entry
Compares the specified object with this entry for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyMap
Compares the specified object with this map for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyProperties
Compares the specified Object with this List for equality, as per the definition in the class java.util.Properties.
equals(Object) - Method in interface Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlySet
Compares the specified object with this set for equality.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyTreeMap
Compares the specified Object with this Map for equality, as per the definition in the class java.util.TreeMap.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyTreeSet
Compares the specified Object with this Set for equality, as per the definition in the class java.util.TreeSet.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ReadOnlyVector
Compares the specified Object with this List for equality, as per the definition in the class java.util.Vector.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROArrayListBuilder
Compares the specified Object with this Builder for equality, as per the definition in the original class java.util.ArrayList.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROHashMapBuilder
Compares the specified Object with this Builder for equality, as per the definition in the original class java.util.HashMap.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROHashSetBuilder
Compares the specified Object with this Builder for equality, as per the definition in the original class java.util.HashSet.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROHashtableBuilder
Compares the specified Object with this Builder for equality, as per the definition in the private and internal field 'hashTable'.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROPropertiesBuilder
Compares the specified Object with this Builder for equality, as per the definition in the private and internal field 'properties'.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROTreeMapBuilder
Compares the specified Object with this Builder for equality, as per the definition in the private and internal field 'treeMap'.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROTreeSetBuilder
Compares the specified Object with this Builder for equality, as per the definition in the private and internal field 'treeSet'.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.Java.ReadOnly.ROVectorBuilder
Compares the specified Object with this Builder for equality, as per the definition in the private and internal field 'vector'.
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.JavaDoc.Location
Standard Java equals() method
equals(Object) - Method in class Torello.JavaDoc.RelativePathStr
Checks whether 'this' equals 'other'
equals(String, int, int, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
equals(String, LV, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
This method remains 'protected' because it utilizes a specialized Loop-Control Variable Class Version of 'LV'.
equals(AnnotationElem) - Method in class Torello.JavaDoc.AnnotationElem
This should be called an "atypical version" of the usual equals(Object other) method.
equals(Constructor) - Method in class Torello.JavaDoc.Constructor
This should be called an "atypical version" of the usual equals(Object other) constructor.
equals(EnumConstant) - Method in class Torello.JavaDoc.EnumConstant
This should be called an "atypical version" of the usual equals(Object other) method.
equals(Field) - Method in class Torello.JavaDoc.Field
This should be called an "atypical version" of the usual equals(Object other) method.
equals(Method) - Method in class Torello.JavaDoc.Method
This should be called an "atypical version" of the usual equals(Object other) method.
equals(NestedType) - Method in class Torello.JavaDoc.NestedType
This should be called an "atypical version" of the usual equals(Object other) method.
equalsIgnoreCase(String, int, int, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
equalsIgnoreCase(String, LV, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
This method remains 'protected' because it utilizes a specialized Loop-Control Variable Class Version of 'LV'.
equalsNAND(String, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
equalsNAND(String, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
equalsNAND_CI(String, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
equalsNAND_CI(String, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
equalsXOR(String, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
equalsXOR(String, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
equalsXOR_CI(String, int, int, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
equalsXOR_CI(String, String...) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrCmpr
EquatorialGuinea - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Equatorial Guinea
eRange - Variable in class Torello.CSS.UnicodeRange
The ending value of the range that has been specified, as a Java Integer
erase() - Method in class Torello.Java.StorageWriter
Clears the "internal memory" in the StringBuffer.
Eritrea - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Eritrea
Error(String, int) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Database.Error
Error(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Database.Error
JSON Object Constructor
ERROR_EXIT(String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.Build.Util
Simple Method for exiting with a consistent error message.
ERROR_EXIT(String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.LFEC
This prints a message and a location and halts the current thread immediately.
ERROR_EXIT(Throwable, String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.LFEC
This prints a message and a location and halts the current thread immediately.
errorArguments - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Page.InstallabilityError
The list of error arguments (e.g.
errorCode - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Media.PlayerError
When this switches to using media::Status instead of PipelineStatus we can remove "errorCode" and replace it with the fields from a Status instance.
errorCode - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Target.targetCrashed
Termination error code.
errorField - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.SignedExchangeError
The field which caused the error.
errorId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Page.InstallabilityError
The error id (e.g.
errorMessage - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.subresourceWebBundleInnerResponseError
Error message
errorMessage - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.subresourceWebBundleMetadataError
Error message
errorMessage - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.webSocketFrameError
WebSocket error message.
errorMessage - Variable in class Torello.Browser.ServiceWorker.ServiceWorkerErrorMessage
[No Description Provided by Google]
errorMessage - Variable in class Torello.Browser.ServiceWorker.workerErrorReported
[No Description Provided by Google]
errorOutput - Variable in class Torello.Java.OSCommands
errorOutput - Variable in class Torello.Java.OSResponse
This public, final, String field will contain a transcript of the text-character data that the Operating-System process sent to Standard-Error.
ErrorReason - Static variable in class Torello.Browser.Network
Network level fetch failure reason.
errorRedirect - Variable in class Torello.Java.OSExtras
errors - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Media.playerErrorsRaised
[No Description Provided by Google]
errors - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.SignedExchangeInfo
Errors occurred while handling the signed exchagne.
errorSourceJsonStruct - Variable in exception Torello.Java.JSON.JsonBindingException

This contains the actual JsonStructure (which should either be an instance of JsonObject or JsonArray) which contained the array-element or object-property that has caused this exception throw.
errorText - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.loadingFailed
User friendly error message.
errorType - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Audits.GenericIssueDetails
Issues with the same errorType are aggregated in the frontend.
errorType - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Security.certificateError
The type of the error.
ES - Class in Torello.Languages
Some simple String Utilities for helping parse (EspaƱol) Spanish String's.
ES - Torello.Languages.LC
Language: Spanish
Escape - Class in Torello.HTML
Easy utilities for escaping and un-escaping HTML characters such as &nbsp;, and even code-point based Emoji's.
escapeTextNodes(Vector<HTMLNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Util
Convenience Method.
escapeTextNodes(Vector<HTMLNode>, int, int) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Util
Will call HTML.Escape.replaceAll on each TextNode in the range of sPos ... ePos
escapeTextNodes(Vector<HTMLNode>, DotPair) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Util
Convenience Method.
escChar(char, boolean) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Escape
escCodePoint(int, boolean) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Escape
escHTMLToChar(String) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Escape
Converts a single String from an HTML-escape sequence into the appropriate character.
escStrForJavaScript(String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrSource
escStrForRegEx(String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.StrSource
This method should only be used for a precise String match using a regular-expression.
establish(InetAddress[]) - Method in class NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.SocketInitiator
Estonia - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Estonia
ET - Torello.Languages.LC
Language: Estonian
Ethiopia - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Ethiopia
EU - Torello.Languages.LC
Language: Basque
EuropaIsland - Torello.Java.Country
Country Named: Europa Island
evaluate(String, String, Boolean, Boolean, Integer, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Number, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.RunTime
Evaluates expression on global object.
evaluateOnCallFrame(String, String, String, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Boolean, Number) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Debugger
Evaluates expression on a given call frame.
event - Variable in class Torello.Browser.PerformanceTimeline.timelineEventAdded
[No Description Provided by Google]
eventAttributeAndCategoriesIterator() - Static method in class Torello.HTML.InnerTags
Will build an iterate that can return event-attributes and their categories.
eventAttributeAndDescriptionsIterator() - Static method in class Torello.HTML.InnerTags
eventAttributeDescriptions - Static variable in class Torello.HTML.InnerTags
eventAttributeIterator() - Static method in class Torello.HTML.InnerTags
Internally, Event-Attributes are stored in a Java java.util.TreeMap<String, String>.
eventAttributes - Static variable in class Torello.HTML.InnerTags
Event Attributes Events with Categories

TreeMap<String, String> Issue:
This list is stored as a TreeMap, rather than a TreeSet, because associated with each & every Java-Script Listener-Attribute Names is a 'category' that indicates what type of 'listener' the specified attribute is.
eventAttributes(Properties) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.InnerTags
Retrieves all event-attributes that are found within a TagNode java.util.Properties list of attributes.
eventAttributes(Vector<? super TagNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.InnerTags
Convenience Method.
eventAttributes(Vector<? super TagNode>, int, int) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.InnerTags
This method is intended to identify all TagNode elements on an input page that possess "HTML Event Attributes." TagNode elements that do match this criteria will be wrapped in a TagNodeIndex and returned in a two part Ret2 return array.
eventCount - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Tracing.bufferUsage
An approximate number of events in the trace log.
eventId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.eventSourceMessageReceived
Message identifier.
eventId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Security.certificateError
The ID of the event.
EventListener(String, boolean, boolean, boolean, String, int, int, RunTime.RemoteObject, RunTime.RemoteObject, Integer) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.DOMDebugger.EventListener
EventListener(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.DOMDebugger.EventListener
JSON Object Constructor
eventListeners - Variable in class Torello.Browser.DOMSnapshot.DOMNode
Details of the node's event listeners, if any.
eventMetadata - Variable in class Torello.Browser.BackgroundService.BackgroundServiceEvent
A list of event-specific information.
EventMetadata(String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.BackgroundService.EventMetadata
EventMetadata(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.BackgroundService.EventMetadata
JSON Object Constructor
eventName - Variable in class Torello.Browser.BackgroundService.BackgroundServiceEvent
A description of the event.
eventName - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.eventSourceMessageReceived
Message type.
events - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Media.playerEventsAdded
[No Description Provided by Google]
eventSourceMessageReceived(String, Number, String, String, String) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Network.eventSourceMessageReceived
eventSourceMessageReceived(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.Network.eventSourceMessageReceived
JSON Object Constructor
eventTargetColor - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Overlay.HighlightConfig
The event target element highlight fill color (default: transparent).
EW - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
A static, function-pointer, field with an abbreviated name identical to field TextComparitor.ENDS_WITH.
EW_CI - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
A static, function-pointer, field with an abbreviated name identical to field TextComparitor.ENDS_WITH_CASE_INSENSITIVE.
EW_CI_NAND - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
A static, function-pointer, field with an abbreviated name identical to field TextComparitor.DOES_NOT_END_WITH_CASE_INSENSITIVE.
EW_CI_NAND_TRM - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Invokes java.lang.String.trim() on the first input-parameter; although the remainder of this BiPredicate<String, String[] is identical to public static field TextComparitor.EW_CI_NAND.
EW_CI_TRM - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Invokes java.lang.String.trim() on the first input-parameter; although the remainder of this BiPredicate<String, String[] is identical to public static field TextComparitor.EW_CI.
EW_NAND - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
A static, function-pointer, field with an abbreviated name identical to field TextComparitor.DOES_NOT_END_WITH.
EW_NAND_TRM - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Invokes java.lang.String.trim() on the first input-parameter; although the remainder of this BiPredicate<String, String[] is identical to public static field TextComparitor.EW_NAND.
EW_TRM - Static variable in interface Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextComparitor
Invokes java.lang.String.trim() on the first input-parameter; although the remainder of this BiPredicate<String, String[] is identical to public static field TextComparitor.EW.
ewOR(Declaration, String...) - Static method in class Torello.JavaDoc.SummarySorterHelper
example01() - Static method in class Torello.HTML.SplashBridge
EXCC - Class in Torello.Java
'Exception Cause Chain' helps convert exception messages whose Throwable.cause() method returns a non-null cause, thereby unrolling (and printing) this chain of exceptions into a readable String.
exception - Variable in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.ExceptionDetails
Exception object if available.
EXCEPTION_CHECKERS_M - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.SummarySorterHelper
If an Exception class contains 'checker' methods, then this title-bar String[] Array can be used to categorize them.
EXCEPTION_CHECKERS_M(Method) - Static method in class Torello.JavaDoc.SummarySorterHelper
Sorts a Method Summary Section for an Exception class that contains 'checker' methods.
EXCEPTION_CONVENIENCE_F - Static variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.SummarySorterHelper
A Section-Titles String[] Array List containing two categories.
EXCEPTION_CONVENIENCE_F(Field) - Static method in class Torello.JavaDoc.SummarySorterHelper
This can be used to sort the Field's of an exception, provided that they fields obey the convenience-construct.
exceptionCheck(Vector<HTMLNode>) - Method in class Torello.HTML.DotPair
Performs an exception check, using 'this' instance of DotPair, and throws an IndexOutOfBoundsException if 'this' contains end-points that do not fit inside the 'page' Vector Parameter.
exceptionCheck(Vector<HTMLNode>, String...) - Method in class Torello.HTML.DotPair
A method that will do a fast check that 'this' intance holds index-pointers to an opening and closing HTML-Tag pair.
ExceptionCheckError - Error in Torello.Java
This class inherits class 'Error' because it is intended to mean that a more serious problems has just occurred.
ExceptionCheckError() - Constructor for error Torello.Java.ExceptionCheckError
Constructs an 'ExceptionCheckError' with no detail message.
ExceptionCheckError(String) - Constructor for error Torello.Java.ExceptionCheckError
Constructs an 'ExceptionCheckError' with the specified detail message.
ExceptionCheckError(String, Throwable) - Constructor for error Torello.Java.ExceptionCheckError
Constructs a new error with the specified detail 'message' and 'cause'.
ExceptionCheckError(Throwable) - Constructor for error Torello.Java.ExceptionCheckError
Constructs a new error with the specified 'cause' and a detail message of (cause==null ? null : cause.toString()) (which typically contains the class and detail message of cause).
exceptionDetails - Variable in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.exceptionThrown
[No Description Provided by Google]
ExceptionDetails(int, String, int, int, String, String, RunTime.StackTrace, RunTime.RemoteObject, Integer, JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.RunTime.ExceptionDetails
ExceptionDetails(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.RunTime.ExceptionDetails
JSON Object Constructor
exceptionId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.ExceptionDetails
Exception id.
exceptionId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.exceptionRevoked
The id of revoked exception, as reported in exceptionThrown.
exceptionMessage - Static variable in class Torello.Java.Additional.AppendableSafe
The message used by the 'wrapper' Throwable
exceptionMetaData - Variable in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.ExceptionDetails
Dictionary with entries of meta data that the client associated with this exception, such as information about associated network requests, etc.
exceptionRevoked(String, int) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.RunTime.exceptionRevoked
exceptionRevoked(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.RunTime.exceptionRevoked
JSON Object Constructor
exceptions - Variable in class Torello.HTML.Tools.Images.Results
If any stage of the image download, conversion or disk-write fails, then this array will store a record the exception that was thrown.
exceptions - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.Callable
The names of all Exception, Error and Throwable that may be thrown by this Constructor or Method.
exceptionThrown(Number, RunTime.ExceptionDetails) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.RunTime.exceptionThrown
exceptionThrown(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.RunTime.exceptionThrown
JSON Object Constructor
exceptIter(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeInclusiveIterator
exceptIter(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TC, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TagNodeIterator
exceptIterator(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeIterator
exceptIterator(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Predicate<String>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeIterator
exceptIterator(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeIterator
exceptIterator(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, Pattern) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeIterator
exceptIterator(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.CommentNodeIterator
exceptIterator(Vector<? extends HTMLNode>, TextComparitor, String...) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.TextNodeIterator
excludedCategories - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Tracing.TraceConfig
Excluded category filters.
excludedToIterator(Iterable<DotPair>, int, boolean) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.DPUtil
Convenience Method.
excludedToPosArray(Iterable<DotPair>, int, boolean) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.DPUtil
Convenience Method.
excludedToStream(Iterable<DotPair>, int, boolean) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.DPUtil
This method will first collate and sort a list of input 'DotPair' instances.
Excuse - Enum in Torello.JavaDoc
An enumeration used by the StaticFunctional annotation for explaining non-static fields in a type.
Excused() - Method in annotation type Torello.JavaDoc.StaticFunctional
This must contain the names of fields in this class or interface that have been declared static, but have not been declared final.
Excuses() - Method in annotation type Torello.JavaDoc.StaticFunctional
This must contain instances of the Enumerated-Type 'Excuses'.
exec() - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.Script
This builds a Promise object, and then uses the 'defaultSender' to send a message to the Asynchronous I/O Channel.
exec(Sender<INPUT>) - Method in class Torello.Java.Additional.Script
If there are reasons to use a different sender - because certain configurations need to change - then using this exec method allows a user to change senders.
executeBrowserCommand(String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Browser
Invoke custom browser commands used by telemetry.
executeSQL(String, String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Database
[No Description Provided by Google]
executionContextAuxData - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.scriptFailedToParse
Embedder-specific auxiliary data.
executionContextAuxData - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.scriptParsed
Embedder-specific auxiliary data.
executionContextCreated(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.RunTime.executionContextCreated
JSON Object Constructor
executionContextCreated(RunTime.ExecutionContextDescription) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.RunTime.executionContextCreated
ExecutionContextDescription(int, String, String, String, JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.RunTime.ExecutionContextDescription
ExecutionContextDescription(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.RunTime.ExecutionContextDescription
JSON Object Constructor
executionContextDestroyed(int) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.RunTime.executionContextDestroyed
executionContextDestroyed(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.RunTime.executionContextDestroyed
JSON Object Constructor
executionContextId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.scriptFailedToParse
Specifies script creation context.
executionContextId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.scriptParsed
Specifies script creation context.
executionContextId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.bindingCalled
Identifier of the context where the call was made.
executionContextId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.consoleAPICalled
Identifier of the context where the call was made.
executionContextId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.ExceptionDetails
Identifier of the context where exception happened.
executionContextId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.executionContextDestroyed
Id of the destroyed context
executionContextId - Variable in class Torello.Browser.RunTime.inspectRequested
Identifier of the context where the call was made.
executionContextsCleared(JsonObject) - Constructor for class Torello.Browser.RunTime.executionContextsCleared
JSON Object Constructor
EXISTING_FILE_VALUE - Static variable in class Apache.CLI.PatternOptionBuilder
FileInputStream class
expectedJsonType - Variable in exception Torello.Java.JSON.JsonBindingException

This contains the expected type which ought to have been found at the user-specified JsonArray or JsonObject location.
expectedOpts - Variable in class Apache.CLI.DefaultParser
The required options and groups expected to be found when parsing the command line.
expectedSize - Variable in class Torello.HTML.NodeSearch.AbstractHNLI
This is an attempt to monitor outside modifications to an HTML Vector
expires - Torello.HTML.MetaTagName
The 'expires' Meta-Tag tells search engines when the content on your website will expire.
expires - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.Cookie
Cookie expiration date as the number of seconds since the UNIX epoch.
expires - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.CookieParam
Cookie expiration date, session cookie if not set

expires - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Network.SignedExchangeSignature
Signed exchange signature expires.
expiryTime - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Page.OriginTrialToken
[No Description Provided by Google]
explanations - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Page.AdFrameStatus
[No Description Provided by Google]

explanations - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Security.securityStateChanged
List of explanations for the security state.
EXPORT_PORTAL - Class in Torello.HTML
EXPORT_PORTAL - Class in Torello.JavaDoc
IMPORTANT NOTE: Have a "rocket science" moment, and accept that all this is doing is facilitating the "preservation" of the PACKAGE-PRIVATE levels of privacy on these methods, fields and constructors after "The Big Move"

Note that "The Big Move" was putting all of the classes that were deemed "HTML Processors" to sub-directories & sub-packages.
EXPORT_PORTAL() - Constructor for class Torello.HTML.EXPORT_PORTAL
exposeDevToolsProtocol(String, String) - Static method in class Torello.Browser.Target
Inject object to the target's main frame that provides a communication channel with browser target.
expressions - Variable in class Torello.Browser.CSS.MediaQuery
Array of media query expressions.
ext(boolean) - Method in class Torello.Java.FileNode
This returns the extension of the file.
extendedTypesJOW - Variable in class Torello.JavaDoc.NestedType
extension - Variable in enum Torello.HTML.Tools.Images.IF
This is the actual file-name extension saved as a String.
EXTENSION_PARSE_ERROR - NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketError
The value in Sec-WebSocket-Extensions failed to be parsed.
EXTENSIONS_CONFLICT - NeoVisionaries.WebSockets.WebSocketError
The combination of the extensions contained in Sec-WebSocket-Extensions header causes conflicts.
externalHTML(String) - Static method in class Torello.Java.Build.Lint
This can be a really great tool for transitioning a Source-File to use External-HTML Files.
externalURL - Variable in class Torello.Browser.Debugger.DebugSymbols
URL of the external symbol source.
extract(TagNode) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Listeners
This will test whether listeners are present in the TagNode, and if so - return them.
extractAll(Vector<TagNode>) - Static method in class Torello.HTML.Listeners
If you have performed a Java-Script Listener Get, this method will cycle through the list that was returned and generate an identical length return Properties[] array that has called extract(tn) for-each element in the parameter 'list.'
extraSwitchesJAVAC - Variable in class Torello.Java.Build.BuilderRecord
Setting values for this String[]-Array allows a user to provide extra or additional Command-Line switches to the Java-Compiler if it is invoked.
extraSwitchesJAVAC - Variable in class Torello.Java.Build.Config
For Stage 1, the Java-Compiler Stage, this Configuration-Field may be assigned any switch-String's, and they will be passed to the javac invocation.
extraSwitchesJAVADOC - Variable in class Torello.Java.Build.BuilderRecord
Setting values for this String[]-Array allows a user to provide extra or additional Command-Line switches to the 'javadoc' Tool if it is invoked.
extraSwitchesJAVADOC - Variable in class Torello.Java.Build.Config
For Stage 2, the javadoc Stage, this Configuration-Field may be assigned any switch-String's, and they will be passed to the javadoc invocation.
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _ 
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